Future of Retail 2021 - 10 Trends that Will Shape the Year Ahead

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Future of Retail 2021 - 10 Trends that Will Shape the Year Ahead
Future of Retail
10 Trends that Will Shape the Year Ahead
The coronavirus pandemic has caused retailers to retool their operational, merchandising,
and marketing strategies to align with consumers’ changing shopping habits. When things
return to normal, the realignment of retail will have lasting effects. This eMarketer Report
looks at our 2021 US retail and ecommerce sales forecast, highlighting 10 key trends
representing the most significant shifts in retail and consumer behavior this year.

                                                                               presented by
Dear eMarketer Reader,

eMarketer is pleased to make this report, Future of Retail 2021: 10 Trends that Will
Shape the Year Ahead, available to our readers.

This report features eMarketer data and insights, and looks at our 2021 US retail and
ecommerce sales forecast, highlighting 10 key trends representing the most significant
shifts in retail and consumer behavior this year.

We invite you to learn more about eMarketer’s approach to research and why we
are considered the industry standard by the world’s leading brands, media companies,
and agencies.

We thank you for your interest in our report and Magento Commerce, part of Adobe
Experience Cloud for making it possible to offer it to you today.

Best Regards,

 Nancy Taffera-Santos
Nancy Taffera-Santos
SVP, Media Solutions & Strategy, eMarketer

                                             eMarketer, Inc.             www.emarketer.com
                                             11 Times Square, Floor 14   nancyts@emarketer.com
                                             New York, NY 10036
Future of Retail 2021: 10 Trends that Will Shape the Year Ahead
The coronavirus pandemic has caused retailers to retool their operational, merchandising, and marketing strategies
to align with consumers’ changing shopping habits. When things return to normal, the realignment of retail will have
lasting effects.

How much will US consumers spend on retail and
                                                                 US Retail Sales, 2018-2022
ecommerce in 2021?
                                                                 trillions and % change
Following a dip in 2020, we forecast that total retail                                                                                              $5.861
sales growth will begin to recover in 2021, rising 2.3% to           $5.315             $5.465             $5.506

$5.630 trillion. On the heels of outsized 32.4% growth in
2020, ecommerce sales growth will moderate to 6.1%.
Brick-and-mortar retail sales will rebound from a 3.2%
decline in 2020 to a 1.6% gain in 2021.

Which retailers are best positioned for 2021?
Amazon’s leadership will continue, while big-box retailers
like Walmart, Target, The Home Depot, and Best Buy will                                  2.8%                                   2.3%
extend their omnichannel momentum. Digital-first retailers
like Instacart, Peloton, and Etsy will build on their                 2018               2019               2020                2021                 2022

pandemic-driven gains, while forward-looking brands like             Retail sales       % change

Nike and Lululemon will continue to successfully transition to   Note: excludes travel and event tickets, payments (such as bill pay, taxes or money
                                                                 transfers), food services and drinking place sales, gambling, and other vice good sales
digital and direct-to-consumer (D2C) models.                     Source: eMarketer, Sep 2020
                                                                 260792                                                        eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

Which innovations will reshape physical retail?
Brick-and-mortar retail will incorporate digitally enabled        Contents
technologies to make stores more experiential and
frictionless. Click and collect, cashierless checkout,           3    Future of Retail 2021
contactless payment, and digital signage will streamline         4    Key Themes Influencing the 2021 Retail Landscape
in-store transactions. Increased emphasis on atmosphere          5    eMarketer’s 2021 Retail and Ecommerce Forecast
and community-driven experiences will make retail                6    No. 1: D2C Brands Riding the Ecommerce Wave Will
more inviting.                                                        Encounter Stiffer Competition from Established Brands
                                                                 7    No. 2: Media and Commerce Will Converge as Checkout
Which advancements will influence how consumers                       Attaches to Shoppable Content
shop online?                                                     8    No. 3: Click-and-Collect Momentum Will Drive Market
Social commerce will play a bigger role in brand and product          Share Gains for Big-Box Retailers
discovery for discretionary goods. Growing familiarity with      10 No. 4: Grocery Ecommerce Gains Will Evolve from Trial to
grocery ecommerce will push this habit forward. “Buy now,           Habit Formation
pay later” adoption will make purchases more affordable in a     11 No. 5: Retail Media Trio Will Disrupt the Duopoly’s Digital
strained consumer economy.                                          Ad Market Dominance
                                                                 12 No. 6: Premium Subscriptions Will Drive Cross-Channel
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report looks at our 2021                Loyalty for Leading Retail Brands
US retail and ecommerce sales forecast, highlighting 10 key      14 No. 7: Digital Fitness Will Emerge as a Megatrend, as
trends representing the most significant shifts in retail and       Aspirational Brands Segue into Consumer Health Market
consumer behavior next year.                                     16 No. 8: Next-Gen Marketplaces Will Leverage the
                                                                    Economics of Scarcity to Forge New Flywheels
KEY STAT: Total US retail sales are expected to grow 2.3%        18 No. 9: Frictionless ‘Stores of the Future’ Will Land and
to $5.630 trillion in 2021.                                         Expand
                                                                 19 No. 10: ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Options Will Hit an Inflection
                                                                    Point amid Strained Discretionary Budgets
                                                                 20 Key Takeaways

                                         PRESENTED BY:           Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.                      Page 3
Key Themes Influencing the 2021                                 Rather than play defense, Nike went on offense. “Today,
                                                                    we’re announcing a new digitally empowered phase of
    Retail Landscape                                                our Consumer Direct strategy,” Donahoe said. “We aren’t
                                                                    settling for our current leadership position with consumers
We can’t predict the future of retail in 2021 without               or in digital. We’re pursuing even further separation. We’re
fully acknowledging how the coronavirus pandemic                    transforming Nike faster to define the marketplace of the
magnified and accelerated prevailing industry trends.               future. Now is the time to act.”
Perhaps the most adept company at confronting the
challenges, adapting to change, and embracing retail’s              The pandemic hitting the global economy in February and
                                                                    March 2020 was an unanticipated shock—a true crisis by
next paradigm is Nike.
                                                                    any definition. And a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. At
                                                                    a time when most brands retrenched from the threat to
On June 25, 2020, Nike Inc. reported the results for its
                                                                    their business, Nike doubled down on the opportunity to
fiscal Q4, which ended on May 31, showing a dramatic 38%
                                                                    accelerate its vision.
year-over-year decline in revenues, to $6.3 billion. This
peak-pandemic quarter—with headlines that looked like an
                                                                    Nike now sits at the nexus of several transformative trends in
unmitigated disaster—may actually have been the best “bad
                                                                    commerce, and—along with a handful of industry leaders—
quarter” in retail history.
                                                                    exemplifies what to expect for the future of retail in 2021.
It was the first full quarter with new CEO John Donahoe,
former CEO of eBay and a Nike board member, at the helm.
Not exactly the sort of earnings most CEOs want to report           Pandemic Drives Social, Political, and
to Wall Street analysts in their debut. But there were many         Economic Uncertainty
bright spots in an otherwise tumultuous quarter as Nike
confidently hurtled toward a more digital future:                   The 2021 retail landscape will of course be shaped by the
                                                                    pandemic—both its ongoing effects and the anticipated
■   Nike digital sales jumped 75% during the quarter as             resumption of normal consumer behavior as the year
    part of its “Consumer Direct” strategy. “You recall             progresses. While we expect that a vaccine will begin to roll
    that in fiscal year ’18, we set a goal to reach 30% digital     out in early 2021, it will likely take until the second half of the
    penetration by fiscal year ’23. We will reach that goal more    year until widespread adoption has occurred.
    than two years ahead of plan this coming year, and looking
    ahead we now expect our overall business to reach 50%           This should improve consumer sentiment and generally
    digital penetration,” Donahoe said.                             support a strengthening of the economy. At the same time,
                                                                    much of the financial carnage wrought by the pandemic
■   Workouts on the Nike Training Club saw a more than              has not fully reverberated through the economy. Missed
    threefold increase. Donahoe noted that Nike had used            mortgage payments, long-term unemployment, and
    its ecosystem of fitness and commerce apps “to directly         small-business closures will mean many people in the US
    engage with consumers in their homes as they focus on           remain in financial dire straits. At the time of this writing, a
    health and wellness.”                                           second federal stimulus package has not been delivered by
                                                                    Congress, and unemployment benefits are expiring.
■   Nike’s SNKRS app surpassed $1 billion in global sales
    for the fiscal year. The app embodies Nike’s Consumer
    Direct strategy, which Donahoe described as “directly
    connecting with consumers, engaging them with our
                                                                    The Reimagining of Digital and
    powerful portfolio of activity apps, and then translating       Physical Retail
    that into both digital online and offline relationships where   The pre-pandemic transformation of brick-and-mortar retail
    they purchase more.”                                            has been only accelerated during the crisis. The long-term
                                                                    shift away from malls is driving mass store closures among
                                                                    department stores and other traditional mall retailers.
                                                                    Undifferentiated commodity goods retailers are also finding
                                                                    less reason for being in the current environment. More doors
                                                                    will shutter.

