Food Versus Fuel: How Biofuels Make Food More Costly and Gasoline Cheaper

V. 12 no. 1 • Sep/Oct 2008
Food Versus Fuel:
How Biofuels Make Food More Costly and Gasoline Cheaper
Steven Sexton, Deepak Rajagopal, David Zilberman, and Gal Hochman

                                                             iofuel production in the United            The rapid increases in food prices
                                                             States has been ridiculed in recent    that began in 2007 have resulted in
 This paper describes forces behind                          months, following the release of       deadly food riots, increased robberies
 rising food prices and presents a
                                                     reports that suggest ethanol and biod-         of food-aid caravans, export restric-
 model to characterize the magnitude of
                                                     iesel not only increase greenhouse gas         tions in grain-producing countries,
 biofuel impacts on food and gasoline
                                                     emissions relative to fossil fuels, but        and pleas for supplemental funding
 prices. The results of this model are
 compared to other estimates. We                     also raise food prices and lower food          for food-aid programs. A 140 percent
 argue that a renewed commitment                     production. The impact of biofuels on          increase in food prices from 2002 to
 to agricultural productivity growth is              food markets came under particular             2008 led humanitarian organizations to
 needed to overcome current food and                 scrutiny this year as the world entered        predict human suffering and starvation
 fuel challenges.                                    its first food crisis in more than 30 years.   not seen in more than a generation. The
                                                     It is certainly true that biofuels have        Food and Agriculture Organization of
                                                     increased the price of agricultural com-       the United Nations (FAO) reports food
                                                     modities, but the magnitude of biofuel         prices increased 53 percent in just one
                                                     impacts on food markets is unsettled.          year from March 2007 to March 2008.
                                                     High food prices have been accompanied         Vegetable oils rose 97 percent, followed
Also in this issue                                   by record high oil prices, and, while          by grains, which rose 87 percent. Food
                                                     biofuels have been blamed for exacer-          price increases in the past year constitute
                                                     bating the former, they have not been          the most rapid increase over a 12-month
                                                     credited with mitigating the latter. But       period in more than 30 years. The 55
 How Can We Avoid Another                            just as surely as they have contributed to     percent increase in food prices in the
 Food Crisis in Niger?                               raising food prices, biofuels have helped      past 12 months is exceeded only by
 Jenny C. Aker...................................7   reduce oil prices relative to prices that      their doubling from 1973 to 1974. The
                                                     would prevail absent biofuel produc-           poor will suffer most from high prices
                                                     tion. This article presents a model to         because they devote large shares of their
 Faculty Profile:                                    demonstrate the effects of biofuels on         household budgets to food purchases.
 Pierre Mérel...................................11   corn, soybean, and gasoline prices, and        Even in countries where the rural
                                                     to derive the distribution of benefits         poor benefit on average from higher
                                                     from U.S. biofuel production. We con-          prices for their agricultural output,
 In the next issue...                                clude that biofuels have a nontrivial          the poorest of the poor will suffer.
                                                     impact on food security. We argue that
 Special Issue: Causes and                           underinvestment in research and over-          Forces Driving Food Price Inflation
 Consequences of the Food                            regulation of agricultural biotechnology       Biofuels are not solely responsible, nor
 Price Crisis                                        led to a decline in productivity growth        necessarily principally responsible, for
                                                     that is also responsible for higher prices     changes in the food security climate. A
                                                     and must be reversed if global food            variety of supply-side and demand-side
                                                     and energy security are to improve.            forces are at play. Among these is the
for commodities planted to genetically
Figure 1. Fuel Costs as Share of Total Operating Costs
                                                                                                                                      modified (GM) seed and commodities
                             40                                                                                                       not produced from agricultural bio-
                                                                                                                                      technology. Figure 2 shows persistent
                                                                                                                                      gains in productivity for corn, soybeans,
Percent of Operating Costs

                             30                                                                                                       and cotton—crops for which GM tech-
                                                                                                                                      nology has been employed. Yields for
                                                                                                                                      staple crops like wheat and sorghum,
                             20                                                                                                       however, are shown to have stagnated
                                                                                                                                      since 1990, as gains from the Green
                                                                                                                                      Revolution are exhausted. With slow
                             10                                                                                                       productivity growth, food prices will be
                                                                                                                                      propelled higher by a rising world popu-
                                                                                                                                      lation and a shift toward meat-intensive
                              0                                                                                                       diets induced by rising incomes.









