Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney

Page created by Maria Newman
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
Hackney Senior
            By older people, for older people • spring 2019

Free public lectures

16 May – 29 May

Eating well & healthily


Your guide to Hackney

“Love and health are most
important. So love each other and
enjoy a simple life in peace and
friendship.” Helena Porębska
                                                       Real-life stories
                                                        and reports
                                                        by Hackney
                                                          over 50s

                              ageing better
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
See page 14 for more details
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
There’s no such thing as a
typical older person                              4
Putting the focus on
lifelong learning                                 6
Ageing better in Poland                           8
Cooking has been my salvation                     10
Quietly slipping into disrepair                   12
Compassionate Neighbours                          13
Hackney Dementia Festival                         14

Connect Hackney projects                          16

About us
Hackney Senior is produced as part of
Connect Hackney – one of 14 programmes
in England funded through the National
Lottery Community Fund’s Ageing
Better programme.
Connect Hackney commissions services
and social activities from local charities
and community organisations for
residents aged 50+. The services and
activities are provided to help older
people stay connected and active and
lead fulfilling lives.
Find out more at:

The Senior Media Group
This magazine is produced with the
Connect Hackney Senior Media Group. To
get involved, e: zelina@connecthackney.
org.uk With thanks to everyone who
contributed to this spring edition of
Hackney Senior.

Tell your story
If you have a story to tell, e: matt@                       Photos from Immediate Theatre’s Christmas panto, Ciny
connecthackney.org.uk or send by post                       Rella! Immediate are providing a year-round programme
to Matt Bray, Connect Hackney, The Adiaha                   of theatre workshops and performances for older people
Antigha Centre, 24 - 30 Dalston Lane,                       as part of Connect Hackney. See more about our projects
London, E8 3AZ.                                             on p.16/17. Photo © Joe Hart.
All articles represent the views of their authors and not
necessarily those of Connect Hackney or its partners.
                                                                                                 Hackney Senior | 3
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
There’s no such thing as
a typical older person
Interview / Connect Hackney
Development Lead, Judy Harris        Q. Connect Hackney has
                                     recently been commissioning
Q. Please tell us about your         new projects for Hackney
work with Connect Hackney.           residents aged 50+. Could you
JH: Connect Hackney does             tell us more about them.
                                                                          from black and minority ethnic
lots of different things – we        JH: We are currently receiving       communities are at higher risk
fund projects for older people,      applications from organisations      of isolation.
evaluate them to see what            who want to run new projects
works and aim to influence local     for people with dementia,            Q. What have Connect Hackney
strategies and policies.             mental health problems, people       learnt over the past few years
                                     who find it difficult to leave       about working with Hackney’s
I work with the Older People’s
                                     home regularly and people            older residents?
Committee to ensure that older
                                     from black and minority ethnic       JH: We’ve learnt that there’s no
people are part of all we do
                                     communities. Most of these           such thing as a typical older
and the decisions we make. My
                                     areas were suggested by our          person. It’s true that there are
work also involves focusing on
                                     Older People’s Committee and all     specific challenges that come
learning to make sure that the
                                     of these situations make people      with ageing, but even when
programme learns about the
                                     likely to become isolated.           facing difficult situations older
causes of isolation and possible
solutions so we can make strong      Research shows that many             people should be treated as
recommendations about how            people with dementia find            individuals with skills and
to improve things. This includes     it challenging to keep their         interests and the ability to make
looking at what we call structural   friendships going, while people      friends and enjoy themselves.
issues – transport, how services     with mental health problems can      In one of our focus groups
are run, the impact of funding       isolate themselves due to stigma     someone said ‘when you’re older
cuts, and personal barriers such     and feelings of low confidence       there’s no time for fun’ – as a
as mental health problems,           brought on by depression.            society we mustn’t accept this
coping with bereavement,             Not being able to get out            as a fact. However, there’s a lot
adjusting to retirement.             regularly means that you can’t       of work to do to build a society
Structural issues and personal       meet people and are at high          where it’s much easier for older
struggles are often deeply           risk of isolation. We know that      people to have fun, make friends
connected.                           there is evidence that people        and stay connected.

Loneliness and isolation
Interview / Researcher-in Residence, Dr Darren Miguel Sharpe

Dr Sharpe recently joined the              from Connect Hackney, particularly
Connect Hackney team to evaluate           in relation to ageing, loneliness and
Connect Hackney’s impact and               connections to community.                 “We need to
potential legacy.                                                                    tease out what
                                           Q. How will you evaluate
Q. Please tell us about your work          Connect Hackney?                          the ageing
with Connect Hackney.                      DS: Nationally, the fourteen Ageing       population really
DS: My role is to collect evidence         Better programmes are using one           needs.”
about the impact and change resulting      standard method called the Common

4 | Spring 2019
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney

2015 – March 2019                                                                     Who got involved?
Connect Hackney runs a range of social
                                                                                                     16%                          65-69
activities and projects for local residents aged                           55-59
                                                                                       13%                              194
50+. What have we achieved?                                                                 167

                                                                                      5%              Age                   14%
                                                                                       64                                    173     70-74

2,761          older
people got involved in
                                                                 Under 50
                                                                     1% (8)
                                                                     Not stated
                                                                          1% (12)      85+                121                75-79
Connect Hackney projects                                        Not stated 3 people                 80-84

                       569       people have
                       volunteered – mostly                                White
                       older people                                                    41%
                                                                                                               29% Black
Impact                                                    80%
                                                          of older people
                                                                                                    Ethnicity the356same

Local residents aged 50+ who have taken                           Not
                                                          said they   stated
                                                                     4% (45)
part tell us that:                                        people socially                         16%           2%

                                                          more or the                               204                      Asian
• Their quality of life has improved

                                                          same amount                        Other

• Their health and wellbeing has improved                                                                   Mixed

“I wanted to feel a sense that I am doing
something worthwhile for myself and
my community.”
                                                                                                            28% Male
 We are now in phase 2 of Connect Hackney
 and have new activities and services for
                                                           80%       Female

                                                           of older people
                                                                                                    Gender the353same

 residents aged 50+. Find out more on                      said they saw
                                                           people socially                                                        Not stated
 pages 16-17.                                              more or the
                                                           same amount
Measurement Framework (CMF), so our evaluation            Q. Why is it important that we evaluate
isn’t happening in isolation. The framework is a          Connect Hackney?
set of basic measures looking at mental wellbeing         DS: It’s all about sustainability. We need to tease out
and social connectiveness. Everyone who accesses          what the ageing population really needs – people are
a Connect Hackney activity is asked to complete a
                                                          living longer but not necessarily living healthier. We
CMF questionnaire.
                                                          need local solutions to local problemstheandsame
                                                                                                        we need
Locally we are also doing a deep dive; we are using       tooftailor solutions to what people say they need.
a variety of methods to look behind the quantitative           older people
                                                           said they
                                                          That’s  thesaw
                                                                      value of this kind of investment of time
data. What does loneliness and isolation for the           people socially
ageing population really mean for different groups        and   effort – finding out what works will enable
                                                           more or the
within Hackney? What is the ageing experience if          ussame
                                                              to scale up services or broaden services out, so
you have a hearing impairment, if travel is your issue,   that Connect Hackney is reaching more people
or if you are bereaved?                                   awisolation or living in isolation.

                                                                                                                Hackney Senior | 5
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
Putting the focus on lifelong learning
by Margaret Smith

“If you don’t have digital skills, it’s all too easy to become       or learn for fun, broaden your
isolated, cut off from today’s modern lifestyle. So as part          horizons and meet new friends.
of lifelong learning, embrace technology.”                          Key to ageing well
                                                                    In addition, staying mentally
I graduated from Goldsmiths        I have been a housewife for many active has many health benefits
College, University of London      years but I have always tried to and is one of the keys to ageing
with a French degree many years    keep up studying, enrolling on   well. Research has demonstrated
ago. However, I have always        some course or other whenever    that staying mentally active as
believed in lifelong learning.     I could. I wanted to share my    we get older can do wonders
Instead of just finishing your     enthusiasm for lifelong learning for keeping the brain healthy.
education at a certain age (when   with you and to encourage you    Learning helps keep brain cells
school or university finishes),    to take the opportunities that   functioning at optimum levels
lifelong learning is when you      come your way.                   and can inhibit memory loss and
carry on learning throughout       By getting involved in learning, ward off cognitive decline as we
your life, whether as part of a    you can learn new skills, update age. The old adage “use it or lose
class or on your own.              existing ones, prepare for work  it” is true, I guess.

6 | Spring 2019
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
I recently attended a free public    podcasts of their lectures online     MORE INFO
lecture at London School of          so if you cannot get to a certain
Economics (LSE), University of       lecture on the day, you don’t         BRITISH LIBRARY
London. The lecture was called       have to miss out.                     A range of free events and
The Class Ceiling. Academics                                               exhibitions from A Century
                                     There are many other ways you         of Women’s Football to the
continue to debate whether
                                     can learn. You can take part in       Windrush Sound Tours.
the UK is becoming more of a
                                     adult classes at colleges and
classless society and the lecture                                          Address: British Library,
                                     universities. Hackney Community
was about class background                                                 96 Euston Road, NW1 2DB
                                     College is a large college in
and whether it poses a                                                     t: 01937 546546
                                     Hackney – now part of New City
barrier to upward mobility in                                              www.bl.uk
                                     College. I studied a cake and
employment. Two sociologists
                                     patisserie making course there a   INNER SPACE
had written a book about this
                                     couple of years ago.               Meditation and personal
topic and the lecture coincided
with their book launch. The          Digital skills in today’s world    development. Subjects include:
lecture finished with ideas about    How about online education,        become a better listener, trust
how workplaces could be made         sometimes called e-learning? You your intuition, think more
more representative of society       can study online courses from      positively and meditation. All
at large.                            home at whatever hours suit you activities are free! Although
Free public lectures                 best. That‘s why it’s so important voluntary donations are
                                     to keep your computer skills       welcome, they are not required.
I wanted to share with you some
information about which places       up. We need digital skills to stay Address: 36 Short’s Gardens,
offer public lectures which          connected in today’s world.        WC2H 9AB
everyone is welcome to attend.       If you don’t have digital skills,  t: 020 7836 6688
I mentioned LSE. Every year          it’s all too easy to become        www.innerspace.org.uk
LSE hold a series of lectures on     isolated, cut off from today’s        LSE EVENTS
various topics called LSE Events.    modern lifestyle. So as part          Including lunch time piano
These lectures are free and open     of lifelong learning, embrace         recitals, evening concerts
to all to attend. Some of the        technology. With a PC, tablet
other colleges of the University                                           and talks on history, politics,
                                     or smartphone, you have tech          equalities and more…
of London, for example Queen         available constantly and if you
Mary College, University College     choose to study online, there         Address: The London School of
London (UCL), Kings College and      is no need to attend a class to       Economics & Political Science,
Birkbeck College offer free public   make progress.                        Houghton Street, WCH 2AE
lectures too, it’s worth checking                                          t: 020 7405 7686
them out.                            So many colleges and                  www.lse.ac.uk
                                     universities offer an online
Other institutions in London         learning option. They will also       The Royal Institution
offering public lectures are the     have forums and chatrooms             Scientists and cultural
British Academy, British Library,    where you can share your              commentators explore the latest
British Museum, Conway Hall,         experiences and information           amazing science and the way in
and Inner Space – Inner Space        and chat online to other              which it shapes our lives. From
offers talks on meditation and       students. As well, many websites      animal emotions and what they
personal development.                offer free online courses on          tell us about ourselves to an
If it is purely science that you     specific topics.                      examination of the universe –
are interested in, why not try                                             are we alone?
                                     I hope that I have given you
the Royal Institution, Royal         some useful ideas that you can        Address: The Royal Institution
Society or the Science Museum’s      use to carry on learning. With        of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle
Dana Centre.                         so many lectures and courses          Street, W1S 4BS
Many of the above places I have      available, I am certain you’ll find   t: 020 7409 2992
mentioned offer videos and           one that meets your needs.            www.rigb.org

                                                                                            Hackney Senior | 7
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
Ageing better in Poland
We were impressed in the office when we saw the joyful pictures
of our colleague Martyna’s grandmother in Poland. Our Connect
Hackney senior media group agreed and decided to put their
computer skills to the test and interview Helena about ageing
better in Poland.

Q. What’s your name?                     Wroclaw and then moved to
HP: Helena Porębska                      Szczecin to study at a medical
                                         university. I was young and busy
Q. When were you born?
                                         preparing for difficult exams. We
HP: I was born on 17 November
                                         didn’t have prosperity and had to
                                         stay in long queues for hours to
Q. What was the town where               get anything in shops. We didn’t        In June ‘41 my brothers were
you lived as a child like?               have any clubs and couldn’t             arrested and me, my mum and
HP: I was born in a town Jeziory         travel to the west but we were          my sister were taken on a train
(which means ‘lakes’) near               enjoying ourselves anyway. If you       going to Siberia. But there was
Grodno – now it’s in Belarus             wanted to have something extra          huge bombing on the way as the
but it was in east Poland then.          you had to offer a bribe or have        Germans attacked. As a result we
Because there were two beautiful         something special to exchange it        were overtaken by Germans and
lakes it was a summer resort.            in barter. Life was very basic and      went back home. The German
Jeziory was a multicultural town         difficult but, as I said, I was young   occupation started.
inhabited by the Polish, Jewish          and busy and didn’t know any
and Belarussian. People followed                                                 During the German occupation
                                         other reality. We were just living.
different religions – Catholicism,                                               I had to go to work. They didn’t
                                         Q. What was your profession             provide any schools for Polish
Judaism and Orthodox Christian.          and did you enjoy it?
We all lived in peace.                                                           people, everyone was forced to
                                         HP: I was a dentist and I liked         work. Many people were being
Q. What’s the name of the                it. However, my dream was to            sent to Germany to work but
town where you live and what’s           be a doctor. Becoming a doctor          I was lucky to work in a local
it like?                                 required studying longer and I          hospital as a cleaner. I worked
HP: I live in Szczecin which is          couldn’t afford it.                     there until ‘44 when the Russians
located in northeast Poland on           Q. If you were to start over            entered again. We had the
the Oder River, close to Germany         again, would you choose any             Russian occupation again and
and the Baltic Sea. Szczecin is the      other profession?                       I could go back to school. In
capital of our region. It’s a big city   HP: I would rather be a doctor          ‘45 when the war finished the
so we have everything we need            or surgeon.                             borders shifted and we were
here. I live in a very green part of                                             allowed to move to the west, to
                                         Q. What was it like during the
Szczecin in a flat with a garden.                                                the region annexed by Poland.
                                         Second World War?
My closest family and friends live                                               We were afraid to stay in Jeziory
                                         HP: It’s difficult to summarise
here as well so I really enjoy it.                                               as it was annexed by USSR. We
                                         it but I can say I remember two
Q. Were you married? Did you             main things present in life during      chose to move to Jelenia Góra,
have children?                           the war – hunger and fear.              near Wrocław.
HP: I was married and have two           I was a child when the war              Q. You look stunning for your
sons. Unfortunately my husband           started. In 1939 the Russians           age. What is the secret to
passed away a few years ago and          invaded us and annexed our              looking so good?
now I live on my own.                    region to USSR. We were under           HP: A simple life, this is a secret.
Q. What was life like in                 the Soviet occupation until             Being active and having a
communist Poland?                        ‘41. I was attending school,            positive attitude, including a
HP: I finished high school in            learning Russian.                       gratitude for every day we live.

8 | Spring 2019
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
Q. Do you have any tips on
diet that has helped you keep
so young?
HP: I eat everything in
moderation and I believe my
body knows what is good or
what to avoid. I avoid eating
things which make me feel bad,
especially sweets, but I don’t have
any special diet.
Q. What type of activities and
exercise do you do?
HP: I go for a walk every day.
I cannot sit at home. It’s not
enough to walk at home. I walk at
least one hour every day. I have
a person to help me do some
works at home from time to time
but I’m not allowing her to do
things for me. I do as much as
I can.
Q. What is the health service
like in Poland?
HP: It’s free and not too bad but
there are more and more private       to see me and my family takes         HP: Yes, I keep in touch with
places being opened where you         care of me. It’s all very pleasant.   my granddaughter who lives
can get things done quicker if        I enjoy every day and I’m happy       in London and a few family
you pay. Many medicines are free      that I’m independent and I’m in       members who live in Germany.
for older people.                     a good mental condition. You          Q. What would you say to
Q. How are people of age              have to be good for yourself          someone who says they are too
treated in Poland?                    and remember you can always           old to use a computer?
HP: It’s getting better. There        improve your life.                    HP: You are never too old.
are many senior clubs which           Q. When did you start learning        It’s all about motivation and
organises different classes, trips,   the computer?                         learning. You need to want it and
events. It’s all free and supported   HP: I went to a computer course       understand it’s good for you.
by local councils. However, I         when I was 60 years old. When         Without the internet I wouldn’t
can’t go out as often as I used to    I don’t know how to do new            know many things. I feel updated
because I broke my hip last year      things I ask my son, Witek, for       and able to participate in culture
and I’m less mobile.                  help. I pay my bills online and       as well as my children and
Families are taking care of their     use e-mail, skype and messenger       grandchildren. Without access to
older members. It’s difficult when    to communicate with my family         the internet I would have felt a
you don’t have a close family,        and friends. I enjoy free access      little bit isolated.
you might get lonely. But I can’t     to the news and information.          Q. What is your advice for
complain, I have great sons           Without leaving home or buying        the human race for the next
and daughters in law as well as       newspapers I can check any            ten years?
grandchildren.                        information online. It’s amazing.     HP: Love and health are most
Q. How do you feel about life?        Q. Do you keep in touch               important. So love each other
HP: I feel very positive. I           with friends and family in            and enjoy a simple life in peace
have many friends and good            different parts of the world          and friendship. Make an effort
neighbours. People often come         using a computer?                     towards these values.

                                                                                            Hackney Senior | 9
Hackney Senior - Connect Hackney
Cooking has been my salvation
by Harold Rubin

I am a 91 year old pensioner; I                                                      “I believe I owe
have had several careers. I am
                                                                                     my energy and
still active and I cook for myself
almost every day and often for                                                       attitude for life
friends as well.                                                                     from making the
I started a new career shortly                                                       effort to dine well
after landing in the UK from my                                                      and healthily.”
native US in 1970. I was jobless
and at a loss. It was suggested
I approach Justin de Blank who
had a posh food emporium. De
Blank was impressed with my
ability and knowledge of kitchen
technique and launched me
in supplying him with frozen
foods of my composition and
by chance these included ice
creams. They became the greater
successes of my creations.
Thus launched as a cook,
                                                                              Wine and light soy sauce added
I extended my range and
                                       What follows is my suggestion          to soups and other cooked
also did consultations. I had
                                       for older people to shop and           dishes in moderation – about
the background of having a
                                       cook healthily without making          1 or 2 tablespoons – creates an
published cookbook. A long story
                                       it a difficult chore. It is vitally    enriched flavour. A non-alcoholic
I will severely edit is how this led
                                       important as we age to avoid           substitute for wine is a little
to creating a restaurant in Wales
                                       loneliness and this is addressed       vinegar mixed with a little sugar,
followed by one in London.
                                       in particular to those living alone.   not as good, but is acceptable.
Now I am retired but I still wield     Developing an interest in dining
a wooden spoon and as stated           can lead to sharing, a further         Cooking at home
above continue cooking and             benefit derived and making a           Using your choice of potato, rice
even experimenting with food.          necessity enjoyable.                   or pasta or another ingredient,
The purpose of these notes                                                    cook double or more of which-
is how using this talent in the        Harold Rubin’s tips on                 ever. Use half for the meal, cover
start of middle years remade my        getting the most out of                and refrigerate the rest. Do not
earning power, thus salvation.         cooking at home                        keep for longer than three days.
I believe I owe my energy and
                                       Larder essentials: Salt, pepper,       Cooked potato can be the
attitude for life from making the
                                       other spices and herbs, sugar,         base for a frittata with bits of
effort to dine well and healthily,
                                       cooking oil, butter, eggs,             vegetables (onion, mushroom)
not following fad diets and trends
                                       powdered or fresh milk.                meat such as cooked bacon,
but varying what I consume so
                                                                              ham or chicken, grated or diced
that the good and the possible         As a cook I use dry sherry
                                                                              cheese and egg beaten with a
bad are balanced. The important        (inexpensive Spanish ones) or
                                                                              spoonful of milk or water. Fried
factor is using fresh and              dry vermouth for recipes asking
                                                                              like an omelette or pancake.
wholesome ingredients, never           for a splash of wine for flavour.
fast food, prepared supermarket        Works as well as using table           Cooked cold rice can be used
stuff or takeaways.                    wines if none are opened.              for fried rice with bits similar to

10 | Spring 2019
those in frittatas. Cooked pasta    favourite a small cold rare steak
can be mixed with your own or a     diced with a dressing using olive
bought tomato-based sauce (or       oil, lime juice and seasoning.
a cooked meat one) and topped       I buy pairs of bavette steaks and
with grated cheese and baked        cook both together, one I eat
into a dish similar to lasagne.     as a steak, the other I save for
These suggestions are for using     the salad. Steaks of inexpensive
bits from the vast range of         fibrous cuts cannot be cooked
leftovers which often become        well done, just reaching medium
some of the tastiest dishes.        or they will be very dry and tough.
Salads                              A healthier diet                      the difference using true
“Chef’s salads” using fresh and     You are not indulging yourself        foods instead of ready meals.
even cooked vegetables with the     in choosing to follow these           Perhaps you will do another
salad greens can be a substantial   directions. It is learning how to     thing I practice. I read labels,
and healthy option. Ripe            follow a healthier path. This will    do the same with those bought
avocado, cheese bits, drained       result in enjoyable dining and        prepared dishes and you will
tinned chick peas and my            you will come to understand           drop their use.

 Community Connections – Get involved!
 One-to-one support to connect you with activities in Hackney and beyond
 Community Connections supports Hackney                GET IN TOUCH:
 residents aged 50+ to meet new people, discover       If you’d like to get involved please contact us or
 local places and learn new skills. A community        ask someone to make contact on your behalf. We
 coordinator can tell you all about projects and       are happy to talk through what we do, arrange to
 activities in Hackney and further afield; computer    meet up in person and make a plan together. The
 skills, dancing, exercise classes, walking clubs,     most important thing is what works for you.
 lunch clubs.
                                                       We are looking forward to meeting people out
 To find an activity to suit you, you can have up to   and about as we visit projects and venues to
 twelve meetings with a community coordinator,         promote the service and in the near future we
 plus ongoing support from a volunteer. The project    will also be able to visit people who are unable to
 began in October 2018 and is already making           leave home.
 a difference;                                         To find out more or to make a referral Community
 “I go out, walk in the park and get fresh air.        Connections contact Teresa >
 I’ve been to classes and groups that I enjoyed.       t: 07584 598 096
 Getting out of the house is good.                     e: teresa@shoreditchtrust.org.uk
 I can go out more easily now. I go to a lunch club
 and have a healthy lunch – I’ve met some lovely VENUES:
 new people there.”                                    There are venues across Hackney, with
 Jo, a community coordinator says: “I enjoy meeting confidential space to meet:
 people, hearing their stories and having the time     • New Kingshold Community Centre,
 and space to talk and provide information. Where         Ainsworth Road, E9 7LP
 possible I attend an activity with the person for the • Shoreditch Trust Healthy Living Centre,
 first visit to help them settle in. I keep up to date    170 Pitfield Street, N1 6JP
 with all new activities in the area and encourage     • Stamford Hill Community Centre, N16 6RS
 people to sign up for Hackney Senior magazine         • Gascoyne 1 Community Centre,
 which is a wealth of information.”                       Gascoyne Road, E9 7FA

                                                                                        Hackney Senior | 11
Quietly slipping into disrepair by Charles Daniel
  “My mind was under extreme
  pressure, yet I had to go about
  my normal routine trying
  desperately not to show any
  signs of my condition.”

As an individual I was already flawed, due to           was admitted into a sanatorium to recover. This
circumstances of my upbringing. At the age of           situation caused a number of problems, my father
five; I was thrown into confusion when my father        was found not to be capable of looking after us
became ill with a severe mental condition, which        and was sent away to a mental hospital. I have a
caused me to be very shy and nervous with a             bad recollection of this period – all I can remember
difficulty to communicate socially. My mother           is we were sent into care. The next period I
was also affected very badly. Due to the stress         remember is my grandmother looking after me
of trying to cope with my father who could no           at home, she was very strict but fair. When I heard
longer work and squandered the sick money               my mother was coming home, I cried my eyes out
which was essential for my mother to feed three
                                                        with joy.
children. My mother struggled so hard she had
to work also to cope. This situation caused my          But little did I know that this was only a respite for
mother to eventually succumb to TB whereby she          her, she would have a greater ordeal to come.

Unable to speak about it
In the early stages of my illness; when I had got over the shock of realising I had a mental condition
that is for life, and I would have to take medication continually throughout that time, I felt my life had
changed forever.
In the early years, during the       found it hard even to tell your       was that my mind was under
1970s, mental illness was the        own family the full details.          extreme pressure, yet I had to go
worst fear you could be labelled     Fortunately, I managed to make        about my normal routine trying
with. You felt unable to speak       friends in unlikely places, like      desperately not to show any
out about your problem to            poetry groups, where many other       signs of my condition.
workmates or employers for           similar patients found refuge and     This then is a brief description
fear of losing your job. You also    relief in expressing themselves in    of a horror that not even Conan
felt guilty and ashamed as you       writing and speaking poetry.          Doyle could envisage.
felt it was your own fault and       What you must take into account       To be continued.

12 | Spring 2019
Left to right:
                                                                                              Monica Mattocks,
                                                                                              Janet Williams,
                                                                                              Jane Anslow,
                                                                                              Felicia Odunewu,
                                                                                              Lee Ayles,
                                                                                              Marie Alley

Compassionate Neighbours
“I think everyone’s got a sort of wrong opinion of St Joseph’s –             JA: My mind was against coming
you know, like it’s doom and gloom, but it’s not... and you really           here because I thought people
do have a laugh with the patients, they are hilarious!                       only come in here to die. Once I
                                                                             walked in the door it all changed
Q. What is a compassionate             once or twice a week. She is very     completely and I’ve been here
neighbour?                             isolated as she has no family, so I   ever since.
JA: Someone who comes here             am there for her. At the moment       MA: Where the patients are
to St Joseph’s to be trained and       she’s in hospital – she’s very        concerned, they might choose to
to go out into the community to        ill so I go and visit her at least    tell you what’s wrong with them
support anyone who is on their         once a day. It’s give and take,       and they might not, I never ask.
own, who haven’t got family.           I am giving, but I am getting         JW: Even when they can’t have a
MA: I actually just visit people       something back. I was ill, I had      conversation, just your presence
in St Joseph’s Hospice. It’s just to   cancer, so I am giving something      there is so fundamental.
visit them and have a nice little      back to the community.                MA: It’s a lovely place, lovely.
chat because some of them are a        FO: I just joined last year and my    Q. What would you say to
bit lonely, some are a bit bored,      aim is to help people who can’t       someone reading Hackney
so it just brightens up their day      help themselves.                      Senior who is interested in
because they do like to chat       Q. What have been the                     becoming a compassionate
and tell you about their life and  highlights of volunteering?               neighbour?
that is very rewarding. You come   JW: I think it’s the comradeship,         LA: Give it a try! You can only
away feeling really good because   it’s the bonding. If I don’t see Lee,     try and see.
you feel like you’ve helped them   I will text him or call him to check      JW: Come and join us
and they can tell you things       he’s ok – it’s like a family.
that they probably can’t tell      MA: I think everyone’s got a sort
their families.                    of wrong opinion of St Joseph’s
Q. What inspired you to become – you know, like it’s doom and                 Are you interested in
a compassionate neighbour?         gloom, but it’s not. All the nurses        becoming a compassionate
JW: I became a volunteer here in and all the staff are all so lovely,         neighbour? Contact Lucia
2016 after I retired and I used to they are all so helpful, so you            Francois about the next
escort patients home after the     don’t feel uncomfortable when              training course.
day and then I became interested you come here, and you really do             St Joseph’s Hospice
in compassionate neighbours.       have a laugh with the patients,            Mare St, London E8 4SA
I did the training in 2017 and I   they are hilarious!                        e: L.Francois@STJH.org.uk
was paired up with a Jewish lady LA: Yes there’s lot of laughter              t: 020 8525 3206
– she is 85 and I go to her house  about with all the stories.

                                                                                            Hackney Senior | 13
Hackney Dementia Festival
Events and activities for people with dementia, their
families, friends and neighbours
Hackney Dementia festival runs from Thursday 16 May to
Wednesday 29 May. Most of the events are free to attend and
generally there is no need to book.

We spoke to Harry Johnson from       HJ: There are social groups,
the Alzheimer’s Society to find      lunch clubs and dementia
out more.                            friendly activities, for example
Q. What does the Alzheimer’s         The Rio Cinema and Hackney
Society do?                          Picturehouse both host dementia
HJ: We are the support and           friendly film screenings.
research charity for dementia. We    We know there’s not enough out      think there’s a good balance of
support people with dementia         there, and people report feeling    activities and most activities are
and look at the best ways to care    isolated and excluded, so we        free with no booking required!
for people with the condition.       are really pushing to get more      www.alzheimers.org.uk
We are also campaigning              organisations involved, more
                                     organisations understanding the     Here are a selection of the events
for better quality dementia                                              taking place. For your copy of the
care and dementia friendly           needs of people with dementia.
                                                                         full programme see the info box
communities. We are trying           Q. What about supermarkets,         at the end of the page.
to make communities which            banks and businesses?
understand and respect people        HJ: The idea is to involve          Thursday 16 May
with dementia.                       everybody in a dementia friendly    Alzheimer’s Society and GLL
                                     community. We have just done        The BIG Singing for the Brain
Q. What support is available
                                     some work with a local bank.        Singing and dancing all
for people in Hackney with
                                     It’s also about involving the       afternoon
dementia, or for people
concerned about memory loss?         emergency services – last week      2–4pm, FREE
HJ:There’s a national helpline       I was with London Fire brigade      Copper Box Arena, Queen
people can call every day on 0300    in Hackney, giving them training    Elizabeth Olympic Park, E20 3HB
222 1122 – you can call for advice   about dementia, what the
                                     symptoms are, what to look for.     For more information please
if you are concerned that you,                                           contact or call 020 8472 0658
or someone you know, might           We are also looking at transport
have dementia. We also have          – getting more bus divers trained   Monday 20 May
online resources – fact sheets and   in dementia awareness. So, it’s     Launch of Hackney Dementia
guides on our website.               anybody and everybody that has      Festival 2019
                                     to be involved in the dementia
As well, in Hackney we have                                              10:30am–12pm, FREE
                                     friendly community.
Dementia navigators who                                                  Come and join the launch of the
support people with dementia         Q. Please tell us about the         Hackney Dementia Festival 2019.
from the point of diagnosis          Hackney Dementia Festival
                                     HJ:We have got events               Central Library, 1 Reading Lane,
throughout their journey. For                                            London E8 1DY
example, navigators will explain     throughout the week such
the terminology that doctors         as cinema screenings, a             Learn what the community
use, because we find that a lot of   performance at Arcola Theatre,      group is doing and its plans
people get overwhelmed by that.      dementia friendly swimming,         moving forward. Hackney
                                     a Caribbean tea party, a tea        Community Library will also be
Q. What social support is            dance in Shoreditch Town Hall,      launching its new dementia-
available in Hackney?                table tennis and much more. We      friendly Hackney puzzles.

14 | Spring 2019
“It’s anybody and everybody that has to be involved in the dementia friendly community.”

Hackney Caribbean Elders               friends and family and arrive    GLL Table Tennis
Caribbean Tea Party                    promptly.                        2 - 4pm, FREE
1 - 4pm, FREE                          Wednesday 22 May                 King’s Hall Leisure Centre,
A Caribbean Tea Party for those        Rio Cinema                       39 Lower Clapton Rd, London
living with dementia, their family     Cinema Screening, £2             E5 0NU
and friends.                           1:30pm Dementia Friendly
                                                                        Table tennis is a fun exercise
39 Leswin Road, Stoke                  session                          activity for all. Join our social
Newington, London, N16 7NX             2:30pm Film starts, FREE tea,    session organised by a qualified
To book a place please                 coffee, cakes and biscuits!      coach. Light refreshments will
e: info@hackneycaribbean.              Rio Cinema, 107 Kingsland High   be provided.
co.uk stating Hackney Dementia         St, E8 2PB                       Wednesday 29 May
Festival in the subject line, or                                        Hackney Shed
                                       A classic matinee screening of
call 020 7923 3536.                                                     Theatre Performance 3pm, FREE
                                       ‘Mama Mia- Here we Go Again’.
The Dementia Friendly                                                   Sutton House, Homerton High St,
                                       Thursday 23 May
‘Triathlon’                                                             London E9 6JQ
                                       A Dance Down Memory Lane:
Enjoy a day exploring the Olympic
                                       Shoreditch Town Hall             Hackney Shed, a young person’s
Park with a dementia-friendly
walk, cycle and swim. Feel free to     Tea Dance 1 - 4pm, FREE          theatre group, invite you to
attend the entire day, or just those                                    their performance. Inspired by
                                       Come and dance the afternoon     the memories of people living
events that interest you. Lunch is
                                       away in the magnificent          with dementia in Hackney, each
not provided, but a café can be
                                       surrounding of Shoreditch Town   group has developed their own
found in the Aquatics Centre.
                                       Hall’s Assembly Hall.            unique performance.
The nearest transport links are
                                       To book a place, call            To book a place please email
Stratford International, Stratford
                                       020 7739 6176 or visit           vicki@hackneyshed.org.uk
Overground and the 108 and 339
bus stops.
GLL: Swimming in the
                                       Friday 24 May
                                                                          INfo box
Olympic Park
                                       Mary Seacole Nursing Home          For further information
3 - 4pm, FREE                                                             about Hackney Dementia
                                       Open Day 10 - 5pm, FREE
A relaxed session for participants                                        Festival, contact harry.
to enjoy a gentle swim. On             Mary Seacole Nursing Home,         johnson@alzheimers.org.uk
arrival, please let reception know     39 Nuttall Street, N1 5JS
                                                                          t: 0208 533 0091
you are here for the dementia-         Mary Seacole Nursing Home
friendly swim.                                                            #dementiafriendlyhackney
                                       will be holding an open
London Aquatics Centre,                day, showcasing what
Olympic Park, E20 2ZQ                  they are currently
                                       doing for residents with
Tuesday 21 May
                                       dementia. There will be
GLL Walk in London Fields
                                       an opportunity to ask
10 - 11am, FREE                        questions, meet staff
London Fields Lido, London             and to get information
Fields West Side, Hackney,             on continuing care and
London E8 3EU                          respite services. There
Join an interesting, easy route        will be taster sessions
around London Fields led by a          of Namaste care, hand
Hackney Walk Leader. Please            massages and some
wear comfortable shoes, bring          other activities.

                                                                                       Hackney Senior | 15
Connect Hackney Projects
Free projects for Hackney residents aged 50+

Projects for older people with                          hearing screening checks, with follow-up support,
learning disabilities                                   hearing aid maintenance support groups and
                                                        befriending visits.
Peter Bedford Housing Association                       A ‘Living with a hearing loss’ programme is
Works with people with learning disabilities aged       designed to empower older people to manage
50 and over on a range of activities to improve         difficulties related to hearing loss.
skills and confidence, health and wellbeing, and
to socialise. Activities include: learning how to       Contact Sharon on 0744 253 8944.
use a touch screen tablet, gardening and creative
crafts. All are run from their Hackney based            City and Hackney Carers
hubs – including Clissold Gardens, Hoxton and           ‘Hackney Brocals’ is a multi-generational
Kingsland Road.                                         befriending project. Brocals provides a regular
                                                        series of bus trips in Hackney and beyond and
Contact Kamye Miessen or Anjum Ahmed on                 have home based support for men who can’t often
020 3815 4100.                                          leave home. The project includes volunteering
                                                        and a buddying system which sees younger
St Mary’s Secret Garden
‘The Garden Social’ provides a weekly club for          volunteers committing to visit isolated elders in
people with learning disabilities aged 50 and           the community.
over. The Club brings local older people together       Contact Hackney Brocals on 0208 533 0951
to work on shared gardening and maintenance             or visit the website at www.brocals.org
activities. There are also opportunities for the
‘Garden Socialisers’ to plan and develop the            Hackney Co-operative Developments
creative and social activities of the club.             Delivering a programme of activities aimed mainly
Contact Siobhan MacMahon on 020 7739 2965.              at men aged over 50 that use Gillett Square in
e: siobhan@stmarysgarden.org.uk                         Dalston area as a place to gather and socialise. All
                                                        activities involve men aged 50 and over as session
Community Connections project for                       leaders or volunteers.
everyone                                                Additionally, participants are encouraged to
                                                        organise their own small-scale community events
Shoreditch Trust
                                                        and to take an active role in existing events, play
‘Community Connectors’ work with local partners
                                                        sessions and the Gillett Square Action Group.
to reach socially isolated people aged 50 and over.
The project provides one-to-one sessions with           Contact Anja Beinroth on 020 3875 9352.
older people to help them build confidence and          e: GS2@hcd.coop
get involved with local groups and social activities.
The project will be delivered from accessible           MRS Independent Living
community spaces, complemented by home visits           Hackney Dudes is a community project which
where needed.                                           aims to increase older men’s confidence in
                                                        engaging with services and activities that promote
Contact Teresa Buckland on 020 7033 8587.
                                                        improved health and wellbeing.
e: teresa@shoreditchtrust.org.uk
                                                        The project draws on the knowledge and
Projects for men                                        experience that older men have of accessing
Action on Hearing Loss (with deafPLUS)                  services and activities on offer and facilitates their
Working with men over the age of 50 who have            support of other men.
confirmed or unidentified hearing loss. They            Contact Stephen Gardner on 0330 380 1013.
provide access to one-to-one and community              e: stephen.gardner@mrsindependentliving.org

16 | Spring 2019
Projects for older people who want to                 of older people that might be experiencing social
learn or brush up on digital skills                   isolation. The group meets once a week and an
                                                      opportunity to meet, sing and socialise with
Groundwork London                                     new friends.
“Silver Connections – Making the Most of your         Contact Core Clapton on 0300 561 0161.
Mobile” is a programme of six weekly sessions
designed to increase the confidence of people         The Building Exploratory
aged 60+ to use their smartphones to access           Open Doors in Hackney is a programme of social
information. This is centred on researching,          activities, which brings older people together in
planning and then going on an outing                  community spaces to investigate their local area/
in Hackney.                                           built environment. It delivers enjoyable social
Contact Sarah on 0208 5105 419.                       sessions in the King’s Park and Hackney Wick
e: silverconnections@groundwork.org.uk                neighbourhoods, including activities in and around
                                                      the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park where its
MRS Independent Living                                heritage and history is explored.
Running a project which supports older people         Contact The Building Exploratory on 020 7608 0775.
to gain or improve their digital knowhow
and confidence to find information about              Immediate Theatre
services, support and leisure activities online.      Theatre Exchange is a year-round programme of
It delivers one-to-one and small group                theatre workshops and performances for older
support and opportunities for older people to         people. It delivers three eight-week programmes
connect socially.                                     in community settings offering a range of theatre-
                                                      making skills, singing, story sharing, prop-making,
Contact MRS Independent Living on
                                                      as well as acting/performing. It also explores
0330 380 1013.
                                                      different ways to bring together older and
Newham New Deal Partnership                           younger generations.
The @online Network helps build older people’s        Contact Immediate Theatre on 020 7682 3031.
confidence to get online. It provides six to eight
programmes of practical activities based on           Duckie Ltd.
members’ interests at venues around Hackney,          The Posh Club (TPC) is a weekly social and
as well as follow on support via e-newsletters,       entertainment club produced by the arts and
telephone advice and drop-in.                         events company Duckie Ltd. for adults over 60.
Contact Newham New Deal Partnership on                These are glamorous events held in the heart
020 7366 6343.                                        of the community and emphasise dressing
e: onlinehackney@newhamndp.co.uk                      up, live entertainment, social connectivity and
                                                      intergenerational volunteering. Come and feel
Projects putting on community activities              alive, connected and joyful – and enjoy a taste of
for all older people                                  the high life!

Friends of Woodberry Down (FOWD)                      Contact Tracey Smith at The Posh Club in Hackney
The FOWD Community Project is delivering a            on 07938 985 644.
series of weekly community events aimed at older      Mind in the City, Hackney & Waltham Forest
people. It will allow older and younger people to     Silver Saturdays is a social club, bringing older
come together, share food and enjoy a programme       people together for fun and creative activities
of activities at the various community venues in      at the Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham
their local area.                                     Forest Wellbeing Centre on the first Saturday of
Contact Amanda Inniss on                              each month.
0787 634 5457 / 0785 232 8993.                        The programme is run in partnership with Hoxton
Core Clapton                                          Health, Hanover Housing Association and Hackney
Social Singing is a singing group for people of all   Caribbean Elderly Organisation.
ages with a special focus on the social inclusion     Contact Mind CHWF on 020 8985 4239.

                                                                                       Hackney Senior | 17
What’s on in Hackney for over 50s?
Activities and events are free unless otherwise stated. Listings are correct at the time of going to
press. Many groups have more activities than we can list so call them for more info.

                                    Thursday morning, Indian Head           Call 0300 5610 161 or email
Better Club dementia friendly
                                    Massage: Thursday morning.              info@coreclapton.org
                                    £18 per session when you book           Suggested donation from £2.
Line Dancing                        saying you’ve seen this listed in
Wednesdays 10am -11am               Hackney Senior.                         Core Clapton Osteopathy
Table Tennis                                                                Treatments
Fridays 2 pm - 4pm                  Community Coordinators Walk             Low-cost, high-quality treatment
                                    Low to moderate intensity walk          for aches and pains. Call 0300
King’s Hall Leisure Centre, E5 0N
                                    through Victoria park. Open             5610 161 or e: info@coreclapton.
t: 020 8985 2158 or
                                    to all ages from 18 upwards.            org for details and to book.
e: josephine.cox@gll.org
                                    Wheelchair accessible.                  Concession rate £15 for a
Silver Connections mobile           Every Thursday at 2pm                   30-45 minute session.
phone courses for over 60’s
                                    Contact Teresa 020 7033 8587            Made In Hackney
Covering phone basics to make       /07584 598 086 or e: teresa@
your life easier.                                                           Class – One Pot wonders
Booking: Sarah Warmant on                                                   30th June 12:30pm - 3:00pm
0208 510 5419 or e: silver          Gentle Yoga every Wednesday             You will learn with nutritionist
connections@groundwork.org.uk       Intended for older adults, these        Deepa how to cook tasty dishes
                                    classes offer Kundalini Yoga at a       packed with healthy grains and
@online club network iPad           gentle pace – suitable to practice      pulses without the need of fancy
course                              while sitting on a chair or on          equipment. Just a hob will do!
Six-week programme for              the floor.
                                                                            To book: call us on
Hackney residents over 60 who       Wednesdays, 10:30-11:45am               t: 0208 442 4266 or
want to learn iPad skills.
                                    JOY Yoga, 27D Dalston Lane,             e: info@madeinhackney.org
t: 020 7366 6343                    Dalston, London E8 3DF                  (Suggested minimum donation
e: onlinehackney@newhamndp.
                                    Pay what you can afford.                £5 per class but no one turned
                                    There is no minimum.                    away due to lack of funds).
Hoxton Health exercise classes      t: 0207 812 9836                        Venue Address:
Fun, social exercise classes.                                               Made In Hackney, Food For All
£2 charge per class, unless         Core Clapton Wellness Classes           Basement, 3 Cazenove Road,
otherwise stated. t: 020 7739       Women’s Mindful Movement                London N16 6PA
2533 for details or just turn up.   A gentle movement and
                                    stretching class.                       Shoreditch Trust Stroke Project
Line Dancing
                                    Wednesday 11am – 12pm.                  One-to-one and group support
Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm
Regent Estate Pensioners’ Hall,                                             for stroke survivors and their
                                    Tai Chi for Mobility                    family & stroke awareness
Brougham Road E8 4PD.               Boost your energy, mobilise
Fully accessible.                                                           sessions for the general public
                                    your joints.                            including blood pressure checks
Chair-based exercise                Thursday 11am – 12pm.
Wednesdays 10am - 11am                                                      Monday to Friday, various times;
Arden Estate Community Hall,        Social Singing                          or drop-in, 9:30am to 12:30am at
Regan Way, N1 6PH.                  Sing together. No experience            the Healthy Living Centre,
Fully accessible. Free of charge    required – just let yourself join in!   170 Pitfield street, N1 6JP
                                    Friday 11am - 12pm.                     Call 02070338526 / 07436790140
All of May
                                    At Core Clapton, 161 Northwold          (call or text) or
Shiatsu Massage: Mondays,
Homeopathy: Wednesday               Road, E5 8RL. