NRCinsights - Northfield Retirement Community

Page created by Ruby Jackson
NRCinsights - Northfield Retirement Community
MARCH 2018
VOL. 10, NO. 1 | A publication of Northfield Retirement Community
Educating the public and
caregivers about a variety of
issues related to aging.

   AGING With Purpose
    Whether aging adults choose to stay at home or move to a senior living community, maintaining purpose
    through engagement and collaboration is proving to be ever more important – both for the individual and
    the community. Northfield Retirement Community recognizes this and has been intentional about shaping a
    campus community that supports a range of opportunities – from mentoring local youth to collaborating with
    others at FiftyNorth, the local senior center. Aging with purpose can provide remarkable benefits to residents’
    physical and mental health.                                                                            continued inside
NRCinsights - Northfield Retirement Community
Aging With Purpose                      continued from cover

The Importance of Purposeful Aging
Purposeful aging stems from the idea that older adults
have unique contributions to offer society and that, in
return, they can make mental, physical and social gains.
There is more evidence today than ever before that
having a sense of purpose in one’s life is incredibly
rewarding. So not only will there be a significant payoff
today, investing in collaborations now will inspire
future generations to prioritize these activities.

Benefits of Purposeful Aging
According to reports published by the Milken Institute
Center for the Future of Aging, purposeful aging results       • FiftyNorth (Formerly the Northfield Senior Center)
in a wide range of potential benefits for older adults           A new partnership with FiftyNorth brings fitness
and their communities.                                           classes to campus throughout the week and offers
• Socialization can result in decreased feelings of              residents the opportunity to visit FiftyNorth for a
  loneliness and isolation.                                      broader range of classes, including water exercises.
                                                                 This partnership allows residents to deepen their
• Having purpose is tied to aging adults’ physical and           relationships and interactions with the greater
  mental well-being and even longevity.                          community.
• Imparting wisdom on successor generations can                • Area Churches
  benefit the welfare of future societies.                       NRC fulfills its mission in partnership with
• Purposeful activities, such as volunteering or                 20 Christian congregations throughout the
  community involvement, can slow cognitive decline.             Northfield area. In addition to delegates from each
                                                                 congregation, which elect the board of directors
Collaboration Opportunities Abound                               to govern the organization, the churches offer
NRC believes that aging adults have the wisdom,                  many opportunities for social and educational
energy and life experience to help build a better future.        programming both on the NRC campus and
We encourage involvement through a range of on- and              off campus. Pastoral and youth visits as well as
off-campus opportunities and provide possibilities for           fellowship luncheons with residents are provided
purposeful aging that add a meaningful dimension                 along with musical entertainment and opportunities
to life at NRC. And while the health benefits abound,            for worship.
the organization’s leadership team believes these
partnerships are an important part of NRC’s corporate          With more than 10 formal collaborations and countless
commitment to the greater Northfield community.                informal partnerships, Kyle Nordine, LNHA, HSE,
                                                               President and CEO, says, “It’s important that NRC
• Greenvale Park Community School                              offers a full range of opportunities for our residents to
  Elementary school students who take part in                  engage with the greater community. Northfield is rich
  programming at nearby Greenvale Park Community               with so many educational and experienced people
  School routinely visit NRC to spend time with                and organizations. We have the immense privilege of
  residents. In turn, NRC residents have found                 partnering with them to make NRC the best it can be,
  meaningful ways to give back to students and families        enrich our residents’ lives and strengthen the fabric of
  at the school. See the story with Lila inside »              the Northfield community, all at the same time.”
NRCinsights - Northfield Retirement Community
NRC Conducts In-home Technology
Pilot Study
Assistive technology equips individuals and family           To participate in the study, NRC identified several
caregivers with the tools they need to effectively           couples on campus that appeared to be in need of
provide care, not only decreasing costs, but also            caregiver resources.
increasing the length of time individuals are able to
remain living independently in their homes.
                                                             What We Found
                                                             Although each couple experienced different outcomes,
“It is apparent that the assistance of technology is an      our study indicates that:
 integral part of the future, not only for in-home care       • Medication reminders, drink water reminders and
 and monitoring, but for assisting caregivers as well,”         hand exercise videos were helpful, especially in
 says Northfield Retirement Community Vice President            those with Parkinson’s.
 of Housing and Community Outreach Shelley Holden.
                                                              • Interaction and communication from family
NRC has taken a proactive approach in its pursuit of            increased in some cases.
the best possible care by funding a six-month pilot
                                                              • The ability to upload photo slideshows was seen as a
initiative that explored the ways in which in-home
                                                                fun way to engage socially.
and remote family caregivers can be supported with
assistive technology. The study                               • Access to games was seen as an enjoyable way to
was recently completed using                                    spend time.
the GrandCare™ technology.
                                                              NRC is committed to the use of emerging technologies
Study Overview                                                throughout the continuum of care.
It is predicted that family
                                                              For more information about NRC’s assistive
caregivers will be increasingly
                                                              technology services, contact Shelley Holden at
responsible for the delivery of supportive care, making
                                                     or 507-650-7335.
assistive technologies more important than ever.