                                                                                                                                          Biofuels also increase demand for
                                                                                                                                      agricultural production. Biofuels have
                                                                            Corn           Soybean          X   Wheat
                                                                                                                                      been supported by governments despite
increase in oil prices in recent years.                                                  those that are energy intensive, like        their inflationary effect on food prices
Oil prices have nearly doubled since                                                     fertilizers (70-90 percent of fertilizer     because they are perceived to reduce
2006 from an average $66/barrel in                                                       costs are embodied in energy). As costs      greenhouse gas emissions relative to
2006 to a forecasted average $116/barrel                                                 of production increase, the supply           fossil fuels, improve energy indepen-
in 2008. Prices rose 60 percent in just                                                  curve for agricultural commodities           dence, and spur rural development. As
the past year. These oil price increases                                                 shifts up, raising market prices.            a consequence of favorable government
raise the cost of agricultural production                                                    On the demand side, population           intervention and energy prices that
and transportation. Direct costs of fuel                                                 growth and income growth generate            make biofuels cost-competitive with
purchases have averaged about seven                                                      sustained upward pressure on prices.         gasoline, global biofuel production has
percent of farm operating costs since                                                    By 2050, the world population is             grown markedly in recent years, reach-
1992, but have begun to rise as a share                                                  expected to grow by half. Historically,      ing 6,500 billion gallons in 2007—four
of costs in recent years. Figure 1 depicts                                               such a rate of population growth was         times the production of 2000.
the increasing fuel share of operating                                                   exceeded by agricultural productiv-              Existing biofuels are produced from
costs for five field crops (cotton,                                                      ity growth. From 1950 to 2000, for           agricultural crops traditionally used for
corn, soybeans, wheat, and rice) from                                                    instance, per capita food production         food or feed. Ethanol, which dominates
2000 to 2009 (data for 2007–2009 are                                                     increased even as the world popula-          biofuel production in the United States
forecasts). High fuel prices also raise                                                  tion doubled. This improvement in            and Brazil (and India to some extent),
the price of farm inputs, particularly                                                   per capita food production occurred          is presently produced from corn and
                                                                                         despite a shrinking agricultural land        sugarcane. Biodiesel, produced mainly
             Table 1. Elasticity Assumptions                                             base because adoption of farming tech-       in the E.U., is made from soybeans and
             for Simulations                                                             nologies like mechanization, irrigation,     rapeseed. Biofuel, therefore, increases
                                                          Scenarios                      and chemicals promoted significant           demand for these staple crops so long
Own price                                          High       Mid          Low           productivity gains. There is, however,       as crop prices are not too high to make
supply elasticities                                                                      little capacity for additional gains from    biofuels unprofitable. In 2007, 20 per-
                                                                                         these technologies, particularly in the      cent of the U.S. corn harvest was used in
                                          Corn     0.5        0.4          0.3
                                                                                         developed world. New sources of pro-         ethanol production and farmers planted
                                           Soy     0.5        0.4          0.3
                                                                                         ductivity growth are needed to reverse       the largest crop in 63 years—93 mil-
                                           Gas     0.3        0.4          0.5
                                                                                         a trend of stagnating yield gains. Agri-     lion acres—nearly a 20 percent increase
Own price
                                                                                         cultural biotechnology is one source         from 2006. A second generation of bio-
demand elasticities
                                                                                         of yield improvements, though it is          fuels will make use of energy-specific
                                          Corn     -0.5      -0.4          -0.3          underutilized and overregulated. Still,      cellulosic crops that can be grown on
                                           Soy     -0.5      -0.4          -0.3          the effect of biotechnology cannot be        marginal land. Cellulosic biofuels would
                                           Gas     -0.3      -0.4          -0.5          missed when comparing yield trends           reduce the diversion of food crops for

2                                 Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
Figure 2. Production, Area Harvested, Inventories, and Yield for Staple Crops, 1990–2006

                                      35                                                                                                                               12                                                               100                                                                                                     3.5
                                                                  Corn                                                                                                                                                                                                    Soybean
                                      30                                                                                                                               10                                                                                                                                                                       3.0

                                                                                                                                                                           Yield (MT/Ha)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        70                                                                                                      2.5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yield (MT/Ha)
                                      20                                                                                                                                                                                                60
                                                                                                                                                                       6                                                                50
                                      15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1.5

