GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success

Page created by Ivan Pratt
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
GCSEs 2019

Countdown to Success
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
Summer 2019 GCSE Exams Begin
         in 88 days
      13th May 2019 at 9am...
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
How can Parents/Carers Help ?
1. Make sure your child is in school as much as possible. Poor attendance is one of the biggest
   factors in student under‐performance. 95% is great as an exam result, but 95% attendance adds
   up to two full weeks of lessons missed in a year.

2. Set up positive evening routines. Ensure homework or revision is completed earlier rather than
   later and stick to the same bedtime every night. As a family, agreeing to leave your mobile phones
   charging away from your bedroom will help with sleep patterns and distractions.

3. Ensure your child has a peaceful area to work. Not everyone will be able to have their own
   bedroom, but creating a designated work space where your child can leave study materials
   undisturbed and work in peace will really help them.

4. Agree on a healthy work‐life balance. Organising time is essential, as is relaxation. Help your child
   create a realistic revision timetable, which covers all subjects but is not overwhelming. If there are
   social events they want to go to, discuss when they will complete work to fit this in. When your
   child is working however, then they will be more efficient and successful if they do not have
   distractions: ‘babysit’ their mobile phone until they are done.

5. Check in with what your child is learning. Talk to your child about what they are learning and ask
   them to explain it to you to reinforce their understanding. Information on individual course
   information will be published next half‐term. You can also use the exams tab on the school
   website for further details.
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
Top Tips for Students
 Getting Started:
 • Create a quiet and tidy space to work.
 • Make sure you have paper, post‐its, highlighters and pens.
 • Be specific about what you need to know: draw up a list of topic areas rather than broad
   ‘subject revision’. Schedule revision for ALL subjects early on, not just your first exams.
 • Create a realistic revision schedule: ‘little and often’ is the best way to learn.
 • Keep yourself healthy: drink lots of water, eat well and make sure you get some fresh air
   and exercise every day.
 • Go to bed at the same time each night and make sure you get at least 8 hours sleep.
   Remember your friends are not you: they will learn differently and are aiming for
   different things. Do what is right for YOU and YOUR future.
 • Start NOW! Do not leave it too late!
 During Revision Sessions:
 • Make sure you have everything you need (including a cup of tea and a biscuit!) before
   you start a revision session.
 • Turn off your phone, or leave it in another room whilst you are working.
 • Set a specific goal: memorise 20 French words; draw 4 mind‐maps.
 • Revise actively, do not just read a textbook: check out the revision techniques list in the
   next section for ideas.
 • Be honest with yourself: if the information is not going in, try a new technique and make
   a note to speak to your teacher about it.
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
Learning information so that you can use it to answer questions.

Learning means that you have to understand something completely,
remember it and eventually use it.

Depends how long it takes you to learn something -
everyone is different.

BUT you have a lot to learn:
 8-10 GCSEs;
 10-15 exams;
 2 years’ worth of work.

 Start early - don’t cram!
 Store knowledge in your long term memory;
 Avoid panicking, stressing out, having a melt down
  and giving up!
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
   Do all your classwork, homework and                Divide your revision time into bite size
    coursework in term time to the best of your         sessions.
    ability.                                           25-30 minute episodes, with 5-10 minute
   The more you do in school the less you              breaks in between.
    have to do when you revise.                        Vary it according to sort of knowledge you
   1 to 2 hours a day on homework or                   are learning and the way you are learning
    coursework.                                         it.

   If you don’t have 1-2 hours of                                 Use weekends;
    homework to do every day                                       3-4 hours over the course of
    (and even if you do!) you                                       the weekend during term time
    should start some revision in                                   on homework, coursework
    term time.                                                      and/or revision.
   Start your revision slowly now
    and increase it nearer to the
    exams.                                                         Some subjects take longer to
                                                                    revise than others.
                                                                   Some subjects involve
 Create a revision timetable and stick to it:                      learning in different ways.
 Start to revise some of the older topics (from Year 10)
 Some of you have retakes ;
 If you start now, you can ask for help if you don’t
  understand something;
 Do a revision timetable for the Easter holidays; if you
  leave all your revision to May half term, you will run out
  of time.
 Use a calendar and factor in days out, sporting events,
  family time and socialising.
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
Get prepared:
                                                  You will feel better about revising if you
                                                  have the right equipment

                                                   Pens and pencils; different colours;
                                                   Highlighters, felt pens;
Get organised:                                     A4 or A3 folders to store your class
                                                    notes and revision notes;
Make sure you know the following:                  Document or cardboard wallets;
 What knowledge and which skills you will         Plastic wallets;
   need for each exam. If you do not know this,    Exercise books or notepads;
   ask your teachers.                              File paper;
 Which modules and topics you need to learn       A5 or A6 Revision cards;
   for each exam and subject. Most subjects        A3 or A4 plain or coloured paper;
   will have given you a summary of topics or      Wall paper for timelines;
   contents page.                                  Post It notes;
                                                   Recording device (to play back)
   Divide your revision into manageable
    sections; these could be modules, topics
    and sub topics.

   Tick off the subtopics, topics and modules
    as you go through them and learn them.

