FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -

FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
Invites your interest
in the position of

FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
                                                                    Greensboro’s downtown has
                                                                    seen a renaissance in the past
                                                                    few decades with the addition
                                                                    of numerous breweries, the
                                                                    new Tanger Center for the
                                                                    Performing Arts, and the
                                                                    Greensboro Grasshoppers
                                                                    ballpark. Downtown is also filled
                                                                    with its award-winning parks,
                                                                    Center City Park and LeBauer
                                                                    Park, as well as the renowned
                                                                    Downtown Greenway, a four-
                                                                    mile walking and biking trail that
                                                                    will be complete in 2021.
                                            photo courtesy of DGI

#FROMGSO                  COMMUNIT Y
Many famous characters,   Centrally located in North Carolina, Greensboro is a growing and
both past and present,    bustling city of nearly 300,000, filled with a diverse population and
can claim Greensboro as   seven colleges and universities. Greensboro offers its residents and
their home.               visitors an abundance of entertainment options, including numerous
                          craft breweries, live music, locally owned restaurants and retailers. While
                          Greensboro has all the amenities of a major city, it also boasts a low cost
Dolley Madison
                          of living, is easy to navigate and offers more than 90 miles of trails and
First Lady
                          greenways, proving to be a relaxed urban environment to call home.
Fred “Curly” Neal
Harlem Globetrotters      HISTORY
O. Henry                  Greensboro is named for Revolutionary War General Nathanael Greene
Novelist                  who led the Americans against General Cornwallis’ Redcoats at the
                          Battle of Guilford Courthouse in present day Greensboro. Visitors can
Ken Jeong                 learn all about the history at the Guilford Courthouse National Military.
Actor and Comedian        Downtown Greensboro is also home to the International Civil Rights
Edward R. Murrow          Center and Museum, located in the Woolworth’s building where in 1960
Journalist                four North Carolina A&T students started the sit-in movement. Learn
                          more about the Gate City’s history at the Greensboro History Museum.
Rick Dees
Radio Personality
FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
 The Cone family is one of the most influential in
 Greensboro’s history, kicking off the city’s textile
 revolution in the late 1800s. One of the family’s most         The City of Greensboro works with the community
 lasting contribution is the Cone Health system, which           to improve the quality of life for residents through
 now serves Greensboro and several surrounding                    inclusion, diversity, and trust. The City has a
 counties. Cone Health employees has more than                     professional staff of more than 3,000 employees
 13,000 employees and nearly 2,000 physician                        who maintain the values of honesty, integrity,
 partners and is now one of the region’s largest                                          stewardship, and respect.
 healthcare networks with more than 100 locations.                  Greensboro is governed under the council-
                                                                    manager form of government, with the
                                                                     council serving as the legislative body of
E D U C AT I O N                                                      City government. City council is comprised
 In any given year, Greensboro      » North Carolina A&T
                                                                      of a mayor and eight council members
 is home to roughly 50,000            State University
                                                                       who serve four-year terms. The council
 undergraduate and                  » University of North               is responsible for setting and directing
 post-graduate students               Carolina at Greensboro             policy regarding operations of City
 from seven colleges                » Guilford College                    government as well as approving
 and universities. These                                                  the City’s budget. The city manager
                                    » Greensboro College
 institutions employ                                                       serves as the chief executive officer
 6,000 faculty and staff,           » Bennett College                       of the City and is responsible for the
 making Greensboro truly a          » Guilford Technical                     execution of council policy and for
 “University City.”                   Community College                       the management of day-to-day
                                                                                  operations of City government.
                                    » Elon Law School

