Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital

Page created by Robin Allen
Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
Gum Tips
                         September 2020

    Welcome          Introducing            Updates
  JOIN HOSPITAL                             STATIONS
Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
Thanks to overwhelming support                                       Koalas across both New South Wales (NSW) and
                                                                     Queensland have been in serious decline for
from people across Australia                                         many years. Many organisations including the Port
and the world, the Wild Koala                                        Macquarie Koala Hospital have been endeavouring to
Breeding Program is now a major                                      reverse this decline for a very, very long time. Taking
                                                                     in sick and injured wild koalas for treatment and care,
goal for the Hospital.                                               tree planting, research into disease and behaviour,
                                                                     conservation and management of existing habitats
                                                                     are critically important tools in achieving this goal. Of
                                                                     course, much more needs to be done.
                                                                     High on the wish list for the Koala Hospital for many
                                                                     years has been a wild koala breeding program where
                                                                     progeny bred from ‘breeding stock’ are released to
                                                                     repopulate depleted populations throughout New
                                                                     South Wales.
                                                                     To achieve this goal requires us to work in
                                                                     collaboration with a number of organisations and
                                                                     to conduct this program following strict scientific
                                                                     methodology. We are honoured to be the only facility
                                                                     in Australia (indeed the world) to be entrusted with
                                                                     this vital project.
                                                                     It is important to say here that the recent horrific
                                                                     bushfires of 2019 and 2020 and all the disasters that
                                                                     resulted from them, actually had one silver lining. To
                                                                     develop a robust and appropriate wild koala breeding
                                                                     program is an expensive venture, and the incredible
                                                                     level of donations from people all over the world is
                                                                     now supporting and enabling this work. Donations
                                                                     and support came from concerned individuals and
                                                                     families, as well as businesses and organisations who
                                                                     read and watched the media reports and responded
A young joey has been brought in for her weekly check-up at          so quickly and so generously. We will always be
the Hospital’s clinic. In homecare, she is given every support       grateful to everyone for enabling us to not only
possible to help her reach breeding age.

Front cover image: Ballina Franklin is a stunning young male koala, who is now a permanent resident at the Port Macquarie Koala
Hospital. Unfortunately Franklin is not suitable for release back to the wild, but he is an excellent, healthy candidate for breeding!

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Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
provide the wildlife drinking stations (see
pages 6 and 7), but to also now put in place the
breeding program.
We are currently at the planning and
development stage. This involves forming
agreements between all the relevant
collaborators and partners, planning and
design of enclosures (which are quite specific),
setting up stud books, applying for all the
relevant scientific permits and working within
the guidelines and support of the NSW
A review of ten Australian threatened
species conservation breeding programs,
commissioned by the Koala Hospital, was
recently completed. Findings from this review
will be a useful guide to assist the planning
and management processes. The wild koala
breeding program must stand up to rigorous
scientific scrutiny so it is imperative that we get
the foundations right before we go ahead.
It is indeed a work in progress and we are well
on the way to achieving a major goal for the
Port Macquarie Koala Hospital – to rebuild wild                                    Three in a tree! Three juvenile koalas climb a large eucalypt in
                                                                                   the Koala Hospital’s dehumanising yard. Along with other young
koala populations across New South Wales.                                          koalas, they are preparing for release back to the wild soon, where
Watch this space!                                                                  we hope they will successfully breed.


   Keeping koalas wild.........................................................2      A warm welcome to Dr Phillipa Beale........................11

   Report by Clinical Director, Cheyne Flanagan............4                          Recycling project showcases children’s art...............12

   Report by President, Sue Ashton..................................5                 Hospital activity..............................................................13

   Wildlife drinking stations in three states.....................6                   Guulagu Koala Custodians...........................................14

   Restoring koala habitat in the Hastings-Macleay.......8                            Koala Kids........................................................................15

   New Koala Hospital will be world class......................10

GUM TIPS is the official newsletter of Koala Conservation Australia                  Disclaimer Koala Conservation Australia Inc. and the Management
Inc. and is published quarterly.                                                     Committee do not accept any liability for the results of any actions taken
Editor: Becky Harrington                                                             or not taken, on the basis of information given or discussed with groups
Contributors: Cheyne Flanagan, Sue Ashton, Rebecca Montague-                         or other organised events, meetings and/or for information provided
Drake, Phillipa Beale, Matt Whatman, Arlene McInherny, Becky                         by speakers or for any information published for or on behalf of the
Harrington                                                                           organisation, its organs and officers.
Photography (unless individually credited): Carole Grant AFIP, FAPS,
Scott Castle, Gaby Rivett, Peggy Eather, Sue Ashton, Becky Harrington

