Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English

Page created by Brad Clarke
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
Guide 2019
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English

Studying at Frances King                      Living in Dublin
05   Take a holiday                           09   Getting around
     Client Services                               Dublin Bus
     I want to change my class or teacher          LUAS
     I am finishing my course this week            DART/Irish Rail
     I want to extend my course                    Dublin Bikes
                                                   Dublin Taxis
     Students’ Common Area
                                                   Student travelcard
     Teachers’ Room
                                              11   Communication
     I want to change my level
                                                   Mobile Phone
     Wi-Fi                                         MicroSIM to SIM adapter
     Accommodation                                 Internet Cafes in Dublin
     Extensions                                    Bank
     Cancellations                                 Opening a bank account
                                                   Sending and receiving money
06   I have a problem                              Get Cash Out from an ATM and get
     I have a complaint                            Cash Back from a Shop

     Working with Frances King
                                              11   Health
     Planning a trip abroad                        Public Health Care in Ireland
                                                   Private Health Insurance in Ireland
07   Student Charter                               Emergency telephone numbers
     Students at Frances King can expect...
     The school expect our students...        12   Personal safety
                                                   Your personal belongings
                                                   Using your credit card
                                                   Renting Accommodation

                                              14   Things to do in Dublin
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
        1. Please don’t smoke on the steps of any of our buildings
        2. Please don’t drink or eat inside classroom or study centres
        3. Please put your mobile on silent in class and study centres
        4. Please don’t block the front door
        5. Please arrive at your class on time. If you know you will be late or miss a class please tell client services
        and your teacher


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                               FK EMERGENCY NUMBER +353 83 4502204                                                                                                             3
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
Studying at
       Frances King

Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
Can I take a holiday while
                          I am studying?
  I am studying for                                I am studying for less
 more than 12 weeks                                    than 12 weeks             12 weeks study = 2 weeks holiday
                                                                                 25 weeks study = 4 weeks holiday
                                                                                 36 weeks study = 6 weeks holiday
                           I study in an                                         48 weeks study = 8 weeks holiday
                            exam class
                                                   you cannot take any
    I study                                          holiday, if this is a
 General English                                   problem please go to
                                                   client services office

                                  go to client services to find
  Yes! Please tell                out how much holiday you
   us the week                    have and to organise your
 before you want                         holiday dates.
 to go on holiday                     (Monday to Friday,
                                    complete weeks only)

CLIENT SERVICES                            STUDENTS’ COMMON                    ACCOMMODATION INFO
For general information including          AREA                                For accommodation enquiries,
exam courses, booking exams                                                    extensions and problems please
                                           A place where you can study,
and attendance please come to                                                  speak to Client Services.
                                           and practise your English.
client services. If your personal          You can use the computers and
details change while you are                                                   Extensions
                                           internet for personal purposes.
studying please tell client                                                    If you would like to extend
                                           You also have access to books,
services as soon as possible.                                                  your stay at your current
                                           films and other resources.
                                                                               accommodation, you will
I want to change my class or                                                   need to tell the school so the
teacher                                    RECYCLING                           Accommodation Department
Please come to the Head of                 Please put any paper, plastic       can check if it is possible.
Programmes, Ita Hennessy who               or drinks cans into the green       If we confirm that you can
can help you.                              topped recycling bins.              extend, you need to pay
                                                                               everything in advance.
I am finishing my course this
week...                                    TEACHERS ROOM                       Cancellations
We will give you a Student                 This is in the basement. Come       If you want to cancel your
Feedback Form to complete and              here if you want to speak to a      accommodation, you must
give in to reception the Thursday          teacher.                            tell us giving enough time
before you leave. You will receive                                             (notice period) depending on
your certificate in your class on                                              your accommodation type (i.e.
                                           I want to change my level           homestay – 1 week). Please
your last day. If you are leaving
early and need your certificate            Talk with your teacher, tell them   speak to an accommodation
please go to Client Services.              why you want to change.             adviser as soon as possible for
                                           They will discuss with Academic     more information on how to
                                           Managers and suggest the best       proceed with your cancellation.
I want to extend my course
                                           option for you!
Just go to Client Services and
ask to extend your course. You
will get placed in class and have
your student card updated.                 WI-FI
Remeber you have 10% re-                   Username: student
enrolment discount. If you are             Password: learning
from outside the EU, please
check that your visa is still valid
for study.
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
I HAVE A PROBLEM                     WORKING FOR FRANCES                 PLANNING A TRIP
Whether your problem is about        KING                                ABROAD
your class, medical or personal      At Frances King we have             Ask in the office for advice if
please go to Client Services         opportunities for students to       you are planning a trip outside
who will be able to help you         get work experience as Client       Ireland
                                     Services Student Assistants or
I HAVE A COMPLAINT                   in other
1. Go to Client Services where       departments.
we may be able to resolve the
problem.                             To apply for a Student Assistant
                                     role you need:
2. If you are not satisfied, you
may ask for an appointment           � To be a Frances King student;
with the Head of Programmes.         � To have a minimum upper
                                       intermediate level of English;
3. If you are still not satisfied,   � A knowledge of other
you may ask for an                     Languages (is a bonus).
appointment with the Principal.
                                     3 hours work in exchange for 3
                                     free hours of study per day.
                                     Please bring your CV (in English)
                                     to the team leader of client

Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
STUDENTS CHARTER                     with their teacher and            „„to receive information about
                                     opportunities to meet a Tutor       school services and health
                                     or Academic Managers for            and safety issues during their
Students at Frances King             advice about their course.          first day induction
can expect...
                                   „„a wide choice of                  „„to inform the school office
„„honesty and accuracy in            accommodation options with          of any change of address or
  all information and publicity      clear advice                        contact details
  about our courses and
  services                         „„an interesting and varied         „„to follow the school’s IT policy
                                     Activity Programme including        and to not use the school’s
„„a warm friendly service            many free activities                computers inappropriately or
  from Client Services with                                              to download inappropriate
  information on a range of        „„advice on which public exams        material
  Frances King services              to take, when and how to
                                     register                          „„to follow health and safety
„„to be taught by qualified,                                             guidelines and to avoid
  experienced, professional        „„free internet access either         creating dangers in the school
  teachers who plan and              using computers in the
  prepare appropriate lessons        study centre or via wireless      „„to respect other people’s
                                     networks                            cultures, traditions and beliefs
„„interesting and varied classes                                         and to avoid behaviour or
  that use appropriate and         „„help 24 hours/day via our           language that may cause
  effective teaching methods         emergency phone                     offence
„„an initial placement test to                                         „„to be polite and respectful
  ensure that they are in the                                            when speaking to other
  right level classes and later    The school expect our
                                   students...                           students, our staff and
  opportunities to change level                                          accommodation providers
  as they progress                 „„to attend classes everyday
„„to study in clean, well-lit,       and on time
  comfortable classrooms           „„to tell the school if they have
„„to have regular opportunities      to miss any classes due to
  to discuss their progress          illness or other reasons
  during progress meetings
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
Living in
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
GETTING AROUND                      Dublin Taxis                        Student Travelcard
                                    Dublin is a city with many taxis.   If you are a student, we
In Dublin, this is the public
                                    To get an idea, Dublin has the      recommend you obtain a
transport available:
                                    same amount of taxis as New         Student Travel Card in order to
                                    York: around 13 000.                get discounts in a lot of
Dublin Bus
                                    The difference is that New York     establishments, on public
metropolitan buses.                 has a population of 19 million      transport and with Dublin Bikes.
Official website:                   and Dublin has 1.5 million.         A foreign student card will not                    During the day, in Dublin,          be valid in many establishments.
                                    perhaps you will not notice         For further information, visit:
LUAS                                all the taxis that are on the
metropolitan tram.                  streets, but during the night,      Students who are eligible are
Official website:       taxis making queues do not go       currently studying for at least
                                    unnoticed.                          6 months duration with a
DART/Irish Rail                     Not long ago, many people           minimum 20 hours class time
Ireland rail.                       complained about the lack of        per week. There is a new card
Official website:       taxis in the city. Licenses for     produced every September to
iPhone App: Ireland Rail            driving taxis were expensive and    validate your student status.
Android App: Next Train Ireland     people could not afford them.       This means there are two cards
If you do not have a defined        Later on, the prices of the         in circulation from September
route yet, you may want to buy      license went down and the           until December every year.
a Leap Card. It will allow you to   number of licenses increased.       If you purchase the card in
use all means of public             Conclusion: the streets were        September 2014, it will expire
transport in Dublin for a reduced   invaded by taxis.                   in December 2015. The expiry
fare. It is cheaper than buying     Taxi fares from the airport to      date is printed on the card.
one-way tickets.                    the city centre cost between        Student Travelcard work on the
                                    €20 and €30. An average ride        student’s behalf to ensure both
Dublin Bikes                        around the centre of Dublin         the travel and retail discounts
Dublin is one of the European       costs between €5 - €8.              are of real value to card holders.
most bike-friendly capitals.        You can recognize a taxi by the
If you do not have a bike, you      yellow sign on its roof. It says
can use Dublin Bikes (Dublin’s      TAXI or TACSI.
public bike service). The fee is    For further information, visit:
only €20 per year. The first 30
minutes of each journey is free.                                                                        9
Guide 2019 Student - Frances King School of English
COMMUNICATION                       Internet Cafes in Dublin            HEALTH
                                    Global Internet Café
Mobile Phone Operators in                                               Public Health Care in Ireland
                                    Address: 8 Lower O’Connell St,
Ireland                             Dublin 1                            Unfortunately, public health care
The main telephone companies        Phone: 01 878 0295                  in Ireland is not universal. This
that you can find in Dublin                                             means that according to your
(Ireland) are:                      Central Internet Café               income, you will receive a
� Three                            certain level of medical
� Meteor                            Address: 6 Grafton Street,          assistance. In other words,
� Lyca                              Dublin 2                            people who just arrive to Ireland
                                    Phone: 01 677 82 98                 do not receive free medical
