Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...

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Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
The official publication of the Concrete Society of Southern Africa NPC
NUMBER 160 . March 2020 . ISSN 1682-6116

Future Concrete Seminar
Africa’s longest suspension bridge
Machine learning applied
in infrastructure
                                                                  PLATINUM MEMBERS
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
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Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
Editor’s comment................................................................................................................ 4
President’s message............................................................................................................ 6

      National budget heralds little cheer for construction......................................................... 7

      Maputo-Katembe Bridge and North Link roads, Mozambique........................................... 8

      Using Machine Learning for Condition Assessment of Concrete Infrastructure............ 14

      Goodbye to John Sheath............................................................................................. 18

      Growing readymix markets with Chryso technology.................................................... 19
      Heritage and height mark Concor Western Cape’s landmark project........................... 20
      Rehabilitation of the M1 Double Decker...................................................................... 21
      Metrorail safety wall built with Echo panels ............................................................... 22
      Concor buildings constructing Oxford Parks Phase 1................................................... 24
      Consider concrete roads to cut down on potholes, says TCI........................................ 26
      AfriSam urban quarry and plant define good neighbourliness .................................... 27
      Continuous pours by AfriSam for Gothic at Waterfall Mall.......................................... 28
      Training for batchers – key players in quality concrete production................................ 29
      Modern flooring products save time............................................................................ 30
      a.b.e. supplies renowned glazing products for Africa’s tallest building......................... 32

      CSSA Awards bursary for 2020.................................................................................... 33
      Feedback: 2019 Study Bursary holder........................................................................... 33
      Inland Branch Chatter ................................................................................................ 34

ACTIVITIES CALENDAR............................................................................................. 35

MEMBERSHIP DETAILS............................................................................................. 37

                                                    COVER: The Maputo-Katembe Bridge,
                                                    Africa’s longest suspension bridge.
                                                    Page 8.






                                                                                                                                     CONCRETE BETON 3
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
editor’s comment

                                                        hen dreams come true, it is difficult to suppress the sense of excitement one feels about
                                                        new beginnings and fresh opportunities.
                                                            While I am not denying that the issues causing concern over the last few years are
                                              still part and parcel of the Society’s existence, I am a firm believer in making a positive impact in
                                              those areas which one can control and influence in the short term.
                                                    John Sheath’s retirement (read more about that on p. 18) has left the CSSA with a
                                              strong leadership base to carry on from. I, and many others, will remain ever grateful for the
                                              managerial skills, guidance, and visionary leadership he has vested in the Society and the lives of
                                              many individuals.
                                                    Building on a solid foundation is a pre-requisite for the success of future initiatives. The past
                                              accomplishments of the Society make us confident that the much talked about consolidation
                                              process will incorporate many of the CSSA ‘distinctives’, as our outgoing President, Prof Mark
                                              Alexander, mentions in his message. A process of this magnitude takes time and effort to get it
                                              right and for those getting impatient with what seems to be a drawn-out process, the message
                                              is that the future vision of the consolidated body will remain true to what the Society has always
                                              stood for – promoting excellence in concrete.
                                                    The current value-offering of The Society will not be compromised. Instead, similar offerings,
                                              and much more, can be driven from a consolidated body, creating new and powerful platforms
                                              for the benefit of all stakeholders.
                                                    An exciting future is being chartered for the concrete community is Southern Africa, and I
                                              certainly wish to be part of this.

                                              Apart from the regional events been organised by the Branch committees, we have two major
I am living my ideal: being                   events which both promise to be stimulating:
                                              • Future Concrete 2020: The impact of 4IR on concrete design, manufacture, construction and
CEO of the Concrete Society                      management on 12 May in Johannesburg and 14 May in Cape Town.
and editor of the only                        • YCRETS 2020: The Young Concrete Researchers, Engineers and Technologist Symposium
                                                 1-3 July at Wits aims to create a platform to bring together young individuals who work
non-commercial magazine                          on the development, design and application of concrete and cementitious based materials,
dedicated to concrete in                         in Southern Africa.

Southern Africa, Concrete Beton.              I urge you to maximise the benefits of your membership by actively engaging with The Society at
                                              events. I also invite personal interaction, suggestions and comment from members.
                                                   The adage that behind every successful man is a strong woman, encourages me to pose
                                              the question: what will happen if two strong women were at the helm? Natasja Pols, our very
                                              efficient administrator, and I are up for the challenge to keep the CSSA head office buzzing.

                                              For the continued love of concrete,

                                              Hanlie Turner, CEO & Editor

OUR VISION                                    ADMINISTRATOR                                        Postal: P O Box 75364, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040
To be the most relevant forum for those who   N L Pols                                             Tel: +27 12 348 5305
have an interest in concrete.
                                              HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS                                E-mail: admin@concretesociety.co.za
OUR MISSION                                   P R A Flower, D P Samson, C J Thompson               Web: www.concretesociety.co.za
To promote excellence and innovation in the   M O de Kock (Prof), M G Alexander (Prof)
use of concrete and to provide a forum for                                                         The Concrete Society of Southern Africa NPC
networking and for sharing knowledge and      EDITORIAL COMMITTEE                                  (CSSA), its directors, officers, employees,
information on concrete-related matters.      Chair: W P Boshoff (Prof), G C Fanourakis (Prof),    representatives and agents are not liable for any
                                              G P A G van Zijl (Prof), E P Kearsley (Prof),        death, harm or injury caused to any person or
OFFICE BEARERS                                H D Beushausen (Prof)                                any loss, destruction or damage caused to any
President: M G Alexander (Prof),                                                                   person’s property or possessions arising from
                                              Editor: H Turner
                                                                                                   goods supplied, or services rendered by
Vice-President: R Raghubir,
                                                                                                   the CSSA.
                                              Design, layout and production:
Immediate Past President: H Turner.
                                              DesignWright, Tel: +27 83 448 4264                   © COPYRIGHT All editorial material published
ELECTED DIRECTORS                                                                                  in Concrete Beton is reserved to the Concrete
                                              Reproduction and print:                              Society. Requests for permission to use any of the
W P Boshoff (Prof), R Jacobs, B D Perrie,
                                              Jetline Corporate Print Solutions (Pty) Ltd,
R Maliehe, J Kanjee.                                                                               material, in part or in full, should be addressed to
                                              Tel: 011 566-0501
                                                                                                   the Chief Executive Officer of the CSSA.
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                       OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE                          Although the CSSA does its best to ensure
H Turner                                      Concrete Society of Southern Africa NPC              that information contained herein is accurate,
BRANCH CHAIRS                                 Physical: Suite 423, The Hillside,                   no liabilities for negligence are accepted by the
P Flannigan, B Hunt, H van Wijk, T Coetzee.   318 The Hillside Street, Lynnwood, 0081.             CSSA, its offices, its members, publishers or

