Page created by Alfredo Wagner
2019-20 Board of Directors                                                          National Center Staff
 Ron Pierce, Chair                     Division Presidents                           Administration
 RSA Consulting Group, LLC             Travis Johnson (SC)*                          Alexander T. Graham
 Business/Industry Representative      FBLA National President                       President & CEO
 Susan Seuferer, Chair-elect           Max Michel (FL)*
 FBLA Adviser                          PBL National President                        Elena Daly
 Chariton High School (IA)                                                           Executive Assistant to CEO
 North Central Region                  Alan Rzepkowski (MD)                          edaly@fbla.org
                                       Professional Division National President
 Jessica DeVaal*                                                                     Ashlee Woodson
 State Chair                           Ex-Officio                                    Sponsors and Partners Coordinator
 North Dakota Career &                 Glenn Morris, Past Chair*                     awoodson@fbla.org
 Technical Education                   State Adviser
 Mountain Plains Region                California PBL (CA)                           Mary Ait
                                       Western Region                                Staff Accountant
 Chris Dzurick                                                                       mait@fbla.org
 State Adviser                         Alexander T. Graham
 Missouri Department of Elementary &   President & CEO                               Colin Murphy
 Secondary Education                   FBLA-PBL                                      Customer Service Associate
 North Central Region                                                                cmurphy@fbla.org
                                       FBLA-PBL is grateful to the leadership
 Kristen Di Stefano                    of the Board in developing the National       Membership
 FBLA Adviser                          Leadership Experience and all FBLA-PBL        Lisa Smothers
 Wasatch High School (UT)              programming.                                  Membership Director
 Western Region                                                                      lsmothers@fbla.org
                                       *We would like to particularly recognize
 Dan Hazlett                           those Board members who have                  Eric Jones
 PBL Adviser                           completed their service as of July 2020:      Membership Services Specialist
 Stanly Community College (NC)                                                       ejones@fbla.org
 Southern Region
                                                                                     Katera Poma
 David Jones                                                                         Membership Services Specialist
 State Adviser                                                                       kpoma@fbla.org
 Maryland FBLA-PBL
 Eastern Region                                                                      Conferences
                                                                                     Robert Smothers
 Jody Jones*                                         Glenn D. Morris (2016-20)       Conference Manager
 State Adviser                                       Served as Past Chair 2019-20    rsmothers@fbla.org
 Florida FBLA-PBL
 Southern Region                                                                     Education
                                                                                     Kelly Scholl
 Bob Kollar                                                                          Education Director
 PBL Adviser                                                                         kscholl@fbla.org
 Duquesne University (PA)
 Eastern Region                                                                      Aric Mills
                                                     Jessica K. DeVaal (2017-20)     Education Associate
 Brenda Merkel                                       Served as Secretary 2019-20     amills@fbla.org
 PBL Adviser
 Presentation College (SD)                                                           Communications
 Mountain Plains Region                                                              Gabrielle Gallagher
                                                                                     Director of Marketing & Communications
 Ryan Paul                                                                           ggallagher@fbla.org
 The Kraft Group
 Business/Industry Representative                                                    Lauren McMahon
                                                                                     Digital Marketing Specialist
 Peter Rustemeyer                                    Jody A. Jones (2017-20)         lmcmahon@fbla.org
 FBLA Adviser
 Hazen High School (WA)                                                              With special appreciation to:
 Western Region                                                                      Carla Boulton
                                                                                     Program Support during NLE

Board Chair Message                  FBLA National Leadership Experience
President & CEO Message              By the Numbers
                                     Regional Meetings
PBL National Leadership Experience   Spirit Week
By the Numbers                       Opening Session
Pre-NLE Events                       Leadership Workshops
Opening Session                      Closing Celebration
Leadership Workshops                 National Honorary Life Members
Closing Celebration                  National Officers
National Officers                    FBLA National Recognitions
PBL National Recognitions            FBLA-ML National Recognitions
PBL Competitive Events Winners       FBLA Competitive Events Winners
                                     FBLA-ML Competitive Events Winners
KPMG Takeover and Internship Panel
Tallo Digital Badge                  Event Sponsor Recognition
                                     Event Vendor Recognition
                                     2020-21 Theme
A Message from FBLA-PBL Board Chair, Ron Pierce

                             Dear FBLA-PBL Members,
                             Advisers, and Friends,
                             This spring, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced our nation to come
                             to an abrupt halt, the FBLA-PBL Board of Directors had to make a
                             decision about the capstone of our membership year—the National
                             Leadership Conference. As with any business decision, we weighed
                             our options, consulted our stakeholders, and ultimately decided that
                             our members deserved to be recognized for their efforts throughout
                             the program year. As such, we introduced the National Leadership
                             Experience (NLE). Although many state FBLA-PBL organizations
                             quickly stood up successful online conferences, we were not entirely
                             sure how the NLE would be received.

                             I am pleased to share that there were more than 10,000 attendees
                             representing middle school, high school, and collegiate members.
                             During the month of June, they competed, networked, and celebrated.
                             Our volunteer leadership and National Center staff coordinated
                             leadership workshops, general sessions, and the needs of thousands
                             of competitors. Meanwhile, our talented national officers exceeded
                             all expectations by creating opportunities for engagement including
                             student led roundtable discussions, networking panels, and regional
                             meetings. And if that is not impressive enough, our national partners
                             and sponsors rallied and continued to financially support the
                             competitive events and provide customized content just for NLE
          Ronald W. Pierce
      FBLA-PBL Board Chair   So, what does all this say about FBLA-PBL? It says that we are a
                             resilient, courageous community of leaders. It is inspiring to witness
                             our indispensable chapter advisers go above and beyond to support
                             their students and make the National Leadership Experience a reality.

                             Thank you for being the best of the best.

                             I wish you good health and a summer season filled with family, friends,
                             and new adventures.
A Message from FBLA-PBL President/CEO, Alexander T. Graham

                              Dear FBLA-PBL Members,
                              Advisers, and Friends,
                              When the decision was made to create an online event, we intention-
                              ally made a small, but meaningful, change: the National Leadership
                              Conference became the National Leadership Experience.

                              The reason for this was that first, and foremost, to replicate the “NLC”
                              the finale of our FBLA-PBL program year, to the same conference
                              online would be impossible. We intentionally developed content to
                              enable our members to seize a world of opportunity to explore, expe-
                              rience, and engage to meet them where they are. These are the core
                              membership themes of our three student divisions, and seize it, you

                              This special edition of Tomorrow’s Business Leader celebrates the NLE,
                              from all-member events leading up to our online gathering, to the in-
                              spirational keynotes, to the welcoming of our new National Officers, to
                              announcement of all our national recognitions and competitive events

                              We are committed to continue the nurturing of this direct engage-
                              ment as we begin a new program year. We are rapidly upgrading our
                              ability to deliver robust materials and programming for all our divisions
                              while looking for new opportunities to help our student members
        Alexander T. Graham
    FBLA-PBL President/CEO    No matter what challenges like ahead, FBLA-PBL is here for you. The
                              best is yet to come!
PBL National Leadership Experience

    PBL NLE                       PBL
    BY THE NUMBERS                PRE-NLE EVENTS

                                  STATE OFFICER
                                  On June 8, State Officers from across the
                                  country joined the National Officers in a
     Registered Attendees         roundtable to network, share ideas, and
                                  meet lifelong friends.

 952            Competitors
                                  NETWORKING SESSION
                                  It is often said that it’s not what you know,
                                  it’s who you know – PBL members ex-

                                  panded their network by attending this
               National           session on June 9, meeting members
                                  from all different types of backgrounds!

