FLEETING TIME - Everton Parish Council

Page created by Judy Morales
FLEETING TIME - Everton Parish Council
Issue No. 388       January 2021
                                                       Harwell Everton
                                                   Drakeholes Scaftworth
         Contact us: e: hedstogether@gmail.com // t: 01777 818180

Born in 43 I became the soul that is me.
I lived a life that is both liberal and free.
Thanks in no small part to the father who fought for the free.
With nurture and care I grew from awareness of others
to the learning of the 3.

Friendships grew through the years
Some flowered some withered
Few ended in tears.
Sparks of understanding and keenness to learn
Were fostered by teachers both inspirational and firm.

Childhood soon passed with the quickening of time

As into work I wandered and found more knowledge would be mined
Of escutcheons, deadlocks, satin and polished
Bull nosed and squints
Eggs and darts, entasis and oriel
Of interstitial, obverts and rubble to courses
Serifs and sans, Helvetica and Times
Parana, Douglas, Iroko, and White Pine
These words became familiar as their purpose was defined.

Clients of old money, some of new and they liked to shout
Some confused
Some understanding, some with knowledge and some with none,
Some clients wanting a palace with money for a house
and some with a palace, building for those without.

Buildings of timber, brickwork and stone designed by pencil and pen
Constructed by builders able and then...
Some were proud of their work
FLEETING TIME - Everton Parish Council
Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

    Some indifferent, money driven and mean
    Both their results all easily seen.
    It’s there to be the witness for their care and for none
    for at least a decade or ten.

    Working years soon passed with never enough time

    Now I look to the vanishing point, that is just fine
    As I think of all that was mine,
    In such a fleeting short time.
    Proud of much, but mistakes in all things also mine.
    Fashions change and things are compromised
    Buildings still arose from pieces of material and
    I would do it all again for the creativity of design,
    but planners and politicians all do work down a deep dark mine.

    Finding love, soulful friendship and complete caring
    As millions upon millions
    Have been lucky to do
    Gave meaning to it all
    and all cemented through the giving of a simple gold ring.

    Merry Christmas and a better, happier new year to you all!
    I hope you tried to Embrace this festive season for it’s difference by making it
    memorable for all the right reasons, while thinking of those without, just like Scrooge
    did. Eventually.


    Sadly, Covid restrictions have prevented us from going ahead with laying the hedge at the
    bottom of the playing field.
    Phil Rowell, the hedge layer, has put us top of his list to work with us in the Autumn
    season, probably September, when we hope that volunteers will be allowed to work with
    On a positive note though, Class 3 have finished making the nest boxes and they are
    ready to put up soon, when we have had further advice on siting them. We will keep you
    We wish you all a safe, healthy and happy New Year.
    Sue Hughes

FLEETING TIME - Everton Parish Council
Happy New Year HEDS

Everton Parish Council
Gigabit Broadband Project
Would you like faster internet to be available to your home? Read on.
Everton Parish Council have set up a community partnership with Openreach for the
provision of Gigabit broadband infrastructure to the Parish, taking advantage of National
and local government funding available for such project. Right now, as a group scheme we
can get £1500 per residential and £3000 per business towards the cost of installing fibre
to the premises. Additional incentives available from local government increase that to
£3000 and £7000. This funding runs until April.
Current “Fibre Broadband” uses fibre to the distribution cabinet and relies on the old
copper cables to your home, the signal drop (Attenuation) via copper means that the
further away you are from the cabinet, the lower broadband speeds you have. In Everton,
this can be as low as 20 Megabit. Having Full Fibre To Home (FFTH) means these
restrictions are removed and allow you to select a full fibre package from your provider.
You will have significantly improved download speeds AND symmetrical upload download
speeds dependent on the package.
This will allow you to take advantages of the current/future improvements in media
technology such as 4/8K TV streaming across multiple devices and greatly increase the
productivity for those working from home. Additionally, it will be some considerable time
before FFTH is rolled nationwide, having a rural property with FFTH is a great advantage
when it comes to selling, currently 9 out of 10 properties in the UK CANNOT get full fibre
Act by mid-January as this funding runs out shortly!
Ok, what do I do?
Send your name address, postcode to georgeaa@gmail.com let me know if you are a
business or residential.
Then what? - We present a core project to Openreach and establish the cost vs the
available funding based on the interested addresses and judge the viability of the project
and any shortfall.
Am I committing to anything? – You are expressing your intent in the future to take
advantage of a fibre broadband plan with a provider of your choice. The point here is that
we install and fund something you will use.
Can I get connected later? - Not for the foreseeable future. No further funding for
infrastructure has been agreed, additionally money is likely to be tight over the coming
years to any government.

