First Summit of the Anti-China Coalition

Page created by Glen Espinoza
First Summit of the Anti-China Coalition
NO. 36 JUNE 2021             Introduction

First Summit of the Anti-China Coalition
Cornwall G7 Highlights BRICS Weakness
Heribert Dieter

The 2021 G7 Summit of the heads of state and government of the seven leading indus-
trial nations (Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, United States, United Kingdom)
will be held in Cornwall, UK, from 11 to 13 June. As host, British Prime Minister Boris
Johnson has placed future relations with China at the top of the agenda. That priori-
tisation is reflected in the guest list: Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa.
The Cornwall G7 has been set up to develop a broad alliance against an increasingly
aggressive China. The German government tends to play up China’s economic signifi-
cance and risks slipping into an outsider role, enabling a totalitarian state for eco-
nomic gain.

The Summit’s motto “Build Back Better”         any illusion that it might be on the path to
sounds innocuous and constructive. As the      a market economy.
Covid-19 pandemic becomes manageable,             China is seeking a degree of self-isola-
the leading industrial nations are thinking    tion, and is simultaneously asserting its
about the shape of the expected recovery       interests much more forcefully than during
and the question of tackling future pan-       most of the first three decades after its
demics. While these are undeniably impor-      economic opening at the end of the 1970s.
tant, the crucial question for the 2021 G7     This is more than noisy rhetoric: Beijing’s
is: How should the other six position them-    actions contravene treaties and interna-
selves in the new Cold War between China       tional law. It was the violation of the Sino-
and G7 member United States?                   British Joint Declaration of 1984, which
    The question ensues from the massive       granted special status to the former British
transformation of China’s foreign and ex-      colony of Hong Kong, that led most of the
ternal economic policy. President Xi Jin-      G7 governments to reconsider their assess-
ping’s line of reducing China’s dependency     ment of Beijing’s reliability.
on the global economy has significant
implications for the OECD countries. And
the country’s push for economic autonomy
presages another transformation of the
international division of labour and dispels
Johnson Channels Trump                            ing a democratic counterweight to China,
                                                                   simply replacing Russia with South Africa.
                 This applies especially to the British govern-       The British prime minister’s decision to
                 ment and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. So         invite countries especially affected by Chi-
                 much has changed since 2015, when Xi was          nese aggression sends a message to Beijing:
                 given a royal welcome in London and the           the Western industrial nations are not pre-
                 rare honour of being invited to address both      pared to turn a blind eye to its aggression.
                 chambers of parliament. Queen Elizabeth              China’s support is on the wane across
                 and General Secretary Xi drove to Bucking-        the world, nowhere more so than in the
                 ham Palace in the Diamond Jubilee State           United States. There is now a broad public
                 Coach. The two governments spoke of a             consensus – extending well beyond the
                 “golden era” in their bilateral relationship.     Beltway – that it is time to “stand up to
                    That all changed in 2019, with protests        China”. China is increasingly seen as the
                 in Hong Kong followed by the imposition           central challenge not only for the United
                 of a draconian new security law on 30 June        States but for the entire Western world.
                 2020. As well as criticism of Beijing, London
                 also altered its visa rules to offer all Hong
                 Kong citizens eligible for the so-called “Brit-   China’s Popularity Slipping
                 ish National (Overseas)” passport a path to
                 permanent settlement in the United King-          Beijing is losing friends over its foreign
                 dom. This applies to about three million          policy. A survey in the G7 countries
                 people, or about 40 percent of Hong Kong’s        in autumn 2020 found clear majorities
                 population today. That alone demonstrates         holding negative views on China, ranging
                 the dismal state of the bilateral relationship.   from 62 percent in Italy to 86 percent in
                    This generous offer to take in so many         Japan. Growing mistrust towards China has
                 Hong Kong citizens is all the more striking,      become the central issue of international
                 given that control over immigration was           politics.
                 one of the central motives of the Brexit             Responsibility for this decline in standing
                 debate. Resettling these Hong Kong citizens       lies in the first place at the door of Presi-
                 could become the biggest such migration           dent Xi Jinping, who has abandoned the
                 since the expulsion of about 30,000 East          caution of his predecessors and encouraged
                 African Asians from Uganda and Kenya in           a cult of personality not seen since the era
                 the late 1960s and early 1970s. This time,        of Mao Zedong. Xi takes a hard line domes-
                 though, there is little objection to the plans,   tically and internationally, provoking ten-
                 with British opinion polls showing two-           sions that affect not only relations with the
                 thirds support.                                   United States but also with two of the coun-
                    Boris Johnson does not mind offending          tries invited to Cornwall: Australia and India.
                 Beijing, which regards the visa question
                 as interference in China’s internal affairs.
                 Johnson’s stance appears to be driven not         Diverging Economic Interests
                 only by British ire over violations of the        within the G7
                 1984 Treaty but also a belief that the geo-
                 political escalation compels London to take       Exports are often regarded as an indicator
                 a stand.                                          of economic performance, although export
                    Johnson’s invitation to Australia, India,      concentration can also make an economy
                 South Africa and South Korea originates           highly vulnerable. The G7 nations and their
                 in a proposal made by President Donald            guests in Cornwall differ in their degree of
                 Trump exactly a year ago. Trump called for        dependency on exports to China.
                 the establishment of a G11, comprising the           Australia, South Korea and Japan all
                 G7 plus Australia, India, South Korea and         depend on China for a significant share
                 Russia. Johnson co-opted the idea of form-        of their overall exports, while the United

