Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies

Page created by Daryl Duncan
Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies
Full Year Results 2018

                         March 2019
Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies
Presentation team

      Anthony Sethill                                                  Jonathan Apps
      Chief Executive Officer                                          Chief Financial Officer

      Anthony is the founder and CEO of Frontier Smart                 Jonathan has 20 years’ experience as a finance director.
      Technologies, the leading supplier of technologies for digital   He was CFO of Europe’s largest independent Wi-Fi
      radio and Smart IoT devices. Since 2001, he has successfully     operator, The Cloud Networks, for over four years prior to a
      grown the business and established the Group as a strategic      trade sale to Sky.
      supplier of digital audio chips and modules to global consumer
      electronic brands.                                               Jonathan was previously CFO of interactive TV, mobile and
                                                                       internet content producer YooMedia, CFO at AIM listed
      Prior to that, Anthony was Executive Director of Consumer &      technology venture capital fund E-capital Investments, and
      Mobile Phone Products at Amstrad PLC, Sales and Marketing        European Finance Director at network integrator EQUANT
      Director at Samsung (UK) Ltd, and Chief Commercial Officer of    Integration Services. Jonathan is a qualified chartered
      ONDigital (British Digital Broadcasting Ltd).                    accountant and has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from
                                                                       Birmingham University.

Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies
Highlights FY 2018

                       • Revenues: US$41.8m (FY 2017: US$53.0m), with stronger second half revenues of US$24.8m

   Financial           • Adjusted EBITDA1: US$1.4m (FY 2017: US$2.5m)

                       • R&D expenditure: US$7.5m expensed (FY 2017: US$8.5m)

                       • Trading EBITDA2: US$0.8m (FY 2017: US$2.5m), with the first half loss of US$2.1m reversed in the second
                         half (H2: US$2.9m)

                       • As of 31 December 2018, the Group’s gross cash balance was US$3.8m; net debt was US$2.5m

                       • Digital Radio
                           - continued market leadership in consumer DAB; market volumes stabilising post-completion of Norwegian
   highlights                FM switch-off
                           - new Smart Radio solution due for release in H1 2019

                       • Smart IoT (Audio and Non-Audio)
                           - completion of multi-ecosystem voice-enabled software; R&D expenditure subsequently reduced
                           - software licensing team created and collaborations with silicon providers established
                           - first Licensing and non-audio design wins secured – revenues from Q4 2019

   FY 2019             •   The Board expects an improvement in Trading EBITDA in FY 2019

           1) Adjusted EBITDA means earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortisation; and before restructuring, other non-recurring costs & certain non-cash items
           2) Trading EBITDA means Adjusted EBITDA less R&D costs (of US$0.6m) which have been capitalised in compliance with IAS38

Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies
Frontier: two business lines

                     Digital Radio                                                    Smart IoT
                (DAB and Smart Radio)                                          (Audio and Non-Audio)

 • FY 2018 revenues: US$35.7m                                   • FY 2018 revenues: US$6.1m

 • FY 2018 Adjusted EBITDA: US$10.3m                            • FY 2018 Adjusted EBITDA: loss of US$8.1m

 • Frontier retains #1 market leadership position in consumer   • First solution was Smart Audio – now extending into
   DAB and Smart Radio                                            software licensing (audio and non-audio)

 • Global volumes now stable after Norwegian DSO – mid          • Following completion of multi-ecosystem smart software,
   term prospects given uplift by                                 R&D expenditure being reduced
   - France significant new market from 2020
                                                                • Collaborations with ecosystem players and major silicon
   - Swiss DSO 2021-24                                            providers, e.g. NXP, already delivering results
                                                                  - soundbars (design win with major ODM / brand -
 • Smart Radio significant opportunity for new Frontier
                                                                    potential to roll-out to other brands)
   solution (Venice X) – including in non-DAB markets
                                                                  - first non-audio product (Kohler Smart Mirror)

Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies
Key strengths

• World leading digital radio technologies – world’s most
  integrated DAB chip
• Extensive experience in connectivity standards (Wi-Fi
  and Bluetooth) and voice platform integration
• Expertise in software and cloud services which is
  transferable from Smart Audio into multiple IoT verticals
                                                              Digital Radio

Business relationships
• Strategic relationships with ecosystem players: Google,
  Amazon, Apple
• Collaborations with global silicon providers: NXP,
  Amlogic and Marvell                                           markets
• Long term customer relationships with blue chip audio
  brands, major retailers and Far East ODMs