FLEETING TIME - Everton Parish Council
Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

     Wildlife Notes from
     Everton Sluice Lane
     The pair of crows, which visit almost daily, have now been joined by a male great
     spotted woodpecker which comes to fill up on nuts, again virtually daily.
     Early in December a lone fox was seen at breakfast time, near to Sluice Lane. Not a
     handsome specimen, mottled colouring and a scruffy brush; perhaps it will improve
     with age. We were experiencing a blustery day with sleet and snow so the blackbirds
     got on with stripping the remaining berries from the holly tree; no sign of the fieldfare
     and redwing coming down from Scandinavia, probably still warm enough up there to
     keep them at home.
     There is little else to report this month, probably a consequence of the countrywide
     reduction in all sorts of wildlife, so our gardens suffer like everywhere else. Many
     organisations, such as the Wildlife Trusts, are doing their best to persuade all and
     sundry to make their properties, large and small, gardens, farms and even flats
     “wilder” and more welcoming to wildlife.
     That said, we still see quite a lot of small birds. Goldfinch are still flourishing; a
     dozen can be seen regularly on the feeders. House sparrows are seen, but in fewer
     numbers than previously, same goes for blackbirds and robins and the occasional
     wren. However, lack of leaf cover makes then a bit more conspicuous.
     Coming to the non-avian wildlife, we know that the hedgehogs are still visiting to
     feed. They don’t seem to hibernate as much as they are reputed to do; perhaps not
     cold enough yet.
     After a brisk walk in the bright but cold sunshine, and in a desperate attempt
     to bring some more birds out of hiding a generous handful of Wilco’s best dried
     mealworms was scattered on a slab under a seed feeder. We retired to lunch and
     witnessed as a pair of starlings, a robin, a blackbird and a couple of wood pigeons
     came to help themselves. Goldfinches, which seem to be everywhere, and an
     occasional house sparrow were on the seed feeder above. A reasonable selection
     but a lot of species are missing.
     Sue&Mac December 2020
     P.S.: Don’t forget Big Garden Birdwatch, last w/e of January.
     It’s permitted in Tier 3.

Happy New Year HEDS

  Rob’s Agri-Blog
  ‘Farming all around us’
With evermore rain over the last couple of            going on in the fields around us.
weeks, the land is starting to seem as wet and
waterlogged as last year – if that’s possible.
We are hoping for a dry spell in the New Year         Well, enough of the serious stuff – time for
before we harvest the last of our sugar beet          some humour… I will try to keep everyone
and it would certainly help if it was a bit drier     in the festive mood by recycling some of my
– for both the soil structure and the lanes.          favourite (UpToDate!) cracker jokes – just
                                                      when you thought you had escaped them for
In farming, Christmas is a natural divide of the      another year!...
season – as soon as it is over and we are into
the New Year – all thoughts are focused on
the next season and preparation for it. We are        • Why does Donald Trump have his Christmas
counting down to spring cereal drilling which         dinner on a plastic plate? He doesn’t get on
starts as soon as the ground is dry enough            with China.
– so that could be as early as February or as         • Why has Santa been banned from sooty
late as April, but just at the moment, when           chimneys? Because he leaves Carbon
the soils are so wet and best left alone –            footprints.
most of our time is put into preparation work.        • Why doesn’t Jeremy Corbyn ever visit Santa?
This usually entails over-hauling machinery,          Because he struggles in the poles
tackling the mountain of paperwork that has
perhaps been neglected during the busy                • Why is Greta Thunberg boycotting parsnips
Autumn, out-loading the last of the stored            and carrots at Christmas? Because she’s a
grain, and ordering seed and fertilisers for the      swede dish campaigner.
forthcoming season, etc.                              • What’s the difference between Rudolph’s
The first field work of the new year is often         nose and a footballer’s autobiography? Only
catching up on some crop-spraying – on our            one will be red/read at Christmas.
light soils that’s normally applying an early         • Why can’t Boris Johnson make his
dose of Manganese to the winter cereals and           Christmas cake until the last minute? He
then spraying off the weed and volunteers             doesn’t know how many tiers it should have.
in over-wintered stubbles – to allow the              • Why are Santa’s reindeer allowed to travel
rubbish to die-back, ahead of cultivations in         on Christmas Eve? They have herd immunity.
preparation for spring crops later. Also, when
                                                      • Which Government scheme supports
dry enough, it is a good opportunity to apply
                                                      Christmas dinners? Eat Sprouts to Help Out.
P and K fertiliser (Phosphate and Potash)
to crops and land, just prior to the growing
season whilst we are not yet too busy.                On that note, be careful out there - until next
However, this is not to forget that there are         month…
still crops in the ground yet to be harvested         Robert Troop
– as previously mentioned there is still sugar
beet to lift (nationally probably about a third
of the crop); carrots are harvested throughout
the winter months – right through until late
April and Red Beet (beetroot) is still being
finished off. So, there is still plenty of activity

Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

 Sticky stem ginger
cake with lemon icinG
Ingredients                                      Method
225g self raising flour                          Pre heat the oven to 180c/ 160c convection/
                                                 gas 4. Butter and line an 18cm round 7cm
I tsp bicarbonate of soda
                                                 cake tin with greaseproof or parchment paper.
1 tsp ground ginger
                                                 Put the flour, bicarbonate of soda and all the
1 tsp ground cinnamon                            spices into a large mixing bowl. Add the butter
1 tsp ground mixed spice                         and rub it into the flour to fine breadcrumb
115g butter cut into cubes plus a little extra   stage.
for greasing                                     Put the sugar, syrup, treacle and milk into a
115g dark muscovado sugar                        medium saucepan and heat gently stirring
                                                 until the sugar has dissolved then bring up the
115g black treacle (maple syrup works also)
                                                 heat and bring the mixture to just below boiling
115g golden syrup                                point.
250ml whole milk                                 Add the stem ginger to the flour mixture then
85g drained stem ginger finely chopped or        stir in the treacle mixture stirring as you go.
grated                                           Add the beaten and beat the mixture until well
1 large egg                                      combined. Pour into the prepared tin for 50
                                                 minutes to an hour or until a skewer inserted in
For the icing
                                                 to centre comes out clean. Leave to cool in tin
50g icing sugar, sifted                          completely before turning out the cake.
1tsp finely grated lemon zest                    To make the icing, mix together the icing sugar
1tbs lemon juice                                 and lemon zest , the gradually add lemon juice
                                                 until you have a smooth slightly runny icing.
                                                 Drizzle icing in a zig-zag pattern over the top of
                                                 the cake (a fork works well for this) turn cake
                                                 around and repeat to create a cross-hatched
                                                 Dust chopped stem ginger with a little flour to
                                                 help prevent it sinking.
                                                 A substitute for the lemon icing can be to
                                                 brush the top of the cake with syrup from the
                                                 stem ginger while cake still warm to give a
                                                 professional shiny finish.