                                            PRESENTED BY:           Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 4
But the destruction of old retail will provide openings for                                         Ecommerce sales will grow just 6.1% in 2021, a major
the green shoots of modern retail concepts to emerge. New                                           divergence from its 2020 growth rate of 32.4%. But this
flagships, store-of-the-future concepts, small-footprint D2C                                        should not be interpreted as a suddenly bearish view of
locations, click-and-collect hubs, and dark stores will begin                                       ecommerce growth; rather, it’s a reflection of the inherent
to dot the brick-and-mortar landscape, giving us a glimpse                                          challenge of sustaining the somewhat artificially inflated
of what next-generation retail has in store.                                                        levels of 2020 as consumers’ buying habits normalize. A
                                                                                                    better way to look at ecommerce growth is to take the
                                                                                                    two-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for 2020
Power Brands Redefine the Landscape                                                                 and 2021, which translates to 16.8%—far ahead of the
                                                                                                    preceding two-year CAGR of 14.1%.
At the forefront of this physical transformation will be
the world’s iconic brands. Amazon will expand its brick-
and-mortar footprint, while the titans of big-box retail                                            US Retail and Retail Ecommerce Sales Growth,
like Walmart, Target, and Best Buy have strengthened                                                2016-2022
their positions. Forward-thinking retail brands like Apple,                                         % change
Nike, Lululemon, and Starbucks will innovate their store
experiences through digital integration, frictionless
shopping, and improved atmospherics. Together, these
power brands are paving the future of retail and introducing
the new models that others will follow.                                                                 16.8%        16.0%
                                                                                                                                   13.6%     14.6%

                                                                                                                      4.5%          4.8%                                                    4.1%
 eMarketer’s 2021 Retail and                                                                            2.8%

                                                                                                                     3.4%           3.9%
                                                                                                                                                               0.8%      2.3%

 Ecommerce Forecast
                                                                                                     1.7%                                   1.5%                           1.6%             2.5%

With the worst of the pandemic in the rearview mirror,                                                  2016         2017          2018          2019          2020          2021           2022

we expect the US consumer economy to show signs                                                         Retail ecommerce sales           Nonecommerce retail sales              Total retail sales

of progress in 2021. Total US retail sales will grow                                                Note: retail sales exclude travel and event tickets, payments (such as bill pay, taxes, or money
                                                                                                    transfers), food services and drinking place sales, gambling, and other vice good sales; retail
2.3% to $5.630 trillion, up from a 0.8% projected 2020                                              ecommerce sales include products or services ordered using the internet, regardless of the
                                                                                                    method of payment or fulfillment; excludes travel and event tickets, payments (such as bill
growth rate.                                                                                        pay, taxes, or money transfers), food services and drinking place sales, gambling, and other
                                                                                                    vice goods sales; nonecommerce retail sales exclude products or services ordered using the
                                                                                                    internet; excludes travel and event tickets, payments (such as bill pay, taxes, or money
                                                                                                    transfers), food services and drinking place sales, gambling, and other vice good sales
                                                                                                    Source: eMarketer, Sep 2020
US Retail Sales, 2018-2022                                                                          260793                                                         eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

trillions and % change
                                                                                   $5.861           A comparison of our most recent ecommerce forecast from
                                          $5.506              $5.630
    $5.315             $5.465                                                                       September 2020 with our pre-pandemic forecast from
                                                                                                    January 2020 underscores longer-term acceleration of the
                                                                                                    market. We expect that ecommerce has effectively moved
                                                                                                    one full year into the future, reaching $952.76 billion in
                                                                                                    2022—similar to the level we previously expected in 2023.

     4.8%                                                                           4.1%
                        2.8%                                   2.3%

     2018               2019               2020                2021                 2022
   Retail sales        % change

Note: excludes travel and event tickets, payments (such as bill pay, taxes or money
transfers), food services and drinking place sales, gambling, and other vice good sales
Source: eMarketer, Sep 2020
260792                                                        eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

                                                              PRESENTED BY:                         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.                       Page 5
How Has Our Forecast for US Retail Ecommerce Sales                                                                                     The D2C movement launched several startups that are
Changed?                                                                                                                               destined to be power brands, if they haven’t achieved that
billions and % change, 2020-2023                                                                                                       status already: Peloton, Warby Parker, Glossier, Brooklinen,
                                                                                                                                   %   Chewy, and Quip, to name a few.
                                                            8%                                            0%            . 3% 12
                      %           .  4%                 12.           1%                  .  5%        3.            12       81
                    .2          32                                  6.                  12
                                                                                                      1                6   2.
               13           0                  .26         1    5                   2           .76                  7
                                                                                                                   1. ,07
         .88             .5                 61          3.                       .4          52                  6
    74           94                       $7         4                       56         $9                    $9                       To learn more about the rise of D2C brands, read “Direct-to-
  $6           $7                                  $8                      $8
                                                                                                                                       Consumer Brands 2020: Growing Pains Hit Disruptor Brands
                                                                                                                                       on Their Path to Maturity.”

