Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI

Page created by Bonnie Dawson
Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
Late important news may always
                          be found on the website check;-

                   Sailing Club
                Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
                           Incorporating The Mainshed
     New Quay, Trefusis Road, Flushing, Falmouth, TR11 5TZ Charity No.

February 2021 Mainsheet from the Commodore:
As we creep slowly towards the sailing season, it seems only human to grasp at little shoots of
optimism as they arise. I was astonished to find how much my own spirits rose when I had my
Covid jab. After a childhood spent in Africa with regular inoculations against various nasty
sounding diseases, I hadn’t expected to react so positively to that treat.
The new building:
Anyone who has looked across to Flushing recently can witness that our new building is rapidly
taking shape, albeit shrouded in scaffolding. We had an excellent Tuesday Lockdown Lecture
delivered by Dave Owens and David Mitchell last week, showing the progress and shape of
things to come. I think we are all astounded at the rate of progress from a leaky roof through
planning, fundraising and project management to get to where we are now.
The shortfall diminishes even with the unavoidable overrun on certain elements of the build
such as the piling. With an estimated £23,000 to raise we are beginning to research new pots,
pans, crockery, cutlery and furniture. Donations and some amazing in kind contributions are
continuing to come in for this last but vital stretch.
Membership renewals:
Have you renewed and sent back your form? Please check your bank balances! If you have
mislaid your form, as ever, one can be downloaded from the website or print page 12 of this
We had hoped that our new building would inspire some new members to join and encourage
our existing faithful to renew. The response has been fantastic and you should shortly be receiv-
ing your Sailing Instruction Booklet, etc. However, there are still some members in the latter cat-
egory who have yet to do so. This is totally understandable in the present climate and I don’t
mean the unrelenting rain! We are being optimistic that we will be running racing and building
on the experience from last year.

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
Crews can join too!
Our recent Management Committee meeting indulged in a vigorous debate about our member-
ship fees and structure. One of our resolutions was to ask all our skippers to encourage their
crew members to take out a membership. We want people to feel welcome and part of a good
Amended AGM date:
For technical reasons the Management Committee have decided to postpone our Annual AGM
from Tuesday 16th March to Tuesday 30th March. This will again be via Zoom unless a miracle
occurs. You will receive a Notice and Agenda in due course.
Looking forward
Gaye Slater
Commodore FSC CIO

                   Mainshed 3 Late Janruary
For those who missed the Tuesday Night talk on 9th February on the build progress
the content can be viewed by clicking on this link Build News January
                                      Views from the
                                      new ops room.
                                         Fund Raising
                                We still need to raise near
                                £20,000 to finish the
                                construction and to enable
                                the purchase of new
furniture etc. Currently fundraising is being led by the following members in five
key areas:- • Member donations Gaye Slater and Barry Kelly • Community
Donations Guy English • In Kind Contributions Dave Owens/Chris Bell •
Corporate Donations John Hicks • Charitable Grants Peter Harvey/Ian & Jenny
Jakeways • Local Grant Aid Peter Harvey Dave Owens, Guy English, Gaye Slater
Tuesday Talks
It will come as no surprise that the Club's programme of Tuesday
evening talks will have to take place in a rather different format. Even if
we were not still in the throes of Covid-19, we don't have a clubhouse,
(yet but it’s getting nearer) and more important, a bar. We hope that all
these problems will be solved in the spring (or maybe the summer?). In

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
the meantime, we hope to be able to run some activities within the
guidelines (whatever is current at the time). For more up to date
information See http://www.flushingsailingclub.co.uk/tuesday_talks.htm

                 The Racing Scene
                 Best racing is still in the bathtub, enjoy while you can.
                 Some members are considering starting a series of Bathtub races
                 by zoom. Sailing committee note!! (The mind boggles at the

                               America's Cup
            As this Mainsheet goes to press the Finals of the
            preliminary series are taking place. This series
            decides which boat faces New Zeeland in the final
            best 7 races in March for the fabled Americas Cup.
            Latest fast moving (in all senses) racing can be
 followed on this link;-
 PRADA Cup Final Race 4 - YouTube
Vendee Globe report https://youtu.be/JK9scQwhcHY

This photograph is from
Peter Crockford who asks
if anybody can identify
the boats and perhaps date
when the photo was
Replies to;
Or to Peter at ;-
info@sailtech.co.uk and
01326 376550
The members would like
to know as well.