 6     Pre-NLE Events

  8       Leadership
          (Plus access to an
          additional 200+ hours
                                   Check out this video on building a
                                   comprehensive LinkedIn profile!

          of TEAMTRI content)
In the weeks leading up to the core NLE events, the PBL National Officer team spearheaded
additional programming to keep members engaged in learning and networking.

INDUSTRY                                          CREATING YOUR
PROFESSIONALS Q&A                                 PERSONAL BRAND &
From government relations to social media
and marketing, professional business
                                                  THE SUCCESS OF YOU
                                                  In the age of instant
leaders participated in a panel discussion
                                                  information, you have a
with PBL members on June 11.
                                                  platform to share your
                                                  voice and success story
Panelists included:
                                                  with millions of people
                                                  within minutes. In this
Mrs. Kelsey Lehtomaa Frouge
                                                  June 16 workshop,
Managing Partner, Conversa
                                                  USA TODAY Digital
                                                  Marketing Expert and
Mr. Robert Kollar
                                                  Gen Z Life Coach, Mr.
Assistant Professor of Accounting,
                                                  Brandon Griffin shared
Duquesne University
                                                  steps you can take
                                                  to create your personal brand, grow your
Mr. Ryan Paul
                                                  influence, and amplify The Success Story of
Director of Digital Content and Strategy,
The Kraft Group
                                                  Watch this session by clicking here.
Mr. Ron Pierce has been on the forefront
President/CEO, RSA Consulting Group

                                                  RECOGNITION RALLY
                                                  Before the transition to the new officer team
RESUME & COVER                                    structure,the PBL Regional Vice-Presidents
LETTER INSIGHTS &                                 took time to recognize the accomplishments
                                                  of their regions! From membership awards to
FEEDBACK                                          recruitment awards, this June 19 year in review
In the weeks ahead of NLE, students sub-          celebrated state and local chapters.
mitted their resumes to be reviewed and
consulted on by working professionals and         Watch the recognition rally by clicking here.
hiring managers.
PBL National Leadership Experience

          On June 24, the NLE officially kicked off       candidate through their campaign speeches.
          with the Opening Session. Attendees joined      The highlight of the opening session was the
          the 2019-20 for the FBLA-PBL creed,             keynote address presented by J. J. Ament
          recognized the resiliency of the organization   CEO of Metro Denver Economic
          with words from FBLA-PBL President &            Development Corporation and Former
          CEO Alex Graham, and looked ahead to            FBLA National President. J. J. spoke about
          the future with FBLA-PBL Board Chair Ron        the value of free enterprise and how being
          Pierce.                                         community-minded business leaders gives
                                                          PBL members the edge.
          The 2020-21 National Officer candidates
          were introduced and attendees had the           Watch the keynote address here!
          opportunity to learn more about each

                             PBL NLE Keynote Speaker

                                                              No matter your background
                                                              or identity—rural farm
                                                              country or urban centers on
                                                              a coast—regardless of skin
                                                              colors, accents in speech or
                                                              faiths, PBL teaches about the
                                                              freedom in free enterprise:
                                                              the most powerful force for
                                                              good our planet has ever
                                                              known ... will you empower
                                                              those who divide or will you,
                                                              with grace and compassion,
                                                              lead through your careers
                                                              and bring colleagues with
                                                              different points of view
                                         J. J. Ament          together?
CEO, Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation
                      Former FBLA National President
                                            MINUTES (and counting...)
Leadership. Communication. Career.          OF LEADERSHIP CONTENT
PBL in Action.
                                            LOGGED BY PBL ATTENDEES!
These four topic areas guided the
NLE Leadership Content Workshops
presented by TEAMTRI. Using a self-
paced platform, attendees discovered
how to effectively communicate and
develop meaningful relationships, how           PBL NLE
to distinguish themselves as outstanding
employeeswith strong leadership skills,
and how to get the most out of the PBL          Did you miss part of the NLE general
experiences.                                    sessions? Click below for highlights!
                                                Videos are available until July 25, 2020
NLE attendees now have access to 200+
hours of additional leadership content          PBL Opening Remarks - Alex Graham
provided by TEAMTRI, simply log-in              PBL Opening Remarks - Ron Pierce
using your NLE credentials between now          Keynote - J. J. Ament
and July 25.                                    PBL Adviser Tribute
                                                PBL Year in Review
                                                Announcement of New PBL Officers

 The PBL NLE concluded with a
 memorable closing celebration featuring
 remarks from the 2019-20 National
 Officer Team, national recognitions, the
 announcement of the 2020-21 FBLA-PBL
 theme (Aspire), and the results of the
 2020-21 National Officer Elections.
Meet the 2020-21 PBL National Officers

                 ELLIE MURPHY (IL)
                 NATIONAL PRESIDENT
                 Ellie Murphy is a rising senior at Olivet Nazarene University double majoring
                 in International Business and Political Science with a minor in Spanish. As an
                 FBLA-PBL member of almost 8 years, Ellie has held leadership positions on
                 the local, state, and national levels. Ellie currently serves as her local chapter
                 President and Illinois Phi Beta Lambda State President. This past year, she
                 had the opportunity to serve as your North Central Region Vice President.
                 Chairing the Awards and Recognition committee, her team worked to
                 redefine the regional award rallies to ensure a chapter would be recognized
                 for their accomplishments, regardless of size.

                 LINDSEY ELIAS (NC)
                 Lindsey Elias is a senior at Western Carolina University with a double major
                 in Accounting and Finance with a double concentration in Financial Planning
                 and Banking & Corporate Finance. She has held several positions within her
                 chapter such as Parliamentarian and Scheduling and Coordinator Director
                 as well as Chapter President from Spring 2018 to Spring of 2019. Then
                 she successfully ran and won State President for North Carolina Phi Beta
                 Lambda. She was the Professional Division Scholarship Recipient for the
                 2019-2020 award year.

                 MADDY REMINGTON (TX)
                 Maddy is a dedicated member of Phi Beta Lambda committed to ensuring
                 each member of PBL has an abundance of resources and opportunities.
                 Maddy is a sophomore studying Political Science and Communications.
                 She has been a member of FBLA-PBL for four years and is serving as the
                 Texas PBL VP of Communications for the 2020-2021 school year. She was a
                 part of the PBL National Awards & Recognition Committee in the 2019-2020
                 year and she also served in various FBLA leadership roles including FBLA
                 Mountain Plains Region VP throughout her high school career.
Andre Davis is a junior studying business at the University of Kansas.
This will be Andre’s third year being involved in Phi Beta Lambda. He has
held two leadership positions on the local level: president and treasurer.
Andre placed 2nd at state in one of his events to qualify for nationals as a
freshman. Andre’s team competed in and won the National Stock Market
Game during the same school year. When Andre is not competing, he likes
to organize fundraising events, do community service and spend time with
friends and family.

Going into his 8th year with FBLA-PBL, Isaac is a senior at the Milwaukee
School of Engineering in Wisconsin, with a major in Actuarial Science and
minors in both Business Administration and Finance. Throughout his FBLA-
PBL career, Isaac has held many offices on the chapter level, as well as
State VP of Communication and later State VP of Events for Wisconsin
PBL, and a national committee role for PBL. In FBLA, Isaac achieved 8th in
Entrepreneurship and later 1st in Network Design at Illinois's SLC. In PBL, he
has collected nine 1st's at Wisconsin's SLC, as well as 8th in Future Business
Executive at NLC.

Kelly is a graduate student at Florida International University, pursuing a
Master of Science in Finance. This is Kelly’s 8th year in FBLA-PBL and she
is eager to serve out her term as a national officer. Kelly truly believes in
FBLA-PBL and its ability to prepare members. She has served as VP in her
FBLA chapter, and Chapter President and VP of Membership in her PBL
chapter, as State President of Florida PBL and currently serves as their
State Secretary. During her tenure in the organization, she looks forward to
creating more value for all members by building on the positive experiences
in FBLA-PBL, and uniting chapters and members working towards common
goals. Her ultimate goals are to create a lasting, positive experience on
members and encourage them to take advantage of every opportunity that
is presented.
PBL National Recognitions

Career and Membership Achievement Program (CMAP)
The Career and Membership Achievement Program (CMAP) is a comprehensive leadership
and membership recognition program for college students. It utilizes PBL projects, goals, and
programs to help college students develop their leadership and job skills, with a special emphasis
on career development and preparation for the world of work.

