GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft

Page created by Adam Strickland
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
       MARCH 9 – 18
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
                                         WUNDERBAR 2018

                            INTRODUCTION                                             4
                            STATE OF MIND   – STARTUP GERMANY                       10
                            SMARTER CITIES & TECHNOLOGY                             12
                            NEW TECHNOLOGIES & NEW INDUSTRIES                       14
                            NEW MEDIA & NEW WORK                                    16
                            INTERNATIONAL CULTURE TECH DAY                          18
                            WUNDERBAR   – MULTIFACETED GERMAN MUSIC SCENE           20
                            BLOCKHAIN & THE MUSIC INDUSTRY                          22
                            GERMAN ARTISTS AT SXSW                                  24
                            FESTIVALS & CONFERENCES 2018/19                         30
                            EXHIBITORS & DELEGATES                                  41
                            PARTNERS                                                89
                            DETAILED INDEX                                         108
                            MAP OF AUSTIN                                          111

                                            GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR   3
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
GREETINGS FROM                                                                                                                        PROFESSOR
BRIGITTE ZYPRIES                                                                                                                    DIETER GORNY

                                            The annual South by Southwest (SXSW)             Welcome to WUNDERBAR! This year our
                                            festival in Austin has become one of the         WUNDERBAR presentations at SXSW again
                                            most acclaimed gatherings of artists, cre-       include impressive offerings from the wide
                                            ators, and startups. I am therefore pleased      array of creative activities in the German digi-
                                            that Germany will be represented at SXSW         tal, startup, film, and music industries. With
                                            2018 with one of the largest international       over one thousand conference participants
                                            delegations. This is proof of the strength of    and musicians attending in 2018, Germany
                                            the German cultural and creative industries.     is again ranked among the top five interna-
                                                                                             tional participants at SXSW. We will greet
                                            The cultural and creative industries will        you and other guests from around the world
                                            play an increasingly important role in the       at our trade show stand and at German Haus,
                                            economy of the future. The boundaries of         which is just five walking minutes away from
                                            traditional industries, such as automotive       the Austin Convention Center. The German
                                            or medical technology, become fluid when         joint booth, considerably larger in 2018
                                            they are open to the input of the cultural and   than in years past, is the central hub for our
                                            creative industries. The immense success of      cross-sector activities at the SXSW Trade
                                            SXSW, whose trademark is interdisciplinarity,    Show.
                                            demonstrates this.
                                                                                             Over five days, the stages at German Haus
                                             I warmly invite you to visit our German booth   will host a lineup of top-level keynotes,
                                             in the Austin Convention Center and the         pitches, and talks combining digital know-
             PRESS PHOTO © SUSIE KNOLL       German Haus in the Barracuda Club. Take         how, creativity, and scientific expertise.                                    © BVMI MARKUS NASS
                                             part in the Wunderbar Lunch, meet creative      Stop by to enjoy and experience innovations
                                             people in the German Lab, and experience        in the interactive German Lab. Furthermore,         pleased to be presenting more than twenty
                                             the performances of many German bands.          German Haus and the joint trade show booth          promising bands – running the gamut from
                                             Our diverse program enables you to make         remain excellent locations to make contact          hip-hop to pop to rock music – and assisting
                                             new contacts and immerse yourself in the        with German delegates in a laid-back at-            them with their international activities in the
                                             trends of the German cultural and creative      mosphere, for instance with German music            world’s largest music market. Come hear for
                                             industries.                                     industry representatives during the Wunder-         yourself how exciting and diverse music cre-
                                                                                             bar Music Day.                                      ated in Germany can be in German Haus and
                                                                                                                                                 other clubs during the SXSW Music Festival.
                                             I wish you a wonderful time at SXSW 2018!       German Haus is taking up residence in the
                                                                                             popular Barracuda music club for the second         With this in mind, I hope you have an inspir-
                                                                                             year running. With two stages for live music,       ing time at SXSW. We are looking forward to
                                                                                             it’s a superb location for concerts. We are also    seeing you here!

                        4    WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR   5
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
GERMANY                    									 A T S X S W 2 0 1 8

                                    S U P P O R T E D BY

  I N CO O P ER ATI O N W I T H                              ORGA NIZE D BY          P LATINU M PARTNERS

                                                                                                                                       City of Munich

I N TERN ATI O N A L PA R T N E R                           GOLD PA RT NE RS          SILVER PARTNERS

                                                                                                              MINISTRY OF
                                                                                                              ECONOMIC AFFAIRS,
                                                                                                              TRANSPORT, AGRICULTURE
                                                                                                              AND VINICULTURE

                               FU R T H E R PA R T N E R S

                                                                                     City of Munich
                                                                                     Department of
                                                                                     Arts and Culture

   European Regional                                                                                              Heise Medien
   Development Fund

                           6   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                   GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR          7
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
GERMAN PAVILION                                                                                                                              GERMAN HAUS
                                                                                                                                             GET TOGETHER
                                                                                                                                             German Haus is the main venue for a wide           open to all
SXSW isn’t your average trade show. The           the opportunity to present their current                                                   variety of networking events, concerts,            delegates. They are a
conference's many events and festivals take       projects here, in addition to the exhibition                                               meet-ups, start-up pitches, interactive            perfect platform for the
place primarily at the downtown convention        area. The German Pavilion is organized                                                     presentations, and official showcases              guest to have a professional dialog.
center in quirky, dynamic Austin. The German      and operated by Koelnmesse on behalf of                                                    from March 10 to 15, 2018. German artists,
Pavilion will be based here from March 11th       the German Federal Ministry for Economic                                                   companies in creative industries, and              German Haus is additionally supported by
to 14th, 2018. Presentations to and meet-         Affairs and Energy, in close cooperation                                                   other institutions present themselves to           the German Federal Government's Culture
ups with potential business partners of           with the Cultural and Creative Industries                                                  an international audience in German Haus,          and Creative Industries Initiative, several
German exhibitors will take place at the 1600     Initiative of the Federal Government, the                                                  with its two stages and the German Lab             German federal states and cities, and the
ft2 pavilion. For the first time, a wide range    Association of the German Trade Fair                                                       exhibition. The days at the German Haus are        German Consulate General in Houston,
of companies and organizations will have          Industry (AUMA), and Initiative Musik.                                                     focused around special trend topics and are        Texas.

