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FORMA EDIZIONI   Forma is a publishing initiative aimed at the diffusion of knowledge
                 of trends and experiences in the fields of art, architecture and
                 photography and, more in general, at the promotion of the most
                 interesting researches on productive and technological aspects
                 related to the transformation of the territory, contemporary
                 lifestyles and homes.
                      The intention of the publishing house is to give a “form” to
                 the expressive undercurrents which run through and animate
                 the current cultural debate and to explore both specific areas
                 of knowledge that are known to the public, and to give greater
                 visibility to those currently marginal intellectual and artistic
                 expressions that are considered, for various reasons, to open
                 new vistas on reality.
                      To achieve this, Forma avails itself, without any distinction
                 of priority, of all means of communication, both digital by making
                 its publications available on the internet or by means of e-books,
                 and traditional ones, by printing volumes on paper, such as
                 monographs and catalogues of exhibitions and events.
                      Every initiative is characterized by the high quality of the overall
                 product (including images and printing). The publications are
                 distributed in places (specialized bookstores, museum bookshops
                 and exhibition venues) which, in addition to being available on
                 the internet, assure the necessary and indispensable presence
                 in the “sites” where opinions and critic valuations are formed.
ENGLISH EDITION                                            ENGLISH EDITION
    GREEN ENERGY                  The cooperation agreement signed between                  I AM MUSEUM                         ISBN 978-88-55210-69-0     NEW NATIONAL                    ISBN 978-88-55210-75-1

    LABORATORY                    Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Italian                                                                            STADIUM
                                  Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Pro-               NEW                                                            OF ALBANIA
                                                                                                                                ITALIAN EDITION                                            ITALIAN EDITION
                                  tection, led to the construction of the GEL,              bound hardback                  9 ISBN
                                                                                                                                 788855      210690
                                                                                                                                   978-88-55210-67-6                                   9      788855
                                                                                                                                                                                           ISBN            210751
                                  acronym of the ‘Green Energy Laboratory’.                 20 x 28 cm
                                       It was designed by the Florentine architectural      352 pages
                                                                                                                                                           bound hardback
                                  firm, Archea Associati. Created as a research centre      € 65.00
                                                                                                                                                           33.5 x 28 cm
                                                                                                                            9     788855          210676   304 pages                   9     788855       210720
                                  and laboratory for the analysis and diffusion of low
                                  carbon emission technologies in the construction          edited by
                                                                                                                                                           edited by
                                  and housing sector, the GEL building is a plain           Italo Rota
                                                                                                                                                           Laura Andreini
                                  rectangular structure composed of only two                with Elisabetta Farioli
                                  elements to create the general concept. The top, or                                                                      Monograph dedicated to the project of the National
                                  third floor, is recessed in relation to the main block,   in collaboration with                                          Stadium of Albania realized by the studio Archea
                                  with a steeply sloped roof to house solar panels.         Francesca Grassi                                               Associati of Florence and inaugurated in 2019.
                                                                                            and Antonella Huber                                                The layout of the stadium was configured based
                                  The outer shell of the building’s double skin is
                                  composed of terracotta elements designed to form                                                                         on a rectangular octagon so that each facet allows
                                                                                            This is not simply a museum catalogue but acts as              access to separate functions. This facilitates the
    NEW                           pictograms common in the Chinese language. The            the entrance to a museum itself: the Italo Rota’s              regulation of traffic flows, so that the guests and
                                  whole complex incorporates these two elements in          project for the new Musei Civici in Reggio Emilia, a
    bound hardback
                                  a strictly complementary form. The discernable aim                                                                       customers of the private areas, such as the hotel
    24,5 x 32,5 cm                                                                          complex, sophisticated project involving one of the            tower and commercial areas, use different entrances
    136 pages                     of the project is to represent a symbol of intercultu-    most ancient museums in Italy in a city that today,
                                  ral cooperation between Italy and China, since both                                                                      than the stadium spectators. The entire perimeter of
    € 35,00                                                                                 has assumed a new role in contemporary society.                the building features an overhang that permitted the
                                  countries have a thousand-year-old history of                 A museum that is proposed as an archive of the
                                  energy saving and environmental comfort, especial-                                                                       creation of a large portico, so that visitors can safely
    edited by                                                                               common heritage, beginning with the physical aspect            circulate around the entire building while sheltered
    Laura Andreini                ly in the field of residential construction.              of the testimonies to continue with an even critical
                                       The book, that includes critical essays, technical                                                                  from sun or rain. Internally, the new stadium presents
    with texts by                                                                           re-examination of local history. As well as the texts by       an original structure inspired by the forms of Roman
                                  drawings, photos of the construction site and the         the project curator the book also includes articles by
    Valerio Paolo Mosco
                                  completed project, illustrates the harmony of this                                                                       theater architecture, with the stands as the cavea
    and Zhenning Fang                                                                       conservators and researchers, part of the teamwork             and the fourth side, with the hotel, representing the
                                  structure through its perfect blend of tradition,         that also involved museum directors and collection
                                  architectural ingenuity and sustainability.                                                                              large scaenae frons. This “theatre backdrop” hosts a
                                                                                            curators, in a constant dialogue between exhibition            small VIP grandstand, limited to 1,500 spectators,
                                                                                            concepts, scientific requirements, and requests for            surmounted by a longitudinal expanse of glazing with
                                  Laura Andreini graduated from the Architecture            participation.
                                  Faculty of Florence in 1990, completing her PhD at                                                                       exclusive skyboxes. The boxes in the center are
                                                                                                The description of this unusual project is rich in         reserved for officials and the press. Above the
                                  the same university in 1997. In 1988 she founded the      images of great visual impact, an elaborate montage
                                  Archea firm together with Marco Casamonti and                                                                            skyboxes, the perimeter of the roof is finished by a
                                                                                            of archive photos, images by master photographers              large blind wall onto which the videowall is mounted.
                                  Giovanni Polazzi. She has, over the years, combined       from the city collection, and commissioned news
                                  her activities as an architect and teacher with an                                                                           Photos of the construction site and of the
                                                                                            reports on the completed projects.                             completed work, as well as technical drawings, offer
                                  intense work of in-depth research and critical
                                  reflection in the field of architecture. She has since                                                                   the possibility of analysing in detail this incredible
                                                                                            Italo Rota, architect and designer, graduated in 1982          arena for sport and leisure, a driving force for urban
                                  2003 held the position of vice editor in chief of the     from Milan Politecnico University, and began his
                                  “Area” magazine.                                                                                                         regeneration.
                                                                                            professional life working with Franco Albini and
                                                                                            Vittorio Gregotti. Before graduating, he worked with
    ITALIAN/ENGLISH EDITION                                                                 Pierluigi Nicolin to create the review “LotusInternatio-
    ISBN 978-88-55210-73-7                                                                  nal”, and with Gae Aulenti in the restoration and
                                                                                            staging of the Musée d’Orsay in Paris.
                                                                                            He spent over ten years in France, curating museum
                                                                                            staging and working on important restoration
9     788855         210737
                                                                                            projects On his return to Italy, he created further
                                                                                            exhibition projects and cultural spaces. He is
                                                                                            currently the Scientific Advisor at NABA, lecturer at
                                                                                            the Shanghai Wusong - International Art City
                                                                                            Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, and Advisor at the
                                                                                            Tsinghua University of Beijing.