4 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
president’s message

                                    wish to welcome our new CEO, Mrs Hanlie          These include the Future Concrete 2020 1-day
                                    Turner, and to assure her of the Board’s and     seminar in May (Gauteng and Cape Town),
                                    members’ support for her role in the coming      the ‘Young Concrete Researchers, Engineers,
                                  months.                                            and Technologists Symposium’ to be held at
                                      I will leave it to her to reflect more on      Wits University, 1-3 July 2020, the launch of
                                  the process of consolidation of the various        the 2021 Fulton Awards round by way of a call
                                  concrete-related organisation, which is            for nominations in June 2020, a Road Show
                                  moving towards finality. Suffice to say that       on concrete bridges in September 2020, and
                                  this will be a very challenging year for the       of course the regional branch functions. (For
                                  Concrete Society. We will need to negotiate        details on these and other events, please visit
                                  our role in the new consolidated organisation,     https://concretesociety.co.za/events) I hope
                                  look to retain the values in this organisation     this shows that the CSSA is still very much
                                  that the CSSA has always held, and seek to         active and seeking to provide value to its
                                  ensure that our members continue to derive         members.
                                  benefit from the activities of the organisation.        Some brief reflections on my period as
                                  The CSSA ‘distinctives’ that we wish to            CSSA president.
                                  retain in the new organisation include this             This has been both challenging and
                                  magazine, Concrete Beton, technical road           rewarding. The period in which we are living
                                  shows, seminars and workshops, site visits,        is, as I have previously written, one where
                                  networking opportunities, student events, and      many public and professional organisations
                                  the flagship Fulton Awards.                        are facing uncertain futures, with massive
                                      The reality, however, is that the CSSA as      societal and generational shift. We have had
                                  we have known it will become transformed           to grapple with this in the CSSA. But it is clear
                                  into a very different organisation. This will      that there is still a strong cohort of ‘concrete
                                  offer new opportunities, while at the same         people’ who are as enthusiastic and committed
This is my last presidential      time, the previous operating environment will      to excellence in concrete construction as
message in Concrete Beton         change. The Board will be at pains to ensure       ever around the country, and with whom
                                  that the opportunities are maximised for all       it has been a delight to interact. There have
before the CSSA Annual General    our members. Clearly, we still need to report      been many opportunities for personal and
Meeting and election of the new   back to our members on the final proposals in      professional interaction, and I am grateful to
                                  order to obtain general approval, and so there     all the individuals with whom I have had the
president in March 2020.          are still several steps to be followed.            privilege of working.
                                      Looking to 2020 and some key events that
                                  are coming up, I would like to encourage all of    Hambani kahle, CSSA!
                                  us to support these initiatives to our benefit.
                                                                                     Mark Alexander
                                                                                     PrEng, President

Snapshots of Mark’s two years as president

6 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...

National budget heralds little cheer for construction
With the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicting a growth rate of only 0,8% for
South Africa in 2020, the signs for any recovery in the construction sector are not good,
according to Dr Azar Jammine, director and chief economist at Econometrix.

                                         his was the sober assessment     Cement sales
                                         shared by Dr Jammine at          Dr Jammine said that cement sales had fallen quite sharply over the
                                         AfriSam’s Annual National        past year, by some 5% or so. He was “reasonably hopeful”, though,
                                   Budget breakfast event held in         that cement demand might be able to achieve about 2% growth
                                   Sandton in February. Even more         over the next few years. While there was “no total collapse”, he did
                                   worrying, he said, was that            acknowledge that the cement industry was one of worst-faring sectors
                                   this estimate was made before          during the current downturn.
                                   the impact of the coronavirus               AfriSam sales and marketing executive Richard Tomes noted that
                                   outbreak in China began being          cement imports were rising and were having a negative impact on job
                                   felt. The economic growth picture,     creation in the country.
                                   therefore, has the potential to             “As part of the mining sector, we comply with legislative
                                   deteriorate even further.              requirements such as Social and Labour Plans, which mean that the
                                        It was against this background    playing field is not level between us and importers,” Tomes said. “There
      Dr Azar Jammine.
                                 that Minister of Finance Tito            is also the recently introduced carbon tax applied to local producers,
Mboweni had delivered his budget speech, where he committed               which importers do not have to pay.”
government to redirect spending towards infrastructure and away from
public sector wages.                                                      Construction worst hit
    “Most of the upturn in cement demand that we hope for [in the         The economy performed poorly in 2019, said Dr Jammine. Some
immediate future] will come from infrastructural investment projects      131,000 jobs were lost in the construction sector– representing 8,8% of
rather than from the building industry,” Dr Jammine said.                 the workforce. This was the most jobs lost by any sector in the economy.
                                                                          The building segment was particularly badly hit.
Fate of economy                                                               “The outlook for the building industry in the coming year looks very
Dr Jammine argued that the fate of the economy now relied on              bleak,” he said. “Building completion statistics – especially for flats and
President Ramaphosa’s ability to implement the plans announced by         townhouses – are collapsing.”
Minister Mboweni, and to push reforms that could attract investors and        Fewer non-residential and residential building plans were being
make government spending more efficient.                                  passed, and this also did not bode well for the building industry in the
    “The president has pledged himself to jump-start investment in        short-term.
the economy,” he said. “The Sustainable Infrastructure Symposium              “Despite the extensive work that has gone into ensuring that
was held to produce a suite of projects – to send positive signals to     AfriSam is operationally efficient, both in its cement as well as readymix
investors.”                                                               concrete and aggregate business units, the impact of the declining
    Jammine cautioned, however, that members of his cabinet and           infrastructure spend has had a severe impact on the company’s overall
his party were not always on the same page – restricting the positive     performance,” Tomes commented.
impact of his decisions. Among the potential advances in government           With the cement business being highly energy intensive, the impact
efforts, he highlighted the specialised units that had been created in    of load shedding and increased energy costs have led to significant
the Office of the President, to address obstacles to investment and       increases in production costs. This cannot be fully recovered from the
service delivery.                                                         market and means that there would be severe margin squeeze in the
                                                                          sector which is literally struggling to keep its head above water.
Private sector must push                                                      “AfriSam has already taken out all its inefficient capacity and gone
These units include the Investment and Infrastructure Office, and the     through the pain of right-sizing the business to cope with the current
Project Management Office, and they are expected to work closely          challenging environment. Unless we see an upturn in demand in the
with the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission, Invest      short to medium term, we might have to revisit some of our other cost
South Africa and the Ease of Doing Business Task Team to remove           saving initiatives, especially our overhead costs and capex expenditure.
impediments to investment. He said the private sector should engage       For now, we will continue to focus on being efficient and delivering
actively with these initiatives to help produce results.                  value to our customers and end consumers to the best of our ability,”
     “I would urge AfriSam to start pushing the Presidency to get these   Tomes concluded. s
offices going, to speed up delivery and attract more investment,” said
                                                                          Contact information: Website: www.afrisam.com
Dr Jammine. “According to the President, the intention is there, but we
                                                                          Facebook: @AfriSamSA, Twitter: @AfriSam, LinkedIn: AfriSam
are not delivering on this.”
     He noted the Presidency’s concern with declining infrastructure,
particularly in municipal water systems and municipal roads. It also
saw the need to create technical, engineering and financial capacity in
collaboration with the private sector.