  Congratulations to the 2020 CMAP President Winners!
                                     Justin Vansickle, AR
                                      Sandra Mercer, GA
                                    Ashley Stephens, GA
                                     Tamika Williams, GA
                                    Ashley Halstead, GA
                                       Susie Berry, GA
                                    Allison Railsback, KS
                                   Aaron Katzenberger, NC

  Who’s Who
  This award honors exemplaryPBL members who have made outstanding contributions to the
  association at the local, state, and national levels.

                      Keenan Carter, Auburn University Montgomery, AL
                         Josephine Vidal, Central Arizona College, AZ
                       Shibani Lal, University of Arkansas Little Rock, AR
                            Max Michel, Florida State University, FL
                    Ronald Greene, Central Georgia Technical College, GA
                      Kenyatta Nyirenda, Butler Community College, KS
                       Emily Kuderer, Northern Kentucky University, KY
                Sabrina Reeves, SOWELA Technical Community College, LA
                    Hannah Stokes, East Central Community College, MS
                          Gavin Arnold, Truman State University, MO
                    Hunter Bergman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
                              Melissa Baroni, Kean University, NJ
               Christopher McDuff, Durham Technical Community College, NC
                           Jodi Spangler, Minot State University, ND
                           Timothy McLaughlin, Bryant University, RI
                         Tyler Smith, San Jacinto College-Central, TX
                Karen Yang, Walla Walla Community College Clarkston, WA
PBL Outstanding Chapters
PBL Chapters must complete 15 membership, community service, and education activities.

                       Auburn University - Montgomery, AL
                 Southern Union State Community College, AL
                     South Arkansas Community College, AR
                           Central Arizona College, AZ
                         Columbus Technical College, GA
                North Georgia Technical College - Blairsville, GA
               South Georgia Technical College - Americus, GA
                              Thomas College, ME
                     Southeast Missouri State University, MO
            Asheville - Buncombe Technical Community College, NC
                   Durham Technical Community College, NC
                             Peru State College, NE
                              Penn State - York, PA
                         Austin Peay State University, TN
                                Snow College, UT
                          Buckley Business College, VA
                           Virginia State University, VA

PBL Outstanding Local Chapter Advisers
                      Linda Friedel, Central Arizona College, AZ
                  Joanne Muniz, Webber International University, FL
                 Joey Sanders, West Georgia Technical College, GA
                      Letiicia Rust, Emporia State University, KS
      April Harris, Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College, KY
            Angela Butler, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, MS
                     Courtney Pham, Missouri State University, MO
                    Lorrie Mowry, McCook Community College, NE
                         Sean Bips, Ocean County College, NJ
           Dr. Latonya Steele, Durham Technical Community College, NC
                         Gary Ross, Minot State University, ND
             Damon Gray, Montgomery County Community College, PA
                 Sherilyn Reynolds, San Jacinto College--Central, TX
               Allen Montgomery, Bridge Valley South Charleston, WV
PBL National Recognitions

MEMBERSHIP AWARDS                                      Scholarships
 State Recruitment of Chapters                          Distinguished Business Leader
                                                             Madelyn Remington (TX)
 Pennsylvania—4 chapters

 Largest State Chapter
 Arkansas—473 members

 Largest Local Chapter Membership
 Arkansas State University, Arkansas—177

 Largest Increase in State Chapter Membership
 Puerto Rico—44

 Largest State Chapter – Professional Division
 North Carolina—143 members

 Largest PBL Local Chapter – Professional Division
 North Arkansas College — 22 members

   March of Dimes
                  2019-20 Top Fundraising March for Babies PBL States
                  Georgia $4,520
                  Alabama $2,378
                  New York $676

                  2019-20 Top Fundraising March for Babies PBL Chapters
                  University of Pittsburgh (PA) $4,087
                  South Georgia Technical College-Americus (GA) $1,541
                  Southern Union State Community College (AL) $1,132

                  Grant Recipients
                  Georgia PBL, $2,500
PBL Competitive Events Winners

 The PBL National Awards Program recognizes excellence in a number of business and ca-
 reer-related areas. PBL competitive events also prepare college students for the workforce by
 expanding their classroom experience with real-world scenarios.

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                             CYBER SECURITY
Sponsored by KPMG                                                 1. Zhudong Qiu, California PBL Virtual Chapter, CA
1. Luke Rodriguez, Texas A&M University, TX                       2. Mingshi Song, Laney College, CA
2. Qianru Wang, California PBL Virtual Chapter, CA                3. Brett Diedrich, Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI
3. Ashley Garber, University of Texas at Dallas, TX               4. Nancy Ramirez, Peru State College, NE
4. Karisya Moran-Adames,                                          5. Kyler Nelson, Snow College, UT
    University of Florida - Gainesville, FL                       6. Zenobia Smith, Columbus Technical College , GA
5. Kaylee Payne, Southeastern Illinois College, IL                7. Angelo LaRocca, Cornell University, NY
6. Jenny Beans                                                    8. Steven Cook,
   University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE                             Tulsa Community College - Metro Campus, OK
7. Hayden Fanning, Southern Arkansas University, AR               9. Alexander Schmidt, Keystone College, PA
8. Logan O’Donnell, University of Central Arkansas, AR            10. Breanna Nichols, North Arkansas College, AR
9. Robert Woodson
   Montgomery County Community College, PA                        ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONCEPTS
10. Sandra Martin                                                 1.. Kyle Caruso, West Liberty University, WV
   West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA            2. Haley Madakunis
                                                                      Southwestern Oklahoma State University, OK
COMPUTER CONCEPTS                                                 3. Collin Hlad, West Liberty University, WV
1. Christopher Bakhos, Cornell University, NY                     4. David Weidler, Dakota State University, SD
2. Jose Guevara, Barton College, NC                               5. Madonna Duncan
3. Joshua Navin, Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI                  Walla Walla Community College - Clarkston, WA
4. Dylan Burr                                                     6. Tyler Hunt, Barton College, NC
   Missouri University of Science and Technology, MO              7. Justin Wilcher, Mississippi University for Women, MS
5. Conner Snyder                                                  8. Tyler Smith, San Jacinto College Central, TX
   Indiana University - Kelley School of Business, IN             9. Emily Eggar, York College, NE
6. Isrrael Jimenez, Missouri State University - West Plains, MO   10. Nathan Hooper, Southwest Baptist University, MO
7. Breanna Nichols, North Arkansas College, AR
8. Makayla Chen, Southwest Baptist University, MO                 FINANCIAL CONCEPTS
9. Gamaliel Montero Alcaraz                                       1. Trevor Lockard, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
   University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE                          2. Carl Baab, University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
10. Will Clayton, South Arkansas Community College, AR            3. Derek Johnson, University of Central Arkansas, AR
                                                                  4. Joanna Graham, Southern Arkansas University, AR
CONTEMPORARY SPORTS ISSUES                                        5. Luke Rodriguez, Texas A&M University, TX
1. Garrett Catron, University of Missouri - Columbia, MO          6. Alex Herrera , University of Missouri - Columbia, MO
2. Thomas Devito, University of South Florida, FL                 7. Haley Madakunis
3. Cameron Callahan, East Carolina University, NC                    Southwestern Oklahoma State University, OK
4. Amy Slagel, West Virginia University John Chambers, WV         8. Dinesh Pandian, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
5. Tyler Gum, University of Central Arkansas, AR                  9. Ayden Richards, University of Utah, UT
6. Daryl Oliver, Sowela Technical Community College, LA           10. Juan Jose Arias-Mondragon , Loras College, IA
7. Dakota Cartwright, College of the Ozarks, MO
8. William Ellwanger, Northern State University, SD
9. Megan Pankow, St Norbert College, WI
10. Brandyn Quinonez, Arizona State University, AZ
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT                                         MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS
1. Margarita Bellon, Florida International University, FL      1. Holly Johnson, Barton College, NC
2. Rebecca Whittaker, Butler Community College, KS             2. Trevor Lockard, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
3. Lianne Montenegro, Florida International University, FL     3. Rachael Parks,
4. Joseph Nassiri, Cornell University, NY                      West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
5. Nathan Hooper, Southwest Baptist University, MO             4. Iffat Memon, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign, IL
6. Ahad Sanjrani, Arkansas State University, AR                5. Sheila Presley, Pikes Peak Community College, CO
7. Jonathan Haroldsen, Utah State University, UT               6. Karisya Moran-Adames, University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
8. Lindsay Hemann, College of the Ozarks, MO                   7. Nathan Cox, Isothermal Community College, NC
9. Janthinee Bard, Emporia State University KS                 8. James Vitkuske, Ocean County College, NJ
10. Evan Gnott                                                 9. Benjamin Simon, University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
   Indiana University - Kelley School of Business, IN          10. Abbigail Hicks, Arkansas State University, AR

