Page created by Edna Coleman
                                                      NOVEMBER 2017

                        A NEW ERA FOR
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                                           hroughout this year Construction has reported           for swift action to make these plans operational if the
                                           on what industry experts and those from further         opportunity is to be seized.
                                           afield see as the essential elements required for the      In this issue of Construction, our cover story looks back
                                           construction sector to meet the needs of the Irish      at CIF Conference 2017, with its theme of ‘Realising the
                                           economy in a sustainable way, and in doing so break     Construction Industry’s Potential to Build Ireland’s Future
                                           the sector’s boom-bust cycles of the past.              ‘and asks how will the construction industry meet the needs
                                     At this year’s CIF Annual Conference, An Taoiseach Leo        of the country in the years ahead. Minister for Finance
                                  Varadkar TD endorsed the establishment of a Construction         and Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohoe TD
                                  Sector Group which will bring together Government                speaks exclusively to Construction on what his first Budget
                                  Departments, State Agencies and industry to plan for             will mean for the Construction Industry and the Irish
                                  future development in the country. This is one of those vital    economy. We also bring you in-depth Budget 2018 analysis
                                  elements.                                                        from CIF experts.
                                     Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe’s first Budget                  Construction Safety Week 2017 has been the most
                                  in which he looked to address housing                                           successful to date, with a record number of
                                  shortages and finance for builders, as well                                     contractors and workers participating. We
                                  as set infrastructure development on a solid                                    bring you some of the highlights of the week.
       An Taoiseach Leo
                                  footing, is another essential element.                                          We also talk to Cleary Doyle MD Brian Byrne,
       Varadkar TD and Minister
                                     The much-anticipated publication of                                          who recently completed 11 years as Chair of
       for Housing, Planning &    Ireland 2040 Our Plan the National Planning                                     the South East Branch.
       Local Government Eoghan    Framework in December should further                                               Elsewhere in this issue, we bring you all the
       Murphy TD at the CIF       galvanise the industry, but will certainly give                                 latest CIF News, Events and Industry Analysis
       Conference 2017.           a clearer picture of Government development                                     as well as Industry News. C
                                  plans in the years ahead.
                                     While it is great to see all these elements                                Robbie Cousins
                                  coming together, there is an urgent need                                      Editor

         Foundation Media Ltd,
                                      YOUR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY FEDERATION TEAM - WWW.CIF.IE
         Foundation Media             Construction House,                       ECONOMIC AND POLICY RESEARCH:             CIRI -
         Sandwith House               Canal Road, Dublin 6.                     Jeanette Mair                             CIRI: Lorraine Hosty
         52-54 Sandwith Street        Tel: 01 4066000                           MAIN CONTRACTING:                         CIRI CPD OFFICE: Robert Butler
         Lower                        Fax: 01 4966953                           Martin Lang, Alison Irving                AFFINITY SCHEMES
         Dublin 2                     Email:                        SPECIALIST CONTRACTING:                   Safe T Cert Dermot Carey
         P: +353 1 677 3157           Twitter: @CIF_Ireland                     Sean Downey, Gillian Ross                 Affinity Cover Conor O’Connell,
                                                                                INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS &                    Justin Molloy, Gillian Heffernan
         Editor:                      Construction House,                       EMPLOYMENT SERVICES:                      CQAI Robert Butler
         Robbie Cousins               8 Montpellier Terrace,                    Jean Winters, Cheryl Treanor              Economic and Policy Research
         Email: robbie@               The Crescent, Galway.                     EASTERN REGION:                           Executive Jeanette Mair           Tel: 091 502680 Fax: 091 584575           Hubert Fitzpatrick, James Benson          Magnet Renee McManus
                                      Email:                   SOUTHERN REGION:
         Commercial Manager:                                                    Conor O’Connell, Ronan O’Brien            CERS: Frances McNally
         Joe Connolly                 Construction House,                       WESTERN / MIDLAND REGION:                 Tel: 01- 407 1434
         Email: joe@                  4 Eastgate Avenue,                        Justin Molloy                             Email:           Little Island, Cork.                      SAFETY & TRAINING:
                                      Tel: 021 4351410                          Dermot Carey, John Egan                   MILESTONE ADVISORY:
         Editorial Design:            Fax: 021 4351416                          LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT:                   Susan O’Mara
         Alex Lifeson                 Email:                     Robert Butler                             Tel: 01- 406 8021
                                                                                MEMBERSHIP:                               Email:
         Printing:                    PRESIDENT: Dominic Doheny                 Renee McManus,
         W.G. Baird                   DIRECTOR GENERAL: Tom Parlon              Bernardine Walsh                          CWPS: Brigid Finn
                                      CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER:                 FINANCE / ACCOUNTS:                       Tel: 01- 406 8025
         Publisher                    George Hennessy                           Gabriel MacGrath                          Email:
         Foundation Media Ltd                                                   COMMUNICATIONS:
                                      DIRECTOR / EXECUTIVE TEAM                 Shane Dempsey, Joanna Kiernan
                                      HOUSING & PLANNING:                       ICT SERVICES:
                                      Hubert Fitzpatrick, Lorraine Hosty        Denis Cadogan, Paul Brady

                                                                                                                          November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 01

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                                                                      14                           22
                                                 POTENTIAL TO BUILD
                                                  IRELAND’S FUTURE                               33


                                                                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2017

         5 CIF NEWS                                            47 CIS UPDATE – PROJECTS IN THE          58 CECA ANNUAL DINNER
         The latest news and views from CIF                    PIPELINE FOR 2018                        CECA President Renews Call For Long
                                                                                                        Term Infrastructure Plan
         COVER STORY                                           48 BUDGET 2018 – KEY MEASURES
         14 REALISING THE CONSTRUCTION                         CIF Economic & Policy Research           62 INAUGURAL JOINT M&ECA AND
         INDUSTRY’S POTENTIAL TO BUILD                         Executive Jeanette Mair outlines what    ACEI CONFERENCE
         IRELAND’S FUTURE                                      Budget 2018 measures mean for the
         What the future roadmap for the Irish                 Construction sector                      64 JONES ENGINEERING WINS ALL
         construction sector should look like                                                           IRELAND SUPREME SAFETY AWARD
                                                               52 GOVERNMENT SHOULD ADDRESS             2017
         18 NPF WILL UNDERPIN FUTURE                           THE REGIONAL JOB ISSUE ONCE AND
         BALANCED REGIONAL GROWTH                              FOR ALL                                  66 GREAT WESTERN MOTORWAY
         Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and       Cleary Doyle MD Brian Byrne calls for    CYCLE MARKS OPENING OF M17/
         Reform Paschal Donohoe TD talks exclusively           a focus on more balanced regional        M18 TUAM TO GORT MOTORWAY
         to Construction about Budget 2018 and                 development before it is too late
         Government plans overhaul Ireland’s spatial                                                    INDUSTRY NEWS
         plans                                                 CORPORATE PARTNER FOCUS                  67 NEWS OF DEVELOPMENTS FROM
                                                               53 FEXCO FUND PROVIDING €70M             THE WIDER INDUSTRY
         PROJECT FEATURE                                       IN FINANCE FOR CIF SME MEMBERS
         22 WINTHROP – CENTRAL BANK M&E FIT                                                             71 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY
         OUT                                                   SAFETY FEATURE                           Don’t miss a thing
                                                               56 HEALTH & SAFETY: A SUB-
         CATEGORY FOCUS                                        CONTRACTOR’S PERSPECTIVE                 72 TRAINING
         25 WE NEED A CAPITAL PROGRAMME                                                                 A look at the CIF training schedule
         WITH CLEAR PROJECT TIMELINES                          EVENTS