                                                                                                                                  CONCRETE BETON 7
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
fulton awards winner

Maputo-Katembe Bridge and North Link roads,
After its completion and inauguration in November 2018, the
Maputo Bridge not only became the longest suspension bridge
in Africa, but also one of the most durable concrete structures
built in Southern Africa, with a main span of 680 m and total
length of 1225 m between the anchor blocks.

       onstruction of the bridge started in mid-2014 with a total project    of bridges were constructed and connected: the North Approach is
       value, including the southern link roads, of approx. US$750           a balanced cantilever bridge which was constructed via segmental
       million. Design and execution were carried out by China Road          launcher, connecting to the main span making up the suspension
and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), based on FIDIC’s Silver book EPC              bridge, ending in the post tensioned T-beam bridge which is called the
contract. German consultant GAUFF Engineering was responsible for            South Approach.
quality supervision as well as design verification against Eurocode.              Moreover, three further bridges connecting the main structure
     The main bridge consists of two reinforced concrete approach            to the existing Maputo infrastructure were built under the same EPC
viaducts from the North and South banks respectively, which connect          contract as cast in place pre-stressed concrete bridges. They are the A
to the main span, a suspension bridge made up of a segmental steel           Ramp (508 m), N Ramp (230 m) and the K Ramp (240 m).
box girder deck, held up by two large RC anchorage blocks where the               The bridge concept was designed to Chinese standards with the
bottom part below ground level is filled in the shaft in rectangular         overall design verified against Eurocode specifications.
chambers of different levels with sand (25 % of weight) and concrete              Geological site conditions were made up of various strata comprised
(75 % of weight).                                                            of imported fill, tidal silt in the upper layers with fine sand and clay in
     The bridge carries four lanes of traffic, two in each direction, with   the lower layers. The groundwater level was also extremely high due to
a design speed of 80 km/h.                                                   its proximity to the bay. These adverse soil conditions required several
     The North and South approach bridges were built utilizing               different foundation engineering solutions; diaphragm walls for the
two different design and construction methods based on the local             anchorage shafts; bored piles up to a diameter of 2.2 m drilled with
conditions.                                                                  a slurry suspension; subsoil stabilization using cement-stabilized earth
     In the North, the first 240 m of the approach bridge was constructed    piles; high-pressure grouting below the diaphragm walls; lowering of
with use of 30 m-long precast post-tensioned T-beams. The next 853           the groundwater; pile loading tests with embedded hydraulic cylinders;
m was constructed utilizing balanced cantilever construction methods         driven reinforced-concrete piles and sheet piling. These foundation
rising towards the main bridge with a gentle S-curve. The southern           solutions all required a highly workable fluid concrete, so that casting
approach bridge was constructed using prefabricated post-tensioned           at extreme depths could be achieved with self-compaction over a long
T-beams of 30 m and 45 m culminating in a total length of 1234 m.            period of time during these procedures.
The approach bridges connect on each side to a single-span double-                Construction of the shafts of the anchor blocks on the North and
hinged suspension bridge with a centre span of 680 m. The side spans         South banks started in early 2015. Each gravity anchorage is made up
are 260 m and 285 m long respectively. In reality, 3 different types         of the foundation, splay-saddle buttress, and anchorage chambers,

8 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
fulton awards winner

                                                                              devices. Steel pipes were installed into the reinforcement cages to
                                                                              facilitate cross-hole sonic logging tests to detect any abnormalities in
                                                                              the self-compacting concrete. Gradually as the excavation works inside
                                                                              of the shafts progressed, the diaphragm wall was reinforced by an
                                                                              internal cast-in-situ concrete lining ring, which was extended up to a
                                                                              thickness of 2.5 m towards the bottom. The foundation level at the
                                                                              shaft bottom itself has to carry a tremendous load. The south anchorage
                                                                              block weighs an impressive 170000 t with approx. 75% of concrete and
                                                                              25 % of sand filling.
                                                                                   Extensive soil and bearing capacity investigations and studies
                                                                              showed that additional soil improvement measures were necessary at
                                                                              the bottom of the 37.50 m deep excavation. One third of the bottom in-
                                                                              situ surface bearing capacity met the required design bearing capacity;
                                                                              an additional 1.5 m depth was excavated from the other third and
                                                                              replaced with C20 concrete and the remaining third was strengthened
                                                                              by installation of 28 unreinforced concrete piles 12 m long and with a
                                                                              diameter of 1.5 m.
                                                                                   As there was no comparable project in Mozambique for the design
                                                                              of the bridge foundation piles, the design was based on the findings
                                                                              of a geotechnical investigation which started two years ahead of the
                                                                              actual construction work. Pile construction for the towers and foreshore
                                                                              bridge piers began simultaneously with the anchorage excavation, and
                                                                              before pile production could begin, their bearing capacity was verified
                                                                              using static test loads. Based on the findings all piles were optimized in
                                                                              both diameter and length. These tests were performed by the University
                                                                              of Nanjing.
                                                                                   The production of the piles followed the international reverse-
                                                                              circulation-drilling method. A total of 283 piles was constructed for
                                                                              the approach bridges, each with a diameter of 1.5 m and an average
                                                                              depth of 50 m, and 48 piles were installed for the towers, 24 at each
                                                                              tower, and each with a diameter of 2.2 m and length of 105 m at the
                                                                              South tower and 95 m at the North tower and a further 91 piles for
                                                                              the bridges of the ramps. The quality and integrity of the concrete in all
of which some are empty, and some are filled with concrete and                piles was verified by a third party from South Africa making use of CSL
sand requiring a specific density, all adding to the total weight of the      after more than 28 days. Concrete cubes were manufactured for 7, 28,
structure. Each shaft has an external diameter of 50 m, a wall thickness      90 and even 365-day compressive strength tests and slump testing was
of 1.2 m and a wall panel depth up to 56 m. The anchorage structure           done on every truck to confirm workability.
on the south side of the crossing with the final excavation depth of               The towers of the bridge are a frame-shaped structure composed
37.50 m below ground level is believed to be one of the deepest open          of two vertical legs connected by an upper transverse girder at the top
shafts in the world at the time of construction.                              and a lower transverse girder approximately 45 m from the north tower
    In addition to the excavation profile, the verticality of the diaphragm   base and 42 m from the south tower base. To increase lateral stability
wall panels was permanently monitored using special Koden measuring           both tower legs were inclined at 2º towards the bridge’s centreline.