                                                          GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P3
Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
                                                     Cheyne Flanagan recently celebrated 20 years as Clinical Director
                                                     with the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital! Thank you, Cheyne, for your
                                                     leadership, good humour and sheer hard work over so many years.
                                                     Everyone at the Hospital wishes you every success in your exciting,
                                                     new role as Director of the Wild Koala Breeding Program.

The Koala Hospital like everyone        put in place by the government and        We would really like to take this
else has found 2020 a challenging       so far we have not had any issues.        opportunity to thank all our
year. Drought, bushfires, floods        The welfare of the volunteers, staff      supporters world-wide for amazing
and COVID-19. So many have              and of course our koala patients is       donations to help us reverse the
asked how we are coping. Due            paramount.                                decline of wild koalas - we cannot
to an excellent team spirit we                                                    do this work without your help.
                                        The numbers of koalas admitted
have all coped well so far with the
                                        to the hospital has been slightly         We would also like to thank Philips
daily work going on the just same
                                        lower than normal over the last few       Australia who recently donated a
behind the scenes.
                                        months, but with breeding season          brand new ultrasound machine. It
In the first wave of COVID-19, we       now underway, this is likely to           is an amazing piece of technology
employed a strategy of having           change.                                   and every time it is used, we
two separate teams doing all the                                                  discover more useful applications.
                                        Due to the amount of koalas
koala care - one morning team                                                     Sonography is a very important
                                        lost during the drought and the
and one afternoon team who did                                                    diagnostic tool in koala medicine
                                        bushfires we are likely to see major
not come into contact with each                                                   and we would be lost without it.
                                        changes in the urban and peri-
other. The goal here was to ensure
                                        urban populations of koalas over          Due to really good recent rainfall
the koalas would still receive first
                                        the next five years.                      and predicted weather pattern
class care if for example a morning
                                                                                  modelling for next summer, we
team became sick or had to self-        Our dream and goal of breeding
                                                                                  are hoping that the likelihood of
isolate. We would then have a           wild koalas for conservation
                                                                                  major bushfire events will be low.
back-up team ie the afternoon           purposes is getting closer to reality
                                                                                  Hopefully many lessons have been
shift to take over and vice versa. It   with an enormous amount of work
                                                                                  learned and management of forest
worked well. We started to relax a      and planning occurring as we
                                                                                  systems will change for the better
little, but given the second wave of    speak. Now more than ever there
                                                                                  in the future.
infection in NSW and Victoria we        is an urgent need to undertake
have reverted to separate teams.        this work and we are in a first class     We wish everyone good health and
We all follow the strict guidelines     position to achieve this.                 stay safe during this difficult time.

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Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
            As the year unfolds, we continue to face   project and are in the early days of
            many challenges. The bush fires and        planning.
            the outpouring of support from local,
                                                       The breeding program will be fully
            national and international communities,
                                                       funded with donations made to the
            has brought about significant changes
                                                       Port Macquarie Koala Hospital’s Go
            for the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital.
                                                       Fund Me® account, ‘Help Thirsty
            November 2019 through to March             Koalas’. In a way the public, who so
            2020, we were in operational and           kindly donated to the account, are also
            survival modes. Each day, we needed        owners of the breeding program. We
            to find people to work in the yards,       are honoured to act on their behalf as
            caring for the 79 koalas we had at the     the facilitators of a program that we are
            hospital or to sit by the phone and        determined will start to rebuild the wild
            handle the many enquiries and offers       koala population in New South Wales.
            of help and support we received.           Learn more in the Keeping Koalas Wild
                                                       article in this magazine.
            The community’s support through
            financial donations was overwhelming       In other news, this month we welcome
            and has enabled us to bring forward a      a new addition to our staff. Dr Phillipa
            long-term goal, to develop the world’s     Beale joins the Port Macquarie Koala
            first wild koala breeding program.         Hospital as its Clinical Director and
                                                       Cheyne Flanagan, who recently
            This program brings with it huge
                                                       celebrated 20 years with the hospital,
            responsibilities - to koalas, donors and
                                                       moves to become the Director of the
            the community. We are discovering
                                                       Wild Koala Breeding Program.
            there is much to learn and we are
            determined to ‘get it right’ and offer     These are busy and exciting times for
            a best practice wild koala breeding        the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, and
            program. We have identified the key        I thank you for your ongoing interest
            partners and key stakeholders for the      and support.