Unlike in other countries, in                                           assistance.
Ireland you can use your pay-
as-you-go phone to access the                                           If you are a European citizen,
Internet from your mobile. You                                          it is highly recommended that
just have to make sure you have                                         you bring a European Health
credit.                             Sending and receiving               Insurance Card (EHIC).
If you need an Irish number we      money                               This document will allow you to
can give you a SIM card for free.   If you need to receive money        receive the necessary medical
Come to reception to get one.       or send it abroad in a matter       assistance. If you do not have
                                    of hours, you will not be able      an EHIC or an Irish Health
MicroSIM to SIM adapter             to do it through a bank. Banks      Insurance Card, you will be
If your current mobile is a last-   are usually slow. They take         considered a private patient
generation mobile and uses a        days to wire your money (and        and thus, you will have to pay
microSIM, and you want to use       you obviously need a bank           for the service you get. The first
that microSIM in a mobile that      account). However, the following    time you go for a consultation
only works with SIM, then, you      companies provide a fast, safe      in a hospital, you will have to
will need a microSIM to SIM         and reliable money-transferring     pay a non-refundable €100 fee.
adapter. These adapters are         service:                            Consultations with a local GP
pieces of plastic with the shape                (General practitioner) cost
of a SIM but with a small space                   between €50-€€60.
to incorporate the microSIM.                      To obtain an Irish Health
You can buy one of these                                                Insurance Card, you need a
adapters in any mobile store in     Get Cash Out from an ATM            minimum of one year residing in
Dublin, for example, Carphone       and Get Cash Back from a            Ireland. From that moment on,
Warehouse or                        Shop                                you will have the right to medical                  There are not as many ATMs          assistance like every other Irish
                                    around Dublin as other capital      citizen.
Internet Operators in Ireland       cities.                             You will be able to register
There are several internet          Due to this, it is common that      yourself as a patient with a GP.
operators that provide internet     when you go to a supermarket,       There can be a long waiting time
service and Internet+TV+Phone       at the moment of paying, the        for consultations in
packages. Tri-band is really        cashier will ask if you need cash   hospitals, including
popular in Ireland.                 back (if they do not ask, you can   emergencies. We recommend
The most popular companies          request it). They do not charge     that you don’t go in the
are:                                anything for the transaction,       afternoon or at night because
� UPC                               they just add the amount to your    you might have to wait for up to
� SKY                               receipt and give you the cash.      9 hours!
� EIRCOM                                                                To avoid these problems, you
                                                                        may want to buy Private Health
If you have already found                                               Insurance.
accommodation and you want                                              You can attend private
to know which companies work                                            hospitals and you often see a
in your area, visit
doctor much quicker for a           If you are applying for             PERSONAL SAFETY
consultation. If you plan to work   a student visa, you can
in Ireland, often the company       get full details of insurance
that hires you will pay for your    requirements at:    Dublin is generally a safe place
health                              If you are studying on a course     to be but as with a lot of big
insurance.                          listed on the Interim List of       cities there are sometimes pick-
Tip: Medicine is expensive. If      Eligible Programmes, you need       pockets and thieves. We would
you often need some kind of         to have an insurance policy         like to help you to avoid being a
medicine, bring a big amount of     for the duration of your visa.      victim of these crimes. Here is
it to Ireland.                      To purchase the International       some friendly advice to help you
For more information:               Student Policy please talk to our   have a safe and worry-free time
� Health Service Executive          staff.                              in Dublin.
� Dublin Well Woman Centre          Insurance fees: €50 for up to
� Citizen Information               90 days or €125 per year per        Your personal belongings
     Department of Health           person.                             Do not leave your purse, wallet
                                                                        or phone on the table in a
Private Health Insurance in         Emergency telephone                 restaurant or in a classroom
Ireland                             numbers in Dublin                   during a break.
If you can afford private health    For medical emergencies, you
                                                                        Try to carry as little cash as
insurance, it is the best option.   can call St James Hospital.
Before you arrive in Ireland,       Dial 01 454 5607. If you are
you should take out insurance       unable to reach a hospital, you
                                                                        Make sure your wallet, purse or
for your own financial and          can call 01 830 0244 and a
                                                                        phone is in a pocket or bag and
personal security. You can take     doctor will visit you.
                                                                        can’t be seen by a pick pocket.
out your own insurance or the       If you need an ambulance,
                                                                        It might be best to have a bag
International Student Policy        call 999 or 112. If you do
                                                                        with a zip.
offered by Guard.Me.                not have the right to free
If you are EU national, you         health assistance yet, you
                                                                        Try to put your purse, wallet
should bring your European          will be charged €100 for the
                                                                        or phone in an inside pocket
Health Insurance Card (EHIC)        emergency service.
                                                                        of your bag not in an easily
which allows access to health
                                                                        accessible pocket on the
care services.
                                                                        outside of your bag.

