Harvey Medical Course - Students' Guide - UniPV

Page created by Christian Swanson
Harvey Medical Course - Students' Guide - UniPV
Harvey Medical Course
         Second Year

        Second Semester

       Students' Guide

           Version 1
Harvey Medical Course - Students' Guide - UniPV
Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester


    Courses and modules.................................................................................................................... 4
    Teachers ........................................................................................................................................ 5
    Office time and meeting place for students ................................................................................. 6
    Google Calendar ........................................................................................................................... 7
        Instructions to access the calendar ................................................................................................. 7
    Timetable .................................................................................................................................... 10
    Lecture theatres.......................................................................................................................... 11
        Address and maps to reach the lecture theatres ........................................................................ 11
    Syllabus and course material ...................................................................................................... 13
        Exam schedule .................................................................................................................................. 14

Harvey Medical Course - Students' Guide - UniPV
Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

Dear Students,

Here we are to the second semester of the Second Year.

Again, in this brochure you will find information useful to plan your study.

Please, notice that you will be admitted to the Third Year only if you complete all
the CFUs of the First and Second year by the 30th September 2020.

We all hope you will enjoy the new courses!


                                                Second year, Second Semester's Teachers

Harvey Medical Course - Students' Guide - UniPV
Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

    Courses and modules

 Integrated course                 Modules                        Teacher         CFU      Hours   Lectures
                     501709 - GENERAL PATHOLOGY             Ermanno Gherardi       5        40       20
                                                            Monica Galliano        1        8        4
                     506518 - GENERAL                       Claudia Scotti         1         8        4
                     PATHOPHYSIOLOGY                        Ermanno Gherardi       1         8        4
                     501708 - IMMUNOLOGY                    Ermanno Gherardi       4        32       16
506516 - BIOLOGY
OF DISEASE           508092 - LABORATORY OF                 Hugo de Jonge          1        12        4
                     IMMUNOLOGY A                           Ermanno Gherardi
                                                            Luisa Iamele
                     508093 - LABORATORY OF GENERAL         Hugo de Jonge          1        12        4
                     PATHOLOGY A                            Ermanno Gherardi
                                                            Luisa Iamele
Total                                                                             14       120       58

                     501722 - CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY         Giovanni Palladini     4        32       16
506708 -                                                    Mario Nuvolone         1         8        4
MEDICINE             508094 - LABORATORY OF CLINICAL        Edoardo Errichiello    1         8        4
Total                                                                              6        48       24
                     506517 - BACTERIOLOGY AND              Roberta Migliavacca    3        24       12
                     PARASITOLOGY                           Enrico Brunetti        1        8        4
501710 -             504495 - VIROLOGY A                    Fausto Baldanti        1         8        4
                     504496 - VIROLOGY B                    Fausto Baldanti        1         8        4
                     506514 - CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY B       Fausto Baldanti        1         8        4
                     506513 - CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY A       Fausto Baldanti        1         8        4
Total                                                                              8        64       32
Total CFUs                                                                        28       332       114

Harvey Medical Course - Students' Guide - UniPV
Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester


 Teacher       Role     Telephone                   E-mail                            Website
   Fausto       PA      0382.502420        fausto.baldanti@unipv.it     http://dipclinchir.unipv.eu/site/home/
  Baldanti                                                              persone/docenti-e-ricercatori/sezione-
  Monica       PO       0382.987724        monica.galliano@unipv.it     http://medmol.unipv.eu/site/home/pe
  Galliano                                                                          rsone/docenti---
   Enrico      RU       0382.502799        enrico.brunetti@unipv.it     http://dipclinchir.unipv.eu/site/home/
  Brunetti                                                              persone/docenti-e-ricercatori/sezione-
Luisa Iamele   TA       0382.986946          luisa.iamele@unipv.it                    Not available
 Ermanno       PO       0382.986845       ermanno.gherardi@unipv.it     http://medmol.unipv.eu/site/home/pe
  Gherardi                                                                          rsone/docenti---
 Roberta        PA      0382.984143      roberta.migliavacca@unipv.it   http://phdsgb.unipv.eu/site/home/coll
Migliavacca                                                                             egio-dei-
  Mario        RTDA     0382.502994       mario.nuovolone@unipv.it         http://amiloidosi.it/index.php/it/
 Giovanni       PA      0382.502994       giovanni.palladini@unipv.it   http://medmol.unipv.eu/site/home/pe
 Palladini                                                                          rsone/docenti---
  Claudia      RU       0382.986335         claudia.scotti@unipv.it     http://medmol.unipv.eu/site/home/pe
  Scotti*                                                                           rsone/docenti---
  Edoardo      RD       0382. 987731     edoardo.errichiello@unipv.it       http://www.telethon.it/ricerca-
 Errichiello                                                                progetti/i-ricercatori/dettaglio-

* Second semester coordinator.