                                                                                             D E PA R T M E N T S
                                                                                            Budget & Evaluation
                                                                                             Communications &
                                                                                       Engineering & Inspections
                                                                                                Field Operations
                                                                                        Financial & Administrative
                                                                                                  Fire Department
                                                                                                     Human Rights
                                                                                                Human Resources
SPORTS TOWN                                                                               Information Technology
 Greensboro has become a sports destination, known for its number of
 athletic venues of courts, fields, stadiums and pools. Greensboro regularly                            Legislative
 hosts the ACC men’s and women’s basketball tournaments, the PGA’s                                  Neighborhood
 Wyndham Championship, the US Figure Skating Championships, US Masters
 Swimming National Championships and more. In addition to our annual                           Parks & Recreation
 events, Greensboro is also the permanent home to the Pittsburgh Pirates’                                Planning
 minor league affiliate Greensboro Grasshoppers and the Charlotte Hornets’                                  Police
 G-League franchise Greensboro Swarm.                                                               Transportation
                                                                                                  Water Resources
FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
The City operates a full-service fire department
that provides comprehensive fire protection,
emergency medical first responder, hazardous
materials and technical rescue services, as well
as being responsible for enforcing state fire
codes, conducting fire investigations and
providing public fire injury prevention education
programs for at-risk groups and businesses.
The department follows a set of four operating
priorities for which it aims to provide: Safety,
Courtesy, Excellent Service and Continuous

Greensboro’s fire department operates
as a nationally acclaimed organization
and has been recognized as a Nationally
Accredited Agency by the Commission
on Fire Accreditation International.
The Department is rated Class 1 by
the Insurance Services Office (ISO),
as well and houses one of just seven
Governor-appointed Regional
Response Hazardous Materials
Teams, responsible for managing
hazardous material accidents for 14
neighboring counties in the area.

                                           FIRE CHIEF’S POSITION
                                             Greensboro’s fire chief, appointed by and under the direction of
                                             the assistant city manager for public safety, is responsible for all
                                             aspects of fire and related emergency service operations in the
                                             city and its designated service area. The primary responsibility
                                             of the chief is to assure that the department’s current high level
                                             of service and professionalism is not only maintained, but also
      MISSION                                improved. The chief provides executive level leadership and is
“To protect life, property                   responsible for planning, directing and managing all programs
  and the environment                        and functions of the department, including but not limited to:
for all people entrusted                     personnel, vehicle and equipment maintenance, safety and
        to our care.”                        training, emergency response in all designated service areas,
                                             records and reporting requirements, program development and
                                             planning and budgeting. The fire chief also plans, evaluates,
                                             recommends, implements, controls and directs the fire and
                                             emergency service functions of the department under the
                                             broad direction provided by applicable laws, policies, ordinances,
                                             rules and regulations adopted by the City, the State or other
FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
$55.4               C A N D I D AT E P R O F I L E
        MILLION              Candidates for Greensboro’s fire chief must
       FY 2020-21            possess a bachelor’s degree and 10 or more years
           Budget            of progressively responsible experience in senior
                             level fire command positions equivalent to a fire
                             chief or a top deputy/assistant chief. An equivalent
 38,000+                     combination of education and experience will be
              Calls*         considered. A demonstrated progressive record of
                             strong professional, executive and administrative
     26,147                  leadership is an important consideration. It is
     Emergency               preferred that candidates demonstrate past
   Medical Calls*            experience in a department serving a population of
                             more than 100,000 residents, including a successful
        1,100                record of collaborative team building with other City
              Fires*         departments, while successfully managing diversified
                             recruitment and promotion, planning for growth in
             585             services and service demand, capital planning and project management, training and
                             certifications, general management, finance and human resources related to fire services.
                             Experience in fire suppression, basic fire prevention, fire investigations, emergency
                             medical services, safety and training, hazardous materials, management information
                26           systems, emergency response planning and exercises, and outreach and development of
     Fire Stations
                             high performance functions of a comparable department is a significant consideration.
                             Designation as a Chief Fire Officer (CFO) and/or Executive Fire Officer (EFO) are desirable.
      Companies             QUALITIES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES
                              Candidates should possess a wide range of qualities, skills and abilities which include, but
                11            are not limited to, being:
         Ladder                • A strong leader who ‘leads from the front,’ demonstrates pride in the department and
      Companies                  City and who is ethical, honest, trustworthy, down to earth, open minded to new ideas,
                                 and candid
                   1           • Engaged and passionate about fire and emergency medical services and the
             Heavy               department’s employees while also recognizing and effectively balancing his/her role
                                 as a member of the City’s executive leadership team