12                                                                      Watch your belongings at all
times and keep them close to         is no one looking over your
you.                                 shoulder before you start and
                                     be aware of people around you
Be careful of people                 while you use the cashpoint.        Search in Google “student
approaching you in the street or                                         accommodation Dublin”.
when sitting at a restaurant, they   Most Irish people cover their
might be trying to distract you      hand while they enter their pin
so they can take your phone,         number into a machine, so don’t     We hope this helps you feel safer
wallet or purse.                     worry that this might appear to     in Dublin.
                                     be rude.                            If you have any problems you
If someone says they are a                                               can contact the police, call the
Police Officer and wants to talk     Renting accommodation               Frances King emergency phone
to you. You can ask to see their     If you are planning to rent         number on the back of your
identification or you could ask to   accommodation outside of            student card or come to the
go to the police station because     Frances King You will be able       Client Services Office.
you are worried about giving out     to rent a room starting from
information.                         300€/month. The average
                                     room is between 400€ and
Only keep things in your bag         500€. If you are willing to share
that are essential to you. For       an apartment in a relatively
example, in Ireland you do not       new building, the price will be
need to carry your identification    around 550€ and 600€. If you
card or passport with you at all     are looking for an apartment just
times, so the safest place for       for yourself, expect a 1300 -
this is at home                      1500€ price range. All these
                                     prices are approximations only.
Using your credit card               Real prices will vary depending
Do not give your pin number          on your preferences and on the
to anyone. You should never          neighborhood you choose to live
be asked for it even by your         in. Websites you might use to
bank, a Police Officer or a shop      ind accommodation are:
When you are getting cash from
a cash point, make sure there
THINGS TO DO IN                       Art galleries                       The most popular pubs are:
DUBLIN                                RHA Gallery, Science Gallery.       Temple Bar
                                                                          Turks Head
                                      Coastal towns                       Porter House
Tourist attractions                                                       The Brazen Head
                                      In the surrounding area you can
Temple Bar, Dublin Castle,                                                Whelans
Christchurch, St Patricks                                                 Kehoes
                                      Howth, Dun Laoghaire, Dalkey,
Church, The Guinness
                                      Bray and Wicklow.
Storehouse, The Old Jameson                                               The trademark of Ireland is its
                                      Newgrange, Powerscourt
Distillery, Trinity College Dublin,                                       beer. The most popular one
                                      Gardens, Belvedere House
Dublinia, Kilmainham Jaill and...                                         is Guinness. You will always
                                      Gardens and Park, Wicklow
Pubs!                                                                     see people holding a pint in
                                      Mountains & Glendalough,
                                      Malahide Castle and Gardens         their hands while talking about
Parks and Gardens                                                         philosophy, politics, economics,
Phoenix Park, Garden of               Tours                               and who-knows-what after a
Remembrance, St Stephen’s                                                 couple of beers…
                                      Taking a tour can be a good
Green, National Botanical
                                      alternative if you want to visit
Gardens, The Iveagh Gardens.                                              Besides traditional pubs, if you
                                      places that are far from Dublin.
                                                                          are looking for a more club-like
                                      The most popular are:
Monuments                                                                 atmosphere, then you will enjoy
                                      Quick Tours
The Spire, Molly Malone.                                                  Howl at the moon €2,5 on
                                      Bus Eireann
                                      City Sight Seeing Dublin
National museums                                                          Dicey’s garden €2,5 on
                                      Love Ireland
The National Gallery, National                                            Tuesdays. If you go before 7pm
                                      Day Tours
Print Museum, Natural History                                             you will not have to pay the €5
                                      Glide Tours
Museum, The Museum of                                                     entrance fee).
Modern Art.                           Pubs, music and beer in             Shopping in Dublin
                                      Dublin                              Brown Thomas: An excellent
                                      If you are looking for an area to   range of elegant shopping.
The Old Library (Trinity College),    go out at night, listen to music
Chester Beatty Library.                                                   Carroll’s Gifts & Souvenirs: Irish
                                      (or not), drink all the beer you    souvenirs for tourists.
                                      want and visit Dublin’s most        Avoca (Suffolk Street): one of
                                      emblematic pubs, then you are       the world’s oldest surviving
14                                    looking for Temple Bar.
manufacturing companies.              midnight), and drugstores open
Nassau St: traditional Irish gifts.   from 9am to 7pm.
At the end of the street, Leinster
Street South begins. Here you         Tipping in restaurants
will find the Kilkenny Design         10% is the average tip. Even if
Center.                               you pay with credit card, they
Grafton Street: This is the best      will expect you to indicate the
shopping area in Dublin. You          final amount with tip included
will find fashion boutiques, shoe     (+10%). Waiters will not ask for
stores, jewellery stores and          it, you have to offer it. This is
much more.                            basically a courtesy.
Henry Street: The second most
important shopping Street in
Dublin. It is even larger than
Grafton Street but not as
Francis Street: art and antiques.
Shopping centers:
St Steven’s Green Center
ILAC Center Dublin
Jervis Centre
Dundrum Town Centre
                                                                          For information on
Opening hours                                                             festivals and events in
Generally, opening times go                                               Dublin and around Ireland
from 9am to 6pm, Monday to                                                visit:
Saturday, and from 12pm to
6pm on Sunday (Yes! Shops                                       
open on Sundays). Each store                                    
will have its own particular                                    
opening time. For example,
banks open from 10am to 4pm,                                              If you wish to buy tickets
supermarkets open from 9am to                                             for an event visit www.
10pm (some SPARs open until                                     
Visit our free time
web page and
download this month’s
Activity Programme      FK EMERGENCY NUMBER            +353 83 4502204
You can also read