SXSW TRADE SHOW                                                                                                                              GERMAN HAUS EVENTS 2018
                                                                                                                                             WHAT TO WATCH FOR THIS YEAR
                                                                                                                                             Smarter Cities & Mobility
  DATES & HOURS:                                                                                                                             SATURDAY, MARCH 10TH, 2018, 10am–2am

  SUNDAY, MARCH 11TH,10AM–6PM                                                                                                                New Technologies, New Industries
  MONDAY, MARCH 12TH, 10AM–6PM                                                                                                               (AI, VR, AR & co)
  TUESDAY, MARCH 13TH,10AM–6PM                                                                                                               SUNDAY, MARCH 11TH, 2018, 10am–2am
                                                                                                                                             New Media & New Work
                                                                                                                                             MONDAY, MARCH 12TH, 2018, 10am–2am

                                                                                                                                             International Culture Tech Day with Austria
                                                                                                                                             TUESDAY, MARCH 13TH, 2018, 10am–6pm

                                                                                                                                             WUNDERBAR Music Day
                                                                                                 MESSESTAND-DESIGN © 2018 FRANK EICHENBERG

                                                                                                                                             WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14TH, 2018, 10am–6pm

                                                                                                                                             Blockchain & the Music Industry
                                                                                                                                             THURSDAY, MARCH 15TH, 2018, 10am–6pm

                                                                                                                                             @ BARRACUDA
                                                                                                                                             611 E 7TH ST                                        PHOTOS © DAN TAYLOR – GERMAN HAUS 2017 @BARRACUDA


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GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
Author: KERSTIN BOCK, Co-Founder and CEO of Openers
                                                                                                                            Regulation is emerging as an opportunity             5.5 million. The UK remains the number one
                                                                                                                            for competitive advantage – Europe’s tech            destination for tech talent migrating into (and
                                                                                                                            community has a broad agreement prio-                within) Europe, but it appears to have lost a
                                                                                                                            ritizing regulatory changes that incentivize         fair share to other European destinations such
                                                                                                                            the development of AI, blockchain, and au-           as Germany. The expected flow of UK and
                                                                                                                            tonomous vehicles. The biggest opportunity           US companies into the German market after
                                                                                                                            could be blockchain with $1.75 billion already       Brexit and the elections is yet to be realized –
                                                                                                                            raised in Europe via ICOs, compared to $1.08         the first companies may have relocated their
                                                                                                                            billion in the US. GitHub lists the most active      offices, but the numbers are not yet indicative

                                                                            MAKE TV @ GERMAN HAUS, SXSW 2017 © DAN TAYLOR
                                                                                                                            blockchain developers as being from the UK,          of a significant trend. However, it’s still early.
                                                                                                                            Germany, and Russia. At German Haus we               The second week of January brought us
                                                                                                                            will invite experts from all over the industry       Softbank’s $558 million investment in Auto1,
                                                                                                                            to discuss these trends and opportunities,           which now makes the Berlin-based compa-
                                                                                                                            along with their take on advancements made           ny the highest-valued startup in Europe after
                                                                                                                            in Mixed Realities and IoT, as well as in the        Spotify. If this is an omen, it’s going to be an
                                                                                                                            creative industries.                                 exciting year for Startup Germany.

                                                                                                                             Furthermore, Deep Tech continues to thrive          Unexpected news could be just around
                                                                                                                             in Germany. In 2017, Europe was on track for        the corner!
                                                                                                                             a record $3.5 billion to be invested in Deep
                                                                                                                            Tech, a 40% increase compared to 2016.
                                                                                                                            Startups are leading the pack and raising high
                                                                                                                             hopes, such as the Munich-based flying taxi
                                                                                                                             company Lilium with their $90 million invest-
                                                                                                                             ment in 2017. Germany has also continued to
In many ways, 2018 might become the most mature                                                                             take on a uniquely collaborative approach to
                                                                                                                            working with traditional industries. In 2017,
year yet for Germany’s startup ecosystem: positive                                                                          there were over 100 funding rounds invol-
                                                                                                                            ving at least one corporate investor, a 600%
indicators are the continuous growth of venture                                                                              increase compared to 2012. This is consis-
                                                                                                                            tent with a general trend in Europe; around
capital in the market as well as several IPOs in                                                                            20% of all venture funding now comes from
                                                                                                                             corporations, as stated in the recent report
2017 with many more anticipated in 2018. This year                                                                          “State of European Tech”, released by Europe’s
                                                                                                                             largest VC fund Atomico and the tech festival
will also prove to be an exciting ride with Germany                                                                         Slush. Europe is building a tech ecosystem
                                                                                                                             in its own right by combining technological
being a leading pioneer in many technological trends,                                                                        brilliance with deep industry know-how. We
                                                                                                                             have seen this in the finance industry, but it is
such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI).                                                                         now spreading to healthcare, logistics, trans-
                                                                                                                             port, and beyond.
These trends bring with them not only tremendous
                                                                                                                            The report also states that as European tech
business opportunities but also a compelling set of                                                                         strengthens, a battle royal for tech talent is
                                                                                                                            being waged across the continent – profes-
ethical and administrative challenges.                                                                                      sional developer numbers have increased to

                                    10   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                                     GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 11
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
Authors: PROF. FRANK H.P. FITZEK, Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks,
Institute of Communication Technology, TU Dresden & Coordinator 5G Lab Germany;
DR. ERIC WEBER, Managing Director & Founder SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator Leipzig

“Smart City” refers to a set of technologies               economic potential, but also put a great
that helps create green, intelligent, inclusive,           deal of pressure on governments and policy
 and lively urban ecosystems. Technologies                 makers, who must guide these processes.
 like sensors, IoT, big data algorithms, or 5G
will significantly affect many aspects of urban            German politicians realized this socio-
 life, including energy supply, mobility, or civic         economic potential and helped launch several
 participation.                                            initiatives to support and advance the innova-
                                                           tion process, such as the Smart City Program
For example, 5G – the fifth generation of mo-              and the Digital Hub Initiative, which resulted
bile networks – is essential for every smart               in the founding of the Smart Systems & Infra-
city. By offering highly reliable, fast, and               structure Hub in Dresden/Leipzig or the
real-time communication with extensive                     Mobility Hub Munich.
data rates, 5G will meet future demands for
communication. Smart cities will also benefit              Other traditional German industries, such as
from smart grids that stabilize energy net-                automotive, robotics, and sensor technology,
works, reduce transport losses, and enable                 can be integrated with smart city concepts,
the coordination of power generation and                   producing a promising ecosystem for smart
consumption.                                               city entrepreneurs worldwide. With innovative
                                                           world-class companies, excellent research,
Connected cars will become mobile energy                   and a supportive political environment,

                                                                                                            SATURDAY, MARCH 10
reservoirs that can be used for transporta-                Germany is poised to host some of the most
tion, consumption, or as generators. These                 promising smart city projects in the future.
new opportunities not only create enormous

                                      12   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                         @ GERMAN HAUS
                                                                                                                  GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 13
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
                                                                                             & NEW INDUSTRIES
                                                                                              (AI, VR, AR & CO.)   Author: Prof. Dr. PETER GENTSCH, Consultant, Digital Devotion Group GmbH

                                                                            Without a doubt, artificial intelligence (AI) will    virtual reality sector will be featured. We will
                                                                            be one of the major economic game chang-              discuss how companies can systematical-
                                                                            ers in the future. A decade from now, most            ly unleash the value of both fields in terms
                                                                            businesses will be AI-driven, especially in           of optimizing processes and enabling new
                                                                            customer facing areas such as marketing,              business models. During our AI & VR day at
                                                                            sales, and services. However, AI is currently         German Haus, we will illustrate the current
                                                                            receiving so much attention that we run the           potential of AI within the digital space, and
                                                                            risk of falling into the “overhyped and un-           we will investigate various best and next
                                                                            delivered” trap. The victories of AI in chess,        practices from different companies and in-
                                                                            Jeopardy, and Go tournaments may make for             dustries within panels, pitches, and keynote
                                                                            good storytelling, but we must bridge the gap         talks. Beyond that, we will look behind the
                                                                            between entertaining examples and serious             scenes of the new ecosystems involving AI.
                                                                            business requirements and solutions. There            Due to the massively increased level of au-
                                                                            is quite a strong foundation in Germany for           tonomy and automation of communication
                                                                            professionals, academics, and companies               and interaction – from the perspective of
                                                                            when it comes to AI. They are just not as well-       both the company and the customer – new
                                            ILLUSTRATION © KRISTINA WEDEL

                                                                            known as the US giants.                               digital ecosystems are evolving. They will
                                                                                                                                  require new marketing and communication
                                                                            At German Haus during SXSW 2018, an entire            approaches and tools.