                   1           • A team oriented visionary with the ability to understand the “big picture” related to fire,
                                 emergency medical services, emergency management, and other City issues
   Materials Unit              • A steward of public resources who is mindful of fiscal constraints, adept at working
                                 collaboratively with peers within and outside the department, and creative in using
                   1             available resources while seeking greater efficiencies in operations
  State Regional               • An excellent communicator with the ability to relate to a wide variety of people
      Hazardous                  throughout the City
   Material Unit               • A developer and mentor of staff who is familiar with succession planning
                               • Able to leverage local, regional and state relationships to the City’s advantage

                   1           • Successful in navigating difficult issues in a political environment in an apolitical
     State Search
      and Rescue               • A leader who builds and maintains diversity
      Team (SAR)
                                              For more information on the City of
*In fiscal year 2019-2020
                                           Greensboro Fire Department, please visit:
FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
• Building a strong department based upon a vision        • Preparing and supervising development and
  for the future and well-thought out, participatory        management of the department’s annual budget
  strategic plans                                         • Researching and developing recommendations
• Leading, planning, organizing, evaluating,                and implementing approved operational policies,
  and coordinating the development and                      expenditures, plans and administrative matters as
  implementation of policies and procedures in              they effect the operation of the department
  accordance with applicable laws and ordinances          • Providing oral and written presentations on behalf
• Assuring personal and departmental compliance             of the department to the city manager, the city
  with all applicable laws, ordinances, certifications,     council, residents, public and private agencies,
  regulations, and standards of good business               community groups, and the media
  practice in all department activities and endeavors     • Coordinating with appropriate internal and
• Leading, planning, organizing, evaluating,                external agencies to develop strong mutual aid
  directing and coordinating the work of                    agreements and ensures mitigation of emergency
  subordinate personnel in conducting fire                  incidents
  and related emergency service functions in              • Planning for long-term department staffing,
  collaboration and cooperation with other City             program, training, equipment and facility demands
  departments and neighboring communities.
  Responding to emergency incidents and assuming          • Engaging and interacting with department staff
  direct command of large scale operations                  through staff meetings and visits to various fire
• Managing the recruitment, training and
  certification functions of the department               • Supervising the City’s fire inspection and related
                                                            fire safety programs
• Providing for accurate record keeping and
  ensuring training, safety, certification, incident      • Ensuring that all work is performed in accordance
  and other necessary records and reports are up            with OSHA and City safety standards and policies
  complete and up to date
FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
To learn more about
                                                               Greensboro, visit:

C O M P E N S AT I O N A N D B E N E F I T S                 City of Greensboro
 The salary for the position is negotiable within a
 range of $129,224 - $145,196, dependent upon                Greensboro Visitors
 the candidate’s qualifications and experience.            & Convention Bureau
 The full salary range for this position is $108,897                   website
 - $181,495. Benefits include, but are not limited
 to, participation in the North Carolina Retirement      Greensboro Chamber of
 System, vacation and sick leave, medical, dental            Commerce website
 and vision insurance, tuition reimbursement,
 professional dues and conference expenses.              Downtown Greensboro,
 Relocation expenses may be negotiated.                            Inc website

T O A P P LY                                             Greensboro Downtown
 The application deadline for the position is October            Parks website
 08, 2020. To be considered, visit http://www. to complete an employment
 application. The City will review candidates who
 most closely meet the established criteria and
 finalists will be invited to participate in a virtual
 assessment center.
FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of - FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of - FIRE CHIEF GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA Invites your interest in the position of -
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