Fireball Spectrum Analyzer

Page created by Gerald Farmer
Fireball Spectrum Analyzer
Our Multichannel Spectroscopy system with data analysis and associated
electronics covering wavelength range from 400nm to 1650nm which will
be used to capture some critical data about fireball temperature , fireball
duration and fireball constituents. This system will consist of 4 channels
which will be used for spatial measurement at 4 different positions.
The system can also capture signal in a unite way where all the 4 channels
will capture signal individually at single position with even faster sampling
time i.e, 100 usec.

Our multichannel spectroscopic system will consist of onboard data
storage with a capacity of minimum 5000 spectra which is running
with integration time of less the 30usec. The whole system will be
consist of Silicon (CMOS) & InGaAs detectors , internal & external
triggering hardware , DAQ with all the centralize software to control
all the light collection optics.

Our Multichannel spectroscopic system will consists of the following sub-
1. Spectroscopy modules
2. Controller with Data acquisition Unit
3. Light collection optics with fiber delivery

Our spectroscopy modules are based on Symmetrical Czerny –Turner
which has an option of external band filters along with SMA 905 connector
through which the intensity can be controlled from 0 to 100%.Also there are
some provision to remove unwanted signal i.e, 2nd harmonics which also
enhances the sensitivity.

     NEWAGE                     Head Office Address:- # 12 – 15, IInd Floor, Apna Enclave Shopping Complex,
      INSTRUMENTS & MATERIALS   Railway Road, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana, India |
Spectroscopy Modules:

Our spectroscopy module will consist of 4 synchronized channels where
each channel will consist of VIS NIR and NIR spectrometer.

VIS NIR: 400 to 1000 nm, other option as per user requirement.
NIR: 1000 to 1650 nm, other option as user requirement

Both VIS NIR and NIR spectrometer have solution to work together in
Synchronize mode with each other as well as independently.

S. No.       Specifications                      Value                             Value

a.           Type                               VIR NIR                           NIR

b.           Detector                           CMOS, 2048 pixels                 InGaAs, 256 pixels

c.           Wavelength range                   400 to 1000 nm                    1000 to 1650 nm

d.           SNR                                300:1                             1900:1

e.           Senstivity                         3,60,000 counts/uW per            13,00,000 counts/uW per
                                                ms integration                    ms integration

f.           Spectral resolution (with 25       1.5 nm                            6 nm
             um slit )

         NEWAGE                             Head Office Address:- # 12 – 15, IInd Floor, Apna Enclave Shopping Complex,
         INSTRUMENTS & MATERIALS            Railway Road, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana, India |
g.        Slits                          Manually replaceable with slit kit (10, 25, 50, 100 um

h.        Integration time               30 usec to 2 sec

I.        Data transfer speed            0.6 ms/scan

j.        A/D converter                  16 bit, 6 MHz

k.        Calibration                    Calibration for irradiance & non linearity correction

l.        Optical fober input port       SMA 905

m.)       Trigger mechanism              Internal and external

n.        Communication                  USB 3.0 or faster

o.        Memory                         Inbuilt memory for on board storage of spectra with
                                         minimum 50000 spectra.

p.        Fiber                          2.1 bifurcated optical fiber with SMA 905 connector

Controller with data acquisi on unit :
This unit is to control and synchronize both spectroscopy modules
and has inbuilt processor with i5 Processor, 8 inch touch screen,
internal RAM of 8GB, Video out port to connect an external 40 inch
display. This unit will have centralized control software. This unit is
also consisting of electronic boards, processor, on board storage,
display, fiber coupling option as well as junction cable box.

      NEWAGE                         Head Office Address:- # 12 – 15, IInd Floor, Apna Enclave Shopping Complex,
      INSTRUMENTS & MATERIALS        Railway Road, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana, India |
S. No.   Specifications         Value

a.       Controller display    The controller will have inbuilt processor and onboard touch display
                               of at least 8 . other other options are also available.

b.       Trigger box with      Each module will have its independent trigger unit also for independent
         synchronization       operation of channels. Unit is also be able to synchronize all channels
                               and have provision to generate fixed delays within the channel. Trigger
                               resolution is less than 10 usec. The unit also has provision to generate
                               trigger automatically by optical trigger as well as manually through

c.       External triggering   External fast photodiode (rise time
g.       Connections                       Fiber connection port, connection for Dc power supply
                                            and for external DC power source. USB signal output
                                            port, LAN Port, External display port, Triggering and
                                            synch connector to connect with external spectroscopy

 h.       Rugged Mechanical hosing          Complete system is packed in field portable rugged
                                            mechanical housing; Spectroscopic modules is packed in
                                            compact fashion.

Light Collec on Op cs with Fiber Delivery :
The light collection optics with the fiber delivery consists of
opto-mechanical assorted assemblies and recalibration setup for light
and coupling by fiber optics.

 a.       Multifurcated optical fiber        As Per user's requirement.

 b.       Collimator                        Fused silica SMA connectorized collimators of 8 mm and
                                            50 mm focal length. Other Options available as Per users

 c.       Calibration Kit                   I) 10 W Tungestun Halogen Lamp, irradiance calibration,
                                            fan cooled with power supply ii) Spectral calibration lamp
                                            (Hg-Ar) with power supply and mounting adapter Other
                                            option as per users requirement.

 d.       Filters                           Interference filters (550nm, 780nm, 990nm) & Low pass
                                            filter (550nm and 1350nm) Other option as per users

 e.       Spectral peak identification       Spectral peak identification software is used for
          software:                         elemental and chemical composition analysis. The
                                            software is having following feature: 2D and 3D data
                                            visualization, data optimization, mathematical evaluation,
                                            spectrum arithmetic, averaging multiple spectra,
                                            elemental analysis libraries, peak picking etc.

      NEWAGE                            Head Office Address:- # 12 – 15, IInd Floor, Apna Enclave Shopping Complex,
      INSTRUMENTS & MATERIALS           Railway Road, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana, India |
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