Page created by Cecil Cooper
                  DISTRICT NPC
                                 BUSINESS PLAN

                          1 JULY 2020 – 30 JUNE 2025
                                        FOR THE
                                         OF THE
                          (NPC REG. NO. 2010/001964/08)

Prepared by:
The Groote Schuur Community Improvement District NPC
93 Main Road, Mowbray
Cape Town, 7700
Tel. 021 685 8185

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
       The area of operation: .......................................................................................................4
       Mission ............................................................................................................................... 5
       Goals ..................................................................................................................................5
       Core values of the CID:.......................................................................................................5
Proposed Services ......................................................................................................................6
       Consistency with Integrated Development Plan (IDP) ......................................................6
Improving Public Safety .............................................................................................................7
Cleansing and Urban Management ...........................................................................................8
Social Responsibilities ..............................................................................................................10
Marketing: ................................................................................................................................ 11
Financial Impact of the CID ......................................................................................................12
Proposed Management Structure ........................................................................................... 13
Financial and Performance Reporting requirements vis-à-vis the City: ..................................13
Permissible Amendments to the Business Plan .......................................................................14
List of all Rateable Properties within the CID ..........................................................................14
Implementation Plan: ..............................................................................................................14
Term Budget: ........................................................................................................................... 14
Annexures ................................................................................................................................ 14

The Groote Schuur CID was formally established in September 2010 to provide a top up public
safety and urban cleaning service in conjunction with the City’s Cleansing and Law
Enforcement Departments. A CID is a community-driven venture, allowing the local
community, property owners and local businesses to organise and fund improvements of
specific areas within the City.

It may readily be stated with confidence that the overall condition of the public space within
our boundaries has greatly improved resulting directly from the management interventions
and service delivery of the GSCID particularly in the areas of public safety and security,
cleanliness of the public space together with keeping vagrancy and homelessness under
control. Through the efforts of the GSCID the area has attracted new investments and
property owners have upgraded and maintained their property investments. The GSCID
continues to motivate property owners to enhance their investments and work closely with
the City of Cape Town to upgrade its facilities.

The improvements and upgrades proposed in this business plan will be funded by an
additional rate levied on rateable property located within the CID. Commercial property
owners will contribute to the improvements and upgrades.


                        MANAGE-                             CLEANING


Company: Groote Schuur Community Improvement District NPC
Registered office: 93 Main Road, Mowbray, Cape Town, 7700
GSCID Board:
       Gregg Huntingford 
       Shai Makgoba      
       Emmanuel Wope     
       Roland September  
       Jonathan Hobday   
       Tony Davenport    
       Guy Lamb          
Auditor: Cecil Kilpin & Co
Accountant: Account It (Roslyn Kruuse)
Company Secretary: Cecil Kilpin & Co
GSCID General Manager: Barbara Breedt

The area of operation:


We seek to continue to improve our public environments both residential and commercial,
to make them sought after, attractive destinations in which to live, work, shop and visit.


Our operations are always undertaken in partnership with UCT, SAPS, the City of Cape
Town, commercial and educational institutions, neighbourhood watches and residential
associations in the area. We aim to create a safer, cleaner and rejuvenated environment for
all by providing additional services to those provided by the City and SAPS.


   -     Improving public safety in the area including drug dealing and prostitution.
   -     Creating a safer public environment.
   -     Keeping the streets, pavements and public spaces in the GSCID clean and tidy.
   -     Seeking to rehabilitate and provide jobs for the homeless.

Core values of the CID:
   -     Transparency & Accountability: to be achieved through submission of annual reports
         to the local community, facilitation of local community participation in board meetings
         and members’ meetings of the CID company, and publication of relevant
         documentation online.

   -     Partnerships: Developing, maintaining and improving upon partnerships with local
         SAPS and Law Enforcement organisations to ensure the safety of all public members
         within the GSCID boundary.

   -     Consistency: Ensuring that special attention areas (hotspots) are regularly patrolled
         and monitored, to ensure that the area remains clean and safe for all.

Proposed Services
Overall the purpose of the GSCID within the abovementioned area would be to continue our
quest to contribute to the improvement of our neighbourhoods together by means of
continuing to create and manage a safer, cleaner and rejuvenated environment.

Consistency with Integrated Development Plan (IDP)

The Integrated Development Plan of the City rests on 5 pillars and the GSCID supports these
pillars as follows:

  -    The Opportunity City
       The GSCID is working towards the continuous development and improvement of the
       urban environment through public safety, cleaning, urban management and social
       initiatives, all aimed at safeguarding and growing the existing businesses and
       economic opportunities thereby maintaining and creating employment

  -    The Safe City
       The primary focus and therefore budget allocation for the GSCID is aimed at
       improved public safety in the public spaces within the GSCID boundary. The GSCID
       therefore directly supports a Safe City.

  -    The Caring City
       The GSCID supports the City's Social Upliftment Strategies to find lasting solutions
       for Social Development, which includes supporting individuals to move from the
       street into places of safety, support NGOs that provide social services and where
       possible create employment opportunities.

  -    The Efficient City
       The GSCID supports the functions of the City through the delivery of coordinated
       top-up municipal services and communicates with the various line departments
       which facilitates streamlined communication and service delivery with the City.

  -    The Well Run City
       The GSCID’s governance structures ensure an open and transparent approach in the
       way public money is used for the benefit of the community.

Improving Public Safety
In order to contribute towards the improvement of public safety and security, the GSCID will
develop a comprehensive and integrated public safety plan for the area in conjunction with
an appointed service provider.

All actions in the public safety plan will be carried out in conjunction with:

       -   The South African Police Service
       -   Local Community Policing Forums
       -   Other existing security services in the area
       -   Law Enforcement
       -   Other stakeholders

The public safety plan includes:

       -   6 x public safety patrol officers patrolling on foot, 24 hours / 7 days per week
       -   2 x public safety patrol vehicles patrolling the area on a 24/7 basis
       -   9 x mobile kiosks
       -   Radio communications network
       -   Centralised Control Room
       -   LPR Cameras and an LPR Surveillance Centre
       -   A dedicated Law Enforcement Officer

Public Safety Patrol Officers

                                                           The patrol officers are uniformed
                                                           ambassadors that serve as additional
                                                           “eyes and ears” for local law
                                                           enforcement agencies in the
                                                           boundary. They often serve as the
                                                           first point of contact for emergency
                                                           needs, help law enforcement to
                                                           maintain order and provide an
                                                           additional deterrent to crime
                                                           through their consistent coverage
                                                           and visibility. Public safety officers
                                                           are equipped with two-way radios
and walk or patrol the area throughout the day. Public safety patrol officers develop a keen
awareness and understanding of specific neighbourhood safety issues including drug trade,
social issues, criminal activity and behavior. If required patrol officers stand down at high
crime areas during peak hours to deter criminal activity and allow members of the public to
feel safer in public space.

It is proposed that 8 public safety patrol officers be deployed in the GSCID boundary, on a
24 hour/ 7 days per week basis. The GSCID has 9 mobile kiosks placed at strategic high crime
areas within the boundary to increase visibility and serve as a public contact point as well as
a reporting point for patrol officers. The area will be patrolled by two public safety patrol
vehicles on a 24/ 7 basis. The GSCID control room will assist, monitor and supervise the
public safety deployment by means of a comprehensive radio and communications network.