                                                 Nigel Bower

Happy New Year HEDS

Metcalfe                                       can advise that the security alarm for the
                                               Grounds’ buildings is being replaced with
Charitable Trust                               a new system.
                                               In the Village Hall the required Covid
The Trust would like to wish you all a
                                               secure risk assessment has been reviewed
Happy New Year and hope that you have
                                               and updated in line with the changing
been able to enjoy a safe Christmas with
                                               government guidance. Discussions with
your loved ones. Here is our latest news: -
                                               Cheeky Monkeys have continued with the
Metcalfe Trust, working closely with           aim of restarting Friday morning activities
the Metcalfe Recreation Committee,             in the New Year. Quotations have been
considered how it could best resume            received for redecorating the Village Hall
outdoor sports activities, on the sports       corridor and this work is being planned for
field, after moving into Tier 3 restrictions   January.
on 3rd December. Happily, both Tennis
                                               MRC together with the Trust’s Operations
and football have returned.
                                               Manager have arrangements in hand for a
Work has been ongoing in reviewing             commemorative tree to be planted on the
our Grounds Care contract for the              Metcalfe Recreation Grounds in memory
forthcoming year to ensure that                of the late Ken Hart, former Chairman of
our facilities are kept in good order.         the Recreation Committee. Ken worked
Additional remedial work has now been          tirelessly for the benefit of the community
undertaken in the Playground, following        and the Trust is extremely happy to
the recommendations of the earlier RoSPA       support this project.
safety inspection. Ready for Spring the
                                               Wishing you all health and happiness in
base of the slide has also been re-turfed.
                                               the New Year ahead
Two large trees around the perimeter of
                                               Catherine Shatwell
the Grounds have been trimmed back
                                               Trust Secretary and Finance Officer
to keep the area safe and the Trust is
                                               Email: thesecretary@metcalfect.org.uk
pleased to report that the winter tree work
has now been completed. In addition, we

Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

  Dingbat                                              Local Farmers’ Markets
                                                            January 2021
  Puzzle    This Month’s Dingbat:
                                                   Some have succumbed to Covid, others
                                                   have just stopped. The following are
                                                   expected in January

                                                   Wed 6th         Doncaster Goose Hill
              = rite write                         Fri 8th         Worksop
                                                   Sat 9th         Gainsborough
                                                   Sat 16th        Retford
                      4---5                        Sat 16th        Lincoln    Castle Sq.
                                                   Wed 20th        Doncaster Goose Hill
                                                   Wed 3rd Feb     Doncaster Goose Hill
                Wh ey                                   Visit www.bigbarn.co.uk to
                Wei gh                                   support the local farming
                 7---2---3---4                                   industry.
    Answers are elsewhere in the magazine

Edward Lawrence Hall                              member of the West Burton and later Foxes
                                                  motorcycling clubs. He moved to Tamworth
Edward Lawrence Hall, known as Eddie, son of      but kept in touch with his friends in both
Laurie and Rita Hall, formerly of 1 Pine Close,   Cannock and Retford.
Everton, died 26 November 2020 at his home
                                                  In April 2004, not long after his diagnosis
in Tamworth, Staffordshire, twenty years after
                                                  with MS, he married Jane Liversidge (nee
his diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis. He was
                                                  Henderson) in Lichfield, Staffs. Jane was
56 years old and leaves wife Jane.
                                                  originally from Ordsall near Retford and
Eddie was born in Sunderland, Durham in           shared his love of motorcycling. Before
1964 and moved to Cannock with his parents        their marriage Eddie and Jane had travelled
and sister Linda in 1968. He was a keen           together from Lands End to John O’Groats
member of the Cannock Chase Clarion Cycling       and across Europe on their motor bikes and
Club and competed in track and long-distance      it was a sad day when he became too poorly
events. It was quite usual for Eddie and his      to continue these travels. Jane organised
friends to ride 100 miles around Staffordshire    his care as Eddie became progressively
on a Sunday.                                      more ill and remained by his side right to
After the family moved to Everton in 1979         the very end. Rita and Linda wish to express
Eddie attended school in Retford before           their everlasting gratitude to Jane for her
becoming an apprentice fitter with the CEGB,      dedication to Eddie.
sometimes working locally at West Burton.
Eddie’s love of cycling was transformed into
a passion for motorcycles and he was a

Happy New Year HEDS
This festive season’s stocking filler comes in the form of a 20 question quiz the answers
directly follow the questions so try not to cheat too much.

