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International Journal of Management (IJM)
Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 185-194, Article ID: IJM_11_05_018
Available online at
Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI)
ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510
DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.5.2020.018

© IAEME Publication           Scopus Indexed

                               Olena V. CHERNIAVSKA
                           National Aviation University, Ukraine

                                       Yi-ru LIU
                             Beihang University, Beijing, China

                           Oleksandra D. CHERNIAVSKA
            Lugansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine

                                      Imran KHAN
                             Cluster University Srinagar, India

                                      Olena ZHAM
                           National Aviation University, Ukraine

       The relevance of the chosen topic is related to the growing interest of researchers
   in technologies and mechanisms of official Chinese discourse, features of its impact
   on national and global management in order to achieve strategic socio-economic and
   political goals of the country both in domestic China's territory and along the path of
   development of geoeconomic strategy in the global space. The study is
   interdisciplinary in nature, allows a new look at the relationship between
   management, economics, public government and philology, sharing a close
   connection with history, cultural studies, philosophy, religion and sociology. In this
   paper, an attempt has been made to discuss the role of Chengyu in China’s official
   geoeconomical discourse. With the help of this case, the authors explain the
   Chengyu’s role in global market entry strategies, a unique geoeconomic model of
   China that helped to gain one of the higher points in economic growth. This case can         185                
Olena V. CHERNIAVSKA, Yi-ru LIU, Oleksandra D. CHERNIAVSKA, Imran KHAN and Olena ZHAM

   be useful for management students as well as professionals to learn about success of
   China in global market.
   JEL classifications: N55, O38, F02
   Key words: Strategic Socio-Economical Concepts, One Belt - One Road (一带一路),
   Chinese Dream, XIAOKANG (小康 社会), Xi Jinping, Chengyu, Geo-Economic
   Development Strategy
   Cite this Article: Olena V. CHERNIAVSKA, Yi-ru LIU, Oleksandra D.
   CHERNIAVSKA, Imran KHAN and Olena ZHAM, Scaling up Chengyu‟s Role in Xi
   Jinping's Government Policies Concept: From Specific Chinese National Linguistic
   Constructions up to Markers and Goals of the Geo-Economic Development Strateg.
   International Journal of Management, 11 (5), 2020, pp. 185-194.

The official discourse is a broadcasting tool of the economic course, reflecting the national
socio-economic strategy, and the official position of the country's leadership. The abstracts of
Xi Jinping's three-hour official speech entitled "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era" at the XIX Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
held in October 2017, were included in the CCP's charter and adopted as the basis of the
economic course of the country (Xinhua. 2017). The relevance of the chosen topic is related
to the growing interest of researchers in technologies and mechanisms of official Chinese
discourse, features of its impact on the masses in order to achieve strategic socio-economic
and political goals of the country both in the domestic China's territory and along the path of
development of geoeconomic strategy in the global space. The study is interdisciplinary in
nature, allows a new look at the relationship between economics, public government and
philology, sharing a close connection with history, cultural studies, philosophy, religion and

The subject of the study is the official speeches of Chinese leader Xi Jianping (习近平),
differences of his official discourse as a reflection of the national idea and socio-economic
course through the lens of special linguistic paradigms and constructions such as Chengyu.
    The purpose of the study the basic universal linguistic and cultural properties of the
official discourse of the Chinese leaders as a means of broadcasting socio-economic courses
through the analysis of language stencils used. According to this goal, the following tasks
were solved: defining the essence, content and linguistic and cultural features of the official
discourse, establishing common features and historical, and cultural features of the official
Chinese discourse, analyzing the long-term concept of "Chinese Dream" and "One Belt - One
Way" as the content basis of official speeches, exploring the close relationship with history,
the creation and use of ideologies and Chengyu (成語) in official speeches.
    The study is based on official documents texts appearing in the space of political
discourse, which include: the speeches of Xi Jinping and previous Chinese leaders (to identify
the general features of official discourse,, the official
discourse of leaders of other countries (to identify socio-cultural and national features of
Chinese official discourse), researches published in the journal Ukraine - China, printed by
the Ukrainian Association of Chinese Scientists with the support of the Chinese Embassy in
Ukraine, a scientific publication "Chinese Studies", founded in 2011 by the Ukrainian          186                
Scaling up Chengyu‟s Role in Xi Jinping's Government Policies Concept: From Specific Chinese National
        Linguistic Constructions up to Markers and Goals of the Geo-Economic Development Strategy