                                                                                                                                       But for every successful disruptor brand, there’s another
                                                                                                                                       that’s fallen on hard times as it encounters the reality of
                                                                                                                                       posting profitable growth against sophisticated, well-
                                                                                                                                       capitalized category stalwarts. When an Outdoor Voices
                                                                                                                                       stumbles on its path to growth, there’s a Lululemon ready
                                                                                                                                       to pounce.
       2020                               2021                                  2022                            2023
  Jan 2020 forecast                                  Sep 2020 forecast
                                                                                                                                       “Success leaves footprints, and there’s certainly evidence
                                                                                                                                       out there that social has helped build [D2C brands] from the
Note: includes products or services ordered using the internet, regardless
of the method of payment or fulfillment; excludes travel and event tickets,                                                            ground up,” said Elliot Mustoe, growth marketing manager
payments (such as bill pay, taxes, or money transfers), food services and                                                              at Brooklinen. “For a long time, brands exclusively relied on
drinking place sales, gambling, and other vice goods sales
Source: eMarketer, Sep 2020                                                                                                            Facebook and Instagram as their social outlets, but the past
260638                                                                                                        www.eMarketer.com
                                                                                                                                       year has seen ad product development across Pinterest,
Ecommerce will remain a bright spot in retail, but 2021 will                                                                           Snapchat, and TikTok.”
see ongoing challenges stemming from the pandemic. As
                                                                                                                                       The combination of growing inventory, brands pulling back
we advance toward another transformational year, here are
                                                                                                                                       ad spend, and the overall rising tide of ecommerce growth
the top 10 trends that will most shape the behavior of retail
                                                                                                                                       reopened the narrowing apertures of opportunity facing
marketers and consumers in 2021.
                                                                                                                                       many D2Cs. “As rates have become less competitive,
                                                                                                                                       demand hasn’t dropped, allowing for brands in relevant
                                                                                                                                       categories to continue driving sales in these social
 No. 1: D2C Brands Riding the                                                                                                          commerce channels,” Mustoe said.
 Ecommerce Wave Will Encounter                                                                                                         Established brands aren’t taking this disruption lying down,
 Stiffer Competition from                                                                                                              and they recognize developing their own D2C strategies
 Established Brands                                                                                                                    as a new imperative. “The 97% of brands that historically
                                                                                                                                       were disconnected from their end consumers now must
                                                                                                                                       be directly connected to them,” said Randall Rothenberg,
D2C brands have been the darlings of ecommerce
                                                                                                                                       executive chair at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).
over the past few years, but their quest to achieve the
escape velocity needed for mainstream adoption is                                                                                      The strongest brands are taking it a step further, recognizing
encountering increasing resistance. As low barriers to                                                                                 the D2C movement for what it is—a massive value-creation
entry foster intensifying competition from other                                                                                       opportunity. Nike is a prime example, leaning heavily into its
D2Cs, once-effective social media marketing strategies                                                                                 Consumer Direct strategy. By the end of 2020, D2C sales
                                                                                                                                       will account for 33.1% of Nike’s revenues.
get harder to play. Now they’re facing larger and
better-known competition for the same eyeballs as
established brands go direct to consumers.

                                                                                                    PRESENTED BY:                      Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 6
Nike Direct-to-Consumer Sales Worldwide,                                                           “The medium is the store, and the store is the medium,”
2010-2020                                                                                          IAB’s Rothenberg said. “The biggest change we saw
% of total revenues                                                                                this year—and it’s a real acceleration—is that the brand-
                                                                                      33.1%        distribution supply chain and brand-awareness supply chain
                                                                            30.0%                  are collapsing into each other. They’re now kind of the same
                                                                                                   thing. The simplest way to think about it is that it’s all about
                                                                                                   that screen we’re looking at.”
                                 17.3%                                                             D2C brands understand that social media’s prowess in
                         15.7%                                                                     rapid audience aggregation and brand discovery made it
 13.5% 14.3% 14.1%
                                                                                                   an unusually efficient vehicle for this. Now these platforms
                                                                                                   are trying to help brands close the loop on purchase.
                                                                                                   Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat have all
                                                                                                   recently introduced features allowing retailers to upload their
                                                                                                   product catalogs to make discovery even easier. Several
  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015                    2016    2017     2018 2019 2020
                                                                                                   platforms—most notably Instagram—also integrated
Source: NIKE, Inc. company reports as cited by Statista; eMarketer calculations, Nov 10,
2020                                                                                               checkout experiences (supported by Shopify for payment
260830                                                       eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com   and logistics) to streamline conversion.

“Nike has seen the overall trends and made very considered                                         This has driven a clear shift in social commerce purchases.
bets over a 20-year period, which can then be scaled up                                            According to CivicScience, the percentage of US adults who
when they succeed,” Rothenberg said.                                                               have purchased products directly on social media has nearly
                                                                                                   doubled over the past two years—from 13% in Q4 2018 to
Lululemon posted D2C sales growth of 157% in Q2 2020
                                                                                                   25% in Q3 2020.
as it drove 61.4% of net revenues—though unlike Nike, it
does not have a significant wholesale business with other
distribution partners. Levi Strauss and adidas both reported                                       US Adults Who Purchase Products Directly on Social
                                                                                                   Media, Q4 2018-Q3 2020
D2C sales reaching approximately 40% of their revenues
                                                                                                   % of respondents
during the most recent quarter.                                                                                                                                       25%
                                                                                                                                           22%      22%
As brands pull more sales through their digital storefronts,                                                                      21%
they benefit from additional first-party data, stronger                                                                 18%
customer relationships, and margin expansion. With
incentives pushing established brands to advance their D2C                                                     14%
strategies, next year’s landscape will be more competitive.
The disruptor brands that use this time to get into fighting
shape will be the ones that advance to the next round.

 No. 2: Media and Commerce Will                                                                    Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020

 Converge as Checkout Attaches                                                                     Note: ages 18+
                                                                                                   Source: CivicScience, "Trend Adoption Tracker," Oct 4, 2020
 to Shoppable Content                                                                              259995                                                   www.eMarketer.com

                                                                                                   As social commerce gains traction, it’s evolving across
D2C brands have long understood the new commerce                                                   formats (video) and media environments (TV). And brands
paradigm that bypasses traditional distribution                                                    are getting on board. According to an IAB study conducted
methods. They understand we live in an era of                                                      by Advertiser Perceptions, the percentage of brands using
convergent media and commerce, where brand value                                                   shoppable video ads has risen from 25% in 2018 to 40%
resides in aggregating audiences, cultivating demand,                                              in 2020.
and converting that into purchases as seamlessly
as possible.

                                                             PRESENTED BY:                         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 7
Shoppable Video Ad Usage According to US                                                           “The missing link in the US is still in-video checkout,”
Agency/Marketing Professionals, 2018-2020                                                          said Deborah Weinswig, founder and CEO of Coresight
% of respondents and % change                                                                      Research, a global advisory and research firm specializing
                                                                           40%                     in retail and technology. “Most livestreaming videos, posts,
                                                                          (21%)                    or advertisements on social media platforms include tags or
                                                                                                   links to a third-party website rather than having built-in
                                                                                                   purchasing functionality, meaning that the shopping
                                                                                                   experience is not seamless.”

                                                                                                   New possibilities of media and commerce convergence
                                                                                                   abound. Peloton’s built-in subscription fitness experience
                                                                                                   is tailor-made for layering on its small but growing apparel
                                                                                                   business. Disney+ is a tantalizing medium for commerce
                                                                                                   integration. Expect to see even more experimentation in the
                                                                                                   year ahead.
            2018                           2019                           2020*
Note: *estimate
Source: Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), "U.S. 2020 Digital Video Advertising Spend
Report: Putting Covid in Context" conducted by Advertiser Perceptions, June 23, 2020
260898                                                       eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com    No. 3: Click-and-Collect
Much of this activity resides on social media platforms                                             Momentum Will Drive Market
currently, but where it goes next may be even more                                                  Share Gains for Big-Box Retailers
interesting. Some examples of innovations that have taken
place already include:                                                                             Even before the pandemic, click and collect was a
                                                                                                   growing trend as US consumers found they enjoyed the
■   Livestreaming commerce—which has exploded in China
                                                                                                   convenience and cost-savings of purchasing online and
    and is an area of intense interest. Amazon Live is the
    ecommerce giant’s version of QVC or HSN, a feature it has                                      picking up their order on the way home from work or
    heavily promoted during recent Prime Day events.                                               while running errands.