1. 	Portuguese navigators discovered ‘The river of January’ on Jan 1st 1502. What is
     ‘The river of January’?
2.	The best selling record in the world in 1956 was recorded on New Years Day in
    Nashville. What was the name of the song?
3. 	On Jan 1st 1907 US President Theodore Roosevelt shook a record number of hands
     in one day. How many hands did he shake? Plus or minus 1,000
4. 	 The Anglo Saxon name for January was which predatory creature?
5. 	 Traditionally, what do the Dutch eat to usher in the New Year?
      a. Raw Herring
      b. Gouda Cookies
      c. Oliebollen (donuts)
      d. Frikadellen (Hamburger patties)
6. 	 Which two European countries declared their independence on Jan 1st 1993?
7. 	The following words are from songs with the word ‘YEARS’ in the title. Can you name
     the song?
     a. News guys wept and told us the Earth was really dying
     b. You were the one who imagined it all
     c. Bound for a star with fiery oceans, It’s so very lonely
     d. I want to be with you, be with you night and day
     e. Don’t let me hear you say lifes taking you nowhere angel
8. 	Which man led the offensive against French troops in Indo China that began on Jan
     1st 1950?
9. 	 The US Congress prohibited the importation of what into the USA on Jan 1st 1808?
10.	The first mobile phone call in Britain was made by which comedian on Jan 1st
     a. Spike Milligan
     b. Billy Connelly
     c. Benny Hill
     d. Ernie Wise
11. 	On New Years Day 1925 Norway changed the name of its capital city to Oslo. What
     was the previous name?
12. 	Which 1972 film and mega box office success took place between New Years Eve
     and New Years Day?
13. 	What announcement did Emperor Hirohito of Japan make on Jan 1st 1946?
14. In which film did Helen Mirren appear with the word ‘Year’ in the title?
15. 	The European Economic Community (EEC) was first established on Jan 1st of which
     year? plus or minus 1
16. In which film did Mickey Rourke appear with the word ‘Year’ in the title?
17. 	Who sang the following ‘Year’ songs? 1 pt. for each correct answer
     a. Disco 2000
     b. 1999
     c. In the year 2525

Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

                     d. 1984
                     e. December 1963 (Oh What a Night)
                     f. 1979
                     g. New York Mining Disaster 1941
                     h. 1997
                     i. Munich Air Disaster 1958
                18. 	The Commonwealth Of Australia was proclaimed on New Years Day in which year?
                     plus or minus 5 years
                19. 	Traditionally, what do people in Portugal eat when the clock strikes 12 on New Years
                     a. 12 grapes
                     b. 12 sardines
                     c. 12 oysters
                     d. 12 almonds
                20. 	A BOAC turboprop Bristol Britannia flew from London to New York in record time on
                     Jan 1st 1958. Plus or minus 1 hour, what was the record time?

                ANSWERS                                         12. The Poseidon Adventure
                1. Rio de Janeiro                               13. That he was not a god
                2. Heartbreak Hotel                             14. 2010 (The Year We Make Contact)
                3. 8,513                                        15. 1958
                4. Wolf. Wolf monath                            16. The Year Of The Dragon
                5. c. Oliebollen (donuts)                       17. Nine answers
                6. Czech Republic and Slovakia                      a. Pulp
                7. Five answers                                     b. Prince
                    a. Five Years (David Bowie)                     c. Zager and Evans
                    b. All Those Years Ago (George Harrison)       d. David Bowie
                    c. 2000 Light Years From Home (Rolling         e. Four Seasons
                     Stones)                                        f. Smashing Pumpkins
                    d. New Years Day (U2)                           g. Bee Gees
                    e. Golden Years (David Bowie)                   h. Eminem
                8. Ho Chi Minh                                      i. Morrissey
                9. Slaves                                       18. 1901
                10. d. Ernie Wise                               19. a. 12 grapes
                11. Christiania                                 20. 7h 57 m

                Happy 2021, if possible...
10              Tony
Happy New Year HEDS

who are
loved        by Victoria
      The main character, Themis Stavridis, is
      now in her 90s and the book is the story of
      her life. We meet her three older siblings,
      two brothers and a sister. They are sent
      to live with their grandmother when their
      house collapses. She becomes the centre
      point of the family and as the bad times,
      more often than not outweigh the good,
      she supports her grandchildren.
      As the children grow the political and
      economic fortunes of the country fluctuate.
      A division emerges within the siblings. One
      brother and sister support the communists
      and the other pair support the King and
      government rule. Torture, deprivation and
      brutality feature strongly and at times it
      is an uncomfortable read. Loyalty though
      has a major part to play, and when Themis
      stands by a promise made to a friend, her
      life takes on an unseen direction.
      Greece has an image of a sun filled holiday
      destination, but this is the story of it’s
      turbulent history. The author creates strong
      characters that will long remain in your

Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

 Police Report for
 Bassetlaw East
 Reported crimes of interest for the
 Bassetlaw East Everton/ Beckingham
 Beat Area - November 2020.
The Everton/ Beckingham beat area includes        to report such instances through to our control
the following villages and hamlets – Misson,      room, as normal.
Misson Springs, Newington, Scaftworth,            Nottinghamshire Police have recently started
Harwell, Everton, Gringley on the Hill,           using a new system for recording incidents.
Walkeringham, Saundby and Beckingham.             As from February 2020, the Police report
The crimes of interest – incidents of burglary,   will include anti-social behaviour incidents
criminal damage and thefts – reported for         only, negating other incident types from this
the beat area between 01/11/2020 and              category, such as hoax calls to the emergency
30/11/2020 were -                                 services, found/ abandoned vehicles and
Burglary Dwelling – 2 (Harwell,Everton).          wildlife/ animal issues. Again, these figures
                                                  should, therefore, start to decrease but will be
Attempted Burglary Dwelling – 1                   more accurate in relation to actual anti-social
(Scaftworth).                                     behaviour incidents on the area. This month
Theft of Motor Vehicle – 2 (Beckingham,           there have been four reported incidents
Gringley on the Hill).                            of anti-social behaviour across the whole
Theft from Motor Vehicle – 1 (Beckingham).        beat area. This compares with no reported
                                                  incidents for October 2020 and three reported
Theft Other – 3 (Everton, Gringley on the Hill,   for the same month in 2019.
                                                  As the county move out of lockdown and
Criminal Damage to a Motor Vehicle – 1            into tier three restrictions, there will be an
(Gringley on the Hill).                           opportunity for most of us to try to catch
This month there have been ten reported           up with festive preparations. Most of you
crimes of interest across the whole beat          will have completed some of your shopping
area. This compares with ten crimes reported      online. However, for those that like to do
throughout October 2020 and nine crimes in        the traditional Christmas shopping, this will,
the same month last year.                         understandably, be more difficult to complete
From 01/04/2020, there have been fifty eight      this year, particularly with the Government
crimes of interest reported across the beat       instructions to adhere to.
area. This compares with seventy one reported     With a slight easing of peoples movements,
in the same period last year. As such, at the     this will, invariably, lead to properties being
conclusion of the eighth month of this tracking   unoccupied for periods of time whilst we
year, these figures equate to a decrease in       all try to catch up. At this time of the year,
reported crimes of interest of thirteen crimes.   there is usually a noticeable fall in shed and
Please continue to report crime - and incidents   outbuilding breaks as criminals find it harder
- through to our control room on 101, or 999      to sell items stolen from these buildings.
as appropriate. Even in these most difficult      However, Nottinghamshire Police do usually
of times, where possible, reported crimes will    see an increase in dwelling breaks and vehicle
be dealt with in the same way as they have        crime at this time of the year. Two dwelling
always been recorded, and dealt with. Please      breaks, and an attempted dwelling break,
remain aware of any suspicious persons,           in one month are different from the norm,
vehicles and activity in the area and continue    generally, for this beat area.

