Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B - 31st January 2021 - Glenelg Catholic Parish

Page created by Mario Thornton
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B - 31st January 2021 - Glenelg Catholic Parish
            Catholic Parish
                 31st January 2021
             Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year B

                        “He taught with authority …”
                                      John Herd PP

The people who heard Jesus were impressed with his teaching because, unlike the scribes,
he taught them with authority. We might recall those teachers who made a deep
impression on us. Maybe we had one teacher who enabled me to find new energy and a
new potential which I didn’t know I possessed. I wonder if that teacher unlocked
something in me because I realised that I was loved.
As we begin the school year we can be conscious of our children who have returned to
school. May they grow in self-confidence and learn to trust in the world around them. We
are blessed with two Catholic schools in our parish, St Mary’s Memorial School and Our
Lady of Grace School, which have the mission of educating in all that is good and human
in the context of our Catholic faith. We can be conscious of our teachers and support staff
and their important mission.
Parents have a direct teaching role which guides the lives of their children. How good it is
for parents to spend time with their children, to find out about them and their interests.
Sometimes the pace of our life is very fast, and we struggle to spend time with family.
But it is important for parents to spend time with a child in order to know his or her
interests and concerns. Correction and guidance is best given in the context of a loving
relationship. The family is the first setting for learning to relate to others. Hopefully in
the family we learn to listen to each other, to be patient, to show respect and to help one
another. That would be a wonderful gift for a child as it prepares her or him to build
friendships beyond their family.
Grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins all have input into the education of children.
Sometimes extended family members are of immense help to children. The school
provides much help, but parents retain a primary role in educating their own children.
Education does not mean instructing someone else to follow my ways. Rather it means to
help others “grow in freedom, maturity, overall discipline and real autonomy” (Amoris
Laetitia, 261). As adults, our task in education is to help children choose to use their
freedom with intelligence and growing responsibility.

Jesus made a deep impression because he taught with authority and Jesus’ authority came
from love. He looked on others with tenderness and compassion and recognised the
longings in their hearts. Maybe that’s the best way we can teach. And by our acceptance
of weakness and failure, and forgiveness and trying again we are also teaching the
important value of mercy. Mercy gives us a new courage to persevere in love. And no
doubt, our teaching is most effective when motivated by love.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Year B - 31st January 2021 - Glenelg Catholic Parish
Please remember in your prayers
Recently Deceased: Marie Hands                       2021 STEWARDSHIP
(Newcastle), David Lean, Shirley Carlsson,                RENEWAL
Archbishop Emeritus Philip Wilson, Ethel            Our parish will engage in a Parish
Hackett,     Jackie    Magri,    Georgette
                                                      Stewardship Renewal this year.
Gopall, Paul Latty, Melina Cicero, Sue
                                                  We will celebrate the good we have
Sullivan, Josefina Ruiz, Janet Crowhurst,
Alan Dwyer, John Connelly, Mary Siano,                achieved and ask for a renewed
Antonio Cicero, Val Thoreson.                                  commitment.
                                                   It is hoped that all parishioners will
MEMORIALS: Veronica and Keith Milhinch
and the deceased members of the Clarke          recognise the need to commit ourselves
family, Bernard Connolly, Claire Hope            for the good of the parish community.
Murray, Raphael & Hilda Gabarretta, Fr          You are invited to an initial meeting in
Tony Papps, Freda Dingwall, Aidan              St Mary's Hall on Tuesday 9 February
Kavanagh, Moira Lower, Isidro Esteban,         at 7pm. The pr ogr am for the Renewal
John (Jock) Woods, John Lower, Marija            will be presented. Please RSVP to the
Tulich and family.                                parish office by Monday 8 February.
Sick: Virginia Esteban, Nicky Brockman,
Margaret Taylor, Janie White, Katic Seman,         Parish Office Food Hamper
Karin Latisenka, Nicole, Diane Higgins,
Conall McGarrigle, Ray, John Bijok, Nick
Vorrendt, Mary Ryan, Joy Commane, John
                                                 We are running low on the following
Mulraney, Angela Tsaliki, Anne Harkin,         items to assist those in need that call on
Francois Miller, Peter Gillard, Dawn Hill,      the office: Tins of soup, spam, tinned
Jan Wheatley, Anton Sylvester, Terry Olds,      sausages, tuna, crackers, muesli bars,
Michael McCalkin, Teres Zaknich, Catherine      biscuits, tinned fruit, pasta sauce, long
Baldwin.                                       life milk. Please leave your donations
                                               in the allocated box in the church foyer or
              Places of worship have a        drop them into the parish office. Thankyou.
              density requirement of 1
                 person per 2 sqm.                         Walk for Life
               Please maintain social             The ‘Abortion to Birth Bill’ will be
           distance. Do not sit directly in   debated in House of Assembly on Tuesday
   front of or behind someone. Allow          February 2 2021, with a vote expected that
 adequate space between families on the         week. Please consider contacting your
same pew. When receiving communion,             local MP by telephone/letter, plus also
 leave adequate space between yourself           Premier Marshall, expressing strong
     and the person in front of you.            opposition to this Bill. Enq.8364 4516,
                                                 0412 389 875,
COVID Safe Check-in via the mySA GOV            Walk for Life will be held on Saturday
   APP or paper sign in sheets available.        February 6 at Pennington Gardens
  Thank you for your continued efforts in     (Opposite St Peter’s Cathedral) walking to
   helping to keep our communities safe.       Parliament House from 10am – 12noon.
 Any changes to these restrictions will be            For more information visit
   communicated as soon as practicable.     
If you have any concerns/feedback, please            PEITITION SHEETS ARE
  approach a COVID Marshal or contact          AVAILABLE FOR SIGNING IN THE
              the parish office.                         CHURCH FOYER.

