Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Page created by Linda Manning
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Chapter 8

          The Giant Planets
          (“Gas Giants”):

    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Called giant planets because of their mass:
 from 15 Earth masses (Uranus/Neptune)
318 (Jupiter)—and also, their physical size.
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
The ancient sky +1500   years    = heliocentric system
(geocentric system)
  5 planets & Sun                 6 planets
         &                            &
        Earth                       Sun
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Copernicus 1543
+ 124 years                      Tycho     1571
Still 6 planets                  Kepler     1596
                                 Galileo    1589
                                 Newton     1667

                           But we are so much smarter!!!!

                  {              }
 + 67 years           Kant           Nebular Theory (1734)
                                        Still 6 planets
Now we are even more smarter AND we have a plan !
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
+ 47 years    7 planets (Uranus is discovered, 1781)
+ 65 years    8 planets (Neptune is discovered,1846)
+ 83 years    9 planets (Pluto is discovered, 1929)
+ 61 years   10 planets ( planet around pulsar
                  (PSR B1257+12) is discovered,1990)

+ 5 year     11 planets (planet around 51 Peg is
                  discovered, 1995)

+ 10 years   161 planets (150 gas giant planets are
                   confirmed, 2005)
+ 1 year     160 planets (Pluto reclassified to a dwarf
                   planet, 2006)
+ 7 years    760 planets are confirmed, 2012 !!!!!
Gas Giants"): The Giant Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
! Jupiter and Saturn: easily seen by eye.
! Large, cold, and massive.
! Jupiter and Saturn are primarily hydrogen and helium—gas
! Uranus and Neptune contain much more water ice and other
ices—ice giants.
! No solid surfaces: we just see the cloud layers in the
rotation period (hrs)   9.94   10.56   17.23   16.10
Are jovian planets all alike?

     Yes                      No
Same solid mass    J & S have huge gas env
   Have rings     U & N are smaller than J & S
Have many moons   Mostly hydrogen compounds:
 Mostly H & He       (H2O), methane, ammonia
                       Some H, He, and rock
Gas giants must form before the solar nebula dissipates
              (< 3 to 5 million years)
                           Disks are seen around many young stars
Formation of the gas giant planets via core accretion
This means accumulating gases (H and He) from the
solar nebula.
Ice was an abundant core-building material > 5 AU from
the Sun.

            Inside the frost line:   Too hot for H
                                     to form ices.

            Outside the frost line: Cold enough for
                                    ices to form.
Comparative Planetology
         as we used for terrestrials

   1. Formation history
   2. Interior
       geological activity
   3. Atmosphere
       atmospheric activity
   4. Magnetic field
       magnetic field activity
Can we use this for the gas/ice giants?
Comparative Planetology
          as we used for terrestrials

   1. Formation history ---> core accretion
   2. Interior
                                Then what?
       geological activity
   3. Atmosphere
       atmospheric activity Are there atmospheres?
   4. Magnetic field
       magnetic field activity Oh yes!
Can we use this for the gas/ice giants?
Comparative Planetology
            Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
                           General properties
                               Red Spot/Storm
                            Magnetic Field
            How do we study Gas Giant Planets ?
            Not particularly easy to get there …
            And not easy to get on to the planets !

Laws of physics and chemistry + observations = model for giant planets
Neptune   Uranus


Magnetic Fields
General Shape
        Gas giants rotate differentially:
rotation is faster at their equator than their poles
                       Jupiter is the most rapidly
                       rotating planet in the Solar

                       Rotation period slightly
                       less than 10 hr.
                                Jovian planets are
                                 not quite spherical
                                 because of their
                                 rapid rotation
                                   oblate shape
Contains almost 3/4   Largest and most
of all planetary      massive planet in
matter in the solar   the solar system

Explored in detail
by several space
Pioneer 10,
Pioneer 11,
Voyager 1,
Voyager 2,
The Mass of Jupiter
Using Kepler’s third law → MJupiter = 318 MEarth

  Mass can be inferred from the orbit of Io,
   the innermost of the 4 Galilean Moons:
Jupiter’s Interior
The layers are different for the different planets. WHY?
   • High pressures inside Jupiter cause phase of
     hydrogen to change with depth
   • Hydrogen acts like a metal at great depths
     because its electrons move freely
• Jupiter/Saturn: at depths of a few 1,000 km,
  gases are compressed so much they liquefy.
  – At higher pressure and temperature, this liquid
    hydrogen can act like a metal.
• Cores are liquid rock and water.
• Uranus/Neptune:
  – Have much less hydrogen and helium.
  – Have more water and ices (ammonia, methane).
  – Cores took longer to form.
      Interesting visual about methane
Jupiter’s Interior

Phase diagram for water
Jupiter’s Interior
      Hydrogen phase diagram

• Jupiter – interior mostly metallic hydrogen
• Saturn – some metallic hydrogen
• Uranus/Neptune – molecular hydrogen only
Neptune                Uranus

      Got weather?
Storms on all 4 gas giant planets


The Great Red Spot on Jupiter
                        Has been visible for over 330 years.
                        Formed by rising gas carrying
                        heat from below the clouds,
                        creating a vast, rotating storm.