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
A small commemorative
                                      burgee will be sent to all
                                      those who enter the
                                      racing this year to fly
                                      from their backstay for
                                      the whole of the
                                      centenary season.
                                      2 larger flags will be
                                      flown at the sailing club
                                      and on the committee
boat, when the club is open and the committee boat is on duty.
This Month’s definitions: -
Bottom The land under the waves. Charts note the characteristics of the bottom
in shorthand form. Some types of bottom are noted as Ugh, Grvl, Sht, Dsgstg, Snd,
Ooooz, Hrrbl, Best to Anchor on Snd if any.
Compass. A device to indicate the position of heavy iron objects on board while
not indicating the position of the True North. Note. The instrument contains
alcohol which must not be sampled unless Gin is in very short supply.
      An Even Earlier Flushing Sailing Club
                                                   Flushing Sailing Club was
                                                   filmed 50 years ago. More
                                                   shots have been extracted
                                                   from that short amateur film
                                                   made of 1967 regatta, and
                                                   these shots are even earlier
                                                   showing mostly dinghies
                                                   and the original ticket office
                                                   shelter before the recent last
                                                   Clubhouse was built. Can
                                                   you identify the date of the
film?. https://youtu.be/Ae7xjdW_5mw

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
Mini Transat continued.
   The conclusion of an ‘Adventure on Board the Yacht ‘Smiling Tree’.
                         From September 1st, 1979
You will remember Smiling Tree had arrived in the Caribbean. This is
the last installment of the epic voyage. Anybody who has seen the boat
building areas of south Brittany will wonder what boat building could
have developed and remained in West Cornwall had the Mini Transat
remained organized from Penzance and Falmouth area.
I was just a few short steps away from my first Rum Collins. A lot of the
other boats were already in and the welcome was beautiful. There were
lots of friends there from Santa Cruz, and some from Antigua when I
was there three years before with Pete and Steve. It was so good to be
there. I only managed to finish 19th on the second leg, but because some
of the boats that beat me were so far behind in Tenerife, I managed to
hold on to my 13th place overall, which was about 4th production boat.
Also, the Anderson Prize (for Best British Boat) was safe from the
clutches of Bob Salmon, my nearest rival. Although he arrived in
Antigua before me, he was so far back in Tenerife (four and a half days)
I finished three days ahead of him on aggregate. Amy arrived several
days later. She had hit a container just after the start and she had had to
go back to Santa Cruz to check her boat for damage. When she eventual
got away she had better conditions and actually did the crossing in just
over twenty days, as fast as Norton Smith, in ‘American Express’, who
won. It was great to see her again. Actually, I felt quite pleased with
myself. I had sailed over 4,200 miles, single handed, in an overgrown
Enterprise dinghy, at an average speed of just under 5 knots, and that
was not slow by any stretch of the imagination. The prize giving was a
fairly formal occasion with some of the local dignitaries attending. I was
presented with an empty envelope, which was supposed to contain a
cheque for £100 for winning the Anderson Prize for best British boat to
finish. Bob Salmon was really not happy I won it instead of him. The
trophy was presented two years later at the start of the 1981 race at
Penzance Sailing club. A couple of congratulatory telegrams arrived a
few days after I arrived, and that seemed to make it all worthwhile. In

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
any case, Antigua was not a bad place to be at that time of year, so I
thought I might as well lay back and enjoy the occasion. It had sure cost
me enough effort getting there and Nelsons’ Dockyard was as good a
place to be as anywhere. The only problem was, Brian wanted his boat
back in the UK intime for it to be on show at the Earls Court Boatshow
in January. C’est la vie!.

After a few days a lot of the French boats went South to Guadeloupe and
I followed them as I had to arrange shipment of the boat home to
England. I sailed ‘Smiling Tree’ down to Guadeloupe for a little post
race socialising with the French contingent, stopping overnight in
Deshayes Bay, and from there I arranged to have her shipped back to Le
Havre by a French shipping company. Jock Blair of Production Yachts
had kindly agreed to pay the shipping costs. Unfortunately, she did not
arrive in time to be on display at the Earls Court boat show, which had
been the intention. Jock was not particularly pleased about that. Lots of
the French boats were put up for sale to finance the crew’s air fares
home or to fund extended holidays in the islands. Francois Carpente had
run onto a reef just before he finished and he had to get his mastless boat
out of impound on Antigua so Francois, Enda O’Coineen and me went
over in a local fishing boat and brought it back in the dead of night
through the Point a Pitre canal. We had one last evening in the Admiral’s
Inn before we left. I had another week or two in Point a Pitre trying to
learn some more French and getting the boat ready for the lift out onto
the freighter. Then I flew back to England via Paris (Jock Blair kindly
paid for the air fare as well) and had to make a big effort to get back into
real life again---it felt like I had been on another planet for three months.
My life had been totally consumed by the MiniTransat since September.
Also See the PSC history of the Mini Transat at:-

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
Membership matters
A reminder for Members who still owe
  the very modest subs for 2021. The
club needs your money to complete the
        splendid new facilities.
Membership Secretary writes;-

Many thanks to the 70% of our members who managed to take
advantage of the early payers’ discount and have paid their annual
subscriptions before January 31st. Also, thank you again to those of you
who gave, in addition donations to the club's building fund, it all helps.
For the 30% of you still to pay your annual subscriptions, I know the
treasurer would appreciate an early settlement, as currently subscriptions
are our principal source of income.

If you have mislaid your renewal form, you can find another 2021 form
(and the subscription rates) below and on the club website
(www.flushingsailingclub.co.uk ) in the membership section or on page
12 of this Mainsheet. Those of you wishing to become new members can
join using the same form.