■   NBCUniversal’s shoppable TV ads, which debuted during                                          The pandemic turned this behavior from a convenience to a
    the 2019 French Open with Lacoste as the pilot sponsor.                                        necessity almost overnight, particularly for essential goods
    The media conglomerate also added a direct checkout                                            and groceries. In March and April, as logistics networks
    feature in April 2020.                                                                         furiously expanded their capacity to support the ecommerce
                                                                                                   demand shock, online delivery windows were scarce and
■   Various livestreaming shopping features rolled out by
                                                                                                   delays were inevitable. Click and collect—and particularly
    YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram in 2020. TikTok isn’t as
                                                                                                   curbside pickup—helped plug the gap for millions
    far along on features in the US, but it has huge potential.
                                                                                                   of consumers.
“[Livestreaming] is a space that is very vibrant and alive,” said
Katie Puris, managing director and global head of business                                         According to our bimonthly ecommerce survey conducted
marketing at TikTok. “It’s a sound-on environment, so people                                       by Bizrate Insights, the incidence of click and collect rose
are extremely immersed, and everything is full-screen video.                                       from 18% in February to a high of 22% in June—a level that
The technology will continue to evolve, and we’ll see more                                         was sustained through October. The rise in curbside pickup
commerce on it.”                                                                                   was even more dramatic, jumping from 7% in February to
                                                                                                   22% by June, though levels have subsided a few points from
                                                                                                   their peak.

                                                             PRESENTED BY:                         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 8
Which Delivery Methods Did US Digital Buyers Use for                                             Though the pandemic created the impetus for the behavior,
Digital Purchases in the Past Month?                                                             it will carry forward into the future. A 2020 Deloitte study
% of respondents, Feb-Oct 2020                                                                   asked respondents, in both April and September, their
                                            Feb      April     June       Aug        Oct         reasons for adopting click and collect. In April, the top
                                            2020     2020      2020       2020       2020
                                                                                                 reason cited was “safer” (48%), followed by “faster than
Delivered to my home/work                   91%       91%       90%         91%        91%
Picked up at the store                      18%       17%       22%         20%        21%
                                                                                                 shopping in-store” (34%) and “less stressful” (33%). By
Picked up curbside at the store               7%      13%       22%         20%        18%       September, the top reasons were “safer” (35%), “cheaper
(didn't have to get out of the car)                                                              than delivery” (33%), and “faster” and “less stressful” (both
Delivered to locker not at a store            4%        3%        3%         3%         2%
location (e.g., Amazon Hub Locker)
                                                                                                 32%). As safety concerns subside, it’s easy to see how the
Other                                         2%        2%        3%         2%         2%       cost and convenience dimensions will persist.
Note: February n=1,069; April n=1,070; June n=1,000; August n=1,042;
October n=1,005; among those who made a digital purchase in the past
month/30 days; surveys conducted every two months                                                Reasons that US Adults Are Using Click and
Source: "The eMarketer Ecommerce Survey" conducted in October 2020 by
Bizrate Insights, Oct 5, 2020                                                                    Collect, April 9 & Sep 17, 2020
259844                                                              www.eMarketer.com            % of respondents
                                                                                                                                                        April 9,                      Sep 17,
Adoption wasn’t driven only by the demand side. Retailers                                                                                                2020                          2020
also needed to ramp up their availability of click-and-collect                                   Safer                                                    48%                            35%
options to accommodate this newfound demand and to                                               Quickly check stock                                      30%                            26%
have any hope of recovering lost sales due to the pandemic.                                      Faster than shopping in-store                            34%                            32%

According to Digital Commerce 360, the percentage of Top                                         Less stressful                                           33%                            32%

500 North American ecommerce retailers offering curbside                                         Apps know my preference                                  10%                            13%
                                                                                                 Cheaper than delivery                                    26%                            33%
pickup leapt from just 6.9% in December 2019 to 43.7% in
                                                                                                 Faster than delivery                                     23%                            29%
August 2020.
                                                                                                 Support local stores                                     25%                            20%
                                                                                                 Better for environment                                   14%                            14%

Retailers in North America Offering Curbside                                                     Source: Deloitte, "Global State of the Consumer Tracker" as cited in Deloitte's "2020 Holiday
                                                                                                 Retail Survey," Oct 20, 2020
Pickup, Dec 2019 & Aug 2020                                                                      260967                                                       eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

% of total*
                                                                 43.7%                           And shoppers believe these habits will stick. According to
                                                                                                 GlobalData, when asked which behaviors consumers expect
                                                                                                 to do more often once things have returned to normal,
                                                                                                 68.2% of US adults said curbside pickup, and 59.6% said
                                                                                                 in-store pickup.

                                                                                                 Fulfillment and Return Methods US Adults Plan to
                                                                                                 Use More of After the Coronavirus Pandemic,
                                                                                                 July 2020
                                                                                                 % of respondents
                                                                                                 Collect digital orders from curbside/outside a store                                  68.2%
               Dec 2019                                        Aug 2020
                                                                                                 Collect digital orders from inside a store                                         59.6%
Note: *based on 245 retailers from Digital Commerce 360's Top 500 North American
retailers in August 2020                                                                         Return an item bought digitally to a store                          49.7%
Source: Digital Commerce 360 as cited in Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), "Brand
Disruption Report 2021" sponsored by eBay, Facebook, Google, and TikTok, Nov 9, 2020
                                                                                                 Source: GlobalData, "Multichannel Retail and COVID-19," Sep 15, 2020
261654                                                     eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com
                                                                                                 261655                                                       eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

                                                                                                 Grocery is the original and best use case for curbside pickup,
                                                                                                 and it’s where the behavior is most likely to carry forward
                                                                                                 into the future. Mass merchants that offer curbside grocery
                                                                                                 pickup alongside other household purchases, like Walmart
                                                                                                 and Target, will benefit the most in 2021.

                                                           PRESENTED BY:                         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.                     Page 9
No. 4: Grocery Ecommerce                                                                                             orders that temporarily shifted to ecommerce channels will
                                                                                                                      revert back to in-store.
 Gains Will Evolve from Trial to
 Habit Formation                                                                                                      Much of the 2020 gains came from first-time grocery
                                                                                                                      ecommerce buyers. Our latest estimate pegs the number
Grocery has undoubtedly been the ecommerce                                                                            of digital grocery buyers at 131.0 million in 2020, up
category winner of the pandemic. As widespread                                                                        41.9% from the prior year and representing 38.7 million
                                                                                                                      additional buyers.
shelter-in-place mandates kept people at home and
out of physical stores, tens of millions of US consumers
became online grocery buyers for the first time.                                                                      US Digital Grocery Buyers, 2018-2022
                                                                                                                      millions, % change, and % of internet users
Food/beverage—the least penetrated ecommerce                                                                                                                                                            143.1
category—will see the biggest growth in 2020, with sales
surging 74.0% to $45.47 billion. That’s $13.25 billion more
in sales beyond our pre-pandemic expectations, and                                                                                            92.3                                                      56.3%
                                                                                                                                                                52.9%              54.7%
an upward revision of the growth rate by more than 50
percentage points.                                                                                                                           37.8%
How Has Our Forecast for US Food and Beverage                                                                              32.0%
Retail Ecommerce Sales Changed?
billions and % change, 2020-2024                                                                                                                                                     4.9%                4.1%
                  %          %             %                      %         %            %      %             %
               .4         .0            .4       5%            .8        .3            .1 0.5               .0 9.6%
            23         74            22       5.            19        22            18       2           17      1         2018               2019               2020              2021                 2022
        2 2        4 7           4 4      9 6           2 5       6 3           8 2      6 5         3 4      50
   3 2.       4 5.           3 9. 47.               4 7. 58.                5 5. 70.             6 5. 84.                Digital grocery buyers          % change          % of internet users
 $          $              $         $            $         $             $         $          $        $
                                                                                                                      Note: ages 14+; digital grocery buyers are defined as internet users who have made at least
                                                                                                                      one grocery order via any digital channel during the calendar year regardless of method of
                                                                                                                      payment or fulfillment; includes grocery delivery and pickup
                                                                                                                      Source: eMarketer, Sep 2020
                                                                                                                      261003                                                       eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

                                                                                                                      The influx of new category buyers include many low-
                                                                                                                      propensity digital grocery shoppers, including older US
                                                                                                                      consumers with a strong incentive to steer clear of public
                                                                                                                      spaces during a pandemic.