Post-tensioned 45 m-long T-beams connect to Pylon M2.                         Free cantilever bridge (spans < 119 m) and the northern anchor block.

                                                                                                                                     CONCRETE BETON 9
Future Concrete Seminar Africa's longest suspension bridge Machine learning applied in infrastructure - The official publication of the Concrete ...
fulton awards winner

K-Ramp and K-Line going from National Road EN1.

Bridge and ramps of 978 m to North Approach Bridge.            South Pylon - the tallest structure in Maputo (138 m).

A total of 1234 m of T-beams connect Katembe to Main Bridge.   Large retaining wall of the N-Ramp.

10 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
fulton awards winner

     The main structure of the tower is comprised of rectangular
hollow box sections, each with a height of 7 m and a width of 5 m.
The wall thickness of the upper part of the tower is 1 m, and this
increases to 1.2 m towards the bottom, resulting in a total thickness
of 1.8 m at the base. The final height of the tower on the North
side (Maputo) above the pile cap is 137.1 m and on the South side
(Katembe) is 138.1 m.
     The superstructure for the North Approach Bridge was designed
as full pre-stressed concrete with 3-dimensional prestressing. The
cross sections of the cast-insitu box girder of this 853 m long
balanced cantilever bridge is a double cell box on the relevant piers
N08 to N15. For the prestressing of the 3 vertical webs, for each
50 cm two rows of thread bars with an outer diameter of 32 mm
are used. Their yield strength is fpk = 785 MPa, elastic modulus
E = 2.0 x 105 MPa with a control stress for the prestressing
procedures at 0.9 x fpk = 706.5 MPa.
     The superstructure is continuously joined to the substructure of
the Pier N09 to N12. For that procedure vertical bars with a length of
up to 20 m are also used to complete the required anchoring during
the construction stages only. At the Piers N13, N14 and N15 the
cast-insitu box girder is supported by pot bearings. As a temporary
anchoring, four solid reinforced concrete blocks ensured the required
anchoring during the construction. After the completion of the
superstructure, the temporary connections were removed, and the
previously installed bearings took over the complete loading.
     Strands with a nominal diameter of 15.2 mm for the prestressing
for the longitudinal webs and transversal top slab, the diaphragms
of the first segment of the box girder, the T-beams, pier caps and
the lower and upper cross beam of the pylons are built in. The
characteristic of the strand with a high strength and low relaxation
steel material follows a yield strength of fpk=1860 MPa, an elastic
modulus Ep = 1.95 x 105 MPa and a relaxation rate less than 0.035.
The designed control stress was 0.75 fpk = 1390 MPa during the

                                                                           A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR
prestressing actions.
     Strands with a nominal diameter of 15.2 mm for the prestressing
for the longitudinal webs and transversal top slab, the diaphragms         INFRASTRUCTURE SUCCESS
of the first segment of the box girder, the T-beams, pier caps and
the lower and upper cross beam of the pylons are built in. The                ROCLA is South Africa’s leading
characteristic of the strand with a high strength and low relaxation          manufacturer of pre-cast
steel material follows a yield strength of fpk=1860 MPa, an elastic           concrete products.
modulus Ep = 1.95 x 105 MPa and a relaxation rate less than 0.035.
The designed control stress was 0.75 fpk = 1390 MPa during the                Surpassing 100 years of
prestressing actions.                                                         product excellence.
     After the strands were installed in the embedded plastic corrugated
pipes and the concrete reached 85 % of the required strength, the             •   Pipes
prestressing procedure could be performed. During tensioning                  •   Culverts
procedure, the tension force and elongation were controlled, and the          •   Manholes
theoretical elongation compared to the measured elongation. The               •   Poles
latter had to be in an allowed range of ±6%.                                  •   Retaining walls
     The purpose of the upper and lower beams is to brace the tower           •   Roadside furniture
legs, and these are made up of rectangular hollow box type sections.          •   Sanitation
The upper beam is 5.5 m deep and 6 m wide, with a wall thickness of
800 mm, and the lower 6 m deep and 6 m wide, with a wall thickness
                                                                              Including other related products within
of 1.0 m.
                                                                              infrastructure development and related
     The main cable consists of 91 bundles containing 91 wires of
5 mm-diameter, which are draped over the main cable saddles of the
towers and connected to the anchor blocks on each side of the river.
The total length of the wires in both cables are a staggering 21878                                          Visit us on
km. The cables are bound with fixed strapping tape and hot-cast                             www.rocla.co.za
sockets are provided on both ends. Each hot-cast socket is composed                         for our nationwide branches
fulton awards winner

