Greetings - Christmas 2020 - Issue 6

Page created by Michael Jackson
Greetings - Christmas 2020 - Issue 6
Greetings - Christmas 2020
Issue 6

Dear All,

As we come out of another ‘lockdown’ the end of what has
been a year of difficulty for everyone is in sight, to be
honest most of us are only too glad!

In terms of our Church liturgical year we are in the season of advent and preparing for the
‘Coming’, the time when we, with our advent rings celebrate Light, Joy, Peace, Love and
Hope - well, we could say, these prophecies are more apt today than ever?

As we move forward into our new year let us all look to the JOY of new beginnings, the
PEACE of a new year, the LOVE of each other, the HOPE of a better year free of Covid and
restrictions and importantly the LIGHT to move us from the darkness. Just this week we
have received news of the release of the first vaccine to fight Covid…that has to be ‘Hope’
and our ‘light in the darkness’, how fitting this happens in the season of advent?


As much as we would like things to be normal, we all know and appreciate that’s not
happening this year. In terms of our plans, we are not in a position to offer the usual range
of Christmas services. Sadly, two of our major casualties are the Christingle and Crib
Service and Midnight Mass. These services are always very attractive on Christmas eve and
social distancing would be a major hurdle, ticketing was an option but who gets priority?
someone is going to be upset or disappointed and it just isn’t worth creating enemies when
we can do it all next year (Hopefully!) added to these issues would be the need to deep clean
the Church after the 5.30pm Christingle and Crib then again following Midnight Mass.
Honestly, this just isn’t feasible or practical, so it was decided not to hold these services
this year. We had originally planned to hold a Carol Service following on from the huge
success of last years but this has also been side-lined for this year.

So, what are we doing?

Following much deliberation and caution! we will have a communion service each Sunday to
celebrate advent 2, 3 & 4 and on Christmas Day we will hold Christmas Communion – ALL
Services will be at 10.00am. Everyone is welcome at any of the services and little people are
NEVER expected to be silent or taken outside! Children are welcome to bring along an
activity as long as it’s gathered up and taken away with them, that’s fine and within the
remit of guidance, currently, we are not allowed to have any toys or activities for use. In
addition to this the Church will be OPEN for private Prayer each Wednesday from 10am –
11am – You are welcome to come along and sit and reflect, staying as long as you wish.
Background music is often played quietly during this time.


Despite the times we have all faced this year and the recent period of repeat ‘lockdown’
most seem to be coping quite well. All our friends are doing fine coping with the
uncertainties and challenges faced by us all and looking forward to that time when things
improve and restrictions become a thing of the past.
Greetings - Christmas 2020 - Issue 6
Priest in Charge.

Many will be wondering as to the progress of the vacancy having seen the advertisement
which went out in October on the Diocese, Church of England and Church times websites
and pages. There isn’t a lot to be said about this just that no interviews have or will be
taking place and the vacancy will be re-advertised in the new year.


During October we managed to celebrate harvest, maybe not in the traditional sense or at
least not how we would normally have celebrated but with a lovely Eucharist with Fred and
those traditional harvest hymns played by Susan. Gifts were brought along and donated to
The Forest Foodbank. Rebecca and Nick kindly delivered the goodies to the foodbank
distribution centre. A huge thanks to everyone who contributed.

As we approached remembrance Sunday the ‘goal posts’ changed, Covid levels were on the
increase and additional restrictions were imposed which prevented us from holding our
planned outdoor service. In a quiet few minute’s and discreetly done, a wreath was placed by
the British Legion and Blakeney Church, and crosses were placed in the lawn. On Armistice
day during Private Prayer a simple reflective act of remembrance was made in Church.

Sadly, we were unable to mark All Saint’s and All Soul’s as planned due to ‘lockdown’. We will
aim to mark All Soul’s with a thanksgiving and Memorial Service as soon as it is safe to do
so, hopefully in late spring or early summer?

Annual Parish Meeting.