   2020                  2021                  2022                  2023                   2024
                                                                                                                      There will be an evolution of digital grocery buying in
                                                                                                                      2021. Many low-propensity buyers will return to their
  Jan 2020 forecast                        Sep 2020 forecast
                                                                                                                      pre-pandemic purchase behaviors once the threat is
Note: includes packaged foods, fresh foods, and beverages; includes
products or services ordered using the internet via any device, regardless                                            sufficiently mitigated through vaccines. Other consumers,
of the method of payment or fulfillment; excludes travel and event tickets,                                           now acclimated to the process of buying groceries online,
payments such as bill pay, taxes or money transfers, food services and
drinking place sales, gambling, and other vice goods sales                                                            will do so on an occasional basis. But those who developed
Source: eMarketer, Sep 2020
                                                                                                                      a regular habit around buying groceries online will carry
260644                                                                                www.eMarketer.com
                                                                                                                      this behavior forward. Continued growth in digital grocery
More importantly, the pandemic has pulled grocery                                                                     will now depend more on purchase frequency than new
ecommerce at least a year into the future. We now expect                                                              category buyers.
grocery ecommerce to reach $47.96 billion in 2021, ahead of
the level we originally anticipated for 2022.                                                                         “While we have seen a gradual slowing in growth rates
                                                                                                                      for US online food sales, the levels remain elevated, and
Nevertheless, we expect grocery ecommerce to increase                                                                 consumer participation rates are still high,” Weinswig of
at a single-digit rate of 5.5% in 2021, which may seem                                                                Coresight Research said. “In fact, the latter has trended
counterintuitive given the dramatic acceleration of 2020.                                                             slightly upward over the past three months, implying that the
That forecast assumes that as consumer behavior                                                                       market slowdown is being driven by decreased frequency or
normalizes once a vaccine rolls out, many of the grocery                                                              smaller basket size per online shopper.”

                                                                            PRESENTED BY:                             Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.                   Page 10
Rakuten Intelligence data indicates that purchase                                                Amazon is the biggest player in an emerging segment
frequency—at least among online grocery buyers in a given                                        of digital advertising—retail media platforms—that will
month—climbed from 2.3 orders in March to 2.9 in October.                                        surge over the next few years and eat into the duopoly’s
                                                                                                 dominance. The two big up-and-coming retail media
                                                                                                 platforms after Amazon are Walmart and Instacart. The next
US Digital Grocery Buyer Growth and Orders
                                                                                                 tier includes large digital marketplaces like eBay and Etsy
per Buyer, Oct 2019-Oct 2020
                                                                                                 and multichannel retailers Kroger and Target.
orders per buyer and % change in buyers vs. same
period of previous year
                                                                                                 Retail media has a key advantage over Facebook and
                                                                2.9    2.9            2.9
                                                   2.8   2.8                  2.8                Google. Their platforms are powered by the combination of
  2.4           2.4
                             2.4                                                                 high-intent keyword searches and shopper data, giving them
         2.3                       2.3                          114%
                                             115% 111%
                                                         105%          105%
                                                                                                 an even better ability than their duopoly counterparts to
                                                                              96% 94%            target the right customers with ads.

                                                                                                 And advertisers are voting with their wallets. According
  44%                                                                                            to a Catalyst and Kantar study of US retailers, Amazon
         45%          45%                                                                        Advertising (67%) and Walmart Media Group (67%) ranked
                                                                                                 atop a list of digital ad platforms on which they were most
                                                                                                 likely to increase ad spending.
  Oct Nov Dec         Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun                   Jul    Aug Sep Oct
      2019                             2020
                                                                                                 US Retailers' Spending Plans for Digital Ad
   Orders per buyer                                                                              Platforms, April 2020
   % change in buyers vs. same period of previous year
                                                                                                 % of respondents in each group
Source: Rakuten Intelligence, Nov 24, 2020
                                                                                                                                              Increasing          Same            Decreasing
261656                                                     eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com
                                                                                                 Amazon Advertising                                67%              24%                  9%
But not every buyer participates every month, so over a                                          WMG (Walmart) advertising                         67%              24%                  9%
quarterly or annual time horizon, the frequency picture could                                    OTT/Connected TV                                  66%              24%                10%

look very different. It’s a complex dynamic that will determine                                  YouTube ad                                        66%              23%                11%
                                                                                                 Social media ad                                   63%              28%                  9%
how grocery ecommerce grows in 2021. With the possibility
                                                                                                 Podcasts                                          60%              30%                11%
of new-to-category digital grocery buyers churning out
                                                                                                 Email marketing                                   57%              36%                  7%
of the market in 2021, those who stick with it will need
                                                                                                 Paid search                                       57%              32%                11%
to ratchet up their order frequency to foster continued                                          Target advertising/Roundel                        56%              37%                  8%
category growth.                                                                                 Audio                                             54%              26%                19%
                                                                                                 Digital out-of-home advertising                   53%              24%                24%
                                                                                                 Organic search                                    51%              41%                  8%
                                                                                                 Kroger advertising                                50%              27%                23%
 No. 5: Retail Media Trio Will                                                                   Product listing ads                               49%              46%                  6%

 Disrupt the Duopoly’s Digital Ad                                                                Influencer marketing                              47%              35%                18%
                                                                                                 Display ad                                        44%              38%                18%
 Market Dominance                                                                                Note: read as "67% of retailers investing in Amazon Advertising plan to increase their
                                                                                                 budgets for this platform"; numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding
                                                                                                 Source: Catalyst and Kantar, "The State of Ecommerce 2021," Aug 3, 2020
Amazon, Walmart, and Instacart will become new                                                   261661                                                        eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

power players in the digital ad ecosystem, and the
                                                                                                 Better data is the differentiator against the duopoly.
Facebook-Google duopoly may not fully appreciate that
                                                                                                 Amazon, Walmart, and Instacart possess massive troves
a disruptive force will come into full view in 2021.                                             of online and offline purchase data to demonstrate the full
                                                                                                 impact of their advertising. The clean line of sight into high
While the two dominant ad platforms are still posting strong                                     volumes of brand-purchase activity, which makes it easy for
revenue growth, No. 3 player Amazon’s footsteps are getting                                      advertisers to track return on investment (ROI), encourages
louder. In fact, in 2020, Amazon’s US digital ad market share                                    them to keep investing in the platforms.
will jump 2.4 points to 10.2%, while the duopoly’s combined
market share will dip by almost a percentage point.

                                                           PRESENTED BY:                         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.                     Page 11
Retail media platforms’ low-hanging fruits are search                       inventory, and COVID-19 has accelerated [that ecommerce
and branding ads on their owned and operated digital                        demand] to where Instacart is seeing explosive growth.”
properties. We forecast that these ecommerce channel ads
will jump 38.8% in 2020 to $17.37 billion and will double to                Weinheimer said Instacart has a low hurdle for adoption
$34.00 billion by 2023.                                                     because of its similarities to Amazon: “It’s more apples to
                                                                            apples with Amazon, where the majority of the inventory is
                                                                            lower-funnel, so that’s where most of the early adopters are
US Ecommerce Channel Ad Spending, 2019-2023
billions and % change                                                       focusing first. And they’re coming back for more, because
                                                                            the returns are extremely significant.”

