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Future Pharma PHARMACEUTICALS - kpmg.com - CHEManager

Future Pharma
        Five Strategies to Accelerate
           the Transformation of the
   Pharmaceutical Industry by 2020

Future Pharma PHARMACEUTICALS - kpmg.com - CHEManager
Five Strategies to Accelerate the Transformation
of the Pharmaceutical Industry by 2020

             Executive Summary

             Key Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry                                      1
               1. Delivering shareholder/stakeholder value                                      2-6
               2. Low growth business environment                                             7 - 10
               3. R&D productivity                                                           11 - 15
               4. Rising risks and loss of trust                                             16 - 18

             A Vision of the Pharmaceutical Industry in 2020 and Beyond                       19 - 24

             Five Strategies to Accelerate Industry Transformation                                  25
               1. Reassess product strategy                                                        26
               2. Invest in the marketing and sales infrastructure of 2015 and beyond         27 - 29
               3. Acquire more talent and experience from other industries                         30
               4. Use internal rate of return to prioritise and rationalise the R&D portfolio 31 - 32
               5. Review and revise governance standards                                     33 - 34

             If you would like to discuss any of the ideas in this report or how they
             can be implemented, please contact any of our pharmaceutical team.
Future Pharma PHARMACEUTICALS - kpmg.com - CHEManager
Executive                                                                                    With well chosen
                                                                                             strategies combined
Summary                                                                                      with disciplined
This paper explores some of the major                                                        implementation, I believe
challenges facing the pharmaceutical                                                         the pharmaceutical
industry today.
                                                                                             industry has the platform
Four Major Challenges Facing                                                                 from which to prosper
the Pharmaceutical Industry:
                                                                                             over the next 10 years.”
1. Delivering shareholder/stakeholder value
                                                                                             Chris Stirling, European Sector Leader
2. Low growth business environment
3. R&D productivity                            Scientific, political, legal and personnel    But because the geographically diverse
4. Rising risks and loss of trust              risks are all rising. We see a need for a     nature of its business will increase with
                                               review of governance standards from           the growth of Emerging Market
We believe that there is a real
                                               Board level downwards, together with a        influence, the pharmaceutical industry
opportunity for the industry to redefine
                                               fresh look at internal appraisal systems      could take on the appearance of a high
itself in the minds of shareholders,
                                               to ensure the best qualified employees        value consumer products industry to its
stakeholders, consumers and
                                               are in the key roles and get the best         shareholders. Whether a diversified or
governments, following the
                                               training for the changing marketplace.        specialist business model is better to
disappointing business and share
                                                                                             meet the 2020 challenges is a much
price performance of recent years.             Pharmaceutical companies must win
                                                                                             more company specific analysis that
                                               back trust; they have created the
Stagnation in mature Western Markets                                                         we have not attempted to cover here.
                                               perception that they put their
(WM) combined with rapid growth of
                                               commercial goals above the interests          We have identified five strategies to
Emerging Markets will change the
                                               of governments, payors, prescribers           accelerate the transformation of the
shape and needs of the industry.
                                               and patients.                                 industry to meet them.
Operating margins are peaking and the
impact of Emerging Market growth on            This situation can be changed as part of a    Five Strategies to Accelerate
the current cost base will bring margins       series of transformational steps in both      Industry Transformation:
down. Businesses need to ensure                the operations and culture including better   1. Reassess product strategy
investment in growth markets reflects          internal and external communication of
                                                                                             2. Invest in the marketing and sales
the new industry and not a template            risks and more consistent compliance
                                                                                                 infrastructure of 2015 and beyond
from the past. Social media and                with regulatory standards.
information technology offer potentially                                                     3. Acquire more talent and experience
                                               There are many new relationships to               from other industries
significant new ways to contact
                                               develop with government agencies in
prescribers and consumers                                                                    4. Use internal rate of return to prioritise
                                               the growth markets, in addition to
more efficiently.                                                                                and rationalise the R&D portfolio
                                               increasing complexity in relations with
R&D productivity has been sub-optimal          governments and payors in established         5. Review and revise governance
and poorly measured. We assess that            markets. Improving these relationships           standards
returns on capitalised R&D spending            can best be achieved by adopting better       The industry is responding positively
have been steadily falling. A shift to         standards of governance at all levels of      to a number of other important issues,
an internal rate of return measure of          the industry.                                 such as working with governments and
development spending is needed,                                                              providers to address the rising cost
                                               In our vision for 2020 we see an industry
together with some information about                                                         of healthcare.
                                               that will be simpler for investors to
why the companies believe that
                                               understand not because it will be             The selective and focused approach
spending on development projects will
                                               structurally simpler: developing new          that we have chosen means that this
give shareholders a return greater than
                                               medicines will be an ever more                paper does not cover these other
the cost of capital for the company.
                                               complex process.                              challenges in any detail.
Future Pharma PHARMACEUTICALS - kpmg.com - CHEManager
1 | Future Pharma

Key Challenges
Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry

1. Delivering shareholder/stakeholder value
2. Low growth business environment
3. R&D productivity
4. Rising risks and loss of trust
Future Pharma PHARMACEUTICALS - kpmg.com - CHEManager
Future Pharma | 2

 Challenge 1

Delivering Shareholder/
Stakeholder Value
The pharaceutical industry has performed                  Factors influencing revenues include:
disappointingly over the last ten years,                  Positives:                                    Negatives:
relative to other industries (Figure 1).
This is the result of a complex ebb and                   • Strong growth in Emerging Markets           • Increasing speed and intensity of
flow of positive and negative factors on                    (Figure 2)                                    product competition (Figure 4)
both revenues and profits that has                        • Aging populations                           • Increasing rebates to government
marginally favoured the negatives.                                                                        and third party providers in the US
                                                          • Price increases in the US
                                                            (Figure 3)                                  • Budget deficit driven price reductions
                                                                                                          in Europe
                                                          • Influenza pandemics
                                                                                                        • Exposure to loss of revenues
                                                          • Enduring willingness of payors to
                                                                                                          following patent expiration (Figure 2)
                                                            support demonstrably
                                                            innovative therapies                        • Ferocity of early generic competition
                                                                                                        • 	 Higher regulatory hurdles, leading to
                                                                                                             greater uncertainty and fewer
                                                                                                             product approvals
                                                                                                        • Greater restrictions
                                                                                                          on reimbursement
                                                                                                        • Declining R&D productivity
Figure 1
Relative Share Price Performance
from 2005                                                                                                                                          Source: Bloomberg