Dedicated Law Enforcement Officer

The GSCID will further enhance its public safety initiative by contracting with the City of
Cape Town to employ a dedicated Law Enforcement officer in the area for the full five year
term. These officers:

       -   Can enforce compliance with By-Laws and Policies
       -   Have powers of arrest
       -   Can issue appropriate fines for the transgression of City by-laws
       -   Enhance safety and security in the GSCID

LPR Camera Project

The proposed budget and business plan also include the maintenance and monitoring of the
already installed LPR cameras for year one and two of the budget. The cameras have and
will continue to assist with the monitoring of suspicious vehicles in the area.

It is proposed that a trained individual will be provisionally employed throughout year one
and two of the five year plan to monitor the LPR Camera feed. The GSCID will reassess the
sustainability of the project in year two.

Cleansing and Urban Management
The cleaning plan will support existing waste management services, identify specific
management problems and areas and assist in developing additional waste management and
cleaning plans for the area.

The GSCID will perform the following duties to assist the City of Cape Town with the
improvement of the cleanliness of the public spaces within our boundary:

       -   removal of graffiti
       -   Storm water drain cleaning
       -   street sweeping
       -   traffic island cleaning
       -   weeding and weed spraying
       -   removal of illegal posters and stickers where needed

       -   monitor and report maintenance matters to the City using the C3 (City Service
           Request) platform

Urban infrastructure in the area will be improved by:

       -   identifying and monitoring the state of public infrastructure (roads, pavements,
           traffic signs, streetlights, road markings and signs)

       -   reporting the defects to the relevant City of Cape Town departments. This is done
           via the City’s Service Request platform

In addition, GSCID will assist with the beautifying of the area by:

       -   Planting trees and flowers in areas of the CID that will be identified throughout the
           five-year period

       -   Maintaining greenery in parks and open spaces by implementing gardening
           services when needed.

The cleaning team will be employed, managed and equipped by a cleaning service provider
appointed by the GSCID. This service provider will be required to sweep along the Main
Road, and up to one lamp pole in the side streets. The team will consist of:

       -   Street sweepers, Monday to Saturday
       -   Graffiti removal teams at varying times throughout the year
       -   Storm water drain cleaning teams at varying times throughout the year
       -   Weeding and weed spraying teams at varying times throughout the year

Social Responsibilities
Due to the complexity and varied nature of the social matters in the area, the social plan will
need to constantly be adapted to an everchanging social environment. The GSCID will work
in conjunction with other social improvement organisations and NGOs to assist the City of
Cape Town with the development and re-integration of disadvantaged individuals back into

The GSCID Social Outreach Manager will:

       -   engage with homeless people and other individuals who are involved in potentially
           harmful behaviour patterns daily

       -   facilitate the obtaining of Identity Documents for the vagrants that are in need of
           it, making it easier for various social development organisations to employ them

       -   assist the homeless relocate back home

       -   maintain a database with photographs and profiles of all regular homeless people
           in the GSCID boundary, with the assistance of SAPS

    -   Maintain an informative website

    -   Publish articles regarding activities taking place at the GSCID in local newspapers and the
        GSCID website and social media platforms

    -   Promoting the GSCID through increased visibility in the area with branded vehicles,
        security officers and mobile kiosks

    -   Distribute flyers, and various GSCID branded marketing material to members of the
        community to promote the GSCID

Financial Impact of the CID
The budget for each year of the Business Plan
Year 1:         R7 627 650
Year 2:         R8 161 586
Year 3:         R8 732 896
Year 4:         R9 344 199
Year 5:         R9 998 293

The annual budget increase is based on an average 7 % escalation.
Budget allocation (excluding depreciation) by Portfolio:
   • Public Safety                          48.79%
   • Cleaning and Environment               19.15%
   • Social                                 2.19%
   • Provision for bad debts                3%

In line with the City`s Special Rating Areas Policy (SRA Policy), the GSCID management
annually prepares an overall budget for the year based on the specific needs of the area as
set out in the Business Plan. The budget is funded by the property owners through an
additional property rate levied on the municipal valuation of all properties within the GSCID
boundary. Additional property rates attract VAT @ 15%.
The additional property rate is calculated by the City annually during the City`s budget
process. The additional rate is expressed as a Rand-in-the-rand and is calculated by dividing
the GSCID budget total with the total municipal valuation of properties in the GSCID.
The GSCID budget and additional property rates` are approved by Council with the City`s
budget and is applicable over a financial year, which starts on 1 July.
Individual contributions can be calculated as follows:

   1. Municipal valuation x R0.00XXXX = Annual contribution (VAT excl.) – Note:
      R0.00XXXX represents the approved GSCID additional property rate.
   2. Annual contribution (VAT excl.) ÷ 12 = Average monthly contribution (VAT excl.)
   3. Average monthly contribution (VAT excl.) x 1.15 = Average monthly contribution
      (VAT incl.)
e.g. R5,000,000 x R 0.001424 = R7,120.00 ÷ 12 = R593.33 x 1.15 = R682.33

Proposed Management Structure
The GSCID will be managed by a Board of Directors, elected by the members of the Groote
Schuur Community Improvement District NPC. The Board of Directors consists of property
owners within the GSCID, co-op board members and a political representative from the City
of Cape Town attending the Board Meetings as Board Observers. The Board manages a Non-
Profit Company (NPC), which is responsible for the management of the CID, within the
framework of the approved GSCID business plan and oversees the implantation thereof.

The existing executive management structure is:

       -   A General Manager

       -   A Personal Assistant Office Administrator

       -   A Social Outreach Manager

       -   An Operations Manager provided by the Security Service Provider

       -   A Security Staff Administrator provided by the Security Service Provider

Financial and Performance Reporting requirements vis-à-vis the City:
-    The Executive Officer, in acting in the best interests of the GSCID, must report in writing
     to the board of directors and the City any serious or persistent financial problems
     experienced by the GSCID.

-    The board of directors must promptly report in writing to the City any irregular or
     Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure. The board of directors must also report any
     irregular expenditure or other loss resulting from real or suspected criminal conduct.

-    The Executive Officer must report to the City any interference by a councillor outside of
     that councillor’s assigned duties, relating to the financial affairs of the GSCID or the
     responsibilities of the board of directors.