Delivery capability
                                                               Smart IoT
• Best-in-class engineering support to ensure efficient
  delivery of customer projects
• Highly effective manufacturing and operations team
• Flexible business model – now building software
  licensing capabilities

Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies

To be a leading multi-ecosystem, multi-interface platform for smart devices

 Frontier’s multi-ecosystem                                                                        In multiple verticals*
        IoT platform
                                                                                 Smart              Smart
                 Frontier                                                        device             device
               module and /                                             Smart             Smart              Smart
                 or SDK                                                 device            device             device

          Frontier                                                               Smart              Smart
           cloud                                                                 device             device

                                               Human interfaces, e.g.
                                               • voice
                                               • face recognition

            * e.g. audio, security, appliances, home automation

Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies
Financials: FY 2018
Full Year Results 2018 - March 2019 - Frontier Smart Technologies
FY 2018 overview

Comparison against record FY 2017

       Revenues, US$m                                   Trading EBITDA, US$m                   Net Cash, US$m

          $41.8m                                               $0.8m                             $(2.5)m
          2017: $53.0m                                        2017: $2.5m                         2017: $3.8m

• FY 2018 down 21% due to                           • Trading EBITDA                    • Receivables up by US$5.0m
  - 24% decline in Digital Radio                       - margin down US$4.7m to           - from US$4.6m
    revenues post Norway DSO                             US$17.1m (FY 2017: US$21.8m)
                                                                                          - to US$9.6m
  - flat Smart IoT revenues                            - overheads1 down US$3.0m to
                                                         US$16.4m (FY 2017: US$19.4m)

              1) Including capitalised R&D costs of US$0.6m

Improved performance in H2 2018
Return to seasonal trend

                   Revenues, US$m                                   R&D1, US$m                              Trading EBITDA, US$m

                       +45%                                               -24%                                     +$5.0m

   Recovery in                                                                   Decline due to reduction
   Digital Radio                                                    4.6            in Smart IoT R&D
                                24.7                                                                                          2.9


                   17.0                                                          0.6



                      H1     H2                                      H1    H2                                       H1   H2

                    1) Including capitalised R&D costs of US$0.6m

FY 2018 Income Statement

Adjusted EBITDA of US$1.4m                                                                                         2018         2017
                                                                                                                  US$m         US$m
Trading EBITDA of US$0.8m
                                                         Revenue                                                     41.8        53.0
                                                         Cost of Sales                                             (24.6)      (31.2)
                                                         Gross margin                                                17.1        21.8
                                                         Other income                                                 0.3         0.0
                                                         Research & development costs*                              (7.5)       (8.5)
                                                         Sales & administrative costs                               (8.6)      (10.9)
                                                         Adjusted EBITDA                                              1.4         2.5
                                                         Capitalised R&D                                            (0.6)         0.0
                                                         Trading EBITDA                                               0.8         2.5
                                                         Depreciation and amortisation                              (2.8)       (3.4)
                                                         Other non trading costs**                                  (1.5)       (1.5)
                                                         Loss for the period                                        (3.0)       (2.5)

                                                         Unit volumes shipped (m)                                       5.4      6.4

 Revenues down 21%                   Margins stable at 41%                   R&D costs (inc. capitalised               Sales & admin costs reduced
                                                                             costs) reduced by 5%                      by 21%

             * Net of US$0.6m which were capitalised
             ** Other non-trading costs relate to non-recurring costs, share-based payments, finance charges and tax

FY 2018 Segmental Analysis

• Digital Radio Adjusted EBITDA:       For the year ended 31 December 2018       Digital Radio   Smart      Group        Total
  $10.3m                                                                                          IoT

• Smart IoT in investment phase                                                        US$m       US$m      US$m         US$m

                                       Revenue                                            35.7       6.1         -         41.8
                                       Cost of sales                                    (20.2)     (4.4)         -       (24.6)

                                       Gross profit                                      15.5        1.7         -        17.1
                                       Other income                                                  0.3                    0.3
                                       Research & development                            (1.3)     (6.2)         -        (7.5)
                                       Sales & administrative expenses – other           (3.9)     (3.9)     (0.8)        (8.6)
                                       Adjusted EBITDA                                   10.3      (8.1)     (0.8)          1.4

Revenues                                               Gross margin                              R&D expenditure split
Digital Radio down 24% (FY 2017: US$46.8m)             Digital Radio: 43%;                       Digital Radio 17%;
Smart Audio flat (FY 2017: US$6.1m)                    Smart Audio: 28%                          Smart Audio 83%

Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2018
                                                                                       2018         2017
                                                                                       $’000        $’000

                                                    Non-current assets
• Cash and cash equivalents                         Goodwill                          10,892       11,548
                                                    Other intangible assets            6,275        8,372
  - US$3.8m (31 Dec 2018)                           Property, plant and equipment        419          411
                                                                                      17,586       20,331
  - US$7.9m (31 Dec 2017)
                                                    Current assets
                                                    Inventories                        2,839        4,784
                                                    Tax receivable                       340          170
• In May 2018, existing term loan of £2.6m was      Trade and other receivables        9,294        4,408
  converted into a £5m RCF with a three-year term   Cash and cash equivalents          3,817        7,920
                                                    Total current assets              16,290       17,282
  - at year-end 2018, the RCF was fully drawn

                                                    Total assets                      33,876       37,613
• Inventories down
  - to US$2.8m (31 Dec 2018)                        Current liabilities
                                                    Trade and other payables          14,928       15,400
  - from US$4.8m (31 Dec 2017)                      Total current liabilities         14,928       15,400

                                                    Other liabilities > 1 year             -            -
                                                    Total liabilities                 14,928       15,400

                                                    Share capital                        6,847        6,836
                                                    Share premium                     187,971      187,971
                                                    Share based payment reserve          9,528        9,021
                                                    Foreign exchange reserve           (9,853)      (9,025)
                                                    Retained earnings               (175,545)    (172,590)
                                                    Total equity                       18,948       22,213
                                                    Total equity and liabilities       33,876       37,613

Digital Radio
Frontier: Digital Radio

          #1                          18                      48m

  market leader in consumer       of heritage in DAB            units shipped
    DAB & Smart Radio                 technology                   to date

            Strong positive cash flows: FY 2018 Adjusted EBITDA of US$10.3m

DAB established as European standard

     Established markets
     Regular services
                                                   Sweden                       • DAB footprint extended across
                                                                      Estonia     most of Europe – and Australia
                                                                                • Volumes now stable following spike
              Ireland                                                             in sales in 2017 (Norwegian DSO)
                           UK         NL
                                    Bel Germany
                                                   Czech                        • DAB has received additional
                                                                                  backing from EU
                                         CH               Hungary
                                France            Slovenia                        - all new car radios to have digital
                                                       Croatia                      terrestrial from end 2020
                                               Italy             Serbia
                                                                                  - Member States free to have own
                                                                                    rules for consumer devices
          Portugal Spain                                           Greece

DAB: significant developments

            • France: national services launching in H1 2020 (all major broadcasters)

            • Local services on air in six cities – expanding to 30 in next two years

            • From 2020, all new consumer receivers required by law to have DAB+

            • Switzerland: Digital Switchover scheduled to run between 2021 and 2024

            • Detailed timetable to be announced 29 August 2019

            • Germany has overtaken UK as largest consumer DAB market

            • Receiver regulation under discussion

France: status

The Five Cs – the keys to success in DAB radio

       Content                 Coverage                                           Cars               Communication

• All major broadcasters   • 70% by end 2020     • Over 100 ODMS         • All cars offer DAB+     • Industry body to be
  signed up                                                                as standard or option     formed
                                                 • Simple DAB radio:
                                                   $10.00 FOB            • All new car radios      • Communications to
                                                   EUR20.00 retail         with DAB+ from mid-       public / in-store is
                                                                           2020 by law               required

                                                 DAB+ mandated in
                                               consumer receivers from
                                                     end 2019

Smart Radio: significant opportunity
Chorus 4 Smart Radio chip

                            • Smart Radio: fastest growing digital radio segment (volumes up 30% p.a.)

                              - FM, DAB and Wi-Fi in single device

                              - access to radio, podcasts and online music services

                            • Frontier well-established in sector (ten years’ experience)

                              - recently approved as certification partner for Spotify, significantly reducing time-

                            • In Q2 will launch new cost-optimised solution, Venice X

                              - Chorus 4 silicon (world’s first integrated smart radio IC)

                              - 30 design wins already secured

                              - potential to sell into non-DAB markets, e.g. India, Russia and South America

Smart Radio: new features – additional margin

    DAB Radio 2018                       Smart Radio 2019
    • DAB / DAB+ / FM                    • DAB / DAB+ / FM
    • Bluetooth                          • Bluetooth

                                         •   Internet radio
                                         •   Podcast and Listen-again
                                         •   On-demand music
                                         •   Color UI                   Venice X (new)
                                         •   App control