INSURANCE CONCEPTS                                             MARKETING CONCEPTS
1. Salem Karren, Utah State University, UT                     Sponsored by Facebook Education
2. Emily Kuderer, Northern Kentucky University, KY             1. Holly Johnson, Barton College, NC
3. Kenneth Erickson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE      2. Dinesh Pandiann, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
4. Katherine Klemetsrud, Minot State University, ND            3. Alex Pike, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, OK
5. Jennifer Nelson, Barton College, NC                         4. Amy Slagel, West Virginia University John Chambers, WV
6. Nancy Sanchez-Renggli                                       5. Garrett Catron, University of Missouri - Columbia, MO
   Walla Walla Community College - Clarkston, WA               6. Jacia Christiansen, Dakota State University, SD
7. Bobbi Johnson                                               7. Treaver Woehr, Missouri State University, MO
   Des Moines Area Community College, IA                       8. Alexis Begger, Presentation College, SD
8. Trinity McReynolds                                          9. Nicole Clark, Colorado Mesa University, CO
   Southeastern Oklahoma State University, OK                  10. Kyle Fullerton, Penn State - York, PA
9. Robert Colligan, Wilkes University, PA
10. Kathy Hays, Murray State College, OK                       MICROECONOMICS
                                                               1. Carl Baab, University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION                                         2. Thomas Devito, University of South Florida, FL
1. Ellie Murphy, Olivet Nazarene University, IL                3. David Peck
2. Arya Shoa, University of Kentucky, KY                         Asheville - Buncombe Technical Community College, NC
3. Ashley Garber, University of Texas at Dallas, TX            4. Corinne Burk, San Jacinto College Central, TX
4. Kim Green, Durham Technical Community College, NC           5. Autumn Rowe, Southern Arkansas University, AR
5. Stephany Tejera, Miami Dade College - North, FL             6. Lexi Johns, Penn State University - Schuylkill Campus, PA
6. William Finelli, East Carolina University, NC               7. Durward Noonen, Diablo Valley College, CA
7. April Blakely, Columbus Technical College, GA               8. Robert Woodson
8. Joseph Nassiri, Cornell University, NY                         Montgomery County Community College, PA
9. Mariah Behrns, Seward County Community College, KS          9. Dylan Bailey
10. Lindsey Newman, Emporia State University, KS                  West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
                                                               10. Rosendo Guajardo, San Jacinto College Central, TX
1. Durward Noonen, Diablo Valley College, CA
                                                               NETWORKING CONCEPTS
2. Brian Delgado, Miami Dade College - North, FL
                                                               1. Angelo LaRocca, Cornell University, NY
3. Iryna Vasko, Hillsborough Community College, FL
                                                               2. Charles Lucas
4. Jaime Jimenez
                                                                  Durham Technical Community College, NC
   Miami Dade College - Padron Campus, FL
                                                               3. Isrrael Jimenez
5. Corinne Burk , San Jacinto College Central, TX
                                                                  Missouri State University - West Plains, MO
6. William Finelli, East Carolina University, NC
                                                               4. Jasmine Puebla
7. Sayvon Jarrett
                                                                  Oklahoma Panhandle State University, OK
   West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
                                                               5. Maxfield Carpenter
8. David Babajanian, University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
                                                                  Durham Technical Community College, NC
9. Kimberly Frey, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
                                                               6. Margarita Bellon, Florida International University, FL
10. Kyle McElyea, Illinois Central College, IL
                                                               7. Joshua Montgomery
                                                                  Northeast Mississippi Community College, MS
                                                               8. Zachary Keller, Minot State University, ND
                                                               9. Amanda Blanton|
                                                                  Oklahoma Panhandle State University, OK
                                                               10. Yufan Liu, California PBL Virtual Chapter, CA
1. Alex Young, Arkansas State University, AR               1. Arya Shoa, University of Kentucky, KY
2. Kelsi Leininger, Peru State College, NE                 2. Brittany Zipovsky, Bloomsburg University, PA
3. Justin Payne, Belmont Abbey College, NC                 3. David Babajanian, University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
4. Iffat Memon                                             4. Justin Payne, Belmont Abbey College, NC
   University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign, IL           5. Rachael Parks
5. Angelia Ashberger                                          West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
   Missouri State University - West Plains, MO             6. Jeremy Leon, College of the Canyons, CA
6. Nick Gallant, Florida Gulf Coast University, FL         7. Carolina Taylor, Emporia State University, KS
7. Kyle Fullerton, Penn State - York, PA                   8. Sam Baumbach, Southeast Missouri State University, MO
8. Blake Blanton, Arizona State University, AZ             9. Ashli Becker, Peru State College, NE
9. Emily Johnson                                           10. Kylee Carpenter, Park University, MO
   State University of New York at Fredonia, NY
10. Lindsey Newman, Emporia State University, KS           SPORTS MANAGEMENT & MARKETING
                                                           1. Christopher Chamorro, Florida International University, FL
PERSONAL FINANCE                                           2. Vincent Limon, Temple University, PA
1. Brady Przymus, University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE    3. Tyler Gum, University of Central Arkansas, AR
2. Rebecca Whittaker, Butler Community College, KS         4. Sean Rent, University of South Florida, FL
3. Grace Kinder                                            5. Treaver Woehr, Missouri State University, MO
   West Virginia University John Chambers, WV              6. Daryl Oliver, Sowela Technical Community College, LA
4. Ariel Fowler                                            7. Alex Pike, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, OK
   North Arkansas College, AR                              8, Gabe Arzuaga, Hillsborough Community College, FL
5. Ayden Richards, University of Utah, UT                  9. Dakota Cartwright, College of the Ozarks, MO
6. Kelly Fuerte, Florida International University, FL      10. Megan Pankow, St Norbert College, WI
7. Tanner Abbott, Missouri State University, MO
8. Isaac Wiegand, Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI      STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
9. Emily Sorensen, Utah State University, UT               1. Megan McCann, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
10. Lauren Mitchell, Southern Arkansas University, AR      2. Salem Karren, Utah State University, UT
                                                           3. Kenneth Erickson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS                                       4. Helen Nguyen, Broward College, FL
1. Quynh Ho, Arkansas State University, AR                 5. Lexi Johns, Penn State University - Schuylkill Campus, PA
2. Sandra Mercer                                           6. Brittany Zipovsky, Bloomsburg University, PA
   West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA     7. Nauman Jiwani, Arkansas State University, AR
3. Blake Robinett, Southwest Baptist University, MO        8. Evan Gnott, Indiana University - Kelley School of Business, IN
4. Andrew Rotert, Dakota State University, SD              9. Andrew Kelley, University of North Alabama, AL
5. Katherine Rexroad                                       10. Kyle Conner, Southern Arkansas University, AR
West Virginia University John Chambers, WV
6. Mingshi Song, Laney College, CA
7. Christopher Bakhos, Cornell University, NY
8. Benjamin Kraft, Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI
9. Noah Terrell
   Durham Technical Community College, NC
10. Michelle Chen, Southwest Baptist University, MO