Association of Chinese Scientists in cooperation with the Institute of Oriental Studies named
after A. Yu. Crimskogo NAS of Ukraine, and materials of scientific conferences "Chinese
Civilization: Traditions and Modernity". In order to provide a holistic view of the
reproduction of the original text by the target (Ukrainian) language, Russian and English
translations of official speeches and articles on social and political topics were included in the
analysis with the results of studies on the subject.
    The methodological basis of the study is a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to
the analysis of official discourse, which involves the consideration of linguistic units in close
connection with the pragmatic role in economics and geoeconomics strategies. To achieve this
goal, a popular technique i.e., semantic analysis part of natural language processing system
(NLP) was employed online A descriptive method was used to design and summarize the
observations, in order to identify pragmatically conditioned transformations when comparing
the English-language original and Ukrainian-language translation. Subsequently, the
continuous sampling method was used and the quantitative calculation method revealed the
prevalence of linguistic and transformational constructions.
    So the current methodology include general philosophical research methods like (a).
Comparative analysis of the form and content of Chinese official discourse and Ukrainian-
language translation, (b). Linguistic observation and analysis were used to identify the
linguistic and cultural features of official speeches, which are important components of their
pragmatic potential. Therefore the analysis of discource was done in steps: 1. a comparative
pragmatic analysis of speech; 2. component analysis of the semantic structure of lexical units
of primordial and translation, and 3. structural analysis and analysis of adjacent pairs,
discourse analysis and contextual analysis.

The results of the analysis of the general features and historically and culturally conditioned
specifics of the official Chinese discourse made it possible to distinguish a number of
constructions and stencils that are specific to the Chinese discourse and are revealed both in
official speeches and official documents, i.e., determining strategic economical goals and
management mechanisms.
    One of these pronounced specific linguistic constructs is Chengyu. Chengyu is a stable
phraseological expression, usually constructed of four hieroglyphs that conforms to the rules
of Wen (文言 - traditional written Chinese), is a semantically unified construction with a
general meaning that is usually expressive (Zhongwen Hu, 2011, p. 4). With the help of
Chengyu, national Chinese leaders not only making speeches engaging and influential,
accessible for perception and memorization but more importantly, in our view, enable them to
give a clear linguistic construction to new phenomena, concepts, intentions, goals, and
indicators of their achievement, lay down clear content and put into in official discourse to
characterize the directions of contemporary domestic and global economic changes and public
    If in the official discourse of Deng Xiaoping from 1982 to 1992 (for ten years),
researchers have allocated 41 Chengyu and the maximum number of Chengyu used in a single
text was 26 (Xiaoping, 1994, p. 36-48) (Table 1), traditional and new Chengyu in the official
discourse of Xi Jinping characterizing modern directions of activity and changes in economics
sphere, researchers count in the tens, and even hundreds of times more.              187                    
Olena V. CHERNIAVSKA, Yi-ru LIU, Oleksandra D. CHERNIAVSKA, Imran KHAN and Olena ZHAM

