Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th

Page created by Joanne Mullins
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
Volume 35, Number 4     55+ Planned Retirement Community    February, 2022

                                                 Valentine’s Day
February 2nd
                                                  February 14th

                      Presidents’ Day – February 21

        Lincoln’s Birthday                   Washington’s Birthday
          February 12th                         February 22nd
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                                                   OTHER ORGANIZATIONS
 Association Office/Personnel..................................................Richard McCall                       First Aid Squad................................................ Janice Sutton.... 732-505-6900
 ADR Committee................................................................Joanne Grzywinski
 Audit Committee Liaison....................................................... James Anderson                      First Aid Captain................................................John Abella.... 732-505-6900
 Basins.................................................................................... James Anderson/
 .................................................................................................. Daniel Carney   Bingo President............................................... Linda Pantelao. 201-289-1566
 Bingo Liaison............................................................................ Daniel Carney
 Buildings/Grounds/Common Grounds/Trees........................Richard McCall/                                      Bingo Committee..........................Colleen DeMio, Secretary.. 732-779-7967
 ....................................................................... James Anderson/Daniel Carney
 Bus.....................................................................................Joanne Grzywinski
 By-Laws Committee Liaison........................................................ James Netis
 Clubs & Recreation Liaison................................................... James Anderson
 Code Committee Liaison............................................................. Carol Hudak
 Courier Distribution Liaison.................................................. James Anderson
                                                                                                                                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS
 Courier Liaison..................................................................Joanne Grzywinski                 PRESIDENT............................................................Richard McCall
 Covid Spokesperson.................................................................... Carol Hudak                 VICE PRESIDENT......................................................Carol Hudak
 Directors Desk ............................................................................ James Netis
 Election Committee Liaison........................................................ Carol Hudak                     SECRETARY................................................................. James Netis
 First Aid Liaison.....................................................................Richard McCall               TREASURER......................................................... James Anderson
 Grass......................................................................................... Daniel Carney
 Homeowner Events...................................................................... Carol Hudak                 DIRECTORS AT LARGE ...............................Joanne Grzywinski,
 Membership/Welcome................................................................. Carol Hudak                    ..........................................................Daniel Carney, Lou Mangerpan
 Minutes/Meeting Agendas............................................................ James Netis
 Robo Calls.................................................................................... Carol Hudak         OFFICE: Personnel:
 Snow.......................................................................................Lou Mangerpan           Administrative Manager...........................................................Donna
 Swimming Pool..................................................................Joanne Grzywinski
 Website...............................................................................Joanne Grzywinski            Office Assistant............................................................................ Fran
                                  CLUB PRESIDENTS                                                                   OFFICE.......................................................................732-244-8686
Chorus/Theater Guild.............................................. Olga Diaz.........818-0890
........................................................................... Linda Estrada.........551-2402          FAX..............................................................................732-244-1447
Garden Club........................................................ Bill O’Brien. 917-217-4255
Men’s Club............................................................ Ray Brown. 973-800-9010                      OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Social Club.................................................. Joanne Shallcross. 908-930-6313
                                                                                                                             Monday - Friday Only
AC Trips...................................................................................                                              GROUP DIRECTOR CONTACTS
Alternate Dispute Resolution...................................................                                      Arts & Crafts/Happy Hookers...................................Joanne Grzywinski
Audit Committee....................................................Pat Ganzer.........281-8008
Audio/Video...................................................... Peter Orcinoli. 201-914-6021                       Audio/Video................................................................... James Anderson
By-Laws.............................................................. Dee Barletta. 908-295-5997                     Audit.............................................................................. James Anderson
Code Committee................................................... Ed Lipinski.........998-0068
Day Trips.......................................................... Linda Passenti.........341-4072                  Billiards............................................................................. Daniel Carney
Dinner Dances.........................................................Jane Carlo .848-221-2295                       Bocce..................................................................................... James Netis
....................................................................... & Marie Marino. 732-914-8166                 Bridge............................................................................. James Anderson
Election Committee............................................. Bill O’Brien. 917-217-4255
First Aid Auxiliary.............................................. Carol Bianco.........608-9566                      Canasta........................................................................... James Anderson
Library Committee.................................... Maryann Ormando.........914-1245                               Cornhole................................................................................ James Netis
................................................................................Pat Ganzer.........281-8008          Darts...................................................................................... James Netis
Membership/Welcome..................................... Gale Campbell.........240-0066
....................................................................Marguerite Catena.........281-2644               Exercise................................................................................ Carol Hudak
..........................................................................Carol Patalano. 732-349-1594               First Aid Aux (Fundraiser)............................................. James Anderson
Overnight Trips...............................Don & Maria Manganello.........608-0540
Recreation Chairman................................. Madeline LoPresto.........244-1781                              Flowers................................................................................. Carol Hudak
Showtime...................................................Carmen Hernandez.........244-0404                         Golf League....................................................................Lou Mangerpan
                                    GROUP LEADERS                                                                    Library........................................................................Joanne Grzywinski
 Arts & Crafts/Happy Hookers.........Carol Ann DeVito........... 732-279-6269                                        Line Dancing.................................................................. James Anderson
 Bocce................................................Ed Lipinski...................... 732-998-0068                 Mah-Jongg..................................................................... James Anderson
 Bridge...............................................Kay Haskell..................... 732-341-2854                  Membership/Welcome......................................................... Carol Hudak
 Canasta.............................................Joan Pomeisl................... 732-228-7772                    Men’s Cards................................................................... James Anderson
 .........................................................Marilyn Moses................ 732-279-6770
 Darts.................................................Gene Daidone.................. 732-244-6739                   Neighborhood Watch..................................................... James Anderson
 .........................................................Frank Scivoletto.............. 917-842-3028                No Frills Dances.............................................................Lou Mangerpan
 Exercise............................................Edie Walton..................... 732-505-2179
 Flowers.............................................Denise Diaz..................... 732-818-0890                   Scrabble................................................................................. Dan Carney
 Garden Club.....................................Bill O’Brien.................... 732-240-6146                       Shuffleboard....................................................................Richard McCall
 H.H. Golf League.............................Lou Mangerpan............... 732-349-6580                              Rummikub.......................................................................... Carol Hudak
 Homeowners Event Team Leader...........................................
 Line Dancing....................................Marie Marino.................. 732-914-8166                         Table Tennis...................................................................... Daniel Carney
 Mah-Jongg.......................................Marylou Mageean........... 732-300-0921                             Tennis/Pickleball.............................................................Richard McCall
 Men’s Cards.....................................Frank Catena................... 732-281-2644                        Walking........................................................................ James Anderson
 Neighborhood Watch.......................Kevin Neary.................... 609-207-9444
 No Frills Dance                                                                                                     Yoga.................................................................................... Carol Hudak
 Pickleball..........................................Shirley Hedin.................. 908-330-0192
 .........................................................John DeGeorge................ 732-349-7646
 Scrabble............................................Gale Campbell................ 732-240-0066
 Shuffleboard.....................................Gil Wels........................... 732-608-0928
 Rummikub.......................................Angela Santore................ 732-286-9558
 Table Tennis.....................................Marylou Mageean........... 732-300-0921
 Tennis...............................................Tony Cuttitta................... 570-656-3204
 Walking............................................Barbara Verdugo............. 973-432-1203                                       Holiday Heights Web Site:
 .........................................................Pat Nardiello................... 973-650-9121
 Yoga.................................................Marj Neary...................... 609-389-7192
 .........................................................Angela Santore................ 732-286-9558                      
2      HEIGHTS COURIER                            february, 2022
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
Heights Courier Staff
PUBLISHER................................. Homeowners Assoc.                                           NEW OFFICE
COURIER DISTRIBUTION........Linda & Pete Estrada.....732-551-2402
CO-EDITORS............................... Barbara Verdugo...973-432-1203
                                                                                                    PHONE EXTENSIONS:
........................................................ Pat Nardiello.........973-650-9121   Rich McCall, President                215
PHOTOGRAPHER......................                                                            Carol Hudak, Vice President           219
PROOFREADER......................... Sue Anderson                                             Jim Netis, Secretary                  214
                                   Distribution                                               Jim Anderson, Treasurer               213
 John Abella, Gene Andreola, Roger Bianco, Marty                                              Lou Mangerpan, Director at Large      216
 Burger, Rich Carlo, Teresa Crozier, Jim & Donna                                              Daniel Carney, Director at Large      217
 DeAngelis, Linda Estrada, John Gannon, Gail Griffin, Ed                                      Joanne Grzywinski, Director at Large  218
 & Zeny Horvath, Barbara Kwatkowski, Bill Kwatkowski,
 Barbara & Lou Mangerpan, Carmine Melapioni, Tom                                              Donna Raccuia-Smith, Administrative Manager
 Miller, Kevin & Marj Neary, Arlene & Jack Neugarten,                                                                               200
 Jim Netis, Jean O’Neill, Danny Pinello, Joe Prebish, Bart                                    Fran Poindexter, Office Assistant     210
 Ritorto, Elaine Rostigno, Mike Santoro, Joe Shallcross,
 Mike Sinnott, Jim Van Hise, Willy & Diane Veliky
                                                                                                ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS
 Judy Brucata, John Davies, Margie Frontera, Roseann                                             REGARDING NEW RULES
 & Ron Gregilovich, Bill Hedin, Ron Knecht, Mike Kohut,                                             FOR RECYCLING
 Carmine Melanson, Linda Passenti, Marlene Petti,                                                  ALL recycling MUST be put to the curb
 Thomas Pinello, John Rudko, Wayne Terwilliger, Tony
                                                                                                           in containers with lids.
                                                                                                  DO NOT put your recycling in plastic bags.
   DISCLAIMER: The Courier reserves the right to reject, edit,
   amend all articles, letters or advertisements received. Courier
                                                                                                    The plastic bags are NOT recyclable.
   is politically non-partisan and will not accept any article or                                       They will NOT be picked up.
   advertisement it deems of a religious nature, libelous, inflam-                                Thank you for your attention to this issue.
   matory or in bad taste. Courier accepts no responsibility for
   errors, typographical or otherwise, in advertisements.
                                                                                                       COURIER NEEDS HELP!
                                                                                                The Courier is delivered once a month. It informs you of
                                                                                                       what is happening in Holiday Heights.
                                                                                                At this time we are in need of delivery people in order to
                                                                                                            continue to service the community.
                                                                                                           The delivery is once a month and
                                                                                                            takes approximately one hour.
                                                                                               To help the community, please call Linda & Pete Estrada at
                                                                                                      732-551-2402 during office hours 9AM-2PM
                                                                                                            and leave your name and number.
                                                                                                                                               Thank you,
                                                                                                                                      Linda & Pete Estrada

