Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...

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Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...
Gendered patterns of severe
and multiple disadvantage in England

Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley &
Sarah Johnsen
(I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University)
Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...
Gendered patterns of
                                     severe and multiple
                                     disadvantage in England

    Written by   Glen Bramley
                 Filip Sosenko
                 Sarah Johnsen


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Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...
Acroynms                                                                                    Acknowledgements

APMS                          IMD                             NHS                           We would like to express our sincere thanks              • St Mungo’s for access to Combined
Adult Psychiatric Morbidity   Index of Multiple Deprivation   National Health Service       to the many groups and individuals who have                Homelessness and Information Network
Survey                                                                                      contributed in various ways to the production of           (CHAIN) and Client Needs Survey data
                              LA                              OASys                         this report.
                                                                                                                                                     • Department for Education for access to
BME                           Local Authority                 Offender Assessment System
                                                                                                                                                       Children in Need data
Black and Minority Ethnic                                                                   This project was undertaken as a collaboration
                              LCA                             PD                            between researchers at Heriot-Watt University            • Public Health England for access to National
CHAIN                         Latent Class Analysis           Primary Disadvantage domain   and DMSS Research. DMSS led a series                       Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS)
Combined Homelessness and                                                                   of consultations with a range of severely                  data.
Information Network           LD                              SMD                           disadvantaged women - in order that this work
                              Learning Disability             Severe and Multiple           would be informed by their lived experiences
CIN                                                           Disadvantage                  and their perspectives on gender and multiple
Children in Need              MEAM                                                          disadvantage - and produced a conceptual
                              Making Every Adult Matter       SP                            report which has helped shape the analysis
DCLG                                                          Supporting People             (McNeish and Scott, 2017). In addition we are
Department for Communities    MEH                                                           grateful for the assistance of NatCen Social
and Local Government          Multiple Exclusion              TOP                           Research who ran specific analyses under their
                              Homelessness                    Treatment Outcome Profile     Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS) data
DV                                                                                          use agreement with NHS Digital. The authors
Domestic Violence             MH                              UC                            would like to acknowledge the support and                Designed by              Studio Rollmo
                              Mental Health                   Unitary County                advice of Di McNeish, Sara Scott and Sally
DWP                                                                                         McManus in the production of the report.                 Photography by           Henry/Bragg
Department for Work and       MoJ                             VA
                                                                                                                                                                              With support from:
Pensions                      Ministry of Justice             Violence and Abuse            Particular thanks are due to the advisory group
                                                                                                                                                                              An Untold Story/
                                                                                            members, and to the six groups of women                                           Voices Hull
                              NDTMS                                                         around the country who shared their varied
                              National Drug Treatment                                       experience of multiple disadvantage with us and                                   North Camden Zone
                              Monitoring System                                             whose perspectives and advice have been so                                        Likewise
                                                                                            important in shaping this study.

                                                                                            We would also like to extend our thanks to the           The photography that is woven through this report emerged
                                                                                                                                                     in part, from a co-designed, participatory workshop
                                                                                            following organisations for granting permission
                                                                                                                                                     between people with lived experience of severe and
                                                                                            to use and/or facilitating access to data sources:       multiple disadvantage, staff and volunteers in frontline
                                                                                                                                                     services and the photographers. We would like to extend
                                                                                            • NHS Digital for access to APMS data                    our warm thanks to everyone who participated so openly
                                                                                                                                                     and enthusiastically.
                                                                                            • Department for Communities and Local
                                                                                              Government for access to Supporting People

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Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...
Glossary of terms

Adverse Childhood Experiences                           Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)                  PD3                                                        Substance misuse
A widely used term referring to stressful events        The official suite of measures of deprivation for    Experiencing three out of four primary                     A broad definition is adopted, including not
occurring in childhood including being the              local and small areas across England.                disadvantage domains (e.g. ‘homelessness +                 only regular use of hard drugs but also ‘harmful’
victim of abuse, being the victim of neglect,                                                                poor mental health + substance misuse’).                   drinking of alcohol and dependence on cannabis.
being a witness of domestic violence, parental          Latent Class Analysis (LCA)
abandonment, having a parent with a mental              A form of cluster analysis, used in these analyses   PD4                                                        Supporting People (Client Record and
health condition, a member of the household             to divide the population into different groups of    Experiencing all four primary disadvantage                 Outcomes for Short-Term Services) (SP)
being in prison, and/or growing up in a                 people who share similar experiences.                domains (e.g. ‘homelessness + poor mental                  A housing-related support services dataset
household in which there are adults experiencing                                                             health + substance misuse + violence and                   that includes most publicly-funded single
alcohol or drug use problems.                           Multiple Exclusion Homelessness (MEH)                abuse’).                                                   homelessness services and covers most higher
                                                        A quantitative survey of people using ‘low                                                                      tier (social services) authorities in England.
Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS)               threshold’ homelessness, drug and other              Poor mental health
A national household survey of mental health,           services in seven UK cities conducted in 2010.       A broad definition is adopted, including                   Violence and abuse
conducted every seven years. The questionnaire                                                               experiencing a common mental disorder (such                Here defined as being a victim of interpersonal
also covers various adverse experiences,                National Drug Treatment Monitoring System            as depression, anxiety, phobia, obsessive-                 violence and abuse such as having been raped
including substance misuse, homelessness,               (NDTMS)                                              compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress               or sexually assaulted (by any perpetrator), or
experience of violence and abuse, having a              A national dataset that monitors client journeys     disorder), bipolar disorder, psychosis, or being           suffering violence and coercive control by a
history of offending, and adverse childhood             through substance misuse services.                   identified with a personality disorder.                    partner or ex-partner – where coercive control
experiences.                                                                                                                                                            includes behaviours which limit someone’s
                                                        Offending                                            Primary domains of disadvantage                            freedom and diminish their self-worth such as
Cluster Analysis                                        Having contact with the criminal justice system      Here defined as including the four domains of              threatening harm, denying access to money and
A statistical modelling approach that identifies        (including being in trouble with the police          homelessness, substance misuse, poor mental                preventing them from seeing family or friends.
similar groups of people or topics in a dataset.        involving court appearance).                         health, and violence and abuse.

Current disadvantage                                    PD0                                                  Secondary domains of disadvantage
Defined here as experiencing disadvantage in            No experience of any of the four primary             Here defined as living in poverty (material and/
the last 12 months.                                     disadvantage (PD) domains.                           or financial), being a lone parent, being socially
                                                                                                             isolated, living in poor quality accommodation,
‘Ever’ disadvantage                                     PD1                                                  being a migrant (particularly when compounded
Defined here as experiencing disadvantage ever          Experiencing only one of the four primary            by poor English skills), being a Gypsy/Traveller,
during adulthood (16+).                                 disadvantage domains (e.g. ‘homelessness only’,      having a physical disability, having a learning
                                                        ‘poor mental health only’, or ‘substance misuse      disability, being an offender, being involved in sex
Homelessness                                            only’).                                              work, having lost children to the care system.
A broad definition of homelessness is adopted,
including not only rough sleeping, but also other       PD2                                                  Severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD)
forms of highly insecure and inappropriate              Experiencing two out of four primary                 Here defined as experiencing at least two
accommodation, insofar as this is recorded in           disadvantage domains (e.g. ‘homelessness +           disadvantages focussed upon in this study,
the key datasets.                                       substance misuse’; ‘substance misuse + violence      with at least one of them being a ‘primary’ one
                                                        and abuse’; ‘substance misuse + poor mental          (homelessness, substance misuse, violence and
                                                        health’).                                            abuse, and poor mental health).