1. Joanna Graham, Southern Arkansas University, AR
2. Enrique Torres, Miami Dade College - North, FL
3. Jared Tobler, LDS Business College, UT
4. Harshini Vivek, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
5. Ashley Rietcheck, Emporia State University, KS
6. Rachel Ralfs, Southeast Missouri State University, MO
7. Trevis McCullough
   Wake Technical Community College NC
8. Marjorie Dutra, LDS Business College, UT
9. Gabbie Thompson
   Indiana University - Kelley School of Business, IN
10. Marc Yeager, Bloomsburg University, PA
                                                                      PRESENTATION EVENTS
    OBJECTIVE TEST EVENTS                                         BUSINESS ETHICS
ACCOUNTING FOR PROFESSIONALS                                      1. Jason Cardone, Rochelle Jeanmenne
1. Valerie Steppel, Duquesne University, PA                          Penn State - York, PA
2. Linh Le, Minot State University, ND                            2. Shaobo Hu, Xianyang Li, Yushi Zhou
3. Emily Kuderer, Northern Kentucky University, KY                   California PBL Virtual Chapter, CA
4. Shane Sazzman, University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE           3. Fanyu Cao, Xinhao Chen, Junda Chen
5. Carmen Pages, Miami Dade College - North, FL                      California PBL Virtual Chapter, CA
6. Tricianna Salmon, Florida International University, FL         4. Preston Crump, Cole Wilson, Kain Borman
7. Ben Wilson, Western Carolina University, NC                       Georgetown College, KY
8. Candace Benoit, Sowela Technical Community College, LA         5. Bailey Dunn, Hailey Hawkins, Ashley Watson
9. Katelyn Schlesselman, University of Central Missouri, MO          Arkansas State University, AR
10. Sheila Presley, Pikes Peak Community College, CO              6. Ahrielah Marshall, Zacchaeus Smith
ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNOLOGY                                            Copiah - Lincoln Community College, MS
1. Michaela Forkenbrock, Emporia State University, KS             7. Tammie Jude-Reiche, Barton College, NC
2. Heather Bowman, Isothermal Community College, NC               8. Ariel Fowler, Jonathan Stone, North Arkansas College, AR
3. Sheyann Mathias, Heartland Community College, IL               9. Mitchell Miles, Snow College, UT
4. Mallory Westerman, Southeast Missouri State University, MO     10. Nikki Holthaus, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
5. Grace Still, College of the Ozarks, MO
6. Tyler Blickley, Bloomsburg University, PA                      BUSINESS LAW
7. Jamie Pogue, East Central Community College, MS                1. Caleb McGrew, Beth Fortner
8. Taylor Shellenberger, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE        East Central Community College, MS
9. Amanda Payne, Mid - Plains Community College, NE               2. Natasha Haslam, Landon Haslam, Andrea Seager
10. Joshua Montgomery                                                University of Utah, UT
   Northeast Mississippi Community College, MS                    3. Jenny Beans, University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE
                                                                  4. Chris Abumohor, Faizan Jetpurwala
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION                                               San Jacinto College South, TX
1. Samuel Oliver Jr., Columbus Technical College, GA              5. Brantley Brister, Tristan Jaudon, Thomas McInnis
2. Iryna Vasko, Hillsborough Community College, FL                   Copiah - Lincoln Community College, MS
3. Karah Lundy                                                    6. Sophy Silva, University of Missouri - Columbia, MS
   Mississippi Gulf Coast Com. College - Perkinston, MS           7. Samar Brown, Daniel Thrash
4. Hayley Michael, Missouri PBL Virtual Chapter , MO                 Southern Regional Technical College - Thomasville, GA
5. Kolbe McQuaid, Belmont Abbey College, NC                       8. Julia Hudspeth, Tyrell Andrews, Kristina Garlington
6. Shannon Weeks, Colorado Mesa University, CO                       Arkansas State University, AR
7. Cameron Hill, Southeastern Illinois College, IL
8. Lindsay Hemann, College of the Ozarks, MOi                     BUSINESS PRESENTATION
9. Heather Guidry                                                 1. Sabrina Kilo, Carmen Pages
   Walla Walla Community College - Clarkston, WA                     Miami Dade College - North, FL
10. Priscilla Castillo, Central Christian College of Kansas, KS   2. Taylor O’Brien, York College, NE
                                                                  3. Hannah Drew, Sheridan Johnson, Marcedez Jones
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS                                                Copiah - Lincoln Community College, MS
1. Nathaniel Still, North Arkansas College, AR                    4. Cheyenne Bigler, University of Utah, UT
2. Nathan Eddy, Ohio Valley University, WV                        5. Austin Bruzek, Meredith Christensen
3. Abby Rowden, Emporia State University, KS                         Northeast Community College, NE
4. Tamika Williams, Columbus Technical College, GA                6. Vartika Varshney, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
5. Chloe Sutherland, Phoenix College, AZ                          7. Shibani Lal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, AR
6. Jose Guevara, Barton College, NC                               8. Corie Culver, Gianna Crees
7. Oliva Rivera, Barton College, NC                                  Des Moines Area Community College, IA
8. Sheyann Mathias, Heartland Community College, IL               9. Zaniya Jones, Nicoletta Pelchat
9. Joshua Kiser, Sowela Technical Community College, LA              Montgomery County Community College, PA
10. Ebony Betts, Northeast Mississippi Community College, MS      10. Jasmine Evans, Synethia Mathews
COST ACCOUNTING                                                      Delta State University, MS
1. Jacia Christiansen, Dakota State University, SD
2. Kaylee Payne, Southeastern Illinois College, IL                BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY
3. Linh Le, Minot State University, ND                            1. Caleb McGrew, James Wall
4. Jon Spradlin, University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE               East Central Community College, MS
5. Jasmine Puebla, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, OK        2. Diego Korol, Rozlyn Cole, York College, NE
6. Emily Westeman, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, OK        3. Harshini Vivek, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
7. Gavin Arnold, Truman State University, MO                      4. Cassandra Zinnel, University of Northern Iowa, IA
8. Brenda Mizhquiri, Alvernia University, PA                      5. Sophie Lingle, Libby Salerno, Sophy Silva
9. Kenzie Bertolas, Midland University, NE                           University of Missouri - Columbia, MO
10. Morgan Bohannon, Georgetown College, KY
CLIENT SERVICE                                                 GLOBAL ANALYSIS & DECISION MAKING
1. Angelia Ashberger                                           1. Felix Krause, Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI
   Missouri State University - West Plains, MO                 2. Andrew Kurtenbach, Chadron State College, NE
2. Kathryn Gallagher, Heartland Community College, IL          3. Daniel Vargas Castano
3. Tanner Light                                                   University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE
   South Hills School of Business and Technology, PA           4. Hannah Drew, Maddox Redd
4. Christopher McDuff                                             Copiah - Lincoln Community College, MS
   Durham Technical Community College, NC                      5. Elizabeth Woodall
5. Rebekah Dike, Alabama A&M University, AL                       North Georgia Technical College - Clarkesville, GA
6. Jonathan Howard, West Liberty University, WV
                                                               INTEGRATED MARKETING CAMPAIGN
7. Nithyapriya Shankar
                                                               1. Carly Greenwood, Hannah Stokes
   University of Houston - Main Campus< TX
                                                                  East Central Community College, MS
8. Adrian Stephenson, Palm Beach State College, FL
                                                               2. AnnaKaitlyn Ashley, Kalei Campbell, Madelynn Thornton
9. Maham Khawar, Las Positas College, CA
                                                                  Copiah - Lincoln Community College, MS
10. William Reeves, San Jacinto College South, TX
                                                               3. Jennifer Campos, Chadron State College, NE
                                                               4. Lauren Goodman, Sydnie Byrum
COMPUTER ANIMATION                                                Madisonville Community College, KY
1. Kaitlin Foley, St Norbert College, WI                       5. Vartika Varshney, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
2. Justice Battle, Daniel Triplett                             6. Daniela Rozas, LDS Business College, UT
   East Central Community College, MS                          7. Bryan Barrilleaux, Vivian Barrilleaux
3. Kira Ariyamitr, Montgomery County Community College, PA        Sowela Technical Community College, LA
4. Deanne Crocker, McCook Community College, NE                8. Enzo Malpartida, LDS Business College, UT
5. Allison Stevens, Zack Sutton
   Missouri University of Science and Technology, MS           NETWORK DESIGN
6. Aaron Potter, West Virginia University John Chambers, WV    1. Benjamin Simon, University of Florida - Gainesville, FL
7. Jacob Gray, Park University, MS                             2. Daniel Lovell, Southern Arkansas University, AR