         Leading Civil Engineering figures outline solutions   57 IHBA WORKSHOPS ADDRESS
         to addressing Ireland’s infrastructure deficit        HOUSING SECTOR CONCERNS
         Highlights from the most successful Construction
         Safety Week campaign to date

         43 PENSIONS
         Susan O’Mara looks at private pension coverage
         in Ireland

                                                                                                                    November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 03

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             Smart investment now can
             bring forward a pipeline
                of work for sector
               A message from CIF Director General, Tom Parlon

         s we enter the final weeks of                                                       difficulty in accessing finance to fuel
         2017, the scale of what has been                                                    viable construction projects. We have
         achieved by our industry this year                                                  consistently made the case that the
         is coming into focus. We’ll have                                                    housing and infrastructure gaps cannot
         added 12,000 new employees into                                                     be addressed if companies cannot
the industry, and the value of construction                                                  secure finance. Our survey and ongoing
output generated in 2017 will reach €18bn                                                    engagement were instrumental in
(7.4% of GNP). This is a solid performance,                                                  securing €750m in funding in the budget
but the headline figures mask underlying                                                     under the new agency Homebuilding
challenges that our industry faces in 2018.                                                  Finance Ireland. I was also very pleased
  Travel down the motorway out of                                                            to see that Government listened to our
Dublin, and you will pass thousands of                                                       industry’s concerns and maintained the
construction employees going in the other                                                    Help to Buy scheme.
direction to work. Outside the Greater                                                          All eyes were on the future of our
Dublin Area (GDA), you won’t see cranes         CIF Director General                         industry at the CIF Annual Conference
holding up the skyline or sites being           Tom Parlon                                   on 12 October in Croke Park, where we
prepared for essential housing. In 2018,                                                     welcomed an Taoiseach Leo Varadkar
the CIF will continue to highlight that the                                                  TD and Minister Eoghan Murphy TD
gap inherent in our two-tier economy is        minimal disruption on sites around            amongst a number of very impressive
widening.                                      Ireland while making the case for sensible    international and national speakers and
  As we predicted in 2016, the recovery        and sustainable rates and conditions in       thought-leaders on the issue.
will not occur outside Dublin by itself; the   the industry.                                    An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s
Government must intervene strongly and            October was a very busy month for          endorsement of a new Construction
immediately. With an election likely next      CIF with the Budget, the CIF Annual           Sector Group involving industry and a
year, we will be pushing Government to         Conference and Construction Safety            number of key Government Departments
deliver more activity outside the Dublin       Week.                                         in his address was a very welcome and
area by bringing forward investment for           In the budget, the Government              important step, not only for our industry,
preparatory work in civil engineering          took some significant steps towards           but for our country.
projects, increasing the amount of finance     increasing investment in infrastructure          Finally, I would like to say a very
available to construction companies            and announced a 17% increase in public        heartfelt thank you, congratulations and
outside the GDA and by ensuring public         capital expenditure. The CIF is currently     well done to every member company
sector contracts are fairer.                   making the case that staving off this         that took part in Construction Safety
  This year saw the Government accept          investment until 2019 is damaging. Smart      Week 2017, which ran from 23 – 27
the Labour Court’s recommendation for a        investment now in preparatory work can        October. This year companies of all sizes
sectoral employment order. Overnight, its      bring forward delivery dates for major        and sectors put in a huge effort to help
introduction has seen a minimum of 10%         infrastructure projects and provide a         us drive home the health and safety
increase in wages across the board with the    pipeline of work for our Civil Engineering    message.
introduction of new rates. The Government      sector.                                          Thank you, the member, for all your
made the call, which these increases,             The CIF and RSM accountants                support throughout the year. I look
(above and beyond those requested by the       recently identified a market failure in the   forward to working with you throughout
CIF) to introduce the SEO immediately for      availability of finance for construction      2018. C
the sake of industrial peace. However, the     companies, showing that 63% of
CIF will in 2018 continue to work to ensure    construction companies reported               Tom Parlon

                                                                                                    November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 05
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CIF news