                                                                            day will evolve around the topic of AI. In ad-
                                                                            dition, new trends and technologies from the

    14   @ GERMAN HAUS
         WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                     GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 15
GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
NEW MEDIA & NEW WORK                                                                                                                        MONDAY, MARCH 12
GOODBYE CLUNKY, OLD-SCHOOL HIERARCHIES:                                                                                                           @ GERMAN HAUS
Author: LARS GAEDE, journalist (Wired, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, and other),
co-founder Work Awesome (, Berlin- and New York-based agency that creates content
and conferences on the future of work and helps organizations get future-proof

The requirements for the modern workplace                Though quite a challenge, this process is also
are entering a radically new era in many dif-            a great opportunity for much-needed change,
ferent ways. Artificial intelligence, robotics,          especially as the competition for talent increa-
and other disruptive technologies are changing           ses across many industries and as companies
and sometimes threatening well-established               realize they need to engage candidates and
professions while also creating opportuni-               employees in a different fashion. For employees,
ties for entirely new ones. Globalization and            this is a great chance to turn their workplace
digitization are forcing organizations to rethink        into a more human, more flexible, and more
the way they operate, calling for more experi-           people-focused place. For companies, it may
mentation and flexibility to account for the             be the only way to survive.
structural dynamics and unpredictability of
current working environments. Businesses                 At German Haus, we will dedicate a full day
need new skills and strategies in order to ac-           to the discussion of these new challenges
celerate adaptation to new trends, demands,              and opportunities within the work landscape.
                                                                                                            ILLUSTRATION © KRISTINA WEDEL

and developments. Clunky, old-school hierar-             On the same day, we will also look into similar
chical structures must be transformed                    changes and threats impacting the media
into work cultures in which employees are                landscape and explore how both areas will be
empowered to collaborate, make executive                 affected by emerging business models and
decisions, and take on more responsibilities.            working environments.

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GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 MARCH 9 - 18 AUSTIN, TEXAS - Initiative Kulturund Kreativwirtschaft
TUESDAY, MARCH 13                                                                                                       INTERNATIONAL
         @ GERMAN HAUS
                                                                                                                     CULTURE TECH DAY
                                                                                                                             Author: REANNE LEUNING, Director Creative Industries, Advantage Austria

                                                                                       ALBERTINA MUSEUM © ARTIVIVE
                                                                            On Tuesday, March 13th, Germany and                             their innovative mindset and by using cutting-
                                                                            Austria will once again transform the German                    edge technology.
                                                                            Haus into an exciting future zone for music,
                                                                            fashion, art, and technology.                                   Under the Culture Tech motto, the joint
                                                                                                                                            German-Austrian day will feature inspiring
                                                                            With one of the highest concentrations of                       panel discussions, avant-garde performances,
                                                                            cultural institutions worldwide, including mu-                  and industry showcases that unite surprising
                                                                            seums, concert halls, opera houses, theaters,                   ingenuity with convincing business models,
                                                                            galleries, fairs, and festivals, the neighboring                all centered around technology and culture.
                                                                            countries Germany and Austria are pioneers
                                                                            when it comes to developing technological                       We extend a warm welcome to you to join us
                                                                            solutions for the challenges these establish-                   and explore the future of culture and tech-
                                                                            ments face today.                                               nology, and simultaneously experience new
                                                                                                                                            impulses related to such universal questions
                                                                            As both content generator and provider, the                     as to how to:
                                                                            cultural industry finds itself among the sec-
                                                                            tors deeply affected by technology and digital                 • position your brand in an outstanding way
                                                                            transformation. When it comes to innovating                    • tackle the disruption of existing business models
                                            ILLUSTRATION © KRISTINA WEDEL

                                                                            the cultural landscape, VR, AR, and mixed                      • explore alternative revenue streams
                                                                            reality play just as important a role as big data,             • accelerate product innovation
                                                                            blockchain, and AI. At the German Haus, visi-                  • enhance customer experience
                                                                            tors will be inspired by a visionary community                 • create and strengthen new communities
                                                                            of creators who generate additional benefits
                                                                            for content producers and rights owners with

    18   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                              GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 19
Authors: MICHAEL WALLIES, Public Relations, Initiative Musik gGmbH;
Claudia Schwarz, Project Manager SXSW 2018, Initiative Musik gGmbH

Music made in Germany has always come in                                                delegation at this year’s SXSW 2018 Music
all shapes and sizes. Legendary bands like                                              Festival. We wish to once again demonstrate
Kraftwerk, Can, or Rammstein set high stan-                                             that Germany is a vibrant environment for
dards with their innovative sounds and live                                             music production.
performances, and they still have a palpable
influence on the international music scene.                                             Enjoy live performances by artists represent-
German artists continue to have a creative                                              ing a wide range of musical styles and influ-
impact on new, innovative music genres such                                             ences, including German R&B breakthrough
as krautrock, electronic music, and – most                                              act Ace Tee, who turned heads with her viral
recently – a wave of neo-classical music.                                               hit “Bist Du down?”, Blackberries, a band
                                                                                        of four from a small town in western Ger-
Germany’s versatile music market is one of                                              many with their unique blend of krautrock,                                                              12PM–2PM
the strongest worldwide. No other country                                               psychedelic rock, and folk, Joasinho, an ex-                                                            WUNDERBAR LUNCH
can boast a comparable concentration of live                                            perimental, electronic music collective with                                                            PRESENTED BY CONSULATE GENERAL OF
clubs, and over 500 annual music festivals –                                            their own orchestra of robots, and Meute, a                                                             THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY HOUSTON
almost always sold out – attract music enthu-                                           Hamburg-based techno marching band of 11                                                                & INITIATIVE MUSIK
siasts from all around the world. Just think of                                         who re-arrange known songs and tracks to                                                                INVITATION ONLY
the legendary heavy metal festival Wacken                                               build an entirely new musical universe that is
Open Air (W:O:A), a renowned global brand                                               highly entertaining and highly addictive.                                                               2PM–5PM
in its own right, or the Melt! Festival at the                                                                                                                                                  WUNDERBAR LIVE & SPOKEN WORDS
amazing Ferropolis venue, an abandoned in-                                              Don’t miss out! We invite you to experience
dustrial plant once known as the City of Iron.                                          German Haus, and find out more about all of
                                                                                        this year’s German artists at
Now, it’s your turn to discover over 20 exciting,                             

                                                                                                                                                                         WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14
emerging acts that are part of the German

                                                                   20   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                         @ GERMAN HAUS
                                                                                                                                                                               GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 21
THURSDAY, MARCH 15                                                                           BLOCKCHAIN
          @ GERMAN HAUS
                                                                                     & THE MUSIC INDUSTRY                                                              curated by MUSICTECH GERMANY

                                                                                        MUSIC UNCHAINED: RECREATING THE MUSIC ECOSYSTEM
                                                                                                                                        Author: MATTHIAS STROBEL, Founder & President, MusicTech Germany

                                                                                             ALBERTINA MUSEUM © ARTIVIVE
                                                                             As streaming continues to power the music                         still occasionally share their personal war