                                                                                                                      STOXX Europe 600 Index
                                                                                                                      Health Care
200                                                                                                                   Utilities
  Food and Beverages
150                                                                                                                   Tobacco
                                                                                                                      Personal & Household Goods
                                                                                                                      Europe Pharma
  PUS Pharma





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3 | Future Pharma

                     Challenge 1

                 Delivering Shareholder/
                 Stakeholder Value
                     The balance of factors       Factors influencing profits and earnings
                     influencing profits has      Positives:                                     Negatives:
                     contributed to making the
                     consistent delivery of       • An industry-wide drive to reduce costs • 	 Royalty payments increasing due to
                     shareholder/ stakeholder       and improve efficiency                      greater collaboration and risk sharing
                     value more difficult and     • Improved operating margins               • Increased legal settlements with
                     this continues to be           (Figure 5) and                             plaintiffs and governments
                     the case.                    • 	 Strong cash flow growth fuelling      • 	 Increased clinical trial demands
                                                       increased cash returns to
                                                                                             • 	 Increased regulatory
                                                       shareholders through increased
                                                                                                  filing requirements
                                                       dividend pay-out ratios and share
                                                       repurchase programmes (Figure 6)      • 	 M&A activity that has added
                                                                                                  complexity, whilst rarely generating
                                                                                                  obviously better returns
                                                                                             • 	 Growing safety requirements

                Figure 2
                Emerging Markets are the Key
                Drivers of Total Spending                                                                                Source: IMS Market
                                                                                                                           Prognosis; KPMG


                     1100                                                                                                   $1081bn


Total Spending $bn

                                          119          -120



                                2010      Brand       Patent           Generic          Emerging              Other           2015E
                                         growth     expirations                          Markets
Future Pharma PHARMACEUTICALS - kpmg.com - CHEManager
Future Pharma | 4

Figure 3
Average Annual Percent Change in US Retail Prices
for Widely Used Brand Name Prescription Drugs                                      Source: AARP RxWatchdog Report, August 2010


                                             8%                                                                     8.3%
                                                   6%       6.1%





                                                  2005      2006             2007                 2008              2009

Figure 4
Speed and Intensity of Competition                                    Source: DiMasi and Faden; Tufts Center for the Study of Drug
                                                                                      Development, Working paper 2009; PhRMA

Percent of First-in-class medicines with   100%
a competitor in phase II testing at the
time of approval.                                                                                                   90%
                                           70%                               71%




                                           20%    23%


                                                  1970s   1980-1984      1985-1989            1990-1994          1995-1999
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5 | Future Pharma
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Future Pharma | 6

Figure 5
Industry Pharmaceutical Division Operating Margins                                                                                                         Source: KPMG estimates

                                                   Aggregate pharmaceutical industry operating margins in USD

    Operating Margin

                                         29%              29%
                                                          2005                                                   2010

Figure 6
Pharmaceutical Industry post Tax cash flows                                                                                                                 Source: KPMG estimates


    Industry post tax cash flow $bn



                                      80,000                                                                                                                             134,955




                                                2003              2004              2005              2006              2007          2008           2009               2010

We believe that over the next ten years                                       This will require a shift in how the                This is likely to be uncomfortable but will
the pharmaceutical industry could                                             industry operates, particularly regarding           be, we suspect, a continuation of a
deliver growth in line with real GDP                                          how it spends its shareholders funds                process which has already started.
(3-5%), which is respectable and merits                                       and how it communicates the value                   Novartis management has made a step
a higher market value than that of today.                                     its products and delivers its services.             in the right direction by discussing cash
We see a real opportunity for                                                 The industry has to demonstrate                     flow return on invested capital, and how
the industry to redefine itself in the                                        that it can deliver better returns on               it planned to improve it for each division,
minds of shareholders, stakeholders,                                          investment than in the past by changing             at its November 2010 Strategy &
consumers and governments.                                                    many aspects of how it operates.                    Innovation Forum1.

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7 | Future Pharma

    Challenge 2

Low Growth Business
Revenue growth modestly
slowing in 2010-2015
The pharmaceutical industry is facing a                    Policy changes seen in 2010 in the US,          Biologic therapies as a class are a major
future with lower growth prospects than                    Japan, Europe and China are unlikely to         growth contributor, forecast to grow
in the past. IMS forecasts global spending                 be the last made as governments                 from $138bn in 2010 to $190-200bn by
on medicines will reach $1.1 trillion by                   struggle with growing budget deficits           2015, or an increase from 16% of global
2015 but the revenue growth rate will                      and look for ways to spend more                 drug spending to 18%.
slow from 6% between 2005 and 2010                         effectively on healthcare, further
to 3-6% between 2010 and 2015.                             pressurising growth.
                                                                                                            The impact of $120bn of
                                                           Major therapeutic classes driving                product revenues losing
The impact of $120bn of product
                                                           brand growth between 2010 and
revenues losing patent protection in                                                                        patent protection in major
                                                           2015 are expected to be Oncology
major Western Markets from 2010-2015
                                                           (+5-8% annually to $75-80bn), diabetes           Western Markets from 2011-
will be largely matched by on-patent                                                                        2015 will be largely matched
                                                           (+4-7% annually to $43-48bn) and
brand growth, leaving Emerging Market
                                                           autoimmune diseases (+6% to circa                by on-patent brand growth,
growth and generic spending as the
main drivers of global spending. Per IMS
                                                           $30bn), with continuing if slower growth         leaving Emerging Market
                                                           for asthma/COPD (+2-5% to $41-46bn),             growth and generic
the combined US and EUR share of
                                                           angiotensin inhibitors (+1-4% to
spending will shrink from 61% in 2005 to                                                                    spending as the main
                                                           $28-33bn) and platelet aggregation
44% by 2015 and Emerging Markets will
                                                           inhibitors (+4-7% to $18-22bn), both             drivers of global spending.
grow from 12% in 2005 to 28% by 2015.
                                                           for cardiovascular disease (Figure 7).

Figure 7
Forecast Therapeutic Class
Growth 2010-2015                                                                                                                      Source: IMS Health




       60                    Oncology


       40                Lipid lowering
       30        Angiotensin inhibitors
                        for CV disease
                                        2010                                                   2015

    The Global Use of Medicines: Outlook Through 2015. IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics May 2011
Future Pharma | 8

 Aggregate Emerging Market                   If Western Market stagnation/decline           If the pressure on US and EU market
 revenues are forecast to grow               continues and Emerging Market growth           lessens post the patent expiration cliff
                                             slows to around 10% per annum then             and low levels of growth return (say
 at a compound 14% between
                                             global revenues would grow on average          3%) then global growth would be 4%
 2010 and 2015.                              4% per annum between 2015-2020                 between 2015 and 2020.
                                             (Figure 8).