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Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...
1. INTRODUCTION                     10   7. GEOGRAPHY                               90
           Background, aims and objectives     12   Geographical patterns in the general        94
           Definitions                         16   household population
           Report structure                    18   Geographical patterns for homeless          96
                                                    Key points                                 100
           2. METHOD                           20
                                                    8. ADVERSE CHILDHOOD                       102
           3. SCALE AND PATTERN OF             28   EXPERIENCES
           ‘CURRENT’ EXPERIENCE                     Experiences of adversity during            106
           Scale                               32   childhood
           Pattern                             36   Being brought up by parents                110
           Key points                          38   experiencing severe and multiple
           4. SCALE AND PATTERN                40   Key points                                 112
           ADULTHOOD                                9. POVERTY, DISABILITY AND                 114
           Scale and overlap between primary   44   SOCIAL ISOLATION
           domains                                  Poverty                                     118
           Patterns of offending               46   Disability                                 122
           Key points                          50   Social isolation                           126

                                                    Key points                                 128

           5. CLUSTERS OF                      52
           DISADVANTAGE IN THE                      10. CONCLUSION                             130
           GENERAL POPULATION                       Endnotes                                   140
           Clusters of women                   56   References                                 144
           Clusters of men                     60   Appendix 1:                                146
                                                    Indicators of primary and secondary
           Key points                          66
                                                    domains of disadvantage
                                                    Appendix 2:                                150
           6. SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC                68   Cluster analysis results for women
           PROFILE                                  Appendix 3:                                154
           Age                                 72   Cluster analysis results for men
           Ethnicity                           74   Appendix 4:                                158
           Nationality and migration status    76   Age profile of Supporting People clients
                                                    Appendix 5:                                 161
           Household composition               80
                                                    The relationship between severe and
           Parenthood and child contact        82
                                                    multiple disadvantage and adverse
           Housing tenure                      85   childhood experiences
           Educational qualifications          86
           Key points                          88
Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...

Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...

The subject of ‘severe and multiple
disadvantage’ has risen up the policy agenda
in recent years as the need to develop more
effective policy and practice has become
increasingly evident.

A key catalyst to associated debate was the                disadvantage. That study also assessed the              Although ultimately ‘about’                              The analysis presented makes the best possible
publication of Hard Edges: mapping severe and              feasibility of using an alternative conceptualisation                                                            use of existing administrative and survey data but
multiple disadvantage in England (Bramley et al,           to produce a profile of those affected (McNeish et      women, this report also casts                            is inevitably limited to the evidence that can be
2015), based on a study conducted by Heriot-Watt           al, 2016). This exercise was conducted, in part,        light on previously undocumented                         gleaned from these datasets. Like the Hard Edges
University for Lankelly Chase. Hard Edges England          to ensure that the Hard Edges definition did not                                                                 study which preceded it, this study is exploratory
analysed administrative (service-use) data to              inadvertently become viewed as the only definition
                                                                                                                   manifestations of severe and                             rather than definitive, but offers the most robust
develop a statistical profile of people who were in        of ‘severe and multiple disadvantage’, which itself     multiple disadvantage affecting a                        account to date of the scale and overlap between
contact with homelessness, substance misuse                was a newly coined term to describe a complex                                                                    groups subject to the specific (gendered)
                                                                                                                   number of men.
and criminal justice services. The study indicated         social phenomenon.                                                                                               combinations of disadvantage under investigation.
that the population with concurrent experience
                                                                                                                   In using this different definition of severe and
(within the same year) of all three of these               This report builds on these earlier studies by
                                                                                                                   multiple disadvantage, we were particularly
particular disadvantages consisted predominantly           documenting the findings of the quantitative
                                                                                                                   interested to find out:
of men.                                                    profiling exercise of women’s experiences of severe
                                                           and multiple disadvantage conducted thereafter
                                                                                                                   • how many, and what proportion of, women are
At the same time, a review commissioned by                 by Heriot-Watt University in collaboration with
the cross-sector initiative Agenda (the alliance           DMSS Research. The study’s central aim was to
for women and girls at risk) and conducted by              develop a statistical profile of women affected         • the socio-demographic profile of those affected
DMSS Research highlighted the importance of                by severe and multiple disadvantage in England,
                                                                                                                   • how different domains of disadvantage overlap
understanding women’s experiences of severe and            as defined by the alternative conceptualisation
multiple disadvantage as different from those of           developed, in order to enhance understanding of         • how severe and multiple disadvantage is
men (McNeish and Scott, 2014). Lankelly Chase              their characteristics and circumstances (insofar as       geographically distributed
subsequently commissioned DMSS Research and                available data allowed). The conceptualisation was
                                                                                                                   • what existing data can tell us about associated
Heriot-Watt University to work together to consider        developed specifically in relation to women, but
                                                                                                                     risk factors.
whether a different conceptualisation might bring          comparable data pertaining to men is provided as
the lives of more women into view and shed light           and where possible.
on other manifestations of severe and multiple

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Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...
        IN ENGLAND

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Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...

Consultations with groups of disadvantaged
women undertaken as part of the
conceptualisation and feasibility study made
clear that mental ill health and experience of
interpersonal violence and abuse were central
features of their experience which needed to be
taken into account.