Happy New Year HEDS
Below are some tips and advice for you whilst     where fraudsters are purporting to have pets
you are out and about shopping in this period.    for sale, but are not able to deliver the same
Readers of my reports will notice that the        when the charge agreed has been taken.
same advice was given at this time of the year,   My contact number is 07525 226838
last year. I make no apologies in repeating the   and my E mail address is david.airey@
same advice this year.                            nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk PC 3258
When you are out shopping.                        Jason FELLOWS is the beat manager for the
Keep valuables in inside pockets of clothing      beat area, has a contact number of 07525
or bags.                                          226893, and his E mail address is jason.
Only carry the cash and cards which you need.
Always shield the PIN pad when entering your      Please do not use these telephone numbers
PIN number.                                       to report incidents and/ or crimes. I
                                                  continue to receive calls on my works phone
Park in open well lit areas. Visit www.           from residents wishing to report incidents
parkmark.co.uk to find accredited car parks.      and crimes. In many cases these calls are
Avoid going back to your car to leave your        received when I am on rest days or annual
shopping part way through your trip. If you       leave and have not got my works phone to
have to keep items in the car, make sure they     hand. Residents must be comfortable in
are in the boot, out of view, the car is locked   reporting these occurrences to our control
and keep the receipts with you.                   room on 101 in order to receive the best,
Never leave your bag unattended on your           and real time, service from those officers
trolley whilst shopping and don’t leave it in     who are on duty.
your vehicle whilst returning any trolley.        When ringing 101 the first item which is
At cash machines.                                 asked is which Police force you require. This
                                                  is because 101 is the non-urgent number
If you see anything suspicious, alert the         for all Police forces throughout the country
bank or call the Police on 101, or 999, as        and the signal is picked up from where you
appropriate.                                      are ringing from. In rural East Bassetlaw
Shield the keypad when typing in your PIN         many parishes are located close to county
number at a cash machine, or in a shop.           boundaries, hence the first question. Then,
Only withdraw as much cash as you need and        you are asked if you know the person or
avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Put         extension number of the department you
your money and cards away (not in your back       require. At this stage, just hold the line. After
pocket) safely before leaving the machine.        this, there are a number of options available.
                                                  For reporting an incident or crime the option
At this time of the year, in particular, there    is option 7 – there is no need to listen to all
never seems to be enough hours in the day.        the alternatives before selecting this option
Please remain security conscious over the         number.
Christmas period – remember criminals are
with us all the year round, they do not take a    Thanks again for all your interest and support.
break for Christmas.                              Please continue to follow the Government
                                                  instructions and guidelines. Keep safe and
Might I take this opportunity to ask you to       best regards.
remain vigilant around any contact from
potential fraudsters? I did mention this last     PCSO 8139 Dave Airey.
month in the Police report and there have
been reports made over the last month from
community members continuing to receive
this type of call on their land line numbers.
The number of reports towards the end of
the month has slightly decreased, but these
fraudsters will always be active with their
manipulative stories. There has also been
an uptake in people wishing to purchase
pets over the pandemic period. I did watch a
television programme a couple of weeks ago

Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

                                                                                          THANK YOU to all who have
all our contributors and                                                                  contributed to this month’s
readers, let us hope we                                                                   In view of the present guidelines we shall
will be back to normal                                                                    continue with the electronic version of
                                                                                          HEDS. We are reviewing this monthly.
production this year                                                                      Take care and stay safe everyone.
                                                                                          EDITORIAL TEAM
SOON. Please take care
of yourselves and each
other.                                                                                     Heds deadline
EDITORIAL TEAM                                                                             The deadline for the FEBRUARY EDITION
                                                                                           will be the 14 January. Thank you.
                                                                                           EDITORIAL TEAM

                                                                                           Editorial Team

                                                                                        FROM THE CHURCH REGISTER
HEDS Editorial Team
                                                                                        RIP. Suzanne Davies. Died 20th November
Ann Hickman - Editor
ann@ityldu.co.uk		           01777 818993
                                                                                        2020. Funeral was 7th December 2020.
Tony Hercock - Treasurer
hedstogether@gmail.com       01777 818180                                               HOLY TRINITY SERVICE
Ann Hercock - Advertising                                                               Sunday 10th January. 11.15 am. Holy
hedstogether@gmail.com       01777 818180                                               Communion.
Adrian McGuigan - Design and production
studio@mcguigandesign.co.uk 01777 816784                                                OIL Syndicate
Sue Redfern - Distribution                                                              The ordering dates for the firts quater of 2021
			                          01777 817194
                                                                                        are as follows:
Mollie Hall
                                                                                        18 January
Disclaimer & Copyright                                                                  15 February
The views expressed within this newsletter DO NOT necessarily reflect the views
of the Editorial Panel. We make every effort and take great care in the assembly        15 March
and production of this newsletter. However, we accept no responsibility for
matters or disputes arising as a result of errors, printing errors, stories, features
or advertisements which appear in this publication. Submitted articles, pictures
and advertisements are accepted on the understanding that the contents are
true and accurate and that the contributor owns the copyright or has cleared the
material for use and that HEDS Together has permission to publish all or part of        Dingbat Puzzle answers:
that submitted material.
                                                                                        Parting of the ways
                                                                                        Equal rights

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