Figure 8
Pharmaceutical Industry 2010 to
2020 by Major Geographic Market                                                         Source: 2010, 2015 IMS Health; 2020 KPMG estimates


                                             $1,081bn      GR
                                                         CA                 300
      1000                          3  %
                                 GR               238

      600            154

                     205                          205
      400                                                                   195

                     308                          335                       335

                    2010E                      2015E                        2020E
                                        US   EU     EM   Other

Figure 9
Estimated Industry Cost and
Margin breakdown                                                                                                  Source: KPMG estimates

Operating Margins Peaking
and Set to Decline
We believe that the pharmaceutical                       Revenues                                                                 100%
industry currently achieves close to                     Cost of sales                                                             -25%
50% pre-R&D operating margins,
                                                         General and administrative costs                                           -7%
on average.
                                                         Marketing & sales                                                         -20%

                                                         R&D                                                                       -16%

                                                         Operating profit                                                          32%

                                                         Pre R&D operating profit                                                  48%
9 | Future Pharma

 Challenge 2

Low Growth Business

Figure 10
Estimated 2010 Geographic Contribution to
Global Pharmaceutical Sales and Profits
                                                                                                              Source: IMS Health;
                                                                                                                KPMG estimates

Based on data from various industry       Region     % 2010 global         Revenues           Est Pre-R&D         Pre-R&D
sources we have estimated the                          revenues              $bn                margin          op. profit $bn
contribution by major geographic          US              36%                  308               65%                  200
region to industry pre-R&D
                                          EU              24%                  205               43%                  88
operating profit (Figure 10).
                                          EM              18%                  154               33%                  51
This table highlights the
                                          Other           22%                  188               40%                  75
lower margins available
in Emerging Markets.                      Total                                856               48%                  415

Figure 11
Changing Geographic Contribution
                                                                                                    Source: 2010, 2015 IMS Health;
to Global Pre-R&D Operating Profit                                                                          2020 KPMG estimates

Growth of Emerging Markets could         100%
result in these countries together                 18%                               20%                          21%
contributing as much to global profits
as the US by 2020 (Figure 11).           80%
                                         70%                                         21%

                                         60%       21%                                                            30%


                                         40%                                                                      13%

                                                   48%                               42%

                                                   2010                           2015E                         2020E
                                                                     US   EU    EM    Other
Future Pharma | 10

Using the assumptions shown in                  The importance of Emerging Markets                       We find that the pre-R&D
(Figure 12) we conclude that global             and the pressure on margins we believe                   industry operating margin
margins will inevitably come under              merits a wholesale review of the
                                                                                                         could decline from an
pressure as the contribution from lower         marketing and sales investment in both
margin Emerging Markets continues to            growth markets and those in decline,                     estimated 48% in 2010 to
grow rapidly relative to the mature             the personnel talent required to manage                  43% by 2020.
Western Markets. We find that the               these businesses and above all the R&D
pre-R&D industry operating margin               portfolio being developed to supply
could decline from an estimated 48%             appropriate products that payors will
in 2010 to 43% by 2020 (Figure 13).             fund in these different markets over
                                                the next 10 years.

Figure 12
Assumptions of Compound Annual Revenue
Growth and Geographic Margin 2010-2020                                                                                Source: IMS Health; KPMG estimates

                     2010-15         2015 Pre-R&D      2015-20 Revenue           2020 Pre-R&D
                  Revenue CAGR        op. margin            CAGR                  op. margin

 US                    2%                 60%                  0%                    60%

 EU                    0%                 38%                 -1%                    38%
 EM                    14%                33%                 10%                    35%
 Other                 5%                 40%                  5%                    40%
 Global                5%                 45%                  4%                    43%

Figure 13
Pre-R&D Profit Margins Pressured
due to Emerging Markets                                                                               Source: 2010, 2015 IMS Health; 2020 KPMG estimates

This figure illustrates the profit
margin impact of the growth of                                                                                                1318
the industry in Emerging Markets.                                    Pre-R&D
                                                                    margin 48%
                                                                                                         margin 44%
                                                                                                                                             margin 43%


                                                            2010E                               2015E                                2020E
                                                              Revenues $bn          Pre R&D op profit $bn
11 | Future Pharma

                                  Challenge 3

    R&D Productivity
                                        Over the past decade the                                   Poor R&D productivity                           So far this year (through 7th July) 20
                                        number of applications for                                 The number of new medical entities              new medicines have been approved
                                                                                                   (excluding line extensions) being               compared with 21 in the whole of 20104.
                                        approval of new medical                                                                                    This looks like the pattern of 2005 and
                                                                                                   approved in the US has not shown
                                        entities being made to                                     any trend change (Figure 15) over               2009 being repeated. There is no basis
                                        FDA has averaged 30 per                                    the past decade. It is hard to correlate        to assume the overall number of
                                        year. However, in 2010 only                                application numbers with approvals              approvals is on a long term up trend.
                                        23 applications were filed,                                because of the difference in approval
                                                                                                   times. FDA data indicates that between
                                        the second lowest number
                                                                                                   January 2006 and October 2009 61%
                                        in a decade (Figure 14).                                   of new medical entity applications
                                                                                                   were approved. Comparative data for
                                                                                                   the equivalent European authority,
                                                                                                   the EMEA, indicates 68% were
                                                                                                   approved in the same period3.
                                                                                                   2011 is looking a lot better than 2010
                                                                                                   and could be an above average year.

    Figure 14
    Number of Applications for
    New Medical Entities to FDA                                                                                                                                                  Source: FDA
Number of applications for new medical entities to FDA by year









                                                                      1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004    2005    2006    2007       2008   2009    2010

Future Pharma | 12

                     R&D productivity based on                            R&D spending has, however, been                R&D productivity based on numbers
                     numbers of approvals relative                        climbing inexorably, running at a              of approvals relative to R&D spending
                                                                          compound annual growth rate of 10%             is worsening.
                     to R&D spending is worsening.                        1999-2007, although there has been a
                                                                                                                         Looking at R&D productivity another way,
                                                                          significant slowdown since 2007 (CAGR
                                                                                                                         industry success rates in bringing a drug
                                                                          1%). These calculations are based on
                                                                                                                         from research to market was just 4%
                                                                          data for member companies of the
                                                                                                                         between 2005 and 20095. This is clearly
                                                                          Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
                                                                                                                         an unsustainably low rate.
                                                                          Association of America and therefore
                                                                          understate global R&D spending.