                                                                                                                 Clip Out and Save

                                                                                                  Berkeley Property Tax Due:
                                                                                              May 1st, August 1st, November 1st, and
                                                                                                          February 1st
                   Complaint Notices                                                                     Sewerage Due:
       All complaints must be submitted in writ-
   ing and signed by the homeowner. Unsigned
                                                                                                 January, April, July and October
   complaints will be discarded. If it is important
                                                                                                     Clubhouse Dues Due:
   enough to complain, it should be signed. Also,
   any complaints from “concerned neighbors” are                                                 January, April, July and October
                                                                                                             february, 2022        HEIGHTS COURIER           3
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
FEBRUARY 2022                                                require approval for any exterior project before work
Birthstone: Amethyst                                         begins. Please note: A Berkeley Township permit
Flower: Violet                                               will be required when applicable.

“All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and        SNOW REMOVAL RULES AND REGS
then doesn’t hurt”                                           See new snow removal rules on page 15
                                     Charles M. Schulz
                                                             RESERVING A DATE FOR EVENTS, MEETINGS
OUR DIRECTORS’ MISSION                                       or TRIPS
Working Together to Exceed                                   To reserve a room in one of our buildings for any up-
Expectations – Every Day                                     coming event, meeting or to schedule a trip, you must
                                                             first contact the office for available dates. A calendar
OPEN BOARD MEETING                                           appointment form must be completed for all reserva-
Tuesday-February 8th - 2:00PM                                tions. The Recreation Chairperson and the Liaison
TBD-In Person or Zoom                                        Director for Recreation must approve all requests.

GROUND HOG DAY                                               FACE MASKS
Wednesday-February 2nd                                       Face masks are required to be worn inside our
                                                             Clubhouse Buildings. Failure to do so will result in
VALENTINE’S DAY                                              a $250 fine.
Monday-February 14th                                         Please remember to wear your masks for your safety
                                                             and the safety of others.
Monday-February 21st                                         WHITE PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS-
                                                             Please be aware, white plastic bags containing refuse
ASSOCIATION DUES-                                            are not allowed to be placed at the curb or stored on a
Association dues are $125.00 a quarter with a 30-day         Homeowners’ property. Violations will result in fines.
grace period. Late fees are assessed in the amount           Please cooperate to protect our Community.
of $25.00 if not received by the 30th . If you still have
not made your 1st quarter dues payment, you must             MAIL DROP BOX – For your convenience, when the
add the $25.00 late fee to your payment.                     office is closed, you can drop off your association
If you have not received your coupon booklet for 2022,       dues payments and any forms or documents in our
please notify the office.                                    convenient mail drop box located outside the front
                                                             door to the Office Building.
Please DO NOT POST DATE your checks when pay-
ing your association dues. Postdated checks will not         EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION
be accepted. We appreciate this courtesy.                    It is very important that the office has a valid phone
                                                             number and an emergency contact number on file.
                                                             We have had several instances, lately, where the
Reminder: You can sign up for ACH automatic pay-
                                                             Police have had to break into houses to rescue Hom-
ments for your quarterly dues. Save time and postage
                                                             eowners in distress. If your information has changed,
with this free, convenient service. Please call the
                                                             please call the office at 732-244-8686. It only takes
office between 9:00AM and 2:00PM for information.
                                                             a minute to update and it may save your life in an
The Code Committee meets Monday mornings from                RELOCATING-If you are planning on relocating to
9:30AM-11:00AM in the Small Card Room (SCR) in               another address, selling your home, leaving your
the Office Building and are available to answer ques-        home vacant or any other changes regarding your
tions & provide guidance necessary for all exterior          Homeowner status, please notify the office so your
project requests. An approved Zoning & Construction          information can be updated in our master files.
Application will be required, including all specifications
necessary for the proposed project. We continue to                                          Continued on page 5
4   HEIGHTS COURIER       february, 2022
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
Directors’ Desk                                         CONTRACTOR SIGNS
Continued from page 4                                   No Contractor Signs are to be left on lawns following
                                                        completion of work.
DUMPING - There is absolutely no dumping allowed
in Holiday Heights. Violators will be automatically                IMPORTANT INFO TO KNOW:
fined.                                                   1. If you see anything suspicious, please call police
NO DUMPING IN THE BASINS!                                     at 732-341-6600.
DUMPSTERS – Contact the Code Committee before            2. Keep your car doors locked at all times.
planning to have a dumpster or storage pod placed in     3. If you are going away, leave a light on and notify
your driveway. Dumpsters and pods are not allowed            a neighbor.
on any street within the Holiday Heights Community.
                                                         4. When walking at night, wear light clothing and
                                                            carry a flash light.
PARKING - Commercial vehicles are not permitted
in your driveway. Parking on your lawn is also not       5. Be careful with credit cards and check your
permitted.                                                  statements. Never give a caller your informa-
                                                            tion over the phone.
PROTECT YOURSELF!                                        6. If you are away, have someone check your mail
The best way to protect yourself and your home is to         and pick up your Courier, flyers, etc.
lock your car and house and always leave a light on
when you are away.                                       7. Please do not respond to unsolicited phone calls.
                                                             The IRS and Utility companies will never call
Let your trusted neighbor know when you are going            you about an overdue bill. These are scam-
to be away and if you see something strange around
                                                             mers looking for your money! Just hang up!
your home, call the Police!

COMPLAINTS - Verbal complaints will not be ac-
cepted. All complaints must be in writing with your      HOLIDAY HEIGHTS HOA ANNOUNCEMENT
name, address and signature. You can obtain these        “The Holiday Heights Board is pleased to announce
forms from the Holiday Heights website or from the       the appointment of Lou Mangerpan to the Board
clubhouse office.                                        of Directors.
                                                         We believe Lou’s past experience as a Board
                                                         Member will be an asset to the Board and the
      PETS-DOG WALKING                                   Community.
    All pets must be on a leash no longer than 6ft,      Congratulations Lou and Welcome Aboard!”
 and owners must pick up after their pets. Do not
 drop bags of pets’ feces down a storm drain or in
 another homeowners’ trash can.                          A BIT FROM THE BOARD!
                                                         The Board of Directors will continue to make every
      Dog owners are permitted to use the easement/
                                                         effort to help keep our Community safe as we ex-
 patch of grass between the sidewalk and curb; (e
                                                         perience record breaking cases of the Covid virus
 code 360 Chapter 9 Animal Control 9-2.8-Respon-
                                                         mutations. We are working diligently to monitor
 sibility of Owner). We discourage walking pets in
                                                         and digest all updated statistics and recommended
 the street due to safety issues for owners and pets.
                                                         Covid safety precautions in order to maintain the
 Owners shall keep their pets off other Homeowners’
                                                         safest environment for our Homeowners. We ask
 Properties and all Common Properties, including
                                                         for your patience and cooperation as we continue to
 parking lots and basins.
                                                         navigate through this ever-changing environment.
     We expect all pet walkers to be respectful of       Please be safe-stay well and continue to do all you
 Homeowner properties, but in return, we also ex-        can to help protect yourselves and others.
 pect Homeowners to show the same respect for
 pet owners.
    Cursing and abusive language and behavior is
 never tolerated.

                                                                      february, 2022    HEIGHTS COURIER          5
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
Inc. © 2022 Bath Fitter.
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     Easy to Clean, Virtually     Seamless Wall      High-Gloss Acrylic                                  not be combined with any other offer. Coupon must be presented at time of
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6   HEIGHTS COURIER               february, 2022
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   7
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
Need something posted
                                                                 on the website?
                                                      Email the information as you want it to appear, along
                                                      with clipart/pictures/images, to Joanne Grzywinski
                                             or drop off the information
    PARKING ON THE LAWN                               in the mail drop box located outside the office build-
                                                      ing. Please note “Website” either in your email or on
         Parking on the lawn is prohibited.           the information you drop off.
     If you see anybody parking on the lawn,
       Please report it to Berkeley Township
                 Code Enforcer at
               732-244-7400 x 1238                                In Remembrance
                  Subject to fines                                      Barbara Battiato


    New Guidelines for Photos
    Please be advised that all Photos submitted for                                                  ads-2189
Courier publication MUST be sent by the deadline
    Thank you.
                                      Pat Nardiello

          Due to Covid-19, there will be
      No Notary Services until further notice.
       We apologize for this inconvenience.
8   HEIGHTS COURIER    february, 2022
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
Continued on page 10
february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   9
Groundhog Day Valentine's Day February 14th
Homeowner Meeting 11/9/21
Continued from page 9

10   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022
february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   11
              TAX RETURNS
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12    HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022
february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   13
                       HOLIDAY LIGHTING CONTEST
T   he HOA Board is happy to announce the winner
    of the 2021 “Deck the Homes” Holiday Lighting
                                                                    were counted by the office staff as a COVD surge
                                                                        All entries were beautiful and helped to brighten
    A $50 Gift Card will be delivered to Russell and                our Community for the holidays this year.
Margaret Frontera at 31 Swindon Court! Congratula-                      We can’t wait to see what you will all do next year
tions!!!                                                            and hope for many more contestants.
    The Frontera’s lighting display was outstanding                     Thanks, again to the Fronteras and all the contest
and received the highest number of votes. The votes                 entries.

                                FREE DELIVERY! $15 MINIMUM
                                732-361-8940 or
                                                                                         Trying To Reach
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14    HEIGHTS COURIER        february, 2022
february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   15
16   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022

                                p N OW
                              u        s
                         Sign re Price
                          Befo o Up!


                     february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER        17
18   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022
february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   19
Cut out, Fill out and keep handy
                   in case of an Emergency situation

20   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022
ad# 6739                                  ads-1551


                                                 ALL P
                        february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER     21
                             For March 2022 issue
                                        Friday, February 4th
             All articles, flyers and recipes MUST be submitted by above date.
                                   as per request of Senior Publishing.
There will be ONLY one proofreading date per month. ALL articles, flyers, etc. MUST
  be received on or BEFORE this date. Nothing will be accepted AFTER that date.
            Please email all flyers and articles to

                         NEW GUIDLINES FOR PHOTOS
                                     To anyone submitting photos:
          We always enjoy the photos of various clubs, activities, and trips.
          If you are submitting photos of your club’s activities, do so by the
proofreading deadline date, or your photos will appear in the following month’s Courier.
                               Send by the deadline to:
          All materials submitted MUST be signed, along with contact information,
                   Please note: Senior Publishing allows us only 30 photos.
     If two or more clubs submit photos, we MUST be fair to all. You may be asked to
                choose a certain number of photos to appear in the Courier.

                        Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
                          Co-Editors: Barbara Verdugo, Pat Nardiello

                                  Courier Article Guidelines
    All articles must be typed. Articles to be pub-            The editorial staff of the Courier reserves the
lished in the Courier must be submitted by proof-          right to reject, edit, condense or refuse those articles
reading date in the Courier. All articles must have        deemed in bad taste or offensive to others. We also
the name and be signed by the person submitting            reserve the right to make stylistic changes to any
the article, the name of the club/organization,            articles, flyers or recipes received for publication
along with contact number.                                 in the Courier. Flyers for all activities must now be
    We encourage residents of our community to             submitted in ½ page format.
submit articles of interest or recipes for consideration       Please Note: When sending emails, please in-
to appear in the Courier. Articles must meet Senior        clude the name of the club/organization, along with
Publishing’s guidelines, regarding appropriateness         contact number and email address.
and length. We look forward to receiving articles or           Thank you.
recipes for consideration.                                 			                                         Co-Editors
                                                                                                 Barbara Verdugo
                                                                                                     Pat Nardiello
22   HEIGHTS COURIER     february, 2022
New Guidelines for Flyers                                                         Habitat ReStore
                                                                                       Route 37Habitat
                                                                                                West, Toms     River, accepts
                                                                                                                      NJ 08755
               and Articles                                       he Northern                            ReStore
                                                                  donations of new and gently used items that we
Arial Fonts will now be used for all flyers and articles,
                                                                                          1-800-688-TEMP 732-657-8
                                                                   to treasure hunters and bargain shoppers alike,
as follows:                                                                       
                                                            raising money to support our vision of decent shelter
Flyers:          Titles will be Arial 16 Bold                 √ FREE  ESTIMATES   ON REPLACEMENTS       Central Air Conditioning
                                                            for  all. Your  purchases      and donations    support   projects • Boilers •
		               Body will be Arial 14 Bold                     & NEW  INSTALLATIONS
                                                            like  grab-bar    and handrail installation,Heatweatherization
                                                                                                              Pumps • Hot Water Heaters
                                                            to√ CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY
                                                                 keep homes       warm, TRAINED         Tankless Water
                                                                                           widening doorways        andHeaters
                                                                                                                         other • Attic Fan
Articles:       Titles will be Arial 12 Bold
                                                            health     and safety modifications for     Oil/Gas/Propane  Conversions
                                                                                                             seniors, veter-
		              Body will be Arial 11
                                                              √ SAMEand
                                                                          SERVICEresidents   of northern
                                                                                    / REPLACEMENTS      Air Cleaners
                                                                                                             Ocean •County.
                                                                                                                       Dryer Vents • Humid
Please be advised, flyers or articles, submitted to the     Through      new   construction,
                                                              √ CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED, &  an extensive    home    repair
                                                                                                        Tune-Ups • Service  Plans
Courier, MUST be in the above Fonts and submitted           program,
                                                                INSURED  and   Superstorm     Sandy   relief work,   Northern
                                                            Ocean Habitat has partnered with over 240 families
using Word document only. We will not accept articles         √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES &       FREE 2nd Opinion
                                                            to help build or improve a place they can call home.
received via other formats.                                     MODELS
Flyers for events will appear once in the Courier for       For more information and to find out how to get in- Mention
                                                            volved, ‘like’ Northern Ocean FINANCING Habitat for AVAILABLE
information purposes and will be listed in Upcoming                                                                 Humanity            Sav
                                                               NJ HIC #13VH02253000
Events continuously.                                        onFredFacebook,      visit  the website  at      or  call

                                                                     Paprocky, Master HVACR      Curry Electrical, NJ Electrical Lic #: 1
                                               Editors         Contractor Lic # 19HC00878000
                                                            732-228-7962.                        A-Jay Plumbing,
                                                                                  To donate furniture               NJ Plumbing
                                                                                                           or appliances      to LIC# 1
                                                            the ReStore, please call 732-818-9500.

                                                                                          891 Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ 08755

                                                                         732-349-1448 1-800-688-TEMP 732-657-8367
                                                               √ FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS      Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces
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                                                               √ SAME DAY SERVICE / REPLACEMENTS     Tune-Ups • Service Plans
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                                                                                                                 Expires 2/28/2022           Replacement
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                                                                                                                                              NEW INSTALL OF
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                                                                        NJ HIC #13VH02253000                            Curry Electrical, NJ Electrical Lic #: 17767
                                                                        Fred Paprocky, Master HVACR                     A-Jay Plumbing, NJ Plumbing LIC# 12661
                                                                        Contractor Lic # 19HC00878000                                                        ads-1101E

                                                                                            february, 2022                            HEIGHTS COURIER               23
2022                               •    febru
 Sunday                                  Monday                             Tuesday                         Wedne
		                                                                 1                                 2      Ground

6                               7                                   8                                 9
                                                                   Open Board Meeting @
                                                                   2:00 PM - TBD in person
                                                                   or zoom

 13                            14         Valentine’s Day          15                                 16

20                             21       President’s Day            22                                 23