Smart IoT
Smart IoT platform

Frontier has developed the technology assets to deliver a Smart IoT business

     Frontier’s smart technology assets                              • Frontier has developed a multi-ecosystem platform for
                                                                       Google, Amazon and Apple

                                                                       - software, cloud services and hardware
   Connectivity / voice
         SDK                                                           - fully functional by mid-2018

                                                                       - R&D reduced by 30% in H2 2018

     Frontier cloud
                                                                     • Multiple design wins secured1, but Smart Audio turnkey
                                                                       sector constrained by

                                                                       - strength of first party products (e.g. Amazon Echo,
        Hardware                                                         Google Home)
                                                                       - preference for more successful 3rd party brands to
                                                                         use software licensing model

              (1) Including Marshall, Altec Lansing and Harman JBL

Expanding into Licensing and non-Audio IoT
                             Initial business focus (2016-18)
    Market focus
                             Expanded focus (from mid-2018)

                                                                • Using existing software and cloud assets,
                                                                  Frontier is extending into
Licensing                                                         - Licensing

                                                                  - non-audio IoT

                                                                • New customer relationships being
                                                                  established through

                                                                  - existing ecosystem relationships

                                                                  - new collaborations with silicon vendors

                                                                • R&D expenditure reduced – emphasis on
                                                                  customer funding of projects

                   Audio          Non-Audio

Strategic relationships with major silicon providers

         NXP Semiconductors

• Global silicon provider                                                          Sector focus
  - revenues of $9.5bn; 31,000 employees,
    market cap of $32bn                                              • Soundbars (bringing multi-channel
                                                                       functionality to mainstream devices)
• New IoT chip
  - for smart devices with voice assistants                          • Voice-enabled IOT devices, e.g.
  - needs software provider to support                                 - air conditioners
    customers                                                          - washing machines

                        • Frontier and NXP working together on customer engagement
                        • First design win secured - with major soundbar brand / ODM
                        • Strong potential to roll-out to other brands (who use same ODM)

Technology for next generation soundbar

       Silicon: from NXP           Software platform (voice and streaming audio):
                                          developed by Frontier and NXP

                                                                       Frontier SmartSDK
                                     WiFi         Frontier          Audio                            Voice Assistant (e.g.
                                                 Streaming        decoders                              GVA or AVS)

                                      BT         Framework
                                                                    ALSA             ALSA                  ALSA

                                                                         Shared Memory Interface

                                                Configuration and Control                  Reference Audio
                                                                    Streaming Audio                             Voice
                                                                    ATMOS           Customer
                                     SAI/HDMI       Auto-                                               Output (mute,         SAI
                                                                      DTS           Audio Post
                                       input      detection                                               latency,….)        output
                                                                      DSD           Process’g
                                                                        NXP Audio Framework

Next generation soundbar
 with Dolby ATMOS and
    voice recognition
                                                                                                       Global market for
                                                                                                   soundbars: 15m units p.a.

First non-audio Smart IoT design win

 Kohler smart mirror with Google Assistant built-in

                                                                 • Voice controlled lighting

                                                                 • Smart speakers built-in

                                                                 • Ability to control other smart
                                                                   devices, e.g. shower

                                                      Introduced to Frontier by Google
                                                            - launches Q4 2019

Priorities for 2019

                                                Smart IoT

    Business development                         Resources                          Business model

  • Secure non-audio business         • Strengthen commercial team           • Mixed revenue model

    - work with silicon and                                                    - licensing
                                      • Enhance B2B marketing
      ecosystem partners (important     communications for Licensing
      source of new business                                                   - customer funding of project
      introductions)                                                             costs
                                      • Engineering focused on
                                        extending capabilities of core IoT     - fees for support and
  • Verticals (examples)                platform                                 maintenance
    - smart audio (e.g. soundbars)
                                                                             • First material revenues expected
    - appliances                                                               H2 2019

    - hospitality

Objectives for 2019

                 • Digital Radio expected to remain the Group’s cash generator - goal is to maximise these
 Digital Radio     cash flows

                 • Develop Licensing business for audio and non-audio Smart IoT
  Smart IoT        - continue promising start in establishing strategic partnerships with major silicon providers

                   - leverage existing ecosystem relationships to secure design wins in non-audio

                 • Lay solid foundations for development of a profitable and sustainable Smart IoT business –
    Group          whilst steadily increasing Trading EBITDA

Thank You

anthony.sethill@frontiersmart.com (CEO)
jonathan.apps@frontiersmart.com (CFO)


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