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Area (1000s Ha.), Stocks (1000s MT)
Area (1000s Ha.), Stocks (1000s MT)

                                      10                                                                                                                                                                                                30                                                                                                      1.0
                                                                                                                                                                       2                                                                20
                                       5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0.5
                                       0                                                                                                                               0                                                                 0                                                                                                      0

















                                      30                                                                                                                               1.2                                                              80                                                                                                      3.5
                                      25                                                                                                                               1.0                                                                                                                                                                      3.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yield (MT/Ha)
                                                                                                                                                                                 Yield (MT/Ha)
                                      20                                                                                                                               0.8                                                              50
                                      15                                                                                                                               0.6                                                              40
                                      10                                                                                                                               0.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        20                                                                                                      1.0
                                       5                                                                                                                               0.2                                                                                                                                                                      0.5

                                       0                                                                                                                               0                                                                 0                                                                                                      0

















                                                                                                                      25                                                                                                                                                          5
                                                                                Area (1000s Ha.), Stocks (1000s MT)

                                                                                                                      20                                                                                                                                                          4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yield (MT/Ha)                        Production
                                                                                                                      15                                                                                                                                                          3
                                                                                                                      10                                                                                                                                                          2
                                                                                                                        5                                                                                                                                                         1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ending Stocks

                                                                                                                        0                                                                                                                                                         0









corn-ethanol and soybean-biodiesel, but                                                                                               feedstocks displace food crops and                                                                                                    low, food prices are susceptible to any
they are yet to be commercially viable.                                                                                               recruit idled land back into production.                                                                                              deviation in production from long-
   Biofuels also raise the costs of agri-                                                                                             In doing so, it reduces the supplies of                                                                                               term trends, which may explain why
cultural commodities not directly                                                                                                     food and environmental preservation.                                                                                                  wheat and rice prices increased more
used in energy production. By raising                                                                                                 The price boom since 2006 is also                                                                                                     than corn prices in the past year.
demand for inputs in farm production,                                                                                                 the result of tight markets with grain                                                                                                   Amid such tight markets and consid-
from tractors and fertilizer to water                                                                                                 inventories at historic lows. A number                                                                                                erable uncertainty, rice-producing
and land, biofuels raise production                                                                                                   of negative supply shocks to wheat and                                                                                                countries imposed export controls to
costs throughout agriculture. Perhaps                                                                                                 rice in recent years led to production                                                                                                protect domestic prices. Had produc-
nowhere is the pressure exerted by bio-                                                                                               shortfalls and caused a drawdown in                                                                                                   tion not exceeded expectations in 2008,
fuels felt more acutely than in livestock                                                                                             crop inventories. Inventories act as a                                                                                                the constrained international markets
production, a sector that faces rising                                                                                                buffer to random shocks to markets,                                                                                                   could have collapsed as more and more
costs for its primary input—feed. As                                                                                                  such as floods, droughts, or unusual                                                                                                  countries sought to insulate themselves
biofuel raises the rental rate of land,                                                                                               pest pressure. When inventories are