27                             28

     EVERY SUNDAY                 EVERY MONDAY                         EVERY TUESDAY                   EVERY WEDN
BINGO - 6:30 PM              Exercise-8:30-9:45AM (Audi)          Walking-9:45-10:30AM (Audi)        Exercise-8:30-9:45A
(Doors open @ 5:00 PM)       Code Comm.-9:30-11:00AM (SCR)        Yoga-10:45-11:45AM (Audi)          Walking-9:45-10:30A
                             Walking-9:45-10:30AM (Audi)          Table Tennis-12:00-1:30PM (Audi)   Corn Hole-11:00AM-
                             Table Tennis-12:00-1:30PM (Audi)     Rummikub 12:30-3:30 pm (ACR)         (Winter)
                             Maj Jongg-12:00-4:00PM (Rear Audi)   Women’s Cards-12:30-4:00PM (SCR)   Table Tennis-10:45-1
                             Arts & Crafts/Happy Hookers-         Line Dancing-6:00-7:30PM (Audi)    Mah Jongg-11:15-2:
                               1:00-3:00PM (ACR)                  Darts-6:30PM (ACR)                 Scrabble- 1:00-4:00P
                             Women’s Cards-1:00-4:00PM (SCR)                                         HH Chorus 3:30 PM
                             HH Chorus-5:30PM (Audi)                                                 Men’s Cards-6:30-10
                             Women’s Cards-6:00-9:00PM (SCR)
                                                                                                     Every 2nd Wednesd
                                                                                                     Neighborhood Watc

24   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022
uary    •                                                                                        2022
 esday                      Thursday                             Friday                         Saturday
 Hog Day           3                                   4                                 5

                   10                                  11                                12

                   17                                  18                               19

                   24                                  25                               26

 NESDAY                EVERY THURSDAY                      EVERY FRIDAY                      EVERY SATURDAY
AM (Audi)          Ticket Sales- 9:00-10:00AM (Audi)   Exercise-8:30-9:45AM (Audi)
AM (Audi)          Walking-10:00-10:45AM (Audi)        Walking-9:45-10:30AM (Audi)
 -12:30PM (Audi)   Table Tennis-10:45-12:45AM (Audi)   Mah Jongg-11:30-3:00PM (ACR)
                   MahJongg- 12:30-4:00PM- (ACR)       Women’s Cards-12:30-4:00PM (SCR)
  12:45AM (Audi)   Women’s Cards-12:30-4:00PM (SCR)    Friday Night Cards-5:00-9:00PM
 :00PM (ACR)       Bridge-12:30-3:00PM (ACR)             (ACR)                          SCR-Small Card Room (Clubhouse#1)
  PM (ACR)         Every 2nd Thursday of the Month                                      ACR-Arts & Crafts Room
                   First Aid Aux.-1:00-3:00Pm (Audi)                                      (Clubhouse#1)
 0:30PM (MCR)
                   Men’s Cards- 6:30-10:30PM-(MCR)                                      AUDI-Auditorium-(Clubhouse#2)
day of the Month   Every 3rd Thursday of the Month                                      MCR-Men’s Card Room
ch-7:00PM (Audi)   Social Club-6:00-10:00PM (Audi)
                   (September through June)                                               (Clubhouse #1)
                   Women’s Cards-6:00-9:00PM (SCR)                                      MPMR-Multi Purpose Mtg. Room
                                                                                february, 2022     HEIGHTS COURIER      25
V.F.W. POST 10185 NEWS
                                 By Past Post Commander James Egan 732-341-4905

T    he next meeting of Silver/Holiday V.F.W. Post
     10185 will be held on Thursday, February 3rd, at
1:00 PM at the Silver Ridge Park West Clubhouse,
                                                                 Monday, February 14th, is Valentine’s Day. Do not
                                                                   forget your loved ones.
                                                                 Monday, February 21st is President’s Day.
145 Westbrook Drive, Silver Ridge Park West. We
hold our meetings on the first Thursday of every                 Tuesday, February 22nd, at 7:00 PM V.F.W. Post
month. We meet in the daytime, so you do not have                   10185’s Officers will attend V.F.W. District 12’s
to drive at night. To join our post, just bring a copy              meeting at V.F.W. Post 10118, Forked River, New
of your Discharge (DD-214) to our meeting and you                   Jersey, where the latest V.F.W. Programs and
will be signed up right away. You’ll received a hardy               events will be discussed.
welcome and refreshments before the meeting. You                     Remember if you hear of any Post member pass-
will also have a chance to talk with fellow Veterans and         ing away or being in the hospital, call Chaplin Thomas
make new friends. If you need a ride to the meeting              Kraszewski at 848-210-3722 and let him know.

or want more information without any obligation, call                VFW Post 10185 would like you to drop your

Past Post Commander James Egan at 732-341-4905.                  old and faded Flags off at either Silver Ridge Park
Wednesday, February 2 is Groundhog Day.
                         nd                                      East Clubhouse inside, Holiday City South Club-
                                                                 house (Main Building), Silver Ridge Park West
Tuesday, February 8th, the Boy Scouts of America was             Clubhouse, Silver Ridge Park North Clubhouse,
   founded in 1910. VFW 10185 is a proud supporter               Holiday City Carefree Clubhouse, or Holiday City
   of The Boy Scouts of America.                                 Berkeley Club House #1. Please remove the sticks
Saturday, February 12th, is Lincoln’s Birthday.                  from the small Flags first and the Flags will be
                                                                 disposed of properly.


                              FLY THE FLAG EVERY DAY, WEATHER PERMITTING


                                                                    REDI HOME SERVICES
                                                                               Call 732-256-9844
                                                                     THERE ARE 15,000 DRYER VENT
                                                                         FIRES EVERY YEAR....
                                                                            PLEASE CALL US
                                                                        FOR A FREE INSPECTION
                                                                    TO SEE IF YOURS IS UP TO CODE...
                                                                       INSPECT * CLEAN * REPLACE


26   HEIGHTS COURIER      february, 2022

      february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   27
Library Request
           Birthday Greetings                              W      e respectfully request that anyone with numer-
                                                                  ous boxes of book donations contact a librarian
                                                           before dropping them off. The names and phone
     “Happy Birthday” to ALL residents
                                                           numbers are listed below.
       of Holiday Heights celebrating                          The Holiday Heights library is a small room where
           a birthday this month!                          residents should feel safe when browsing for reading
              The Courier Staff                            material. It is not safe with boxes of material laying
                                                           around, much of which is not manageable by our
                                                           volunteer staff. Please be considerate when donat-
                                                           ing items with regard to topic, condition and/or age
                                                           of material and quantity.
                                                               No encyclopedias
                                                               No Readers Digest
                                                               No magazines
                                                               No cookbooks
                                                               Thank you for your cooperation.
        Birthday Celebrations                                  Pat Ganzer 732-281-8008, Mary Ann Ormando

I  f you know of any resident celebrating a 100th birth-   732-914-1245.
   day (or over) in 2021, please submit word document
to It is important to recognize
and celebrate this “Special” milestone in a person’s              IMPORTANT NOTICE
life. Please give two months’ notice, along with phone
                                                           Dear Residents,
number, so that we can ascertain pertinent informa-
                                                               As much as we are happy to receive articles from
tion. Thank you.
                                                           you, articles cannot be left at the clubhouse. We are
                                                           not guaranteed to receive them in time by the deadline
                                                           set forth in the Courier each month. All articles should
                                                           be emailed to We thank you
                                                           for your cooperation and appreciate your articles.
                                                                                                 Barbara Verdugo
                                                                                                     Pat Nardiello

