Page created by Evelyn Carroll
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH)

   FY19 NEW
       OLHCHH Project Monitoring and Maintenance

  AJ Salkoski, Program Analyst, GTR

                 Virtual conference, May
                                Dallas,    3rdDecember
                                        Texas  -May 14Th , 2021
                                                       3-5, 2019
Table of Content

•   Enrollment
                          • Home Improvement
•   Income Verification
                          • Reassess
•   Assessment
                          • Clearance
•   Scope of Work
                          • Reporting
•   Contractors
                          • File Closure
•   Materials

                                      • Who are you trying
                                        to reach?
                                         • Elders
                                         • Children
                                         • Broader?
                                      • How are you trying
                                        to reach them?
                                         •   Public announcement
                                         •   Events
                                         •   Targeted outreach
Photo: Health Insurance Marketplace      •   Existing list
Income Verification

• 80% of the Area
  Median Income
• Verification
   • Third-Party
   • Other options if
     third-party cannot
Home Assessment

                          • Assessing for Healthy
                            Homes Hazards
                          • 29 Hazards
                          • Includes immediately
                            life and safety
                            issues, accessibility,
                            and systems in the
                            home that can affect
Photo: sites.google.com
                            occupant health
1                          Most vulnerable:           Most vulnerable:           10                          associated with
                             No Specific Group          For CO - 65 years plus;                                inadequate natural and/
Damp and Mold                                           For NO2, SO2 & smoke
                                                                                   Volatile Organic            or artificial light. It
growth                                                  – no specific group
                                                                                   Compounds                   includes the
Caused by dust mites,                                                              Volatile organic            psychological effect
mold or fungal growth        Biocides                    7                         compounds (VOCs) are a      associated with the
caused by dampness           Threats to health from                                diverse group of organic    view from the dwelling.
and/or high humidity. It     those chemicals used to    Lead                       chemicals which
includes threats to          treat timber and mold      Ingestion from lead-       includes formaldehyde,
mental health and social     growth in dwelling.        paint dust, debris or      that are gaseous at
wellbeing caused by          While biocides include     leaded water pipes.        room temperature, and
living with damp, damp       insecticides and           Most vulnerable: 6         are found in a wide
staining and/or mold         rodenticides to control    years or younger           variety of materials in
growth.                      pest infestations (e.g.                               the home.                   Most vulnerable:
Most vulnerable:             cockroaches or rats and                               Most vulnerable:            No Specific Group
14 years or less             mice), these are not                                  No Specific Group
                             considered for the         Radiation                                              14
 2                           purposes of the HHRT.      This category covers the   11
                             Most vulnerable:           threats to health from                                 Noise
Excess cold                  No Specific Group          radon gas and its          Crowding and                Covers threats to
Caused by excessively                                   daughters, primarily       Space                       physical and mental
cold indoor                   6                         airborne, but also radon   This category covers        health resulting from
temperatures.                                           dissolved in water.        hazards associated with     exposure to noise inside
                             Carbon                     Most vulnerable:           lack of space within the    the dwelling or within
                             monoxide and               All persons aged 60 - 64   dwelling for living,        its curtilage.
                             fuel combustion            with lifelong exposure     sleeping and normal         Most vulnerable:
                                                                                   family/household life.      No Specific Group
                             products                                              Most vulnerable: No
                             Excess levels of carbon
                                                                                   Specific Group              15
Most vulnerable:             monoxide, nitrogen         Uncombusted
65 years or older            dioxide, sulphur dioxide   fuel gas                   12
                             and smoke in the           Fuel gas escaping into                                 Hygiene, Pests
                             dwelling’s atmosphere.     the atmosphere within      Entry by
 3                                                                                                             and Refuse
                                                        a dwelling.                Intruders                   Covers hazards which
Excess heat                                             Most vulnerable:           Difficulties in keeping a   can result from poor
Caused by excessively                                   No Specific Group          dwelling secure against     design, layout and
high indoor air                                                                    unauthorized entry and      construction such that
temperatures.                                                                      the maintenance of          the dwelling cannot be
Most vulnerable:                                                                   defensible space.           readily kept clean and
65 years or older                                                                                              hygienic; access into,
                                                                                                               and harborage within,
  4   THE                                                                                                      the dwelling for pests;
                                                                                                               and inadequate and
Asbestos, Silica
and other MMF                        EFFECT OF                                                                 unhygienic provision for
                                                                                                               storing and disposal of
Caused by excessive                                                                Most vulnerable:
levels of silica, asbestos          THE DEFECT                                     No Specific Group
                                                                                                               household waste.