          The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital is open 7 days a week
                        (excluding Christmas Day).
    But owing to COVID-19, YOU MUST BOOK your visit online in advance.

             To book go to
          We look forward to welcoming you to the Koala Hospital.

                     GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P5
Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
Wildlife drinking
stations are now
supporting precious
animals and birds.

Readers and supporters will be
aware that the outstanding level of
donations sparked by the horrific
bushfire season of 2019/2020,
is enabling the Port Macquarie
Koala Hospital to fast track two
important new projects. As well as
the Wild Koala Breeding Program
the Hospital also continues to
make and deploy wildlife drinking
stations, the original focus of the   Students at Tinonee Public School take a closer look at the drinking stations (image
GoFundMe® campaign.                   courtesy of Tinonee PS).

We are pleased to report that         400 kms inland. The Hospital                 north of Woodburn, four drinking
140 drinking stations have been       worked with NSW Government’s                 stations have been deployed
built, the majority now deployed      Saving Our Species program and               with the support of the Jali
in New South Wales with one           also Conservation Volunteers                 Local Aboriginal Land Council
each in Victoria and Queensland.      Australia, Friends of the Koala in           within Ngunya Jargoon; this is an
Agreements are in place for each      Lismore and Koala Gardens at                 Indigenous Protected Area, where
station to ensure that they are       Tuckurimba. Sites were selected              tragically 80% of the land had been
locally managed and maintained        based on impact from drought and
on an ongoing basis, particularly                                                  impacted by bushfire. Further
                                      fire, and to support biodiversity
vital as we move towards summer.                                                   south in NSW, many stations are
                                      hotspots. The stations are mostly
                                                                                   now doing their vital job in the Blue
More than thirty of the Koala         on private land and passionate
                                                                                   Mountains, and as far as Bathurst.
Hospital drinking stations have       landholders are crucial to the
been strategically placed across      success of the drinking stations,            In the state of Victoria, Tehree
northern NSW from Byron Bay on        ensuring upkeep of the drinkers              and Hamish Gordon have set up
the coast across to Moree, nearly     into the future. Near Wardell,               a drinking station on their private,

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Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
unfenced wildlife sanctuary within     a call for two stations from Karen           and students took responsibility
Castlemaine Diggings National          Austin, Principal of Tinonee Public          for ensuring the water was
Heritage Park. Many species of         School, near Taree. The school is            topped up and kept fresh. Karen
birds, as well as koalas, possums,     adjacent to known koala habitat,             Austin explained how excited the
wombats, wallabies and kangaroos       and students and teachers often              school now is to have the new
all live within, or pass through       enjoy sightings; it is not unusual           drinking stations installed, and
this important sanctuary; all now      for a couple of local regulars               going forward the students will
benefit from access to fresh water.    to actually cross the school                 help to monitor and maintain
Passionate conservationists,           yard, whereupon the children                 them, ensuring they are always
Tehree and Hamish have also            quietly stop what they are doing,            important water sources for local
owned and managed the Dingo            respecting the koalas’ right to              wildlife. Karen Austin said, ‘We
Conservation Centre there for 15
                                       safety and access to their habitat.          are humbled to be able to do
years where pure-bred dingos
                                                                                    something to help koalas and other
are now breeding and flourishing       In November 2019, Tinonee School
                                                                                    animals and birds. Students who
under their protection.                came under threat from bushfire
                                                                                    are experiencing anxiety or stress
                                       and was evacuated and while the
One of the Koala Hospital drinking                                                  are often helped by quiet time
                                       school was spared, the devastation
stations was recently delivered                                                     amongst the koala trees, watching
                                       to the surrounding environment
to private land between the                                                         and looking for these peaceful
                                       meant the school decided to
Tallebudgera and Currumbin                                                          creatures, illustrating just how
                                       act. Five water containers were
valleys in southern Queensland. No                                                  much we humans need the animals
natural water source exists on the     placed amongst the koala food
                                                                                    and the environment.’
property, adding significant stress    trees adjacent to the school for
to wildlife during times of fire and   all stressed and needy wildlife,
drought. The property owner was
delighted to report that the first
koala visited on the second evening
after installation, announcing his
presence with very noisy bellowing!
We already have reports of at least
five more regular koala visitors,
including juveniles to the drinker.
The area is home to many other
species of animals and birds, all
potential users and beneficiaries.
Of course, our drinking stations
have been, and continue to be
deployed closer to Port Macquarie,
in coastal and hinterland areas of
the Mid North Coast. A few weeks       A drinking station being set up in blackened bush in the Blue Mountains earlier this
ago we were delighted to receive       year (image courtesy of KDVideo for Science for Wildlife).