                                                               of an anchor cup, cover plate, wire divider plate and a zinc copper alloy
                                                               which is cast inside the anchor cup. These cables are one of only 27
                                                               dehumidified suspension cables in the world!
                                                                    For the hangers, galvanised high strength steel wires will be used.
                                                               The transverse distance between the main cables and hangers is 21.88
                                                               m and the standard distance between the hangers along the bridges
The beauty of concrete in geometry in construction.            main span orientation is 12 m, with the length of hangers ranging from
                                                               73 m at the towers to 3 m at midspan.
                                                                    Each hanger consists of 61 parallel steel wires, 5 mm in diameter,
                                                               with a strength grade of 1770 MPa. In total there are 55 hangers
                                                               attached each side to the 57 steel box segments which make up the
                                                               main span.
                                                                    For the construction of the adjoining concrete bridges to the longest
                                                               conventional suspension bridge in Africa, cement type CEM II 42.5
                                                               A-LN is supplied by Cimentos de Mozambique (CM). This is a Portland
                                                               Limestone Cement comprising between 80-94 % clinker and between
                                                               6-20% limestone. It has the ability to produce cement strengths
                                                               between 42.5 MPa and 62.5 MPa. Two different manufacturers from
                                                               South Africa were used to supply the project with Fly Ash (FA) to induce
                                                               Pozzolanic activity within the cement. All the fly ash supplied conformed
                                                               to SANS 50450-1:2011 requirements for concrete.
                                                                    The advantage of the addition of FA in the range of up to 40% of
                                                               the total cementitious materials for the fresh concrete lies in improving
                                                               workability and reduces water requirement for a given slump and
                                                               slightly retards the setting time. Concrete had to be pumped up to a
                                                               height of 140 m to the top of the saddle house.
                                                                    For the hardened concrete the main advantages were a massive
                                                               decrease in the CO2e emissions, strength development with age
                                                               and a reduction in production costs. Other improvements were the
                                                               reinforcement’s resistance to chloride attack, improvement to sulphates
                                                               resistance, refinement of pore structure, reduction of permeability,
                                                               prevention and retardation of the alkali-silica reaction, reduction of heat
                                                               generation caused by hydration and also significantly reducing the risk
                                                               of thermal cracking that could possibly have taken place during the
                                                               casting of the 3 x 4000 m³ anchorage bases. Internal cooling systems
                                                               were extensively used throughout the project.
Heat of hydration had to be controlled during the casting of        Two of the unique aspects of the concrete on this project was the
anchor blocks and other elements.                              addition of up to 40% fly ash and a specially formulated superplasticizer.

12 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
fulton awards winner

 This not only offers immediate cost savings (
 characteristics without segregation and a delayed setting time, the
                                                                            R100 million value’ category.
 water reducing and ion exchange effect of the superplasticizer also
 greatly contributed to the durability and strength of the concrete.
     The Durability was in fact confirmed by the University of Cape           PROJECT TEAM
 Town’s Concrete Materials & Structural Integrity Unit (CoMSIRU) which        Client: Empresa de Desenvolvimento de Maputo Sul, E.P. (EDMS)
 tested samples that were cored 9 months after casting from the bottom        Principal Agent: China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC)
 slab of the anchorage, the report stated that the result of the cores        Consultants: Gauff GmbH & Co.
 tested was the best ever obtained from site manufactured concrete            Specialist suppliers:CM Cimentos de Moçambique; Ulula Ash
 tested at their facility.
     In total 21 different concrete mix designs ranging from C20 to C50
 were designed and tested. Supply of aggregate came from 4 different
 suppliers as there was concrete manufactured 7 days a week as it was
 not possible to have a continuous supply from only one supplier. The
 North and South bank operated independently and thus each had their
 own concrete mix designs.
     Further durability testing was performed at Concrete Testing
 Services in Johannesburg on the concrete cover that varied between
 50 mm and up to 150 mm thick.

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technical paper

Using Machine Learning for Condition
Assessment of Concrete Infrastructure
A review of the associated challenges and potential benefits.
by Leandro F.M. Sanchez and Marcelo Terra.

         ivil infrastructure is critical for society, connecting nations’     Currently, industry professionals rely on standard protocols to perform
         businesses, communities, and people; driving the global              condition assessments of critical concrete infrastructure to determine
         economy; and improving the quality of life of human beings.          the cause and extent of damage (that is, to diagnose distress), evaluate
Usually, concrete infrastructure is designed with a life span of 50 to 75     the structural consequences, and access the likelihood of further
years. This so-called “service life” depends on the governing design          deterioration (that is, to formulate a prognosis); and to initiate timely
standard, the structure type (for example, a dam, sewer system,               and efficient management actions. Assessment is based largely on tools
pavement, bridge structure, or tunnel), its environment (weather and/or       that appraise mechanical properties, physical integrity, and durability of
chemical exposure), and the way the structure is maintained.                  the deteriorated materials and structural components.2,4-6
     It is widely known that some critical structures built in the 1960s to
the 1980s in Canada and worldwide are now reaching the end of their           Techniques to Assess Damage in Concrete
service lives; action is thus needed to ensure adequate performance           Bérubé et al.7 developed a management protocol of aging structures
over the remaining years of service—or even to extend the life spans of       based on several chemical, physical, and mechanical laboratory test
these structures beyond their design service lives. Moreover, many of         procedures. Building on these, improved guidelines have been
these structures already present clear signs of distress due to severe        proposed.8 Sanchez et al.2,9-11 proposed optimized testing protocols
damage mechanisms. In many cases, such distress could decrease a              and models to diagnose and better understand numerous distress
structure’s performance to unacceptable thresholds (Fig. 1).                  processes in concrete, such as AAR, delayed ettringite formation (DEF),
    In this context, alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is one of the most       and cyclic freezing and thawing (FT). The established approach is a
important damage mechanisms affecting the overall performance of              multilevel analysis, which makes use of advanced microscopic
concrete infrastructure worldwide.1,2 Two distinct AAR mechanisms are         examination and mechanical testing techniques. Among the most
currently recognized:                                                         promising proposed techniques are microscopy methods such as the
• Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) is a chemical reaction between unstable        damage rating index (DRI) and quantitative image analysis (IA)
     silica mineral phases from the aggregates used in concrete and the       techniques (Fig. 2).1,6 The DRI method is performed using a
     alkali ions found in the concrete pore solution. It is by far the most   stereomicroscope (15 to 16× magnification)—damage features are
     common reaction mechanism found in concrete around the world2;           counted within 10 x 10 mm (0.4 x 0.4 in.) grids drawn on the surface
     and                                                                      of a polished concrete section.10,12,13 Figure 3 illustrates damage features
• Alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR) is a chemical reaction that happens         within one grid on a specimen. The number of incidents corresponding
     in concrete in the presence of limestone and/or dolomite aggregates.     to each type of feature is then weighted to reflect that feature’s relative
     Currently, there is no consensus in the technical community on the       importance toward the deterioration mechanism, and these weighted
     real mechanisms causing ACR-induced expansion and damage. Yet            counts are summed. The weights used in the method were originally
     the dedolomitization of dolomite seems to be one of the potential        selected on a logical yet ad hoc basis10,12; these were recently modified
     causes.2,3                                                               to reduce variability between experts.12 It has been
                                                                              shown that DRI values are clearly associated with induced expansion
                                                                              and damage caused by AAR, DEF, and FT.2,9-11 Nevertheless, the method
                                                                              is time-consuming and subjective— successful application is heavily
                                                                              dependent on the skill and experience of the person performing the
                                                                              analysis. Recently, Rivard et al.6 proposed the quantitative IA technique
                                                                              (refer to Fig. 2(b)). Crack density and total length have been correlated
                                                                              with induced expansion, but correct crack quantification
                                                                              crucially depends on successful sample preparation (polishing and
                                                                              impregnation with epoxy).
                                                                                   Both DRI and quantitative IA require experts to perform time-
                                                                              consuming petrographic microscopy of samples. Thus, the methods are
                                                                              not scalable, and they are not widely accessible.1-11 This means that
                                                                              for the foreseeable future, many structures may remain with neither
                                                                              proper inspection nor adequate protection against potential loss of
                                                                              serviceability and performance. However, machine learning (ML)
                                                                              techniques provide potential solutions that promise to reduce the
                                                                              subjectivity yet increase the speed, reproducibility, accessibility, and
                                                                              accuracy of diagnoses.
Fig. 1: A concrete foundation near Québec, Canada. The surface
cracking and leachate are indicative of alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR).

14 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
technical paper

Automating Microscopic Procedures through ML                                  from the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, performed a
ML is a field of artificial intelligence that develops algorithms to enable   proof-of-concept evaluation of using deep-learning algorithms (ML
systems to make predictions or take actions based on learning from            systems comprising many layers of neurons) to recognize the seven
data, rather than following explicitly pre-programmed instructions.14,15      distinct types of cracks assessed through the DRI method (Fig. 3(a)). The
In Phase I of a study aimed at automating DRI assessments, students           study required the training of an algorithm, using about 200 digital
                                                                              images of square grids on 24 AAR-affected concrete samples. The
                                                                              samples contained a wide range of reactive aggregate sizes and mineral
                                                                              types; exhibited compressive strengths of 25, 35, and 45 MPa (3630,
                                                                              5080, and 6530 psi); and exhibited expansion levels of 0.05, 0.12, 0.20,
                                                                              and 0.30%. All specimens were prepared by cutting and polishing, and
                                                                              the DRI was manually evaluated for each. The images were also labeled
                                                                              to identify the damage features on each, and these labeled images
                                                                              were used as training data for an ML algorithm.
                                                                                   To automate the assessment of concrete samples, the Phase I
                                                                              researchers applied a convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm to
                                                                              identify damage features in the images of the concrete samples. In
                                                                              broad terms, CNN algorithms comprise a class of artificial neural
                                                                              networks that include digital filters to identify changes in contrast and
                                                                              color among the pixels within a photo. Such algorithms have been very
                                                                              successfully applied for the classification of objects in photos and
                                                                                   Depending on the depth of the network and the number of pixels
                                                                              in the input images, CNN algorithms can include thousands (in some
                                                                              cases, millions) of parameters (commonly termed weights). These
                                                                              weights are successively adjusted during the training of a CNN model,
                                                                              in which the algorithm’s predictions of features are compared against
                                                                              ground-truth data (multiple labeled images). The errors between the
                                                                              predictions and the ground-truth data are minimized by adjusting the
                                                                              weights in successive passes through the training data.
                                                                                   When trained with enough examples, a CNN model can, with great
                                                                              accuracy, predict the labels in new images. For our experiment, the
                                                                              training examples were images of 10 x 10 mm regions on polished
                                                                              concrete specimens, and the images were labeled with a 0 or 1 (yes/no)
Fig. 2: Polished concrete samples: (a) sample prepared for damage
rating index (DRI) analysis by drawing 10 mm (0.4 in.) square grids           for each of the seven DRI damage features. Several CNN architectures
on the surface; and (b) sample prepared for quantitative image                were tested, and the one that yielded the best performance was
analysis (IA) by impregnating with an epoxy dye that fluoresces               selected for the remainder of Phase I.
under UV illumination9

                       Damage                            Weighting
                       feature                            factor
 Cracks in coarse aggregate (CCA)                            0.25

 Opened cracks in coarse aggregate (OCA)                       2
 Crack with reaction product in coarse aggregate
 Coarse aggregate debonded (CAD)                               3

 Disaggregated/corroded aggregate particle (DAP)               2

 Cracks in cement paste (CCP)                                  3
 Cracks with reaction product in cement paste

Fig. 3: Using the damage rating index (DRI) method, weighting            (b)
factors are applied to damage features identified in a petrographic
examination: (a) weighting factors are assigned to each feature to
reflect its relative importance toward deterioration; and (b) an exemplar micrograph of a 10 mm (0.4 in.)
square grid section on a specimen, with labels added to indicate damage features9

                                                                                                                                   CONCRETE BETON 15
technical paper

Results and Ongoing Developments                                                 We plan to leverage an algorithm with feature-extraction techniques
Once trained, the ML system in Phase I could predict the seven different         that have been highly successful in texture analysis for biomedical
DRI features (or concepts) with an average accuracy of 64%. Given the            images (for lesion detection), as it has been trained on large image
small amount of training data (only 200 images), this is a very high             datasets. We intend to apply our concrete-specific training data (images)
accuracy, as CNN models are generally trained with thousands (in some            to extend the algorithm to identification of damage features. This
cases, millions) of images. However, the DRI value was not calculated            Fig. 4: Comprehensive damage protocol for assessing damage in critical
for any of the images because the crack detectors developed in this first        aging infrastructureis a standard workaround for successfully training
approach were still considered to be too imprecise.                              algorithms when only limited problem-specific data are available.
    Ongoing research is currently being carried out by a new team at                  With these innovations and approximately 10,000 new, high-
the University of Ottawa using additional training data to improve the           resolution images of DRI grid areas from AAR-affected concrete, we
accuracy of the predictions and also to use this refined model to                hope to reach human accuracy levels of 90% or greater in the counting
compute DRI numbers. The goal is to fully automate the DRI test                  of cracks.
protocol to assess AAR-affected concrete and predict not just crack                   We are currently predicting the DRI directly with a neural network.
types but an actual DRI. Finally, in a further step (Phase III), it is planned   However, this results in the loss of interpretability. We therefore intend
to use the refined ML system to evaluate other damage mechanisms                 to apply the existing DRI method (combining crack counts for individual
such as external and internal sulfate attack, FT damage, and steel               damage types), evaluated in conjunction with the Phase II CNN
corrosion, so that the proposed approach might become a                          algorithm. In this sense, the machine will replace only the petrographer’s
comprehensive protocol to assess critical aging infrastructure (Fig. 4).         ability to identify and count cracks associated with each damage
    The Phase I crack detectors have already been significantly improved         feature.
and may now recognize cracks through 1 mm2 (0.002 in.2) images                        Once the new automated DRI approach is successfully implemented
with about 80% accuracy. Additional improvements are in progress to              for AAR cases, forthcoming steps will pursue its extension for a much
increase this further. Moreover, Phase II is currently underway, with            wider variety of damage mechanisms, establishing a revolutionary
almost 4000 new images from 36 new specimens (already DRI assessed)              comprehensive automated protocol for assessing damage in concrete.
representing distinct mixture designs and expansion levels. The ultimate         Finally, other innovative studies in this context are about to be started in
goal of the Phase II work is to use the same explicit DRI formula that an        parallel, including automation of the counting of entrained air voids in
expert petrographer would apply based on crack counts.                           concrete. Soon, we also expect to develop applications (apps) that will
                                                                                 automate the visual inspection of critical concrete infrastructure by
Forthcoming Projects                                                             providing preliminary diagnoses of the causes and extents of damage
To apply ML in any field, achieving high accuracy requires training the          using only images captured on smartphones.
model with large amounts of data. Fortunately, many highly accurate                   For readers who would like to learn more about artificial intelligence,
CNN models are already available, and they can be extended to new                numerous online resources are available. For example, a particularly
applications through what is commonly termed transfer learning. In               dynamic and enlightening explanation of neural networks is available at
effect, the major portions of these existing algorithms are highly capable       www.3blue1brown.com/. s
of identifying changes in contrast and features within images. To apply
transfer learning, only a small percentage of the model weights must be
retrained to identify unique features such as cracks in concrete.

Fig. 4: Comprehensive damage protocol for assessing damage in critical aging infrastructure.

16 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
technical paper

1.   Fournier, B., and Bérubé, M., “Alkali-Aggregate Reaction               7.   Bérubé, M.A.; Smaoui, N.; Fournier, B.; Bissonnette, B.; and
     in Concrete: A Review of Basic Concepts and Engineering                     Durand, B., “Evaluation of the Expansion Attained to Date by
     Implications,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, V. 27, No. 2,         Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction, Part III: Application to
     Feb. 2011, pp. 167-191.                                                     Existing Structures,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, V. 32,
2.   Sanchez, L.F.M.; Fournier, B.; Jolin, M.; and Duchesne, J.,                 No. 3, Feb. 2011, pp. 463-479.
     “Reliable Quantification of AAR Damage Through Assessment of           8.   Fournier, B.; Bérubé, M.A.; Folliard, K.J.; and Thomas, M.,
     the Damage Rating Index (DRI),” Cement and Concrete Research,               “Report on Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Mitigation of Alkali-
     V. 67, Jan. 2015, pp. 74-92.                                                Silica Reaction (ASR) in Transportation Structures,” FHWA-
3.   Grattan-Bellew, P.E.; Mitchell, L.D.; Margeson, J.; and Min, D., “Is        HIF-09-004, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
     Alkali-Carbonate Reaction Just a Variant of Alkali-Silica Reaction          Administration, Washington, DC, 2010, 147 pp.
     ACR = ASR?” Cement and Concrete Research, V. 40, No. 4, Apr.           9.   Sanchez, L.F.M.; Fournier, B.; Jolin, M.; Bedoya, M.A.B.; Bastien,
     2010, pp. 556-562.                                                          J.; and Duchesne, J., “Use of Damage Rating Index to Quantify
4.   Grattan-Bellew, P.E., and Danay, A., “Comparison of Laboratory              Alkali-Silica Reaction Damage in Concrete: Fine versus Coarse
     and Field Evaluation of AAR in Large Dams,” Proceedings of the              Aggregate,” ACI Materials Journal, V. 113, No. 4, July-Aug.
     International Conference on Concrete AAR in Hydroelectric Plant             2016, pp. 395-407.
     and Dams, Frederickton, NB, Canada, 1992.                              10. Sanchez, L.F.M.; Fournier, B.; Jolin, M.; Mitchell, D.; and Bastien,
5.   Grattan-Bellew, P.E., and Mitchell, L., “Quantitative Petrographic         J., “Overall Assessment of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR) in
     Analysis of Concrete—The Damage Rating Index (DRI) Method,”                Concretes Presenting Different Strengths and Incorporating a
     Proceedings of the Eighth CANMET/ACI International Conference              Wide Range of Reactive Aggregate Types and Natures,” Cement
     on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology/Marc-Andre Bérubé                and Concrete Research, V. 93, Mar. 2017, pp. 17-31.
     Symposium on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in Concrete, Montreal,        11. Sanchez, L.F.M.; Drimalas, T.; Fournier, B.; Mitchell, D.;
     QC, Canada, 2006, pp. 321-334.                                             and Bastien, J., “Comprehensive Damage Assessment in
6.   Rivard. P.; Fournier, B.; and Ballivy, G., “Quantitative Assessment        Concrete Affected by Different Internal Swelling Reaction (ISR)
     of Concrete Damage Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) by                  Mechanisms,” Cement and Concrete Research, V. 107, May
     Petrographic Analysis,” 11th International Conference on Alkali-           2018, pp. 284-303.
     Aggregate Reaction, Québec City, QC, Canada, 2000,                     12. Villeneuve, V., and Fournier, B., “Determination of the Damage
     pp. 889-898.                                                               in Concrete Affected by ASR—the Damage Rating Index (DRI),”
                                                                                14th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in
                                                                                Concrete (ICAAR), Austin, TX, 2012.
                                                                            13. Dunbar, P., and Grattan-Bellew, P., “Results of Damage
                                                                                Rating Evaluation of Condition of Concrete from a Number
                           ACI member Leandro F.M. Sanchez                      of Structures Affected by ASR,” Proceedings of CANMET/
                           is an Assistant Professor in the                     ACI International Workshop on Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in
                           Department of Civil Engineering at the               Concrete, Dartmouth, NS, Canada, 1995, pp. 257-266.
                           University of Ottawa. He is a member             14. Maini, V., and Sabri, S., “Machine Learning for Humans (Part
                           of ACI Committees 201, Durability of                 2.1: Supervised Learning),” 2017, 97 pp. https://medium.com/
                           Concrete; 211, Proportioning Concrete                machine-learning-for-humans/why-machine-learning-matters-
                           Mixtures; 221, Aggregates; and 555,                  6164faf1df12.
                           Concrete with Recycled Materials.
                                                                            15. Unsupervised Learning: Foundations of Neural Computation
                           Sanchez is also a member of RILEM
                                                                                (Computational Neuroscience), first edition, G. Hinton and T.J.
                           committees on alkali-aggregate reaction
                                                                                Sejnowski, eds., A Bradford Book, 1999, 398 pp.
                           and recycled concrete aggregates. His
                           research interests include concrete              16. Krizhevsky, A.; Sutskever, I.; and Hinton, G.E., “ImageNet
                           durability and assessment and                        Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,”
                           rehabilitation of aging civil infrastructure.        Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, F. Pereira,
                                                                                C.J.C. Burges, L. Bottou, and K.Q. Weinberger, eds., 2012, pp.
                           ACI student member Marcelo Terra                     1097-1105.
                           is an MS candidate in civil engineering          17. Ciresan, D.C.; Meier, U.; Masci, J.; Gambardella, L.M.; and
                           at the University of Ottawa. His current             Schmidhuber, J., “Flexible, High Performance Convolutional
                           research work includes the use of artificial         Neural Networks for Image Classification,” Proceedings of the
                           intelligence to design and appraise                  Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial
                           concrete materials. He has over 20 years             Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, V. 2, 2011,
                           of experience in the concrete industry in            pp. 1237-1242.
                           Brazil. Terra received his BS in mechanical
                           engineering from the University of Mogi          Reproduced from Concrete International - November 2019,pages
                           das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil.                   35-39, by kind permission of the American Concrete Institute.

                                                                                                                                  CONCRETE BETON 17

Goodbye to John Sheath
        s the CSSA bid farewell to John at the                                                         He spent 13 very fruitful and happy years at
        end of 2019 after nine years as CEO,                                                      C&CI until his retirement in 2009. However, at
        and many more years in the industry,                                                      63 he was not ready to ‘hang up his boots’, so
this is a glimpse into the man behind the                                                         he took up a commission with Ash Resources
business persona.                                                                                 to assist them with their Strategic Planning.
    John was born in 1946 in Southampton,                                                              John had been very active on a voluntary
England and was the youngest of four children.                                                    basis with the Concrete Society (CSSA) since
His mother died of a brain hemorrhage when                                                        joining the C&CI, so when, at the end of his 18
he was 18 months old, and so he had some                                                          month contract with Ash Resources, he was
very difficult early years growing up.                                                            offered the position of CEO of the CSSA, he
    At 20 he joined Borden Chemical                                                               gladly accepted.
UK, focused on manufacturing resins                                                                    He had been a CSSA member for some
and adhesives for the furniture, foundry,                                                         years, a branch committee member, branch
packaging, footwear and motor industries.                                                         secretary, branch treasurer, member of
He worked his way up the organisation                                                             council and then National President. He was
through what was then the traditional route                                                       also awarded the Society’s National Concrete
in marketing – sales office, office manager,                                                      Achiever Award in 1999 and Inland Branch
technical salesman, marketing assistant and                                                       Concrete Achiever Award in 2019.
finally marketing manager.                                                                             Here he spent nine pleasant years at the
                                                 John, 1975.
    It was at Borden Chemical that John was                                                       Society’s Head Office, but then, at the age of
mentored by the Director of his division, John   the corporate identity of the company to         73 he decided to completely retire.
King, and where he learnt how to manage          that of Expandite, a well-known construction          When asked about the highlights of his
people, make decisions and lead by example.      chemical company serving the construction        career, John listed many:
During that time, he gained the UK Diploma       and mining industries.                           • Obtaining his Diploma in Marketing
in Marketing Management.                              This was his first contact with the              Management
    In 1980 John was offered a contract in       construction and mining sectors, and he was      • Working under a fantastic mentor and
South Africa working for Borden’s licensee       ultimately promoted to Marketing Director             boss at Borden Chemical
there – General Chemical Corporation             of the company, a position he held for ten       • Emigrating to South Africa
(Genkem).                                        years. This included the time when John was      • Changing the corporate identity of Burmah
    In 1981, John and the family emigrated       transferred to Fosroc, with the sale of the           Adhesives and Sealant to Expandite (for
to South Africa and he spent the next two        Expandite construction chemical business to           which he received an award from the
years setting up a new division manufacturing    that company.                                         Company)
and marketing a new range of phenolic resin           In 1996 he joined the Cement and Concrete   • Gaining the Katse Dam contracts and
compounds for injection and compression          Institute (C&CI) as Marketing Manager with            visiting the site on many occasions
moulding. In 1983 he joined a Burmah-            the task of shifting the organisation from a     • Achieving Company Director status
Castrol company – Burmah Adhesives and           technically oriented Institute to more of a      • Passing the Chartered Marketer board
sealants where his first task was to change      marketing one.                                        exam to become a CM (SA)
                                                                                                  • Being appointed CEO of the Concrete

                                                                                                  John regrets that having retired, he cannot see
                                                                                                  the completion of the consolidation process.
                                                                                                       His vision remains to see the emergence
                                                                                                  of a dynamic, relevant consolidated concrete
                                                                                                  organisation that represents the whole
                                                                                                  industry, and which maintains the ‘concrete
                                                                                                  community’ spirit that prevails in the Society.
                                                                                                       John married Mollie in 1967. They have a
                                                                                                  son Mathew (46), a daughter Caroline (43) and
                                                                                                  five grandchildren between 8 and 18 years.
                                                                                                       John and Mollie have since relocated to
                                                                                                  Sedgefield in the Western Cape, where he
                                                                                                  will have time to pursue his interests of gym,
                                                                                                  kayaking, Formula 1, photography, wildlife,
                                                                                                  gardening and DIY.
                                                                                                       We wish John and Mollie health and
One of the first in SA to gain Chartered         John in retirement.                              happiness in their new venture. s
Marketer (CMSA) status.

18 NUMBER 160 | MARCH 2020
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