                                             ILLUSTRATION © KRISTINA WEDEL
                                                                             industry’s growth, and as the overall use of                      stories of failed attempts to unite the indus-
                                                                             licensed music and production of user gen-                        try’s metadata headache with a mythical
                                                                             erated content have reached an all-time high,                     Global Repertoire Database. Bystander and
                                                                             some of the industry’s most complex chal-                         newbies to the circus are in disbelief how we –
                                                                             lenges have essentially become part of the                        as a community – managed to hold on to
                                                                             mainstream discourse.                                             any of these problems for as long as we did.
                                                                                                                                               Meanwhile, the promise of decentralized and
                                                                             It’s 2018 and the music ecosystem – at its                        distributed new technologies – such as block-
                                                                             core – still faces the same issues it has from                    chain – could finally be the game changer the
                                                                             the very beginning: Reassurance of reliable,                      ecosystem might need to reset.
                                                                             current and accessible documentation of
                                                                             copyright and ownership for artists, rights                       MusicTech Germany invites music industry
                                                                             owners and their advocates, as well as music                      professionals, developers, engineers, artists
                                                                             licensees. Swift adaptation of the underlying                     and their advocates, visionaries, and mu-
                                                                             administrative infrastructure to new environ-                     sic enthusiasts to a day of open discourse,
                                                                             ments shaped by technological innovation,                         roundtable discussions and global commu-
                                                                             updated regulations, and changing consumer                        nity networking centered around our ideology
                                                                             preferences. And last but certainly not least,                    of innovation through collaboration and
                                                                             the issue discussed most prominently (and                         focused on the impact, decentralized tech-
                                                                             emotionally): The need to address and facili-                     nology could have on the music ecosystem.
                                                                             tate fair, speedy and transparent distribution of
                                                                             royalties and revenue deriving from creative                     Don’t miss a beat – join us at German Haus on
                                                                             content to the artists and rights owners.                        Thursday, March 15th.

                                                                             Indeed, it is 2018. Music business veterans
     22   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                                 GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 23
ACE TEE                                                   ANDHIM                                             EMMA ELISABETH                                            FENSTER

CITY Hamburg                                              CITY Köln                                          CITY Berlin                                               CITY Berlin
LABEL Ace Tee                                             LABEL Superfriends Records                         LABEL –                                                   LABEL –
CURRENT RELEASE Tee Time EP                               CURRENT RELEASE Huso Remixes EP                    CURRENT RELEASE We Gotta Talk                             CURRENT RELEASE The Room
WEBSITE                                   WEBSITE                              WEBSITE                            WEBSITE
CONTACT Lennart Wasmund,             CONTACT Markus Nisch,    CONTACT Vera Epp-Winter,                                  CONTACT Amande Dagod,
                                                          CONTACT US Supreet Wahi,

ANDREW APPLEPIE                                           AUDIODAMN                                          GATO PRETO                                                GEMMA RAY

CITY Berlin, München                                      CITY Mannheim                                      CITY Düsseldorf                                           CITY Berlin
LABEL Fett Music                                          LABEL Epic Records                                 LABEL Africa Future                                       LABEL Bronzerat
CURRENT RELEASE Hanging Out, Playing Video Games,         CURRENT RELEASE Audiodamn!                         CURRENT RELEASE Tempo                                     CURRENT RELEASE The Exodus Suite
Writing Songs                                             WEBSITE                          WEBSITE                            WEBSITE
WEBSITE                            CONTACT Julia Albrecht,        CONTACT Jens Damgaard,            CONTACT Andy Zammit,
CONTACT Julia Pellezzari,             CONTACT US Michael Iurato,

BETTER PERSON                                             BLACKBERRIES                                       JAGUWAR                                                   JOASIHNO

CITY Berlin                                               CITY Cologne                                       CITY Berlin                                               CITY Munich
LABEL Mansions and Millions                               LABEL Unique Records                               LABEL Tapete Records                                      LABEL Alien Transistor
CURRENT RELEASE It's Only You                             CURRENT RELEASE Greenwich Mean Time                CURRENT RELEASE Ringthing                                 CURRENT RELEASE Meshes
WEBSITE                WEBSITE                  WEBSITE                     WEBSITE
CONTACT Anton Teichmann,    CONTACT Ina Schulz,             CONTACT Marcel Gein,              CONTACT Christoph Beck,

                                     24   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                          GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 25
JOHN MOODS                                                 KELVYN COLT                                   OY                                                       PEREL

CITY Berlin                                                CITY Berlin, Bingen                           CITY Berlin                                              CITY Berlin
LABEL Mansions and Millions                                LABEL Four Music                              LABEL Crammed Discs                                      LABEL DFA Records
CURRENT RELEASE The Essential John Moods                   CURRENT RELEASE LH914                         CURRENT RELEASE Space Diaspora                           CURRENT RELEASE Die Dimension
WEBSITE                        WEBSITE                    WEBSITE                                 WEBSITE
CONTACT Anton Teichmann,     CONTACT Line Rindvig,   CONTACT Joy Frempong,                   CONTACT Alexandra Schütte,

LALI PUNA                                                 MARY OCHER                                     SEA MOYA                                                 WORLD BRAIN

CITY Munich                                                CITY Berlin                                   CITY Mannheim, Montreal                                  CITY Berlin
LABEL Morr Music                                           LABEL Klangbad                                LABEL Heist or Hit Records (UK), Humming Records (GSA)   LABEL –
CURRENT RELEASE Two Windows                                CURRENT RELEASE The West Against The People   CURRENT RELEASE Baltic States EP                         CURRENT RELEASE debut album release 2018
WEBSITE                                    WEBSITE                     WEBSITE                                  WEBSITE
CONTACT Christian Morin,                                   CONTACT Mary Ocher,     CONTACT Elias Foerster,     CONTACT Amande Dagod,

MEUTE                                                      MOGLI

                                                                                                                     The participation of the German bands at SXSW is, in part, supported by
                                                                                                         Initiative Musik, financed by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media,
                                                                                                              as well as by the Cultural and Creative Industries Initiative of the Federal Government.

CITY Hamburg                                               CITY Schwarzwald
LABEL TUMULT                                               LABEL –
CURRENT RELEASE TUMULT                                     CURRENT RELEASE Wanderer
WEBSITE                                       WEBSITE
CONTACT Thomas Burhorn,             CONTACT Giulia Hauck,

                                      26   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                    GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 27



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                                                      O                              CALENDAR
                                                      S      E                       GERMANY
                                                        E CN
              28   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018        GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 29
APRIL                                                  M AY                                                  FILM I MAY 3-8 2018 I OBERHAUSEN                    MUSIC I MAY 18-21 2018 I LEIPZIG

