Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 30, 2022 Tri-Parish Bulletin

Page created by Mario Kennedy
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 30, 2022 Tri-Parish Bulletin
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time • January 30, 2022 • Tri-Parish Bulletin
   He said to them, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” And all spoke highly of him and were
  amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They also asked, “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?” - Lk 4:21-22

                                                          The presider, a classmate of John’s, captured him so
                                                          vividly, so hilariously, that, somewhere around the
           Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                          Eucharistic Prayer, you could begin to feel the night turn
                                                          into day. Everything so lovingly placed in the sanctuary---
Last weekend I attended the funeral of a dear high school
                                                          the flowers, the sports caps, the delightful photo of him,
friend. John had a warmth, and a loving way of including
                                                          looking mischievous and up-to- something---began to
everyone within a hundred miles, that left a palpable
                                                          almost hum with energy.
energy of joy long after he’d left the room.

                                                               And when we reached the words Do this in memory of me,
He married my dear friend Barb forty-nine years ago, and
                                                               my thoughts turned to St. Paul’s famous words. Yes, when
together they raised the kindest, MOST darling daughters.
                                                               you are patient, and kind, not rude, not quick-tempered,
Sullivan, one of their precious grandsons, while sitting on
                                                               bearing all things, hoping all things, when your love never
his mother’s lap, heard the devastating news that his dear
                                                               fails, then you are living in memory of Jesus.
grandpa had died. He cried and cried, and then, sobbing,
told his dad, “This is the saddest sad I’ve ever been.”
                                                                 I wonder. What words, what photos, what funny hats of
                                                                 mine will one day hum with an energy I tried all my life to
The church was packed; the music just exactly perfect. The
                                                                 create, an echo of the Love of Jesus, and a simple life lived
two eulogists--- first, his sister, next, his heartbroken son-in
                                                                 in Memory of him?
-law---remembered him as the sweet, funny brother he
was, and the endlessly generous and gracious man he
became.                                                                   ~Kathy McGovern © The Story and You 2022

                              The Northwest Colorado Tri-Parish Staff Welcomes You
     •Pastor- Fr. Gerardo Puga:   •Vicar Fr. John Croghan:
                                •Business Admin- Diane King:
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 30, 2022 Tri-Parish Bulletin
January 16 Offertory Report                     Altar Servers
        St. Michael: $2001.00 weekly budget: $2750            We are bringing back the altar servers! If your children are
       Holy Family: $1272.00; weekly budget: $1346            interested,         please       email        Fr.     John
         St. Ignatius: $349.00; weekly budget: $769           at, or call him at the office.
              January 23 Offertory Report                     Once we have some children lined up, we will have
      St. Michael: $2031.00.00; weekly budget: $2750          training classes at the parishes and set up a schedule.
       Holy Family: $658.00; weekly budget: $1346             Serving the Mass is a great tradition of the Church. It
         St. Ignatius: $189.00; weekly budget: $769           involves and educates the children, and symbolizes how
                                                              important children and family are to our faith.
       Click Here to Donate Online                            Donating Rosaries
                                                              Do you have old rosaries, medals, prayer cards, small
Donations can also be mailed to:                              statues, Bibles etc that you would like to give to a good
Your Parish, 678 School St. Craig, CO 81625                   home? How about donating them to missions in Belize and
                                                              India. A group in Denver works with a small company
                                                              called to collect items, repair them if
Ladies of St. Michael                                         needed (including rosaries) and send them to missions
There will be a pizza party for the ladies of the parish,     around the world. If you would like to donate items, please
hosted by the Knights, Feb. 11th. Please RSVP to              drop them off at your parish. We will collect all the
(970) 326-7429 by Feb. 9th.                                   donated items and take them to Denver end of February.

                                                                                                109 S. Stanolind Ave.
                                                                                                 Rangely, CO 81648
                                                                                               Office & Fax 970-824-5330

                                                              St. Ignatius Schedule
Fish Fry’s at St. Michael                                     Sun     1/30    7:30 am Confessions
Lent is almost upon us, and we will be hosting again the                      8:00 am Mass
traditional Friday Fish Fry. The KofC, the youth group,
and Fr. John will host them on March 18 and April 1st in      Sat     2/5     4:30 pm Parish Finance Council Meeting
the church hall. More details to come! We plan to invite                      6:00 pm Mass
the whole community, and it should be a lot of fun!                           7:00 pm Youth Group Meeting
Proceeds will help the youth group's Steubenville of the      Sun     2/6     7:30 am Confessions
Rockies trip this summer, and fund other KofC initiatives.                    8:00 am Mass
                                                                              9:00 am Adoration