Moreover, they highlighted that disadvantages          functioning being compromised by substance          al, 2016). These are referred to as ‘secondary’           disadvantages (or at least those occurring
such as homelessness and substance                     consumption (including regular use of hard          domains of disadvantage throughout this report            within a single year) as was the case in Hard
dependence often resulted from different               drugs but also ‘harmful’ drinking of alcohol and    and include: living in poverty, being an offender,        Edges, this study expands the focus to bring
difficulties in men’s and women’s lives, that          dependence on cannabis);                            being a lone parent, being a migrant (particularly        into view experience of disadvantage throughout
the experience of these disadvantages was                                                                  when compounded by poor English skills),                  adulthood. The inclusion of disadvantage
gendered, and the ways in which services               BEING A VICTIM OF INTERPERSONAL                     being a Gypsy/Traveller, being isolated, living in        ‘ever’ experienced during adulthood was in
responded were often based on gendered                 VIOLENCE AND ABUSE                                  poor quality accommodation, having a physical             response to the emphasis that the women
expectations of how men and women ‘should’             Such as having been raped or sexually assaulted     disability, having a learning disability, being           we consulted placed on the cumulative
behave (McNeish et al, 2016).                          (by any perpetrator), or suffering violence and     involved in sex work, and having lost children to         impact of multiple disadvantage over the
                                                       coercive control by a partner or ex-partner -       the care system.                                          lifecourse – and in particular their insistence
In response, the current research develops a           wherein coercive control includes behaviours                                                                  that some disadvantages can be as harmful
profile of severe and multiple disadvantage            which limit someone’s freedom and diminish          This study’s definition of severe and multiple            when they occur in a sequence as when they
defined, in part, in terms of four ‘primary’           their self-worth such as threatening harm,          disadvantage therefore differs from that of its           occur simultaneously (McNeish et al, 2016).
domains of disadvantage, which include the             denying access to money and preventing them         Hard Edges predecessor by including poor                  Insofar as data allows, the study also considers
following experiences during adulthood:                from seeing family or friends;                      mental health and interpersonal violence                  adversity experienced during childhood in
                                                                                                           and abuse, and omitting involvement with                  recognition of the cumulative impact of adversity
HOMELESSNESS                                           HAVING POOR MENTAL HEALTH                           the criminal justice system, from primary                 over the entire lifecourse. In addition, this study
Not having a settled place to stay, such as            Experiencing a common mental disorder (such         disadvantage domains. In addition, it includes            draws upon different data sources from Hard
sofa-surfing (staying with family or friends           as depression, anxiety, phobia, obsessive-          a range of secondary domains such as poverty,             Edges, by including general household surveys
because the individual affected has no home            compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress        disability, and social isolation, amongst others          as well as administrative (service use) data. It
of their own), staying in temporary or refuge          disorder), bipolar disorder, psychosis, or being    (see above).                                              thus illuminates the experiences of members
accommodation, or rough sleeping;                      identified with a personality disorder.                                                                       of the private household population as well as
                                                                                                           This study also departs from its Hard Edges               homeless people and other groups using support
SUBSTANCE MISUSE                                       A range of other forms of disadvantage were         predecessor in two other ways. It employs a               services that relate to the primary domains of
Consumption of drugs or alcohol above a certain        highlighted by women in the consultations, albeit   different timeframe, so rather than focusing              disadvantage (see Chapter 2).
threshold, substance dependency, or daily              with less frequency or emphasis (McNeish et         almost exclusively on ‘current’ experience of

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Gendered patterns of severe and multiple disadvantage in England - Filip Sosenko, Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen (I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University) ...

The report consists of ten chapters. Chapter 2
outlines the methods employed in the collection
and analysis of data. Chapters 3 and 4 focus
on the scale and patterns of primary domains
of disadvantage affecting women ‘currently’
and ‘ever’ during adulthood. Chapter 5 focusses
on the ways that different combinations of
disadvantage tend to ‘cluster’ within the general
population, and includes consideration of both
primary and secondary domains. Chapter 6
summarises what is known about the socio-
demographic profile and housing status
of women affected by severe and multiple
disadvantage. Chapter 7 draws attention to
geographical patterns in its incidence. This is
followed, in Chapter 8, by analyses of childhood
adversity in the backgrounds of women and men
reporting severe and multiple disadvantage in
adulthood. Chapter 9 offers additional reflections
regarding key secondary disadvantages that
influence the quality of life of women affected
by severe and multiple disadvantage, such as
poverty, disability and social isolation. Chapter 10
draws together key conclusions from the study.

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METHOD                                                                                                      3
                                                                                                            MULTIPLE EXCLUSION HOMELESSNESS

                                                                                                            A cross-sectional survey conducted in 2010
                                                                                                            of people who had been homeless and had
                                                                                                            experience of one or more of the following:
This study was preceded by a review of nearly                                                               institutional care, substance misuse, or
                                                                                                            participation in 'street culture activities' (begging,
100 potential datasets, full details of which are                                                           street drinking, ‘survival’ shoplifting or sex
provided in the conceptualisation and feasibility                                                           work)2. It involved a census survey of users
                                                                                                            of 'low threshold' support services in seven                  4
study report (McNeish et al, 2016).                                                                         cities throughout the UK (n=1,286), followed                  ST MUNGO’S CLIENT NEEDS SURVEY
                                                                                                            by extended interviews with a sample of 452
                                                                                                            individuals. The information is self-reported.                A survey of clients of St Mungo’s, a charity
Seven datasets were subsequently selected for                                                                                                                             working with people who are sleeping rough, in
                                                                                                                                                                          hostels and at risk of homelessness. To facilitate
detailed analysis and their key parameters are                                                                                                                            service planning, every year the organisation
as follows:                                                                                                                                                               surveys clients staying in its accommodation,
                                                                                                                                                                          the majority of which is in London. This study
                                                                                                                                                                          employs the 2016 database which contains
                                                                                                                                                                          1,950 unique records. Data is generated by
                                                                                                                                                                          support workers.

(APMS)                                                                                                      5
                                                                                                            COMBINED HOMELESSNESS AND
This cross-sectional survey collects data on                                                                INFORMATION NETWORK (CHAIN)
mental health among adults aged 16 and over
living in private households in England. APMS                                                               A multi-agency database recording information
also has a wealth of self-reported information          2                                                   about people sleeping rough and the wider street              6
on other domains of disadvantage. Data from             SUPPORTING PEOPLE (SP) CLIENT                       population in London. This study draws upon                   CHILDREN IN NEED (CIN)
the 2014 edition containing records for 7,546           RECORDS AND OUTCOMES FOR SHORT-                     aggregate figures for rough sleepers who had their
individuals was analysed and supplemented               TERM SERVICES                                       support needs assessed over 2015/16 (n=5,481).                An administrative dataset that forms part of the
with data collected in the previous wave (2007).                                                            Data was generated by support workers.                        National Pupil Database. Data covers children
Permission to analyse the data was obtained             This merged dataset provides information about                                                                    referred to English Local Authorities children's
from the Data Request Service at NHS Digital.           clients aged 16 and over who entered and left                                                                     social services, and those who are assessed
                                                        housing support services that were in receipt of                                                                  as in need of Local Authority social services
                                                        funding from the Supporting People programme                                                                      support. Data was generated by social workers.
                                                        which ran from 2003 to 2011 1. Most were not
                                                        living in private households. We report primarily
                                                        on data from the last year of full participation
                                                                                                                                                                          NATIONAL DRUG TREATMENT MONITORING
                                                        (2010/11), which contained 325,000 records.
                                                                                                                                                                          SYSTEM (NDTMS)
                                                        The data was generated by support workers
                                                        who complete a structured questionnaire for
                                                                                                                                                                          Contains records of people receiving treatment
                                                        each service user.
                                                                                                                                                                          from a drug or alcohol misuse service in England.
                                                                                                                                                                          Data was generated by support workers.