MUSIC I APR 10-14 2018 I FRANKFURT/MAIN                MUSIC I MAY 1 - OCT 31 2018 I                         INTERNATIONAL       WAVE-GOTIK-TREFFEN
MUSIKMESSE /                                                                                                 SHORT FILM FESTIVAL Wave-Gotik-Treffen is a festival for “dark“ music
                                                       SUMMER OF CULTURE                                                         and arts in Leipzig. A variety of 150 bands and
PROLIGHT+SOUND                                                                                               OBERHAUSEN          artists (gothic rock, industrial, noise, darkwave,
                                                       The Kultursommer Rheinland-Pfalz (“Cultur-                                                                gothic metal) play at several venues through-
Musikmesse in Frankfurt is the international           al summer”) is held each year from May 1 to           One of the world's most important short film in-    out the city. The festival also features several
trade show for musical instruments, sheet mu-          October 31 with more than 200 projects of             stitutions for over sixty years now. Some 7,000     fairs with medieval, gothic and cultural mer-
sic, music production, and marketing. It also          different parts of culture. In over 20 years the      films submitted on average per year, around         chandise. With 20,000 regular attends, WGT
features live events and several workshops, as         project has developed so much, one can’t              500 films shown in the festival programs and        is one of the largest goth subcultural events
well as Light and Sound section.                       imagine cultural life in Rhineland-Palatinate         over 1,100 accredited industry professionals        worldwide.
MUSIKMESSE (APR 11-14 2018)                            without it. The target: More people, especially       are proof enough.     
PROLIGHT+SOUND (APR 10-13 2018)                        in regions far away from the big cities, should                           be able to participate in cultural life.
                                                                                MUSIC I MAY 9-13 2018 I BERLIN                      MUSIC I MAY 19 2018 I MUNICH

MUSIC I APR 19-22 2018 I BREMEN                                                                              XJAZZ BERLIN                                        KLANGFEST MUNICH
                                                       FILM I MAY 2-13 2018 I MUNICH
JAZZAHEAD!                                                                                                   XJAZZ incorporates already existing structures      KLANGfest has been hosting more than thirty
                                                       DOK.FEST MUNICH                                       and hip venues in Berlin Kreuzberg while bring-     bands from every genre since 2010. KLANG-
jazzahead! is the most important international                                                               ing together musicians who collaborate and          fest, with its diverse program on different
jazz trade fair, including its integrated showcase     DOK.fest Munich brings artistic documentary           perform joint projects. One specific main focus     stages, appeals to every generation for a varied
festival and conference. It features top-class         film to the big screen with guests from around        of XJAZZ is the local music scene; around 70        and musically exciting day.
jazz from Germany, Europe and beyond and has           the world and over one hundred films in eleven        percent of the lineup consists of local artists,
become one of the most important international         of the city’s screening venues. Alongside the         unique for a German festival.
networking spaces for jazz musicians.                  competition sections, there are many exciting                                       specials, such as in Open Air, Best-                                                            MUSIC I MAY 25-26 2018 I NEUSTRELITZ
                                                       of-Oscars, and Africa, a retro-
                                                       spective and a guest country.                         MUSIC I MAY 18-21 2018 I MOERS                      IMMERGUT FESTIVAL
MUSIC I APR 21 2018 I WIESBADEN              
                                                                                                             MOERS FESTIVAL                                      Always sold out, Immergut has marked the
SEE #13 CONFERENCE                                                                                                                                               annual kick off of the German open air festi-
                                                       INTERACTIVE I MAY 2-4 2018 I BERLIN                   The moers festival stands for the willingness       val season for the past nineteen years. In the
The Conference – for visualization of informa-                                                               to take risks and the courage to explore new        middle of the Great Lake District, Immergut
tion. Besides focusing on data visualization, the      RE:PUBLICA                                            territory, thus making it a reliable source for     offers the finest in German and international
see Conference places a strong emphasis on                                                                   non-mainstream musical discoveries.                 indie rock and pop.
sustainable concepts. Our speakers open up             re:publica is one of the world's largest and                     
new perspectives of effective communication            most exciting conferences on topics concern-
in their presentations, focusing in particular on:     ing digitization and society. Since its founding in
the impact of today’s actions, the society and         2007, it has grown from a cozy blogger meet-          MUSIC I MAY 18-20 2018 I BEVERUNGEN                 MUSIC I MAY 31 - JUNE 3 2018 I WÜRZBURG
environment of future generations. The best            ing with 700 participants into a wide-ranging
in their field – they are visionaries who under-       “society conference,” with 9,000 national and         ORANGE BLOSSOM                                      INTERNATIONAL
stand, live and actively advance our mission of        international visitors in 2017.
fostering sustainability.                                                         FESTIVAL                                            AFRICA FESTIVAL
                                                                                                             Set in the town Beverungen, OBS has a very          With more than 2,320,000 visitors, 6,750
                                                                                                             charming, rural set-up, and its cozy atmo-          musicians and artists from 56 countries of
                                                                                                             sphere means the festival is mostly sold out        Africa and the Caribbean so far, the Interna-
                                                                                                             in advance. The audience comes from all over        tional Africa Festival is the oldest and big-
                                                                                                             Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria,         gest festival for African music and culture in
                                                                                                             Switzerland and the UK.                             Germany and Europe. Nonprofit.
                                  30   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                       GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 31
MUSIC I MAY 31 - JUNE 2 2018 I AUGSBURG               INTERACTIVE, FILM I JUNE 8-10 2018 I GIESSEN           MUSIC I JUNE 21-24 2018 I WÜRZBURG                      J U LY
MODULAR FESTIVAL                                      DIE SERIALE                                            UMSONST & DRAUSSEN MUSIC I JUL 3-5 2018 I COLOGNE
Modular Festival began in 2009 and is now the         Focus on short form digital series, which are          FESTIVAL                                          EUROPEAN
biggest non-profit youth- and pop-culture fes-        mainly produced for the internet. To connect,
tival in Western Bavaria (Swabia) with about          support and pay tribute to all talented indepen-       A free festival in the middle of Würzburg with up PIRATE SUMMIT
10,000 attendees every day. Its main aim is to        dent creators from around the world. Lectures,         to 100,000 visitors, there are three stages with
celebrate current interests, styles and the music     workshops, panel discussions will be held. All         over fifty artists plus exhibitions, coffee tastings,   In its eighth year it is Europe’s biggest invita-
of today's youth culture.                             selected series will be screened in the local          street art and more.                                    tion-only gathering of early-stage startups,                               cinema, the most outstanding will be awarded.                             investors, and corporate executives. The summit
                                                                                                                                         represents true grassroots entrepreneurship:
                                                                                                                                                                     authentic, crazy & real.
                                                                                                             FILM I JUN 22 - JUL 7 2018 I MUNICH           
                                                      MUSIC I JUNE 15-17 2018 I MANNHEIM
                                                                                                             FILMFEST MUNICH
JUNE                                                  MAIFELD DERBY
                                                                                                             The Filmfest Munich is one of the biggest Euro-
                                                                                                                                                                     MUSIC I JUL 5-9 2017 I BERGHEIDER SEE

