Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.

Page created by Enrique Acosta
Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
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Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
Watch live TV, Netflix, and more,
           even while on the road.
           The only premium entertainment solution tailor-made for all RVers! With Pay As You Go
              flexible plans, you get to pick the programming right for you with no contracts or
                                commitments. Just pay for the months you use.

            Watch On Demand movies and shows, or stream                                                  Stay entertained when Mother Nature does not
            from apps like Netflix, when connected to Wi-Fi.                                             cooperate. Watch live TV or bring your DVR with you.

                                                                                                         Seamlessly connect to your Bluetooth speakers and
            Stay connected to live local news and weather
                                                                                                         listen to your favorite tunes with Pandora or
            updates wherever you are traveling.
                                                                                                         SiriusXM built-in.

           Never miss a moment of the big game, even                                              You don’t need DISH at home to get
           when you’re traveling off the grid.
                                                                                                  DISH Outdoors!

            Access to built-in apps requires Wi-Fi network connection and Wally Wi-Fi Adapter Accessory. Netflix access requires active streaming membership.

                       Top 10 reasons you need DISH Outdoors
1. The ONLY premium entertainment solution tailor-made for                                  6. Quick, easy setup.
   ALL RVers!
                                                                                            7. Built-in apps like Netflix, Pandora, and the Weather Channel
2. Pay-As-You-Go Programming as flexible as your travel plans.                                 when connected to Wi-Fi.*

3. No contracts or commitments, just the entertainment you want,                            8. Full suite of accessories to customize your Wally HD
   when you want it.                                                                           receiver entertainment experience.

4. No Wi-Fi, cellular service, or data usage needed – TV that goes                          9. You don’t have to have DISH at home to get DISH Outdoors.
   as remote as you!
                                                                                            10. U.S. based RV experts at the ready for all your TV and
5. All-HD technology at the best price.                                                         technology needs.

                                       *Netflix, Pandora and The Weather Channel access requires active streaming membership.

                 STEP 1                                                     STEP 2                                                      STEP 3

        Get a DISH Wally® HD                                              Add a DISH                                                Call our RV
       Receiver and accessories.                                       satellite antenna.                                        experts to activate.
  Create your custom entertainment solution                 Choose the antenna that’s right for you                      No contracts, commitments, or home
      and enjoy built-in apps like Netflix.                    and power one or multiple TVs.                                DISH subscription needed.

Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
STEP 1        The DISH Wally HD Receiver,
                your entertainment hub.

                           Use your voice to watch TV                          Operate the Wally from up to 200’
                           with the DISH Voice Remote                          away (and even through walls
                           with Google Assistant                               & cabinetry) with the RF remote
                           Requires Internet-connected receiver.
                                                                                                                      Setup easily with on
Purchase one Wally HD                                                                                                 screen step-by-step
receiver for each TV you                                                                                              instructions
want to power

     Watch crystal-clear
     HD quality
     video output                                                                                         Connect to Wi-Fi and
                           Save space with the                     Find your remote with                  access built-in apps and
                           world’s smallest                        the touch of a button                  enjoy a user friendly interface
                           mobile receiver                         using Remote Finder

   Meet The World’s Smallest HD Satellite Receiver                                                                    Shop Now
Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
Customize your entertainment
   experience with Wally accessories.

If you...                                                      Get...

                                                                                                        Wi-Fi Adapter
                                                                                                        Connect your Wally to a mobile
Watch On Demand movies or Netflix                                                                       hotspot or Wi-Fi network to access                               Shop Now
                                                                                                        On Demand content and enjoy
                                                                                                        built-in apps like Netflix.1

                                                                                                        DVR Upgrade
                                                                                                        Convert your Wally into a DVR
                                                                                                        and record up to 100 hours of HD
Want to watch later or while in-motion
                                                                                                        content. Watch TV and movies with
                                                                                                                                                                         Shop Now
                                                                                                        no Wi-Fi or satellite connection

                                                                                                        Over-The-Air Digital Tuner
                                                                                                        Integrate channels from your OTA
Want to use an OTA antenna                                                                              antenna to watch local news,                                     Shop Now
                                                                                                        weather, and the primetime shows
                                                                                                        you love without switching inputs.