                                                               SALES PRESENTATION
                                                               1. Macall Brummage, West Liberty University, WV
1. Davontre Henderson, Alexis Rover
                                                               2. Felix Krause, Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI
   Delta State University, MS
                                                               3. Adam Martinez, Copiah - Lincoln Community College, MS
2. Christopher Chamorro, Lianne Montenegro
                                                               4. Linwei Lyu, California PBL Virtual Chapter, CA
   Florida International University, FL
                                                               5. Ellie Anderson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
3. W. Clayton Steward, University of Saint Mary, KS
                                                               6. Sarah Salvador, Central Carolina Community College, NC
4. Nicholas Axl, Andrian Aaron Soerjohadi
                                                               7. Dawn Castle, Peru State College, NE
   Diablo Valley College, CA
                                                               8. Elizabeth Lewis, LDS Business College, UT
5. Yuhan Sun, Penn State - York, PA
                                                               9. Cody Bradley, Seward County Community College, KS
6. Daisy Burns, Tanner Glenn, Pittsburg State University, KS
                                                               10. Naomi Galindo, Butler Community College, KS
7. Brian Bertolio, Snow College, UT

8. Akhil Mutyala, Nivi Srinivasa                               SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE
   University of Texas at Dallas, TX                           Sponsored by Facebook Education
9. Landon Haslam, University of Utah, UT                       1. Johanna Bruhn, Brittney Upstill
10. Daniel Thrash, Emily Tobar                                    Stephen F. Austin State University, TX
   Southern Regional Technical College - Thomasville, GA       2. Camilla Addy, Jerry Davidson
                                                                  East Central Community College, MS
FORENSIC ACCOUNTING                                            3. Cheyenne Bigler, University of Utah, UT
1. Craig Anglesey, Nebraska Wesleyan University, NE            4. Jonathan Howard, West Liberty University, WV
2. Bradley Cook , Jonathan Harbour                             5. Katherine Dunne, Sophia Boyer
   Southern Arkansas University, AR                               Montgomery County Community College, PA
3. Sandra Martin                                               6. Breanna Stalsitz, Brian Petkash, Central Penn College, PA
   West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA         7. Angel Diaz, Natasha Fernandez
4. Brandon Doerr, Trevor Flick                                    Miami Dade College - North, FL
   South Hills School of Business and Technology, PA           8. Seth Strudthoff, Midland University, NE
5. Adrianna Fajardo, Diego Korol, York College, NE             9. Aaron Potter, West Virginia University John Chambers, WV

                                                               STRATEGIC ANALYSIS & DECISION MAKING
                                                               1. Toni Hillard, Nathan Lampley, Genesis Lyons
                                                                  East Central Community College, MS
                                                               2. Shixiang Rachel Yuan, Jiaqi Hu, Yuhan Sun
                                                                  Penn State - York, PA
                                                               3. Dillon J Sandrock, Colorado Mesa University,CO
    ROLE PLAY EVENTS                                               FINANCIAL SERVICES
                                                                   1. Rachel Washam, Arkansas State University, AR
ACCOUNTING ANALYSIS & DECISION MAKING                              2. Brady Przymus, University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE
1. Lindsey Vogl, Dakota State University, SD                       3. Cezar Arroyo Torres, Jerry Davidson, Toni Hillard
2. Sharvari Gupta, University of Texas at Dallas, TX                  East Central Community College, MS
3. Sydne Evans, Gwendolyn House, Georgetown College, KY            4. Abbey Draper, Adrianna Fajardo, York College, NE
4. Mallory Westerman, Southeast Missouri State University, MO
5. Kamran Choudkoy, Mohson Choudhry                                HELP DESK
   Missouri State University, MO                                   1. Steven Cook
6. Douglas Wechsler, LDS Business College, UT                         Tulsa Community College - Metro Campus, OK
7. Kenneth Paulauskas, Ocean County College, NJ                    2. Rachael Dike, Alabama A&M University, AL
8. Kevin Lopez Moreno, Arizona State University, AZ                3. Justin Kenney, Wayne State College, NE
9. Armaan Dharani, Arkansas State University, AR                   4. Priscilla Castillo, Central Christian College of Kansas, KS
10. Emily Westeman, Keiry Fernandez                                5. Julia Morales, Rowan - Cabarrus CC, NC
   Oklahoma Panhandle State University, OK
                                                                   HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT
                                                                   1. Brandon Doerr, Carson Brown, Tanner Light
1. Ronald Cline Jr, Joe Reba, Penn State - York, PA
                                                                      South Hills School of Business and Technology, PA
2. Mariah Behrns, Seward County Community College, KS
                                                                   2. Morgan Haschke, Randall Nunez, Joshua Santiago
3. Houston Knox, Madisonville Community College, KY
                                                                      Northeast Community College, NE
4. Noah Wynn, Tyler Harms, Peru State College, NE
                                                                   3. Grace Browning, Kaity Lynch, Barton College, NC
5. Brittney Dederman, Morgan Haschke
                                                                   4. Rachel Ralfs, Southeast Missouri State University, MO
   Northeast Community College, NE
                                                                   5. Lauren Goodman, Sydnie Byrum
6. Daija Giles, Alabama A&M University, AL
                                                                      Madisonville Community College, KY
7. Ranveer Dhillon, Daniel escobar Osorio
                                                                   6. Tory Lamkins, Peru State College, NE
   College of the Canyons, CA
                                                                   7. Erika Queme, Sandra Ramos
8. Sheridan Johnson, Ahrielah Marshall, Zacchaeus Smith
                                                                      Stephen F. Austin State University, TX
   Copiah - Lincoln Community College, MS
                                                                   8. Drew Murphy, Ocean County College, NJ
9. April Wright, Georgia Piedmont Technical College, GA
                                                                   9. Meghan Cantara, Arkansas State University, AR
10. Alejandro Rojas, Kyle Hess
                                                                   10. Nicole Edwards
   Montgomery County Community College, PA
                                                                      North Georgia Technical College - Blairsville, GA
                                                                   HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
1. Jillian Culbertson, Selina Lewis, Belmont Abbey College, NC
                                                                   1. Izabel Rocha, Camila Schick, LDS Business College, UT
2. Sayvon Jarrett
                                                                   2. Kenzie Bertolas, Midland University, NE
   West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
                                                                   3. Tiffany Stewart
3. Leah Salazar, Maxwell Reynolds
                                                                      West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
   Stephen F. Austin State University, TX
                                                                   4. Brandy Gatlin, Cary Hill, North Arkansas College, AR
4. Emily Sorensen, Alicia Stucki, Utah State University, UT
                                                                   5. Yufeng Cai, Fanyu Cao, Daochi Yang
5. Brian Delgado, Miami Dade College - North, FL
                                                                       California PBL Virtual Chapter, CA
6. Ryen Reid, Catawba College, NC
                                                                   6. Lucero B Vargas, Phoenix College, AZ
7. Daniel Vargas Castano
                                                                   7. Kaila Fox, Lexis Nylund, Colorado Mesa University, CO
   University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE
                                                                   8. Eric Drebushenko, Ty Robinson, Alvernia University, PA
8. Cody Bradley, Seward County Community College, KS
                                                                   9. Moriah Toledo, York College, NE
9. Seth Strudthoff, Jonathan Quintanilla, Midland University, NE
                                                                   10. Laura Jarquin, Snead State Community College, AL
10. Tony Gan, University of Missouri - Columbia, MO