    ARCHITECTURE              6                                                                                                                            7                                       ARCHITECTURE
ARCHITECTURES AT WORK.         Over the past sixty years the crisis regarding                ARCHITETTURE             This volume is presented in the form of a handbook
    TOWNS AND LANDSCAPES OF        economic models based on industrialisation has                TRASPARENTI              or manual for exploring the potential uses of glass
    INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE            resulted in widespread architectural devastations in                                   in architecture.
                                   any territory. The progressive abandon of areas once                                       Through analyses of several contemporary study
                                   dedicated to production has had an impact even on                                      cases, illustrated with images and construction
                                   the socially shared definition of the word “work”.                                     drawings, the text investigates the state of the art in
                                   From the very outset of these changes in conditions,                                   relation to projects made OF glass and projects
                                   public attention was directed at the physical                                          made WITH glass. The works will describe the
                                   dimension of the areas concerned, as has been                                          creative opportunities that can be obtained with
                                   demonstrated by the rapidly increasing success of                                      curving, colouring, lighting, and shaping, on one
                                   industrial archaeology. More recently, the list of                                     hand, and on the other, the functional and constructi-
                                   World Heritage Sites has included towns and                                            ve possibilities with applications used to protect,
                                   landscapes, created during at least the past two                                       determine, sustain and enhance.
                                   centuries through entrepreneurial initiatives that
                                   focused on strict integration between home and                                         Matteo Moscatelli is professor of Composition and
                                   work. This has recognised the importance of                   SPRING 2021              urban design at Politecnico di Milano and of History
                                   architectural and urban culture in constructing a                                      of contemporary architecture and interior design at
                                                                                                 bound hardback
                                   specific identity of industrial capitalism. Mill towns,                                Istituto Europeo del Design. He collaborates with the
                                                                                                 24 x 28 cm
    SPRING 2021                    cité ouvrières, bruk städer, colonias industriales,           256 pages                University of Southern California. He writes for the
                                   villaggi operai, and mining landscapes bear witness                                    magazine Area.
    bound hardback                                                                               € 69.00
                                   to complex and in certain cases, contradictory
    24.3 x 31 cm
    352 pages                      “social enterprises”. These multiform experiments,
                                                                                                 edited by
                                   typified by regional influences, were often traced            Matteo Moscatelli
    € 120.00                       back to the largest, and under certain aspects,
                                   unspecified ‘family’ of company towns.
    curated by
    Giovanni Luigi Fontana
    and Andrea Gritti              Giovanni Luigi Fontana is full professor of Economic
                                   History at Padua University. He is the Director of the
                                   inter-university Master Course in Conservation,
                                   Management and Enhancement of the Industrial
                                   Heritage – MPI. He has been a visiting professor in
                                   many universities abroad. He has written over 250
                                   articles, essays, and books on economic and social
                                   history. He was the Italian representative and board
                                   member of the International Committee for the
                                   Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), the
                                   most important world body for the conservation and
                                   enhancement of industrial heritage, recognised by
                                   both ICOMOS and UNESCO.
    ISBN 978-88-55210-25-6

                                   Andrea Gritti PhD, architect, conducts research in
                                   Architectural and Urban Composition. He teaches
    ITALIAN EDITION                                                                              ITALIAN EDITION
                                   Architectural Design and Composition and Distribu-
     788855      210256
       978-88-55210-21-8                                                                         ISBN 978-88-55210-49-2
                                   tional Features of Buildings at the AUIC School at
                                   Politecnico University in Milan and is a visiting
                                   professor in Latin American Universities. He
9     788855          210218                                                                 9     788855      210492
                                   coordinates research programs dedicated to the
                                   development, conservation and transformation of the
                                   cultural heritage in academic networks in Europe and
                                   throughout the world.

    ARCHITECTURE               8                                                                                          9                                  ARCHITECTURE
EST                               Catalogue of the exhibition organised by the Cini                   GIUSEPPE TERRAGNI:          Giuseppe Terragni was an inimitable artist capable
    STORIE ITALIANE DI VIAGGI,        Foundation in Venice about the history of countries and             HIS WAR, HIS END            of transfiguring the language developed by Le
    CITTÀ E ARCHITETTURE              cities looking eastwards across the world from Italy,                                           Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe into an
                                      which represents the central hub around which the                                               abstraction that looks out onto the threshold of tran-
                                      journey’s narrative is based.                                                                   scendence. Called up for military service in 1939, in
                                           It describes the experiences of Italian travellers and                                     the spring of 1941 he left first for Yugoslavia and
                                      architects whose unique ability in interpreting these                                           then for the Russian Campaign. The war did not
                                      places, their identity and culture, have generated                                              affect his research: he sought in the vastness of the
                                      narratives to provide previously unknown visions of the                                         steppe new expressive possibilities, a new spiritual
                                      countries that welcomed them. The aim of the book is                                            sense for his abstractionism. He returns from the
                                      to analyse territories that have undergone profound                                             front in precarious mental conditions and undermi-
                                      social, political and urban transformations over the past                                       ned by guilt, but also “spiritualized”. And just a few
                                      30 years, in comparison to a complex post-idealogical                                           days before his death, he draws as an epitaph
                                      period that demanded singular visions and solutions.                                            addressed to the future his latest project: a plan for
                                      Six internationally famous Italian experts – Renzo Piano,           NEW                         a Cathedral.
                                      Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, Archea Associati,                                                   An amazing project for its mystical influence
                                      Piuarch, Michele De Lucchi and Mario Cucinella – will               paperback with flaps        that heralded a period of architecture that was
                                                                                                          16.3 x 24 cm
    NOVITÀ                            show their works, and in particular, projects closely               128 pages
                                                                                                                                      never to occur because of the disappearance of one
                                      focussed on Russia, China, Albania, Georgia and                                                 of its most talented exponents. The events descri-
    bound hardback
                                      Vietnam. Each country and its narrative is compared to              € 20.00                     bed in this book resemble those of a Greek tragedy,
    26.6 x 36 cm
    224 pages                         its collective historical imaginary, presented through                                          in the battle between an individual and destiny, a
                                                                                                          Valerio Paolo Mosco
                                      invaluable material from the Cini Foundation archives                                           conflict in which inevitably, the individual must
    € 42.00                           and contemporary Italian architecture, providing                    edited by                   succumb. But the hero crushed by a destiny moved
                                      unexpected encounters that engage the visitor and                   Attilio Terragni            by blind forces, is granted a consolatory way out:
    Laura Andreini,
    Luca Molinari                     emphasise the significance of Italy’s contribution                                              the transfiguration of what Nietzsche called the
    and Federica Rasenti              through the centuries.                                                                          “great pain” in form, in a work of art.

    edited by
                                      Luca Molinari is a curator and writer alongside his                                             Valerio Paolo Mosco (Rome, 1964) is architect and
    Attilio Terragni
                                      academic career and research activities. He has been                                            architecture critic. He teaches at IUAV in Venice and
                                      teaching History of Contemporary Architecture at SUN,                                           has taught at Politecnico di Milano, IIT in Chicago,
                                      (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) since 2007                                           Cornell University in Rome. He is the author of
                                      and is currently a visiting professor at the Cornell                                            numerous publications on architecture, including:
                                      University of Architecture, Art, and Planning in Rome,                                          “Italian architecture. From Postmodernism to the
                                      and at the Fondazione Fotografia in Modena. He was                                              present day” (2017); “The last cathedral” (2015);
                                      the dean of the School of Design at NABA, (Nuova                                                “Nude architecture” (2012); “Fifty years of enginee-
                                      Accademia di Belle Arti) (2005-06). He has written for,                                         ring in Italy and abroad” (2011); “Steven Holl” (2011);
                                      and still collaborates, writing for Italian and international                                   “Zero volume architecture” (with Aldo Aymonino,
                                      publications including: Corriere della Sera, La Stampa,                                         2006).
                                      AD, Platform, Domus, Lotus, Abitare, Ottagono, Il
                                      progetto, Archis, L’architecture d’aujourd’hui, A+U and
                                      Post. He has written the weekly architectural column
                                      for the magazine, Espresso, since 2015.
                                                                                                          ENGLISH EDITION
                                                                                                          ISBN 978-88-55210-52-2
                                      Federica Rasenti got her bachelor of Science in
                                      Architecture at Università degli Studi di Cagliari and
                                      continued her education with a Master of Architecture               ITALIAN EDITION
                                                                                                      9 ISBN
                                                                                                           788855      210522
                                      at the Politecnico di Milano, where she still works as
                                      teaching assistant. After a brief experience in the field
                                      of architectural design, she gradually approached
                                      curatorial activities through the exhibition Comunità           9     788855           210508
                                      Italia. Architettura/Città/Paesaggio dal 1945-2000,
                                      curated by Alberto Ferlenga e Marco Biraghi at Trienna-
    ISBN 978-88-55210-44-7            le di Milano. She collaborates as author with architectu-
                                      ral magazines such as AREA and Platform Architecture
                                      and Design. From March 2016 collaborates with Luca
    ITALIAN EDITION                   Molinari Studio dealing primary with curatorship,
9      788855
    ISBN            210447
                                      scientific coordination of exhibitions and strategic
                                      consulting in international competition.