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A full list of the indicators used in relation to each        for the time period under investigation. PD1      of primary disadvantages they                            topic by another reveals the composition of the
of the primary and secondary disadvantage                     refers to experience of one primary domain                                                                 population. This strategy, however, becomes
domains is provided in Appendix 1.                            (e.g. ‘homelessness only’ or ‘violence and        had experienced (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4)                       unfeasible when the number of topics one
                                                              abuse only’), PD2 to experience two out of the    or the combinations of primary                           is interested in is large. For example, with 10
                                                              four primary domains (e.g. ‘homelessness +                                                                 binary variables there are over 1,000 possible
It is important to note that in the                                                                             disadvantages (e.g. ‘poor mental
                                                              substance misuse’ or ‘violence and abuse + poor                                                            combinations; it is simply too difficult for a
analysis a distinction is made                                mental health’), and so on.                       health only’, ‘homelessness +                            human to see the patterns.
between ‘current’ experience                                                                                    substance misuse + poor mental
of disadvantage (that is, things                              Two approaches were taken to data                 health but not violence and abuse’).                     LCA employs computer power to
experienced within the past twelve                            analysis. The first approach started                                                                       identify combinations that are not
                                                                                                                This approach was used on all datasets.
months) and disadvantages                                     with the number and types of                                                                               identical but ‘close enough’ and it
experienced ‘ever’ in adulthood.                              disadvantages. This is an ‘analyst-               The second approach was used to analyse                  puts them together into one ‘class’
                                                              driven’ approach, where the analyst               the APMS dataset only and is called ‘Latent              or cluster. LCA also suggests how
Where used in tables and graphics, the                                                                          Class Analysis’ (LCA). LCA is a way of dividing
short-hand term ‘PD0’ is used in reference
                                                              defined the groupings. Specifically,              a population into groups. This is straightforward        many classes or clusters there are
to individuals who have not experienced any                   the analyst combined people into                  when there are just a few topics (variables)             overall.
of the primary domains of disadvantage                                                                          that one is interested in: cross-tabulating one
                                                              groups depending on the number
                                                         24                                                                                                         25
It shows what number of clusters strikes the                of broad cluster groupings: five clusters for    They may actively avoid services (due to shame,           had three main purposes: to obtain participants’
best balance between having a picture of the                women and five clusters for men. The overall     stigma, fear of losing children or prior negative         feedback on the main findings of the preliminary
population that is detailed and having a one that           typology for women can be compared with the      experiences, for example), and/or not appear              data analysis; to test and flesh out interpretations
is simple and useable. LCA has been used on the             overall typology for men. However, because       in population surveys or feature only in such             of the data in key areas; and to explore questions
APMS dataset but not on other datasets because              different typologies emerged for women and       small numbers that little or no useful analysis of        arising from the data. Key findings from the
APMS has a larger number of variables of interest           men, specific groups or clusters should not be   their experiences can be conducted (McNeish               consultations are reported in McNeish and Scott
than the other datasets analysed for this report. It        considered comparable.                           and Scott, 2017). Furthermore, missing data               (2017). These built upon the findings of five earlier
was carried out separately according to gender so                                                            in administrative records and potential under-            consultations involving more than 100 women
that the different ways that disadvantage groups            Datasets covering both the private household     reporting of disadvantages in surveys (due to             with lived experience and other key stakeholders
together in men and women could be captured in              population and individuals using homelessness    embarrassment or fear of negative consequences            in England and Scotland conducted during
different typologies. The LCA was also restricted           services were included to maximise coverage as   of disclosure) means that estimates are likely to         the conceptualisation and feasibility study (see
to people aged 16-64 because previous research              far as possible.                                 be conservative3.                                         McNeish et al, 2016).
has shown that disadvantages tend to manifest
differently in older people.                                                                                 Our initial analysis was followed by a series of
                                                            However, it is inevitable that some              consultations with women affected by severe and
The LCA identified a large number of distinct               women may not be represented in                  multiple disadvantage. These were conducted
groups among women and among men. To                        either.                                          in Hull, Dewsbury and London, and involved a
make the typologies easier to describe, some                                                                 total of 30 women with lived experience and six
of these were combined into a smaller number                                                                 support agency staff members. The consultations

                                                       26                                                                                                         27

This chapter focusses on the overall
scale and patterns of ‘current’
experience of primary disadvantage:
that is, experience of one or more of the
primary domains within the past year.

                      30                    31

Table 3.1 presents the best available (albeit
conservative) estimate of the number of adults
in England experiencing some combination of
the four main primary domains of disadvantage
under investigation within a single year.

                                                                                                                         This data is drawn from two datasets, APMS                  primary domains at the same time. 2.3 million
                                                                                                                         and Supporting People, which are effectively                adults (5.2%) experienced two or more of these
                                                                                                                         complementary and largely non-overlapping4.                 domains concurrently, while 9.6 million (21.6%)
Table 3.1                                                                                                                The figures should nevertheless be treated                  experienced one of them. This finding is strongly
Percent and number (scaled-up projection) of women, men                                                                  as orders of magnitude rather than precise                  influenced by the inclusion of poor mental health
and all adults experiencing different numbers of current primary                                                         accounting – being based partly on a                        in the primary domains of disadvantage for this
disadvantage domains in England, c.2010-14.                                                                              sample survey from 2014 and partly on an                    study (cf. the Hard Edges study, see Chapter 1).
                                                                                                                         administrative dataset from 2010/11.                        Poor mental health has a very high level of
                                                                                                                                                                                     current prevalence, affecting 21% of all adults
 Count of primary                  Women                             Men                           Adults                                                                            and 25% of adult women. Four in five (80%)
                                                                                                                         Around 336,000 adults currently
                                                                                                                                                                                     cases experiencing one or more current primary
                                   %                N                %                N            %        N
                                                                                                                         affected by three or four primary                           domains of disadvantage are affected by poor
                                                                                                                         domains. Of these, there were                               mental health. This proportion rises to 87% of
                                                                                                                                                                                     all women currently experiencing at least one
 PD0                               71               16,239,000       75               16,427,000   73       32,667,000   approximately the same number                               primary domain of disadvantage.
 PD1                               24               5,422,000        19               4,230,000    22       9,652,000    of women and men (169,000 and
                                                                                                                         167,000 respectively). The number
 PD2                               4                976,000          5                998,000      4        1,973,000
                                                                                                                         experiencing the most complex
 PD3                               1                157,000          1                162,000      1        319,000
                                                                                                                         disadvantage (all four domains)
                                                         adults were currently
                                                           affected by three
                                                           or four domains
                                                           of disadvantage.


                                               FOUR DOMAINS
 2.3 million                                        OF
   adults (5.2%), in
the general population,                        DISADVANTAGE
   experienced two
   or more of these
domains concurrently.