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Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
How can we ever forget the            community nurseries to grow             koala food) has the best possible
devastating bushfires which           and supply appropriate koala            combination of nutrients.
swept through the Hastings-           food and habitat tree species
                                                                              Post Fire Koala Habitat Recovery
Macleay Region last summer?           according to provenance and land
                                      type. It is important to use locally-   Program
While many eucalypts in our
region can re-sprout following        sourced trees when undertaking
low/moderate intensity fires,         planting programs due to complex
                                                                              Projects will target
fires of severe intensity, such as    relationships between soil              areas of high
                                      chemistry, leaf nutrients and koala
were experienced in many places                                               soil fertility and
last summer, will kill them. Many     gut microbiomes. The participating
people are now thinking about         nurseries are the Pandanus              connectivity.
replanting fire-affected areas and    Nursery, located at South West
cleared portions of their rural       Rocks, Grassy Head Nursery
                                                                              Within the Hastings-Macleay,
properties in order to mitigate       and the Bass’n’Bull Native Plant
                                                                              both the Macleay Landcare
habitat losses. The Hastings-         Nursery in Bellbrook. Three seed
                                                                              Network and Hastings Landcare
Macleay Area of Regional Koala        collection days have already been
                                      undertaken by keen volunteers           Incorporated were the recipients
Significance has been fortunate to
                                      and Landcare Coordinator, Andy          of ‘WIRES Landcare Australia
receive funding through several
                                      Vinter (see photo). The Koala           Wildlife Relief and Recovery
avenues to help people undertake
                                      Recovery Partnership is providing       Grants’. The money will be used
these works. Associated projects
                                      in-kind support, particularly in the    to revegetate areas with koala
are outlined below.
                                      identification of suitable species      feed, shelter and nitrogen-fixing
Tree Change for Koalas in the         for propagation and areas for           species using contractors or
Macleay                               seed collection. Andy and Koala         materials. This is a real win for
                                      Ecologist, Rebecca Montague-            participating landholders, who
This project will                     Drake are also working on               often want to replant areas, but
                                                                              have limited time or funds to do
include species likely                educational material to support
                                                                              the planting and maintenance.
                                      the project. This project is unique
to be important in a                  in that in addition to propagating      While only relatively small areas
hotter, drier world.                  the most common koala feed trees,       can be revegetated through this
                                      the nurseries will also propagate       scheme, the projects will target
                                      species likely to be important for      areas of high soil fertility and
The Macleay Landcare Network          koalas in a hotter, drier world ,       connectivity, so as to have the best
received a Konica Minolta             important shelter trees and also        possible outcomes for koalas and
Landcare Grant to help implement      ‘nitrogen fixing species’. Such         other wildlife. The Koala Recovery
its Tree Change for Koalas project.   species are often overlooked when       Partnership will help guide the
This project will support the         restoring koala habitat but ensure      best areas for plantings to occur
capacity of three volunteer-run       that the eucalypt leaf (that is, the    and species selection.

                                      GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P8
Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
Keen Macleay Landcare Network volunteers ready for a big day collecting koala habitat
tree seeds! L to R: Larry Vincent, Graeme Carrad, Andy Vinter (Landcare Coodinator),
Claudia Petrie, David Adams, Wendy Kaczan, Chris Kaczan (image courtesy of Mark Ryan).