           St. Michael Community Kitchen                      St. Ignatius Prayer Requests
                                                              Isabella Cox, Phyllis Smith, Stella Smith, Tom Donovan,
Coordinator: Robin Schiffbauer (970-826-2895)                 Mark & Blake Smith, Carl Fronapfel, Stacey Zadra–Martin,
When: Tues 11:00 am—1:00 pm; Thurs 4-6:00 pm                  Ellis Thompson.       We ask God’s daily blessings and
                                                              protection for all our servicemen and women.
Where: 678 School St. in St. Michael Parish Hall
What: Cook and prepare meals for our Craig community.         Rectory Remodel: We are beginning the remodel of the
                                                              rectory. If you have any time to help out, Fr. John can use
Needed: Call Robin if you are interested in helping.
                                                              you! Please email him or call him at the office. Mainly we
Appreciated Donations: Canned goods: Vegetables,              will be doing cleaning and paint. Thank you for your
fruits, chili beans, tomatoes, tomato sauce, etc. (#10 cans   generosity!
preferable). Coffee, Lemonade, Ice-tea, paper products,
                                                              Fish Fry: Lent is almost upon us, and we are planning to
                                                              have a Friday Fish Fry on March 25th. Proceeds will go
How Many Served: Month of November ≈ 2,800 meals              towards the cost of the Steubenville conference this
Contact: Please call the Kitchen (826-2895) if you have       summer that will be attended by some of our high
any questions or wish to volunteer your time.                 schoolers.
678 School St.                                              889 Park Ave. (Church)
                              Craig, CO 81625                                                Meeker, CO 81641
                  Office 970-824-5330 • Fax 970-824-7870                                      P.O. Box 866 (Mailing)
                     Office Hours Mon-Fri 10am-3pm                                              Office 970-878-3300
                        Credit Union 970-824-2668                                               Main: 970-824-5330

St. Michael Schedule                                       Holy Family Schedule
                                                           Sun     1/30    11:00 am Mass - Bilingual
Sat    1/29    5:30 pm Mass
                                                                           Holy Family Celebration
               7:15 pm Misa
                                                           Mon     1/31    7:00 am Mass
Sun    1/30    8:30 am Pray the Rosary
               9:00 am Mass—Bilingual                      Tues    2/1     7:00 am Mass
               Fifth Sunday Fellowship Meal
                                                           Sun     2/6     11:00 am Mass
Mon    1/31    8:30 am Mass                                                12:00 pm Adoration
Tues   2/1     8:30 am Mass                                                1:00 pm Misa
               5-6:00 pm Adoration and Confession                          2:00 pm Reunion papas—Lectio
               6:00 pm Misa en Espanol
                                                           Holy Family Prayer Requests:
Wed    2/2     7:45 am Misa                                Marcie Kerby, Connie (Debbie Frazier’s Stepmom), Kris
               8:30 am Mass                                Casey, Joe Fennessey, Mary Baylie, for the protection of all
               9:00 am Wellness Wednesday Program          in Military Service, and for all people suffering mentally,
               6:00 pm Adoration and Confession            physically and spiritually during these uncertain times.
               8:30 pm Biblia—Lectio Divina
Thurs 2/3      8:30 am Mass                                Holy Family Feast Day Celebration Thanks
               5:00 pm Adoration and Confession            Thank you to all those who helped make our Annual feast
               6:00 pm Misa                                day celebration special. Our parish is over 100 years and
               7:00 pm Prayer Group Meeting                going strong because of our wonderful community.