                                  Being a                                               80%
                                  victim of                                          (four in five) cases
                               interpersonal                                     experiencing one or more
                               violence and
                                   abuse                                         current primary domains
                                                       Having poor                  of disadvantage are
                                                       mental health
                                                                                  affected by poor mental

                          34                                                       35
PATTERN                                                                                                             MOST COMMON
                                                                                                                    DOMAIN COMBINATIONS

Figure 3.1 gives an overall picture of the
combinations of disadvantage that are most
common among those currently experiencing
any of the domains under investigation.
                                                                                                                    Three domains
                                                                                                                                           Being a
                                                                                                                                           victim of
                                                                                                                                                          Having poor          Substance
                                                                                                                                                          mental health         Misuse
                                                                                                                                        violence and
Figure 3.1

Proportions of adult population       All 4 domains
currently experiencing specific
                                  Hless + MH + subst
combinations of primary
disadvantage domains by gender,     VA + MH + subst
England, c.2010-14                VA +Hless + subst
—                                   VA + Hless + MH
Sources: Authors’ analyses of            MH + subst
Adult Psychiatric Morbidity
Survey (APMS) 2007/2014 and
Supporting People (SP) 2010/11.
                                       Hless + subst
                                         Hless + MH
                                                                                                                    Two domains:
                                         VA + subst
                                           VA + MH
                                                                                                                    Mainly affecting                                         Being a
   Male                                  VA + Hless                                                                 women                 Having poor                        victim of
                                     Substance only
                                                                                                                                          mental health                   interpersonal
                                            MH only
                                          Hless only
                                                                                                                                                                          violence and
                                            VA only                                                                                                                           abuse
                                                       0    5            10         15         20          25

Among the single domains, poor mental health
is the most prevalent, and within that women
                                                                The most common combination of three
                                                                domains is experience of violence and abuse,
                                                                                                                    Two domains:
are more commonly affected. Next in prevalence,                 with poor mental health and substance misuse.       Higher proportion
but a lot less common, is substance misuse, and
here men are much more commonly affected.
                                                                Combinations of two domains that are most
                                                                common involve either being a victim of             of men                Having poor                      Substance
Having been a victim of violence and abuse                      violence/abuse and poor mental health (mainly                             mental health                     Misuse
comes next, with a degree of balance between                    affecting women), or substance misuse and
genders. Homelessness appears relatively rare                   poor mental health (affecting a higher proportion
as a single experience, suggesting that it is                   of men).
most likely to be combined with other primary
domains of disadvantage, amongst users of SP
services at least6.

                                                           36                                                                                     37

It is possible to estimate that in England in
a typical year in the period 2010-2014, at
least 336,000 adults experienced more
complex combinations of disadvantage
(three or four primary domains), of whom
there are approximately the same number of
women as men. The number experiencing
all four primary domains at a point in time     Experience of less complex combinations
was approximately 17,000, of whom around        of primary domains was widespread.
70% were female.                                A total of 2.3 million adults (5.2%)
                                                experienced two or more of these domains
                                                currently, while about 9.6 million (21.6%)
                                                experienced one of them. The numbers here
                                                are largely accounted for by the inclusion
                                                of poor mental health within the four
                                                primary domains, and this also increases
                                                the proportion of women represented in
                                                the totals.

                      38                                            39

     40         41
This chapter also focusses on the
primary domains of disadvantage,
but explores experience of these at
any point (‘ever’) during adulthood.
In contrast to the preceding chapter
which focussed on ‘current’
experience, this takes account of
experiences that may not have
occurred contemporaneously
but at some point since the age
of 16. Asking about experiences
longer ago is more likely to be
subject to recall problems, and
so rates produced are likely to be

                     42                43
                                                                                                                                      Having poor
                                                                                                                                      mental health

Figure 4.1 presents the estimated number
of adults reporting each main combination
of primary domains of disadvantage ever                                                                                                                     The combination of poor mental health
experienced, while Table 4.1 reports the                                                                                                                     and substance misuse accounts for
                                                                                                                                                            0.9 million adults, with three-quarters
percentages, in both cases distinguishing                                                                                                                             of these being men.
between men and women.                                                                                                                                                                                             Substance

Figure 4.1
                                                                                                                                  Table 4.1
Number of adults by combinations   Hless + Subst + (MH or VA)                                                                     Percent and number (scaled-up projection) of women, men and all
of primary disadvantage domains    VA + MH + (Hless or Subst)
‘ever’ experienced during                                                                                                         adults ‘ever’ experiencing combinations of primary disadvantage
                                                 MH + Subst
adulthood by gender, England                                                                                                      domains during adulthood, England 2014
                                               Hless + Subst
2014 (millions)
                                                 Hless + MH
—                                                                                                                                 Ever PD Combination      Women       Men         All Adults   Women        Men          All Adults
Source: Authors’ analysis of                     VA + Subst
APMS data, 2014                                     VA + MH                                                                                                %                                    Number (scaled-up projection)
Note: The second-top category                     VA + Hless                                                                      None                     45.8        58.3        51.9         10,386,120   12,652,029   23,038,149
‘VA+MH+(Hless or Subst)’
                                                  Subst only
includes MH+VA+Subst                                                                                                              VA only                  7.2         5.1         6.1          1,621,414    1,098,101    2,719,515
                                                    MH only
or MH+VA+Hless. PD4 is
captured by the top category                      Hless only                                                                      Hless only               0.4         0.7         0.5          85,039       156,686      241,725
‘Hless+Subst+(MH and/or VA)’.                        VA only
                                                                                                                                  MH only                  26.6        20.5        23.6         6,032,113    4,448,827    10,480,940
   Female                                                                                                                         Subst only               0.3         2.4         1.4          75,061       523,008      598,070
   Male                                                         0        2       4       6             8   10    12          14
                                                                                                                                  VA + Hless               0.3         0.1         0.2          62,816       19,727       82,542
                                                                                                                                  VA + MH                  14.3        5.0         9.8          3,242,828    1,080,739    4,323,567
From Figure 4.1 it can be seen that the most                             mental health with either of these accounts for
common experience is poor mental health only,                            1.1 million adults, again with a majority being          VA + Subst               0.3         0.7         0.5          64,857       141,494      206,351

affecting over 10 million adults with the majority                       female. The combination of poor mental health            Hless + MH               0.3         0.9         0.6          75,288       205,731      281,019
being female. The second most common is the                              and substance misuse accounts for 0.9 million,           Hless + Subst            0.0         0.1         0.0          0            13,086       13,086
combination of violence and abuse and poor                               but in this case three-quarters are men.
                                                                                                                                  MH + Subst               1.0         3.2         2.1          222,689      696,621      919,310
mental health, which affects over 4 million adults, a
large majority of whom are women. The third most                         Table 4.1 shows that over half of adult women            VA+MH+(Hless or Subst)   2.9         2.1         2.5          653,101      451,393      1,104,494
common category is violence and abuse only,                              report experiences in at least one of these              Hless+Subst+(MH or VA)   0.7         1.0         0.9          158,967      225,697      384,663
again affecting more women.                                              domains, whereas this is only true of a minority
                                                                                                                                  Total                    100         100         100
                                                                         of men. Higher proportions of women are
Combinations involving one or two domains                                particularly strongly represented in the violence        Base                     4,488       3,058       7,546        22,677,117   21,701,594   44,378,712
involving homelessness or substance misuse are                           and abuse plus poor mental health combination
less common, implying that these experiences                             (with or without other domains), but also in             Source: Authors’ analysis of APMS data, 2014.
are rarer and tend to coalesce with others. The                          violence and abuse only, poor mental health only,        Note: The second-bottom category ‘MH+VA+(Hless or Subst)’ includes MH+VA+Subst or
combination of violence and abuse and poor                               and in violence and abuse plus homelessness.             MH+VA+Hless. PD4 is captured by the bottom category ‘Hless+Subst+(MH or VA)’.

                                                                    44                                                                                                           45

Our consultations with groups of women
affected by the disadvantages discussed
in this report highlighted contact with the
criminal justice system as a particularly
gendered experience.

While it plays a significant role in the pattern of        point in adulthood, although few in number,
severe and multiple disadvantage experienced               are much more likely than men who have
by many men (see also Bramley et al, 2015)                 done so to report experience of other primary
it does the same in the lives of comparatively             disadvantage domains. The sharpest difference
few women. Therefore, although contact with                is in experience of violence and abuse, but these
the criminal justice system was included in the            women are also much more likely than men
Hard Edges definition of severe and multiple               who have had contact with the criminal justice
disadvantage it is not treated as one of the four          system to report experience of homelessness
primary domains in this study. Some reflection             and poor mental health7.
on its prevalence and relationship with other
domains is nevertheless warranted.
                                                           Table 4.2
APMS provides details regarding contact with               Experience of primary disadvantages among
the criminal justice system, as indicated by               women and men reporting contact with criminal
having ‘spent time in prison on remand or                  justice in the general household population,
serving a sentence’, or ‘being in trouble with the         APMS 2014 (percent)
police involving court appearance’. The number
of respondents having spent time in prison is
                                                           ‘Ever’ primary   Women            Men
much lower than those having been in trouble               domain
with the police. This data confirms that amongst
members of the private household population,               Ever VA          66               24
having contact with the criminal justice system
is much less common among women than men,                  Ever homeless 21                  12
with only 1.2% of female APMS respondents
ever having done so, compared with 5.9% of
                                                           Ever MH          76               54
men. These figures also confirm that experience
of offending is far less prevalent amongst
both women and men than is experience of                   Ever             26               20
poor mental health, or violence and abuse, for
example (see Table 4.1 above).                             Base             115              388

Table 4.2 shows that women who have had
contact with the criminal justice system at some           Source: authors’ analysis of APMS data, 2014.

                                                      46                                                       47
Table 4.3
     Current/recent offending status by type of substance misuse and gender,
     for those receiving treatment for drugs or alcohol, 2015/16

                  Women                                          Men

                  Not        Offender   Total     N              Not        Offender   Total       N
                  offender                                       offender
     Alcohol      97         3          100%      19,574         92         8          100%        31,410
     Drugs and    88         12         100%      6,070          81         19         100%        18,813
     Drugs only   85         15         100%      12,346         76         24         100%        37,509

     Source: Authors’ analysis of National Drug Treatment Monitoring System data.

     It is also worth noting that the prevalence             dependent children, for example).
     of each of the primary disadvantages in                 Although offending rates generally rise with
     adulthood is much higher among those who                more complex combinations of primary domains,
     ‘spent time in prison on remand or serving a            statistical modelling suggests that this appears
     sentence’ than among those who reported                 to be driven mostly by the presence of substance
     only being ‘in trouble with the police involving        misuse. This link between substance misuse and
     court appearance’. For example, the prevalence          offending is slightly stronger for women than for
     of ever having experienced homelessness during          men.
     adulthood is 31% among men with the former
     experience and 7% among men in the latter               The NDTMS dataset allows us to explore
     group.                                                  whether alcohol dependency has a different
                                                             relationship with offending than drug
     Amongst the population using homelessness and           dependency. As Table 4.3 shows, those who
     housing-related support services, more men are          are dependent on drugs are more likely to be
     current/recent offenders than women. A very high        current/recent offenders than those dependent
     proportion of men in Supporting People data –           on alcohol, across both genders. This pattern is
     more than half – are offenders. However, a third        unchanged when homelessness is controlled for:
     of women using Supporting People services are           those who are drug users are more likely to be
     current/recent offenders. Within the homeless           homeless than those who are alcohol users, and
     population, it is single homeless people who are        those who are homeless are more likely to be
     more likely to be offenders (as compared with           current/recent offenders.
     women experiencing homelessness who have

48                                                      49
KEY POINTS                                       Women who have had contact with the
                                                 criminal justice system during adulthood,
                                                 although relatively few in number, are much
                                                 more likely than men who have done so to
                                                 report experience of primary disadvantage
                                                 domains at any point during adulthood.
                                                 Many of the single homeless people using
                                                 homelessness and housing support
                                                 services are offenders, and this is true for
                                                 one third of female service users (cf. half
                                                 of male users). There is a clear association
Just over half of adult women report             between substance (particularly drug)
experience of at least one of the four primary   misuse and offending, and this is slightly
domains of disadvantage at some point            stronger for women than for men.
(‘ever’) during adulthood, whereas this
is only true of a minority of men. Higher
proportions of women are particularly
strongly represented in the violence and
abuse plus poor mental health combination
(with or without other domains), but also
amongst those experiencing violence and
abuse only, poor mental health only, and
violence and abuse plus homelessness.

                      50                                               51
              IN THE
This chapter expands the focus of the
research to encompass both primary
and secondary domains of disadvantage.
While the previous chapters present the
proportion of women and men to have
experienced different numbers and types
of disadvantages, this chapter presents
the proportions of women and men found
to be in different disadvantage groups.
The groups were identified using cluster
analysis. Each contains women or men
experiencing a similar pattern of primary
and secondary disadvantages, reflecting
how these tend to coalesce in the

As noted in Chapter 1, this data was
obtained from the APMS and analysis was
restricted to individuals of working age
within the private household population.
The analysis focusses on experience of
primary domains of disadvantage ‘ever’
during adulthood, and ‘current’ experience
of secondary domains. The first section
of this chapter reports findings relating to
clusters of women, and the second refers
to those of men.

                      54                       55
CLUSTERS OF WOMEN                                                                                                CLUSTER 5                                                   CLUSTER 9

                                                                                                                VA only, no/low disadvantage on secondary                   PD 2-3, low disadvantage on secondary
                                                                                                                domains. Approximately 8% of women. All                     domains. Approximately 3% of women. Women
                                                                                                                of the women in this cluster have experienced               in this cluster have a very high chance of having
                                                                                                                interpersonal violence and abuse during                     ever experienced poor mental health (84%) and
                                                                                                                adulthood but not other primary domains of                  violence and abuse (80%), while a majority have
The cluster analysis identified ten different                                                                   disadvantage. In terms of economic position,
                                                                                                                health and social isolation, this cluster is on
                                                                                                                                                                            experienced substance misuse (68% chance)
                                                                                                                                                                            and a substantial proportion have experienced
groups of women with broadly similar                                                                            average only slightly worse than Cluster 1.                 homelessness (34% chance). The chances of
experiences as regards the type and                                                                              CLUSTER 6
                                                                                                                                                                            having experienced two, three or four primary
                                                                                                                                                                            domains of disadvantage are 42%, 49% and
combination of disadvantages experienced.                                                                                                                                   9% respectively. Half of women who have
                                                                                                                VA and MH, no/low disadvantage on                           experienced three primary domains belong to this
These are described below. A detailed                                                                           secondary domains. Approximately 8% of                      cluster, while the other half belong to Cluster 10.
breakdown of all relevant statistics is provided                                                                women. Slightly over half of all women with the             Their chance of having a disability is low, as is the
                                                                                                                experience of ‘violence and abuse plus poor                 chance of being unemployed or inactive. Their
in Appendix 2.                                                                                                  mental health only’ belong to this cluster. In              chance of being materially deprived is also low,
                                                                                                                terms of economic position, health and social               although not as low as in the least disadvantaged
                                                                                                                isolation, this cluster is on average only slightly         clusters.
                                                                                                                worse than Cluster 1.
                                                                                                                                                                             CLUSTER 10
                                                                                                                 CLUSTER 7
                                                                                                                                                                            PD 2-4, very high disadvantage on secondary
                                                                                                                VA and MH, high chance of health issues.                    domains. Approximately 3% of women. There
                                                                                                                Approximately 2% of women. One in six of all                is a very high chance of having ever experienced
 CLUSTER 1                                                 CLUSTER 3                                            women with experience of ‘violence and abuse                poor mental health (94%) and violence and
                                                                                                                plus poor mental health only’ belong to this                abuse (85%), a clear majority have experienced
No primary domains, no/low disadvantage                   MH only, no/low disadvantage on secondary
                                                                                                                cluster. On average, their material situation is            homelessness (70% chance), and nearly half have
on secondary domains. Approximately 35%                   domains. Approximately 20% of women.
                                                                                                                good and the chance of social isolation is small,           experienced substance misuse (42% chance).
of all women fall into this group. Women in this          Women in this cluster have experienced poor
                                                                                                                but the chance of poor health is high. There                The chances of having experienced two, three or
cluster have never experienced any primary                mental health but no other primary severe and
                                                                                                                is also a high chance of being a carer. Half of             four primary domains of disadvantage are 24%,
severe and multiple disadvantage domain. On               multiple disadvantage domain. Their economic
                                                                                                                women in this cluster are aged 55-64.                       59% and 17% respectively. Half of women who
average, they are better-off economically, have           position is very similar to that of women in
                                                                                                                                                                            have experienced three domains belong to this
better health, and are less socially isolated than        Cluster 1. The chance of having a disability is
                                                                                                                 CLUSTER 8                                                  cluster, as do 61% of those who have experienced
women in other clusters.                                  slightly higher than in Cluster 1, as is the chance
                                                                                                                                                                            all four. Women in this cluster are on average in
                                                          of being a carer.
                                                                                                                VA and MH, high disadvantage on secondary                   the worst socio-economic situation. For example,
 CLUSTER 2                                                                                                      domains. Approximately 4% of women. Slightly                over half are in serious debt or arrears (54%
                                                           CLUSTER 4                                            over a quarter of all women who have ever                   chance), a substantial proportion live in material
No primary domains, high disadvantage
                                                                                                                experienced ‘violence and abuse plus poor                   deprivation (37% chance), the probability of being
on secondary domains. Approximately 11%                   Mainly MH only, high disadvantage on
                                                                                                                mental health only’ belong to this cluster. Their           in the lowest income quintile is 59%, and the vast
of women may be classified in this group.                 secondary domains. Approximately 6% of
                                                                                                                economic situation is on average worse than                 majority are unemployed or economically inactive
As in Cluster 1, women in this cluster have               women. Nearly all (93%) women in this cluster
                                                                                                                in any other preceding cluster. For example,                (80% chance). There is also a very high chance
never experienced any primary domain of                   have experienced poor mental health but not
                                                                                                                the chance of being in serious debt or arrears              of having a disability (66%) and a high chance
disadvantage. However, their position in terms            other primary domains; the rest experienced
                                                                                                                is 40% (vs. 15% in Cluster 2); the chance of                of being a carer (24%). Around one in six is a
of poverty, health and social isolation is on             ‘homelessness only’. Their economic situation,
                                                                                                                being in the lowest income quintile is 56%; and             lone parent (16% chance). In terms of household
average considerably worse than that of women             health and isolation are strikingly worse than
                                                                                                                the chance of having mould at home is 44%.                  composition, the chance of being a single person
in Cluster 1. The chance8 of unemployment or              women in Cluster 3. While the majority are
                                                                                                                Home ownership is very low (13% chance),                    household is higher than in other clusters (26%).
economic inactivity is particularly high (70%).           White British, women from Asian / Asian British
                                                                                                                social isolation is very high (45% chance) and              The majority live in social housing (67% chance).
Cluster 2 has relatively more women from a                or Black / Black British ethnic background are
                                                                                                                the probability of poor health is high as well (e.g.        Nearly half are socially isolated (48% chance). The
BME background than Cluster 1.                            significantly over-represented in this cluster.
                                                                                                                40% chance of having a disability). Women in                probability of having a history of offending is also
                                                                                                                this cluster have the highest probability of being          very high at 22%, as is the chance of having ever
                                                                                                                a lone parent (21%).                                        sold sex as compared with other clusters (7%).

                                                     56                                                                                                                57
Figure 5.1
                                                                                                    Cluster groupings for women aged 16 to 64

These ten clusters may be consolidated into
five broader groupings, depicted by the colour
coding in Figure 5.1, and used in sub-group
analysis later in Chapters 6-9. These broad
groupings are as follows:
                                                                                                                        1. No primary disadvantage, no/low secondary disadvantage

                                                                                                                                                                                                 No primary
 1   CLUSTER 1 & 2              2   CLUSTER 3 & 5                    3   CLUSTER 6, 7 & 9                                                                                                     disadvantage

Characterised by women who     Including women who have             Including those women                                       2. No primary disadvantage, high secondary
have never experienced any     experienced one of the primary       who have experienced                                                       disadvantage
of the primary disadvantage    disadvantages (either poor           combinations of two or even
domains, and together          mental health or experience          three primary domains but are
make up a total of 46%         of violence and abuse) but are       not highly disadvantaged in
of women in the private        not multiply disadvantaged           socio-economic terms, and
household population. These    in socio-economic terms (i.e.        comprise 13% of women in the                                         3. MH only, not deprived
are described in graphics      they have no/low disadvantage        private household population.                                                                                    28% MH or VA, no/low
in following chapters by the   on secondary domains),               These are described in                                                                                          secondary disadvantage

short-hand term ‘No PD’.       comprising a total of 28% of         graphics as ‘PD2-3, fair’.
                               the female private household                                                                              5. VA only, not deprived
                               population. These are described
                               in graphics as ‘MH/VA only, fair’.
                                                                                                                                         6. VA, MH, not deprived
                                                                                                                                                                                           13% 2-4 primary
                                                                                                                                                                                      disadvantages, no/low
 4   CLUSTER 4                  5   CLUSTER 8 & 10                                                            VA, MH, poor health                   7.
                                                                                                                                                                                    secondary disadvantage