SWP Comment 36
June 2021

Table 1                                           Table 2

Merchandise exports to China in 2020,             Merchandise exports to China in 2020
G7 members and guests, share of total             (US$ billion)
exports (percent)
                                                  Country                      Exports
Country                      Exports
                                                  Japan                        140.5
Australia                    39.7                 South Korea                  132.6
South Korea                  25.9                 United States                124.6
Japan                        22.0                 Germany                      110.4
South Africa                 11.5                 Australia                    100.0
United States                  8.7                France                         20.1
Germany                        8.0                India                          18.9
India                          6.9                Canada                         18.8
Canada                         4.8                United Kingdom                 18.6
United Kingdom                 4.7                Italy                          14.8
France                         4.1                South Africa                    9.9
Italy                          3.0
                                                  Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), Di-
Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), Di-    rection of Trade Statistics, own calculations.
rection of Trade Statistics, own calculations.

                                                 dom might feel free to pursue a more reso-
States comes ahead of Germany. None of           lute line than Germany. But both the United
those countries, nor France or the United        States and Australia have a great deal to
Kingdom show any reticence over conflict         lose, without that deterring them from
with China, as evidenced by their willing-       practicing a value-based foreign policy and
ness to maintain a military presence in the      responding firmly to violations of inter-
Pacific.                                         national law.
   A slightly different picture emerges in
the absolute figures. Germany is Europe’s
biggest exporter to China, although only         Test Case Australia
slightly ahead of Australia, which has less
than one-third of Germany’s population.          Australia is extremely dependent on ex-
Germany’s large export volume is often           ports to China and has experienced massive
cited as a justification for its soft line       political intimidation. That puts a special
towards China, but this does not actually        edge to Canberra’s invitation to Cornwall.
stand up to scrutiny. In fact in 2019 trade      In fact Beijing has worked to intimidate and
with Poland and Hungary was larger than          blackmail many countries in recent years;
trade with China.                                South Korea and Sweden to name but two.
   So Germany is not in fact excessively            In November 2020 the Chinese embassy
dependent on China. Yet Beijing possesses        in Canberra demanded that the Australian
no better advocate in Europe. This was seen      government address a list of fourteen griev-
very clearly at the end of 2020 during the       ances. The complaints included funding
German EU Council Presidency, when Ber-          supposedly “anti-China” research at the
lin prioritised passage of the EU-China          Australian Strategic Policy Institute; Aus-
Comprehensive Agreement on Investment            tralia’s positions on Taiwan, Hong Kong
over Washington’s objections.                    and Xinjiang; its call for an independent
   The data in Tables 1 and 2 does suggest       investigation of the origins of the SARS-
reasons why France and the United King-          CoV-2 virus; the ban on Huawei technology