Permissible Amendments to the Business Plan
After many years of training and working with Chrysalis Academy Graduates, the GSCID is
considering a possible project that will upskill and assist the students with obtaining
permanent employment.
Our concern is that the graduates are employed for one year, thereafter they are forced to
return to an environment that threatens to diminish the skills they have learnt during their
one-year internship.
At the GSCID we are exploring ways in which to further the skills development of the
Chrysalis Graduates (e.g. security grade training, driver’s license, matric certificate, etc.) and
to work in partnership with local organisations that will be willing to permanently employ

List of all Rateable Properties within the CID
        -   The list of rateable properties within the GSCID boundary are Annexure A

Implementation Plan:
        -   The implementation plan is Annexure B

Term Budget:
        -   The term budget is Annexure C

Annexure A: GSCID Rateable Properties in the GSCID Boundary

Annexure B: GSCID Implementation Plan

Annexure C: GSCID Term Budget

Annexure D: GSCID Members
Annexure A
ERF No     CID Bill Cls   CID Inv Name                               Rates Use code Desc                        Unit No   No Street address           Suburb        Total Val

  152235   COM            RZT ZELPY 4279 (PTY) LTD                   Offices                                              14   ALBION PLACE CLOSE     RONDEBOSCH        4 400 000
   27432   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Research Fac.                                         9   ANZIO ROAD             OBSERVATORY     703 124 465
   46568   COM            NEWLANDS TERRACE BODY CORPORATE            Sectional title - dwellings- incomplete/              7   ARBOR ROAD             RONDEBOSCH              -
   46568   COM            NEWLANDS TERRACE BODY CORPORATE            Sectional title - Flats with business in              7   ARBOR ROAD             RONDEBOSCH              -
   28369   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Block of Flats                                        3   BATTEN LANE            MOWBRAY         186 900 000
   45725   COM            THE RONDEBOSCH BODY CORPORATE              Sectional title - dwellings- incomplete/              4   BELMONT ROAD           RONDEBOSCH              -
  147945   COM            GROWTHPOINT PROPERTIES LIMITED             Offices                                               9   BELMONT ROAD           RONDEBOSCH      213 900 000
  159968   COM            THE BELMONT SQUARE TRUST                   Offices                                              19   BELMONT ROAD           ROSEBANK         60 600 000
   96678   COM            EMIRA PROP FUND LTD                        Parking Garage                                       10   BOUNDARY ROAD          NEWLANDS         96 000 000
   96665   COM            WESTERN PROVINCE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION      Offices&Retail                                       12   BOUNDARY ROAD          NEWLANDS         12 400 000
   96664   COM            JOSEPHINE MILL                             Museum / Exhibt                                      14   BOUNDARY ROAD          NEWLANDS         21 800 000
  153664   COM            SPORTS SCIENCE SHAREBLOCK                  Clinics etc                                          15   BOUNDARY ROAD          NEWLANDS         45 169 650
  153664   COM            SPORTS SCIENCE SHAREBLOCK                  Sports Stadium                                       15   BOUNDARY ROAD          NEWLANDS         34 075 350
  153664   COM            WESTERN PROVINCE RUGBY UNION               Sports Stadium                                       15   BOUNDARY ROAD          NEWLANDS        110 000 000
   46268   COM            DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS   Schools                                              22   COPELAND ROAD          RONDEBOSCH       74 028 000
   48437   COM            PROPERTY ENTHUSIASTS                       Offices&Retail                                        1   DEAN STREET            NEWLANDS         15 000 000
   48436   COM            B JAFFER AND R BANDERKER                   Retail                                                7   DEAN STREET            NEWLANDS          4 472 997
   48436   COM            B JAFFER AND R BANDERKER                   Offices                                               7   DEAN STREET            NEWLANDS          1 718 385
   48412   COM            MAINDEAN (PTY) LTD                         Offices&Retail                                       37   DEAN STREET            NEWLANDS          6 900 000
   97859   COM            41 BREDA STREET INVESTMENTS CC             Offices                                              39   DEAN STREET            NEWLANDS          5 000 000
   48364   COM            MRS JULIE PATRICIA JP SILVESTER            Offices                                              43   DEAN STREET            NEWLANDS          4 000 000
  155443   COM            MRS DH ARMSTRONG                           Retail                                               47   DEAN STREET            NEWLANDS          2 800 000
   45977   COM            BEFORE THE WIND INVESTMENTS 150 PTY LTD    Offices&Retail                                        7   DEVONSHIRE HILL ROAD   RONDEBOSCH       26 740 000
   45701   COM            THE TORTOISE TRUST                         Retail                                               1A   DUKE ROAD              RONDEBOSCH        2 447 330
   45701   COM            THE TORTOISE TRUST                         Offices                                              1A   DUKE ROAD              RONDEBOSCH          436 029
   31108   COM            MR MA KIERSEN                              Retail                                                6   GORDON ROAD            MOWBRAY           3 700 000
   30311   COM            CAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY    Schools                                              24   GROVE ROAD             MOWBRAY          93 900 000
   31152   COM            K2014199749(SOUTH AFRICA)(PTY) LTD         Retail                                                3   HARE STREET            MOWBRAY           2 121 053
   28727   COM            BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD           Retail                                               11   JOHN STREET            MOWBRAY           2 785 478
   28727   COM            BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD           Retail                                               11   JOHN STREET            MOWBRAY           2 906 585
   28727   COM            BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD           Offices                                              11   JOHN STREET            MOWBRAY                 -
   28727   COM            BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD           Offices                                              11   JOHN STREET            MOWBRAY                 -
   28727   COM            BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD           Retail                                               11   JOHN STREET            MOWBRAY                 -
   28727   COM            BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD           Offices                                              11   JOHN STREET            MOWBRAY                 -
   30420   COM            CAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY    Vac Land Oth Z                                       22   KOTZEE ROAD            OBSERVATORY       2 837 000
   45490   COM            PROGRESS COLLEGE                           Schools                                               0   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          6 000 000
   31936   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Hostel                                                1   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          7 500 000
   31964   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Hostel                                                3   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK         37 400 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           1    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           2    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           3    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           4    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           5    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           6    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           7    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           8    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                           9    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          10    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          11    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          12    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             76 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          13    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          14    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          15    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          16    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          17    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          18    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          19    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          20    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          21    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          22    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          23    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          24    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          25    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Garage                                          26    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK             72 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            27    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 510 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            28    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 360 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            29    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 200 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            30    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 380 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            31    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 370 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            32    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 360 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            33    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 350 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            34    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 510 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            35    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 370 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            36    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 360 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            37    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 350 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            38    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 510 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            39    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK            880 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            40    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK            900 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            41    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK            870 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            42    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 310 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            43    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 310 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            44    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK            870 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            45    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK            900 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            46    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK            880 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            47    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 510 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            48    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 570 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            49    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 570 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            50    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 510 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            51    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 510 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            52    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 570 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            53    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 570 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            54    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 510 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            55    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 250 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            56    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 240 000
   32098   COM            UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                    Flat                                            57    5   MAIN ROAD              ROSEBANK          1 240 000
Annexure A: List of Rateable Properties