                                                                   MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS & DECISION MAKING
                                                                   1. Akhil Mutyala, Nivi Srinivasa, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
1. Taha Khan, Dillon Johnson, Diablo Valley College, CA
                                                                   2. Alex Young, Bailey Dunn, Arkansas State University, AR
2. Nicholas Kinzler, Wilkes University, PA
                                                                   3. Darcy Teel, Crowder College, MO
3. Ashley Rietcheck, Emporia State University, KS
                                                                   4. Camila Schick, LDS Business College, UT
4. Alex Herrera, University of Missouri - Columbia, MO
                                                                   5. Grace Browning, Kaity Lynch, Barton College, NC
5. Justin Kenney, Wayne State College, NE
                                                                   6. Rochelle Jeanmenne, Penn State - York, PA
6. Sharvari Gupta, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
                                                                   7. Ahad Sanjrani, Abbigail Hicks, Arkansas State University, AR
7. Kizy Matzenbacher, LDS Business College, UT
                                                                   8. Tatiana Edwards, Amber Grant
                                                                      Georgia Northwestern Technical College - Floyd, GA
                                                                   9. Gavin Leigh, Kyle Hess
                                                                      Montgomery County Community College, PA
                                                                   10. Austin Bruzek, Northeast Community College, NE
Sponsored by Facebook Education
1. John Dostert, Isabella Riley, Appalachian State University, NC
2. Ellie Anderson, Ellie Foral
   University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
3. Kendal Warren, Georgetown College, KY
4. Angelina DeCrow, Colorado Mesa University, CO
5. Krysta Hower, Mackenna Shivley, Bloomsburg University, PA
6. Ankita Bantey, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
7. Zach Leloux, Aubrey Williams, Snow College, UT
8. Kelly Fuerte, Florida International University, FL
9. Nicholas Decolli
   Montgomery County Community College, PA
10. Kyle Michel, Joseph Unruh, Dickinson State University, ND

1. Tucker Cain, Janna Ford, Carly Greenwood, Brian Pace
   Hannah Stokes, East Central Community College, MS
2. Brenna Cannon, Dustin Ogden, Hailey Hawkins, Kelsie Rohr,
   Tyrell Andrews, Arkansas State University, AR
3. Monica Chang, Giselle Chavez, Kimberly Gomez, Jailia Vang
   Stanly Community College, NC
4. Ashley D Stephens, Heather Wells, Nicole Edwards,
   Victoria Caldwell
   North Georgia Technical College - Blairsville, GA
5. Ellie Murphy, Brennan Carter, Ethan Barszcz, Morgan Dasch,
   Lance Baumgartner, Olivet Nazarene University, IL
PREJUDGED PROJECT                                            DEMONSTRATION EVENTS
     WITH OBJECTIVE TEST                                      WEBSITE DESIGN
                                                              1. John Squire, University of Texas at Dallas, TX
DESKTOP PUBLISHING                                            2. Olivia Escobedo, Ashley Rodriguez
1. Peyton Simpson, Labette Community College, KS                 Stephen F. Austin State University, TX
2. Meaghan Quebedeaux, Sabrina Reeves, Vivian Barrilleaux     3. Dean Bright, Lucas Burns
    Sowela Technical Community College, LA                       South Arkansas Community College, AR
3. Sarah Clausen, Pittsburg State University, KS              4. Xander Johnson, University of Utah, UT
4. ShaDarrius Jones, Tamika Williams                          5. Sandra Mercer
   Columbus Technical College, GA                             West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
5. Samantha Ewing, Sierra Labra                               6. Charles Lucas, Christopher McDuff
   University of Florida - Gainesville, FL                       Durham Technical Community College, NC
6. Deanne Crocker, McCook Community College, NE
7. Kaitlin Foley, St Norbert College, WI
8. Wyatt Potter, University of Central Missouri, MO
9. Allen Potter, West Virginia University John Chambers, WV
                                                                   INTERVIEW EVENTS
10. Braxton Selle, Emily Carda, Joseph Unruh                  FUTURE BUSINESS EDUCATOR
   Dickinson State University, ND                             1. Allison Railsback, Kansas PBL Virtual Chapter, KS
                                                              2. DJ Hardwick, University of Nebraska at Kearney, NE

     SPEECH EVENTS                                            3. Jan Bagley, Southern Utah University, UT
                                                              4. Jocelyn N Clayton, Park University, MO
                                                              5. Kathy Necaise
IMPROMPTU SPEAKING                                               Mississippi Gulf Coast Com. College - Perkinston, MS
1. W. Clayton Steward, University of Saint Mary, KS           6. Kayla Myers, Peru State College, NE
2. Dillon J Sandrock, Colorado Mesa University, CO            7. Izabel Rocha, LDS Business College, UT
3. Jace Zacharias                                             8. Kenyatta Slaughter
   Southwestern Oklahoma State University, OK                    South Georgia Technical College - Americus, GA
4. Emily Eggar, York College, NE
5. Lindsey Vogl, Dakota State University, SD                  FUTURE BUSINESS EXECUTIVE
6. Elizabeth Lewis, LDS Business College, UT                  1. Lindsey A Elias, Western Carolina University, NC
7. Dabreana Roy, Southern Arkansas University, AR             2. Hunter Bergman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
8. Ben McQuaid, Belmont Abbey College, NC                     3. Rozlyn Cole, Peru State College, NE
9. Kolbe McQuaid, Belmont Abbey College, NC                   4. Nicoletta Pelchat
10. Michelle Tiller, Georgia Piedmont Technical College, GA      Montgomery County Community College, PA
                                                              5. Allison Railsback, Kansas PBL Virtual Chapter, KS
PUBLIC SPEAKING                                               6. Nicole Day, Snow College, UT
1. Nicholas Rossi, Palm Beach State College, FL               7. Valerie Steppel, Duquesne University, PA
2. Isabella Riley, Appalachian State University, NC           8. Olivia McClure, Southern Arkansas University, AR
3. Peyton Simpson, Labette Community College, KS              9. Tavyn Hallan, Dakota State University, SD
4. James Wall, East Central Community College, MS             10. Caitlin Shelnutt
5. Suzy Brito, Central Carolina Community College, NC           West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
6. Jasmine Evans, Delta State University, MS
                                                              JOB INTERVIEW
7. Amory Pescariu, Florida International University, FL
                                                              1. Natasha Haslam, University of Utah, UT
8. Melissa Baroni, Kean University, NJ
                                                              2. Shibani Lal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, AR
9. Lisa George
                                                              3. Alexandra Cincinnati
   West Georgia Technical College - Carroll Campus, GA
                                                                West Virginia University John Chambers, WV
10. Emalie Sorrell, Crowder College, MO
                                                              4. Hunter Bergman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
                                                              5. Isaac Wiegand, Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI
                                                              6. Kelonda Terry, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
                                                                 - Jefferson Davis Campus. MS
                                                              7. Grace Still, College of the Ozarks, MO
                                                              8. Kathryn Gallagher, Heartland Community College, IL
                                                              9. Travis McConathy, McNeese State University, LA
                                                              10. Marjorie Dutra, LDS Business College, UT
1. Lillie Chapman, Janna Ford
   East Central Community College, MS
2. Madeleine Rabi, Florida International University, FL
3. Emily Johnson
   State University of New York at Fredonia, NY
4. Samuel Oliver Jr., Kimberley Handford
   Columbus Technical College, GA
5. Pat Riley, Callie Chaney, Alice Lloyd College, KY
6. Dustin Ogden, Arkansas State University, AR
7. Declan Flaherty, Illinois Central College, IL
8. Helen Haley, Odessa Barron, North Arkansas College, AR
9. Nicole Day, Snow College, UT
10. Ashley Halstead
   South Georgia Technical College - Americus, GA