   Find out what exam board you are doing and
    use their website to access past papers,
    marks schemes and other helpful
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
Turn your classwork and information from textbooks into some form of
                        revision notes and then learn them.

This means the following:

 Revision needs to be active not passive; you actually have to engage with the

 Reading through your folder and the textbook a few times will not do!

 Reading revision guides will not do either; you will have been taught specifically
  for your exam board; revision guides tend to be quite general and so either contain
  too much information or too little. Only use guides that your teacher has

Remember that most exams will require you to write, so you will probably need to do
quite a bit of writing to revise for your exams.
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
Linear notes on paper:
• Reduce what is in your folder/exercise
• Read through what you need to summarise
   before you actually summarise it;
• Use headings and subheadings
• Keep notes brief;
• Write everything in a way that you understand;
• Do not copy huge chunks out;
• Add detail
• Underline key words; highlight; write in
   different coloured pens;
• Use bullet points, arrows or numbers to keep it
   clear and organised;
• Leave spaces to add points;
• Use arrows or dotted lines to link points.

                                                    Mind maps or spider diagrams:
                                                    • Key question, exam question or a
                                                       key topic in the centre;
                                                    • Subtopics or subheadings;
                                                    • Add key pieces of information;
                                                    • Develop some of your points;
                                                    • Add symbols or images;
                                                    • Use different coloured pens or
                                                       highlight different points;
                                                    • Use different sized pieces of
GCSEs 2019 Countdown to Success
Revision cards:
• A5 or A6;
• Key questions, headings or subheadings on each one and key
• Lots of cards with different information, answering one question;
• Move them around or stick them down on larger pieces or paper or
   around your room with blue tack.

                                             Drawing memory anchors or picture based notes:
                                              Combination of key words, numbers and
Post it notes:                                Create a key;
 Definitions;                                Use a combination of notes and pictures.
 Bullet point the answer
   to key questions;
 Different post it notes,
   each containing different
   parts of an answer to
   one question;
 Can be moved around,
   linked or prioritised.
Plenty or exam papers and questions:
                                     Revise a topic and attempt an exam
                                     Use the questions as headings and
                                       subheadings for revision notes,
                                       mind maps and cards;
                                     Get your head round the skills
                                       needed for each question;
                                     Recognise the question types;
Flow charts or timelines:            Apply formulas you have learnt
 Large pieces of paper (rolls of      (especially for science and maths);
    wall paper or pieces stuck       Make a note of the question you
    together);                         have no idea about.
 Key dates, ideas, processes or
 Add the information as you go
 Use different coloured pens or
 Add images or diagrams.
Other techniques:
 Songs; poems or raps!
 Mnemonics (devices to help you
   remember numbers and words);
 Quizzes;
 Question and answers;
 Read, cover, up, say, write, check;
 Role play;
 Teach somebody else;
 Read, summarise (write), record
   (speak) on recording devise and
   play back (listen).
 Colour code text picking out
   different points each time;          Other resources:
 Create Venn diagrams or diamond 9     • If you have worked throughout the
   shapes.                                 course of your GCSEs your
                                           folder/exercise book and any
                                           textbook your teacher recommends
                                           should be more than enough to
                                           revise and get top marks. You can
                                           however also use additional
                                        • Getrevising.co.uk (you can make
                                           flashcards and revision notes and it
                                           tests you interactively);
                                        • U2learn.com (gives you links to all
                                           the key subject based websites that
                                           have handy revision material, like
                                           GCSE bite size).
Avoid all distractions:.                           Clear space to store folders, textbooks
   Be honest and strict with yourself;                 and revision.
   Keep your TV, computer, laptop, ipad, phone,       It is going to be around for a while so
    kindle, Facebook, twitter and any games             make space for it somewhere in your
    away                                                house. Make sure you tell parents what
   If music becomes a distraction, get rid of it.      it is and where it is so they do not move
   Do not waste time or delay starting.                it or throw it out!

  In your breaks:                                               You will need a desk or a table
 move around;                                                  that is not cluttered so you can
 drink water;                                                  spread things out on. You might
 eat something .                                               want to leave things out for the
                                                                next session.

 Sleep well:
 Do not work into the early                                    Do some form of exercise during
  hours of the morning                                          revision and exams.
 give yourself a break
  between finishing
  revision and going to                                         Reward yourself at the end of
  bed.                                                          your revision session.

Find a space you are comfortable          Tell your parents/family or who you live with when you
revising in:                              are revising:
 This might be your bedroom,             They can help by keeping distractions away from you
    or a study or the kitchen.             including themselves, brothers, sisters, friends and
    Some of you might find it              pets and keeping the house quiet.
    easier to revise if your parents      They can help and support you by testing you and
    are there with you.                    keeping you on track if you lose focus.
   If you have not already worked this
    out, you are doing all of this for you!

   Set yourself a target and go for it.

   Success in exams is not the be all and
    end all in life BUT IT DOES HELP!

   Exams do mean grades and good
    grades mean a better chance of a
    good job or further and higher
    education, a career and opportunities.

   Do not throw opportunities away
    because you are too lazy or impatient
    for the summer to begin.

   GCSEs are not impossible; they are
    designed for most people to do well in.
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