 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        58     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 250 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        59     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 250 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        60     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 240 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        61     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 240 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        62     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 250 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        63     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 250 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        64     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 240 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        65     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 240 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        66     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 250 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        67     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 250 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        68     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 240 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        69     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 240 000
 32098   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Flat                                        70     5   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        1 250 000
 31991   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Offices                                            7   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY        27 750 000
 45542   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Block of Flats                                     7   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH     11 800 000
 45541   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Block of Flats                                     9   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      8 800 000
 45943   COM   SUBURBAN LANDS                                  Offices&Retail                                    14   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      8 340 000
 45953   COM   B P SOUTHERN AFRICA                             Serv St&Other                                     16   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      8 600 000
 31038   COM   CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN SOUTH AFRICA               Offices                                           18   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK        6 300 000
 45952   COM   PERSEUS PROP HOLDINGS PTY LTD                   Offices                                           18   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      8 280 000
 31990   COM   THE HERIOT TRUST NO 3                           Retail                                            23   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY        35 500 000
 31993   COM   CAMPUSKEY PROPRIETARY LIMITED                   Vac Land Oth Z                                    24   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK      212 800 000
 45560   COM   A N J INVESTEMENTS PTY LTD                      Offices&Retail                                    25   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      7 000 000
153536   COM   FPG HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD                          Offices&Retail                                    26   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH     23 480 000
 45559   COM   A & J INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD                     Offices                                           27   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH        642 326
 45559   COM   A & J INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD                     Retail                                            27   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      4 722 574
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Shop                                         1    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY           798 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Shop                                         2    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY           776 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Shop                                         3    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY           776 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Restaurant                                   4    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         1 645 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Shop                                         5    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         1 392 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Shop                                         6    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         2 070 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Gymnasium                                  110    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         1 430 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Gymnasium                                  111    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         1 820 000
 31079   COM   TAMRIC TRUST                                    Office                                     112    28   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         1 762 000
 31078   COM   PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT                         Emerg Services                                    32   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY        21 700 000
 45579   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Hostel                                            33   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH     34 900 000
 30405   COM   CT INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY INVESTMENTS CC        Offices                                           37   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY        14 300 000
 32059   COM   MR R RIEDER                                     Retail                                            38   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         9 740 000
 28734   COM   BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD                Retail                                            44   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         2 390 559
 28734   COM   BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD                Retail                                            44   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         2 588 985
 28734   COM   BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD                Retail                                            44   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY               -
 45582   COM   TELLUS INVESTMENTS CC                           Offices&Retail                                    49   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      5 800 000
 28731   COM   BRASHVILLE PROPERTIES 12 PTY LTD                Retail                                            50   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY           406 215
106087   COM   FOODPROP PROPERTY HOLDINGS                      Community shopping centre                         51   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH            -
 28471   COM   HURRY INVESTMENTS                               Offices&Retail                                    57   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         3 000 000
 28469   COM   THE MESSAGE TRUST SOUTH AFRICA                  Retail                                            61   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         4 300 000
170700   COM   ELSMA CC - CONSOLIDATION                        Retail                                            72   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         9 627 551
170700   COM   ELSMA CC - CONSOLIDATION                                                                          72   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY           138 254
 28642   COM   OTTER PROPERTIES TRUST                          Offices&Retail                                    86   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         1 800 000
 28640   COM   MR CA MAUERBERGER                               Retail                                            88   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         2 259 951
 28639   COM   ND EMPIRE PTY LTD                               Retail                                            92   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         1 084 492
 28638   COM   SERETONIN INVESTMENT (PROP) LIMITED             Retail                                            94   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         7 973 112
113370   COM   REDEFINE PROPERTIES LIMITED                     Community shopping centre                         95   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH    110 200 000
 28636   COM   NKHWAZI FAMILY TRUST                            Retail                                            98   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         2 200 000
 28635   COM   NKHWAZI FAMILY TRUST                            Offices                                          102   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         7 500 000
 28592   COM   LM NAJA                                         Retail                                           110   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY         9 307 680
 30309   COM   DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS        Schools                                          132   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY        20 800 000
115014   COM   FRASER DOYLE INVESTMENT CC                      Offices                                          147   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      5 750 000
 46472   COM   ESTRELLA VENTURES 10 PROPRIETARY LIMITED        Retail                                           165   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH      6 000 000
152234   COM   ACUCAP INVESTMENTS                              Offices                                          183   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH     31 350 000
102209   COM   PROPERTY APPEAL (PTY) LTD                       Offices                                          222   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH     11 130 000
 28052   COM   RAWSON HOME BUILDERS PROPRIETARY LIMITED        Vac Bus Land                                     228   MAIN ROAD      OBSERVATORY    23 530 000
 46599   COM   CAPE PENINSULA ORGANISATION FOR THE AGED        Offices                                          231   MAIN ROAD      NEWLANDS       10 630 195
 46599   COM   CAPE PENINSULA ORGANISATION FOR THE AGED        Offices                                          231   MAIN ROAD      NEWLANDS        2 301 383
 46599   COM   CAPE PENINSULA ORGANISATION FOR THE AGED                                                         231   MAIN ROAD      NEWLANDS        2 365 082
134205   COM   INGENUITY PROPERTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED          Office                                       1   240   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH    478 000 000
134205   COM   INGENUITY PROPERTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED          Parking                                      2   240   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH     44 020 000
134205   COM   GREAT WESTERFORD BODY CORPORATE                 Sectional title - dwellings- incomplete/         240   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH            -
 28050   COM   ENGEN PETROLEUM LTD                             Serv St&Other                                    256   MAIN ROAD      OBSERVATORY     7 900 000
 28047   COM   MILLSTOCK HOUSE PROPRIETARY LIMITED             Vac Bus Land                                     260   MAIN ROAD      OBSERVATORY           -
163060   COM   ACREWOOD PROP INV PTY LTD                       Shop                                         1   412   MAIN ROAD      OBSERVATORY    18 950 000
163060   COM   ACREWOOD PROP INV PTY LTD                       Shop                                         2   412   MAIN ROAD      OBSERVATORY     1 770 000
163060   COM   ST PETERS SQUARE BODY CORPORATE                 Sectional title - dwellings- incomplete/         412   MAIN ROAD      OBSERVATORY           -
 31941   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                         Hostel                                            1B   MAIN ROAD      ROSEBANK       27 800 000
117431   COM   FPG HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD                          Offices&Retail                                   24A   MAIN ROAD      RONDEBOSCH     20 520 000
 96657   COM   S A BREWERIES LTD                               Pub Open Space                                    3B   MAIN ROAD      NEWLANDS              -
 28406   COM   CAPE LIVING DEVELOPMENTS PROPRIETARY LTD        Parking Garage                                   69A   MAIN ROAD      MOWBRAY               -
 96660   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN BREWERIES                         Serv Industrial                                    3   MAIN STREET    NEWLANDS      384 000 000
 97478   COM   MAINDEAN PTY LTD                                Offices&Retail                                    10   MAIN STREET    NEWLANDS       39 700 000
 46216   COM   GRASERKRAT PROPERTIES                           Offices                                            4   MOUNT ROAD     RONDEBOSCH      5 000 000
 28565   COM   ARTICLE INVESTMENTS 130 PROPRIETARY LIMITED     Offices&Retail                                    47   MOUNT STREET   MOWBRAY         7 100 000
 28473   COM   EARLY LEARNING FOUNDATION - MONTESSORI          Offices                                           55   MOUNT STREET   MOWBRAY         3 100 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       1    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      2 500 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       2    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      3 300 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       3    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      2 350 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       4    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      1 980 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       5    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      2 350 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       6    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      1 680 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       7    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      1 660 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       8    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      2 690 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                       9    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      1 900 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                      10    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      1 810 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                      11    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      2 420 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                      12    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      4 680 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                      13    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      1 780 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                      14    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      4 580 000
153002   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN RAIL COMMUTER CORP LTD            Office                                      15    27   MYRTLE ROAD    RONDEBOSCH      2 500 000
Annexure A: List of Rateable Properties

 28411   COM   TONDOX PRY LTD                                     Offices                                      2A   OSBORNE ROAD         MOWBRAY                 -
 28525   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                            Offices                                       4   RHODES AVENUE        MOWBRAY          15 690 000
 45804   COM   M W M S PROPERTIES                                 Offices                                      10   ROSENDALE ROAD       RONDEBOSCH        3 000 000
 96658   COM   SOUTH AFRICAN BREWERIES                            Vac Ind Land                                  7   SPORT PIENAAR ROAD   NEWLANDS            370 000
 96666   COM   S A BREWERIES LTD                                  Clinics etc                                  10   SPORT PIENAAR ROAD   NEWLANDS         11 900 000
 44201   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                            Coll/Uni/Technk                              18   STANLEY ROAD         RONDEBOSCH    1 660 910 000
 99893   COM   TRANSNET                                           Railway                                       7   STATION ROAD         RONDEBOSCH              -
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PRORIETARY LIMITED                  Office                                   1   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          4 670 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                   2   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          6 480 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                   3   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          4 760 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                   4   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          6 480 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PRORIETARY LIMITED                  Office                                   5   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          6 600 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PTY LTD                             Office                                   6   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          7 710 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                   7   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          6 420 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                   8   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          7 820 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PRORIETARY LIMITED                  Office                                   9   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          6 600 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                  10   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          7 820 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                  11   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          6 410 000
116494   COM   RAWSON AMANDLA PROPRIETARY LIMITED                 Office                                  12   17   STATION ROAD         ROSEBANK          7 820 000
 45708   COM   OLYMPIC SPORTS CLUB                                Sports Club                                  22   STATION ROAD         RONDEBOSCH        9 400 000
 31107   COM   VALUTA MOWBRAY EDMS BPK                            Offices&Retail                               18   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           4 400 000
 31104   COM   KIDONIA INVESTMENTS CC                             Retail                                       20   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           2 900 000
 28750   COM   MISS MJ RODRIGUES                                  Retail                                       21   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           6 175 370
 30314   COM   RODRIGUES MJ & OTHERS                              Retail                                       23   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           4 937 368
 30314   COM   RODRIGUES MJ & OTHERS                              Retail                                       23   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           7 590 861
 28777   COM   PEREGRINE HOMES                                    Retail                                       27   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           2 200 000
 30351   COM   JOGOR INVESTMENTS                                  Retail                                       29   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           2 100 000
 28775   COM   ARTOUGE PROPERTY INVESTMENTS PTY LTD               Retail                                       35   VICTORIA ROAD        MOWBRAY           3 200 000
157915   COM   FACTAPROPS 148                                     Offices&Retail                                6   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS         76 680 000
 48435   COM   TRACK CRESCENT INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY L           Laundry                                  1   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS            337 000
 48435   COM   TRACK CRESCENT INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY L           Laundry                                  2   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS            675 000
 48435   COM   TRACK CRESCENT INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED     Restaurant                               3   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS          1 820 000
 48435   COM   TRACK CRESCENT INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY L           Restaurant                               4   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS          1 360 000
 48435   COM   SEYMOUR FAMILY TRUST                               Shop                                     5   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS          1 560 000
 48435   COM   JENS GROOMING SERVICES C C                         Shop                                     6   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS            530 000
 48435   COM   JENS GROOMING SERVICES C C                         Shop                                     7   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS            900 000
 48435   COM   TRACK CRESCENT INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY             Storeroom                               14   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS             60 000
 48435   COM   SEYMOUR FAMILY TRUST                               Storeroom                               15   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS             40 000
 48435   COM   TRACK CRESCENT INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED     Storeroom                               16   17   WILKINSON STREET     NEWLANDS             40 000
173679   COM   THE UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                        Block of Flats                               26   WILLIAM STREET       OBSERVATORY     760 955 982
 44230   COM   UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN                            Block of Flats                                1   WOOLSACK ROAD        ROSEBANK          9 000 000
Annexure B

                                             GROOTE SCHUUR COMMUNITY MPROVEMENT DISTRICT (GSCID)
                                                         5 YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
                                                                                1st July 2020 to 30th June 2025

                                      PROGRAM 1 - GSCID MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONS
       ACTION STEPS                     KEY                        FREQUENCY          DURATION IN WEEKS,     RESPONSIBLE                     COMMENTS
                                PERFORMANCE INDICATOR                per year          MONTHS OR YEARS
                                                                                 Y1      Y2   Y3   Y4   Y5

1. Fully operational GSCID
    Management Office
                                Functional and accessible            Ongoing
                                                                                                        GSCID Manager /
                                                                                                             GSCID Board
2. Appointment of relevant      Appointment of appropriately         1 Years     1Y      1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager /   Service providers to be reappointed or
    service providers           qualified service providers.                                                 GSCID Board       new providers to be appointed in last year
                                                                                                                               of contract period by means of a
                                                                                                                               competitive process. Well Documented.

3. Board meetings               Bi-monthly       Board                   6       6       6    6    6    6    GSCID Manager /   Quorum of directors’ present at every
                                meetings.                                                                    GSCID Board       meeting. Feedback per portfolio. Keep
                                                                                                                               minutes and file resolutions.

4. Monthly Progressive Income   Submit reports to the CID                12      12      12   12   12   12   GSCID Manager     Refer to Financial Agreement. Submit
   and Expenditure Report to    Department timeously.                                                                          reports to the CID Department by the 15th
   CCT                                                                                                                         of the following month.

5. Audited Annual Financial     Audited     Annual     Financial         1       1Y      1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager     Submitted to the City by 31 August of each
    Statements                  Statements with an                                                                             year.
                                Unqualified finding.

6. Communicate GSCID arrears      Board Members in arears                 12   12   12   12   12   12   GSCID Manager     Observe and report concern over
list                              cannot participate in meetings.                                                         outstanding amounts to Board and CID
7. Annual General Meeting         Annual feedback to members               1   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager /   Host successful AGM before 31
                                  at AGM and complying with                                             GSCID Board       December.
                                  legal requirements

8. Submit Annual Report and       Submit AFS and annual report        1        1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager /   Submit proof of submission to CID
   Annual Audited Financial       to Subcouncil within 3 months                                         GSCID Board       Department.
   Statements to Sub-council(s)   of AGM.

9. Successful day-to-day
    management and
                                  Monthly feedback to GSCID
                                                                                                   GSCID Manager

    operations of the GSCID
10. Maintain Website              Website with all the relevant
                                  documents as required by the
                                                                                                   GSCID
                                                                                                                          Refer to Program 6-3.

                                  By-Law and Policy                                                     GSCID
11. CIPC Compliance               CIPC Notifications of changes.      1Y       1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Board       Directors & Auditors change within 10
    • Directors change                                                                                                    business days of change. Annual returns
    • Annual Returns                                                                                                      within 30 Business days after the
    • Auditors change                                                                                                     anniversary date of the NPC registration.

12. Monthly Reports to the    Report back on all CID related          12       12   12   12   12   12   GSCID Manager     Provide monthly reports to the Directors.
Directors                     business to be measured and
                              signed off
13.Manage and monitor the C3 Complete daily reports of C3             12       12   12   12   12   12   GSCID Manager
    notification Process      notifications and monitor
14. Input to the Integrated   Annual       submissions     to         1Y       1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager     October to February of every year.
    Development Plan          Subcouncil Manager
15. Input to the City         Annual       submissions     to         1Y       1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager     By September of each year.
    Capital/Operating Budgets Subcouncil Manager.
16. Communicate with property Monthly newsletter                    Monthly    12   12   12   12   12   GSCID Manager     Keep property owners informed.
17.Mediate issues with or Provide an informed opinion on
   between property owners unresolved issues and assist
                                                                                                      GSCID Manager &
                                                                                                           City of Cape Town
                           where possible                                                                  Departmental
                                                                                                           Managers and
18. Open communication             Communicate and visit GSCID      BI Annually   2    2    2    2    2    GSCID Manager     Refer also to Program 6-4
channels with GSCID members        members.
19. Promote and develop GSCID
    NPC membership
                                   Have an NPC membership that
                                   represents       the     GSCID
                                                                                                      GSCID Manager /
                                                                                                           GSCID Board
                                   community       Update    NPC
                                   Ensure     that    membership
                                   application     requests   are
                                   prominent on webpage

20. Build working relationships
   with        Sub       council
                                   Successful and professional
                                   relationships with subcouncil
                                                                                                      GSCID Manager

   Management and relevant         management, Area Based
   CCT        officials     and    Manager      and     City
   departments that deliver        Departments resulting in
   services in the GSCID           enhanced communication,
                                   cooperation and service

21. SRA renewal application        Submit      a    comprehensive    In year 5                        1Y   GSCID Manager /
    and survey.                    renewal       application  for                                          GSCID Board
                                   approval by the members and
                                   the City of Cape Town.

22. Annual Tax Compliance          Within one month after expiry     Annually     1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager     Submit PIN to CCT Supply Chain
Status                             date.                                                                                     Management Department.
23. Budget Review                  Board approved budget review      Annually     1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   GSCID Manager     Submit Board minutes and approved
                                   to the CCT by end of February                                                             adjustment budget to the CCT by end of

24. Perform Mid-year                Board approved mid-year               Annually    1Y     1Y       1Y       1Y        1Y        GSCID Manager /   Submit Board minutes and approved Mid-
    performance review.             review submitted to the CCT by                                                                 GSCID Board       year performance review to the CCT by
                                    end of February                                                                                                  end of February. Ensure under/non-
                                                                                                                                                     performance areas are addressed before
                                                                                                                                                     the end of the financial year.

25. All Directors to receive        At the 1st Board meeting after        Annually    1Y     1Y       1Y       1Y        1Y        GSCID Manager /
    relevant CID Documents          the AGM, supply all directors                                                                  GSCID Board
                                    with all relevant CID documents

26. Allocation of portfolios        At the first Board meeting after      Annually    1Y     1Y       1Y       1Y        1Y        GSCID Manager /
                                    the AGM, assign portfolios to                                                                  GSCID Board
27. Declaration of interest         Ensure all Directors and             Bi-monthly   6      6        6        6         6         GSCID Manager /
                                    Manager sign DOI at every                                                                      GSCID Board
                                    Board Meeting
28. Vat reconciliation and tax      BI-monthly VAT returns and           Bi-monthly   6      6        6        6         6         GSCID Manager /
returns                             annual tax returns submitted to                                                                GSCID Board
                                    SARS on time
29. Annual approval of              Obtain approval from members          Annually    1Y     1Y       1Y       1Y        1Y        GSCID Manager /
    Implementation plan and         at AGM for Implementation                                                                      GSCID Board
    Budgets                         Plan and Budget

            ACTION STEPS                          KEY                  FREQUENCY           DURATION IN WEEKS,                                RESPONSIBLE                COMMENTS
                                            PERFORMANCE                per year             MONTHS OR YEARS
                                              INDICATOR                               Y1         Y2       Y3        Y4        Y5

1.   Identify the root causes of crime
     in conjunction with the SAPS,
                                           Incorporate in Public
                                           Safety Management
                                                                                                                                GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
                                                                                                                                     Service Provider
                                                                                                                                                                     This     is      done
                                                                                                                                                                     comprehensively at
     Local Authority and existing Public   Strategy Plan                                                                                                             the beginning of term
     Safety service using their                                                                                                                                      and then modified
     experience as well as available                                                                                                                                 continuously
     crime statistics

2.   Determine the Crime Threat
     Analysis of the CID area in
                                           Incorporate in Public
                                           Safety Management
                                                                                                           GSCID Manager /
                                                                                                                GSCID Board
     conjunction with the SAPS             Strategy Plan
3.   Determine strategies by means of
     an integrated approach to
                                           Incorporate in Public
                                           Safety Management
                                                                                                           GSCID Manager /
                                                                                                                GSCID Board
     improve public safety                 Strategy Plan
4.   In liaison with other Public Safety
     role players and the South African
                                           Incorporate in Public
                                           Safety Management
                                                                                                           GSCID Manager /
                                                                                                                GSCID Board
     Police Service, identify current      Strategy Plan
     Public Safety and policing
     shortcomings and develop and
     implement effective public safety
5.   Approve a Public Safety               Documented         Public Revise as often   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y   1Y    GSCID Manager/ Public Safety    This     is    done
     Management Strategy with clear        Safety Management as required but                                     Service Provider and approved   comprehensively at
     deliverables and defined              Strategy with clear at least annually                                 by the Board                    the implementation
     performance indicators to guide       deliverables         and                                                                              of the CID and then
     safety services by the appointed      defined performance                                                                                   modified
     service provider and evaluate         indicators to guide                                                                                   continuously
     levels of service provided.           public safety services
                                           by the appointed
                                           service provider and
                                           evaluate levels of
                                           service provided.
6.  Maintain a manned centrally
    located office(s) open to the
                                           Appropriately manned
                                           and equipped office
                                                                                                            GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
                                                                                                                 Service Provider
                                                                                                                                                 As per Program 1-1

    members and residents of the CID       with skilled staff
    to     request     Public   Safety
    assistance or report information
7. Deploy Public Safety resources
    accordingly and effectively on
                                           Effective safety and
                                           Public Safety patrols in
                                                                                                            GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
                                                                                                                 Service Provider
    visible patrols. Public Safety         the GSCID
    personnel and patrol vehicles to
    be easily identifiable
8. Utilise the "eyes and ears" of all
    Public          Safety        and
                                           Incorporate feedback
                                           and information in
                                                                                                            GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
                                                                                                                 Service Provider
    gardening/street cleaning staff, as    Public Safety and safety
    well as own staff,                     initiatives of the GSCID
    to identify any breaches
9. Assist the police through            Incorporate feedback        Monthly     12   12   12   12   12   GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
  participation by GSCID in the local   and information in                                               Service Provider
  Police sector crime forum             Public Safety and safety
                                        initiatives of the GSCID
                                         Report on any Public
                                         Safety information of
                                         the GSCID to the CPF
10. Monitor and evaluate the Public      Report findings to the     Quarterly   4    4    4    4    4    GSCID Manager/ Public Safety     Refer to Program 1-9
    Safety strategy and performance     GSCID Board          with                                        Service Provider/ SAPS Crime
    of all service delivery on a         recommendations                                                 Intelligence Officer
    quarterly basis                      where applicable
11. Application to be submitted by       Contract with the City     Annually    1    1    1    1    1    GSCID Manager/City of Cape       Contact Law
    GSCID to secure Law Enforcement      of Cape Town signed                                             Town Law Enforcement             Enforcement
    Officer                              by the directors                                                                                 Department by
                                                                                                                                          February of every
                                                                                                                                          year. Contract
                                                                                                                                          concluded by April of
                                                                                                                                          every year
12. Deploy Law Enforcement Officers      Contract with the City     Annually    1    1    1    1    1    GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
    in the GSCID in support of the       of Cape Town                                                    Service Provider Manager/City
    Public Safety Initiative             Deployed Officer in                                             of Cape Town Law Enforcement
                                         support of Public
                                         Safety operations
13. On-site inspection of Public Safety Report findings to the
    Patrol officers                     GSCID Manager/ Public
                                                                                                    GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
                                                                                                         Service Provider Manager/
                                        Safety Service Provider                                          Public Safety
                                        Board with                                                       Service Provider
                                         where applicable
14. Weekly Public Safety Reports from Report findings to the         Weekly     52   52   52   52   52   Public Safety Service Provider   Incorporate into
    Contract Public Safety Service GSCID Manager/ Public                                                                                  monthly
    Provider                            Safety Service Provider                                                                           management report
                                        Board with                                                                                        to GSCID Manager/
                                        recommendations                                                                                   Public Safety
                                        where applicable                                                                                  Service Provider
                                        Provide feedback to                                                                               Board
                                        forum meeting

15. Monitor LPR cameras (licence plate
    recognition) by the surveillance
                                         Effective use of LPR
                                         cameras through
                                                                                     
    centre                               monitoring
16. Appoint an LPR Monitoring            Appointment          of     1 Years     1Y      1Y    1Y   1Y    1Y
    controller                           appropriately qualified

17. Register LPR Cameras with the City Cameras
    of Cape Town                       with the CCT
                                                    registered       Ongoing
                                                                                     

                                    PROGRAM 3 - GSCID CLEANSING & ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES
           ACTION STEPS                           KEY              FREQUENCY           DURATION IN WEEKS,                RESPONSIBLE                 COMMENTS
                                            PERFORMANCE            per year             MONTHS OR YEARS
                                              INDICATOR                           Y1      Y2   Y3    Y4     Y5

1.   Develop a cleansing strategy        Cleansing      strategy     Annually    1Y      1Y    1Y   1Y      1Y   GSCID Manager/ Public Safety    Revise as often as
     document                            document with clear                                                     Service Provider Manager/       required but at least
                                         deliverables        and                                                 Cleansing Service Provider      annually. Refer to 1-2
                                         defined performance
                                         indicators to guide
                                         cleansing and delivery.

2.   Cleansing Strategy to      guide Monitor and evaluate           Quarterly   4       4     4    4       4    GSCID Manager/ Public Safety
     cleansing and delivery           the cleansing strategy                                                     Service Provider Manager/
                                      and performance of all                                                     Cleansing Service Provider
                                      service delivery on a
                                      quarterly basis
3.   Appointed Cleaning service       Appointment          of         1 Years    1Y       1Y   1Y   1Y      1Y    GSCID Manager/ Public Safety   Service providers to
     provider.                        appropriately qualified                                                     Service Provider Manager /     be reappointed or
                                      service provider.                                                           GSCID Manager/ Public Safety   new providers to be
                                                                                                                  Service Provider Board         appointed in last
                                                                                                                                                 year of contract
                                                                                                                                                 period by means of a
                                                                                                                                                 competitive process.
                                                                                                                                                 Well Documented.

4.   Additional litter bins and emptying Quarterly        status      Quarterly    4   4   4   4   4    GSCID Manager/ Solid Waste
     of litter bins.                     reports     to     CCT                                         Department
                                         regarding progress of

5.   Cleaning of streets and sidewalks in Cleansing each of the       Bi monthly   6   6   6   6   6   GSCID Manager/Cleansing
     the GSCID                            streets within the CID                                        Service Provider
                                          boundary Monday to

6.   Health and safety issues reported to Monthly evaluations
     CCT with C3 notifications             and inspections of
                                                                                                   GSCID Manager/ GSCID Board

                                           reported C3. Report to
                                           the Board.
                                            Provide an improved
                                            healthy          urban
                                            environment in the
7.   Monitor and combat Illegal
                                            Removal of illegal
                                            dumping          when
                                                                                                   GSCID Manager/ Cleansing
                                                                                                        Service   Provider/    Law
                                            required and applying                                       Enforcement Officers/ GSCID
                                            applicable    penalties                                     Board
                                            through            law
                                            Enforcement against
                                            transgressors. Report
                                            to the Board
8.   Identify environmental design Quarterly evaluation of            Quarterly    4   4   4   4   4   GSCID Manager/ Cleansing
     contributing to grime such as the causes of waste                                                 Service Provider/ GSCID Board
     stormwater drains                    Quarterly evaluation
                                          of measures
                                         implemented and
                                         identification of remedial
                                           Report to the Board.

9.    Promoting waste minimization Monthly evaluations and
     through education and awareness inspections        Report
                                                                                                        GSCID Manager/ Cleansing
                                                                                                             Service Provider, Solid waste
     on waste and water pollution    findings to Board.                                                      Department

10. Encourage property owners to act
    responsibly in terms of waste
                                       Monthly evaluations and
                                                                                                        CID Manager / Solid Waste
    management and encourage           Report findings to the
    recycling initiatives              Board.

11. Local NGO to assist in cleaning As required coordinate
    programs where applicable       cleaning programs and
                                                                                                        CID Manager                     Refer to program 4-6
                                                                                                                                             and 5-2
                                    report to the Board
12. Recycle waste                   Recycle waste collected
                                    by cleaning staff where
                                                                                                        GSCID Manager/ Cleansing
                                                                                                             Service Provider
                                    possible and report
                                    progress to the Board

13. Greening campaigns - Arbor Day     Report to the GSCID           1       1Y     1Y     1Y    1Y    1Y    GSCID Manager
                                       Board with
                                       recommendations where

                                           PROGRAM 4 - GSCID URBAN MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES
            ACTION STEPS                        KEY              FREQUENCY         DURATION IN WEEKS,                 RESPONSIBLE                COMMENTS
                                           PERFORMANCE           per year           MONTHS OR YEARS
                                             INDICATOR                        Y1      Y2    Y3    Y4    Y5

1.   Identify problem areas with respect
                                           Urban management
                                           plan with clear
                                                                                                             GSCID Manager   Use the established
                                                                                                                                  service levels to
      a. street lighting;                  deliverables and           reporting to the                                            design the provision
      b. missing drain covers / cleaning   defined performance            Board.                                                  of     supplementary
         of drains                         indicators to guide                                                                    services      without
      c. maintenance of road surfaces;     delivery – Report                                                                      duplication of effort.
         sidewalks                         monthly to the Board
      d. cutting of grass / removal of
      e. road markings / traffic signs

2.   Identify and report infrastructure
     supplementing of existing Council
                                           Monitor and evaluate.
                                           Report findings to the
                                                                       Daily / weekly
                                                                        and monthly
                                                                                                             GSCID Manager

     Services:                             GSCID Board         with    reports to the
         f. Street lighting                recommendations            C3 notification
         g. Dumping                        where applicable             process and
         h. Refuse Removal                                            daily recording
         i. Waterworks                                                of references in
         j. Sewerage                                                    the register
         k. Roads and Storm water
         l. Traffic signals and line
         m. Pedestrian safety
         n. Road repairs
3.   Compile a list of prioritized needs   Monitor and evaluate              4           4M   4M   4M   4M   4M   GSCID Manager
     to enhance the objectives of the      the plan and
     CID and liaise with the relevant      performance of all
     departments to correct                service delivery on a
                                           quarterly basis. Report
                                           findings to the GSCID
                                           Board with
                                           where applicable

4.   Work in conjunction with local
     social welfare and job creation
                                           Development of a long-
                                           term sustainable work
                                                                                                             GSCID Manager         This      is
                                                                                                                                        comprehensively at

     organization and develop the          program                                                                                      the term renewal and
     delivery of the supplementary                                                                                                      then modified and
     services to improve the urban                                                                                                      managed
     environment                                                                                                                        continuously
                                                                                                                                        Also refer to Program
                                                                                                                                        5-2 and 3-10
5.   Illegal Poster Removal
     Notify and monitor the removal of
                                           City of Cape Town
                                           infrastructure free from
                                                                                                             GSCID Manager

     illegal posters by the City of Cape   illegal posters

                                             PROGRAM 5 - GSCID SOCIAL INTERVENTION INITIATIVES
           ACTION STEPS                            KEY                FREQUENCY         DURATION IN WEEKS,               RESPONSIBLE         COMMENTS
                                             PERFORMANCE              per year           MONTHS OR YEARS
                                               INDICATOR                           Y1      Y2   Y3   Y4      Y5

1.   Identify and determine strategies
     by means of an integrated
                                           Social intervention
                                           plan with clear
                                                                                                             GSCID Manager/ NGOs    This       is
                                                                                                                                         comprehensively at

     approach      to    address      /    deliverables and                                                                              the implementation
     homelessness and the relief           defined performance                                                                           of the CID and then
     measures available, current and       indicators to guide                                                                           modified
     future.                               delivery                                                                                      continuously
2.   Work in conjunction with local
     social welfare and job creation
                                           Social intervention
                                           plan with clear
                                                                                                             GSCID Manager/ NGOs    This will be a long-
                                                                                                                                         term plan of action
     organization and develop the          deliverables and                                                                              that will take time to
     delivery of the supplementary         defined performance                                                                           develop – Refer to
     services to improve the urban         indicators to guide                                                                           Program 4-6 and 3-10
     environment                           delivery
3.   Coordinate Social Development
     programs and initiatives with City
                                           Meet quarterly               Ongoing
                                                                                                             GSCID Manager

     Social Development Department

4.   Public awareness program on
     social issues
                                                                                                       GSCID Manager

                                                  PROGRAM 6 - GSCID MARKETING INITIATIVES
                                                                  per year               OR YEARS
                                                                                 Y1    Y2   Y3    Y4   Y5

1.   Newsletters / Newsflashes         Informative                Quarterly      4    4     4    4     4    GSCID Manager          Also refer to Program
                                       newsletters                                                                                 1-16
2.   Regular Press releases in local
     Newspapers covering:
                                       Regular media
                                                                                                       GSCID Manager

      a. Local Development
      b. Promoting local Projects
      c. Social Issues
3.   Establish and maintain Website    Up to date and
                                       informative website in
                                                                                                       GSCID Manager          Refer to Program 1-10

                                       compliance with CID
4.   Regular Member visits and
                                       Monthly feedback to
                                       GSCID Board at
                                                                                                       GSCID Manager          Refer to Program 1-18

                                       Directors Meeting
5.   Establish the GSCID Business      Up to date directory     Every 6 months   2    2     2    2     2    GSCID Manager
     Directory and link to website
6.   GSCID Signage                     Signage to be visible
                                       and maintained
                                                                                                       GSCID Manager

Annexure C
                                 GROOTE SCHUUR CITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT
                                                 5 YEAR BUDGET AS PER BUSINESS PLAN
                                              2020/21               2021/22              2022/23              2023/24                 2024/25
INCOME                                         R                     R                    R                    R                       R
Income from add. Rates                       -7 627 649   87.6%    -8 161 586   87.8%   -8 732 896   97.9%   -9 344 198   97.9%      -9 998 293   97.9%
Accumulated Surplus                            -918 800   10.6%      -961 210   10.3%            -    0.0%            -    0.0%               -    0.0%
Additional Income: LMRID                       -162 360    1.9%      -173 725    1.9%     -185 886    2.1%     -198 898    2.1%        -212 821    2.1%

TOTAL INCOME                                 -8 708 809   100.0%   -9 296 521 100.0%    -8 918 782 100.0%    -9 543 096 100.0%      -10 211 114 100.0%

EXPENDITURE                                    R                     R                    R                    R                       R
Employee Related                             1 161 380    13.3%    1 242 676    13.4%   1 329 663    14.9%   1 422 740    14.9%      1 522 332    14.9%
Salaries and Wages                           1 053 840             1 127 609            1 206 541            1 290 999               1 381 369
PAYE, UIF & SDL                                 17 220                18 425               19 715               21 095                  22 572
Allowances: Locomotion                               -                     -                    -                    -                       -
COIDA                                            2 500                 2 675                2 862                3 063                   3 277
Bonus provision                                 87 820                93 967              100 545              107 583                 115 114

Core Business                                5 555 884    63.8%    5 952 785    64.0%   6 371 625    71.4%   6 844 951    71.7%      7 325 913    71.7%
Cleansing services                           1 447 080             1 548 376            1 656 762            1 772 735               1 896 827
Environmental upgrading                         14 000                15 000               16 000               17 150                  18 350
                                               206 345               222 853              240 681              259 935                 280 730
Law Enforcement Officers / Traffic Wardens
Public Safety                                3 721 219             3 987 609            4 266 709            4 590 255               4 910 788
Public Safety - CCTV monitoring                      -                     -                    -                    -                       -
Public Safety - CCTV - Leasing of cameras            -                     -                    -                    -                       -
Social upliftment                              167 240               178 947              191 473              204 876                 219 218
Urban Maintenance

Depreciation                                    46 131     0.5%       42 447    0.5%       44 498    0.5%       16 667    0.2%          18 333    0.2%
Repairs & Maintenance                           37 000     0.4%       39 590    0.4%       42 360    0.5%       45 330    0.5%          48 500    0.5%
Interest & Redemption                                -     0.0%            -    0.0%            -    0.0%            -    0.0%               -    0.0%

General Expenditure                            745 785     8.6%      797 965    8.6%      853 649    9.6%      913 082    9.6%         976 087    9.6%
Accounting fees                                 73 905                79 080               84 620               90 545                  96 885
Advertising costs                               10 000                10 700               11 450               12 250                  13 110
Auditor's remuneration                          22 000                23 540               25 188               26 951                  28 838
Bank charges                                    10 000                10 700               11 449               12 250                  13 108
Computer expenses                               10 000                10 700               11 450               12 250                  13 110
Contingency / Sundry                            30 000                32 000               34 000               36 000                  38 000
Insurance                                       70 620                75 560               80 850               86 510                  92 570
Marketing and promotions                       170 000               181 900              194 645              208 270                 222 850
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