                                                                                                        Bluetooth Adapter
Have Bluetooth speakers or want to                                                                      Connect to Bluetooth devices like
listen with headphones                                                                                  wireless speakers or headphones
                                                                                                                                                                         Shop Now
                                                                                                        for even louder, crisper audio.

                                                                                                        Secondary RF Remote
                                                                                                        Add a secondary remote for a
Want to watch TV easily in different                                                                    different section of your RV. Includes
areas of your RV                                                                                        voice control, remote finder, and a
                                                                                                                                                                         Shop Now
                                                                                                        flexible 200ft. range.3

                    ¹Access to built-in apps requires Wi-Fi network connection and Wally Wi-Fi Adapter Accessory. Netflix access requires active streaming membership.
                                                                       ²DVR may require a one-time $40 activation fee.
                                                                   Voice functionality available when connect to the internet.
Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
    Pick the right satellite
       antenna for you.
              MODEL                                TVS                      COVERAGE                      TYPE

                                                                            110º, 119º, 129º
          DISH Playmaker®                                                         and                  (optional roof   Shop Now
                                                                               Eastern                   mount kit)
                                            One TV Option                         61.5º

                                                                            110º, 119º, 129º
          DISH Playmaker                                                                                Portable
                                                                                  and                  (optional roof   Shop Now
              Dual®                                                            Eastern                   mount kit)

                                             Two TV Option                        61.5º

                                                                            110º, 119º, 129º
                                                                                  and                  Portable/
          DISH Tailgater®                                                                                               Shop Now
                                                                               Eastern                 Mountable

                                            One TV Option                         61.5º

                                                                            110º, 119º, 129º
        DISH Tailgater Pro®                                                       and                                   Shop Now
                                             Two TV Option                        61.5º

               Trav’ler®                                                                                Mounted
                                                                            110º, 119º, 129º
                                           Three TV Option

   All antennas automatically locate DISH satellites and are capable of picking up both HD and SD channels.
Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
STEP 3                    Select your programming
                         package and call to activate.
        With prices starting as low as $57.99, DISH Outdoors offers TV as flexible as your travel plans. No
       contracts or credit checks, just pick your channel pack and only pay for the months you use, and you
                                  don’t need DISH at home to get DISH Outdoors.

    Flex Pack                      $
                                     57 99         America’s Top 120                 $
                                                                                      9999        America’s Top 120+ $10499                     America’s Top 200              $
    Create your own TV package. Start with 50+             All-time favorites & locals.               Includes America’s Top 120, plus.              Everything sports & entertainment
    popular channels, then add or drop Channel                                                                                                      including America’s Top 120+, plus.
                 Packs at any time.

     Already have DISH? Current subscribers can add DISH Outdoors to their existing bill for just $5/month.

                                                            View Full Channel Lineup

   Requires antenna and receiver purchase. Monthly fees and limits on number and type of receivers will apply. All prices, packages, programming, features, functionality and offers subject
to change without notice. Certain programming, including Regional Sports Networks and local channels, may vary based on geographic location. All charges, including monthly programming,
  pay-per-view and equipment upgrades, must be paid in advance; failure to pay by due date will lead to service disconnection within 24 hours. Offer available for new and qualified former
                                                           customers. Offer ends 04/12/2023. Additional restrictions may apply.
Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
Thank You
For Letting Us Help Make Your Entertainment Experience
          Perfect For Your Outdoor Adventures!

         Have any other questions? We’d love to help!

               Call us at: 1-800-472-1039
Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you. Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you. Get Started Guide Get the ultimate entertainment experience tailor-made for RV living, only from DISH Outdoors. It's HD TV that travels with you.
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