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

Office time and meeting place for students
     Teacher          Office hours for students                          Address and room
  Fausto Baldanti     Please, make an appointment in                      Molecular Virology Unit
                             advance by email.                       Microbiology and Virology Dept.
                                                                 IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation
  Enrico Brunetti     Please, make an appointment in    Department of clinico-surgical, diagnostic and pediatric
                             advance by email.                                      sciences
                                                             Unit of Infectious and Tropical and Hepatology
                                                                IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation
 Monica Galliano      Please, make an appointment in               Department of Molecular Medicine
                             advance by email.                    Unit of Biochemistry, Via Taramelli 3/B
                                                                            First floor, room S2
Ermanno Gherardi      Please, make an appointment in               Department of Molecular Medicine
                             advance by email.                Unit of Immunology and General Pathology
                                                                                Via Ferrata, 9
                                                                         Room T23 (Ground floor)
   Luisa Iamele       Please, make an appointment in               Department of Molecular Medicine
                             advance by email.                Unit of Immunology and General Pathology
                                                                                Via Ferrata, 9
                                                                          Room T124 (First floor)
 Mario Nuvolone       Please, make an appointment in   Laboratory of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Advanced
                             advance by email.                          Diagnostics, Forlanini Bldg,
                                                                IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation
                                                                                Viale Golgi 19
                                                                                    III Floor
Roberta Migliavacca   Please, make an appointment in                 Department of Clinical Surgical,
                             advance by email.                      Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences,
                                                             Unit of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology,
                                                                              Via Brambilla, 74
                                                                            First floor, my office
 Giovanni Palladini   Please, make an appointment in   Clinical Biochemistry, Centro per lo Studio e la Cura delle
                             advance by email.                             Amiloidosi Sistemiche
                                                                            Padiglione Forlanini
                                                                Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
                                                                               Viale Golgi, 19
   Claudia Scotti     Please, make an appointment in               Department of Molecular Medicine
                             advance by email.                Unit of Immunology and General Pathology,
                                                                                Via Ferrata, 9
                                                                          Room T4 (Ground floor)
Edoardo Errichiello   Please, make an appointment in               Department of Molecular Medicine
                             advance by email.                           Unit of Human Genetics,
                                                                              Via Forlanini, 14
                                                                                Ground floor

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

Google Calendar
You can access the electronic version of Google calendar, which I shared with all of you, through your
academic account.

Instructions to access the calendar
From your webmail university account, click on the three x three grid (   )in the top right corner and select

The Calendar will appear.

It is possible to print the Calendar by selecting Other/Altro in the pop-up menu in the top right corner and
then selecting Print/Stampa.

Below you will find the most updated Calendar at the moment of writing the present brochure.

Please, keep it constantly under control to be updated about possible changes in due course.

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

March 2020

April 2020

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

May 2020

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester


        Monday             Tuesday           Wednesday          Thursday          Friday

8.00-   Aula A             Aula A            Aula A             Aula A            Aula A
10.00   Department of      Department of     Department of      Department of     Department of
        Molecular          Molecular         Molecular          Molecular         Molecular
        Medicine           Medicine          Medicine           Medicine          Medicine

       Aula A              Aula A            Aula A             Aula A            Aula A
10.00- Department of       Department of     Department of      Department of     Department of
12.00 Molecular            Molecular         Molecular          Molecular         Molecular
       Medicine            Medicine          Medicine           Medicine          Medicine

Laboratories and tutorials will be organized in the afternoon for several modules. Dates, location and
groups will be communicated during the courses.

Courses starting date:
2th March 2020

Please, notice that the Immunology course will start in advance to allow better understanding of the
Microbiology course. Following these initial lectures is very relevant for subsequent courses.

Several courses will have an app-based attendance recording system. You will be informed at the beginning
of the course.

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

Lecture theatres
Address and maps to reach the lecture theatres
The Lecture theatre is located in Via Forlanini, which can be reached turning right at the main crossroad
along via Taramelli.

Aula A
Department of Molecular Medicine
Via Forlanini 6, Pavia

The lecture theater is located in the corner of the Human Physiology building.
Ther are two entrance doors: the main entrance and the side entrance.
Through the main entrance: go along the aisle in front of you. The lecture theater door is on your right at
about 5 meters from the entrance door.
Through the side entrance, you have direct access to the lecture theatre. Please, use this entrance as much
as possible.
On the same floor you will find toilettes and food machines.

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester


                   Aula A


       Main entrance of Aula A                             Side entrance of Aula A

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

Syllabus and course material
Here you will find the clickable Syllabus links to each module of the course you have to follow, which
include also the course contents, suggested books, assessment methods, etc.

Biology of Disease

Links to Syllabus
       General Pathology
        General Pathophysiology


Links to Syllabus
       Bacteriology and Parasitology
        Virology A
        Virology B

Laboratory Medicine

Links to Syllabus
       Clinical Biochemistry
        Laboratory of Clinical Genetics

Links to course material

        Kiro platform

Harvey Medical Course – Second year – Second semester

Exam schedule

 Integrated        Modules           Partials           Summer session               Fall session

Biology of             All                             12 June 2020             18 September 2020
Disease                                                    2 p.m.                     2 p.m.
                                                       26 June 2020                   Aula 7 -
                                                           2 p.m.               Engineering building
                                                        24 July 2020
                                                           2 p.m.
                                                          Aula 7 -
                                                    Engineering building
Microbiology           All                              5 June 2020             11 September 2020
                                                           9 a.m.                     9 a.m.
                                                       19 June 2020                   Aula 7 -
                                                           9 a.m.               Engineering building
                                                        17 July 2020
                                                           9 a.m.
                                                          Aula 7 -
                                                    Engineering building

Laboratory             All                             10 June 2020             25 September 2020
Medicine                                                   4 p.m.                     4 p.m.
                                                       24 June 2020                  Aula A -
                                                           4 p.m.               Human Physiology
                                                        28 July 2020
                                                           4 p.m.
                                                          Aula 7 -
                                                    Engineering building

                                                                           By Claudia Scotti, 21st January 2020

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