1. Danya Mintle, Mid - Plains Community College, NE
2. Jacob Minter, Butler Community College, KS
3. EmmaLee Pruitt, Southeastern Illinois College, IL
4. Brady Spencer, Brianna Thompson, Kathryn Steele
   Northeast Mississippi Community College, MS
5. Sarah Clausen, Wyntr Jacobs
   Pittsburg State University, KS
6. Carson Hinrichs, Kinder Hinrichs
   North Arkansas College, AR
7. Raven Washington
   Montgomery County Community College, PA
8. Seth Hogue, Crowder College, MO
9. Dang Khoa Tran, Ngoc Uyen Thu Nguyen
   Broward College, FL
10. Collin Hlad, Kyle Caruso, West Liberty University, WV

 1. Minot State University, North Dakota
 2. Asheville - Buncombe Technical Community College, NC
 3. Southern Arkansas University, AR
 4. Peru State College, NE
 5. Columbus Technical College, GA
 6. East Central Community College, MS
 7. Southeast Missouri State University, MS
 8. South Arkansas Community College, AR
 9. Stanly Community College, NC
 10. York College, NE

                               FBLA is grateful for our national partner, KPMG, for lead-
                               ing a social media takeover June 22 - 24 on the FBLA
                               Instagram. During the takeover KPMG focused on shar-
                               ing their culture, their brand new training and learning
                               facility, and how you can bring your best in high school
                               and beyond. Followers also learned about their practices
                               and virtually met KPMG professionals from all over the

                               Missed it? Check out our highlights!

                               Continuing to connect and network, KPMG also hosted
                               an internship panel for FBLA and PBL members during
                               which time they gathered college students who recently
                               went through the networking, interviewing, and intern-
                               ship recruiting process. The discussion was moderated
                               by KPMG campus recruiters.

                               Click here to view the internship panel webinar!

Attendees can earn the official 2020 NLE
Digital Badge via Tallo. A brief summary
of what you learned during the National
Leadership Experience related to
sessions were offered/learning objectives
is required.

What makes a great
         July 2020

A KPMG internship is a terrific way to learn business skills,
find a mentor, build your network and get real-world (even
global) experience before graduation. And it can often lead
to a full-time job. Discover how an internship can connect
you with the countless opportunities at KPMG.

   What makes a great internship? Through a KPMG internship, you can...

   Start training: No other Big Four firm offers a consistent national training experience
   for all audit, tax, advisory, and business support services interns. You’ll attend training at
   KPMG Lakehouse, our state-of-the-art learning, development, and innovation center.
   Meet your mentor: Pair up with a mentor who can inspire and guide your internship
   and your career.
   Build a network: Start growing your professional network by interacting with KPMG
   senior professionals and employees worldwide.
   Gain experience: By engaging with clients, you’ll become more knowledgeable and
   more marketable.
   Explore career opportunities: Learn what it’s really like to be an audit, tax, advisory,
   or business support services professional... and you may find yourself on the path to
   a full-time job offer.

In order to secure an internship, we recommend that you build your resume, network your
way to success, create a virtual brand, and ace the interview. Not sure where to start? Tune in
for the KPMG Virtual Branding U series each Wednesday evening in July at 7:30pm EST. You
can also gain a sneak peek on these topics by clicking here. Please be on the lookout for an
email with instructions on how you can register for the KPMG Virtual Branding U series.


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member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A. The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. NDP099969
FBLA National Leadership Experience

    FBLA NLE                        FBLA REGIONAL
    BY THE NUMBERS                  MEETINGS

                                  On June 12, the five regional vice-presidents
                                  hosted regional meetings to kick off the NLE.
                                  The agendas included greetings from Pres-
                                  ident & CEO Alex Graham, Greetings from
                                  FBLA National President Travis Johnson,
                                  Recognition of big ten chapters, membership
     Registered Attendees         awards, state success stories, Who’s Who,

                                  Outstanding Adviser, Wall of Fame nominees,
                                  Gold Seal and BAA America and CSA Achieve-
                                  ment Awards.

                                  Click here to view the regional meetings!

        FBLA Competitors

  354FBLA-ML Competitors
                                      STATE OFFICER
                                                           State officers from

                                                           around the country
                                                           gathered online to
           National                                        network, engage,
           Officer                                         and connect on
                                                           June 15 and 16.
           Candidates                                      During this event
                                                           officers had the op-

          Leadership                                       portunity to meet
                                                           one another, enter
          Sessions                                         breakout rooms
          (Plus access to an                               to allow for small-
                                                           group conversa-
          additional 200+ hours
                                                           tions, and have fun!
          of TEAMTRI content)
Throughout the NLE, the National Officers hosted the FBLA
                 Virtual Spirit WeekUsing hashtags #NLE20, #NLEOnline, and
                 #WeAreFBLAPBL, members, advisers, and friends shared memes,
   FBLA          photos, and memories!
 MEME MONDAY                               TOGETHER TUESDAY


                      THROWBACK                   FAVORITES FRIDAY
FBLA National Leadership Experience

   On June 29, it was FBLA and FBLA-ML’s          The highlight of the opening session was the
   time to shine as the NLE kicked off with the   keynote address presented by Kat Perkins
   Opening Session. Attendees joined the 2019-    Motivational Speaker, Entertainer,
   20 for the FBLA-PBL creed, recognized the      Humanitarian and Rising Star Foundation
   resiliency of the organization with words      Founder -- not to mention Former FBLA
   from FBLA-PBL President & CEO Alex             State Officer! Kat spoke about what it truly
   Graham, and looked ahead to the future         means to live a Fearless live and share
   with FBLA-PBL Board Chair Ron Pierce.          how her FBLA business skills have helped
                                                  shaped her into the success she is today.
   The 2020-21 National Officer candidates        Kate also performed two songs!
   were introduced and attendees had the
   opportunity to learn more about each       Watch the keynote address here!
   candidate through their campaign speeches.

                          FBLA NLE Keynote Speaker

                                                             Take a step over the line of
                                                             doubt and see what’s on the
                                                             other side. I promise you ...
                                                             there is a ton of joy, there is
                                                             a ton of success, and there is
                                                             a ton of experience that you
                                                             would never get if you just
                                                             did not step over that line.
                                                             See how far you can get.
                                                             The more you push your
                                                             comfort zone, the more you
                                                             will grow, the more you will
                                                             learn, and the happier you
                                                             really will be.

                                         Kat Perkins
 Motivational Speaker, Entertainer, Humanitarian and
                     Rising Star Foundation Founder
                           Former FBLA State Officer
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