                                                                                                   SWP Comment 36
                                                                                                         June 2021

Table 3                                                            A Quad Meeting

    German merchandise imports from and exports to                     In parallel to the G7 meeting, the heads
    Eastern Europe and China in 2019 (€ billion)                       of state and government of the Indo-Pacific
                                                                       Quadrilateral Security Dialogue will also
    Country                    Imports    Exports    Total             meet in Cornwall. Australia, India, Japan
                                                                       and the United States held an initial virtual
    China                        77.0      96.3      173.3
                                                                       summit on 12 March 2021. While military
    Poland                       63.6      65.8      129.4             cooperation between Australia, Japan and
    Czech Republic               52.7      44.5       97.2             the United States is well established, Indian
    Hungary                      29.1      26.9       56.0             participation in the “Pacific NATO” is new
    Sum: Poland, Czech          145.4     137.2      282.6             and reflects growing tensions between
    Republic, Hungary                                                  New Delhi and Beijing. While Prime Minis-
                                                                       ter Narendra Modi will remain in India on
    Source: Eurostat, own calculations.                                account of the prevailing coronavirus situa-
                                                                       tion, the other three heads of government
                        in the Australian 5G network; and the          will meet in person in Cornwall.
                        blocking of more than ten Chinese invest-         At the March meeting it was already
                        ment projects as well as restrictions in       clear that Washington is determined to
                        fields such as infrastructure, agriculture     counter Chinese aggression in the Indo-
                        and animal husbandry.                          Pacific and forging broad alliances to back
                           Prime Minister Scott Morrison enjoys        this up. Within just a few months the Biden
                        strikingly strong support for his China        Administration has succeeded in mending
                        policy, despite the enormous pressure          the rifts left by President Trump and plac-
                        applied by China and Australia’s great         ing cooperation on a new footing.
                        dependency. In 2020 82 percent of Austral-        France and the United Kingdom have
                        ians backed sanctions against Chinese offi-    been supporting the Quad with naval
                        cials implicated in human rights violations.   contingents, although France lays weight
                        So why are Australians not afraid to stand     on operational independence; its nuclear
                        up to China?                                   attack submarine SNA Emeraude has been
                           Two factors are significant. Firstly,       in the Indo-Pacific since September 2020.
                        Australian society has been experiencing       Concerted action by a large group of coun-
                        Chinese pressure for some years, and has       tries sends a clear message: China’s viola-
                        discussed the issue in depth. For many         tions of international law will not be
                        Australians obeying Beijing’s demands is       accepted.
                        simply unthinkable. And it helps that many        This spring London sent a strike group
                        Australians are well aware that China de-      to the Pacific, led by the country’s only air-
                        pends on Australian resource exports. Bei-     craft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth. The fleet
                        jing can do without Australian wine and        also includes a Dutch frigate and an Ameri-
                        lobster – but not without Australian iron      can destroyer. On board the Queen Elizabeth
                        ore, currently priced around US$180/tonne      are eighteen F-35B combat aircraft, ten
                        versus production costs of about US$10/        from the US Marine Corps and eight from
                        tonne. Doing without iron ore from Aus-        the British Royal Air Force. As well as
                        tralia would have serious repercussions for    demonstrating solidarity and interoperabil-
                        China’s manufacturing and construction         ity, London, Washington and The Hague
                        sectors. No other supplier is in a position    are also displaying military muscle in East
                        to replace Australia.                          Asia.
                                                                          Germany’s plans to send the frigate
                                                                       Bayern to the Indo-Pacific on a freedom of
                                                                       navigation mission appear unconvincing.
                                                                       Without embedding in a broader naval