                  IF has welcomed                                                                                          is very welcome is the
                  the Budget 2018                                                                                          announcement of the
                  announcement of                                                                                          €750m fund to assist
             increased investment in                                                                                       housebuilding.
             infrastructure at a critical time                                                                                 “We welcome the
             for the Irish economy saying                                                                                  increased commitment to
             that measures announced                                                                                       social housing, both from
             would address the systemic                                                                                    a social and an industry
             weaknesses in infrastructure                                                                                  point of view,” says
             investment.                                                                                                   Dominic. “It’s important
                 “The Government has                                                                                       that Government looks
             taken significant steps towards                                                                               at the procurement
             insulating the economy from                                                                                   policy around these
             external shocks with the                                                                                      announcements. While
             announcement of a 17%                                                                                         the industry is doing well
             increase of €790m in public                                                                                   overall, activity outside
             capital,” commented Tom                                                                                       the main urban centres
             Parlon, Director General,                                                                                     is still too slow. We would
             CIF. “This measure will                                                                                       like contractors in the
             also support other housing                                                                                    regions to be able to
             measures announced in                                                                                         tender for these projects.
             Budget 2018.                                                                                                  If they use PPPs or bundle
                “Recent commitments                                                                                        the projects, that would
             to increase investment                                                                                        exclude our smaller
             in infrastructure are                                                                                         regional members.”
             to be welcomed. The                                                                                              The CIF welcomed the
             Minister recognises that                                                                                      Government’s amendment
             Ireland, currently last in                                                          Dominic Doheny,           to the Seven-Year Capital
             terms of GDP invested in                                                            President, CIF            Gains Tax Exemption,
             infrastructure at EU level,                                                                                   as it encouraged the
             must invest. Translating these                                                                                retention of property with
             announcements into action                                                                                     no incentive to develop
             on the ground is always challenging            Housing                                          land purchased during the relevant
             for Governments faced with balancing           Dominic Doheny, President, CIF,                  period. But it is concerned about
             the budget. Recent increases are to            welcomed housing measures                        the significant impact of stamp duty
             be delayed until 2019, but staving off         announced in the budget but has a                increases from 2% to 6% on the cost
             this sort of investment until 2019 will        number of concerns.                              of commercial property. CIF believes
             unnecessarily delay the economic and              “Budget 2018 was a fairly significant         this might have a dampening effect
             social benefits of infrastructure delivery.    endorsement of the Help to Buy                   on investment in the coming years at
             Smart investment now in preparatory            scheme that it wasn’t discontinued.              a time when Ireland is competing for
             work can bring forward delivery dates for      This was a big concern for our                   FDI and facing Brexit.
             major infrastructure projects.”                housebuilder members. The scheme
                                                            is inextricably linked to activity. When         Employment
             Budget Analysis                                we surveyed IHBA members, every                  CIF was disappointed at the
             DKM Consultants’ estimates and CIF             one of them gave examples of how it              Government’s refusal to reintroduce
             analysis of the amount of additional           increased activity.                              eligibility to partial rebate for
             funding shows that what is available              “We have major concerns about                 statutory redundancy payments for
             could be absorbed by just one critical         costs, and it was a disappointment that          construction employers. This measure
             strategic project. In addition, CIF analysis   we weren’t successful in our efforts to          would encourage employers to invest
             found an increasing proportion of the          persuade the Minister to reduce VAT              more in staff in what is a traditionally
             Public Capital Programme is spent on           on the industry. Construction costs              transient workforce. This is a critical
             maintenance of significantly depreciated       where VAT can’t be reclaimed, eg,                measure in construction where the
             stock, and 40% of the capital is not           housing, are just too expensive for the          labour force is fragmented with labour
             being spent on productive or social            consumer.”                                       agencies representing most of direct
             infrastructure.                                   “One area of positive action, which           employment. C

                                                                                                                    November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 07

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            n Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has con rmed                                             [announced in Budget 2018] for roads allows us
            that funding will be provided for advanced                                        to power ahead with the Dunkettle Interchange
            planning and design of the M20 Cork/                                              proceeding to construction as soon as possible. And
       Limerick Motorway, Dunkettle Interchange and                                           also, to bring forward the M22 and the Ballyvourney
       M22, Ballyvourney to Macroom Road.                                                     to Macroom Road, allowing it to go to tender next
          The Taoiseach made the announcement at                                              year, with construction the year after.”
       a breakfast brie ng, which was hosted by Cork                                             The news was warmly greeted by all involved in
       Chamber in Páirc Uí Chaoimh, Cork.                                                     the construction industry in the Munster Region.
          “Budget 2018 provided for major extra                                                  “Last year, CIF contributed to a report by
       capital investment over the next four years,                                           Cork and Limerick Chambers on the economic
       including €2.4bn for motorways and national                                            importance of M20 motorway to the region,”
       road networks,” he stated.                                                             commented Conor O’Connell, CIF Regional
          The Taoiseach said that with the opening in                                         Director, Southern Region. “The M20 motorway
                                                            Conor O’Connell, CIF
       October of the Gort-Tuam motorway, linking                                             will be a vital link in the creation of an Atlantic
                                                            Regional Director,
       Galway Shannon and Limerick, “the next step                                            Economic Corridor, which will enhance the growing
                                                            Southern Region
       is to build the next section of that corridor, the                                     complementary counterbalance to the Dublin
       road from Limerick and Galway to Cork via the                                          Region between Cork and Limerick Cities.
       M20.”                                                                   The project itself will see many more opportunities for
          “In terms of other projects, the additional money                 construction and development in the region.” C

           he Ivan Webb Scholarship 2017 has been awarded
           to three students from the Dublin Institute of
           Technology, Bolton Street.
         Sionainn McLaughlin, received the First Year Full
      Time Scholarship Award; David Quinn took home
      the Second Year Full Time Scholarship Award and
      Catherine Rogers was awarded the Back to Education
      Scholarship Award. The Scholarships were presented
      at the recent Annual Master Builders’ & Contractors’
      Association (MBCA)Dinner.                                     L to r: Dominic Doheny, President, CIF; Sionainn
          The Ivan Webb Scholarship Foundation was                  McLaughlin, First Year Full Time Scholarship Award
      established by the Master Builders’ Association (MBA)         winner; Catherine Rogers, Back to Education Scholarship
      and the CIF to commemorate the memory of the late             Award winner and Seamus Duggan, President, MBCA.
      Ivan Webb, one of the Irish businessmen killed in the
      Staines Air Disaster in 1972.
         Ivan Webb was a Council member of both the                                                                           David Quinn
      funding organisations, was President of the MBA in                                                                      receives the
      1953 and President of the CIF in 1956.                                                                                  Second Year Full
         A number of years ago the MBA combined with                                                                          Time Scholarship
      other CIF building contractor associations to form                                                                      Award from
      the MBCA, and it continues to support the Ivan Webb                                                                     Seamus Duggan,
      Scholarship.                                                                                                            President, MBCA
         The Scholarship is awarded to students of the
      Construction Technology Diploma course and the
      Bachelor of Science in Construction Management
      course, who are nominated by the Dublin Institute of
      Technology, Bolton Street. The “Back to Education”
      award wass also being presented for the third year. C

                                                                                                                   November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 09

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CIF news

             RSM SURVEY REVEALS 63% OF
               A new survey shows the extent of difficulty that construction companies face
                 in accessing funds to deliver viable housing and infrastructure projects.