                                                                                                       VA, MH, Subst, not deprived                  9.
Consisting of women who        Consisting of women who
have experienced one primary   have experienced between                                                                                                                        6% MH only, high secondary
                                                                                                                MH only, deprived                   4.                                       disadvantage
disadvantage (predominantly    two and four primary domains
poor mental health) and        as well as being affected by                                                      VA, MH, deprived                   8.                                      7% 2-4 primary
who are highly deprived        serious current economic,                                                                                                                                disadvantages, high
in socio-economic terms        social and health-related                                                        2-4 PDs, deprived                  10.                              secondary disadvantage
(i.e. experience a range of    disadvantages. They comprise
secondary domains). This       a total of 7% of the female
grouping comprises 6%          private household population.
of women in the private        These are described in
household population and is    graphics as ‘PD2-4, depriv’.
described in graphics as ‘MH
only, depriv’.                                                                                      Source: authors’ analysis of APMS 2014

                                              58                                                                                                    59

Men aged 16-64 in the private household
population can be classified into six
clusters based on the extent and nature of
their experiences of severe and multiple
disadvantage (see Figure 5.2 and Appendix 3).

 CLUSTER 1                                               CLUSTER 3                                          CLUSTER 5                                                     CLUSTER 6

(No primary disadvantage). Approximately                (MH only, high disadvantage on secondary           (PD2-3 inc MH, no/low disadvantage on                         (PD2-4, multiply deprived on secondary
56% of men may be classified in this cluster.           domains). Approximately 6% of men. Men in this     secondary domains). Approximately 10% of                      domains). Approximately 5% of men. This
They have not experienced any primary domain            cluster have experienced poor mental health but    men. This cluster is dominated by men who                     cluster contains all men who have experienced
of disadvantage. On average, this and the next          not other primary domains. However, they have      have experienced two primary domains (86%                     four primary domains, nearly two-thirds of
cluster (Cluster 2) are the least disadvantaged         a much higher chance of being in a negative        chance); the rest have experienced three. Three-              men who experienced three primary domains,
clusters in terms of material situation, health,        material situation, to suffer from poor health     quarters of men affected by two primary domains               and one in six of men who have experienced
isolation and other secondary domains.                  and/or social isolation than men in Cluster 2.     of disadvantage at any point in adulthood are                 two primary domains. In particular, those who
                                                        For example, the chance of being unemployed        in this cluster; the rest are in cluster 6. Nearly all        have experienced homelessness as one of two
                                                        or economically inactive is 75%, the chance of     members of this cluster have experienced poor                 domains are relatively more likely to be in Cluster
                                                        being in serious debt or arrears is 24%, and the   mental health (93% chance). There is also a                   6 than those with other combinations. This
(MH only, no/low disadvantage on secondary              chance of being disabled is 60%. Around half       high risk of having been a victim of violence and             is the most disadvantaged cluster by a large
domains). Approximately 13% of men. Men in              are social renters (52% chance).                   abuse (61% chance) and substance misuse (51%                  margin: the risk of having a history of offending
this cluster have experienced poor mental health                                                           chance). Men in this cluster have on average                  is 43%, half (50% chance) are in serious debt
but not other primary domains, and have a low            CLUSTER 4                                         a similar economic situation to men in Cluster                or arrears, the majority are unemployed or
chance of socio-economic deprivation. 65% of                                                               4, but have a higher risk of disability and social            economically inactive (62% chance), over a third
men who have ever experienced ‘MH only’ fall            (PD1, no/low disadvantage on secondary             isolation - although this risk is still lower than the        have no qualifications (34% chance), over half
into this cluster, while the remaining 35% fall         domains). Approximately 10% of men. Almost all     equivalent in cluster 3.                                      are disabled (52% chance), there is a high risk of
into Cluster 3.                                         men in this cluster have experienced one primary                                                                 having a learning difficulty (21%), half are socially
                                                        domain of disadvantage; the largest group is                                                                     isolated (50% chance), nearly all are renters
                                                        those who experienced ‘violence and abuse only’                                                                  (60% chance social housing, 34% chance
                                                        (59% chance) followed by ‘substance misuse only’                                                                 private rented) and a substantial proportion are
                                                        (30% chance). The remainder have experienced                                                                     in single person households (38% chance). They
                                                        ‘homelessness only’ (9% chance) and ‘violence                                                                    are more likely than men in other clusters to be in
                                                        and abuse plus poor mental health’ (2% chance).                                                                  the 25-44 age bracket.
                                                        With regards to economic position and health,
                                                        men in this cluster are on average only slightly
                                                        more disadvantaged than men in Clusters 1 and 2.

                                                   60                                                                                                               61
Figure 5.2
                                                                                                   Cluster groupings for men aged 16 to 64

As was the case for women, the clusters for
men may be consolidated into broader groups
for subsequent sub-group analysis, based
on observable patterns and commonalities
in their characteristics9. They have been
amalgamated into five groups, depicted by the
colour coding in Figure 5.2, as follows:
                                                                                                                                       1. No primary disadvantage

                                                                                                                                                                                       No primary
 1   CLUSTER 1                    2   CLUSTER 2 & 4                 3   CLUSTER 5                                                                                                   disadvantage

This includes those men who      Comprising those men              Characterised by men who
have not been affected by        who have experienced              have experienced two or three
any primary disadvantage         one primary disadvantage          primary domains but show no
domain, and comprises            (predominantly either poor        or low levels of disadvantage
56% of the male private          mental health or having           on secondary domains. This
household population. These      been a victim of violence and     group comprises 10% of                                                    2. MH, not deprived
are described in the graphics    abuse) and making up a total      the male private household
in following chapters by the     of 23% of men in the private      population and are described                                                                        23% MH or VA, not deprived
short-hand term ‘No PD’.         household population. These       in graphics as ‘PD 2-3, not
                                 are described in graphics         deprived’.                                                       4. VA or substance, not deprived
                                 as ‘MH/VA only, fair’ for
                                 simplicity although a small
                                 minority of those men have                                                                                                                      10% 2-3 primary
                                                                                                                                               5. 2-3 primary          disadvantages, not deprived
                                 experienced ‘substance only’
                                 or ‘homelessness only’.
                                                                                                                                                 not deprived

 4   CLUSTER 3                    5   CLUSTER 6
                                                                                                                    MH, deprived                     3.                          6% MH, deprived

Consisting of men who have       Comprising men who are
experienced poor mental          highly disadvantaged across
                                                                                                                    2-4 primary
health and no other primary      a range of 2-4 primary                                                                                              6.                          5% 2-4 primary
                                                                                                         disadvantages, deprived
domain, but who are highly       domains, as well as secondary                                                                                                            disadvantages, deprived
disadvantaged across             domains, and making up a
secondary domains, and           total of 5% of the male private
making up 6% of those in the     household population. These
private household population.    are described in graphics as
These are described in           ‘PD2-4, depriv’.
graphics as ‘MH only, depriv’.

                                                                                                   Source: authors’ analysis of APMS 2014

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