The 2018 legislative session has         of older and vulnerable adults in       to supporting these changes and
begun. In the wake of last fall’s        nursing homes and assisted living       continuing to provide the same
series on the rising number of abuse     settings. It is time to examine all     special care to our residents as we
and maltreatment reports, there          policies related to prevention,         have for nearly 50 years. We will
are current Senate and House bills       reporting and rules regarding           continue to educate our residents,
being reviewed to address this issue.    resident abuse.                         families and staff on the changes
A special work group appointed by                                                and how it will affect the work and
                                        At Northfield Retirement
Governor Dayton has recommended                                                  operations of our organization.
                                        Community, we are committed
ways to improve the care and safety
NRCinsights - Northfield Retirement Community
Crafted With Love
NRC resident Lila Esse loves to knit warm winter hats. With a knitting
hobby that spans more than five decades, there are hundreds of
people across the globe who have been blessed with the warmth
of a “Lila hat.”

This past Christmas, Lila donated 10 of her lovely hats
to elementary school students in need who take part in
programming at nearby Greenvale Park Community School. The
hats were distributed alongside warm, colorful fleece blankets
made by NRC residents – both pieces crafted in love for NRC’s
neighbors in need.

Even better, the depth of NRC’s partnership with these students
doesn’t end there. During the fall and spring, students walk to NRC after
school to spend time with residents. Since many of the students don’t live
near their own grandparents, they look forward to spending time with their
NRC grandmas and grandpas.

NRC Director of Activities Milosha Malecha says, “Partnerships like this are very important at NRC. They ensure a
vibrant community life that deepens residents’ connections to people outside of the NRC campus. We’re thrilled to
encourage intergenerational relationships with our friends at Greenvale Park Community School.”

When you give to NRC, you support intentional programming such as this. Together, we’ll ensure we continue
to meet residents’ spiritual, physical and emotional needs in a caring environment that supports independence,
dignity and quality of life.

Continued Healthcare Workforce Collaborations
                                                    »   T hrough a Workforce Solutions grant from LeadingAge
                                                         Minnesota, NRC continues to collaborate with area
                                                         educators to give middle school and high school students
                                                         opportunities to explore their skills and interests and learn
                                                         more about senior healthcare careers. Working alongside
                                                         Northfield Public Schools, Northfield Promise and St. Olaf
                                                         College, NRC educates youth firsthand on the care industry
                                                         and how they can fulfill local workforce needs.

                                                    »   F unding from the Minnesota Department of Health
                                                         continues to support NRC staff members who are pursuing
                                                         a variety of nursing licensures. These funds allow employees
                                                         to develop professionally and advance in their careers.
                                                         NRC is also able to hire individuals interested in healthcare
                                                         careers and provide them with necessary funds to support
                                                         their training.
NRCinsights - Northfield Retirement Community
Foundation Focus                                                   INSIGHTS FOR OUR FRIENDS IN GIVING

Family Ties at NRC
NRC staff members often express           Sandy and Jen’s
that their co-workers begin to feel       family connection
like family. For some staff members,      with NRC doesn’t
being family is reality!                  stop there – all three
                                          of Jen’s sons worked
Director of Nursing Jen Warnke has        as dietary aides at
worked at NRC for a total of eight        NRC during their high
years. “The staff is so warm and          school years. Trent,
really care about each other, and         Jen’s youngest son,
the residents make me want to             works in the ParkView
come to work.” One of these fellow        dining rooms.
staff members is Jen’s mom, Sandy.
                                         “It’s fun when people
ParkView Housing Coordinator              discover our family
Sandy Knutson, who has worked                                                                                              Jen, Trent and Sandy
                                          connections,” says
at NRC since 2014, says she loves         Jen. “My grandma even lived at NRC
working with residents, seeing their                                                 being an exceptional place to
                                          for a year! I was her nurse, and my        work and fostering a supportive
smiles and hearing their stories.         sons were able to visit her daily.”
She has the privilege of sharing                                                     environment for everyone on our
many of these fun moments with            At NRC, we are incredibly grateful         team. Interested in joining our
her daughter as well.                     for excellent team members like            team? Visit northfieldretirement.
                                          Sandy and Jen and the gifts from           org/join to get started.
“It is awesome to work with my            our generous donors that support
 daughter,” says Sandy. “What a                                                            LEARN MORE: Read
                                          an environment where four                        about the Amy family
 blessing to see her first thing in       generations can come together
 the morning! I’ve loved watching                                                    and the Randolph family,
                                          and make a difference in the lives         who share similar stories, at
 Jen grow and mature into a               of others. We are dedicated to
 successful leader.”                                                       

Make a Difference at NRC
             VOLUNTEER                                                          GIVE A GIFT
             Sharing your time and talent with our community                    You can make a financial contribution to NRC
             will leave a smile on your face! Get started                       using the enclosed envelope or by visiting
             by signing up for volunteer opportunities at             
    Every minute                   All donations to NRC are tax-deductible.
             you can give will bring joy to all.
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                                                                                                                            PERMIT NO. 156
                                                                                                                           NORTHFIELD, MN
900 Cannon Valley Drive • Northfield, MN 55057

For nearly 50 years, NRC has provided high-quality housing
and services specifically designed to meet the physical, social,
emotional and spiritual needs of older adults.

      Independent Living                           Care Center

      Assisted Living                              Short-term Care

      Memory Care

Northfield Retirement Community is an Equal Opportunity Provider.

                                                                           Register Now!
                                                                                 12th Annual NRC

                                                                     Golf Classic
                                                                          Thursday, June 7, 2018
                                                                     Enjoy an exciting 18 holes of golf at Northfield
                                                                     Golf Club while supporting the mission of NRC!
                                                                       Visit to register to play,
                                                                           have dinner or sponsor the NRC Golf Classic.
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