and man-made mineral
fibers (MMF).                                                                      13
                                          Housing                                  Lighting
                                                                                   This category covers
                                          Identified in the
                                          Healthy Home                             the threats to physical     Most vulnerable:
                                          Rating System                            and mental health           No Specific Group
16                         19                         outside a dwelling,         25                          of a building as the
                                                      where the difference in                                 result of an explosion.
Food Safety                Falls associated           levels is more than 12
                                                                                  Flames, Hot                 Most vulnerable: No
Threats of infection       with Baths etc             inches or 300mm. It         Surfaces etc                Specific Group
resulting from             This category includes                                 This category covers
                                                      includes, for example,
inadequacies in            any fall associated                                    threats of burns –
                                                      falls out of windows,                                   28
provision and facilities   with a bath, shower                                    injuries caused by
                                                      falls from balconies or
for the storage,           or similar facility.       landings, falls from        contact with a hot flame    Position and
preparation and cooking    Most vulnerable: 60                                    or fire, and contact with
of food.
                                                      accessible roofs, into                                  Operability of
                           years or older             basement wells, and         hot objects or hot non-‐
Most vulnerable:                                                                  water based liquids; and
                                                                                                              Amenities etc
                                                      over garden retaining                                   This category covers
No Specific Group                                                                 scalds – injuries caused
                           20                         walls.                                                  threats of physical strain
                                                      Most vulnerable:            by contact with hot
17                         Falling on Level                                       liquids and vapors. It
                                                                                                              associated with
                                                      60 years or older                                       functional space and
Personal                   Surfaces etc                                           includes burns caused
                                                                                                              other features at
                          This category covers        23                          by clothing catching
Hygiene,                                                                          alight from a controlled
                          falling on any level
Sanitation and            surface such as floors,     Electrical                  fire or flame.
Drainage                  yards, and paths. It also   Hazards                     Most vulnerable:
Threats of infec tion and includes falls associated   This category covers        No Specific Group
threats to mental         with trip steps,            hazards from shock and
health associated with    thresholds, or ramps,       burns resulting from        26
personal hygiene,         where the change in         exposure to electricity,
including personal        level is less than 12       including from lightning
                                                                                  Collision and               Most vulnerable:
                                                                                  Entrapment                  No Specific Group
washing and clothes       inches or 300mm. Most       strikes. (It does not
washing facilities,       vulnerable: 60 years or     include risks associated    This category includes
sanitation and drainage. older                        with fire caused by         risks of physical injury    29
It does not include                                   deficiencies to the         from trapping body
                                                                                  parts in architectural
problems with pests        21                         electrical installations,
associated with                                       such as ignition of         features, such as           Collapse and
defective drainage        Falling on Stairs           material by a short-‐       trapping limbs or fingers   Falling Elements
facilities.               etc                         circuit.)                   in doors or windows;        Covers the threat of
Most vulnerable:          This category covers any                                and striking (colliding     whole dwelling collapse,
Children under 5 years    fall associated with a                                  with) objects such as       or of an element or a
                          stairs, steps and ramps                                 architectural glazing,      part of the fabric being
 18                                                                               windows, doors, low         displaced or falling
                          where the change in
Water Supply              level is greater than 12                                ceilings and walls.         because of inadequate
                          inches or 300mm.                                                                    fixing, disrepair, or as a
Covers the quality and
                                                      Most vulnerable:                                        result of adverse
adequacy of the supply
                                                      No Specific Group                                       weather conditions.
of water within the
                                                                                                              Structural failure may
dwelling for drinking
                                                      24                                                      occur internally or
and for domestic
                                                                                                              externally within the
purposes such as                                      Fire                        Most vulnerable:            curtilage threatening
cooking, washing,                                     This category covers        No Specific Group
                           Most vulnerable:                                                                   occupants, or externally
cleaning and sanitation.                              threats from exposure
                           60 years or older                                                                  outside the curtilage
As well as the                                        to uncontrolled fire
adequacy, it includes
                                                                                  27                          putting at risk members
                                                      and associated smoke                                    of the public.
threats to health from     22                                                     Explosions
                                                      at a dwelling.                                          Most vulnerable:
contamination by                                                                  This category covers the
bacteria, protozoa,
                           Falling between            Most vulnerable:                                        No Specific Group
                                                      No Specific Group           threat from the blast of
parasites, viruses, and    Levels                                                 an explosion, from
chemical pollutants.       This category covers
                                                                                  debris generated by the
Most vulnerable: No        falls from one level to
                                                                                  blast, and from the
Specific Group             another, inside or
                                                                                  partial or total collapse
Scope of Work

• What can we repair?    • What is the cost of
• What can we afford       labor (internal and
  to repair?               external)?
• What is the value of   • What are the cost of
  the property vs. the     procuring the
  cost of the repair?      materials?
• What are we going to   • What is the overall
  repair?                  cost to complete this
Scope of Work
Contractors (if applicable)

• For those using contractor labor:
   • 3 Bids
   • Follow your Policies and Procedures for Contractor

• For those using your own personnel labor:
   • Follow your internal policy for determining staff
     time toward a unit
Material Procurement (if applicable)

• For those using contractor labor:
   • Ensure that contractors have included material costs
     in their bids and properly procure the materials