                            White oval: 40 year old storm,
                            about the size of Earth

           ~ 2 DEarth
The Cloud Belts on Jupiter
        Just like on Earth, high-and low-pressure zones
              are bounded by high-pressure winds.

Jupiter’s Cloud belt structure has remained unchanged
          since humans began mapping them.
Jupiter’s Atmosphere: Clouds
 Three layers
  of clouds:

  1. Ammonia
 (NH3) crystals

2. Ammonia

    3. Water
Jupiter contains


 water (H2O),

 ammonia (NH3)

 methane (CH4)
What causes the cloud bands on Jupiter?
           (dark Belts and bright Zones)
Strong winds and Jupiter’s differential rotation produce bands
                     parallel to equator
The giant planets
all have
magnetic fields,
rapid rotation &
atmospheres, so
we expect them
to have aurorae

~ 1000 times
more powerful
than aurorae
on Earth.
• Magnetic fields are
  generated by the
  motion of the
  conducting liquids.
• Their orientation is
  at an angle to the
  rotation axis.
• Like bar magnets.
Jupiter’s Magnetic Field
Discovered through observations of decimeter (radio) radiation
                                         Magnetic field at least
                                         10 times stronger
                                         than Earth’s magnetic
                                         Magnetosphere over
                                         100 times larger than
                                         Extremely intense
                                         radiation belts:
                                         Very high energy
                                         particles can be
                                         trapped; radiation
                                         doses corresponding
                                         to ~ 100 times lethal
                                         doses for humans!
The giant planets have strong magnetic fields!

                                      “Io flux tube”

                                         A million
                                         amps of
                                         between Io
                                         and Jupiter

                                     Aurorae on
                                     Jupiter (they
                                     occur on all the
                                     outer planets)
Jovian Ring Systems

• All four jovian planets have ring systems
• Saturn’s rings are extensive; others have
  smaller, darker ring particles
Jupiter’s Ring

   Composed of microscopic particles of rocky material
Galileo spacecraft image of Jupiter’s ring, illuminated from behind

Voyager spacecraft discovered Jupiter’s rings in 1980 !!
        Search was on for Uranus’ ring system!
Jupiter’s Ring

   Ring material can’t be old because radiation
   pressure and Jupiter’s magnetic field force
   dust particles to spiral down into the planet.
Rings must be constantly re-supplied with new dust.
GETTING                        HIT
_news/                         17535-latest-explosion-on-
2012/09/10/13789057-           jupiter-captured-by-
flash-spotted-on-jupiter-is-   amateur-astronomer-
it-a-hit?lite                  video.html
Comet Impact on Jupiter
Impact of 21 fragments of comet SL-9 in 1994

Impacts occurred just behind the horizon as seen from
Earth, but came into view about 15 min. later.

Impact sites appeared very bright in the infrared.

Impacts released energies equivalent to a few megatons of TNT
              (Hiroshima bomb: ~ 0.15 megaton)!

Visual: Impacts seen for many days as dark spots
in 1993, a comet was discovered to be on a collision course with Jupiter

       Our view             Galileo satellite
Impact of 21
fragments of
comet SL-9 in
July 16,1994
Cassini Spacecraft View of Saturn

Saturn’s Ring system, by Cassini
• Mass: ~ 1/3 of mass of Jupiter
• Av. density: 0.69 g/cm3 → Would float in water!
• Rotates about as fast as Jupiter, but is twice as oblate
• No large core of heavy elements (liquid H core)
• Saturn radiates ~ 1.8 times the energy received from the Sun.
Probably heated by liquid helium droplets falling towards center.

                                          Pioneer 11 (1979)
                                          Voyager I & II (1980-81)
                                          Cassini (2004)
• 92.4% molecular hydrogen
• 7.4% helium
    * missing helium (compare to Jupiter)
    * sank toward center (differentiation)?
• 0.2% methane
• 0.02% ammonia
• little of the early atmosphere escaped due to the strong
gravity (large escape velocity)

                                      Pioneer 11 (1979)
                                      Voyager I & II (1980-81)
                                      Cassini (2004)
Saturn’s Rings
Perfect example of a planet’s ring system.

                       Are Saturn’s rings the

                       How do these
                       compare to rings of
                       other jovians?
Jovian Ring Systems
• All four gas giants
  have ring
• Composed of
  countless tiny
• Ring particles
  obey Kepler’s
• Particles most
  likely came from
  moons disrupted
  by tidal stresses.
Saturn’s Rings

       Rings could not have
       been formed same time
       as Saturn because
       material would have
       been blown away by
       particle stream from hot
       Saturn at time of
(167,777 mi; 33 ft)
Jovian Planet Rings

What are they?
Where did they come from?
How did they form?
Why do the jovian planets have rings?
Looking closer at Saturn’s rings!
Composition of Saturn’s Rings
                     Rings are
                     composed of
                     ice particles

                     They orbit
                     over Saturn’s

                     They are very
• Saturn has the most complex
• A very complicated system,
  composed of thousands
  of ringlets.
• There are bright and dark
  rings, “gaps,” and divisions.
• Gaps are not empty.
• Brightness/darkness reflects
  the amount of material in
  each ring.
• Though wide, the ring system
  is extremely thin.
The Roche Limit: the critical distance inside which a large moon

will be pulled apart by tidal forces
Rings are always inside the Roche limit,
large moons are always outside
Gap Moons

        • Some small
          moons create
          gaps within rings
Shepherd Moons

• Pair of small moons can force particles into a narrow
Shepherd Moons

Pair of small moons can force particles into a narrow ring
Resonance Gaps

          • Orbital resonance
            with a larger moon
            can also produce
            a gap
Resonance Gaps
Ring Formation

• Impacts on these moons are random
Ring Formation
Ring Formation
Jovian Planet Atmospheres
                Other jovian planets
                  have cloud layers
                  that are similar to
                  Jupiter’s and
                  formed the same
                  way but not as
                  distinct as on
                  Jupiter; colder than
                  on Jupiter.

                Different compounds
                  make clouds of
                  different colors
  * Three layers
  * Thicker than Jupiter -
blocking view into different layers
( explanation for bland
  appearance of Saturn's surface
on Dec. 5, 2010, through its subsequent growth into a storm so large it
completely encircled the planet by late January 2011.

The monster tempest, which extended north-south approximately 9,000 miles
(15,000 kilometers), is the largest seen on Saturn in the past two decades and
is the largest by far ever observed on the planet from an interplanetary

The storm's 200-day active period also makes it the longest-lasting planet-
encircling storm ever seen on Saturn. The previous record holder was an
outburst sighted in 1903, which lingered for 150 days.

"The Saturn storm is more like a volcano than a terrestrial weather system,"
said Andrew Ingersoll, a Cassini imaging team member at the California
Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "The pressure builds up for many years
before the storm erupts. The mystery is that there's no rock to resist the
pressure – to delay the eruption for so many years."
Saturn’s Internal Structure
• Jupiter/Saturn: at depths of a few 1,000 km, gases are
  compressed so much they liquefy.
   – At higher pressure and temperature, this liquid hydrogen
     can act like a metal.
• Uranus/Neptune:
   – Have much less hydrogen and helium.
   – Have more water and ices (ammonia, methane).
   – Cores took longer to form.
Saturn’s Magnetosphere
Magnetic field ~ 20 times weaker than Jupiter’s

                                Aurorae centered
                                around poles of
Other Magnetospheres

              All the jovian planets
                have substantial
                but Jupiter’s is
                largest by far
Other Magnetospheres

              All the jovian planets
                have substantial
                but Jupiter’s is
                largest by far
Saturn’s Magnetosphere
Magnetic field ~ 20 times weaker than Jupiter’s

                                Aurorae centered
                                around poles of
The Roche Limit: the critical distance inside which
a large moon will be pulled apart by tidal forces
The Rings of Uranus
Rings of Uranus and Neptune are similar to Jupiter’s.
Confined by shepherd moons; consist of dark material.
             Apparent motion of   Rings of Uranus were
             star behind Uranus    discovered through
                  and rings
                                    occultations of a
                                    background star
The Rings of Neptune
                      Focused by small
                      shepherd moons
                      embedded in the ring

Made of dark
material, visible
in forward-
scattered light.
• The other giants’
  rings are mostly
  narrow and diffuse.
• Backlighting brings
  them into view.
• Neptune has denser
  sections known as
  ring arcs.
End of Chapter 8
Giant Planets of the Solar System

              Now you know general
              characteristics of the
              Giant Planets
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