***Planned Giving Envelopes/Statements of Giving for Direct Debit/Deposit/
      Contributions via Archdiocesan Online App & Credit Card***
Planned Giving Envelopes & Statements of Giving are available for collection at Masses
                                  this weekend.
   The Community Building Group, on behalf of the Glenelg Parish Pastoral Council are
            organising name badges for parishioners who would like one.
                           Please see the example below.

    If you would like to order a name badge, please place your details on the tear off slip
  provided at the bottom of this page and return it into the allocated box in the church foyer
                              OR hand it in to the Parish Office.

                    Please place your order by Sunday 21st February.


 (please place your order form in the allocated box in the Parish foyer or return it to the
                      Parish Office by Sunday 21st February 2021)

Your Name ……………………………………………….
  Please write your name as you would like it to appear on your badge eg First name only
                          or First name and Surname.

Contact Number      ……………………….
Glenelg Catholic Women’s League
 Parishioners are invited to attend the first meeting of the Glenelg CWL for 2021 this
   coming Wednesday 3 February at 7pm in St Dominic’s Hall, High St, Glenelg.
Details of our new initiative to have evening meetings including dinner will be outlined.
                           We hope you will be able to make it.

 We are seeking a treasurer, The current treasurer – has served her term and is happy to
  mentor someone into the role. Pauline currently prepares a monthly statement for the
meeting and banks any incoming funds once a month. As our meetings are being held bi-
monthly in 2021 the time commitment would be a small one. If you are interested please
contact Antoinette Hurley 8294 2107 or Tracy Glover 0404 844 133 if you think you can
                              assist in any way. Thank you
Parish Lenten Groups
                                                      Archbishop Emeritus Philip
  Lent is about drawing closer to God.                 Wilson’s funeral details
       What is your Lenten focus?
 We invite you to think about hosting or         Livestreaming of the Funeral Mass
    attending a Parish Lenten group.             Wednesday 3rd February at 11am.
 You may wish to host a ‘closed group’           The link will be provided on the
which means that you meet with a group of        Archdiocese          website   https://
    friends/family on a weekly basis.  
 More information will be provided in the
              coming weeks.                      An opportunity to come and pray in the
                                                 presence of the coffin in the Cathedral.
                                                 Open to All, Booking Essential. Fr om
  Day of the Unborn Child Appeal                 2:00pm-6:30pm Tuesday, 2nd February
        2021 - February 6/7                      2021 for private prayer in St Francis
  A special collection will be held next         Xavier’s Cathedral. 20 minutes time
     weekend in support of the work              allocation, bookings through TryBooking.
 undertaken by Birthline, Right to Life in
 South Australia, Matercare Australia &
    Genesis Pregnancy Support Inc.

                        Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

                            Recommendation Process
                        The Parish is seeking additional members.

 Parishioners are invited to suggest members of our parish for possible PPC membership.
   Nominations will be accepted over 2 weekends—31st January & 7th February.