SWP Comment 36
June 2021

formation, the deployment will remain                            lations in Xinjiang have persuaded Chan-
symbolic.                                                        cellor Angela Merkel to change her funda-
                                                                 mental position. This was seen very clearly
                                                                 at the end of 2020, when Germany pushed
The End of BRICS?                                                through the EU-China Comprehensive
                                                                 Agreement on Investment despite grave
As well as the leaders of the G7 and Quad,                       concerns among its European partners and
two of the five BRICS countries – India and                      Washington’s request to delay signing.
South Africa – will also be present at the                          Germany stresses the importance of re-
meetings in Cornwall. Even if Prime Minis-                       maining in dialogue with Beijing, for exam-
ter Modi will not attend in person, the sig-                     ple to discuss climate change (with the                     © Stiftung Wissenschaft
nificance of India’s participation is enor-                      world’s largest CO2 emitter). On the other                  und Politik, 2021
mous. For decades New Delhi pursued a                            hand, German export interests are cited as                  All rights reserved
policy of equivocation and led the non-                          justification for conciliatory policy towards
                                                                                                                             This Comment reflects
aligned movement. No longer. After repeated                      China.
                                                                                                                             the author’s views.
spats with China, the Indian government                             Neither line of argument is convincing.
has dropped its reservations and turned to                       In the past China has repeatedly failed to                  The online version of
the West.                                                        follow words with deeds. For example in                     this publication contains
    While India’s cooperation with the                           trade policy, Beijing has repeatedly post-                  functioning links to other
                                                                                                                             SWP texts and other relevant
West is flourishing, cooperation among the                       poned the implementation of reforms asso-
emerging economies has ground to a stand-                        ciated with its accession to the World Trade
still. When the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia,                     Organisation in 2001.                                       SWP Comments are subject
India, China, South Africa) first met in 2009                       Beijing’s position on climate change is                  to internal peer review, fact-
some observers saw it becoming a counter-                        also equivocal. Its construction of coal-fired              checking and copy-editing.
weight to the G7. That is certainly no longer                    power stations in Belt and Road partner                     For further information on
                                                                                                                             our quality control pro-
the case.                                                        is hard to reconcile with its Paris climate
                                                                                                                             cedures, please visit the SWP
    The Indian-Chinese relationship is in                        obligations. The Paris Climate Agreement                    website: https://www.swp-
tatters. Brazil’s far right President Jair                       of 2015 provides for the CO2 emissions of         
Bolsonaro has shown no interest in deepen-                       foreign investment to be taken considera-                   quality-management-for-
ing cooperation. China and Russia are all                        tion, but there is no sign of this in China’s               swp-publications/
that remains of BRICS. So it is hardly sur-                      Belt and Road Initiative.
prising that the 13th summit of the BRICS                           Beijing is naturally aware of the increas-               Stiftung Wissenschaft und
states, which India was supposed to host                         ingly hostile mood. It is certainly no coinci-              Politik
in 2021, has been postponed. In view of                          dence that just ten days before the Cornwall                German Institute for
the depth of strife between its two largest                      Summit President Xi “told senior Com-                       International and
members, the prospects for cooperation                           munist Party officials it was important to                  Security Affairs

within the BRICS group are dim indeed.                           present an image of a ‘credible, loveable
                                                                                                                             Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
                                                                 and respectable China’”. But there is no                    10719 Berlin
                                                                 sign of Beijing deviating from its policy of                Telephone +49 30 880 07-0
Cornwall: A Turning Point in                                     self-isolation or abandoning the idea of                    Fax +49 30 880 07-100
International Relations?                                         “dual circulation”.                               
                                                                    The G7 Summit marks a watershed in
The preparations for the G7 Summit re-                           twenty-first-century international relations.               ISSN (Print) 1861-1761
vealed that Germany stands apart. While                          The G7 nations – first and foremost the                     ISSN (Online) 2747-5107
the United States, France, Japan and the                         United States and United Kingdom – have                     doi: 10.18449/2021C36
United Kingdom have responded to China’s                         recognised the challenge posed by China
growing aggression, Germany continues to                         and are developing new forms of coopera-                    Translation by Meredith Dale

pursue a policy of close cooperation. Neither                    tion. If Germany continues to insist on con-
                                                                                                                             (English version of
the illegal security law in Hong Kong nor                        ciliation it risks getting left behind.                     SWP-Aktuell 43/2021)
the increasingly obvious human rights vio-

Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter is Senior Associate in the Global Issues Research Division at SWP and Associate Professor at the
University of Potsdam.                                                                                                            SWP Comment 36
                                                                                                                                        June 2021

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