MUSIC I JUNE 1-2 2018 I HAMBURG                       3 days – 4 stages – 79 artists: The wonder-            pean summer festivals. The annual focal point           FEEL FESTIVAL
                                                      fully organized open air is taking place in an         for over 2,000 German and international pro-
ELBJAZZ                                               equestrian stadium inside Mannheim’s trade             fessionals from the film, television and media          Set next to a lake, Feel Festival combines camp-
                                                      fair grounds and features rock, pop as well as         industries.                                             ing and bathing with music, cinema, theater,
On two days, well-known artists and newcom-           electronic acts.                                                             circus, readings and workshops – all sustain-
ers associated with jazz directly or in a wider                                                                                           able and regional. The musical acts feature
sense will dominate the scene. The open-air and                                                                                                                      indie, alternative, electro and house, hip-hop,
indoor stages are located at unique and unusual                                                              MUSIC I JUN 22-24 2018 I SCHEESSEL                      drum’n’bass, grime and jungle beats.
places in the Hamburg harbor. In 2017, a new          INTERACTIVE, FILM I JUNE 16-17 2018 I BERLIN                                                         
venue was added, namely the recently opened                                                                  HURRICANE
Elbphilharmonie (Elbe Philharmonic Hall).             VIDEODAYS                                                                                               Hurricane is the northern “sister event” of             MUSIC I JUL 5-8 2018 I RUDOLSTADT
                                                      Europe’s largest YouTuber event attracts 15,000        Southside and one of Germany’s most im-
                                                      fans gathering in Berlin to take part in work-         portant rock, pop & alternative festivals. Some         RUDOLSTADT FESTIVAL
MUSIC I JUNE 1-3 2018 I NÜRBURG                       shops, presentations of the best web videos,           70,000 attendees with a mix of international
                                                      meet-and-greets with their social-media stars,         stars and newcomer acts.                                Whether you are a newcomer or a repeat offen-
ROCK AM RING                                          as well as the PlayAwards to honor the best You-                                        der, almost everyone will find the Rudolstadt fes-
                                                      Tube producers.                                                                                                tivalʼs variety simply overwhelming, as it is one
After being held for two years at the Mending                                                                                               of the largest and most prestigious world music
Air Base, in 2017 the legendary and biggest                                                                  MUSIC I JUN 22-24 2017 I NEUHAUSEN OB ECK               festivals in Europe. Over 4 days, there are about
German music festival Rock am Ring returned                                                                                                                          300 performances by 150 bands and solo artists,
to its initial location, the Nürburgring, a motor     INTERACTIVE I JUNE 19-22 2018 I BERLIN                 SOUTHSIDE                                               and the range of concerts, workshops and talks
sports complex in the town of Nürburg.                                                                                                                               which attract up to 25,000 visitors a day.                                  TECH OPEN AIR                                          Hosted annually on a former air base, South-  
                                                                                                             side turns Neuhausen ob Eck – a small town
                                                      Tech Open Air Berlin is Europe’s leading interdis-     with 4,000 inhabitants – into a 60,000 pax
INTERACTIVE I JUNE 5 2018 I BERLIN                    ciplinary technology festival. Experience inspira-     rock, independent, and electro open air.                MUSIC I JUL 6-8 2018 I FERROPOLIS
                                                      tional storytelling, interactive forums, art instal-
HEUREKA CONFERENCE                                    lations, live music, food, drinks and fresh air.                                                               SPLASH!
HEUREKA is one of the main founders confer-                                                                                                                          Splash! is the hip-hop-equivalent to Melt! that is
ences in the German-speaking world with a pro-                                                                                                                       set in the same location – the impressive Fer-
gram aiming at sharing necessary knowledge                                                                                                                           ropolis with its huge industrial machines. The
about the key factors for sustainable success,                                                                                                                       different stages and tents showcase hip-hop,
particularly for early stage startups.                                                                                                                               drumʼnʼbass, dancehall and reggae.                                                                                                                                
                                 32   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                           GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 33
MUSIC I JUL 6-8 2018 I COLOGNE                        MUSIC I JUL 20-22 2018 I WEEZE                       AUGUST                                                MUSIC I AUG 9-13 2018 I DREBKAU

SUMMER JAM                                           PAROOKAVILLE                                          MUSIC I AUG 1-4 2018 I LUHMÜHLEN                      WILDE MÖHRE FESTIVAL
One of the biggest European reggae festivals         Germany’s biggest dance festival – with 80,000        A SUMMER‘S TALE                                       The “wild carrot” strives to be a holistic, fair
since 1986 with up to 30,000 visitors. Two           visitors, 200 DJs, 11 stages all in one unique city                                                         and climate-neutral festival, combining bands
stages and two tents are located on an island        comes to life once a year to commemorate its          The idea behind this event is to create a world       and DJs with lectures, spoken word perfo-
at the Frühlinger See, with the camping area         founding father, Bill Parooka.                        of its own, where visitors can experience their       mances, art, film, theater and workshops.
surrounding the lake.                                                        own spectacular and memorable summer tale. It                                                                                           offers a diverse program of cultural, active, and
                                                                                                           creative programs accompanied by local and in-
                                                                                                           ternational artists of all genres amidst deep for-    MUSIC I AUG 15-17 2018 I BERLIN
MUSIC I JUL 13-15 2018 I FERROPOLIS                                                                        ests, earthy moors and airy birch groves.
                                                                                                                                                                 With its program of live concerts, performances,
A flickering sea of lights, pulsating beats, and                                                           MUSIC I AUG 2-4 2018 I DIEPHOLZ                       talks and readings Pop-Kultur shines a light on
beaming faces as far as the eye can see – the                                                                                                                    Berlin’s busy pop scene. It advocates inter-
City of Iron awakens again. Hot newcomers and                                                              APPLETREE GARDEN                                      disciplinary exchange, including contemporary
international heroes grace the stages below                                                                                                                      scientific discourse on music, society and urban
the breathtaking coal mining equipment of                                                                  Taking place on a meadow surrounded by apple          development.
yesteryear.                                                                                                trees, Appletree Garden Festival offers the most                                                                                        hip national and international discoveries in rock,
                                                                                                           indie pop and electro. Having space for about
                                                                                                           5,000 visitors, it’s been sold out for the last       MUSIC I AUG 15-18 2018 I DINKELSBÜHL
MUSIC I JUL 13-15 2018 I BRÜSSOW                                                                           couple of years.
                                                                                                                                 SUMMER BREEZE
                                                                                                                                                                 OPEN AIR
Curated by Ry X and Frank Wiedemann,                                                                       MUSIC I AUG 2-4 2018 I WACKEN
Sacred Ground was born to create an intimate                                                                                                                     With 20 editions so far and for the 13th time
space with a focus on art and music as well as an                                                          WACKEN OPEN AIR                                       in beautiful Dinkelsbuehl in a row already, this
environment supporting togetherness. Artists                                                                                                                     year’s metallic breeze will blow over four days
will come together, share their music and there                                                            With over 80,000 annual attendees, W.O.A is           for around 40,000 attendees.
won’t be a fixed timetable, leaving space for                                                              the world’s largest heavy metal festival. Year
improvisation and collaboration.                                                                           after year, the small village of Wacken in north-                                                                                        ern Germany turns into the “Holy Land of Metal”
                                                                                                           over the course of a weekend.                         MUSIC I AUG 17-19 2018 I GROSSPÖSNA
MUSIC I JUN 20-22 2018 I KARLSRUHE                                                                                                                               HIGHFIELD
DAS FEST                                                                                                   FILM I AUG 9-11 2018 I HALDERN                        With its 25,000 visitors, this three-day festi-
                                                                                                                                                                 val is the biggest indie-rock festival of eastern
DAS FEST, with its 250,000 visitors, is one of                                                             HALDERN POP                                           Germany, near Leipzig on the shores of the
the biggest open-air events in Germany and                                                                                                                       Störmthal lake. It features live performances of
has been held annually since 1985 on the                                                                   With 34 editions so far, Haldern Pop has estab-       national and international acts.
last weekend before the summer break in                                                                    lished itself as the newcomer festival, repeated-
Baden-Württemberg.                                                                                         ly winning awards for its lineup. This non-profit                                                                                             event is also dedicated to promoting the region,
                                                                                                           taking place in a former industrial area afflicted
                                                                                                           by population loss.