 Figure 15
 New Medical Entity Approvals and
 Annual R&D Spending 1999-2010                                                                                                                                       Source: PhRMA and FDA

                                 40                                                                                             55,000

                                 35                                                                                             50,000
Number of new US drug approval

                                                                                                                                          Annual US Industry spent


                                 5                                                                                              25,000

                                 0                                                                                              20,000
                                      1999   2000   2001   2002    2003     2004   2005   2006    2007     2008   2009   2010
                                                                  New drug approvals             R&D spent

             Linda Martin KMR, Bernstein R&D Conference 2011, cited in Roche 1H2011 results presentation
13 | Future Pharma

 Challenge 3

R&D Productivity
 R&D returns have     Return on R&D falling                      The steady decline over the past 20 years
 nearly halved over   We have made an illustrative calculation   is no surprise, but it illustrates the need to
                      of the post-tax return on R&D spending     address the expectations of future returns
 the last 10 years.   over 15 years (Figure 16).                 from current spending both from a peak
                                                                 sales perspective and from a cost of
                                                                 marketing and sales support point of view.
Future Pharma | 14

Figure 16
Illustrative Post Tax Return
on R&D Expenditure                                                                                                                                         Source: PhRMA data; KPMG estimates


Post Tax return on R&D expenditure






















15 | Future Pharma

 Challenge 3

R&D Productivity

 A predictable delivery of     R&D Productivity                              We believe that there is little or no value
 new drugs over a multi-year   Ineffectively Assessed                        being ascribed to pipelines, based on
                               Industry focuses on numbers of projects       current market capitalisations and the
 period is the most likely                                                   cash flow value of on market drugs. Some
                               in R&D, not returns, nor forecasts
 means for companies to        Corporate presentation of the value of        value should be allocated, although not
 capture an element of their   R&D tends to focus on numbers of              too much given the inherent
 pipeline value in their       product candidates in development.            unpredictability of medical research. A
 market capitalisation.        Mention of how much was spent rarely          predictable delivery of new drugs over a
                               features prominently in the annual report     multi-year period is the most likely means
                               to shareholders and we could find only        for companies to capture an element of
                               one company, GlaxoSmithKline, among           their pipeline value in their market
                               the industry majors that highlights its       capitalisation. However, in the shorter
                               target return on R&D spending.                term, exposition of an understandable
                                                                             assessment of the returns that have been
                               Phrases that industry participants use to     achieved and indications of why the future
                               describe their R&D pipelines include:         returns will be better would also help.
                                   • ‘strongest’                             A systematic explanation of why product
                                   • ‘one of the best’                       candidates failed or why products had to
                                                                             be withdrawn from the market and what
                                   • ‘one of the most innovative’            was learnt from these failures would help
                                   • ‘strongest and most productive’         show that the R&D process is more
                                                                             considered than in the past and that past
                                   • ‘uniquely broad’                        mistakes are not being repeated.
                                   • ‘peer-leading’                          Some measure of scientific quality is also
                                                                             needed. The best science is not always
                               The subjective nature of these                conducted in large-capitalisation
                               descriptions is not unreasonable. There is    pharmaceutical companies as illustrated
                               little numerical basis for comparison with    by the industry seeking new ways to
                               other companies whose needs for future        partner with academia6.
                               growth may be smaller or greater. The
                               recent history of the industry would
                               suggest that hubris is to be avoided at all
                               costs. The point is that these comments
                               and the detailed explanations of the
                               individual development projects give no
                               information about why the companies
                               believe that spending on these projects
                               will give shareholders a return greater
                               than the cost of capital for the company.
                               Or put another way, why these projects
                               will result in a reversal of the long-term
                               trend illustrated in Figure 16.

                                   2 March 2011 | Nature 471, 17-18 (2011
Future Pharma | 16

Challenge 4

Rising Risks and
Loss of Trust

Staying close to government    Rising scientific risk                        We think that a systematic approach to
                               In the information age it is reasonable to    the changing nature of government
thinking will be critical to
                               assume that everyone knows everything,        policy in Emerging Markets is key to
securing a continuing strong                                                 reducing long-term political risk. In a
                               and therefore that competitors may be
position in the industry.      working on similar biological targets with    majority of Emerging Markets, the
                               similar chemical or biological entities. In   consumer pays for prescription
                               the recent past the speed with which          medicines, but governments influence
                               several companies have simultaneously         the price paid to varying degrees.
                               developed new chemical entities is            Staying close to government thinking
                               testament to this. We see it as key to        will be critical to securing a continuing
                               understand the end game at the start:         strong position in these markets.
                               integrate information on what value a
                                                                             Rising legal risk
                               new drug or new drug class could bring
                                                                             In spite of extensive risk management
                               and the attitude of those that will pay for
                                                                             input to Board audit committees, there
                               the medicine as early as possible into the
                                                                             has been a rise in the number of
                               development process.
                                                                             settlements for violations of a variety of
                               We were very surprised to find that only      laws as exemplified by data from the US
                               5/13 (38%) of major companies include a       over the past twenty years with a very
                               Board committee with an explicit mandate      rapid rise since 2003 (Figure 17, Figure 18).
                               to provide assurance to the Board about
                               the quality, competitiveness and integrity     The industry needs to
                               of the Company’s R&D/scientific                reverse these trends to begin
                               activities. This would seem an essential
                               check and balance on the path to greater
                                                                              to win back confidence and
                               rigour in agreeing R&D expenditure given       trust from consumers and
                               the importance of innovation.                  governments alike.
                               Rising political risk                          This is no small task.
                               Political risk in the US and the European
                                                                             We suppose that the rate of increase in
                               Community is well understood and will
                                                                             these settlements could be viewed by
                               be part of all companies’ planning
                                                                             some as a positive, because the decks
                               process. There are probably no
                                                                             are being cleared and historic long
                               expectations that pressure from
                                                                             running litigation risk is being reduced.
                               governments to reduce the cost of
                                                                             We see this as stretching the point.
                               medicines and of treating chronic
                               disease is going to reduce. The industry
                               is cash generative and relatively cash
                               rich. Working with governments to
                               promote innovation, while achieving
                               adequate commercial returns, will
                               be important.
17 | Future Pharma

 Challenge 4

Rising Risks and
Loss of Trust
Figure 17
Number of Pharmaceutical Industry Settlements
with US State and Federal Government 1991-2010                                                                                                                   Source: Public Citizen

































      The value of these settlements has also risen dramatically over the past decade.

Figure 18
Value of Pharmaceutical Settlements with
US State and Federal Government 1991-2010                                                                                                                        Source: Public Citizen


                                                                                                                                                         1441 1445
                                                                                                                               967   999   1067
                                                                                                     404               549
                10      22          1          0      10          7          4          3     100


























Future Pharma | 18

Rising personnel risk                        Loss of Trust
The changing nature of the growth drivers    Pharmaceutical companies have created       corporate priorities, corporate
within the pharmaceutical industry and       the perception that they put their          responsibilities and of the risks that the
the cultural shift in how the industry       commercial goals above the interests        company is prepared to take and why.
spends money, suggests to us that there      of governments, payors, prescribers
is rising personnel risk. Risk because the   and patients and lost the trust of these     Stakeholders need a
best qualified staff may be tempted by       stakeholders. Investors too remain           clear understanding of
competitors, or by opportunities for         sceptical of the longer term outlook         the risk profile to which
career development. Risk because the         in the wake of serial R&D pipeline
                                                                                          they are exposed either as
wrong staff may be retaining key             disappointments. Justified or not, the
management positions for too long.           pharmaceutical industry faces a sceptical    employees, shareholders
Risk because senior management has           audience regarding the integrity of its      or both.
not asked the hard questions of its          commercial operations. Golden
                                                                                         There are many new relationships to
employees frequently enough. It could        parachutes that reward executives in
                                                                                         develop with government agencies in the
be argued that Boards of Directors and       spite of poor performance exacerbate the
                                                                                         growth markets, in addition to increasing
executive management should put in           situation. Fines, court cases and product
                                                                                         complexity in relations with governments
place plans to increase the diversity of     withdrawals are all prevalent and serve
                                                                                         and payors in established markets.
senior talent to match the evolving needs    to draw attention to the industry’s
                                                                                         Improving these relationships and
of the global healthcare market. In          weaknesses. This situation can be
                                                                                         avoiding the creation of new risks can
addition a review of management              changed as part of a series of
                                                                                         best be achieved by adopting better
structures would also seem essential to      transformational steps in both the
                                                                                         standards of governance at all levels
the growing importance of Emerging           operations and culture including better
                                                                                         of the industry.
Markets not only as growth drivers, but      internal and external communication of
also as important sources of scientific
and medical research talent.
19 | Future Pharma

A Vision of the
Industry in
2020 and
Future Pharma | 20

A Vision of the Pharmaceutical
Industry in 2020 and Beyond

 Companies that can                             Having laid out some of the key                         In addition, the pharmaceutical industry
 demonstrate the value their                    challenges that we believe the industry is              has a significant opportunity to play an
                                                facing, we outline a vision of the how the              important role in the broader healthcare
 products (and services)                        industry might look in 2020 and beyond.                 “ecosystem” as the pressures to
 bring to patients will be                      We believe that to be successful in ten                 reduce cost, improve quality, and
 able to access broad patient                   years’ time companies will need to be                   increase access to care impact nearly all
 populations in both Western                    different from today in the way that they               countries’ healthcare systems. Payment
 and Emerging Markets.                          are organised and operate. (Fig. 19)                    for healthcare products and services,
                                                                                                        which has historically been based on
                                                Companies that can demonstrate the
                                                                                                        unit or episode, is expected to move to
                                                value their products (and services) bring
                                                                                                        a new economic system that rewards
                                                to patients will be able to access broad
                                                                                                        demonstrably better health outcomes
                                                patient populations in both Western and
                                                                                                        and lower costs. In this scenario, the
                                                Emerging Markets. Scale will still be
                                                                                                        interests of the pharmaceutical industry
                                                important but marketing muscle alone
                                                                                                        would converge with those of healthcare
                                                will not be sufficient.
                                                                                                        providers and payers in increasingly
                                                Companies with the courage to price                     integrated delivery and financing
                                                according to ability to pay and not solely              models. Given pharmaceutical
                                                wedded to a global high Western based                   companies’ deep knowledge of testing
                                                price will reap the volume benefits, as for             and measuring quality outcomes and
                                                example GlaxoSmithKline has reported                    related costs, the industry can play a
                                                following an Emerging Market price cut                  significant role in the evolving, broader
                                                for anti-allergy medication Avamys.7                    healthcare enterprise.

Figure 19
Future Industrial Success Factors                                                                                                   Source: KPMG estimate

 Bases of competitive advantage today                                              Bases of competitive advantage in 2020

 Development resources, sales and marketing scale                                  Value of products and services, distribution strength

 Global high prices, restricting access                                            Pricing based on ability to pay driving volume uplift

 Multiple competitors in major therapeutic areas,
                                                                                   Fewer competitors in a broader range of diseases
 scale permitting success

 Multi-billion dollar drug revenues covering high fixed costs                      More products with lower revenues and lower costs

                                                                                   Significant outsourcing of operations such as manufacturing
 End to end operational capabilities for “self-sufficiency” strategy
                                                                                   and support functions

 Acquisitions of technologies and products to augment
                                                                                   Greater collaboration with academia, biotech and peers
 product pipeline

 Focus on mature Western Markets                                                   Focus on Emerging Markets

21 | Future Pharma

 A Vision of the Pharmaceutical
 Industry in 2020 and Beyond
  Historically, companies have faced              We see this trend slowly reversing                   per disease. New biological targets are
  competition at an ever increasing pace          because of the need to focus R&D                     being identified for less common but
  because markets have sustained                  spending on the most differentiated                  debilitating or life threatening disease for
  multiple products with little or                products. The growth of                              which no treatments exist, including rare
  no differentiation (Figure 20).                 biopharmaceuticals is also likely to have            diseases. In these areas we expect
                                                  an impact on the number of competitors               fewer competitors.