        Table 1 Chengyu in the Official Chinese Discourse of Deng Xiaoping: Speech at the Second Plenum
                    of the 12th convocation of the CPC Central Committee, 12 October 1983.
 Chengyu’s                                    in English
                 Chengyu                                                   in Ukrainian (translation by autors)
                                       (translation by autors)
Introductory   众所周知           it is common knowledge that              загальновідомо, що
designs        大势所趋           the general trend is reduced to          загальна тенденція зводиться до
               持久不变           what remains unchanged is that           незмінним залишається те, що
Marking the    离心离德           ideological confusion                    ідейний розбрід
problems of    故步自封           Stiffness                                закостенілість
society        歪风邪气           harmful tendencies                       шкідливі тенденції
               大惊小怪           heated distrust                          недовіра, що підігрівається
               以权谋私           to use official position for selfish     використовувати службове становище в
                              purposes                                 корисливих цілях
               煽风点火           sow discord                              сіяти розбрат
               定时炸弹           a potential threat                       потенційна загроза
               坏人坏事           bad people, bad things                   погані люди, погані вчинки
Description    畏难手软           cowardice                                боязкість
problems of    优柔寡断           indecision                               нерішучість
party          息事宁人           compatibility                            поступлівість
               软弱涣散           weakness and inactivity                  слабкість та бездіяльність
weakness of
the party      以偏概全           for a part not to see the whole          за деревом не бачити лісу
               强词夺理           to argue against common sense            сперечатися всупереч здоровому глузду
               草木皆兵           and grass and trees seem hostile         і трава, і дерева вважаються ворожими
               闭关自守           a fence of the outside world             відсторонитися від зовнішнього світу
               恃强凌弱           using force to scoff at the weak         користуючись силою, знущатися над
               化公为私           misappropriation of public property      розкрадання суспільного майна
               不正之风           unhealthy air                            нездоровий вітер
               放虎归山           not to release the tigers into the       не відпускати тигрів в гори (не відпускати
Description                   mountains (not to release those who      на свободу тих, хто зловживає владою)
of directions                 abuse power to freedom)
of movement 艰苦奋斗              need to "fight hard"                     наполегливо боротися
of the party  与人为善            doing a noble cause together             спільно робити благородну справу
              合情合理            meet the practical situation and         відповідати реальній ситуації та
                              theoretical attitudes                    концептуальній основі
               雄心壮志           great aspirations and strong will        великі сподівання і сильна воля
               头脑清醒           keep a cool head                         зберігати холодну голову
               揪住不放           a discipline to be "kept in hedgehog     залізний порядок
Economic       生气勃勃           thriving                                 процвітаючий
goals          繁荣昌盛           rich                                     багатий
       Source. Addapted from (Xiaoping, 1994, p. 36-48). Translation into Ukrainian is not official, made by
       authors for public discussion
           It is important to note that in marked time Chengyu, as specific constructs, is used solely
       for internal official discourse, whereas in Deng Xiaoping 's (邓小平) international official
       discourse, Chengyu is hardly used. That is, one must make the assumption that there were two
       kinds of official discourse in China: internal and external. In internal official discourse,
       Chengyus were widely used for emotional coloring and influence on the masses, who

Scaling up Chengyu‟s Role in Xi Jinping's Government Policies Concept: From Specific Chinese National
        Linguistic Constructions up to Markers and Goals of the Geo-Economic Development Strategy

understand and accept the meaning of these specific lexical constructions and phraseologisms,
while external official discourse was prepared by taking into account established stencils.
    An analysis of Xi Jinping's most important speeches, compared to Deng Xiaoping's
official discourse, highlights the changes that had taken place in China over the 15-20 years
and more, highlighting new trends in Chinese economics that are clearly reflected in the
official speeches of the national leader. “In any society, social and political change entails
language change. The authorities establish new relations between people and formalize their
language” (Lobanova, 2014, p. 66).

Two weeks after his election as Secretary-General of the CCP Central Committee, on
November 29, 2012, speaking to reporters, Xi Jinping said that China's most important task is
to "rebuild the great Chinese nation": "The endless struggle that is gone on since the "opium
wars" for 170 years, it has opened the bright prospects for a great revival of the Chinese
nation. At present, as in any historical period, we are close to achieving our goal of the great
revival of the Chinese nation, and, as never before, we are confident in our ability to achieve
this goal (Jinping Xi, 2014, p. 35). ”
    Xi Jinping immediately determined the milestones of achieving this goal: “I am firmly
convinced that by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
(2021), the task of creating a middle-class society will inevitably be accomplished. By the
time of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China (2049),
the task of creating a rich and powerful, democratic, and civilized, harmonious and modern
socialist state will undoubtedly be accomplished. The dream of a great revival of the Chinese
nation will surely come true” (Jinping Xi, 2014, p. 3).
    As we can see middle-class society (XIAOKANG (小康 社会)) was used to indicate the
medium-term goal. It should be noted that in the '80s last century, Deng Xiaoping stated that
China would build a society based on the „Xiaokan‟ principle. In Confucius's interpretation,
this term meant "a society of small prosperity." Deng Xiaoping has called this "middle-class
society" in modern China. It is believed that Deng Xiaoping first mentioned the "Xiaokan" in
1979 in an interview with the Japanese Prime Minister, calling the "Xiaokan" a dream of
educated Chinese for more than a thousand years. Subsequently, Deng Xiaoping elaborated
on the content of the concept of "Xiaokan": indicating that, Chinese people will radically
change the backwardness of their country and make it the leading state in the world. With the
peoples of other countries, the Chinese people will work together to promote the just cause of
human progress.
    In April 1987, Deng Xiaoping presented the steps he had developed to achieve this
strategic goal. The first step is to double GDP per capita from $ 250 to $ 500. The second step
involved doubling GDP to $ 1,000. "If we reach four thousand US dollars the gross domestic
product (GDP) and overall prosperity, it will best show that the socialist system has an
advantage over the capitalist system" (Xiaoping Deng, 1990).
    XIAOKANG also was a topic of active discussion at the 16th CCP Congress in 2002,
when in Jiang Zemin's report XIAOKANG (小康 社会) also was called China's main task for
the first twenty years of this century. Jiang Zemin said that in the first twenty years of this
century, the Chinese should build XIAOKANG (小康 社会), a middle-class society that will
be characterized by advanced economics, advanced science and education, a prosperous
culture, deep harmony and a well-to-do living environment. Through the creation of such a
society, Xiaokan, and further efforts "will, in the middle of the present century, be able to
essentially complete the modernization and transform our country into a rich, powerful,              189                    
Olena V. CHERNIAVSKA, Yi-ru LIU, Oleksandra D. CHERNIAVSKA, Imran KHAN and Olena ZHAM

democratic and civilized socialist state by the middle of the present century" (Zemin Jiang,
2002). In his report at the 18th CPC Congress of November 30, 2012, Hu Jintao also noted
that the grandiose goals of fully building XIAOKANG (小康 社会) middle-class society by
2020 (Jintao Hu, 2012) are needed. At the same time, according to China's political media
content, the Chinese dream, as the embodiment of the national idea of the Chinese people,
began to form long before the establishment of the CCP in China. More than 2,000 years ago,
it was embodied in the Book of Songs in the form of a "small welfare society -
XIAOKANG"). It is likely that the Book of Songs was created by Confucius. In modern
scientific literature, to refer to the features of the Chinese economic system is also used the
     Using the example of this important Chengyu “XIAOKANG”, it was demonstrated how
national idea, national values and goals that had get this stable construction in the form of
Chengyu (by Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)), goes through centuries and eras and sets the
trajectory of state administration of the Chinese economy, ensuring the continuity of goals
and objectives by national Chinese leaders (Den Xiaoping, 1956–1966; Jiang Zemin, 1989–
2002; Hu Jintao, 2002-2013; - Xi Jinping, 2013-Now).
     When the "Chinese Dream" appeared, it was compared to the "American Dream".
However, the main difference is that the "American Dream" is the dream of the individual.
While the "Chinese Dream" is the dream of the nation, the people, all the Chinese. The
difference between the semantic core of the official speeches of the two national leaders
demonstrates this difference; their comparison is given in the authors' previous work
(Fedicheva, Perova, Demchenko, Cherniavska and Cherniavska, 2019).
     The contours of the new strategic concept were named, but the content was subsequently
supplemented. At the beginning of 2019, the Chinese dream by Deng Xiaoping was
overfulfilled by 2-4.5 times by different calculations. GDP per capita, in terms of purchasing
power parity (real GDP) according to the International Monetary Fund, became $ 18,110 per
capita (World Economic Outlook Database, 2019). Accordingly as for Xi Jinping‟s Chinese
dream, he goes much further than "XIAOKAN" (小康 社会) and sets much higher goals; the
Xiaokan in his "Chinese Dream" is not the Chinese dream itself, but an intermediate stage of
its achievement. The dream itself goes beyond the framework of the domestic economy and
acquires the geo-economic scale of its implementation and long-time period of realization
strategy (until 2049). So, Chinese leaders talk about the three phases of building an ideal
society in China (Wojciechowicz, 2018). China has successfully completed the first stage of
socio-economic development - WENBAO (文寶, - lack of hunger and poverty). The country
is building a "middle-class society" (XIAOKAN). Accordingly, the third stage should end
with the construction of an ideal society of "great harmony" - "DATONG" (大同). Comparing
these types of societies and the goals set by Xi Jinping (Jinping Xi. 2014, p. 3), we can
assume that the period of building "XIAOKAN" should end by 2021 and ideal "society of
great harmony" by 2049.

When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia in September and
October of 2013, he raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and
the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, which have attracted close attention from all over the
world (Figure 1).         190                 
Scaling up Chengyu‟s Role in Xi Jinping's Government Policies Concept: From Specific Chinese National
               Linguistic Constructions up to Markers and Goals of the Geo-Economic Development Strategy

                               Figure 1 Belt and Road for International Cooperation
                                  Source: The Slovenia Times (Belt and Road, 2017)
          The name of this initiative was constructed from the Chinese Chengyu "一带一路". In
      English, it is known as "One Belt - One Road", "OBOR", "Belt and Road Initiative", "BRI",
      "Belt and Road", "B&R".
          The Belt and Road Initiative is a systematic project, which should be jointly built through
      consultation to meet the interests of all, and efforts should be made to integrate the
      development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road. Accelerating the building of
      the Belt and Road can help promote the economic prosperity of the countries along the Belt
      and Road and regional economic cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning
      between different civilizations, and promote world peace and development. It is a great
      undertaking that will benefit people around the world (Vision and actions, 2015).
          The Chinese government has drafted and published the Vision and Actions on Jointly
      Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road to promote the
      implementation of the Initiative, instill vigor and vitality into the ancient Silk Road, connect
      Asian, European and African countries more closely and promote mutually beneficial
      cooperation to new heights and in new forms (Vision and actions, 2015).
          At the Opening Ceremony of The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,
      President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinpin has used Chengyu 一带一路(One belt -
      One road) 45 times (Table 2).

      Table 2 Frequency of Chengyu一带一路 (One belt - One road) in the Semantic Core of the Speech of
                          the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping
        Word                               Translation                       Number of using           Frequency,%
一带一路                      One belt - One road                                       45                      3.73
先生们                       Gentlemen                                                 6                       0.50
女士们                       Ladies                                                    6                       0.50
朋友们                       Friends                                                   6                       0.50
中国同                       China                                                     2                       0.17
开放包容                      Open and inclusive                                        2                       0.17
撒马尔罕                      Samarkand                                                 2                       0.17
沿着古丝绸之路                   Along the ancient silk road                               2                       0.17
      Source: Results of semantic analysis (Xi Jinpin, 2017) from               191                    
Olena V. CHERNIAVSKA, Yi-ru LIU, Oleksandra D. CHERNIAVSKA, Imran KHAN and Olena ZHAM

   Results of the analysis of the full text of an action plan on the China‟s - proposed Belt and
Road Initiative (BRI) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China,
with State Council authorization (Action plan, 2017) made it possible to identify that the
Chengyus were used for both, name of the initiatives and its key directions, which are shown
from the organization of the text structure (see Tables 2-4).

    Table 3 The use of Chengyu to characterize the principle of harmonious and inclusive (和谐包容)
                            In English (oficial
№        Chengyu                                           In Ukrainian (translation by autors)
1     求同存异            seeking common ground while     Шукайте спільної точки зору, зберігаючи
                      shelving differences            відмінності
2 兼容并蓄                drawing on each other‟s         Відбір кращих національних практик,
                      strengths                       сильних сторін один одного
3 和平共处                coexist in peace                Мирне співіснування, гармонійне
4 共生共荣                common prosperity               Загальне процвітання, симбіоз (етнологія)
                                                      – форма взаємокорисного співіснування
                                                      етнічних систем одного регіону, за якого
                                                      симбіонти зберігають свою своєрідність
Source: Adapted from (Action plan, 2017). Translation into Ukrainian is not official, made by authors
for public discussion

 Table 4 Using Chengyus to characterize the five principles of peaceful coexistence (守 和平共处 五
 项原则) in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter (联合国宪章 的 宗旨 和
                                 In English (oficial
№           Chengyu                                           In Ukrainian (translation by autors)
1      互不侵犯                  mutual nonaggression           Політика взаємного ненападу
2      和平共处                  peaceful coexistence           Мирне співіснування, гармонійне
3      平等互利                  equality and mutual benefit    Рівність і взаємна вигода
Source. Adapted from (Action plan, 2017). Translation into Ukrainian is not official, made by authors
for public discussion

Systematizing the conclusions of previous studies, it is worth to note that official Chinese
discourse has a high impact on national and global management, and help achieve strategic
socio-economic and political goals of the country both in domestic China's territory and along
the path of development of geoeconomic strategy in the global space. It was found that one of
the specific linguistic constructs in China is “Chengyu” by which Chinese leaders make
public, ideological and administrative texts influential, accessible for perception and
memorization, but, more importantly, in our view, it gives clear linguistic constructs to new
phenomena, concepts, intentions, goals, and indicators of their achievements. The paper
identifies, among others, two iconic ideologues in official Chinese discourse that characterize
the peculiarities of governance in Deng Xiaoping's time: 一国两制 (One country - two
systems) and 一带 一路 "One belt - One way" by Xi Jinping, Chengyu "Xiaokan" (小康 社会
) in the "Chinese dream" and Chengyu in the modern Xi Jinping's official geo-economic
strategies.           192                  
Scaling up Chengyu‟s Role in Xi Jinping's Government Policies Concept: From Specific Chinese National
       Linguistic Constructions up to Markers and Goals of the Geo-Economic Development Strategy

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