9     788855           210409
    ARCHITECTURE                 10                                                                                                   11                                 ARCHITECTURE
MATERIALS / ARCHEA ASSOCIATI /                                 The selection, preparation and application of
MARCO CASAMONTI                                                materials in architecture represent key points in the
                                                               design process, today as in the past. A vast array of
                                                               ad hoc solutions make it possible to confer targeted
                                                               functions and substantial qualities to structures,
                                                               surfaces, shells and spaces, and contribute to the
                                                               definition of the project identity.
                                                                    This book publishes some of the most important
                                                               projects by the Italian architectural firm Archea
                                                               Associati recognized especially for the specificity of
                                                               their use of materials. Glass, terracotta, concrete
                                                               and wood are just a few of the elements that
                                                               classify their projects. The architectural works
                                                               demonstrate how the various materials can be
                                                               interpreted differently from time to time to become
                                      bound hardback           truly innovative, while still maintaining their unique
                                      with lenticular cover    characteristics. Ancient and contemporary
                                      25 x 34 cm               materials, tradition and innovation follow upon one
                                      404 pages
                                                               another throughout the volume, in a sort of atlas of
                                      € 89.00                  materials, the stuff of architecture.
                                                                    A gallery of photographic images accompanied
                                      edited by                by drawings and descriptive texts provides full
                                      Laura Andreini
                                                               illustration of the buildings, alternating between
                                      with a text by           details and general views, from the basic elements
                                      Joseph Giovannini        to the complete work as a whole.

                                      ENGLISH EDITION
                                      ISBN 978-88-55210-47-8

                                      ITALIAN EDITION
                                      ISBN 978-88-55210-42-3

ARCHITECTURE                     12                            13                                 ARCHITECTURE
THE WORLD                                                                                     After analysing the appearance of architecturally
WINERY COLLECTION                                         THE WORLD                           evocative winery design in Italy, Luca Molinari has

                         THE WORLD WINERY COLLECTION
                                                          COLLECTION                          carried out a survey on the need of wineries all over
                                                          innovative design, sustainability
                                                          and the landscape                   the world to communicate with a public which is
                                                                                              increasingly more demanding and able to travel in
                                                                                              order to experience wine regions at first hand.
                                                                                                   The recovery of the international wine market in
                                                                                              those years led to a burgeoning of new wineries and
                                                                                              constructions where the issue of branding, combined
                                                                                              with the prestigious signature of a great architect or
                                                                                              artist, became more important than the product itself
                                                                                              and the entire production system which generated it.
                                                                                                   Today, a new generation of wine growers and
                                                                                              producers has returned to the land with a spirit and
                                                                                              awareness that differs from that of the past. They
                                                       bound hardback                         commission buildings of great quality with a strong
                                                       24.3 x 31 cm                           focus on widespread sustainability.
                                                       352 pages                                   This book includes a selection of 40 wineries
                                                       € 98.00
                                                                                              built between 2000 and today, and describes the
                                                                                              wine-making constructions, that narrate the wine
                                                       edited by                              culture in an excellent way thanks to their architectu-
                                                       Luca Molinari and Anja Visini          re, beauty and functional design.

                                                                                              Anja Visini studied Architecture in both Milan and
                                                                                              Lisbon. From 2003 to 2006 she worked at Ghigos
                                                                                              Group. She has worked for the architectural firms
                                                                                              Estudio Mariscal and MiAS Architects in Barcelona;
                                                                                              Barreca & La Varra and Spada and Associates in
                                                                                              Milan and Teğet Mimarlık in Istanbul. She has been
                                                                                              developing both architectural and interior design
                                                                                              projects in the capacity of freelance architect.
                                                                                              Her work, which ranges from exhibit design to
                                                                                              graphic, jewelry and architectural design, involves
                                                                                              an interdisciplinary approach and questioning of
                                                                                              the dissolution of boundaries within the profession.
                                                                                              She writes as an independent author for a lot of
                                                                                              magazines and she co-curated with Luca Molinari
                                                                                              the exhibition Strutture complesse, libero pensiero.
                                                                                              Teoria e progetti di Redesco Structural Engineering.
                                                                                              She is currently project leader for the curatorial
                                                                                              project of the permanent exhibition of the Istanbul
                                                                                              City Museum.
                                                       ENGLISH EDITION
                                                       ISBN 978-88-55210-24-9

                                                       ITALIAN EDITION
                                                       ISBN 978-88-55210-22-5

ARCHITECTURE        14                                                                        15                                 ARCHITECTURE
BUILDING GREEN FUTURES                                     With this collection of the latest projects and most
     MARIO CUCINELLA ARCHITECTS                                 representative architectural designs by Mario
                                                                Cucinella Architects, the book investigates possible
                                                                solutions that architecture can provide in answer to
                                                                the global challenges. In answer to these questions,
                                                                this book is based on two fundamental subjects:
                                                                the first deals with the relationships with the past
                                                                and the constructive strategies man has adopted
                                                                in every latitude. Cucinella directs his research
                                                                towards the plant world, the second field of
                                                                investigation, in order to discover similarities and
                                                                draw inspiration for a future that is coherent with the
                                                                climate and the environment. Buildings of the past
                                                                were also able to adapt by using resources like the
                                                                wind, sun, rain and local materials, all ingredients
                                       bound hardback           that remain a renewable constant today. The book
                                       24 x 30 cm               explains the concept of projects by Mario Cucinella
                                       256 pages                Architects, new forms of architecture, that express
                                       € 65.00
                                                                empathy with climate, place, history and the commu-
                                                                nities they represent. Each project is described
                                       edited by                through images, drawings, and in-depth analysis
                                       Anna Mainoli             that provide different levels of interpretation.

                                                                Anna Mainoli is a consultant, publishing editor and
                                                                curator for cultural events; She edited the book,
                                                                “The Design City. Milan, extraordinary Lab”, with
                                                                Marco Sammicheli for Forma Edizioni and the Salone
                                                                del Mobile. She is co-editor for the “Corriere della
                                                                Sera” series of monographs “Lezioni di Architettura e
                                                                Design” and “Architetture e interni urbani” - in
                                                                collaboration with Politecnico University in Milan. She
                                                                was the editor responsible for numerous publications
                                                                dedicated to architecture and design, as well as a
                                                                number of monographs.


                                       ENGLISH EDITION
                                       ISBN 978-88-55210-26-3

                                       ITALIAN EDITION
                                       ISBN 978-88-55210-23-2

     ARCHITECTURE                 16                            17                                  ARCHITECTURE
GIO PONTI                                   Catalogue of the exhibition hosted at MAXXI on one          GIO PONTI                          Monograph dedicated to an unknown project by Gio
LOVING ARCHITECTURE                         of the undisputable protagonists of Italian architectu-     INEDITO/REDISCOVERED               Ponti: the mother house of the religious congregation
                                            re and design: Gio Ponti. Forty years after his death,                                         of Notre Dame de Sion, built in Rome between 1960
                                            the Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo is                                               and 1965. The reasons as to why the building has
                                            dedicating a major retrospective to this exceptional                                           remained anonymous till now is unknown. The
                                            figure that studies and communicates his multiface-                                            complete collection of project pencil drawings have
                                            ted artistic activity. This starts from the story of his                                       never been opened and are published here for the
                                            architecture, which is a unique and original synthesis                                         first time. In 2014, the building was converted to
                                            of tradition and modernity, history and design, elite                                          house the Catholic University of America and the
                                            culture and everyday life. The catalogue aims to                                               Australian Catholic University. There was a need for
                                            illustrate the many facets of the architectural work of                                        student residential and teaching buildings, which
                                            the Milanese artist, selecting projects that concretely                                        gave the architects Cinzia Abbate and Carlo
                                            illustrate some of the key concepts expressed or                                               Vigevano (AeV Architetti Associati) who edited this
                                            evoked by Ponti. Through archival materials, models,                                           publication, the opportunity to carry out historio-
                                            photographs, books, magazines and objects, the                                                 graphic and philological research on the original
edited by                                                                                               edited by
Maristella Casciato and Fulvio Irace
                                            general public (including designers, the young              Cinzia Abbate and Carlo Vigevano
                                                                                                                                           project to establish the restoration project plans for
                                            generations of architects, and lovers of Made in Italy                                         the modern structure. The building was revealed
paperback with flaps                        design) will learn about an excellent key figure of         paperback with flaps               thanks to the contribution of several experts of
                                            Italian architectural production, whose work has left       16.5 x 22 cm                       Ponti’s work: Maristella Casciato, Margherita
24 x 28 cm                                                                                              112 pages
304 pages
                                            an important mark on several continents. As an                                                 Guccione, Salvatore Licitra, Elena Tinacci, Marina
                                            architect, designer, art director, writer, poet, critic,    € 19.00                            Kavalirek. The book is enriched with the addition of
€ 42.00                                     Gio Ponti was an all-round artist who lived and                                                detailed original drawings of the furnishings that still
                                            profoundly marked the style of the 20th century.                                               exist 50 years after the project was designed.

                                            Maristella Casciato is Professor of History of                                                 Cinzia Abbate is an architect, and professor at
                                            Architecture at the University of Bologna – School of                                          Temple University in Rome, ex-director of the
                                            Architecture “Aldo Rossi” in Cesena, and Chair of                                              Rensselaer Politecnico di Roma, and Italian
                                            DOCOMOMO International. She is an expert of                                                    representative at the International Energy Agency
                                            history and theory of modern and contemporary                                                  for architectural integration of renewable energy.
                                            architecture, Italian architecture of the second half of                                       Since 2011, she has been architectural advisor at
                                            the twentieth century and conservation of the modern                                           the American Academy in Rome and member of the
                                            architectural heritage.                                                                        scientifi c committee of the Energy Forum.

                                            Fulvio Irace is Professor of History of Architecture at                                        Carlo Vigevano, architect, is an expert in the field of
                                            the Milan Polytechnic, he is principally concerned with                                        heritage historic building restoration and sustainable
                                            historiographic issues in Italian architecture, to which                                       architecture. He has been an architectural advisor at
                                            he has devoted exhibitions and books, which have                                               the American Academy in Rome since 2011. He has
                                            opened up new interpretations of the relationship                                              taught as guest professor at several universities in.
                                            between international culture and local cultures in the                                        He participated in research projects on urban
ENGLISH EDITION                             development of the idea of modernity. The awareness                                            quality for sustainability in Europe with the Depart-
ISBN 978-88-55210-19-5                      of the centrality of criticism as an essential instrument                                      ment of Architecture and Urban Planning of the
                                            of history formed the basis of a series of readings:                                           Università di Roma. As team leader, he has won
                                            Storie e storiografia dell’architettura contemporanea,                                         several Italian architectural competitions.
ITALIAN EDITION                             1993; De Divina proporzione, 2008; Dimenticare
ISBN 978-88-55210-13-3
                                            Vitruvio, 2009.
                                                                                                        ITALIAN/ENGLISH EDITION
                                                                                                        ISBN 978-88-55210-31-7

ARCHITECTURE                           18                                                                                                  19                                  ARCHITECTURE
ARCHEA ASSOCIATI. ANTINORI WINERY.        Third edition, updated with new content of the             THE WINERY COLLECTION.      With the evolution of agriculture from a family-run,
DIARY OF BUILDING A NEW LANDSCAPE         volume that shows the Antinori Winery, located in          A TRAVEL GUIDE TO           artisanal economy to an industrial scale activity, wine
                                          the extraordinary hilly landscape covered by               CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE   production was mainly concentrated in industrial
                                          vineyards of Chianti, halfway between Florence and         IN THE ITALIAN LANDSCAPE    style buildings lacking in any architectural inspiration,
                                          Siena. The customer wanted a building which                                            since it was limited to a purely functional role.
                                          enhanced the surrounding landscape and territory                                            Thanks to a series of social, economic, and also
                                          and bore witness to the cultural and social valence                                    cultural factors, this trend was even completely
                                          of the places where wine is made. The conceptual                                       inverted. The challenge now lies in creating wineries
                                          theme of the project has taken the form of a shell                                     that are industrial buildings suitable for production,
                                          that is wholly below ground, without roofs, walls,                                     but at the same time evocative and engaging
                                          streets and parking spaces, according to a design                                      spaces, perfectly integrated with the landscape, so
                                          which attempts a difficult but necessary reconcile-                                    that they will not alter the natural beauty of the
                                          ment between the natural and the artificial. It is                                     surrounding countryside.
                                          precisely the story of this constant research, of the                                       Showing a selection of twenty-eight wineries
                                          indispensable connection between architecture and                                      spread throughout Italy, this book is aimed at
                                          landscape, which represents the fulcrum on which                                       investigating the characteristics of each single
                                          the whole volume pivots.                                                               construction, establishing and underlining the
edited by                                      Hundreds of photographs have immortalized                                         connection between the architectural structure and
Laura Andreini                            years of work on the building site, telling the story of                               its role within the agricultural fabric. An oenological
                                          all the phases that have made it possible to realize                                   section examines in more detail the production in
with texts by
Piero Antinori and Marco Casamonti        this extraordinary project. The images, along with         edited by                   each of the wineries, analysing the organoleptic cha-
                                          numerous technical drawings on every scale,                Luca Molinari               racteristics and properties of the wine, offering
bound hardback                            critical and descriptive texts, illustrate the design                                  important suggestions for later analysis.
with wooden cover                                                                                    bound hardback
                                          process which has led to the construction of a new         24.3 x 31 cm
33.5 x 28 cm
438 pages                                 landscape.                                                 304 pages                   Luca Molinari is a curator and writer alongside his
                                                                                                                                 academic career and research activities. He has
€ 120.00                                                                                             € 90.00
                                                                                                                                 been teaching History of Contemporary Architectu-
                                                                                                                                 re at SUN, (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli)
                                                                                                                                 since 2007 and is currently a visiting professor at
                                                                                                                                 the Cornell University of Architecture, Art, and
                                                                                                                                 Planning in Rome, and at the Fondazione Fotografia
                                                                                                                                 in Modena. He was the dean of the School of Design
                                                                                                                                 at NABA, (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) (2005-
                                                                                                                                 06). He has written for, and still collaborates, writing
                                                                                                                                 for Italian and international publications including:
                                                                                                                                 Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, AD, Platform,
                                                                                                                                 Domus, Lotus, Abitare, Ottagono, Il progetto, Archis,
                                                                                                                                 L’architecture d’aujourd’hui, A+U and Post. He has
                                                                                                     ENGLISH EDITION             written the weekly architectural column for the
                                                                                                     ISBN 978-88-99534-28-8
                                                                                                                                 magazine, Espresso, since 2015.

                                                                                                     ITALIAN EDITION
ENGLISH EDITION                                                                                      ISBN 978-88-99534-27-1
ISBN 978-88-99534-92-9

ISBN 978-88-99534-90-5

ARCHITECTURE                         20                                                                                          21                                  ARCHITECTURE
ENGLISH EDITION                                                 ENGLISH EDITION                                                            ITALIAN EDITION                                             ITALIAN EDITION
MASSIMILIANO                           ISBN 978-88-99534-51-6        FORMER WINE                       ISBN 978-88-99534-54-7                   ADOLFO NATALINI                   ISBN 978-88-55210-17-1   ADOLFO NATALINI                    ISBN 978-88-96780-92-3

AND DORIANA FUKSAS.                                                  WAREHOUSE TRIESTE                                                          28 QUADERNI NERI                                           “FOUR SKETCHBOOKS”
THE CLOUD                                                                                                                                       + 28 ARCHIPITTURE
                                                                     with an essay by
NEW ROME-EUR                           ITALIAN EDITION                                                 ITALIAN EDITION                                                                                     edited by                          ENGLISH EDITION
                                       ISBN 978-88-99534-50-9        Luca Molinari                     ISBN 978-88-99534-53-0                   edited by                                                  Adolfo Natalini                9     788896
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ISBN           780923
CONVENTION CENTRE                                                                                                                               Laura Andreini
                                                                     book with slipcase                                                                                                                    paperback with flaps
with an essay by                                                     23 × 29.5 cm                                                               concertina fold                                            19 × 27 cm
Joseph Giovannini                                                    244 pages                                                                  9 × 14.5 cm                                                344 pages                      9     788896      780886
                                                                                                                                                16 pages
paperback con cucitura a vista                                       € 79.00                                                                                                                               € 49.00
con sovraccoperta in carta da lucido
                                                                                                                                                € 5.00
23 × 28.5 cm
                                                                     The project consists of the recovery and transforma-
256 pages
                                                                     tion of the 19th century volume of the former wine                         This small booklet dedicated to Adolfo Natalini aims       This book contains work from several of his large
€ 79.00                                                              warehouse on the seaside boulevard of Trieste. The                         to retrace the history of man and architect through a      collection of notebooks retracing almost fifty years
                                                                     design does not modify the original volume but                             selection of sketches and archipictures drawn on           of professional career.
The Nuvola (New Convention Centre) is a work of                      invades it by excavating the space for another                             the pages of the famous black vinyl Rowney                     The order in which the notebooks are published,
outstanding artistic merit, featuring innovative                     completely independent, ethereal and translucent                           notebooks that accompany him everywhere. His               interspaced and coordinated by means of a long
logistics solutions, and a choice of technically                     building inside it, dimensioned to the rhythm of the                       hand has been tireless since 1954, the year in which       interview, demonstrate the evolution of the initial
advanced materials. The structure rises in the                       masonry wall of the original façade. The physical gap                      he began to put on paper, with meticulous attention,       idea, interpretation and vision of the architectural
historic EUR quarter and covers a surface of 55,000                  between the new “product” and the historical screen                        everything around him: “I drew my own hand,                oeuvre of one of the leaders in Italian architecture.
square metres. The project concept can be defined                    has become a fascinating locus between internal                            portraits of classmates, landscapes, and self-por-         Adolfo Natalini was born in Pistoia in 1941. After his
in three images: the Theca, the Nuvola, and the                      and external. The glass that seals the internal shell                      traits”.                                                   experience as a painter, he graduated in architecture
Lama of the hotel structure. The Theca [display                      reflects the outlines of the warehouse walls and their                                                                                at Florence University in 1966 and founded Super-
case] is the enclosing structure in steel and double                 openings, allowing for visibility of the activities that                   Founder of Superstudio, initiator of the so-called         studio, (with Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, Gian Piero
glass facades that encases the Nuvola [cloud], the                   are being conducted inside. The monograph is                               “Radical Architecture” movement (one of the most           Frassinelli, Roberto and Alessandro Magris).
true core of the project, enclosed inside the Display                introduced by critical and descriptive essays and                          important avant-garde movements of the Sixties             Superstudio’s designs have appeared in publications
Case box underlining the contrast between the                        accompanied by a wealth of iconographic material                           and Seventies), Adolfo Natalini describes years of         and exhibitions all over the world and it’s works now
organisation of free space without rules, and a                      including technical drawings at various scales.                            designed and constructed architectural projects            form part of collections such as the MoMA in New
geometrically defined form. The Nuvola contains an                                                                                              through his preferential medium: drawings and              York, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the Deutsche
auditorium with seating for 1850, cafés and snack                                                                                               sketches.                                                  Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main and the
bars, and support services for the auditorium. This                                                                                                 He is a full professor at the faculty of Architectu-   Centre Pompidou in Paris. From 1979 onwards
highly flexible complex is able to house congresses,                                                                                            re of Florence University and an honorary member of        Natalini started working on his own and concentra-
exhibitions, and events with a seating capacity of                                                                                              the BDA, (Bund Deutscher Architekten), of the              ting on his designs for historical towns in Italy and
almost 9,000 people. The book has been published                                                                                                Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence and of        other countries in Europe, looking for the traces left
on various types of paper and differently sized                                                                                                 the Accademia di San Luca.                                 by time on objects and places and proposing a
sheets which are inserted within the pages.                                                                                                                                                                reconciliation between collective and personal
     Studio Fuksas, directed by Massimiliano and                                                                                                                                                           memory.
Doriana, is one of the most famous international
architectural firms in the world. Over the past 40
years, the firm has developed an innovative approach
through a surprising variety of projects all over the
world and and has been awarded numerous
international prizes.
                                                                                 WAREHOUSE / TRIESTE

                                                                                                                          WAREHOUSE / TRIESTE
                                                                                 FORMER WINE

                                                                                                                          FORMER WINE

ARCHITECTURE                                                    22                                                                                                                                         23                                   ARCHITECTURE
ON THE ROAD                                                  MAGGIE’S CENTRES             The guide traces the history of Maggie’s cancer
                                                                                          treatment centres and accompanies the visitor to
                                                                                          see how they have grown up in Britain and elsewhe-
                                                                                          re to become a new type of institution: a paradigm
                                                                                          for Architecture.
ON THE ROAD is the series which Forma                                                          Founded by Maggie Keswick Jencks and
dedicates to cities all over the world.                                                   Charles Jencks, both landscape designers, each
                                                                                          Maggie’s Centre is a successful example of a
Every volume tells the story about a place,                                               ‘hybrid’ of four building types: “it’s a non-hospital
explored through its masterpieces of art and                                              institute, a non-home house, a non-confessional
architecture. Critical and descriptive texts serve                                        religious refuge and a non-museum art gallery.
                                                                                          However, it presents traces of all four typologies,
as essential complement to the section with                                               used in a new way.” (Jencks 2018)
in-depth studies of the selected places of interest.                                           In addition to the peculiarity of being a ‘hybrid’
An introductory treatise examines the development                                         building, the success of the Maggie’s Centre project
                                                                                          is crucial to the fact that, in order to carry out their
of the city in urbanistic and territorial terms,                                          work, the architects are provided, from the outset,
providing a historical overview which prepares us            SPRING 2021
                                                                                          with the Architectural Brief, where they find
                                                                                          described not so much the technical and functional
for an attentive visit of the city, while the second         edited by
                                                             Caterina Frisone             requirements, but rather the emotional and sensory
treatise explores the contemporary reality.                                               states that the new building, intended for cancer
                                                             paperback with dust jacket
Each guide is accompanied by a practical map                 (folded map)
                                                                                          patients and their relatives and friends, will have to
which is folded so as to serve as a removable dust           11.5 × 16 cm
                                                             224 pages                         “The buildings are and should all be of great
jacket for the book. All the works described inside                                       visual impact due to their sophisticated architectural
                                                             € 18.00
the book are featured on the back of the map,                                             design, but at the same time be familiar with their
                                                                                          domestic and welcoming spaces and should be able
organized in itineraries. The volume also contains                                        to encourage patients to support each other.”
useful information and advice which will make it                                          (Jencks 2018)
simpler to visit the city, reducing the time necessary
                                                                                          Caterina Frisone is responsible for the design and
to get around and making it possible to grasp the                                         coordination of the Master in Architecture of the
essence of the place also in a short visit.                                               Ship and the Yacht at IUAV, in Venice. She gradua-
                                                                                          ted in Architecture in 1986 from the Politecnico di
                                                                                          Milano and in 1987 from Syracuse University (NY,
Coming soon:                                                                              USA). From 1980 to 1984 she worked as a trainee at
Parigi, Istanbul, Shangai                                                                 the Yankee Delta Studio, specialized in Yatch Design
Amsterdam, Singapore                                                                      and Naval Architecture. The daughter of an officer
                                                                                          on the Andrea Doria and author of the book L’Andrea
Havana, Dubai, San Paolo,                                                                 Doria. Storia, architettura, fascino di una nave
Tokyo, Lisbona, Torino,                                                                   (Marsilio, 2006). She works at her studio in
San Francisco                                                                             Marghera (Venice) and teaches in Italy and the USA.

                                                             ENGLISH EDITION
                                                             ISBN 978-88-55210-03-4

                                                             ITALIAN EDITION
                                                         9 ISBN
                                                              788855      210034

                                                         9     788855          210461
ARCHITECTURE                      24                                                      25                                  ARCHITECTURE
BERLIN                            Berlin has proved to be an active stage for all the         LONDON                               Second edition of the London Architecture Guide,
                                      most important social transformations since the             SECOND EDITION                       with new insights and new itineraries. The archi-
                                      twentieth century, marking a blurred boundary                                                    tectural and cultural expansion of the largest city in
                                      between Baroque and contemporary, within which                                                   Western Europe is constantly evolving, confirming
                                      fervent cultural and intellectual seasons, plans for                                             year after year its multi-ethnic and innovative soul.
                                      massive industrialization, World Wars, the establish-                                                 The city presents itself as a set of extraordinary
                                      ment of schools of architecture and modern                                                       buildings, created by internationally renowned
                                      thought destined to make history have taken hold. A                                              architects, which coexist harmoniously, unmista-
                                      veritable laboratory of urban planning and archi-                                                kably characterizing its skyline. The itineraries
                                      tecture in continuous evolution, which still today                                               include about eighty architectural works, both
                                      constitutes a composite landscape of experiments                                                 historical and contemporary, which are fully
                                      in social urban planning, of mending the urban                                                   illustrated with images, drawings and descriptions,
                                      fabric between east and west, of places of                                                       and are marked on the front of the map with a
                                      representation of ministries, embassies and                                                      reference number corresponding to the section in
                                      parliament between the Tiergarten and the Spree,                                                 the book and the icon on the back of the map. The
                                      of redesigning public space according to the model                                               guide also provides information about museums,
                                      of critical reconstruction as can be seen at                                                     libraries, institutions, movie theatres, restaurants
    SPRING 2021
                                      Bundeshauptsadt, Postdamer Platz and Friedrich-                                                  and gathering places.
    edited by                         stadt to which the major exponents of international         edited by                                 Among others, the project selection includes
    Claudia Saglimbeni                modern architecture have contributed, and of                Andrea Nastri and Giuliana Vespere   works by Allies and Morrison, Arup Associates,
                                      building a cultural planning whose highest expres-                                               Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Avery Associates, Foster +
    paperback with dust jacket                                                                    paperback with dust jacket
    (folded map)                      sion is the Museum Island, the most famous                  (folded map)                         Partners, Grimshaw Architects, Herzog & De
    11.5 × 16 cm                      museum complex in the world.                                11.5 × 16 cm                         Meuron, James Stirling, Jestico + Whiles, John Mc
    224 pages                                                                                     224 pages                            Aslan + Partners, Stanton Williams, OMA, Renzo
                                      Claudia Saglimbeni is a freelance curator, and as a                                              Piano Building Workshop, Richard Rogers Partner-
    € 18.00                                                                                       € 18.00
                                      project manager she is responsible for the strategic                                             ship, Stanton Williams Architects, Studio Daniel
                                      management of complex cultural projects and                                                      Libeskind, Wilkinson Eyre Architects, Zaha Hadid
                                      research in the field of architecture and design. She                                            Architects.
                                      holds a degree in Sustainable architecture of
                                      multi-scale projects from Politecnico di Milano and a                                            Andrea Nastri, architect and journalist, is involved in
                                      Master in European Museology from IULM. Since                                                    research in modern and contemporary architecture
                                      2015 she collaborates at Luca Molinari Studio as                                                 and collaborates with Italian and international
                                      scientific coordinator of curatorial projects,                                                   magazines and publishing houses specialised in this
                                      publishing and international architecture competi-                                               field.
                                      tions. She writes as an independent author for some
                                      Italian and international magazines among which                                                  Giuliana Vespere, architect, has written articles and
                                      “Platform”, “Hunter Fashion Magazine”, “Studio                                                   essays on contemporary architecture published in
                                      Architecture and Urbanism Magazine”. In 2014 she                                                 specialised books and magazines.
                                      became co-founder of the travelling exhibition
                                      “Migrant Garden. Untouchable Landscapes”.

    ENGLISH EDITION                                                                               ENGLISH EDITION
    ISBN 978-88-55210-56-0                                                                        ISBN 978-88-55210-41-6

    ITALIAN EDITION                                                                               ITALIAN EDITION
9      788855
    ISBN            210560
         978-88-55210-54-6                                                                    9 ISBN
                                                                                                   788855      210416

9     788855       210546                                                                     9     788855          210386
    ARCHITECTURE                 26                                                                                                    27                                  ARCHITECTURE
ENGLISH EDITION                                                ENGLISH EDITION                                            ENGLISH EDITION                                             ENGLISH EDITION
HAMBURG                             ISBN 978-88-55210-45-4        NEW YORK                         ISBN 978-88-55210-20-1   ROME                              ISBN 978-88-55210-15-7   BARCELONA                          ISBN 978-88-99534-72-1

SECOND EDITION                                                    edited by                                                 edited by                                                  edited by
                                                                  Aurora Maria Riviezzo                                     Ilia Celiento                                              Chiara Ingrosso
edited by                           ITALIAN EDITION                                                ITALIAN EDITION                                            ITALIAN EDITION                                             ITALIAN EDITION
Laura Andreini                  9      788855
                                    ISBN            210454
                                         978-88-55210-43-0                                         ISBN 978-88-55210-18-8                                     ISBN 978-88-55210-11-9                                      ISBN 978-88-99534-70-7
                                                                  paperback with dust jacket                                paperback with dust jacket                                 paperback with dust jacket
                                                                  (folded map)                                              (folded map)                                               (folded map)
paperback with dust jacket
                                                                  11.5 × 16 cm                                              11.5 × 16 cm                                               11.5 × 16 cm
(folded map)
                                                                  224 pages                                                 208 pages                                                  224 pages
11.5 × 16 cm                    9     788855       210430
208 pages
                                                                  € 18.00                                                   € 18.00                                                    € 18.00

€ 18.00
                                                                  New York City is a metropolis in a constant state of      Rome is not only enriched by the works that have           When we think of Barcelona, the eclectic art of
Five years after the publication of the Hamburg                   metamorphosis. The redevelopment of the existing          led it to be known as the “eternal city”, or with those    Antoni Gaudí immediately springs to mind. It is
Guide, the first of the On the Road series, it was                cityscape plays a fundamental role in the future          monuments that still preserve the stories of a strong      present in every corner of the city. Or we think of the
decided to print a new updated version to include 11              organization of the Big Apple. The guide retraces         people, such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum             Olympic Ring with the tower designed by Santiago
recently constructed projects of considerable                     the history of the architecture that has made the         or Castel Sant’Angelo. It is not only the symbolic         Calatrava; but these are only two aspects of the
interest which have been integrated into the five                 image of New York famous since the 20th century,          centre of Christianity thanks to St. Peter’s Basilica,     exquisite beauty of the Catalan capital which has
itineraries proposed in the guide. When discussing                and analyses the contemporary response, which             or the central and fi gurative hub of the Italian          been able to blend old and new in a unique and
contemporary architecture, constant updating is a                 plays a key role in keeping it as such. The encounter     Republic because of the Palazzo del Quirinale. The         unpredictable way. The traditional Gothic architectu-
fundamental aspect, especially in those cities intent             between the 20th century and the world of today is        history, art, and culture of Rome tell the story of a      re has a discrete historical flavour, while the
on maintaining their objectives of high urban planning            exemplified by the need to update the architecture        process of restoration and innovation that sees the        buildings that have appeared in the past 10 years
standards. For this reason, even after only a few                 of the great masters, from a formal, structural and       participation of some timeless places and the birth        reflect modern art trends like Cubism, Neo-plastici-
years, the first edition ran the risk of being out of             performance point of view. Thanks to the forward          of other contemporary community services that join         sm, and Futurism. Named the European capital of
date.                                                             looking plans of development and environmental            those already known to the public.                         innovation in 2014, the city boasts extremely
     Today Hamburg forms an open-air museum for                   reconversion, even unused infrastructures and                  During 1930s, the social and cultural revolution      distinctive urban planning because of the unusual
contemporary architecture lovers and an authentic                 post-industrial buildings are protagonists today. In      and call for functionality and practicality are            bevelled corners on city blocks that provide more
observatory on the realizations and benefits possible             contrast to the ever-increasing number of skyscra-        represented by impressive modern public and                open street intersections, with extra space for
with creative sustainable urban planning. The                     pers built, there is room for research into new           residential works, as well as by major operations          outdoor cafés and seating, that give the city its
selection of the projects provides a full-immersion in            low-cost housing models. In the same way, the             from architectural protagonists in the urban change        particularly sociable community atmosphere.
architecture, allowing the reader to dwell on the                 suburbs offer an increasingly popular alternative to      of the capital. Works such as the university city of            Jean Nouvel, Herzog & de Meuron, Richard
functional, typological and compositive aspects of                the vertical city.                                        Sapienza and its institutes, or the EUR district tell      Meier and Norman Foster are some of the famous
the buildings, which are rendered even more legible                                                                         the story of the formal transition between modernity       figures in the long list of architects who have made
by images and technical drawings that supplement                  Aurora Maria Riviezzo is an architect and indepen-        and contemporaneity.                                       Barcelona an iconic city in contemporary architectu-
the descriptions. The volume also contains useful                 dent researcher. She works as an editor and                                                                          re. This guide leads us to discover some fascinating
information and advice which will make it easier and              freelance curator, collaborating with architectural       Ilia Celiento, architect and teaching assistant at the     areas in one of Europe’s most captivating and
quicker to get around the city, making it possible to             studios and Italian publishing houses. Her personal       University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, is the author     surreal cities.
capture the essence of the place even in a short visit.           research centres on the history of modern and             of articles and descriptive accounts of architecture
This is more than simply an architecture guide: it is             contemporary architecture, with a focus on the            and design and the editor of monographs on                 Chiara Ingrosso is an Architect and PhD in History of
also and above all an invitation to travel.                       Neapolitan production after the Second World War.         contemporary architecture.                                 Architecture at the University of Naples Luigi
                                                                  Among the latest research projects, she took part in                                                                 Vanvitelli.
                                                                  the residency promoted by La Biennale di Venezia
                                                                  for under-30 architecture historians. In the past, she
                                                                  has collaborated with Forma Edizioni on their guide
                                                                  dedicated to Barcellona.

ARCHITECTURE                                                 28                                                                                                                        29                                 ARCHITECTURE
ENGLISH EDITION                                             ENGLISH EDITION                                               ENGLISH EDITION                                             ENGLISH EDITION
NAPLES                           ISBN 978-88-99534-68-4    FLORENCE                          ISBN 978-88-96780-91-6   MOSCOW                               ISBN 978-88-96780-96-1   MILAN                              ISBN 978-88-99534-25-7

                                                                                                                                                                                    SECOND EDITION
edited by                                                  edited by                                                  edited by
Andrea Nastri e Giuliana                                   Laura Andreini                                             Alessandro De Magistris                                       edited by
                                 ITALIAN EDITION                                             ITALIAN EDITION                                               ITALIAN EDITION                                             ITALIAN EDITION
Vespere                          ISBN 978-88-99534-63-9                                      ISBN 978-88-96780-89-3   and Umberto Zanetti                  ISBN 978-88-96780-97-8   Matteo Moscatelli                  ISBN 978-88-99534-26-4
                                                           paperback with dust jacket
paperback with dust jacket                                 (folded map)                                               paperback with dust jacket                                    paperback with dust jacket
(folded map)                                               11.5 × 16 cm                                               (folded map)                                                  (folded map)
11.5 × 16 cm                                               224 pages                                                  11.5 × 16 cm                                                  11.5 × 16 cm
208 pages                                                                                                             208 pages                                                     224 pages
                                                           € 18.00
€ 18.00                                                                                                               € 18.00                                                       € 18.00
                                                           A guide to contemporary architecture in a city such
The influence of Anjou and Aragon, and the traces          as Florence might seem an oxymoron to certain              The last fifteen years of Russian history have                Second edition of this guide on Milan, enriched with
left by Bourbon, Hapsburg and Napoleonic                   readers. This book, part of the On the Road series,        profoundly altered Moscow, bringing dramatic                  a focus on the Fondazione Prada.
domination have made Naples a treasure of different        is aimed at showing how one of the Italian cities          changes to the Communist city it was in the eighties.               In recent years, this city has become a metropo-
styles and periods, rich in original imperfections and     most strongly linked with its past, in fact – the          These alterations have increasingly highlighted               lis involved in transformations that are well worthy of
extravagance that deserve to be discovered and             quintessential symbol of the Renaissance period,           Moscow’s many contrasts and multiple facets.                  interest for the architectural and urbanistic
enjoyed. This guide is aimed at illustrating the           conceals a myriad of innovative architecture.                  The guide seeks to do more than just recount              experiments that have been carried out. The
structure and unusual aspects of a city in constant             Florence is not a static city. It has often been      and illustrate the city’s architectural history. It strives   complex dialectics between innovation and respect
artistic ferment, where architecture ranges from           guilty of long delays and a certain lack of courage in     to be a tool to study the building trends that have           for the existing urban form is the distinctive
ancient aristocratic palaces to the modern futuristic      assimilating new approaches, but its way of                shaped it.                                                    characteristic of Milan: recovery of downgraded
skyscrapers of the business district, the Art              introducing contemporary architecture into a                   After a short introduction and the essential              neighbourhoods, redevelopment of decommissio-
Stations of the Naples Metro, the small Art Nouveau        consolidated context, is unique.                           information needed to plan a visit, the book includes         ned industrial zones, technological experimentation,
houses in the poorer areas in the historic centre;              Changes with great impact began in Florence at        several essays that give the city’s historical context        and vertical development are the aspects that mark
architecture that exists layer upon layer, spreading       the end of the 19th century with the urban planning        and then critically consider its possible future              Milan as a strongly contemporary city. This guide is
outwards to the city boundaries. The twenty-year           transformations designed by Giuseppe Poggi. The            developments. The itineraries include about a                 being launched in answer to a moment of great
period of Fascism was crucial for Neapolitan               strongly defined limits of the historic centre became      hundred architectural works, both historical and              focus on Milan. As it guides the reader through the
architecture: the city was the object of widespread        blurred with the demolition of the fortifications and      contemporary, which are fully illustrated with images,        wide range of contemporary architectural projects,
land drainage and reclamation work, resulting in the       the city was opened up to permit expansion. In the         drawings and descriptions, and are marked on the              it emphasises the unique nature of its complex
conclusive isolation of the Angevin Keep, the              1930s, the Rationalist design of the Santa Maria           front of the map with a reference number correspon-           character. The transformations are still underway
creation of the new Corsea in the area of the new          Novella Station introduced a new form of architectu-       ding to the section in the book and the icon on the           and for this reason, it is difficult to foresee how a
foundations for the San Giuseppe-Carità district, as       ral expression into the historic centre and outskirts      back of the map. The guide also provides information          city of such size will manage to redefine its personal
well as a large number of building projects in the city    of the city. This is the building that begins the          about museums, libraries, institutions, movie                 equilibrium: but this too is part of the contemporary
centre.                                                    itinerary proposed in this guide; a chronological, but     theaters, restaurants and gathering places.                   nature of Milan.
                                                           also a physical beginning: a starting point for visitors
                                                           to begin their architectural excursion.                    Alessandro De Magistris, architect, teaches History
                                                                                                                      of architecture and town planning at the Milan
                                                                                                                      Polytechnic. He has authored numerous publications,
                                                                                                                      treatises and articles on the history of contemporary
                                                                                                                      architecture and town planning, published in Italy and
                                                                                                                      abroad. He has, among others, written La Città di
                                                                                                                      transizione (1988), High-Rise. Percorsi nella storia
                                                                                                                      dell’architettura e dell’urbanistica del XIX e XX secolo
                                                                                                                      attraverso la dimensione verticale (2004).

ARCHITECTURE                                          30                                                                                                                            31                                 ARCHITECTURE
CRITICAL LECTURES                           LA PERMANENZA DEL                                        LA SERIE E IL PARADIGMA
                                            CONCETTO DI PROPORZIONE                                  FRANCO PURINI E L'ARTE
                                            DAL RINASCIMENTO AL MODERNO                              DEL DISEGNO PRESSO I MODERNI
CRITICAL LECTURES series incarnates
the publishing house’s will to give voice
                                                                        ITALIAN EDITION                                                ITALIAN EDITION
                                            Laura Andreini                                           edited by Pier Federico Caliari
                                                                        ISBN 978-88-96780-29-9                                         ISBN 978-88-96780-74-9
                                                                                                     and Carola Gentilini
to the university researches about the      paperback with flaps
                                            16 × 24 cm                                               paperback with flaps
most important issues in the contemporary   288 pages                                                21 × 24 cm
debate, in a historic moment in which       € 12.90
                                                                                                     112 pages

the architecture questions its languages                                                             € 20.00
                                            Proportion as immutable principle, five hundred
and roles, becoming a place of              years since Alberti’s formulations, constitutes the      This book describes Purini’s theoretical work in
experimentation and innovation.             first compositional reference in architecture, rule of   “graphical form” through the architect’s drawings,
                                            instruction, inspiration factor, and design control.     taken in part from the author’s archives, and in part
                                            Those same proportions, that for Viollet-le-Duc          from a private collection. The works presented in this
                                            depend on the “rules of geometry”, perhaps make up       catalogue refer therefore to Purini the artist. The aim
                                            the element that most clearly manifests the              is to focus the attention on drawing as a fundamental
                                            “continuity of the classic” and the permanence of        field of action for research on architecture and the
                                            that value system that ​​subterraneously, as is          project, carrying out a critical review on the method
                                            repeatedly shown in this study, coexists with            for transmitting the science of architecture and a
                                            adherence to the modern and the search for rationa-      refoundation of teaching methods.
                                            lity that characterizes the experience of the ‘20s
                                            and ‘30s in Italy.                                       Franco Purini is Professor Emeritus in Architectural
                                                                                                     and Urban Composition at the Sapienza University in
                                                                                                     Rome. He has been awarded numerous prizes for his
                                                                                                     projects, architectural design, and theoretical
                                                                                                     courses. He is a member of the National Academy of
                                                                                                     San Luca and the Academy of Art and Design of

                                            3 CITTÀ (IM)POSSIBILI                                    PROGETTANDO EDIFICI
                                            Carlo Terpolilli            ITALIAN EDITION              Carlo Terpolilli                  ITALIAN EDITION
                                                                        ISBN 978-88-96780-34-3                                         ISBN 978-88-96780-35-0

                                            paperback with flaps                                     paperback with flaps
                                            21 × 24 cm                                               16 × 24 cm
                                            112 pages                                                176 pages

                                            € 19.90                                                  € 12.90

                                            3 cities that are possible, and at the same time         We need to reflect on the contemporary meaning of
                                            impossible. While these cities could exist, they         building, on how we interpret it, on the role it plays
                                            actually do not. They could exist, because they are      regionally and in the contemporary city, on the way
                                            made from the same rules, materials and require-         in which it arrives to its construction, on its econo-
                                            ments as all cities; yet they are impossible because     mic, social, political, and cultural conditions, and
                                            they are radical: they admit nothing but their           finally on the overall production and regulatory
                                            peculiar character, their fundamental rule. Carlo        conditions. It is also necessary to understand the
                                            Terpolilli, reinterpretes the material produced by the   role that architectural design plays in returning this
                                            3 workshops held at the IUAV.                            new reality to the building, the city, and the region, in
                                                                                                     a new relationship with construction techniques and
                                            Carlo Terpolilli is architect and professor at the       with technology. It is necessary to rediscover a role
                                            University of Florence, where he teaches Technolo-       that definitely belongs to architectural design, that
                                            gy of Architecture. He is founder partner of             of being the art of technique: to be able to join
                                            Ipostudio Architects. Terpolilli’s activity expecially   together the 2 fundamental principles, those of
                                            enquires into the connections between architectural      reality and of the ideal. To take back for itself the
                                            design and technology, focusing on the field of          role of cultural hegemon, repository of knowledge
                                            design process and construction innovation.              and know-how, which is the governing essence of
                                                                                                     what we call the building process.

ARCHITECTURE                   32                                                                    33                                       ARCHITECTURE
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