 Figure 20
 Competing Medicines
 Race for Approval                                                                           Source: Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development; PhRMA

                         12           The average time a medicine is the only drug available in its
                                      therapeutic class has declined dramatically – from more than
                         10           10 years in the 1970s to less than 2 years by 1998
Median number of years





                              1970s                    1980s                        1990s

  We think that by 2020 there will be more        According to a recent report from the                tests will be much more common and
  products selling less on average than           Centre for Medicines Research there                  will be integral to development, market
  today as a result of more targeted              were 55 phase III drug terminations                  access and penetration. More risk
  therapies and the genericisation of many        during 2008-2010, more than double the               sharing with other industry participants
  of the major primary care therapeutic           number of terminations during 2005 –                 should help improve research
  areas. But new products should have             2007; and in addition the number of drugs            productivity. The creation of ViiV
  better returns on capital thanks to more        entering phase III clinical trials fell by 55        Healthcare by GlaxoSmithKline and
  efficient development spending, fewer           per cent in 20108. We see a growing trend            Pfizer, should provide both companies
  failures and much lower levels of               for large pharmaceutical companies to                with a better outcome for their HIV
  marketing and sales investment.                 bypass the small biotechs and forge                  therapies than either going it alone and is
                                                  collaborations directly with academia. We            a good example of how to retain
  The scarcity of new product opportunities
                                                  see leaner organisations with networks               intellectual capital on the one hand and
  has driven up the price to in-license
                                                  of academic collaborations and small                 access a commercial platform for a
  development stage compounds. But the
                                                  company partnerships fuelling the                    development assets on the other.
  problem is that the failure rates have been
                                                  research process and more focused                    Companies will need to maximise
  rising for all late stage compounds and
                                                  development organisations using                      the return on differentiated
  are higher for in-licensed compounds
                                                  genomic profiling allowing smaller clinical          research skills and avoid losing
  than for in-house projects.
                                                  trials to be conducted with more power               intellectual capital.
                                                  and at lower cost. Companion diagnostic

                                                      CMR 2011 Pharmaceutical R&D Factbook
Future Pharma | 22

A predictable delivery of                       Companies in the industry have already          Returns need to be more predictable
new drugs over a multi-year                     started unpicking, to various degrees,          and with the optional upside from
                                                their long-established network of internal      serendipitous discoveries not based
period is the most likely                       capabilities that were built up during the      on the need to be creative to order.
means for companies to                          heady days of free pricing and less
                                                                                                Shareholders need to see an explanation
capture an element of their                     competition. We see this trend
                                                                                                of the returns on historic R&D spending
pipeline value in their                         accelerating, with the potential for
                                                                                                and the criteria for future returns to
market capitalisation.                          significant portions of not just primary
                                                                                                believe that R&D spending is worthwhile.
                                                manufacturing being outsourced. It is of
                                                                                                Boards of directors need to believe this
                                                note that the markets to which many
                                                                                                even more and sooner.
                                                capabilities are being outsourced are the
                                                very same Emerging Markets that are             Successful companies in 2020 could
                                                driving industry growth.                        pursue either a diversified or a specialist
                                                                                                business model; the key will be to
                                                Emerging Markets will be the drivers of
                                                                                                maximise the individual company’s
                                                industry growth and successful
                                                                                                strengths, to improve internal processes
                                                companies beyond 2020 will have deep
                                                                                                and to understand if the company’s
                                                local relationships including significant
                                                                                                product offering and future product
                                                investments in R&D facilities, as well as
                                                                                                offering deliver sustainable value to
                                                the already growing manufacturing
                                                                                                its customers.
                                                investments in these key markets.
                                                                                                Clear articulation of the strategy both to
                                                We believe that there is a significant
                                                                                                access Emerging Market growth while
                                                opportunity for creating shareholder value
                                                                                                not missing opportunities in mature
                                                by rebalancing the risk that shareholders
                                                                                                markets will be needed to persuade
                                                perceive they are taking with more
                                                                                                shareholders that companies have
                                                predictable rewards from better
                                                                                                moved on from the old pharma model.
                                                organised and governed companies.
                                                                                                Trust needs to be restored. Visibility
                                                                                                and honesty will be key to achieve
                                                                                                this. Simpler, less complex businesses
                                                                                                will make this easier.

Figure 21
Potential Success Factors in
Creating Shareholder Value                                                                                                Source: KPMG estimates

 Bases of competitive advantage in the past / Today                         Bases of competitive advantage in 2020

 Serendipity and scale drive returns from R&D                               More predictability and efficiency drive returns

                                                                            Portfolio with range of IRR forecasts based on
 Number of R&D projects the basis for a ”strong pipeline”
                                                                            historic track record

 Emphasis on earnings per share growth                                      Emphasis on volume/revenue growth

 Inadequate articulation of systemic risk                                   Risk better governed and managed

 Unintended complexity                                                     Transparent and simpler business model – easier to understand
23 | Future Pharma

A Vision of the Pharmaceutical
Industry in 2020 and Beyond
Scientific and medical research is         through share repurchase or enhanced
unpredictable and serendipitous            dividends is a positive use of excess
discovery will continue to occur.          free cash flow, it is not likely to be
However, the competitive nature of the     rewarded by a high valuation.
business now (likely to be even more
so by 2020) means that in our view a
                                                We think successful
greater element of predictability needs
to be introduced to regain investors’           companies in 2020 will have
confidence in the value the sector can          a more dynamic approach to
deliver. Show regular and steady                risk reporting, with greater
growth. Minimise business surprises.            disclosure of potential and
R&D in 2020 will be a much more                 actual risk.The industry will
numerically driven process than today.          be perceived to be better
We cannot see any way to justify the            governed as a consequence.
spending needed without better
measures of the historic return on
                                           Lastly, we see an industry in 2020
capital based on IRR. The seeds of a
                                           that will be simpler for investors to
new approach are being sown, for
                                           understand not because it will be
example at Pfizer9, Novartis10.
                                           structurally simpler; developing new
The dominance of Emerging Market           medicines will be an ever more complex
economies by 2020 could result in a        process. But because the geographically
shift back to volume growth as a key       diverse nature of its business will
measure of performance, with earnings      increase with the growth of Emerging
growth following. Improving efficiency     Market influence, the pharmaceutical
is the right strategy, but until it is     industry could take on the appearance
accompanied by sustainable revenue         of a high value consumer products
growth it is not likely to see the         industry to its shareholders.
industry‘s valuation expand, all other
factors in the stock market being equal.
While returning cash to shareholders

Future Pharma | 24
25 | Future Pharma

                     Strategies to
                     Accelerate the
                     Transformation of
                     the Pharmaceutical
                     Industry by 2020
Future Pharma | 26