                                                                                                                                                                   Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California                                                                                                                       3
Figure 3. U.S. Corn Market
                                                                                                         (PB > PA ) and reduces the quantity of
                                                                                                         corn for other uses (QFB < QA ). We
                                                                                                         assume the U.S. market clears and deter-
                                                                                                         mines the price for traded corn; the U.S.
                                                                                     S                   supplies 70 percent of traded corn. The
                                                                                                         soy, ethanol, and gasoline markets are
                                                                                                         modeled as described in Rajagopal et al.
                                                                                                         (See references on page 6.)
          P0                                                                                                 We provide results for three sce-
                                                                                                         narios, which we call high, mid, and
          PB                                                                                             low, depending on the change in net
          PA                                                                                             consumer (surplus) due to biofuels.
                                                                                                         The high scenario is characterized by an
                                                                                                         elastic (price responsive) food market
                                                                                                         and inelastic (unresponsive to price)
                                                                                          DB             gasoline market. It is in this scenario
                                                                                                         that biofuel supply has the largest
                                                                                                         positive impact on gasoline consumers
                                                                                                         and smallest negative impact on food
                                        QFB   QA    QTB                                   Q
                                                                                                         consumers. In the opposite scenario,
from higher and higher prices with                           Specifically, we assume demand for          characterized by a highly inelastic food
greater export restrictions.                              corn in the United States is composed of       market and a highly elastic gasoline
                                                          domestic ethanol demand, domestic              market, food consumers suffer the most
Quantifying the Effects                                   demand for other uses (such as food and        and gasoline consumers benefit the
To estimate the impact of U.S. biofuel                    feed), and world excess demand. Figure         least. The mid scenario lies in between.
production on food and fuel markets                       3 depicts the U.S. market for corn where       The elasticities we use in the three
and to determine the magnitude of                         demand is given by DA with no demand           scenarios are reported in Table 1.
welfare effects, we developed a global                    for ethanol and DB with demand for                 Research suggests our “high” sce-
multi-market partial equilibrium                          biofuel. DA represents domestic                nario may not be too optimistic and
model constituted by markets                              demand for corn for uses other than bio-       may, in fact, be conservative: elastici-
for corn, soybeans, biofuel and                           fuel and world excess demand. DB also          ties for gasoline, soy, and corn tend to
gasoline. We consider two regions,                        includes demand for ethanol, which is          be less than 0.25 in the short run.
the United States and the Rest of the                     assumed to be zero above P0. We                Although we include the impact of
World (ROW), but assume that the                          assume linear supply and demand for            biodiesel on the soy market, we do not
responsiveness to prices of quantity                      simplicity. Without biofuel demand,            estimate the impact of biodiesel produc-
supplied and demanded (elasticities)                      price is PA and production is QA. The          tion on diesel prices, which also serves
does not vary across regions. Using                       quantity of corn for food and feed is QA.      to make our estimate of the fuel market
observed prices and quantities from                       With biofuel demand, the price is PB,          impact of biofuels a conservative one.
2007—when there was demand                                production is QTB and production for
for biofuels—and assumptions on                           food and feed is QFB. The quantity of          Results and Discussion
supply and demand elasticities,                           corn for ethanol is QTB– QFB. As can be        Using data from 2007, in which 18.3
we constructed the counterfactual                         seen by comparing equilibria with and          percent of U.S. corn production was
prices and quantities that would have                     without biofuel demand, biofuel                used for ethanol, we find that ethanol
prevailed absent biofuel demand.                          demand increases the price of corn             raised corn prices at least 18 percent
Table 2. Price Changes from U.S. Biofuel Production
                                                                                                         and perhaps as much as 39 percent,
                                                                                                         depending on elasticity assumptions.
                  Corn Price Changes           Soybeans Price Changes       Gasoline Price Changes       These results are summarized in Table
                  Percent     $/ Bushel        Percent       $/ Bushel       Percent          $/Gallon   2, along with dollar savings per bushel,
    High            -15%        -0.72              -10%        -1.00          2.4%              0.07     based on an average price of corn in
    Mid             -20%        -0.92              -13%        -1.34          1.8%              0.05     the United States of $4.72/bushel in
    Low            -28%         -1.31              -20%        -2.02          1.4%              0.04     2007. Under reasonable estimates, we