  Please place your nomination slips (copy below) in the Parish Communication Box or
                            return them to the Parish Office.

        Spare copies of the nomination slip are available in the church foyer.

   Parishioners that are recommended are contacted by phone and invited to attend an
   information session at the end of which they will be invited to accept or decline the
   invitation. The information session will include such things as the current role and
             function of the council, time commitments, responsibilities etc.

                            Enquires Parish Office: 8294 1888

      (please place your nomination slip in the Parish Communications box)
Name          ……………………………..                    Contact Number       ……………………...
Name          ……………………………..                    Contact Number       ……………………...
Name          ……………………………..                    Contact Number       ………………….. ….
World Day of the Sick—11th February 2021
The Faculty of Theology and Philosophy and in partnership with Catholic Health Australia
  (CHA) is running a webinar event that brings together international experts and thought
 leaders to discuss mental health, public health and the question of solidarity in the face of
     this global pandemic. The first event in this series, entitled V accines, V iruses and
  Vulnerabilities: Catholic health and care of the human person is taking place on World
                           Day of the Sick which is February 11.
                 Online registration is essential:
The Catholic Weekly event preview:

                            Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
          Thursday, February 11 at 10am in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral
 Each year, on World Day of the Sick a Mass is offered for those who are of ill health. All
                    are welcome to receive a blessing and anointing.
  Bookings to attend the Mass are limited due to density restrictions but can be made via
     For more information please contact Archdiocesan Events on (08) 8210 8220 or

Seeking Expressions of Interest for the Archdiocesan Council for Ministry for
                                Young People
                             Applications close February 8 2021
   The Council for Ministry for Young People in the Archdiocese of Adelaide is seeking
expressions of interest for council members. The CMYP is responsible for discerning broad
 Archdiocesan directions for the engagement of young people in the life and mission of the
   Church by providing advice and leadership to the Archdiocese of Adelaide and works
 closely with the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults. The term for new members
   will begin in March 2021. Applicants should be at least 18 years old and out of school.
 Apply online at For more information, contact
               Peter Bierer in the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults,
               8301 6866

                               The Spirit of the Liturgy
   The Spirit of the Liturgy - a short course presented by Dr Jenny O’Brien of the
  Archdiocese’s Office for Worship. Held across five evenings, commencing on
Thursday February 11, the course explores the feasts and seasons of the Liturgical
 Year and looks at the various liturgical ministries commonly undertaken within
the parish community. The course will be held in the Cathedral Hall of St Francis
                 Xavier’s Cathedral in the city, cost is $50 per person.
To register your interest, please contact the Office for Worship on P: 8210 8130 or
                   visit our website on

                          Catholic Clergy—Laity Golf Day
                                   West Beach Park Golf
  Monday 1st March with a 12.30pm shotgun star t. Attr active pr izes . Spouses and
friends are welcome to attend the presentation dinner at 6.15pm. Cost for golf and dinner is
 $85 (discount for clergy and pensioners). Entries close Friday 19th February. Field limit
                           of 100. Enquiries to Denis 8353 1273.
St Dominic's’ Centre
   Re-opens on Monday 8th February

                 With thanks                                   The Parish Community would like to offer
  Glenelg Vinnies would like to thank                            their Congratulations to Ron Knolder
everyone for their generous donations to                         pictured below with Amanda Wilson,
   their 2020 Christmas Day Appeal.                                  Mayor, City of Holdfast Bay.

                                                                 Ron received the Citizen of the Year
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults                         Award at the City of Holdfast Bay’s ‘2021
  The RCIA is a program for welcoming                            Australia Day Community Awards’
    people into the Catholic Church. The
  program welcomes those who have not
 been baptised as well as those who have
     been baptised in another Christian
 tradition. The RCIA is currently running
   in the Glenelg is able to welcome new
    people who are interested to find out.
           Please contact Fr John.

                Walking Group
    1st & 3rd Fridays of the month at
   7.30am. Meet in Moseley Squar e.
        Followed by a cuppa & chat.