 Strategy 1

Reassess Product Strategy

The driver of industry growth is              The recent volume increases reported by                 There is an argument for focusing
Emerging Markets. While these                 some companies for products for which                   business strategy on delivering high
markets are currently being driven by         prices have been substantially reduced                  value modern medicines to Emerging
the growth of classic primary care            indicate in our view the path the industry              Markets at much lower prices than have
products for major diseases – the very        must pursue in the long term although                   been accepted in Western Markets.
therapeutic categories that are being         balancing the need for affordable prices                This would underpin a root and branch
genericised in western markets, this          with the risk of commoditisation. Value                 reassessment of the costs of bringing
situation is unlikely to persist. There is    delivery must be demonstrable.                          these medicines to market, the marketing
therefore a strategic dilemma because                                                                 and sales support required and the risk
most companies do not possess an              Products must take                                      of counterfeiting and parallel trade.
ideal Emerging Markets portfolio.             into account the needs                                  This should drive strategy in clinical
To what extent should investment in           of consumers in                                         development, location of trials,
today’s needs be made versus the longer       Emerging Markets.                                       marketing plans, sales infrastructure
term? Because in the longer term, the                                                                 and manufacturing investment. The
key Emerging Market consumers and             Emerging Markets offer largely blank                    opportunity for biologic therapies
governments will want access to               slates; the continuing application of an                for cancer for instance is very large,
the very best medicines, but it is            adapted “old Western” model of the drug                 providing the right pricing strategy
inconceivable that they will be prepared      industry, which is currently ongoing, will              can be developed12.
or able to pay the prices currently paid in   miss a significant opportunity to redraw
                                                                                                      Emerging Market governments are
the US or even in Europe. The volumes         how the industry interacts with patients
                                                                                                      moving rapidly to increase medical
and therefore the costs would simply be       and governments.
                                                                                                      consumer spending. The “established”
too high. There could be twice as many
                                                                                                      branded generic Emerging Markets
people with income above $10,000 in
                                                                                                      growth route could run out of steam as
the top 13 Emerging Markets compared
                                                                                                      generics become commoditised. This
with the US and EU combined11.
                                                                                                      suggests that every possible opportunity
                                                                                                      to drive consumer/OTC business in
                                                                                                      Emerging Markets should be explored in
                                                                                                      addition to a focus on speed to market,
                                                                                                      lowering the costs of development
                                                                                                      and efficient delivery of appropriate,
                                                                                                      differentiated quality prescription products.

                                                   http://www.roche.com/investors/ir_agenda.htm?tab=2 Sanford Bernstein Conference 1st June 2011, p10
27 | Future Pharma

 Strategy 2

Invest in the Marketing and
Sales Infrastructure of 2015
and Beyond
Accelerate the modernisation of selling     Many companies have started to address                 Focus on the longer term
and marketing in mature markets             the need to reduce marketing and sales                 in Emerging Markets
New technology has come relatively          infrastructure in mature markets of the US             Emerging Markets are not going to
slowly to the pharmaceutical industry.      and Western Europe. However, we think                  replicate the development of the
Now the challenge for the pharmaceutical    the pace of change could be accelerated                Western pharmaceutical markets of the
industry is to balance innovation and       and may be a key component of                          last 25 years but will take new paths
creativity in its use of new technology     preserving margins in the face of                      defined by the pressures from large
against perceived value and the cost of     increasing pressure on price. New                      populations, rapid growth of both
creation. The key is mapping the new        technology, such as the iPad, is enabling              personal and national wealth but also
technology opportunity with the business    greater efficiency according to several                the clear need for individuals and
in a sustainable and updatable way.         companies including Novartis13, Otsuka14.              governments to balance spending on
                                            Pfizer launched an iPhone app to                       healthcare with multiple other demands.
Integrating flexible technologies such as   encourage doctors to send questions
QR barcodes as a means for doctors to       directly to the company15 and AstraZeneca              Business leadership in key growth
communicate with the industry using         has an iPhone, iTouch and iPad app to help             Emerging Markets needs to develop a plan
smartphones is one example of how           educate healthcare professionals with                  for investment in the markets that these
technology investment could make a          genetic testing for lung cancer16 .                    key countries will become, not those that
sales force more efficient. It provides     AstraZeneca also recently launched a live              they are today. Merely adding more and
a more rapid and flexible response          click-to-chat function on its US Crestor               more sales reps on the ground in a
mechanism for a physician to contact        and Nexium consumer websites17.                        traditional model does not seem an
the pharmaceutical company than                                                                    appropriate strategy for the future. It could
simply ticking a box or even filling        The basis for assessing marketing                      be valid to build a presence but the pace
in an online form.                          and sales effectiveness needs to                       of change is such that plans should be
                                            be addressed.                                          regularly reviewed and realigned.
Partnership with technology companies
could be a route to more rapid              We see communication of evolving
integration of modern technology            corporate strategy in the face of the
platforms. Potentially partnership with     rapidly changing industry as essential.
consumer companies might also reveal        This is no straightforward or simple task
opportunities for greater efficiency.       and merits a major commitment from
                                            executive management.

Future Pharma | 28

The diverse nature of Emerging Markets         At the same time there is likely to be a      From a survey of the websites of the 13
merits a careful refinement of investment      government push to increase use of OTC        companies that we define as the large
strategy; while Brazil, Russia, India,         drugs sold at retail pharmacies. These        capitalisation pharmaceutical industry,
China, Mexico and Turkey may contribute        moves by government will very likely          15% have a blog, 54% are on Facebook
half of Emerging Market sales, dozens          result in material changes in the Chinese     and 77% are now on Twitter.
of other smaller markets make up the           market and will need different
                                                                                             However it is clear that there is an
other half.                                    infrastructure from 2011 to maximise
                                                                                             opportunity not only to lead the
                                               long term returns.
One recent example of the need to plan                                                       regulators and help develop regulatory
for change can be found in China. An           Accelerate development and                    policy but, for internal planning purposes,
important element of the historic growth       integration of social media                   being prepared to use social media
experienced by most international              and mobile-health policy                      might be a key competitive advantage
companies has come from branded                The pharmaceutical industry has lagged        in many markets.
generics, where the manufacturer’s             other major industries in its use of social   For instance Emerging Market
name is a proxy for high quality. Branded      media. At face value this is understandable   penetration of social media use is higher
generics have enjoyed higher prices            given the high levels of regulatory           than in Western markets, with over
(referred to as separate pricing) than local   scrutiny imposed on all aspects of the        70% of the population of the Philippines
equivalents that are limited to a lower        industry’s interaction with patients,         and Malaysia for example as active
maximum price (known as general                prescribers and payors.                       online users.
pricing). A new price list issued in
November 2010 reduced separate pricing         Since 2009 there has been a significant
on nearly 50 drugs out of 200 on the           investment in social media.
Essential Drug List. It is believed that
separate pricing could be reduced or
eliminated across the board over the
next 4 years.