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MUSIC I AUG 17-19 2018 I HAMBURG                     MUSIC I AUG 29 - SEP 2 2018 I COLOGNE              SEPTEMBER                                          INTERACTIVE I SEP 26-27 2018 I COLOGNE

MS DOCKVILLE                                         C/O POP FESTIVAL                                   MUSIC I SEP 8-9 2018 I BERLIN                      DIGILITY
MS Dockville is Hamburgʼs famous annual fes-         Five days, over 30,000 visitors, 60 concerts and   LOLLAPALOOZA                                       DIGILITY is the leading B2B conference and
tival for music and art: unique in setting, at-      parties in 30 different locations and around 100                                                      expo on technologies and services for Digital
mosphere, and border-breaking acts. With its         artists from 20 countries: urban and diverse!      BERLIN                                             Realities like AR/VR/MR, 3D and AI in Central
incomparable location near the banks of the                                                                               Europe. With more than 22000 square feet
Elbe river with its ports and dike scenery, the                                                         Berlin got it in 2015: one of the most estab-      exhibition area and more than 1400 attendees
festival has become a home for up to 25,000                                                             lished and reputable festival brands worldwide.    from all over the world, the 2nd edition in July
visitors each day who rediscover old loves and       MUSIC I AUG 30-31 2018 I COLOGNE                   Lollapalooza Berlin has grown into the biggest     2017 surpassed all expectations.
discover soon to be new favorite bands.                                                                 German inner-city open-air festival with over                                   C/O POP CONVENTION                                 70,000 visitors a day.
                                                     International experts and decision-makers share                                                       INTERACTIVE I SEP 26-29 2018 I COLOGNE
INTERACTIVE I AUG 21-25 2018 I COLOGNE               and discuss with industry visitors ways in which
                                                     the music industry can successfully be linked      INTERACTIVE I SEP 12-13 2018 I COLOGNE             PHOTOKINA
GAMESCOM                                             with other business sectors.
                                                                     DMEXCO                                             photokina is the world’s leading show of the
The world's largest event for computer and                                                                                                                 imaging industry. In 2016 983 companies
video games attracted 355,000 attendees                                                                 dmexco is the global business and innovation       from 42 countries inspired 190,000 imaging
in 2017. More than 919 companies from 54             MUSIC I AUG - SEP 2018 I RUHR DISTRICT             platform for the digital economy with more         professionals, enthusiasts and traders that
countries presented myriad novelties to trade                                                           than 40,700 visitors and over 1,100 exhibitors     came to Cologne.
visitors and gaming fans.                           RUHRTRIENNALE                                       from all over the world who came to Cologne                                                                                         in September 2017.
                                                     Music, dance, theater, performance and fine
                                                     arts in the former industrial buildings of the                                                        INTERACTIVE I SEP 30 - OCT 2 2018 I MUNICH
FILM I AUG 22 - SEP 9 2018 I LUDWIGSHAFEN            Ruhr Area: that’s the Ruhrtriennale. Over
                                                     50,000 visitors, 200 different events and          MUSIC I SEP 19-22 2018 I HAMBURG                   BITS & PRETZELS
FESTIVAL OF                                          around 900 artists from all over the world –
                                                     make this an incomparable event in a region        REEPERBAHN FESTIVAL                                Bits & Pretzels has rapidly grown into the big-
GERMAN FILM                                          that was once better known for coal and steel.                                                        gest international startup event in Germany
                                                                          Reeperbahn Festival is Germany’s largest club      with participants from all over the world.
The Festival of German Film is held in a park                                                           festival and one of the most important meet-       Under the theme “from founders for founders,”
on the banks of the Rhine in Ludwigshafen. Its                                                          ing places for the music and creative digital      famous entrepreneurs and young ambitious
aim is to promote high valuable new German                                                              industries in Europe. A special format named       startup and tech enthusiasts meet in Munich
films. In 2017, more than 102,000 visitors were                                                         “Wunderkinder” introduces special emerging         to share and discuss experiences and trends.
welcomed.                                                                                               German talents.                                                                                     

MUSIC I FILM I AUG 22-25 2018 I COLOGNE                                                                 INTERACTIVE I SEP 20-21 2018 I HAMBURG

SOUNDTRACK_COLOGNE                                                                                      NEXT CONFERENCE
This is the largest German congress for music                                                           NEXT is the event for those who actively par-
and sound in film, games and media, and a                                                               ticipate in shaping the digital transformation.
source of inspiration on the growing landscape                                                          Marketing and product leaders, digital economy
of festivals and congresses across Europe.                                                              executives, innovative corporations and start-                                                                                ups join NEXT for inspiration and networking.

                                36   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                   GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 37
OCTOBER                                                FILM I OCT 29 - NOV 4 2018 I LEIPZIG                 NOVEMBER                                             FEBRUARY
FILM I OCT 5-12 2018 I COLOGNE                         DOK LEIPZIG                                          MUSIC I NOV 9-10 2018 I WANGELS                       FILM I FEBRUARY 2019 I BERLIN

FILM FESTIVAL                                          The International Leipzig Festival for Documen-      ROLLING STONE                                        INTERNATIONALE
                                                       tary and Animated Film is one of the leading
COLOGNE                                                international festivals for artistic documentary     WEEKENDER                                            FILMFESTSPIELE
                                                       and animated film as well as interactive story-
Since 1991 this has been one of Europe’s               telling. Founded in 1955, DOK Leipzig is the old-    Set in the beautiful surroundings of a holiday       BERLIN – BERLINALE
leading festivals for extraordinary television         est documentary festival in the world and this       resort at the Baltic coast with apartments,
and independent film culture, offering screen-         year celebrates its 61. anniversary.                 hotel rooms, restaurants and bars, Rolling Stone     The Berlinale is a great cultural event for both
ings, workshops and lectures by internationally                                   Weekender combines the fun part of a festi-          the international film industry and cineasts,
renowned guest speakers.                                                                                    val with the recreational pleasures of a short       with more than 334,000 tickets sold every year.                                                                                    vacation. The shows take place indoors on            Over 21,000 industry visitors and 3,700 journal-
                                                       FILM I OCTOBER 2018 I BAD WÖRRISHOFEN                three stages and several unexpected floors.          ists from 127 countries focus on art, glamour,
                                                                                                                          parties, and business which are all inextricably
INTERACTIVE I OCT 10-14 2018 I                        GAY SUMMIT CLUB                                                                                            linked at the Berlinale.
                                                      ALLGÄU                                                INTERACTIVE I NOVEMBER 2018 I POTSDAM
                                                       GSC-Filmfest is showing gay-themed films at          CHANGING THE PICTURE                                 INTERACTIVE I FEBRUARY 2019 I MUNICH
THE ARTS+ is the platform that brings together         two historic cinemas in the Bavarian country-
representatives of the culture and creative in-        side. It might be not the biggest, but itʼs one of   This conference, taking place in Germany’s           MUST –
dustries and innovative players from the tech-         the oldest festivals of its kind in Germany. It’s    capital region at the renowned Babelsberg
nology sector. Architects, fashion designers,          usually sold out within a few days.                  Studios in Potsdam showcases the newest              THE MUNICH SUMMIT
photographers, curators and publishers – all                                    applications and expertise for technologies
create and curate unique content that can be                                                                shaping content production and distribution          MUST, initiated by Munichʼs top university cen-
exploited even more effectively through the                                                                 for TV, cinema and the internet.                     ters for entrepreneurship, puts the spotlight on
use of new media. The 2018 edition will focus          MUSIC I OCTOBER 2018 I MUNICH                                          the Bavarian entrepreneurial ecosystem by of-
on the main topic of Cultural Heritage.                                                                                                                          fering different events and connecting the key                                   MANIC STREET                                                                                               players, bringing together cutting-edge science
                                                                                                                                                                 and technology start-ups with industrial leaders
                                                      PARADE                                                                                                     and investors.
FILM I OCT 17-21 2018 I MUNICH                                                                                                                         