Fri    2/4     8:30 am Mass
               5:00 pm Adoration and Confession
                                                           Special Prayers
                                                       Please pray for these individuals “In memory of/or in
               6:00 pm Misa
                                                       honor of” whose family members purchased poinsettias to
Sat    2/5    10:00 am Memorial Service: Mary Avageras decorate our parish: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Faulhaber Jr., Mr. &
               5:30 pm Mass                            Mrs. Glenn W. Howard, The McDonell & Lewis Families,
               7:15 pm Misa                            June Frazier & Mary Ann Capron, Aaron & Kristy
Sun    2/6     8:30 am Pray the Rosary                 Hathhorn, Steve Carroll, Bob & Kit Merkl & Paul deVergie,
               9:00 am Mass                            Gene Clapper, All Families who have lost children or
               Intention: Thomas Noble (d)             grandchildren, Holy Family Church.
               by Susan Utzinger
               10:30 am Altar & Rosary Meeting             Prayer for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
               10:30 am Misa                                Almighty ever-living God, direct our actions according to
                                                            your good pleasure, that in the name of your beloved Son
St. Michael Prayer Requests                                 we may abound in good works. Through our Lord Jesus
Greg Knez, Jacinta Flowers, Aldene Hanson, Lawrence Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
Lux, Sanchez Family, Robert Domer, Richard Ridnour, unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen
Maria del Carmen Herrera, Kraig Copeland, Anthony
Tremaine, Tina Velasco, Owen Grant, Mary Bade, Emma Monthly Adoration
Mascarenas, Phyllis Bingham, Bonnie Primavara, Jim Spend an hour with our Lord on Sunday, February 6 at
Martin, Janice Nicoletto, Jessie Z., Jeff Stroble, The Cruz 12:00 pm. We will have Adoration between the morning
Family, Margie Hibbard, Phyllis Loyola                      mass and afternoon Mass.
Adoración Nocturna:
                                                              Tercer sábado de mes: 19 de febrero

                                                              Grupo de Oración.
                                                              Todos los jueves a las 7:00pm Y el grupo de intercesión,
                                                              todos los martes a las 7:00pm. Te esperamos.
                                  IV DOMINGO
                                     DEL TIEMPO               Confesiones:
                                     ORDINARIO                30 minutos antes de las Misas Dominicales y en el mismo
                                                              horario de la Exposición al Santísimo, o haciendo una cita
                                                              directamente con los sacerdotes.
                                                              P. Gerardo: 970 326 8294 P. John: 970 326 8295

Puedes hacer       tu   aportación     económica      a   tu Lectio Divina. Biblia.
                                                              Miércoles 2 de febrero 7:00pm
                                                              Reunión de papás. Catequesis. Miércoles 16 de febrero
                                                              a las 7:00 pm
Donaciones del Domingo 16 de enero:
San Miguel: $2001.00.00 donaciones; $2750 presupuesto
Sagrada Familia: $1272.00 donaciones; $1346 presupuesto       Clase de RCIA.         Catequesis para mayores de 15
Donaciones del Domingo 23 de enero:                           Miércoles 26 de enero de 7pm a 8:30pm.
San Miguel: $2031.18 donaciones; $2750 presupuesto
Sagrada Familia: $658.00 donaciones; $1346 presupuesto        Clases para Bautizar.
                                                              Papás y padrinos que desean bautizar. Martes 8 de
                                                              febrero a las 6:40pm .
"La Biblia en un año." ¡El nuevo                   podcast
de Ascensión inicia en enero de 2022!
Si has tenido problemas para leer la Biblia, este podcast es
para ti. El podcast de Ascension, "La Biblia en un año," guía SAGRADA FAMILIA - Meeker
a los católicos por la Biblia con un episodio diario durante
365 días. Episodio de 25-30 minutes. "La Biblia en un año"
                                                              Domingo , Misa en español a la 1:00 pm.
será producido por Juan Diego Network y estará
                                                              Lunes y martes a las 7:00 am. En Inglés.
disponible para escuchar en YouTube o cualquier
aplicación para podcast.
                                                              Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento
                                                              Domingo primero de mes de 12 a 1 pm.

Horario de MISAS.
                                                              30 minutos antes de la Misa. Si necesitas atención en otro
 Misas en español entresemana: miércoles a las 7:45 am y
                                                              horario, ponte en contacto con los sacerdotes.
Martes jueves y viernes a las 6 pm. las Misas del lunes a
                                                              Normalmente el sacerdote estará en Meeker el domingo y
las 8:30 am. son bilingües. En Inglés a las 8:30 am. De lunes
                                                              lunes. Si necesitas atención en otro momento, llama al
a viernes .
                                                              celular de los sacerdotes. P. Gerardo: 970 326 8294 P. John:
Misa Dominical:                                               970 326 8295.
Sábado 7:15 pm en español y Domingo a las 10:30 am en
español.                                                      Reunión de papás de la catequesis.
                                                              Domingo 6 de febrero después de la Misa de 1:00 pm.
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento y Confesiones. Lectio Divina, traer la Biblia.
Martes, jueves y viernes, de 5 a 6 pm. Y los miércoles de 6
a 7 pm. Sábado y Domingo 30 minutos antes de la Misa.
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