          Yoga Classes                                       EXERCISE CLASSES WILL BE EVERY MONDAY,
                                                           WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 8:30.
        Holiday Heights Clubhouse                            COME FOR FITNESS! COME FOR FUN!
         96 Prince Charles Drive,                            WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING ALL!!
          Toms River, NJ 08757                                                          EDIE WALTON
        Tuesdays, 10:45-11:45 AM
           Includes chair yoga.
                   $3.00 fee
                 All Welcome
                For information,                             We accept no responsibility for any advertisements.
                                                             If there are any complaints concerning an advertiser
          call Marj 609-389-7192 or                          please contact them directly.
            Angie 732-286-9558                               If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact your
                                                             Better Business Bureau or the Ocean County Dept. of
                                                             Consumer Affairs in Toms River.
28   HEIGHTS COURIER      february, 2022
Holiday Fun
     Santa (our own Kevin Neary) “helped to make the season bright” by bringing joy to everyone at our tree-
lighting ceremony. He also added to the festivities at the Social Club meeting in December with his surprise
visit! Thank you, Santa!

                                                                    february, 2022    HEIGHTS COURIER     29
          Holiday Heights Needs You!!!
                  Contact the office for more details
          Some areas of interests might be - Human Interest Writers for Courier, Flowers,
                 Neighborhood Watch, By-laws, Grounds and Basins, Elections,
                      Welcome and Tree Lighting Committees, and More!!!

30   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022
Mah Jongg Players Wanted:
Experienced or new players (we will teach).
               Please call:
        Marylou - 732 - 300 - 0921

                                   february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   31
A Special Thank you
            A shout out to                                      O       n behalf of Ocean of Love and myself, I would
                                                                        like to thank each-and-every one of you for bring-
          Kevin Neary and his                                   ing joy to the children and young adults with cancer.
                                                                A special thank you to Janet Detour and Marge and
            Neighborhood                                        Kevin Neary for making this event a success.
           Watch Committee                                            I also want to thank my dear friends for all their
                                                                phone calls, cards, and visits during my recuperation.
               Submitted by Pat Nardiello
                                                                It is great to know we have such wonderful and caring

T   hank you for your persistent efforts in getting the
    Township to reverse the traffic pattern at Mule
Road and Davenport Road, decreasing the number
                                                                people living here in Holiday Heights.
                                                                                                     Madeline LoPresto

of cars travelling down Prince Charles Drive. Kudos,
too, for collaborating with Lieutenant Roth and secur-
ing the traffic control signs to deter speeding in our                  COVID CRUISE SHIP
community. We can look forward to seeing them on
                                                                                     Submitted by a Resident
the corner of Portsmouth Drive and Davenport Road,
two of them on Prince Charles Drive, and one on
Canterbury Lane. They will be placing the signs at
                                                                A    n anti-vaxer associate of mine recently quoted an
                                                                     article from CNN. The headline stated, “Cruise
                                                                ship returns to port with 50 cases of Covid on board.”
the swales where the blinking lights will not disturb
                                                                They then launched into a rant about how this shows
residents. The hopes of imbedding rumble strips in
                                                                that the vaccines are not effective, and we should
the roads will also help to alert drivers from exceeding
                                                                therefore avoid them at all costs.
the speed limit. As their efforts continue, we may be
                                                                     This person’s assertions are based on false as-
seeing brighter streetlamps, too. Thank you!
                                                                sumptions and a distortion of the facts, and in fact,
                                                                this article shows the exact opposite. Let me explain
                                                                using this headline to illustrate.
                                                                     We have all seen the numbers saying that the
                                                                Moderna vaccine is 95% effective but what does that
                                                                really mean in this case. To start with 95% effective
                                                                means that 5 out of 100 vaccinated people will ex-
                                                                perience a break-thru infection on the average. The
                                                                ship in question carries 6,500 passengers and they
                                                                all have declared they are fully vaccinated. So how
                                                                many groups of 100 people can we make out of that
                                                                many passengers. The answer is 65, which I will round
                                                                down to 60, to make the math easier. So, within each
                                                                group of 100, we can expect 5 break-thru infections.
                                                                Five times 60 is 300, so we could expect to see as
                                                                many as 300 infections on that ship, but we only saw
                                                                50ish well below the expected 300.
                                                                     This should encourage those of you who are vac-
                                                                cinated, but don’t read too much into these numbers.
                                                                For starters, people lie so we don’t know absolutely
                                                                everyone was vaccinated. We don’t know how many
                                                                were actually exposed or what the infection rate was,
                                                                and we don’t know if they all got Pfizer or Moderna.
                                                                They could have gotten J&J (at 72% effective) or any
                                                                of a dozen other factors. The point to take away is

                                                                that the vaccines are effective, and news outlets are
                                                                not going to print a headline that says 6000 people
                                                                had a great vacation and came home safely.
32 HEIGHTS    - 1/4 PaGE
           COURIER   february, 2022                                 BLaCK & WHITE PaPERS - 1/4 PaGE
HEIGHTS COURIER                                                     LEISURE RIDGE NEWS
Holiday Heights Men’s Club                                     HAPPY HOOKER UPDATE
              Monthly Food Drive
    The Monthly Food Drive, the last Friday of each
                                                            H   i everyone! Although we are disappointed the
                                                                clubhouse is closed, we continue to make our
                                                            blankets. We wish everyone a happy, healthy New
month, is an ongoing drive that is in our second
                                                            Year. We also want to thank the Community and As-
year. Please donate any non-perishable food items
                                                            sociation for all your support.
you can. There is still a need for donations in Ocean
County. Many families are unable to afford food on
                                                                                               Carol Ann De Vito
an ongoing basis.
    There are also bins outside our clubhouse that
are taken in daily!!! Other communities are welcome
to donate. Do your part if you can and donate. It will
give you a warm and fuzzy feeling!!!!!!!
                                                                            HANDS FOR ALL
                                                                If you need an emergency home repair, HANDS
                                                            FOR ALL is here to help at no charge. For more in-
                                                            formation and assistance, please contact them.
                                                                              HANDS FOR ALL
              MEN’S CARDS                                       A Division of HOMES FOR ALL, Inc.

L   ooking for men to play cards on Thursday nights.            A Not-For Profit Affordable Housing Developer
    Will play a variety of easy to learn poker hands            309 Hooper Ave., Toms River, NJ 08753
(no wild cards) starting at 6 PM till 9:30 PM. For more         Tel. 732-286-7929 Fax. 732-286-9698
information, please call Lou at 201-394-5073.

             MEN’S CLUB
            CALENDAR 2022

                                                                J.P. Roofing & Siding
    Always 2nd Tuesday of every month at 3:30PM
    February 8th         May 10th
    March 8th            June 14th
    April 12th
                                                                   New Roofs Installed • New Siding Installed

                                                                            24 Hour Emergency Repairs
                                                                       Specializing in Storm Damage Repairs
S    o here we are in the second month of the new
     year. Time does fly by, and at this time of the year
we are glad that it does so that we can get closer to                     Hail Roof Leaks • Siding Repairs
warmer weather. No matter what it’s doing outside,
inside we will be having our monthly meeting on
Thursday evening, February 17th. Doors open 5:30                             25 Years in Business
PM with refreshments served, our meeting at 7:00
                                                                             Lic # 13VH09899700
PM, then entertainment immediately following. We
are happy to welcome back Bob Kulik, who will sing
for us with his beautiful vocals. We are sure you all
will enjoy him. Anyone interested in becoming a                          Fully Insured • Free Estimates
member can still do so, just see one of the officers
in the lobby before entering. Until then, stay well and
enjoy Valentine’s Day with those you love. We look                      Call 732-300-7184

forward to seeing you all on the 17th.
                          SOCIAL CLUB OFFICERS
                                                                             february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   33
HOLIDAY HEIGHTS DAY                                                Upcoming Events
     TRIPPERS PRESENT:                                                 HH Recreation
 “COUNTRY HALL OF FAMERS”                                 March 12 – St. Patrick’s Day Dance – See Flyer for
Lunch and Show at Li Greci’s the Staaten                     Details

DATE: Thursday, May 12, 2022. Bus leaves Club-            April 9 – Fish Fry – See Flyer for Details
  house at 9:45 AM from Tennis Court Parking Lot
                                                          May 7 – Spring Flower Sale – See Flyer for Details
PRICE: $112.00 pp. Includes: bus,1-hour Open Bar          May 21 – Beef Steak Dinner – See Flyer for Details
   and additional 1 hour Wine Service, 4 course           June 25 – Yard Sale – See Flyer for Details
   Plated Meal, Show, Tax, Tips and Driver’s Tip

MENU: Salad, Pasta, Choice of Entrée, Vegetable/
  Starch, Dessert, Coffee/Tea/Soda
  Sirloin of Roast Beef     OR
                                                                    Holiday Heights
  Chicken Parmigiana        OR                                  First Aid Auxiliary News
  Scrod Oreganata
                                                          Happy Groundhog Day
    TICKETS: Sale starts Thursday, February 10,
9-10 AM and every Thursday thereafter till sold out;      Greetings Neighbors!
First week of sale is 2 tickets per household & Holiday
                                                                Please go through your old jewelry and
Heights residents only.
                                                          donate it to the Holiday Heights First Aid Auxil-
         CHECKS ONLY         NO REFUNDS                   iary. Judy Mitchell will clean the jewelry and sell
    Come with us to the beautiful Li Greci’s the Sta-     it for us at our Giant Spring Jewelry Sale on
aten for Ace in a Hole’s production of “Country Hall of   April 30, 2022.
Famers” Show and Lunch. Enjoy the music of Patsy                Our membership drive continues. Please
Cline, Johnny Cash, John Denver, Dolly Parton and         consider joining the First Aid Auxiliary. Be part
more as well as a perfectly prepared meal with great      of helping us fundraise to help our amazing
service.                                                  First Aid Squad. Membership is only $10.00 for
    QUESTIONS: Linda Passenti 732-341-4072                the year.
                                                                Our next Auxiliary meeting is February 10
REQUIREMENTS:                                             at 1PM in the clubhouse auditorium. Please
   Must be able to provide PROOF OF VACCINA-              join us. Please mark your calendar. Face
TION when asked by Venue.
                                                          masks are required.
   Must always wear mask on Bus and inside Venue
                                                                For all event details please see flyers.
except when seated at your table.
                                                                Tickets can be purchased at the club-
                                                          house on Thursday mornings from 9AM –
                                                                           Kathy Skrocki, HHFAA Secretary

34   HEIGHTS COURIER     february, 2022

february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER      35

36   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022

                                LV WEST NEWS
Social Club, Thursday Evening,
         Meeting Dates
   February 17          April 21
   March 17             May 19
                        June 16 Dinner Dance

   Open to all residents of Holiday Heights (MCR)
   Every Thursday 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
   Call or text Anthony (Rocky) Aragon,
   732-718-1154 for more information.

          Hello Homeowners!
W    e need someone to run our Atlantic City bus
     trips, which are once a month. You may run
these trips alone or have a friend help you. Don’t be
nervous, there will always be someone to assist you.
   Thank you.
                                  Madeline LoPresto
                             Recreation Chairperson

                                                        february, 2022   HEIGHTS COURIER   37
Do You Want To Know
      What’s Going On In Our Community?
        Would You Like That Information
         Available Anywhere You Can
              Reach the Internet?
                No Problem!!                  What Will You Find Here?
                                                   Last Minute Updates
     Our New Website Is Just What You Need.         Community Forms
       On Your Phone, Tablet, or Computer.     Images Of Community Events
                                                     And Much More


             Do You Want To Know
      What’s Going On In Our Community?
        Would You Like That Information
         Available Anywhere You Can
              Reach the Internet?
      What Will You Find Here?
            Last Minute Updates
             Community Forms
        Images Of Community Events
              And Much More

38   HEIGHTS COURIER   february, 2022
Recipe                                              SUDOKO
                                                              Complete the grid so that every row, column,
                                                              and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9.
                    Sweet Hearts
     It will be love at first bite when you serve these
melt-in-your-mouth shortbread cookies!
1 cup walnuts, toasted
½ cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
1 ½ cups butter (3 sticks), slightly softened
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
½ teaspoon salt
3 cups cake flour (not self-rising)
6 1-ounce squares semisweet chocolate (optional)

1. In a blender or food processor, blend walnuts and
    sugar until nuts are finely ground.
2. In a large bowl, with mixer at medium speed, beat
    butter, vanilla extract, salt, and ground-walnut mix-
    ture until light and fluffy. With wooden spoon, stir in
    flour until dough forms. If necessary, with hands,                                      Solution on page 43
    press dough into 3 equal pieces; wrap each in
    plastic wrap. Refrigerate dough about 2 hours
                                                                           Cut and save this ad!
3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Sprinkle 15-inch-
    long sheet waxed paper with flour. Place 1/3 of
    dough on floured waxed paper (keep remaining
    dough refrigerated), Lightly sprinkle dough with
    flour. Place another sheet of waxed paper over
                                                              Coins, Stamps, Collectibles
    dough. Roll dough between waxed paper ¼ inch
    thick, sprinkling dough with more flour if necessary
                                                                  $ PAYING Top Dollar CASH $
    to keep it from sticking.                                                     For All
 4. Remove top sheet of waxed paper. With floured
                                                                      Coins • Stamps • Collectibles
    3-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut out as
    many hearts as possible from dough, reserving                   Gold & Silver Jewelry • Antiques
    trimmings in refrigerator. With floured pancake                        Sterling Silver Sets
    turner, place hearts, about 2 inches apart, on
    ungreased cookie sheet. Bake cookies 10-15                         WWI & WWII Military Items
    minutes until golden. Allow cookies to remain on               Old Trains • Hummels and Lladro
    cookie sheet 2 minutes before removing to racks
    to cool completely. Repeat.                                          All Types of Collections
5. When cookies are cool, if you like, melt chocolate.
    Use chocolate to spread or drizzle on cookies.
                                                                    aTTENTION SENIORS:
    Let chocolate dry about 1 hour or until firm. Store         We Travel to YOU • FREE In-Home Appraisals
    cookies in tightly covered container. Makes about         * Reputable Buyer with Over 40 years Experience *
    28 cookies.
                                    Good Housekeeping             Call Raymond 732-672-1616
                                                                   References Upon Request                 ads-6422

                                                                        february, 2022      HEIGHTS COURIER       39
Religious Services
                      Catholic Masses                        Divine Liturgies
             St. Maximilian Kolbe Church Hall                Saturday - 6:00 PM; Sunday - 9:30 AM
                       Mass Schedule                         Holy Days - 9:00 AM; Daily - 8:30 AM
Saturday: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM                        Confessions: One-Half Hour Before All Liturgies
Sunday: 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM 11:30 AM & 1:00 PM      Pastor: Rev. Yastishock - Deceased
Daily: 7:00 AM - 9:30AM • Holy Days: As Announced            	  Father Frank Rella
Tuesdays: 7:00 AM
Thursdays & Fridays: 8:30 AM                                                              ***
Pastor - Father Stephen Plga                                                 St. Paul Lutheran Church
Father Frank Santitoro - Pastor Emeritus                     130 Cable Ave., Beachwood, NJ 08722
St. Maximilian Kolbe Church - (914-0300)                     Sunday Worship: 9AM & 11AM
Rectory Office - (914-8550)                                  Rev. Peter M. Hartney, Jr., Pastor
                              ***                            Rev. C. Paul Stockbine, Pastoral Assistant
                 East Dover Baptist Church                   Telephone 349-0871
974 Bay Avenue, West of Vaughn                                                            ***
Toms River, New Jersey 08753                                          The Presbyterian Church of Toms River
Rev. Dr. Michael M. Mazer, Pastor - 270-3012                 Hooper Avenue & Chestnut Street
                              ***                            Toms River, NJ 08753 (349-1331)
                       Jewish Services                       Sunday Worship 8:30, 10 & 11:30 AM •
                 Congregation B’nai Israel                   Sun. Radio WOBM AM (1160) 12 Noon
1488 Old Freehold Rd.                                                                        ***
732-349-1244                                                                     Proving Ground Church
Friday Evening: 7:30 pm; Saturday Morning 9:00 am            One Proving Ground Road, Lakehurst, NJ 08723
Weekday Mornings: 7:45 am; Weekday Legal Holidays: 9:00 am   Services: 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM
Weekday Festivals: 9:00 am                         
                              ***                            732-849-5189
                         St. Stephens                                                        ***
                 Ukrainian Catholic Church                                       St. John’s R.C. Church
                 (Byzantine-Ukrainian Rite)                  Catholic Interpreted Mass for the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired
Divine Liturgy - Sundays                                     Saturdays, 3:45 PM
8:45 AM English                                              619 Chestnut Street, Lakehurst, NJ
10:00 AM in Ukrainian                                        Father Ronald Bacovin, Pastor
1344 White Oak Bottom Rd., Toms River                        Telephone 657-6347
Rev. Ivan Turlykn                                                                            ***
Phone 732-255-5753                                                    Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian Church
                              ***                            Grace Evangecial Birch Bldg.
                  Church Of The Nazarene                     1600 Central Ave.
188 Hwy. #37 West - Toms River                               Seaside Heights
Phone: 732-244-5463                                          Sunday School 9:45 AM
Pastor - Rev. Delbert Bieber                                 Sunday Worship 11:00 AM
Assoc Pastor - Rev. Brad Todd                                Rev. Geoff Willour
Sunday Worship - 9 AM and 11 AM                              (732) 458-1119
Coffee & Fellowship between AM Services                                                      ***
                              ***                                               Christ Episcopal Church
                Pinelands Reformed Church                    415 Washington Street,
Sunday Worship - 10 AM                                       Toms River, NJ 08754-0999
898 State Highway 37 West                                    Handicap Accessible; Hearing Assistance
Toms River, New Jersey 08755                                 Holy Eucharist Service Schedule
732-349-7557                                                 Saturday, Holy Eucharist – 5 pm
Rev. Joe Colon                                               Sunday Holy Eucharist – 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.
                              ***                            Sunday, Church School 10 a.m. (Sept. - June)
                     Lutheran Services                       Sunday, La Santa Misa – 12:30 pm (service in Spanish)
        Redeemer Lutheran Church of Manchester               The Rev. Joan M.R. Anders   Phone: (732) 349-5506
1/4 mile east of Rte. #70 past Jct. of #571
Sunday Worship 10:15 AM                                                                      ***
Sunday School & Bible Class 9:00 AM                                      St. Andrew United Methodist Church
Wednesday Adult Bible 10 AM - 10:30 AM During Lent           1500 Church Rd., Toms River
Phone 657-2828                                               Pastor: Eric Hall 732-349-5367)
Saturday Worship 4 PM                                                                        ***
                                                                                     Good Shepherd
                              ***                                        American Reformed Catholic Church
           St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church                 1890 Whitesville Rd., Toms River, NJ 08755
2200 Church Road, Toms River, N.J. 08753                     Pastor: Fr. Drew Miller 732-279-6837
Rev. Fr. Economos Paul Pappas, Pastor                        Website:
Church Office 732-255-5525 – Fax 732-255-8180                Masses: 5 pm Sat
In Case of Emergency, Call 732-586-7998                        8 AM & 10 AM Sunday
                              ***                            Facebook:
                Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
                 Byzantine Catholic Church
                  (Formerly St. Andrew’s)
1937 Church Road, Toms River, NJ 08753
Telephone Rectory (732) 255-6272
Hall (732) 255-9702
40   HEIGHTS COURIER      february, 2022
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