Our Annual meeting postponed from April was finally held in October following on from the
morning service. The meeting chaired by Revd Fred opened with the annual vestry meeting
which is held for the election of church wardens. Winnie was nominated and asked to
continue as church warden. Unfortunately, no others came forward at this time which,
whilst not ideal means Winnie will be our single church warden this year. Rebecca has very
kindly agreed to be the assistant warden. A huge thanks was extended to Veronica who
sadly resigned as Church warden during the summer. Everyone gave thanks for her
tremendous generosity and devotion throughout her years in Blakeney. She was wished
every happiness in her new home at Lechlade. Following the Vestry meeting we went straight
into the Annual Parochial meeting the Church reports and audited accounts were viewed and
accepted, independent auditor (accountant) approved for 2020/21 and PCC elected. The PCC
were pleased to receive one new member. Andrew Wilkinson was nominated, accepted and
thanked for joining the PCC. Perhaps by Easter and the next annual meeting we will be in a
better position and a few others will be willing to come forward?

The Tree is up!

The Christmas tree is up and decorated with some lovely rainbow bows to credit the work of
our NHS this year, windows are lit, a lovely garland has been displayed over the porch door
and some seasonal foliage is soon to follow – You could say we are ‘Open for business’ albeit
a ‘restricted’ business this year and not quite our usual array of decorations but never the
less a token festive spirit is within.
Greetings - Christmas 2020 - Issue 6
Looking forward.

At some point in 2021 and once conditions allow, we hope to restart Lunches. It would also
be good to get some fundraising activities off the ground as the coffers really are scarce
at present! Not only do we need to get some money for the normal running costs, Parish
Share, heating, lighting etc but also to fund some much needed and essential repairs. We
are currently seeking quotations from builders for the repair of the vestry roof and back
porch along with new barge boards and guttering repairs to the rear of the church and
probably the costliest of jobs will be the complete repointing of the outside of the building
– many of the damp patches now visible from inside are being caused by water penetrating
the sandstone walls. If you have any ideas on fund raising activities and would indeed like to
be involved, give your help and support please do let Winnie, Rebecca or one of the PCC know
– we really are getting thin on helpers and would appreciate a little more support. As I say
we are hoping to get the lunches off the ground, maybe with luck and a fair wind perhaps as
early as spring time? Again, we will need extra help and support to do this.

Let’s all work on thinking positive for 2021 and see the back of this awful 2020 – Maybe as
was suggested by one of our regular lunch folks a special gathering and celebration could be
the first thing we plan to do once ALL conditions are finally lifted and we are in that ‘SAFE
ZONE’ we all look forward too?

Finally, for this year!

We give thank for the support and positive feedback we have received throughout the
difficult times. A year full of challenges to say the least! We especially thank everyone who
support our lunches (albeit only two lunches this year) and our loyal, regular congregation.
We give thanks to our ministry team and especially to Revd Fred Long who has been at our
side throughout the pandemic providing pastoral support and regular telephone calls
throughout the lockdown then continuing to oversee and lead worship in the parish once
guidance allowed. We thank Susan for her magical music and singing during worship and for
her wonderful floral skills. Thanks also to everyone who support or help with lunches and
events and to our loyal congregation and friends. Grateful thanks to Nicholas who has
helped and attended to various jobs throughout the year when others have been unable.
Thank You All!

A socially distanced Christmas Church
Greetings - Christmas 2020 - Issue 6
– Somewhat of a different place to a ‘normal Christmas’ full of tree’s and snowmen.

Sweet memories of Christmas’s past!

                                 From All of US to All of YOU,

                     We wish everyone every blessing this Christmas

                          And the hope of a better and safe 2021

Prayer for Christmas.

May God, who has called us out of darkness
into his marvellous light,
bless us and fill us with peace this Christmas and always. Amen.

                            Services in December & Christmas
                       Sunday 6th 10am Holy Communion – Advent 2
                      Sunday 13th 10am Holy Communion – Advent 3
                      Sunday 20th 10am Holy Communion – Advent 4
                      Christmas Day – Christmas Communion at 10am

              If you would like and are able to contribute financially that would be wonderful!
         A plate is on the table by the door when Church is open or Please send your donation to:
                                Mr S Thomas (Treasurer) All Saints’ Church,
                         C/o Church House, Church Square, Blakeney, GL15 4DR.
    For Bacs payments or regular giving via standing order please feel free to use the following details
            Lloyds Bank: Sort Code: 309529 Account No: 01619262 - ‘Per Pro Blakeney PCC’

   Regularly check / View our website and Facebook page for the latest information
    and Facebook
Greetings - Christmas 2020 - Issue 6
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