 GROW Mental Wellness Program
Tuesdays, 10am-12pm, St Dominic’s Hall
 No referral or registration needed. 1800
       558 268

                                 Liturgy Roster 7th February 2021
                          6pm Vigil            10.30am OLOV             5.00pm OLOV              9am OLOG

    Sacristan              J Coonan             T Felici & P Felici     G Lyons & R Knolder       M & L Healy

     Readers               P Hurley                 M Emery                 R Knolder              P Murdock
                           A Hurley                F Crimmins              P Brougham               C Ryan
                           M Noonan                 M Morgan                  J Lee                V Dall’Armi

   Power Point             J Coonan                  S Moss                  K Felice

 COVID Marshal            M Speechley           Margaret Morgan              N Jones              Peter Murphy

OLOV Linen: M Partridge     Counters:   J Holland & K Miller               OLOG Altar Servers: Lucy & Tom

OLOV Altar Society : A Parnis      OLOG Flowers: P Murphy, M Good & K Di’Gianni         Lawn: Feb—B Newberry
LITURGY—YEAR B                                         Parish Churches
       4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                             Our Lady of Victories
                                                             13/15 High Street, Glenelg
In today’s Gospel we hear how in Capernaum                      Our Lady of Grace
  Jesus amazes the people by his words and                36 Beadnall Terrace, Glengowrie
  actions. In this Mass the same Jesus speaks                  Sunday Masses, Glenelg
           and is active in our midst.              Sat. Vigil: 6.00pm, Sunday: 10.30am, 5pm
1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20                            Sunday Mass, Glengowrie
I will put my words into the prophet’s mouth,                           9am
and he will tell them all I command.                         Weekday Services, Glenelg
Psalm: 94:1-2, 6-9                                   Mass: Tues. 10 am. Wed., Thurs. & Fri.
If today you hear his voice, harden not your         12noon (Adoration on Thurs. at 11.30am)
hearts.                                                  Saturday Reconciliation: 11am
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
                                                                   Parish Team
The unmarried woman dedicates herself to
                                                   Parish Priest:         Fr John Herd
the things of the Lord, that she might be holy.    Finance Council Chair: Kevin O’Brien
Gospel: Mark 1:21-28                               A/g Pastoral Council Chair: H Gr eenfield
This is a new kind of teaching that speaks with    A copy of the latest Pastoral Council report can be
authority.                                                       viewed on our website.
Gospel Acclamation:                                              Parish Schools
Alleluia, alleluia! The people in darkness have       St Marys Memorial, Glenelg 8294 4580
seen a great light; a radiant dawn shines on        Our Lady of Grace, Glengowrie 8177 9100
those lost in death. Alleluia!                         St Dominic’s Centre—82941888
Memorial Acclamation: Save us, Saviour of          Henriette Greenfield (COORD) 0439683338
the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection                    St Marys Hall
You have set us free.                                    Available for hire. Ph 8294 1888.
                                                            Columbarium Enquiries
                                                           Anne Kay. Ph 0438 479 845
   Feast Days 2nd—The Presentation of                     Playgroup, Murphy House
   the Lord, 5th—St Agatha, 6th—St Paul                     (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
             Miki & Companions                       Parish Office: 17 High St, Glenelg
                                                    Weekdays 9-12 & 12.30-2 (Closed Public
              Direct Giving App                    Holidays) Parish Secretary: Ar aceli Hunt
     You can now contribute to the first and          RCIA Co-ordinator : Fr J ohn Her d
   second collections via your mobile phone.             Ph: 8294 1888 Fax: 8295 1149
   Download the Adelaide Archdiocese Find a             Email:
            Mass app or go to https://                    Website: to            Facebook: Glenelg Catholic Par ish
   make a one-off donation or set up recurring                 Directors of Music
   donations to the parish (second collection)            Our Lady of Victories: TBA (6pm
      and for the support of the clergy (first             &10.30am) Nadee Fernando (5pm)
   collection) as well as to special collections          Our Lady Of Grace: Kate Cr ocker
            held throughout the year.                        Child Safety Officers
                                                            Araceli Hunt. Ph: 8294 1888
     Our Parish is a Child Safe & Family                  Work place safety officers
             Friendly Environment                         Phil Murdoch & Peter O’Malley
                                                      Incident Report forms are available in the
     To find out more about our child safe                  church foyer or Parish Office.
   policies and procedures please contact the        Fire Wardens: 9—Pat Murphy. 6— Jo
    Parish Office or the Archdiocese Child         Coonan. 10.30—Geoff McCarthy & Peter Felici
         Protection Unit on 8210 8159.                 5—Henriette Greenfield & John Lee.
      Your Child Safety Representative is            COVID Marshals—See bulletin board
                  Araceli Hunt.
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