Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps

Page created by Lewis Burns
Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
Four easy ways to
recycle your food scraps
1.   Wrap your scraps
2.   Kitchen caddy with compostable bags
3.   Worm farms
4.   Compost at home
Food scrap composting VOUCHER
and CASH-BACK details inside.

Offer LIMITED to one rebate per household while
stocks and budgets last.

Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
Four easy ways to recycle
your food scraps
South Australians lead the                  Don’t waste your food scraps - turn it into compost.
                                            · Food scraps make up around 40% (by weight) of household waste that is sent to landfill.
way with recycling but there
                                            · When food breaks down in landfill, it does so slowly and releases harmful greenhouse
are ways we can all waste less                gases into the atmosphere.
and recycle more.                           · Compost is used as a soil conditioner. It makes gardens more water efficient and adds rich
                                              nutrients to the soil.

                                                                                                               t u r t t h ere are
                                                                                                       arles S           od scra
                                                                                 h e   C  i t y of Ch        yo  u r  fo
                                                                            In t                     ecycle
                                                                               a sy  w   ays to r
                                                                                                       raps                         bags
                                                                                 W  r a  p   your sc                     p ostable
                                                                              1.                                 c o  m
                                                                                   K i t c h  e n caddy
                                                                                 3. Worm
                                                                                         o  m  p o st at ho                    ystem th
                                                                                  4. C                                  t h e s
                                                                                          a  s e a sy as ch
                                                                                   It’s                    e best.
                                                                                         i t s y o ur hom

Four easy ways to recycle your foodscraps
Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
Wrap your scraps and put them
in your green organics bin
Most things that once                            Wrapping your scraps can help keep your green organics bin clean, and help absorb
                                                 some of the moisture from your food scraps. You can wrap your scraps in newspaper
grew can be put in your                          or paper towelling if you want to, or place them loose in your green organics bin.
green organics bin for                           If you don’t have a green organics bin, you can purchase one through Council
composting. Its contents will                    by calling 8408 1111. You can claim back $20 on the purchase of your green
                                                 organics bin using the voucher found on the back page of this booklet.
be turned into compost.

                                                                                                                                u  t la w   n clippi
                                                                                                                    le to p               eds in y
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                                                                                          al w                      aves     a                   cept
                                                                                You’ve              a  n ches, le                   e  also ac
                                                                                          g s ,  b r                       w    w
                                                                                 prunin                         but no
                                                                                          o r g  a n  ics bin            :
                                                                                 green                    i n cluding                               way
                                                                                             CR    A  P S                                e, takea
                                                                                  FOOD S                         le scra     p  s, c a k
                                                                                            a  n  d  v egetab             a  n  d  c o ffee gro
                                                                                   - frui t                     abags
                                                                                         o d s , b read, te                         d  and raw
                                                                                      fo                                      o k e
                                                                                                                   es (co                 eafood
                                                                                            a t  s c ra ps, bon             l s and s
                                                                                     - me                       e r s h e l
                                                                                                     lls, oyst                                     s and
                                                                                        eggshe                                  p a  p e r, tissue
                                                                                            z z a  b  o xes, shr
                                                                                       - pi
                                                                                         paper t
                                                                                            h  e e  s e and yo
                                                                                           - hair

1. Wrap your scraps and put them in your green organics bin
Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
Pick up a free kitchen caddy and
roll of bags from council
Take advantage of our                              The bags are made of compostable corn-starch and vegetable oils. Compostable bags are
                                                   an effective way to contain your food scraps and keep things clean and tidy.
one-off offer of a kitchen                         Call into our Civic Centre at 72 Woodville Road, Woodville during business hours and
caddy with a roll of                               redeem the voucher included in this brochure to:

compostable corn-starch                            COLLECT your food waste container and compostable bags - stocks are limited
bags.                                              RECEIVE up to $20 cash-back on your own container and compostable bags
                                                   (don’t forget to bring the receipt with you for your rebate).
                                                   This is a LIMITED OFFER valid only while stocks and budgets last.

                                                                                                                       k e d  a s  compos
                                                                                                              y mar
                                                                                       l y b a g s clearl             in   your gr
                                                                                    On                       p la ce
                                                                                               able to
                                                                                    are suit
                                                                                                s bin.
                                                                                     organic                                      t a  re labe
                                                                                                                       gs   t h a                       n’t
                                                                                                  b a g  s, and ba                b l e  a  s they do
                                                                                      Plastic                         t suita                        se
                                                                                                d a b  l e , are no             . S o   a v  oid the
                                                                                      degra                              post                       in.
                                                                                              k   d o w   n in com              u r  r u  bbish b
                                                                                       brea                        m in y     o
                                                                                            g s , o r  put the
                                                                                         ba                                                  be
                                                                                                                           b  ags can                   s.
                                                                                                    co  m   p ost  a b l e
                                                                                                                                  a  rd  w   a re store
                                                                                           More                           cal h                        s to
                                                                                                  h  a s e  d from lo               d  it io  nal bag
                                                                                           pur  c                        sell a   d
                                                                                                     ci l w  ill also
                                                                                            Co  u n                         rice.
                                                                                                     e n  t s a t cost p

2. Pick up a free kitchen caddy and roll of bags from council
Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
Feed your food scraps to the worms
Worm farms are a great                  Worm farming is a fun way to turn your food scraps into a rich, soil-like substance called
                                        ‘worm castings.’ Worm castings are great for pot plants, growing seedlings, and for potting
alternative to composting for           soils. The liquid produced by worm farms is full of nutrients and can be watered down and
people with small gardens.              added to pot plants.

Worm farms can be kept                  For more information on successful worm farming, download your Fact Sheet from www.
inside, outside, on the balcony
or in the shed.

                                                                                                                                         uch as
                                                                                       I K E                     d  c a  rd  board s
                                                                                     L                        e
                                                                        Worms aked and ripp
                                                                                   r, s  o                                                 rlic
                                                                        - pape               e s                        t  o nions, ga
                                                                                        o x                       e  p
                                                                           pizza b                      le (exc
                                                                                     a n  d   v egetab
                                                                          - fruit
                                                                             and cit
                                                                            - leaves
                                                                                          nd lint
                                                                             - hair a
                                                                              - egg sh
                                                                                                             en on
                                                                                           s  a re  NOT ke
                                                                               Worm                                                           ing
                                                                                                                          a m  i l y (includ
                                                                                - meat                            on f
                                                                                                f ro m the oni
                                                                                 - plan     t s
                                                                                                           lots)                           as
                                                                                                                              od such se items
                                                                                      a  r lic  a nd shal       c i d i c  fo
                                                                                                 fruits a
                                                                                                          nd a                         ce the
                                                                                   - citrus                   in  e a p  ple (pla ad)
                                                                                                            p                       inste
                                                                                                    es and            ics bin
                                                                                      tomato                o r ga  n
                                                                                       in your

3. Feed your food scraps to the worms
Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
Compost your food scraps at home
Home composting is a natural                   Benefits include
and efficient way to recycle                    · improves garden health and soil structure by adding nutrients

food scraps. It is easy to do,                 · reduces water use in the garden
                                               · saves money spent on fertilisers and mulch
cheap and provides many
                                               · reduces the cost of waste disposal to the community
benefits.                                       · reduces greenhouse gases produced by rotting material in landfill
                                               · saves landfill space
                                               Please place your kitchen scraps and other organic material into a compost bin.
                                               Avoid placing meat or dairy products in your home compost. Place these items in your
                                               green organics bin instead.

  What                   Here are some of      · Bark                  · Grass clippings            · Small twigs                   · Horse and
  materials              the more common       · Garden waste          · Sawdust                    · Wool                            chicken manure
                         items that are        · Paper                 · Woodchips                  · Hay/Straw                     · Eggshells
  can go in a            suitable for home     · Wood ash              · Cereals                    · Vacuum cleaner                · Food scraps
  compost bin?           composting.           · Bread                 · Hair                         dust                          · Leaves

                                                                                                                                                     or only
                                                                                                                             m  p  o  s t bins f
                                                                                                                     e co                                $20
                                                                                                  l     220 litr
                                                                                                    lsMAGE                               itEDh your
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                                                         77cm high

                                                                                                                          ation o
                                                                                                                                       n                          rom
                                                                                                            i n f o rm                           r F a c t Sheet f
                                                                                                        re                        ad yo        u
                                                                                       For mo                     , downlo
                                                                                                         st in  g                
                                                                                        compo                       s s t u
                                                                                                          har   l e

                               71cm diameter

4. Compost your food scraps at home
Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
Your food waste recycling voucher
Tick which system you would like.
                                                                         Already recycling your food scraps at home?
One offer only per property.
                                                                         We are most interested to know how your family recycles food
   Thanks! I will WRAP MY SCRAPS
                                                                         scraps. Please tell us your story.
   I will pick up my kitchen caddy and compostable bags
                                                                         I already recycle my food scraps using my
   I would like $20 cash-back on a new worm farm
                                                                             Green organics bin
   I would like $20 discount on for a new green organics bin                 Compost bin
   purchased from Council
                                                                             Worm farm
   I would like $20 cash-back or discount on a new compost bin               Chickens
To redeem your $20 cash-back voucher, bring your receipt or proof            Other
of purchase dated on or after 1 September 2011.                              I would like to share my ‘recycling food’ stories with Council.

Voucher offer LIMITED to one offer per household while stocks and        Address
budgets last.
Vouchers can be redeemed from the Civic Centre at                        Council will contact you shortly to hear your story.
72 Woodville Road, Woodville, during normal business hours
(9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).                                          These vouchers can only be redeemed by City of Charles Sturt residents. A limit of one offer
                                                                      per property applies. Please provide proof of residence when redeeming your voucher. When
                                                                      asking for cash-back on a purchase (for example of a compost bin or worm farm of your own
If you are unable to come in to redeem your voucher during            choosing) a copy of your receipt must be provided and attached to your voucher in order to
business hours, call 8408 1111 to discuss alternative arrangements.   be eligible for the rebate. Items must have been purchased after 1 September 2011.
Four easy ways to recycle your food scraps
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