                                               $28.57                       The opportunity outside of ecommerce channel advertising
                                                                            is even more interesting. Through their respective demand-
                                 $22.54                                     side platforms (DSPs), retail media platforms can deliver
                                                                            display and video ads across other digital media. That’s
    37.7%                                                                   primarily on the open web today but is destined to transition
                                                                            to ad-supported over-the-top (OTT) video, giving them a
   $12.52                                                                   major opportunity to tap TV ad budgets. Eventually, these
                                                26.8%                       platforms will power digital in-store media as well.

                                                                            Amazon, Walmart, and Instacart have the inside track on
    2019           2020           2021          2022           2023
                                                                            these massive opportunities, and in 2021 their formidable
  Ecommerce channel ad spending              % change                       positions and momentum will become apparent. Large
Note: digital advertising that appears on websites or apps that are         consumer brands, if they haven’t already, need to allocate
primarily engaged in retail ecommerce; examples include advertising on
Amazon, Walmart, and eBay; excludes advertising on social networks or       budget now so they can take full advantage as these
search engines
Source: eMarketer, Oct 2020                                                 platforms scale.
259640                                                  www.eMarketer.com

Amazon will drive most of this ad spend in 2021, as it
has already proven its value to brands. But Walmart and                      No. 6: Premium Subscriptions Will
Instacart are the real forces to watch with their huge
                                                                             Drive Cross-Channel Loyalty for
footprints of in-store sales data—Walmart with cross-
category purchase behavior in its nearly 5,000 US retail                     Leading Retail Brands
locations, and Instacart with its partnerships with more
than 400 grocery chains across 30,000 stores in the US                      Every retailer wants its own version of Amazon
and Canada. Amazon comes nowhere close to that level of                     Prime—a high-margin, rrecurring-revenue loyalty
visibility into offline purchase activity—at least not yet.                 engine. In 2021, several retail power brands will succeed
                                                                            with premium subscriptions that will result in market
While Walmart is the current No. 2 player in ecommerce
                                                                            share gains and profit expansion.
channel advertising, with an estimated $849 million in
revenues in 2020 and forecast to reach $1.32 billion in 2021,
                                                                            There’s a tendency to pigeonhole retail loyalty programs
Instacart shouldn’t be underestimated. Former Amazon
                                                                            as direct competitors to Prime—but that’s a false premise.
advertising executive Seth Dallaire is Instacart’s new chief
                                                                            Matching Prime’s dominance is not only an unreasonably
revenue officer, helping the company stand up a high-
                                                                            tall order, it fails to appreciate that loyalty programs aren’t a
powered ad platform at lightning speed. It’s only a matter
                                                                            zero-sum game. Their success should instead be measured
of time before big consumer packaged goods (CPG) ad
                                                                            by how well they drive their own businesses forward.
budgets start flowing in its direction.
                                                                            The most obvious Prime “competitor” is Walmart+, the $98
Nich Weinheimer, general manager of ecommerce at
                                                                            per year subscription featuring benefits like free two-day
Kenshoo, calls Instacart a “unicorn” opportunity for CPG
                                                                            delivery for ecommerce orders, gas price discounts, and
brands, explaining that while grocery has huge demand
                                                                            scan-and-go capabilities to skip in-store checkout.
overall, it has been supply-constrained in the ecommerce
environment. “The world’s largest brands want that grocery

                                                PRESENTED BY:               Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 12
According to August 2020 research from Tinuiti conducted                               Expected Share of Holiday Ecommerce Spending
by Survata, 50% of US Amazon Prime members said they                                   on Walmart* Among US Walmart+ Member
would sign up for a Walmart loyalty program while keeping                              Segments, Oct 2020
their Prime subscription. Just 6% said they would sign up                              % of respondents in each group
and cancel their Prime subscription.                                                   Non-Walmart+ members
                                                                                                         37.3%                                  37.0%             18.0% 7.7%

US Amazon Prime Members Who Would Sign Up for a                                        Walmart+ members
Walmart Loyalty Program with Perks, Aug 2020                                            8.1%                      32.4%                             38.2%                  21.3%
% of respondents                                                                       Walmart+/Amazon Prime members
                                                                                       5.9%             29.7%                                   38.7%                     25.8%

                                                                                          0%                     1-19%                     20-39%                           40%+
                    No, don't shop
                    at Walmart                                                         Note: numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding; *website or mobile app
                    22%                                                                Source: DISQO, Nov 17, 2020
                                          Yes, but would                               261659                                                    eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com
                                          keep Amazon Prime
                No, loyal to              subscription
                Amazon Prime
                                          50%                                          Interestingly, 64.5% of those who were concurrently
                                                                                       Walmart+ and Amazon Prime members expected to spend
                                                                                       at least 20% with Walmart. And this wasn’t a tiny overlap
                                     Yes, and would cancel                             segment—69.2% of Walmart+ members were also Prime
                                     Amazon Prime subscription                         members. This suggests that loyalty membership isn’t a
                                                                                       zero-sum game, and that membership decisions are not
Source: Tinuiti, "The State of Amazon Prime in 2021" conducted by Survata,
Oct 15, 2020                                                                           necessarily a choice between competing programs so much
259885                                                    www.eMarketer.com            as they are made on whether or not that individual program
                                                                                       provides surplus value to the consumer.
The study provided a useful temperature check for the
viability of a Walmart program, but what people say they will
                                                                                       The spotlight might be on the Amazon Prime vs. Walmart+
do and what they actually do is often different. Research
                                                                                       battle at the moment, but there are more memberships
from DISQO conducted in October 2020 paints a more
                                                                                       taking shape. In September, Apple introduced Apple One, a
realistic picture for Walmart+ and its potential. According to
                                                                                       subscription bundle that includes Apple Music, Apple TV+,
the survey, 5.1% of respondents said they were already paid
                                                                                       Apple Arcade, and 50 GB of iCloud storage, with a premier
subscribers to Walmart+, and 9.0% said they expected to be
                                                                                       version that also includes Apple Fitness+ and Apple News+.
paid subscribers within the year.
                                                                                       “As with most things Apple does, it is a very long play,”
Current vs. Expected* Walmart+ Paid Subscribers,                                       said Dan Frommer, founder and editor-in-chief of The
Oct 2020                                                                               New Consumer, noting that the current incarnation may
% of respondents                                                                       not deliver enough value. “What you could see is Apple
                                                                                       One increasingly being an obvious choice over time as the
Current                                   5.1%
                                                                                       company adds more services. I don’t know whether Fitness+
Expected*                                                                   9.0%       is going to be compelling enough to push people into the
Note: *by next year                                                                    plan on its own. You could see Apple TV+ start to have more
Source: DISQO, Nov 17, 2020
                                                                                       breakthrough success.”
261658                                           eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

The DISQO survey also underscored the value of
membership. When asked what percentage of their 2020
holiday ecommerce spending they expected to spend on
Walmart, 59.5% of Walmart+ members said they would
spend at least 20% with Walmart vs. 25.7% among
non-Walmart+ members.

                                                 PRESENTED BY:                         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.                Page 13
With Amazon Prime, members primarily pay for the fast          “There’s a cultural trend around fitness that has magnified
and free shipping benefits, but the inclusion of Prime Video   over the past decade. Social media has actually made
makes it a no-brainer in terms of value. And as CEO Jeff       fitness something to show off—either for accountability
Bezos famously said, “We get to monetize [our subscription     purposes or to show off that you’re mindful of your health.
video] in an unusual way. When we win a Golden Globe, it       It’s cool to work out and be sporty in a lot of places.”
helps us sell more shoes.” Apple One hasn’t reached
no-brainer status yet, but the company has deep pockets        According to our latest forecast, US health and fitness
to invest in premium programming for Apple TV+ (which is       app users will jump 27.2% to 87.4 million in 2020. An
getting a lift from Richard Plepler, former chairman and       already sizable and growing market just put its foot on the
CEO of HBO) and Apple Fitness+. It’s easy to imagine a         accelerator as the pandemic pulled fitness into the home.
not-so-distant future where this premium subscription          While the number of users will dip slightly next year, most of
reaches a tipping point.                                       the 2020 bump will be retained going forward.