Figure 22
Social media use by Fortune
100 Companies in 2009                                                                               Source: Burson-Marseller: Social Media Use by
                                                                                                           Fortune 100 Companies 29th July 2009

                                                                           Percentage with       Percentage on              Percentage on
                                                                                a blog             Facebook                    Twitter

                                                Telecommunications               75%          100%                      100%

                                                Computer, office
                                                                                 67%          100%                       67%

                                                Specialty retailer               50%           50%                      100%

                                                Food and drug stores             17%           33%                       50%

                                                Pharmaceuticals                  33%           0%                        33%
29 | Future Pharma

             Strategy 2

   Invest in the Marketing and
   Sales Infrastructure for 2015
   and Beyond

   Figure 23
   Global Social Network Penetration                                                                                                        Source Global Web Index



% Active online users









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                                                     on ico



                                                                                     Au a









































   Source Global Web Index                                greater voice and empowering                                 Patient groups are becoming more
   The rising power of patient groups in the              individuals, with a potential impact at                      organised, better informed, and
   data age will continue at pace. If the                 all levels of healthcare provision and                       connecting across borders using social
   past five years has seen the industry                  delivery. The use of social media offers                     media. Greater interaction with such
   focus on regulatory and reimbursement                  the industry a route to restoring trust                      groups in a structured way should
   outcomes then the next five years                      with patients from its current low ebb18.                    benefit all aspects of the pharmaceutical
   should see a greater emphasis on how                                                                                development process and the safe and
                                                          The industry needs only to look back
   to improve the outcome for patients.                                                                                appropriate use of medicines
                                                          in history at the power exerted by
   The spread of social media use seems                                                                                once marketed.
                                                          organised patient groups (e.g. in the
   certain to be giving patient groups a
                                                          fast-tracking of the first AIDS drugs).

                                                               Financial Times 12th March 2010, Patients’ groups distrust ‘big pharma’
Future Pharma | 30

 Strategy 3

Acquire more Talent and
Experience from other Industries

The growth markets of the future look         This could cover all major business areas.
more like consumer brand driven markets       Manufacturing and administration are
than the traditional pharmaceutical           areas in which new talent has been
markets of the 20th century. This begs        recruited by some companies but the
the question of what leadership talent will   need for greater urgency is pressing.
be required to capture the opportunities      Even in R&D there have been some very
presented by these new markets while          successful hires of highly skilled academic
maximising the most efficient returns         researchers to lead drug discovery.
from mature Western Markets.
Our research indicates that in aggregate       We believe that senior
less than 20% of executive team                management in the industry
members within the industry have come          should actively seek talent
from outside the pharmaceutical industry
within the last 5 years, within a range of
                                               and experience from outside
0%-50%. The most common role now               the traditional group of
filled by individuals with industrial          pharmaceutical competitors.
experience from outside the
pharmaceutical sector is that of chief        However, it could be argued that looking
financial officer. The impact of the          for fresh approaches to key account
attendant fresh thinking has been visible     management in the changing world of
on how individual companies spend             marketing and sales is the business
shareholder funds and the scale and           activity with the greatest need, given the
speed of efficiency programmes.               shifting nature of both traditional Western
                                              and Emerging Markets. In particular
 More diversity of talent                     regional and country management would
 throughout any given                         benefit from having experience from
                                              other sectors, as opposed to just from
 organisation should enhance                  the pharmaceutical industry. With the old
 and strengthen the business.                 “sales rep calling on doctor” model now
                                              being gradually consigned to history, we
                                              believe that the industry should look to
                                              import key account management
                                              techniques from other sectors,
                                              notably in the consumer space.
31 | Future Pharma

 Strategy 4

Use Internal Rate of Return to
Prioritise and Rationalise the
R&D Portfolio

Research spending is the minor part of          Development spending and the post            If more efficient development can be
industry R&D investment (circa 30%).            launch investment needed to deliver          achieved, and marketing and sales
It should be reviewed for how and why           acceptable returns is the big issue.         practices are modernised, lower peak
spending is taking place but also scrutinised                                                revenue numbers will still permit internal
                                                We believe all companies should have a
as to who is doing the spending i.e. the                                                     rates of return well above the industry’s
                                                standardised approach to be able to show
quality of the individuals leading                                                           cost of capital.
                                                on an ongoing basis what internal rate of
the projects.
                                                return (IRR) has been achieved on past
This scrutiny, which could be along the lines   investment and an internal perspective on     There is also a need to be clear
of “is this best biology/best molecule/best     what range of returns is forecast from the    about the true cost of capital
target and are these the best people”, begs     current investments, and what
the question of how do you know that you        assumptions are used in these projections.
                                                                                              for any individual company.
have the best of anything?
                                                Such analyses should also include off
                                                                                             It is hard to believe that every late stage
Patent applications filed, scientific papers    balance sheet funding through partnerships
                                                                                             portfolio in the industry is optimal and that
published (and the proportion in the            and minority investment in third party
                                                                                             none of the projects carries a potentially
prestigious journals, such as Nature and        companies (typically development
                                                                                             marginal or negative return. We
Science), and the number of times               stage biotechnology companies).
                                                                                             recommend re-evaluation of the value
scientists working in research have been
                                                We believe this type of IRR based            proposition of all phase II, phase III and
cited by their peers all spring to mind as
                                                information could transform the              registration assets on an IRR basis.
potential measures of quality. Assessment
                                                investment decisions recommended by
by an independent panel of experts is a                                                      This review should include a detailed
                                                senior management in the industry and
further possibility.                                                                         review of the assumptions that
                                                signed off by boards of directors.
                                                                                             supported development of these
                                                                                             assets. Consideration could be given
                                                                                             to whether the forecast returns could
                                                                                             be improved by partnerships or
                                                                                             co-marketing arrangements.
Future Pharma | 32

We think that the most successful
                                           We also recommend the following actions as part of the R&D review:
companies have complemented their
scientific agenda with business            • Set up an R&D team with the express role of working out how to beat
performance management goals and an           the company’s key innovative compounds - an internal fast follower team
integrated approach to R&D Finance.
                                           • Assess whether the compounds with the highest potential return are
R&D Finance is key to reducing
                                              optimally funded to bring them to market as rapidly as possible with the
operational obstacles that slow the
                                              best possible label
progress of product candidates to
market by timely analysis and financial    • Consider introducing an external perspective to this process
review through the introduction of early
                                           • Host an internal R&D day for all R&D employees worldwide to showcase
warning indicators and go/no go
                                              their research to each other and drive higher levels of collaboration
checkpoints based on financial
analysis and evaluation.                   • Clearly articulate policy on collaborations, both with academia, with
                                              biotechnology companies and smaller pharmaceutical companies as
                                              well as with peers
                                           • Look for ways to maintain a return on the intellectual capital built up during
                                              a periods of success in any given therapeutic area. Too often companies
                                              discard this intellectual capital once patents have expired
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