           survey by accountancy firm RSM and CIF,                                                              Fund (ISIF) will be made available for
           completed by Accuracy Research, has found                                                            commercial investment in housing
           that construction companies continue to                                                              finance. This fund will be administered
      face significant difficulties in accessing funding                                                        by the newly established House Building
      to invest in their businesses and to deliver viable                                                       Finance Ireland (HBFI).
      housing and infrastructure projects.                                                                         “At this point, while there are no
         Of those surveyed, only 33% involved in house                                                          specific details available as to how the
      building obtained bank finance. Sixty-three                                                               monies from this fund will be released
      per cent who sought to borrow from financial                                                              to construction companies,” says Paddy
      institutions in the past year reported difficulty in                                                      O Connell. “I would expect that the fund
      securing finance. The figure rose to nearly 70%                                                           will provide development finance loan
      amongst companies with a turnover of less than                                                            funding to meet the development costs
      €9m.                                                                                                      of building homes for both sale or rent,
         This has led to an increasingly low level of                                                           as well as infrastructure funding for
      engagement with financial institutions. Only 41%                                                          site preparation and the infrastructure
      of those surveyed reporting as having requested                                                           needed to enable housing to progress
      finance from financial institutions in the past year.                                                     and to prepare land for development.
      The majority of companies are resorting to funding                                                           “As matters stand contractors are
      investment via cash reserves to deliver viable                                                            struggling to secure adequate finance at
      construction projects, the survey reveals, which in                          Paddy O’Connell, RSM         competitive rates, which is negatively
      turn is limiting companies with growth ambitions                             Construction Director        impacting on construction companies’
      and stalling increased activity in the sector.                                                            abilities to expand, recruit new staff and
                                                                                                                undertake projects,” Paddy continues.
      Regional Disparity                                       the vision of the upcoming National Planning     “The difficulties in securing finance are
      The survey also highlights a regional disparity,         Framework.                                       limiting much-needed capacity in the
      with respondents reporting that projects outside of         “This survey shows that Government,           sector, which is required to address the
      Dublin are also being considered less favourably.        industry and financial institutions must         supply issues.
         “This report should ring warning bells for            work more closely together to ensure finance        “HBFI will have to demonstrate
      Government because it clearly shows that                 is available for sustainable construction        an efficiency in decision-making and
      construction SMEs across all sub-sectors in the          projects.”                                       processing of funding applications to
      industry are still reporting difficulties in securing                                                     ensure funds are deployed appropriately
      funding for viable projects,” says Tom Parlon,           Cash Reserves Funding Businesses                 and quickly.”
      Director General, CIF. “The implications for Irish       Paddy O’Connell, RSM Construction                    Paddy O’Connell adds that
      society are worrying as these companies need to be       Director, believes the survey shows that most    Government should be making
      supported to be in a position to address Ireland’s       companies are having to rely on cash reserves    resources, which are available in
      housing and infrastructure crises.                       to fund their business on an ongoing basis.      other industry sectors, accessible to
         “The availability of finance now dictates what           “This is generally not considered a           contractors to help them upskill staff to
      type of construction occurs. Where finance is            sustainable model for a growth industry,”        achieve greater efficiencies.
      available, in sectors such as commercial, student        he says. “This over-reliance on reserves,           “There are a number of Government
      accommodation or in the Greater Dublin Area,             combined with the lack of alternative funding    grants available – not traditionally
      construction is occurring. The private sector hasn’t     sources and difficulty securing finance          focused on the Construction sector –
      failed. Where it can access finance, it is delivering.   within the banking system highlights an          that could be redirected to encourage
      But there is a market failure in the availability of     industry that has yet to emerge fully from the   upskilling and promote innovation in
      finance for viable construction projects.                recession.”                                      building technologies. Such grants could
         “The apparent aversion amongst financial                                                               be targeted at SME’s and designed to
      institutions for investment outside Dublin is            New House Building Fund                          encourage innovation, both in the kind
      also of concern. This will disadvantage regional         As part of the Budget 2018 measures, up to       of homes that are built and in the way
      construction companies and their capacity to fulfil      €750m of the Ireland Strategic Investment        that they are delivered.” C

                                                                                                                    November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 11

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            IF is delighted to welcome
            the Dalata Hotel Group to
            the CIF Affinity Scheme.
       Dalata is Ireland’s largest hotel
       operator, with a current portfolio
       of 38 hotels (owned, leased and
       managed). They operate the
       Maldron Hotel and Clayton Hotel
       brands throughout Ireland and
       the UK, as well as managing a
       portfolio of Partner Hotels.
          Dalata Group is offering CIF
       members a 10% discount on
       their existing best available B&B
       rate across their wide range of
       hotels in UK & Ireland. To avail          L to r: Justin Molloy Regional Director,
       of the offer Lo-call: 1850 885            CIF Western/Midland Regions; Michelle
       885 or +353 (0)57 869 5946 and            Meehan, Business Development Executive,
       quote “CIF” to a member of their          Dalata Hotel Group and Tom Parlon,
       Central Reservations Team. C              Director General CIF.

                                NEW MEMBERS
    The Construction Industry Federation welcomes the following new members who, having met
      all the necessary criteria, have been approved for membership by the CIF Executive Body.
      McCrory Access Ireland                Sean Hickey Construction Ltd      Paddy O’Meara
      Silverwood Industrial Estate          Coom Lower                        Construction Ltd
      Lurgan                                Gneeveguilla                      Woodlands
      Co Armagh                             Rathmore,                         Toomevara
                                            Co Kerry                          Nenagh
      Aereco Ltd                                                              Co Tipperary
      Unit 1 Cherrywood Business            DG Construction
      Park                                  Firmount House                    Surecom Network
      Courtstown                            Clane                             Solutions
      Little Island                         Co Kildare                        Bothair Beri
      Cork                                                                    Kilcoran
                                            Carrig Elm Construction Ltd       Cahir
      Priority Build Ltd                    Corcomore                         Co Tipperary
      120 Carrigwood                        Clarina
      Firhouse                              Co Limerick
      Dublin 24                                                               RMIS Engineering Ltd
                                            CME Electrical Engingeering Ltd   Unit 2
      NYD Ltd (Nineyard Design Ltd)         Magherarney                       Moate Road
      Unit 107C Bann Road                   Smithborough                      Kilbeggan
      Dublin Industrial Estate              Co. Monaghan                      Co Westmeath C
      Dublin 11

                                                                                                     November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 13

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cover story

                  Carol Tallon attended the CIF Conference in Croke Park in October. She heard a
                  number of international and national speakers set out their views and gave some
                              key insights into the future of the construction industry.
                                                                                                     a long-term, strategic and shared vision of
                                                                                                     Ireland’s future.
                                                                                                        “By rationalising policy-making in this way,
                                                                                                     we can break the boom-bust cycle associated
                                                                                                     with the construction industry and put in place
                                                                                                     a series of measures to manage the volatility
                                                                                                     of the sector,” explained the CIF Director
                                                                                                        “If we can grow sustainable businesses that
                                                                                                     can scale and export where appropriate, or
                                                                                                     operate in a positive domestic economy, then
                                                                                                     we can stop the huge ups and downs, not only
                                                                                                     within the sector but across the wider economy
                                                                                                     to the property market and employment.
                                                                                                     When construction does well, the rest of the
                                                                                                     economy does well. We need to learn from
                                                                                                     the mistakes of past cycles so that we are not
                                                                                                     doomed to repeat them.”
                                                                                                        “It’s our vision that the Construction Sector
                                                                                                     Group will be tasked with developing and
                                                                                                     implementing a whole of construction strategy.
                                                                                                     This will deliver on Ireland’s housing and
                                                                                                     infrastructure needs, as well as grow output,
                                                                                                     employment and exports in construction, and
                                                                                                     ultimately, end the harmful volatility in our
                                                                                                     economic cycle in the past.”
                                                                    An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar
                                                                    TD addresses the CIF             The whole of Construction
                                                                    Annual Conference.               Strategy: Smart, Sustainable

                                                                                                     The global construction market is forecast to
                   t the very outset of the CIF’s       Doheny welcomed the Taoiseach’s              grow by 85% to almost €13.5tn by 2030. This
                   National Conference, it was          announcement of the Construction Sector      represents a huge opportunity for the industry
                   clear that both the industry and     Group saying “the construction sector will   and Ireland inc if the right measures can be
                   Government were looking at fresh     build a republic of opportunity and will     taken by Government and industry.
                   approaches to addressing Ireland’s   work with Government to break the boom-         With average construction growth expected
          economic and social challenges.               bust cycle associated with the industry”.    to exceed global GDP, strong performance will
            An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD signalled                                                   be driven by developed countries like Ireland,
          the establishment of a Construction           Construction Sector Group: A                 which are recovering from economic instability
          Sector Group as part of a new ‘whole of       new era for the industry                     and a prolonged period of under-activity,
          construction’ strategy designed to bring      Tom Parlon, Director General, CIF            and by emerging countries that are poised for
          the industry together with the various        stated that one of the key objectives        growth.
          Government Departments in a more              of the Construction Sector Group is             For example; the number of mega-cities
          cohesive way than seen before.                for Government and industry to work          (population over 10 million) is to increase
            In his address, CIF President Dominic       cooperatively and consistently towards       significantly up to 2050. These mega-cities will

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                                                                                                             in the day, and that message is clear – you
                                                                                                             cannot solve the housing crisis without first
                                                                                                             tackling the infrastructure crisis.”

                                                                                                             Constructing Ireland 2040:
                                                                                                             Delivering the National Planning
                                                                                                             Delivering infrastructure efficiently and
                                                                        Dominic Doheny President,
                                                                                                             sustainably will be a critical challenge
                                                                        CIF; An Taoiseach Leo
                                                                                                             for industry in the coming years. The
                                                                        Varadkar TD and Tom Parlon,
                                                                                                             Government will release a National
                                                                        Director General, CIF.
                                                                                                             Planning Framework aligned with the
                                                                                                             public capital programme towards the end
                                                                                      Minister               of 2017. The industry will be central in its
                                      Dominic Doheny,
                                                                                      for Housing            delivery, and this will shape Irish society
                                      CIF President
                                                                                      Planning & Local       and its economy over the next 25 years.
                                      addresses the
                                                                                      Government                 In his address to the CIF Conference,
                                      CIF Annual
                                                                                      Eoghan Murphy          Minister for Housing Planning & Local
                                                                                      TD addresses           Government Eoghan Murphy TD outlined
                                                                                      the CIF Annual         some of the finer details of the new National
                                                                                      Conference.            Planning Framework ‘Ireland 2040: Our
                                                                                                             Plan’, which is currently out for its final
                                                                                                             round of public consultation.
                                                                                                                 The Framework predicts that Ireland’s
                                                                                                             population will grow by 1 million people by
                                                                                                             the year 2040. This presents a broad range
                                                                                                             of challenges in terms of infrastructure and
                                                                                                             housing provision, as well as ensuring that
                                                                                                             this is all achieved in a balanced regional
                                                                                                             plan that avoids further urban sprawl of
                                                                                                             Dublin and our main regional cities.
              be huge clusters of cities and urban centres    in his address. “We’ve developed a world-          The Construction Sector Group was
              linked by advanced infrastructure systems.      class M&E sector over the past decade in       welcomed by the Minister as a vital element
              Africa will have the 2nd fastest increase       addition to our established reputation in      in ensuring this is achieved. He described
              of new mega-cities globally up to 2050.         civil engineering. Our exports increased       it is an important initiative that should get
              The total number of individuals living in       500%, from half a billion to €2.5bn, since     started as quickly as possible, “because we
              Africa’s urban areas is expected to rise from   the recession. It can be seen from our work    have big challenges ahead – and we have to
              400 million in 2010 to 1.26 billion in 2050.    on specialist projects, like data centres,     plan in a coordinated way for the future.
              This represents an enormous opportunity         that our construction expertise is now             “If we continue to grow as we have been,
              for Irish construction to grow exports and      sought all over the world by multinational     if the status quo maintains – depleting our
              diversify their markets by bringing their       corporations such as Facebook, Google          communities and our regions, sprawling
              globally recognised expertise to bear in        and others. In the past, we emigrated.         away from our urban cores – then our cities
              the developing world. Establishing a brand      Today and tomorrow, we will export.”           will choke off, and the country will die.”
              such as ‘Construction Ireland’ to promote          Tom Parlon said that the Construction           He said Ireland 2040 would be different
              the industry overseas, similar to the           Sector Group is critical to the delivery       than anything that has gone before it
              approach in the food industry, could drive      of world-class infrastructure here in          because “it’s going to be aligned across
              sustainable growth in the industry.             Ireland, “We have Europe’s fastest growing     governmental departments, so there will
                 This was a concept suggested by              population and its fastest growing             be coherence between what the framework
              CIF President Doheny in his keynote             economy for the past five years, yet we        envisions and what others are planning, be
              address at the conference. In his view, the     have the lowest level of GDP investment in     it in relation to schools, hospitals or roads.
              Construction Ireland brand would allow          infrastructure, and that follows a decade of
              large and small construction companies to       under-investment.                              Irish construction must
              collaborate to secure niches in this rapidly       “We’re facing an infrastructure crisis      ‘Modernise or Die’
              expanding global market. Closer to home,        every bit as bad as the housing crisis         One of the most anticipated speakers at
              this approach could also drive exports          that we are now going through. We have         the CIF Conference was Mark Farmer,
              of products and services to our closest         been voicing members’ concerns over            CEO of Cast Consultancy and author
              partner, the UK, particularly in any post-      this particular issue for the past number      of the controversial review of the UK’s
              Brexit scenario.                                of years, and there are strong signs that      construction labour model ‘Modernise or
                 The innovative nature of Irish               Minister Donohoe and his department            Die’.
              contractors and the early adoption of           now understand the enormity of the                Mark Farmer set out the case for change
              emerging technologies has certainly             challenge we are facing. He is releasing a     and went so far as to describe where the
              heightened the reputation and influence of      10-year capital plan in December. And,         industry is now as a “burning platform for
              Irish contractors globally.                     of course, we now have the National            change”. He maintains that technology is
                 “We need to build on this burgeoning         Planning Framework, so we know that our        the bridge that must be crossed in order to
              global reputation,” Dominic Doheny said         message is getting through, albeit very late   take the industry out of the past and into

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          the future. He talked about systemic issues
          that are seen in most construction markets
          in the world like workforce size and the
          ageing demographic.
             “We operate in a highly dynamic but
          volatile environment, particularly in terms
          of economic cycles and we have shaped
          ourselves, as an industry, in response
          to these symptoms of failure. We have
          shaped ourselves to be flexible and to be
          able to ride the wave of boom-bust, which
          is unfortunately what the industry has
          historically suffered from, but I believe
          that this is going to be much more difficult
          going forward.                                                                                                 Mark Farmer, CEO,
             This makes where we are now a burning                                                                       Cast Consultancy.
          platform for change. In the past, the
          industry has resisted opportunities and
          potential for change by surviving each
                                                           Panel discussion
          crisis and then reverting to type, but this
                                                           hosted by Ian
          is no longer an option for construction
                                                           Kehoe (Left), Editor,
          businesses. We are truly at the point
                                                           Sunday Business
          where we must modernise or die. The
                                                           Post at CIF Annual
          industry itself will not die, we always need
          construction, but at an individual and
          corporate level, there is a lot to be done
          in terms of future-proofing our business
          models for the health and sustainability of
          individual businesses.”
             Mark Farmer is pushing for a
          productivity-led change agenda that can
          help determine future needs, without
          reverting to type. He advised, “We need
          to move towards high-level manufactured
          value, which is the ratio of what we do on
          site and what we do off-site. It is not just
          about modular construction. Modular is
          simply one solution. It is about efficiency,
          productivity and the interface between
          what is manufactured, what is pre-
          manufactured and what is installed onsite.”

          Skills shortage and lack of
          diversity                                        Claire Penny, Global
          One of the critical issues identified by the     Industry Leader,
          speakers and on the floor of the conference      Watson IoT for
          is the looming skills gap the industry is        Buildings, IBM
          facing. The CIF Director General, for
          example, challenged the industry to up
          its game in terms of competing for and            “To meet this target, we need to promote   coming decade regardless of the political
          attracting talent. The current capacity of     the industry as an attractive career          changes. To insulate the market from this
          the industry to capitalise on capitalise on    destination. Improving diversity and          and to achieve strategic permanence, we
          global trends in the future and to even        inclusion is a key challenge. For example,    need the individual industry leaders to
          meet Ireland’s needs today is severely         just 8% of the industry is female, and        step up. We need to use this opportunity
          challenged by skills.                          other industries are overtaking us in terms   to put in place permanent structures that
             “Our members are competing for              of female participation to the detriment      allow sustainable growth in the industry,
          top talent particularly in the face of         of our productivity, performance and          for example, the food industry’s ‘Food
          digitisation,” said Tom Parlon. “We need       reputation. I’m delighted to Women in         Harvest 2020’ became ‘Food Wise 2025’.
          to up our game, not just on-site but in        Construction: #BuildingEquality initiatives   It’s the third five-year strategy for the
          management and across the C-suite. We          already underway, but we have a long          food industry and has survived four
          know that 110,000 additional workers           journey ahead.”                               Ministers at this stage and two changes
          are required over the next three to four          Tom Parlon concluded by saying, “This      of Government. We need a similar
          years to deliver all the infrastructure and    is exactly the type of long-term challenge    structure for construction Industry and
          housing that Government has committed          that the Construction Sector Group            Constructing Ireland 2030 is the basis
          to.                                            will enable us to work through over the       of that. C

         16 CONSTRUCTION November 2017

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cover story

                  NPF WILL UNDERPIN
                   FUTURE BALANCED
                  REGIONAL GROWTH
           Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohoe TD speaks to
          Robbie Cousins about Budget 2018, and Government plans to bring about a total overhaul
                                           of Ireland’s spatial plans.

                  n his first Budget on 10 October last,
                  Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe
                  TD acknowledged the central role that
                  the construction sector has to play in
                  the future development of the Irish
              economy. The Minister delivered a number
              of measures that the sector broadly
              welcomed. He also highlighted a number
              of priorities that the Government sees as
              needing to be addressed in the coming

              Ireland has the fastest growing economy
              in Europe, yet spends the least amount
              on capital investment as a percentage
              of GDP amongst all EU countries. The
              Construction Industry would like if a
              proportion of funding due as part of the
              Capital Plan 2016-2021 was to be released
              in 2018 for the design and planning
              of future projects. This would give the
              industry a roadmap of future opportunities
              and facilitate getting projects to site
                 Minister Donohoe says that
              Government has allocated funding to start
              addressing the infrastructure deficit.
                 “This Government has allocated a
              significant, but more importantly a
              well-planned, increase in public capital
              investment amounting to €4.3bn over
              the remaining four years of the Capital
              Plan 2018-2021. This is in addition to the
              €2.2bn for housing outlined in the Action
              Plan for Housing and Homelessness,” the
              Minister explains.
                 “Between 2015 and 2021 capital                              Minister for Finance and
              expenditure will have doubled, reaching                        Public Expenditure and
              €7.8bn. Capital expenditure will reach                         Reform Paschal Donohoe TD
              3.5% of GNI by 2021 and will account
              for over 11% of total voted expenditure.

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                                                                                                         also underpinned by a spatial vision based
                                                                                                         on values such as creating a fairer society,
                                                                                                         more sustainable choices and options, and
                                                                                                         providing a better quality of life for our
                                                                                                            The Minister explains that the national
                                                                                                         population is projected to increase by 1
                                                                                                         million people by 2040, and it is projected
                                                                                                         that there will be 8 million people on the
                                                                                                         island as a whole by then. “This means
                                                                                                         that a ‘business as usual’ continuation of
                                                                                                         urban sprawl trends and uncoordinated
                                                                                                         development is not an option. The physical
                                                                                                         and spatial development of Ireland has to
                                                                                                         be much better,” he says.
                                                                                                            “The finalisation of the Ireland 2040
                                                                                                         framework alongside a new 10-year capital
             Significant additional investment in local and                                              plan and the development of Regional
             regional roads address congestion                                                           Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSESs)
                                                                                                         will bring about a total overhaul and
          This will see public investment in Ireland     of a new programme of infrastructure            vertical alignment of Ireland’s spatial plans
          moving from relatively low levels to among     renewal for the higher education sector,        – from the NPF, through the RSES and
          the highest in the EU.”                        focused on large-scale refurbishment and/       down to Local Authority City and County
             In line with the assessment of the Mid-     or infrastructure replacement projects          Development Plans.
          Term Review of the capital plan, Minister      which are essential to expand capacity,            Minister Donohoe says this will enable
          Donohoe says that the Government has           address health and safety issues, and/or        the delivery of balanced growth in which
          identified a number of priorities for public   improve quality in areas of key skills needs.   “regional cities can function as realistic
          capital investment.                               Under Health, the Minister explains          alternatives to Dublin and act as growth
             The Minister outlines that an additional    that a further €471m he has allocated           drivers for their regions, while at the same
          €1.3bn will be invested in the Transport       will assure the delivery of the National        time allowing us to unlock opportunities
          sector. “This investment will deliver major    Children’s Hospital project and will allow      for strategic renewal and enhancement
          public transport infrastructure, such as       the Government to address needs in other        of run-down or under-utilised parts of
          the new Bus Rapid Transit network for          priority areas including Primary Care,          Dublin as our capital city. Of course, any
          Dublin and the extension of the Dart to        Mental Health, Acute Services, Social Care.     regional focus will also seek to boost the
          Balbriggan. There will also be significant        “Communications will receive an              small towns and rural fabric of Ireland by
          additional investment in local and regional    additional €200m in order to expand             supporting new economic opportunities
          roads and projects to address congestion       energy efficiency programmes, continue          and reversing population decline.”
          such as the M50 Variable Speed Limits          to roll out the Renewable Heat Incentive
          project.                                       Scheme, increase uptake of electric vehicles    Project Bundling
             On the basis of the review of the Action    and ensure the roll-out of the National         The bundling of local projects, such as
          Plan for Housing and Homelessness,             Broadband Plan – following finalisation         schools and courthouses, has been seen
          Minister Donohoe says an additional            of the procurement process – to ensure all      by some as exacerbating the challenges
          €500m has been allocated for the direct        that citizens can access high speed services,   local contractors face, as they are being
          building of over 3,000 additional social       regardless of where they live or work.”         precluded from tendering for work that
          houses by 2021.                                Minister Donohoe explains.                      they would have traditionally carried out.
             “This increases the overall Rebuilding                                                         Minister Donohoe sees project bundling
          Ireland ambition to be achieved through        Regional Development                            as necessary, but he says local contractors
          build, refurbishment, acquisition and          One of the big challenges facing the            can still tender for some projects.
          leasing over the period 2016-2021 from         Government in the coming years is                  “Bundling refers to the practice of
          47,000 to 50,000 new homes. A further          achieving more balanced regional                tendering a number of individual projects
          €75m in exchequer funds is being made          development. Minister Donohoe says he           as a single contract,” the Minister explains.
          available under a second tranche of Local      is fully aware of the issue and that the        “As a result, smaller firms who may be
          Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund         Government is taking steps to address the       capable of undertaking an individual
          (to be matched by €25m from Local              disparity.                                      project are excluded from bidding on the
          Authority contributions) with the potential       He says a huge amount of work                basis that they lack the capacity to deliver
          to further stimulate the supply of mixed-      has already been undertaken by the              the multiple projects. We are not aware of a
          tenure homes on private and State-owned        Government in this regard, and they now         systemic policy of bundling projects across
          lands by at least 5,000-plus additional new    have a draft of the National Planning           the public capital programme. However,
          homes in the coming years.”                    Framework (NPF) Ireland 2040.                   it may be undertaken for reasons of
             Minister Donohoe points out that an            “This plan represents a unique               practicality and, where projects are located
          additional €322m has been allocated to         opportunity to set out an ambitious vision      in close proximity, to ensure that Health
          schools, which will deliver 350 planned        and 20-year strategy for what our country       and Safety matters are better co-ordinated.
          large-scale projects. An additional €257m      should and can look like in 2040, and              “Many contracting authorities will
          has been allocated for Higher Education,       balanced regional development is a key          bundle certain works to deliver economies
          which will allow for the commencement          part of that vision,” he comments. “It is       of scale and to manage their own resources

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              as efficiently as possible’” he continues.             The issue is less about
              “A single contract governing a range of                a lack of investment and
              similar-scaled projects in reasonably                  more about how we manage
              close proximity makes sense from the                   investment to achieve
              perspective of efficient project delivery.             meaningful regional
              However, there are natural limitations to              development.”
              this approach. An example of bundling
              that many contracting authorities adopt
              is emergency response maintenance. To
              provide this service a contractor needs to
              have a certain scale to react to multiple
              call outs for leaks, boiler failures, electrical
              outages, etc. Even though the individual
              ‘tasks’ are tiny, it is the capacity of the
              contractor to respond within the tight
              timeframes that is important.”
                 Minister Donohoe says that certain
              safeguards are built into the legislation
              governing procurement to ensure that
              SMEs are given opportunities to compete
              successfully for public contracts. Under the       focus on the development of Ireland’s          history and heritage, and we must protect
              EU Directives, contracting authorities are         regional cities.                               those even as we look to develop for the
              encouraged to break larger projects into               “My Department is preparing a ten-year     future, while it is also essential that our
              lots, so that SMEs are in a position to bid.       capital plan, which will support the NPF.”     plans reflect our ambitions around climate
              Under national guidelines, the requirement         Minister Donohoe explains. “This improved      mitigation and support the National
              to advertise contracts, which are in excess        integration of capital investment and          Mitigation Plan on Climate Change.”
              of €25,000 for goods and general services          spatial planning under the NPF will allow
              and €50,000 for works and works-related            us to deliver on our long-term, strategic      Stamp Duty on Commercial
              services, on eTenders, provides ample              objectives for Ireland’s development           Property
              transparency to tendering opportunities.           and will ensure that businesses and            One measure in the Budget that raised
              Below these thresholds contracting                 communities can plan ahead.                    concerns was the increase of Stamp Duty on
              authorities may directly invite tenders                 Minister Donohoe ultimately believes      commercial property from 2% to 6%. The
              from a minimum of five contractors.                that despite the fiscal constraints that       Minister is adamant that this is the right
                                                                 the Government must work under, “it            decision for the country at this time.
              National Planning Framework                        is an absolutely worthwhile process of            “Based on analysis of projects in the
              While a number of regional infrastructure          putting in place a long-term strategic         pipeline, CBRE and other commentators
              projects are coming on stream in the next          planning framework. But, it will require a     are projecting continued strong levels of
              18 months, a long-term capital plan would          coordinated effort.                            completions in 2018 and 2019,” Minister
              give the construction sector confidence                “This requires complementary sectoral      Donohoe explains. “There is an estimated
              to put in place the required resources to          vision across Government Departments,          400,000-sq m of office space under
              deliver on such a plan. Minister Donohoe           Agencies and Semi-States,” the Minister        construction in Dublin alone. Once
              says that the Government has made                  points out. “This has been very much           completed, this will add approximately 10%
              significant strides in prioritising projects       reflected in the current draft of the NPF.     to the stock of office space. This suggests
              and that the National Planning Framework           We also need to ensure public bodies work      that the commercial real estate sector has
              will help determine what gets built, and           together to develop key sites and ensure       significant supply already in the pipeline to
              when it gets built in the next 10 years.           our cities towns and villages can grow in a    meet demand from companies relocating
                 “This is an area where the Government           sustainable way and get our housing market     from the UK.
              has completed a significant amount of              working effectively.”                             The Minister says that the availability of
              work in identifying priorities for the                 The Minister says it is important to       commercial property and office space is one
              allocation of the substantial capital funding      recognise that “we are not starting with       consideration companies have in deciding
              now available,” he explains. “Research             a blank canvas – Ireland is an already         to locate to Ireland.
              has shown that all regions experienced             developed country, with five main                 “Of equal concern in maintaining
              significant increases in infrastructure            cities, a developed network of transport       competitiveness and attracting firms post-
              expenditure over the period 1995-2009,             infrastructure, businesses based in            Brexit, Minister Donohoe comments, “as
              with Dublin actually receiving less on a per       particular locations and so on. All these      well as more generally is the availability
              capita basis. Hence, the issue is less about a     pre-existing factors need to be taken into     of housing. By helping to re-orient the
              lack of investment and more about how we           account.                                       construction industry towards more
              manage investment to achieve meaningful                “Then, we need to be mindful that our      residential building, it is hoped this
              regional development.”                             plans are fiscally sustainable, which is why   measure will help address this area of
                 The Minister sees the forthcoming               it is so important that the 10-year National   competitiveness.”
              NPF as having a critical role to play              Investment Plan is being coordinated with         Asked whether he will revisit the
              in influencing the pattern of future               the NPF. This will ensure that we have the     measure, Minister Donohoe concludes
              investment in public infrastructure, and           appropriate budgetary and investment           by saying: “As is the case with all taxation
              he says it will underpin future growth on a        follow through around projects.”               measures, this area will be monitored and
              balanced regional basis, with a particular             “Our built environment reflects our        appropriate action taken, if necessary.” C