4              Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
find that U.S. ethanol production in
                                            Table 3. Welfare Effects of U.S. Biofuel Production (in billions of dollars)
2007 (4.4 billion gallons on an energy-
equivalent basis) reduced gasoline                                                             High                 Mid                  Low
prices at least 1.4 percent and as much     Welfare Change
as 2.4 percent, or $0.04 to $0.07 per         World consumers*                                -2.5713           -25.2875             -54.8611
gallon. These results are also reported       U.S. consumers*                                 -3.8153           -10.2098             -19.1565
in Table 2. The Energy Information            U.S. consumers net of tax*                      -7.5303           -13.9248             -22.8715
Administration has estimated savings          ROW consumers*                                   4.959             -11.3627            -31.9896
as high as $0.11 per gallon.                  World gas consumers                            41.695              31.2709              25.0166
    Based on this analysis, we find that      U.S. gas consumers                               9.6271              7.2203              5.7762
under the most optimistic assump-             ROW gas consumers                              32.0678             24.0506              19.2404
tions on biofuel impacts (our “high”          World food consumers                          -40.5513            -52.8434             -76.1627
scenario), gasoline consumers around
                                              U.S. food consumers                           -13.4424             -17.4301            -24.9326
the world benefited from lower gasoline
                                              ROW food consumers                             -27.1089            -35.4133            -51.23
prices by $41.7 billion. Consumers of
                                              World corn and soy producers                   20.7519             27.016               38.8874
soybeans and corn, however, lost $40.6
                                              U.S. corn and soy producers                      8.4425            10.9703              15.7465
billion from higher food prices. On net,
consumer welfare declined by $2.6 bil-        ROW corn and soy producers                     12.3095             16.0457              23.1408
lion from U.S. ethanol production in        Total U.S. Welfare Change                          0.9122             -2.9545             -7.125
the best-case scenario (after deducting
                                            Total World Welfare Change                       18.1806               1.7285            -15.9737
the taxpayer cost of ethanol subsidies
from the net consumer benefits). In           * Total consumer welfare change is the net effect of food and gas price effects. By region, the change
                                              in welfare for food consumers is added to the change in welfare for gas consumers.
the worst-case scenario, world con-
sumers lost $54.8 billion in surplus.       Council of Economic Advisors (CEA),                    in 2008. Interestingly, inventories for
These results are summarized in Figure      the USDA, and the Farm Foundation.                     non-biofuel crops have fallen as much
4, while Table 3 summarizes welfare         These other studies generate a range in                as or more than the stocks of biofuel
gains to U.S., foreign, and all produc-     the share of food price increases attrib-              crops (corn and soybeans), as seen
ers and consumers under the three sets      utable to biofuels of 23–61 percent.                   in Figure 2. This suggests that slow
of elasticity assumptions. The total            A report by the World Bank identi-                 productivity growth is an important
welfare in the United States (net U.S.      fied much larger impacts from biofuels                 factor in the decline of food security.
consumer benefit + net U.S. producer        on food markets. It found that biofuels
benefit) improves by $0.9 billion with      were responsible for three-fourths of a                Biotechnology and the
biofuel production under our optimis-       140 percent increase in food prices from               Food-Fuel Trade-off
tic (“high”) scenario. But it declines      2002 to 2008, or roughly a 50 percent                  Investment in agricultural research
under the other two scenarios. Like-        increase in the past year. This estimate               has declined in recent years, perhaps
wise, total global welfare is improved      is considerably higher than an estimate                the result of complacency during
under the “high” and “mid” scenarios        by the CEA that biofuels raised food                   a period of stable food prices. A
by $1.7–18.2 billion, but falls under       prices 1.5 percent from 2007 to 2008.                  lack of commitment to research
the “low” scenarios by $16 billion.         The World Bank analysis included indi-                 and development can be blamed
    Our analysis demonstrates that bio-     rect effects and long-term trends, while               for declining rates of yield growth.
fuels reduce the price of gasoline to       others did not. This may account for                   Productivity growth since 1990
the benefit of gasoline consumers and       the magnitude of the World Bank esti-                  has been half as fast as it was from
confirms other reports that biofuels hurt   mate. The fall in stockpiles since 1990                1970–1990. It is expected to continue
food consumers. Ours is the only analy-     can be seen in Figure 2 for five crops.                declining over the next ten years,
sis to consider distributional concerns,        Depletion of stocks may be particu-                according to the U.S. Department of
which suggest a trade-off between fuel      larly responsible for remarkable price                 Agriculture. From 1990–2007, the
for the rich and food for the poor. Our     spikes since 2007. Biofuel production                  world population grew at a rate of 1.4
analysis suggests biofuels are responsi-    increased most dramatically in 2006                    percent per year. Yields in grains and
ble for between 25–60 percent of recent     and 2007, and has not grown consider-                  oilseeds grew at only 1.1 percent per
corn price increases, which is consis-      ably in 2008. Yet food prices have risen               year. Until 2017, yields are expected
tent with reports from the President’s      most quickly and become most volatile                  to grow at 0.8 percent, 0.3 percentage

                                                          Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California                     5
Figure 4. Net Benefits to Gasoline and Food Consumers from Ethanol Supply in 2006
                                                                                                                                     considered is a food fund that could be
                                                                                                                                     tapped into to buy food for the poor in
                                                                                                                                     crisis situations. Another option may
                                           40                                                                                        be to tie government support for bio-
    Net Benefit in Billions of 2006 USD