Brands like Nike, Lululemon, and Disney are experimenting
                                                               US Health & Fitness App Users, 2018-2022
with the right value exchange for their own subscription       millions and % change
offerings. But it’s clear that they’ll be able to parlay                                           87.4                           86.3
strong brand affinity, in-demand products, subscription
media, digital assets, and physical experiences into
attractive bundles.                                                     62.7

 No. 7: Digital Fitness Will Emerge                                                               27.2%

 as a Megatrend, as Aspirational
 Brands Segue into Consumer                                                                                                       2.6%
 Health Market                                                 0
                                                                                    9.7%                          2021

                                                                     2018           2019           2020                           2022
Connected fitness may be one of the most profound
                                                                   Health & fitness app users         % change
trends to sprout from the pandemic, and in doing so
                                                               Note: smartphone users of any age who use at least one health/fitness app
will further elevate four leading power brands—Nike,           on their smartphone at least once per month
                                                               Source: eMarketer, July 2020
Lululemon, Peloton, and Apple.                                 256417                                                    www.eMarketer.com

What do all four have in common? They’re aspirational          One of the biggest winners of the pandemic is Peloton,
brands with loyal followings; they produce high-quality and    the aspirational fitness brand that developed an early cult
high-margin products; they posses digital technology and       following from its $2,000 stationary bike and subscription
media capabilities; and they offer community-oriented retail   fitness classes. The company’s worth has quadrupled from
experiences. Each company is approaching the market            an $8.1 billion valuation at its September 2019 IPO to a
from a slightly different angle, but they all know a huge      market capitalization of more than $30 billion today.
opportunity when they see it.
                                                               Peloton’s revenues and profits have soared, but the
“The trend of digital personal fitness started many years      company’s usage metrics are even more impressive.
ago with products like the Jawbone UP and Fitbit with an       Total connected fitness subscriptions have doubled from
early-adopter crowd of ‘quantified self’ people,” Frommer      563,000 to 1.3 million over the yearlong period ending on
of The New Consumer said. “This is one of those trends,        September 30, 2020, while the average monthly workouts
and ‘accelerate’ isn’t even the right word to describe it—     per subscriber have jumped from 11.7 to 20.7 over the same
COVID-19 just made it happen. ...                              time frame.

                                         PRESENTED BY:         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 14
Peloton Connected Fitness Subscription Metrics                                                     ■   It’s also noteworthy that Amazon unveiled its Halo fitness
Worldwide, Q2 2019-Q1 2021                                                                             band in August 2020, while Google’s proposed acquisition
                                                                                     1,334             of Fitbit awaits regulatory approval. Though currently
                                                                                                       lacking the digital fitness assets of the other four, don’t
                                                                        1,091                          be surprised if either makes more aggressive moves into
                                                                                                       the space.
                                                                                                   All of these brands recognize that health and fitness is a
                                                                                                   megatrend, and the pandemic has fundamentally reoriented
                          511                                                                      consumers’ expectations around how, when, and where they
    362                                                                                            pursue fitness activities.
                                                                                     20.7          According to an April 2020 survey from The Harris Poll, 64%
              13.9                             12.6
    9.2                  12.0       11.2                                                           of digital fitness subscribers said they intend to maintain
     Q2        Q3         Q4         Q1         Q2           Q3          Q4           Q1           their subscriptions post-pandemic vs. 22% who expected to
              2019                                    2020                           2021
                                                                                                   discontinue. If anything, the likelihood of retention has only
    Connected fitness subscriptions* (thousands)
    Monthly workouts per subscription**
                                                                                                   grown, given that we are much deeper into the pandemic
Note: *person/household or commercial property that has paid for a Peloton subscription,
                                                                                                   and new habits have had time to stick.
including paused subscriptions; **total workouts completed in the quarter divided by the
average number of connected fitness subscriptions in each month, divided by three months
Source: Peloton company reports, Nov 5, 2020
261670                                                       eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com
                                                                                                   Digital Service Subscriptions that US Adults Plan to
                                                                                                   Keep vs. Discontinue After the Coronavirus Pandemic
                                                                                                   Ends, by Type, April 2020
This stands in stark contrast to the conventional notion of
                                                                                                   % of respondents in each group
home fitness equipment eventually becoming expensive
laundry racks. For Peloton subscribers, it seems the
                                                                                                                                                      72%      14%          13%
more they use the service, the more they like it. The live
and on-demand fitness classes bring workout intensity,
                                                                                                                                                64%            22%          14%
engagement, and community into the home—all the benefits
of being at a workout class minus the inconvenience of                                                                                    58%                         34%   8%
getting there. The fully integrated media and hardware
                                                                                                   Digital learning
experience looks like a big unlock in consumer behavior, and                                                                          54%                      32%          14%
one that will transform the fitness market.
                                                                                                       Keep          Discontinue            Don't know

It’s perhaps not surprising to see other aspirational brands                                       Note: ages 18+ who subscribed to each service listed since early March
                                                                                                   2020; includes free trials and paid subscriptions; numbers may not add up
join the party—albeit from slightly different angles.                                              to 100% due to rounding
                                                                                                   Source: The Harris Poll as cited in blog post, May 19, 2020
                                                                                                   256389                                                   www.eMarketer.com
■   In June, athleisure giant Lululemon announced a splashy
    $500 million acquisition of Mirror, a home fitness digital                                     The fitness experience used to be dominated by health
    media and equipment brand, giving it comparable assets                                         clubs. In a post-pandemic world, the connected fitness
    to Peloton.                                                                                    experience will become the new focal point, and it will
                                                                                                   become clear why Nike, Lululemon, Peloton, and Apple own
■   In July, Nike announced that it was making its Nike
                                                                                                   that future.
    Training Club app free permanently, expanding its
    addressable market of digital fitness consumers.

■   In September, Apple unveiled Fitness+, a subscription
    digital fitness service that costs $9.99 per month, or
    $79.99 per year, and integrates with the Apple Watch
    hardware and Apple Health software for personalized
    fitness tracking.