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                HIGH-SPEC M&E FIT OUT
                FOR NEW CENTRAL BANK
                  During 2107, Winthrop completed a high-spec low-energy mechanical and electrical fit-
                 out of the new Central Bank premises on North Wall Quay, Dublin for main contractor Walls
                               Construction, a project that presented a number of challenges.
                  Central Bank offices,
                  North Wall Quay,


                              inthrop was engaged by Walls   Challenges                                         the consultant engineers O’Connor Sutton
                              Construction to deliver the    One of the significant challenges with this        Cronin (OCSC) and architects Henry J
                              Mechanical and Electrical      project was to take the shell of the existing      Lyons (HJL), Winthrop had input into the
                              services on the new eight-     building and modify it to suit the bank’s          implementation of the systems controlling
                              storey 30,000-sq m Central     requirements, which was to deliver a building      the building management system, façade
                Bank of Ireland offices on North Wall        of the highest quality, energy rating and          management system, the CHP plant,
                Quay, Dublin. Winthrop completed             sustainability. The design criteria to achieve a   basement smoke clearance system and the
                the mechanical and electrical services       BREEAM Excellent accreditation and a BER           car park ventilation system.
                installation for the Central Bank project,   of A2 meant that the selection of top quality,        Mechanically, a key design feature is
                which went from shell to walk-in ready in    efficient plant and materials was paramount.       an energy saving mixed-mode ventilation
                less than two years.                            Working closely and under the guidance of       strategy, which, when external conditions

               22 CONSTRUCTION November 2017

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                 The majority of
                 the Central Bank’s
                 electrical plant is
                 located at roof level.

              are acceptable, will allow the façade           installed for BMS, lighting and protective          The Central Bank moved staff into the
              mounted louvres to open and let fresh air       services. The entire building can be             new building over a number of weeks and
              enter the space. This, coupled with the         controlled from either fixed points by the       Winthrop was on hand to assist all the way
              most highly efficient plant equipment and       facilities management team, or by remote         and ensure the move was a seamless as
              latest heat recovery systems, ensures real      connectivity for a 24/7 set up, which would      possible for each staff member.
              energy savings for the building.                be expected in a modern building of this            A total of 1,500 staff were moved in, and
                                                              stature.                                         the feedback from them is nothing but
              Building Energy Management                         The majority of lighting, totalling 10,000    positive in their new base, and Winthrop
              System                                          LED light fittings within the building, is       is proud to have been a part of that
              The BEMS (Building Energy Management            controlled by automatic sensors that not         positivity.
              System) formed the principal part of            only control on and off functions, but also         Speaking about the how the project fits
              the HVAC system’s control and energy            light levels depending on the sunlight, as it    with Winthrop’s recent portfolio of work,
              monitoring for the building. The energy         hits the building during the day. The system     Managing Director Anne Dooley first
              monitoring features include:                    is programmed with pre-sets to drop light        acknowledges the quality of the design of
              • Monitoring utility consumption                levels at night as the building is mainly        the project.
              • Monitoring overall energy usage against       vacated after a certain time.                       “The Central Bank project set a new
                targets                                          Winthrop provided a complete structured       benchmark for innovative design and
              • Energy reporting for Facilities               cabling system for the end user, which           efficiency, and massive compliments must
                Management, Bank Principals and               includes a fibre optic backbone and Cat 6A       go to the design engineers and architects
                Heads of Department                           network using the latest intelligent patch       who designed this unique project.
              • Energy target exceedance and alarms           panels to put this building right at the            “The Central Bank is a great example of
              • Trend logging of environmental                forefront in data installations.                 the type of project completed or currently
                conditions                                                                                     on-site within the company at this time.
              • Customisable dashboard for individual         Phased Handovers                                    “We recently completed the 21,000-sq
                users                                         Another major challenge on this project was      m Miesian Plaza Project on Baggot Street
                                                              the phased handovers of critical areas, as the   as well as Google’s European HQ and
                 Unusually, the majority of electrical        client took possession of the building.          Facebook’s European HQ, also in Dublin.
              plant is located at roof level, with the           To facilitate the crucial IT requirements     We have also been appointed as Electrical
              distribution structure feeding down             of the client, all communications rooms          Contractor on the Dublin Landings
              through the building. This helped to            were completed, commissioned and handed          project, adjacent to the Central Bank.
              maximise the usable space from the two          over while major construction was still             “Just across the river from the Central
              lower basement levels up to the seventh-        being carried out.                               Bank, we are currently carrying out the
              floor offices with dramatic views of the city      The BCAR requirement was also a crucial       electrical fit-out of the 12,300-sq m 8
              and bay.                                        element of project delivery, with Dublin         Hanover Quay project – The Reflector
                 Systems design by the Consultant             City Council taking a keen interest in the       building. These are the scale of project
              Engineers OCSC and Architect HJL                commissioning and certification of the           that Winthrop has become accustomed to
              were driven by the most energy efficient        building, given its extremely high-profile       completing in Dublin and further afield
              principles with central control systems         status.                                          over the past number of years.” C

                                                                                                                      November 2017 CONSTRUCTION 23

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