                                                                                                                                     fuel to food market outcomes. When
                                                                                                                                     food production falls too low, subsidies
                                            0                                                                                        and mandates should be scaled back to
                                                         High                       Mid                        Low                   protect against hunger. Policymakers
                                                                                                                                     may also find it necessary to reconsider
                                          -40                                                                                        existing policies in light of the current
                                                                                                                                     food situation. They and researchers
                                          -60                                                                                        must recognize that the management
                                                                All             Gasoline        Corn and Soy                         of agriculture is increasingly becom-
                                                             Consumers         Consumers         Consumers
                                                                                                                                     ing a balancing act between energy,
                                          -100                                                                                       environment, and food objectives.
points less than forecasted population                                               existing technologies, but also slowed
growth. These trends are ominous,                                                    development of next generation geneti-
given expectations for income growth                                                 cally modified seed that is expected to         Steven Sexton is a Ph.D. student in the ARE
                                                                                                                                     department at UC Berkeley. He can be reached
and expansion of biofuel production.                                                 introduce drought-tolerant plants and           at David Zilberman
    Continued biofuel production and                                                 staple crops infused with additional            is a professor in the same department. Deepak
ongoing growth in food demand could                                                  nutrients like beta-carotene. Without a         Rajagopal is a Ph.D. candidate in the Energy
cause a persistence of food security chal-                                           market for their innovations, however,          Resources Group at UC Berkeley. Gal Hochman
                                                                                                                                     is a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley from the
lenges. The food insecurity observed                                                 there is little incentive for firms to invest   Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. He
today is not a matter of inevitability,                                              in agricultural biotechnology R&D.              can be reached at
however. It can likely be overcome                                                                                                   The authors wish to thank Colin Carter, Gordon
today and avoided in the future without                                              Conclusion                                      Rausser, and Aaron Smith for helpful comments.
                                                                                                                                     This research is funded by the Energy Biosciences
abandonment of biofuels if the world                                                 World agriculture is facing great               Institute and Farm Foundation.
regains its commitment to agricultural                                               challenges as growing demand for food
productivity growth and harnesses the                                                and fuel creates scarcity and induces
potential of agricultural biotechnology.                                             hunger. Even when considering just
In the past 15 years, genetically modi-                                              U.S. biofuel production, it is clear
fied (GM) crops have increased yields                                                biofuels have significantly reduced
of cotton, rice, and corn 30–50 percent.                                             gasoline prices, but at the expense
GM crops are infused with genes to                                                   of contributing to food shortages.
kill certain pests or provide immunity                                               The challenge for agriculture to meet            For more information, the authors
to common herbicides. They reduce                                                    growing food demand and growing                      recommend the following:
the share of crops that is damaged and,                                              energy demand requires all the tools
                                                                                                                                       Rajagopal, Deepak, Steven E. Sexton,
thereby, improve productivity. With the                                              available to improve productivity,                 David Roland-Holst, and David
demand pressures facing agriculture,                                                 including agricultural biotechnology. It           Zilberman. “Challenge of Biofuel:
biotechnology is an valuable mecha-                                                  also creates urgency for the development           Filling the Tank without Empty-
nism for resolving an untenable food                                                 of commercially viable cellulosic biofuel          ing the Stomach.” Environmental
and energy situation. GM crops lessen                                                technologies that reduce demand for                Research Letters, December 2007.
the land constraint and permit greater                                               staple crops and make more efficient use          Mitchell, Donald. “A Note On
production of food and energy crops                                                  of resources than current technologies.            Rising Food Prices.” The World
                                                                                                                                        Bank Policy Research Work-
on the existing agricultural land base.                                                  The development of second genera-              ing Paper 4682. The World Bank:
    Though GM crops have been adopted                                                tion biofuels may take some time and               Washington (DC). July 2008.
around the world at an astonishing                                                   productivity gains from biotechnol-               Abott, Phillip C., Christopher Hurt,
rate, regulation, particularly in Europe,                                            ogy may be gradual. Therefore, it will             and Wallace E. Tyner. “What’s
has reduced the market for agricultural                                              be necessary to develop mechanisms                 Driving Food Prices?” Farm Foun-
biotechnology in recent years. This                                                  to fight food shortages in the short-              dation Issue Report. Farm Founda-
has not only slowed yield growth from                                                run. One mechanism that should be                  tion: Oak Brook (IL). July 2008.

6                                            Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics • University of California
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