                                                       Just like the other big media cities, Munich
                                                       now also has its own club festival. Manic
                                                       Street Parade took place for the first time in
                                                                                                            JANUARY                                              INTERACTIVE I FEBRUARY 2019 I BERLIN
MUNICH (QFFM)                                          2016 in the cityʼs Schlachthofviertel, offering      MUSIC I JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2019 I BERLIN
                                                       a well-chosen line-up of German and interna-                                                              TRANSMEDIALE
QFFM is a five-day event that presents the wide        tional indie acts.                                   CTM FESTIVAL –
range of “queer” cinema to Munich audiences.                           FESTIVAL FOR ADVENTUROUS MUSIC AND ART               transmediale is a Berlin-based festival and
Open to films of all lengths and genres, for                                                                                                                     year-round project that draws new connec-
QFFM it’s essential to actively partner with local                                                          CTM is an international festival dedicated to        tions between art, culture and technology. The
associations and to reach out to the extensive                                                              contemporary electronic, digital and experi-         eventʼs activities aim to foster a critical under-
Munich-based film and media industry, to cul-                                                               mental music as well as a diverse range of ar-       standing of contemporary culture and politics
tural institutions and also to film enthusiasts.                                                            tistic activities in the context of sound and club   that are saturated by media technologies.                                                                                                 cultures.                                  

                                  38   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                       GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 39


VR NOW CON                                           INTERACTIVE I MARCH 2019 I HANNOVER

Explore exciting tech developments, passion-         CEBIT
ate art projects and bold business ideas. VR
Now showcases a mix of regional and interna-         CeBIT is the largest, most international event
tional projects, allowing a deep dive into this      for the digital industry. Its unique combination
new technology and celebrating its greatest          of exhibitions, conferences, keynotes, corporate                                           FIND INFORMATION
advantages with a new VR award.                      events and lounges, make CeBIT the ideal envi-                                                    ON GERMAN                                      ronment for doing business and sealing deals.

                                                     MUSIC I MARCH 2019 I BERLIN                                                   & DELEGATES
                                                     MAERZMUSIK –                                                                                  AT SXSW 2018
SMW hosts annual conferences on six conti-           FESTIVAL FOR TIME ISSUES
nents, one of which is in Hamburg, curating
and sharing insights into how social media is        MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues commits
changing business, society and culture.              itself to exploring the phenomenon of time in                      its sociopolitical, philosophical and artistic di-
                                                     mensions. In spite of the prevailing logic of the
                                                     event, the goal is to deepen experiences, to
                                                     ask questions anew, to develop ideas and to
                                                     facilitate re-encounters across the years.

                                                     INTERACTIVE I MARCH 2019 I HAMBURG

                                                     ONLINE MARKETING
                                                     This conference brings speakers from the in-
                                                     ternational online marketing scene on stage
                                                     where makers, founders and researchers can
                                                     tell their stories.

                                                                                                                                                           FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE
                                                                                                                                                          GERMAN COMPANIES UNDER:

                                40   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                     GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 41
INTERACTIVE, FILM                                      INTERACTIVE                                         INTERACTIVE, STARTUP                               INTERACTIVE, STARTUP

3ST                                                    42DIGITAL                                           ACCENTURE /                                        AICONIX.AI
3st: where design meets content. Three                 42DIGITAL is a leading online marketing agen-       dgroup is a leading consultancy for digital uses AI and Machine Learning in the
managing directors and a team of around 50             cy located in Hamburg and Bremen (Germany).         transformation in Germany and part of Ac-          field of video optimization. Its software enables
designers, film-makers, editors and develop-           42 develops and implements digital marketing        centure. We bring together all the strategic,      the optimal adaptation of content to the needs
ers provide award-winning brand and business           strategies with a focus on search, social and       creative and technology capabilities, the com-     of the target group and increases the rate of
communication. Their shared passion? Multi-            display marketing for international clients. Feel   prehensive experience and the entrepreneurial      clicks.
medial content that people want to share and           free to contact us for a chat about cooperation     mindset needed to transform our clients’ busi-
talk about: at the dinner table, in 280 characters     possibilities.                                      nesses in the digital world.             
or via Vimeo.                                                                                                                                                 Startup Dock
                                                       42DIGITAL GmbH                                      Accenture GmbH/dgroup                              Harburger Schloßstraße 6-12
3st kommunikation GmbH / 3st digital GmbH              Konsul-Smidt-Straße 8p                              Schwerinstraße 22                                  21079 Hamburg
Taunusstraße 59-61                                     28217 Bremen                                        40477, Düsseldorf                                  P +49 40 766 293 680
55118 Mainz                                            P +49 421 59 65 99 00                               P +49 211 495 546 0                      
P +49 6131 49961 0                                     F +49 421 59 65 99 0 80                                            
kontakt@3st-digital                                                ;                                                                                                      Eugen L. Gross,
                                                                                                           Olaf Rotax,                 Aleksander Koleski,
Marcel Teine,                            Stephan Römer,          David Felsmann,
Alex Knaub,                       Jens Brechmann,

INTERACTIVE, STARTUP                                   INTERACTIVE                                         INTERACTIVE                                        INTERACTIVE, STARTUP

42PONIES*                                              48 FORWARD                                          ANYTTHINGABOUT                                     APPINIO

42ponies* is your agency partner for digital           48forward is not just a platform for events         anythingabout offers customizable SaaS             At Appinio, we do real-time market research
communication & social business. 42ponies*             about innovation and future topics, about           Products for Content Aggregation, Curation         via mobile app. We enable companies to get
are true and passionate communications all-            trends and visions. It is a whole community of      and Distribution to create and run Social News-    1000s of answers from specific consumer
rounders – from online marketing to media/             like-minded people and those who are curious,       rooms, Social-Walls, and -Hubs on any device       groups - within minutes and 90% cheaper than
influencer relations to social media to event          curious about the things that will be on our        for brands like Mercedes, Bayer, Bosch, Euro-      traditional market research.
support. Down-to-earth, fast, efficient, fun & as      minds within the upcoming decades.                  wings and more.
a team.                                                                                                                                                       APPINIO GmbH
                                                       48forward                                           anytthingabout GmbH                                Neuer Wall 10
42ponies GmbH                                          Rainer-Werner-Fassbinder-Platz 2                    Brandstwiete 46                                    20354 Hamburg
Werner-Eckert-Str. 4                                   80636 Munich                                        20457 Hamburg                                      P +49 177 96 35 146
81829 Munich                                           P +49 89 21 55 30 37                                P +49 40 226 34 44 90                    
P +49 89 215 410 00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jonathan Kurfess,
                                                       Daniel Fuerg,          Andreas Vill,        
Uli Piesch,                           Fabian Ohrner,
Annabelle Atchison,

                                  42   WUNDERBAR — GERMANY AT SXSW 2018                                                                    GERMANY AT SXSW 2018 — WUNDERBAR 43
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