• For those using your own personnel labor:
   • Follow your internal policy for receiving bids from
     vendors and for vendor selection
Home Improvement

Before and After

     Photo: Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority
Before and After

     Photo: Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority
Before and After

     Photo: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

                         • Ensure that the
 It’s GOOD!                scope of work was
                           completed to
                           satisfaction (whether
                           by contractors of
                         • Get them back to the
                           house if it was not
  Photo: cbssports.com
                           completed to

• Sign off on the
  completed unit
• Close out agreement
  with the head of
File Closure
Healthy Homes Production -Checklist for Each Unit Files

Unit File Check List (Paper or Electronic Files)                    Section V – Lead/Healthy Homes
                                                                             • Health Homes
Instructions: This is the list of supportive documentation
                                                                             Inspection/Assessment & Healthy
that’s required in each unit files.                                          Homes Clearance Report
                                                                             • Any other miscellaneous Healthy Homes
   Section I – Application for Unit Enrollment                               Information
            • Application (List all adult household                           •      Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment Report
            members on lease/mortgage and children)                           (If lead hazard is addressed)
            • Photo Identification (Tenant,                                         o Unit sketch
            Homeowner, or Landlord)                                                 o Dust Wipe Sample Lab Reports
            • Landlord/Owner Agreement on Home                                      o Clearance Achievement or Failure Notice
            Modification Approval                                             •      Any miscellaneous Lead Information (if lead
            • Household Eligibility Verification (i.e. Local                  hazard is addressed)
            Income Chart within HUD website)                                  •      On-going Maintenance Plan with sign off
            • Proof of Income Documentation (i.e. check
            stubs, copy of tax documentation, social security       Section VI – Project Information
            income)                                                            •     Scope of Work –
                       o     What Definition of Income is Your                      o Lead Work specifications
                       Program Using? (Review OLHCHH                                o Healthy Homes Work Specification
                       Income Policy)
                                                                               •     In -House Cost Estimate
            • Confidentiality Releases for 3rd Party Reports
            (i.e. bank statements, tax documentation, DHHS                     •     Bidders List
            benefits, social security letter)                                  •     Request for Proposal
                       o     Verification of the Income (less                  •     All Original Bids
                       than or equal to 80% AMI)                               •     Bid Opening Chart (if required for local
            • Lead Pamphlet Sign Off (if lead                                  procurement standards)
            hazard is addressed)                                               •     Pre-Construction Meeting (if
            • Case Notes (communication on production                          required for local program procurement
            timeline - i.e. intake, risk assessment, procurement,              standards)
            clearance)                                                         •     Contractor Evaluation Criteria
                                                                               •     Intent to Award
        Section II – Property Information                                      •     Occupant Protection Plan
             • Verified Deed (follow state or local                            •     Monitoring Work Site Documentation
             requirement)                                                      •     Abatement Project Notification (follow
             • Tax Receipts (follow state or local                             state or local requirement)
             requirement)                                                      •     Notice to Proceed
             • Insurance Declaration (follow                                   •     Building Permit
             state or local requirement)                                       •     Contractor Licenses/Worker Certificates
             • Tier-II Environmental Review Documentation                      •     Job Completion
                        o     SHPO/Flood

   Section III – Contracts                                          Key Unit Address:
            • Homeowner Participation Agreement                     Property Type:
                       o   Sign Off on General Conditions           Child(ren) Present:
                       o   Owner Accepts Scope of Work              AMI Income:
          • Relocation Analysis
          • Relocation Information/Agreement

Section IV – Financial
           • Change Orders
           • Project Completion Documentation
           • Invoices (Partial Payments and Final Payments)
           • Match Documentation
❑Healthy Homes Production -Checklist for Each Unit Files

❑Electronic Database System (Spreadsheet Format)

❑Instruction: These are key dates that grantees should maintain in the electronic unit tracking database
when addressing Lead Remediation or Healthy Production Hazards within the unit production timeline:

              ❑   Date of Referral
              ❑   Date of initial application or intake
              ❑   Date of inspection/assessment
              ❑   Property address
              ❑   Age of property
              ❑   Multi-family or single-family property
              ❑   Owner Occupied or Rental Unit
              ❑   Local Income Verification Percentage (less than or equal to 80% AMI)
              ❑   Date Relocation Begins
              ❑   Date scope of work is completed
              ❑   Date for release of bidding information (
              ❑   Date bids are due/received
              ❑   Date the contractor was selected
              ❑   Date work began Date work is completed
              ❑   Date unit achieves clearance
              ❑   Date’s contractor monitoring was completed
              ❑   Cost of the unit
              ❑   Types of funding used to cover the costs
              ❑   Date of the final invoices are received
              ❑   Date of the contractors are paid in full
              ❑   Date that the family can return
              ❑   Dates of any follow up visits
              ❑   Number of children enrolled in program
Thank you!

Contact Information:

AJ Salkoski
Email: Aaron.J.Salkoski@HUD.Gov
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