                                                             PRESENTED BY:                         Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.    Page 15
No. 8: Next-Gen Marketplaces                                                buyers, creating a virtuous cycle. With stiff competition from
                                                                             Amazon, the only possibility for scaling a next-generation
 Will Leverage the Economics of                                              retail marketplace is through differentiation.
 Scarcity to Forge New Flywheels
                                                                             Etsy found a niche with specialty homemade gifts that
Online marketplaces have proven to be among the                              tapped into a previously disaggregated supply side
most profitable retail business models, as Amazon and                        of amateur craftspeople. When the pandemic drove
                                                                             skyrocketing demand for masks, Etsy was the primary
eBay can attest. While those two were the primary
                                                                             beneficiary. In Q2 2020, mask sales reached $346 million,
players in ecommerce for a long time, the next crop of                       representing about 13% of sales on the platform. When
marketplaces are now carving out their segments of                           existing product supply suddenly couldn’t match the
the market.                                                                  overnight surge in demand, Etsy sellers stepped up and
                                                                             delivered product. This brought a flood of new buyers to the
In fact, most of the top ecommerce companies (as measured                    platform for the first time, including 4 million who came to
by retail ecommerce sales) now have marketplace models                       Etsy to buy masks alone.
driving at least a portion of their business. No. 6 Best Buy
and No. 8 Wayfair have vertical marketplaces for their                       Product scarcity concentrated demand on Etsy, which in
respective categories: consumer electronics and home                         turn drove supply. According to Marketplace Pulse, the
furnishings. (Best Buy’s third-party marketplace is only in                  number of new Etsy sellers has surged since the beginning
Canada.) No. 2 Walmart, No. 7 Target, and No. 9 Kroger are                   of the pandemic. From April 2019 through March 2020, that
actively expanding their marketplace efforts.                                number averaged 87,453 per month. In April 2020, it jumped
                                                                             to 131,200 and steadily climbed to 208,222 in October. This
                                                                             momentum segued right into the 2020 holiday ecommerce
US Top 10 Retailers, Ranked by Retail Ecommerce
Sales, 2020                                                                  season—a time of year where Etsy already shines—allowing
billions, % change, and % of total retail ecommerce sales                    it to capitalize on a more active and vibrant community of
                         Retail               %         % of total retail    buyers and sellers that will help accelerate its long-term
                     ecommerce sales        change     ecommerce sales
                                                                             growth trajectory.
1. Amazon                 $309.58             39.1%            39.0%
2. Walmart                 $46.20             65.4%             5.8%
3. eBay                    $38.80             26.2%             4.9%         New Etsy Sellers Worldwide, by Month,
4. Apple                   $27.51             32.3%             3.5%         Aug 2019-Oct 2020
5. The Home Depot          $16.71             71.2%             2.1%
6. Best Buy                $15.70           105.5%              2.0%         Aug 2019                           82,760

7. Target                  $13.82           103.5%              1.7%         Sep 2019                             87,760
8. Wayfair                 $11.66             51.0%             1.5%         Oct 2019                                  93,011
9. The Kroger Co.          $11.28             79.2%             1.4%
                                                                             Nov 2019                                    98,305
10. Costco Wholesale       $11.18             60.3%             1.4%
Note: represents the gross value of products or services sold via the        Dec 2019                             88,022
internet (browser or app), regardless of the method of payment or
fulfillment; excludes travel and event tickets                               Jan 2020                                    99,509
Source: eMarketer, Oct 2020
                                                                             Feb 2020                              88,827
259403                                                   www.eMarketer.com
                                                                             March 2020                                92,511
“The simplistic framework for marketplaces is price,
                                                                             April 2020                                           131,200
selection, and experience,” said Guru Hariharan, CEO of
                                                                             May 2020                                                            166,815
CommerceIQ. “It’s hard to disrupt on price, which leaves you
with experience and selection. What are you selling that’s                   June 2020                                                             170,079

unique, and what experience can you provide that’s unique in                 July 2020                                                           191,092
order to differentiate?”                                                     Aug 2020                                                               196,555

                                                                             Sep 2020                                                              195,520
Marketplaces are two-sided platforms requiring buyers
                                                                             Oct 2020                                                                    208,222
(the demand side) and sellers (the supply side) to come
together. The challenge is jump-starting the network effect,                 Source: Marketplace Pulse, Nov 17, 2020

wherein more buyers attract more sellers, which attract more                 261231                                                eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com

                                                  PRESENTED BY:              Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.            Page 16
Nike’s marketplace strategy is interesting. The brand           US Nike Mobile Unique Visitors, by Mobile App
famously resisted selling on Amazon for years only to reverse   Type, Aug 2019-Oct 2020
course in 2017. Following a two-year pilot, Nike once again     millions
reversed course and pulled out of Amazon entirely in late                                                                  3,235
2019. According to Profitero, since leaving Amazon, Nike’s
search frequency ranking on the platform has dropped from                                                           2,565                                 2,548           2,611

No. 117 the week prior to leaving Amazon to No. 266 for                                                                                      2,275
the same week in 2020. Presumably, that demand is now
                                                                                     1,906         1,937                                 2,267                    2,226
flowing toward Nike’s direct-selling channels.
                                                                     1,455     1,749
“Some brands like Nike can make a choice to give up                                                         1,544        1,336                                          1,332
                                                                                                                                                          1,197 1,196
short-term revenues that some marketplaces [like Amazon]        1,410                                            1,113                    1,117
would guarantee them in exchange for long-term vision that       792 788                                              754        1307                                     1,111
                                                                               706 695 687 484 704
values the brand more,” said Juozas Kaziukėnas, founder                                                                                        1030 961 887
                                                                                            577                    546
                                                                         712                                                                 707
and CEO of Marketplace Pulse. “Amazon was never and is           663
                                                                                     538 548
                                                                                                           613                   564
                                                                               437                   472                  469            463
unlikely to become a channel to communicate brands’ value.                                                 268     317                            351 334
                                                                                             202                                                                          197
It is built to be quite the opposite—to surface products as      128
                                                                               175 106                                                                            141

solutions to the customer’s search query, regardless of what     Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
brand they come from.”                                                  2019                          2020
                                                                   Nike          Nike+ Run Club                     Nike+ Training Club                      Nike SNKRS
Nike is now reimagining its marketplace strategy. New           Note: ages 18+
President and CEO John Donahoe, responsible for eBay’s          Source: Comscore Inc., Nov 17, 2020
                                                                261672                                                                   eMarketer | InsiderIntelligence.com
meteoric growth from 2008 to 2015, understands well the
benefits and pitfalls of marketplaces. Nike’s marketplace       “There are more brands that can do what Nike did,”
approach puts digital at the center while tightly controlling   Kaziukėnas said. “But it is near impossible for marketplaces
the experience and limiting retail partners, allowing it to     or retailers to be different things for different people.
maintain brand integrity and control the levers of demand.      Consumers instead seem to gravitate to specific retailers
                                                                or marketplaces that fit them or the category. Brands are
The recent rise of secondhand apparel and footwear              increasingly aware of which of those fit them, too.”
marketplaces—from Poshmark and ThredUp to StockX
and GOAT—threatens this control. Nike’s answer to that is       That’s why marketplaces are evolving from scale toward
SNKRS, an app for exclusive sneaker drops that’s a favorite     nichification. Next-generation marketplaces like NTWRK
among the growing community of “sneakerheads,” where it         also illustrate how depth of community engagement and
owns the experience. SNKRS isn’t a third-party marketplace      exclusivity drives sales. The online marketplace—which
but uses similar mechanics of scarcity and product              hosts limited-edition product drops and virtual festivals for
differentiation to drive demand.                                the creator community of musicians, artists, and designers—
                                                                works because of smaller networks of intense fans.
According to Comscore, the pandemic has accelerated
the growth of SNKRS, in addition to Nike’s entire family of     “There’s a narrative around the product, a limited time
apps, which includes Nike retail, Nike+ Training Club, and      window—and that ephemeral nature is important,” said
Nike+ Run Club. SNKRS has seen traffic surge 71% from           Moksha Fitzgibbons, president of NTWRK. “And it doesn’t
the seven months leading up to the pandemic to the seven        have to be 300 units in terms of scarcity, but it does
months since the pandemic, from an average of 565,000           have to have some highly desirable qualifier to it. Those
unique visitors from September 2019 to March 2020 to an         three value propositions drive a lot of consumer demand
average of 965,000 unique visitors from April 2020 through      and purchasing.”
October 2020.
                                                                Concentrating demand around a narrow window leads to
                                                                high conversion rates and second-order branding effects,
                                                                especially as the events—and participants’ exclusive
                                                                hauls—amplify across social media. The flywheel effect has
                                                                taken hold.

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