Koala Habitat Planting Map                  species do better on the coast,              Grafton Nursery. These trees go
                                            or in the hinterland, on creeks              like hot cakes, showing that we
The right trees in                          or ridge-tops. This is a great               have many people in the region
                                            tool which can guide planting
the right location for                                                                   wanting to help koalas!
                                            projects and support landholders
maximum benefit.                            undertaking habitat restoration.
                                                                                         The Koala Recovery Partnership
                                                                                         thanks all the committed
                                            The product is available online at:
                                                                                         volunteers associated with the
                                   or google
This product has been created by                                                         above programs, our keen local
                                            ‘Koala Habitat Planting Map’.
the Koala Recovery Partnership.                                                          Landcare Coordinators, Andy
                                            The webpage has some great
Property owners and land                                                                 Vinter and Stephen Allwood, and
                                            information about managing
managers in either the Kempsey                                                           most importantly, the landholders
                                            restoration programs and outlines
or Port Macquarie-Hastings                                                               who are enabling habitat
                                            ways that planting koala habitat
Local Government Areas, can                                                              restoration works on their lands.
                                            can benefit other species as well.
click on an area of the map at                                                           The Hastings-Macleay Koala
fine-scale, and be provided with            Annual Free Koala Food Tree                  Recovery Partnership is proudly
an appropriate list of koala feed           Distribution                                 funded by the NSW Government's
trees and nitrogen-fixing species           Managed by the Port Macquarie                Saving Our Species program, the Port
for that location. The mantra of            Koala Hospital, this program                 Macquarie Koala Hospital, Kempsey
the product is ‘The right trees in          continues to provide landholders             Shire Council, Port Macquarie-
the right location for maximum              with free koala feed trees, kindly           Hastings Council, and hosted by the
benefit’. This is important as some         donated by the Forest Corp                   Mid North Coast Joint Organisation.

     If you are interested in restoring koala habitat on your property, or would like information about
     these programs, please contact the Koala Recovery Partnership on 0480 230 128 or email us at We are here to help!

                                            GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P9
Gum Tips - NEW VET & NEW - Koala Hospital
World-class tourism                   sector himself, having played             in the coming months. These
                                      an important voluntary role as            architects have been selected
destination will retain               Chairman of the local Nature              for their experience in ecological
the Koala Hospital’s                  School in Port Macquarie in recent        sustainable development, working
unique natural setting                years. As Program Manager at              in a natural environment, iconic
                                      the Koala Hospital, Matt will             architecture, tourism and their
and magnificent native                also oversee the design and               alignment to the Koala Hospital’s
trees.                                construction works needed for our         vision.
                                      other major new project, the Wild
                                                                                Over the coming weeks, visitors
                                      Koala Breeding Program (see pages
In 2019, the Port Macquarie Koala                                               and volunteers may notice
                                      2 and 3).
Hospital received incredibly                                                    activities at the Koala Hospital
exciting news. Our application        The new Koala Hospital is in the          related to the redevelopment.
to New South Wales (NSW)              pre-construction phase, meaning           As well as surveying work, an
Government for a grant to rebuild     that planning is underway to              arborist will be recording all the
the Hospital had been successful!     define how this project will be           trees within the development
                                      delivered over the next couple            ‘footprint’. After the koalas
Funded entirely by private            of years. Key planning elements           themselves, the trees are one of
donations since it started in         include a facilities brief, refinement
1973, the much-loved and well-                                                  the most important aspects of
                                      of the budget and timelines,
used Hospital is in need of major                                               the redevelopment. A priority
                                      decisions about how we will
change and renovation in order to                                               within architectural designs is the
                                      engage with consultants, builders
continue best practice in treatment                                             retention of the magnificent native
                                      and stakeholders, and setting the
of koalas, to further improve the                                               trees which are a feature of the
                                      reporting requirements. Soon a
visitor experience, and to increase                                             Koala Hospital and Roto House.
                                      consultant will be engaged, and
education, training and research                                                This project is proudly funded by
                                      the design, consultations and
facilities. Whilst we will continue                                             the NSW Government’s Restart
                                      approvals will be completed to
to depend on public generosity                                                  NSW program in association with
                                      enable construction to commence.
for running costs, this substantial                                             Koala Conservation Australia Inc.
grant of $5 million is now enabling   The Koala Hospital is adjacent to
us to rebuild the Hospital and        the heritage building,
deliver a new, world-class nature-    Roto House, and located
based tourism destination.            within a National Park,
                                      which means a number
Program Manager, Matt Whatman,
                                      of requirements of the
joined the Koala Hospital in June
                                      NSW National Parks
2020, with the responsibility
                                      and Wildlife Service
to manage and oversee the
                                      must be met. These
redevelopment. We are delighted
                                      include an amendment
to welcome Matt on board; he
                                      to the current Plans of
comes with more than 12 years’
                                      Management, various
experience in client-side project
                                      environmental approvals
management and is motivated
                                      and a design certification.
by the Koala Hospital’s vision.
                                                                    Koala Hospital Program Manager, Matt Whatman,
Matt also has experience and          Five shortlisted architects enjoys a little downtime with permanent resident,
understanding of the volunteer        will provide quotations     Emerald Downs Mary.

                                      GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P10
BEALE                   BSC DVM PHD
                                                                Dr Pip Beale

Veterinarian, Phillipa               and common brushtail and                  within forests on the mid north
                                     ringtail possums. Her PhD                 coast and on the south coast of
(Pip), takes up the role             studies enabled her to learn              New South Wales. She was also
of Clinical Director                 more about how animal health              involved with koala husbandry
at the Koala Hospital                intersects with the environment           when thirty koalas were rescued
                                     in a wildlife setting. Her research       from the recent bushfires and
from September.                      explored how changes in ambient           housed at the Australian National
                                     temperature impact nutrition in           University.
                                     marsupial folivores (leaf eaters),        Pip also loves science outreach and
Interested all her life in
                                     such as koalas and possums.               communication and contributes
conservation of natural
                                     This fascinating topic has direct         to the popular science journal,
ecosystems and in animals,
                                     applications for management               ‘Conservation Physiology in Action’.
Pip started university with a
                                     of marsupial (and indeed
biology degree at the University                                               Pip told us, 'I am really excited
                                     other herbivore) populations
of New South Wales Sydney.                                                     to become part of the team at
                                     going forward, as feeding is so
Wanting to understand more                                                     the Koala Hospital and to be
                                     fundamental to their existence.
about how animals functioned                                                   able to combine my veterinary
on the inside, she went on to        Pip explains, 'While further              background with koala research.
undertake a Doctor of Veterinary     research is needed, my project            It feels like a really practical
Medicine at the University           highlighted how climate change will       way to be able to contribute to
of Melbourne. During these           alter the nutritional requirements        conservation of koalas and with
studies Pip remained focused on      of herbivores, and how, in order to       so many animals through the
wildlife health and undertook an     conserve populations of animals           door, we can try to answer a lot of
elective in conservation medicine    into the future, we must take this        important questions.'
and a placement at a zoo. She        into account. If we are setting
                                                                               Outside of work and academia,
also received an Anne Martin         aside habitat for koalas, we need
                                                                               Pip enjoys the outdoors, yoga
Scholarship to attend the Wildlife   to consider that individual trees
                                                                               and occasionally trying to surf.
Disease Association conference in    differ in their chemistry. Knowing
                                                                               'Perhaps in Port Macquarie, I will
Cairns.                              the species is not enough, we must
                                                                               become an actual surfer, rather
                                     actually measure the nutritional
Pip continued to pursue her                                                    than an aspirational surfer!' Pip
                                     quality of forests and scale up for
interest in wildlife conservation                                              also enjoys creative pursuits
                                     the future.'
through research and completed                                                 including painting as well as
a PhD at the Australian National     Following completion of her PhD,          listening to music, reading all sorts
University in ecology and            Pip worked as a field assistant on        of books, and cooking up a storm
evolution, focusing on koalas        projects assessing koala habitat          in the kitchen.

                                     GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P11
Recycling stations                       and saw the opportunity to involve             we also thank SNAP Print &
                                         local children in getting visitors             Design, Port Macquarie, for their
have become                              to take notice of the recycling                excellent print production of
exhibition points for                    information and bins around the                the children’s artworks. Peggy
colourful artwork by                     Hospital.                                      created clear, bright information
                                                                                        signage in multiple languages to
local school students.                   Working with fellow volunteer
                                                                                        accompany the new bins. Anne is
                                         and artist, Peggy Eather, Anne
                                                                                        delighted with the results of the
                                         approached local schools to take
                                                                                        project because the eye-catching
A new recycling project at the Port      part in an art competition to
                                                                                        recycling points are encouraging
Macquarie Koala Hospital has             create colourful, original pictures
                                                                                        visitors to dispose of their waste
become a win-win initiative.             to decorate the bins. Schools
                                                                                        appropriately, and generating
Not only are we now successfully         responded with enthusiasm,                     some income for the Koala
managing our recycling and               and criteria for judging included              Hospital. She said, “It has been
earning funds through the                originality and artistic merit, clarity        great to work with local schools
*‘Return & Earn’ scheme, but also        of message, and use of colour.                 too. There is so much creativity
the large waste bins throughout          Twelve lucky winners have already              out there, and these children really
the Hospital have become                 received their gift packs of koala-            understand the importance of
exhibition points for colourful          related prizes. In addition, once              recycling and the environment.
artworks by local primary                COVID-19 regulations allow, the                They were delighted to be helping
schoolchildren.                          winning students will be treated               us help koalas too.’
                                         to a VIP tour of the Koala Hospital
The project was developed by                                                            *‘Return and Earn’ has sites at 600
                                         with the chance to learn more
Koala Hospital volunteer, Anne                                                          locations across NSW where the
                                         about the animals and how we
Ditton, who realised much more                                                          public can deposit eligible drink
                                         treat and care for them.
could be done to effectively                                                            containers and earn 10 cents a
manage our waste. She was keen           We are grateful to recycling and               container. Launched in December
to do better for the environment         waste management company, J                    2017, the scheme has collected over
and earn funds for the Hospital.         R Richards & Sons, who donated                 2 billion drink containers, helping to
But Anne also has an eye for art         brand new bins for the project;                reduce volume of litter in NSW.

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                      Snap Port Macquarie are proud print sponsors of Gum Tips Quarterly Magazine

                                         GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P12
Winning students from Hastings Public School, St Joseph's Primary School and Heritage Christian School are presented with their
koala gift packs. Also shown here is some of the eye-catching student artwork displayed on our recycling bins.

                                                   REASON FOR ADMITTANCE TO KOALA HOSPITAL
                                                   Chlamydia                                                                 5

ACTIVITY                                           Motor Vehicle Accident
                                                   Unsafe location
(MAY – JULY 2020)
                                                   Other                                                                     9

                                                   Released following health checks, treatment                              19
                                                   Dead on arrival, died or euthanased                                      16

The data above indicates that fewer koala patients have been admitted over these cooler, winter months than in
the hectic, preceding summer and bushfire season. With breeding season starting again from August, we expect
koala numbers to increase.

                                            GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P13
Two of 26 koalas released locally back
                                                                              to the wild by the Koala Hospital earlier
                                                                              this year. After the 2019/2020 fire
                                                                              season, forest had fortunately recovered
                                                                              enough for them to be returned in April.
                                                                              Images courtesy of Port Macquarie
                                                                              Hastings Council.

Guulagu Koala Custodians is a          as koala, but Arlene says g             in the community on a small
new voice for koalas, a group          and k are joint sounds in her           scale. The group has started to
of community members from              language and the correct local          brainstorm many different ideas,
the Port Macquarie area with           word is Guula. Guula is her great       much of them framed around
a focus on social advocacy for         grandfather’s name, and Arlene          education and social advocacy.
koala conservation. During the         named her son, Guula to honour          They seek legislation reform to
2019/2020 fires, a conversation        the connection to the koala. Arlene     prioritise koala conservation.
was sparked and local aboriginal       says that it is important to model
and non-aboriginal people came         caring for totem animals to our         Meaning ‘for koalas’,
together to start to explore ideas     children, ‘We have a cultural and       ‘Guulagu’ is a local
around koala conservation and a        spiritual obligation to care for the    koala advocacy
holistic model. Arlene McInherny,      environment and in particular our
who has helped lead the group, is      totems’.
                                                                               group seeking new
a Birpai traditional owner who has
                                       When Guulagu Koala Custodians
strong family ties to the koala. The
                                       started many people participated,
koala is her great grandfather’s
                                       concerned about the survival of         Guulagu Koala Custodians will
                                       the koalas. There continues to          be coming together again. If you
When Guruk or what is known            be immense knowledge within             are interested in being part of
now as Port Macquarie was              the group, some people having           this community group, please
colonised, the Birpai word for         more than 20 years’ experience in       email guulagukoalacustodians@
koala was heard as “coola”, and        koala ecology. Other people are . Aboriginal and non-
this was translated into English       following a variety of strategies       aboriginal people are all welcome.