Those of you paying by bank transfer please send your forms to Barry
Kelly in the first instance (address on form or barryk252@gmail.com ).

Paul Evans
(Membership Secretary) 01326376456 / 07967604495

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
2021 rates
    Category                                                   Full Re-
                                                               rate duced
    Single (adults over 18)                                    £85   £75
    Family (including all children aged 25 years or younger)   £95   £85
    Pensioner (70 and over)                                    £65   £55
    Pensioner family (both 70 and over)                        £75   £65
    Outport (Single adult over 18)                             £65   £55
    Outport family (including all children aged 25 or younger) £75   £65
An Outport member is a person domiciled beyond the county
boundaries. The majority have paid this year’s subs but those unpaid
have missed the discounted reduced rate, as listed above and only
available before February 1st. If you haven’t paid by now thank you for
helping the building fund by paying those few pounds extra NOW.
Please complete your membership form and confirm your address and E
Mail. Send to; Barry Kelly barryk252@gmail.com or Hon. Treasurer FSC,
12 Wellington Terrace, Falmouth, TR11 3BN. Tel. No: 01326 313606.
Pay now; Account: Flushing Sailing Club Sort Code: 09-01-51 Account
No.: 99335508
Due to the Pandemic and lack of Clubhouse any delayed Membership
acknowledgements will be dispatched within days of this Mainsheet
                         Is still contributing to
                         the building funds
                        from On-Line
                       purchases, keep it up.
                                     Click picture

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
Len reports Good news, at least two people read the last Mainsheet.               Two lott
lottery prizes have been claimed and donated to the building fund.
Now only one winner outstanding. He is Martin Brooks. We Thank those who
have helped the building fund,

                             For Sale and wanted
100% of the proceeds to the Flushing sailing club building fund.
Geoff Davis has some useful items for sale to the benefit of the club
New yacht rope best quality good for Halyards or sheets.
10mm braided rope with a red marker any length .90p per mt + delivery
12mm Braided rope with a red maker any length £1.25 per mt + delivery
Tel 01736754708Geoff Davies(scorpion) Two Items both brand new and
unused. Contact David Mitchell and make an offer. He suggests between £50 and
£100. David.Mitchell@mitchellevans.co.uk> 0r Phone 07771 563776

A second hand 12V anchor windlass working or not. In exchange for money and a
contribution to the building fund. Ring 07836217631
                          Local Sailing News
    It is reported that the Shanty Festival 2021 has been cancelled. It will probably
    be held virtually as it was in 2020

Flushing Sailing Club - Mainsheet Number 19 MMXXI
Official Notice Board
FHC (2019)
The Harbour Commissioners have issued their summary report for 2019. Good to
see that Energy Annabelle (she went aground as Kuzma Minim) who occupied the
Crossroads mooring for 2019 and part of 2020 did benefit someone. The report is

                                          At 15:52
                                          19th January Falmouth Coastguard
                                          requested that Falmouth Inshore Life-
                                          boat be launched following various re-
                                          ports of several windsurfers or stand-
                                          up paddle boarders in difficulties off
                                          Trefusis Point in Falmouth Harbour.
The Falmouth Coastguard Cliff Rescue Team were also tasked to assist. The
Inshore Lifeboat headed across the harbour arriving on scene off Kiln Quay.
The first casualty advised they did not require any assistance. The Inshore
Lifeboat proceeded to Trefusis Point where it located a second casualty ac-
companied by a Zap Cat who again advised that they did not require any as-
sistance. The Inshore Lifeboat stood by while they also made their way to Kiln
Quay. Further information was received from the Coastguard that another
paddle boarder had been reported in difficulties, so the Inshore Lifeboat car-
ried out a search from Penarrow Point to Greenbank, but nothing was found.
The two reported casualties were in fact wing-surfers who had clearly been
struggling in the prevailing weather conditions but had managed to make their
way back to Kiln Quay escorted by the Zap Cat that was accompanying them.

13th feb The Inshore Lifeboat launched to a sinking yacht and headed up the
harbour a. Lifeboat crew were placed on board a yacht to investigate the wa-
ter ingress. The Inshore Lifeboats salvage pump was transferred to the yacht
but given the prevailing weather conditions the All Weather Lifeboat was re-
quested to launch to provide additional support including the use of its larger
salvage pump. The Inshore Lifeboat collected an additional pump from the
lifeboat. Once the water level on the yacht had been significantly reduced the
water ingress was confirmed to be coming from the yacht’s transom due to the
rough weather conditions. It was agreed that the occupant of the yacht would

be taken ashore, while the owner of the yacht made arrangements for the ves-
sel to be recovered by a commercial company. Once the Inshore Lifeboat had
dropped the casualty ashore at the Greenbank Quay, it returned to the yacht
where it recovered the remaining crewman and the pumps. The occupant of
the yacht had contacted the Coastguard as they were concerned about the in-
gress of water and their own safety. Once the situation had been stabilised
and the casualty was safely ashore the recovery of the yacht was left in the
hands of a local salvage company.

From Jelly and by Spike Milligan

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