                                       GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P14
Wild koalas are found from west
                                         Clearing of eucalypt forests to harvest timber or to
of Cairns in Far North Queensland
                                         make way for housing, roads or other development is
right down into South Australia,
                                         a major threat to koala populations.
with the vast majority of the
populations on the coastal side of
the mountain ranges right down              CHLAMYDIA
into Victoria. Koalas rely almost           Chlamydia is a bacterial disease that can affect
totally on the moisture they obtain         the eyes and/or the internal organs of the koala.
from the eucalypt leaf they eat,            Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics but the
therefore most populations are              koala is never completely cured.
found occupying better quality
eucalyptus forests close to water        MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS
courses and more fertile soils.          Animals hit by a car can suffer terrible injuries
Where koalas are able to live in         and many do not survive. Unless a koala is
undisturbed forests, free of human       rescued after an accident and provided with
interference, the colonies tend          appropriate care it will most likely die.
to be much healthier and do not
suffer the diseases and problems        DOG ATTACKS
that koalas face which live at the      When a koala wanders into the territory of a
human/bush interface such as            domestic dog in search of food, the dog will often
urban and rural areas.                  attack to protect their territory. A koala is no match
                                        for a dog, and the injuries may not be very obvious
                                        externally. Tragically, the koala has usually suffered
                                        horrific internal injuries that are beyond treatment.
                                        Domesticated pets such as dogs and cats can be a
                                        threat to much of Australian native wildlife.

                                                               1. A disease threatening koalas
                                                               4. A group of animals living in
                                                               the same area
                                                               7. .................... are used to treat
                                                               8. The type of tree from which a
                                                               koala obtains food
                                                               10. Koalas obtain .....................
                                                               from eucalyptus leaves

                                                               2. Suitable or proper
                                                               3. A .............. animal lives with humans
                                                               5. Physical damage or hurt
                                                               6. Animals that are not domesticated
                                                               9. An illness or sickness
                                                                 Wildlife / 9. Disease
                                                                 Down: 2. Appropriate / 3. Domesticated / 5. Injury / 6.
                                                                 Eucalyptus / 10. Moisture
                                                                 Across: 1. Chlamydia / 4. Population / 7. Antibiotics / 8.

                               GUM TIPS | SEPTEMBER 2020 | P15
Koala Emergency Rescue Line -
                       Phone (02) 6584 1522
                       If you sight a koala in distress - call our
                       Rescue Line 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
                       E:        koalahospital
                       General Enquiries: 02 6584 1522

…and help the Koala Hospital’s vital work
                                                                    Evans Head CW is a young male
                                                                    koala, who was found injured and
                                                                    walking in circles. He was treated
                                                                    first by Friends of the Koala in
                                                                    He was named ‘Cangleska
                                                                    Wakan’, meaning 'Sacred Circle',
                                                                    and became ‘CW’ for short. Poor
                                                                    CW had a ruptured eye, head
                                                                    trauma, and other lesser injuries,
                                                                    likely from a car accident. The
                                                                    trauma meant that his head
                                                                    tilt and slightly unstable gait
                                                                    continued. He also developed
                                                                    chlamydia temporarily.
                                                                    The good news is that CW
                                                                    has responded well to all
                                                                    treatment. However his minor,
                                                                    but permanent, brain injury will
                                                                    prevent him from surviving in
                                                                    the wild. The Port Macquarie
                                                                    Koala Hospital welcomed CW
                                                                    with open arms onto our team
                                                                    of permanent koalas, and he has
                                                                    settled well into our care.

 Evans Head CW is just one of the wonderful koala characters you can adopt at

                                 Koala Conservation Australia Inc.
                     ABN 74 060 854 479 | PO Box 236, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
                        Licensed to rehabilitate and release sick, injured and
                          orphaned native fauna under Licence No. 10044
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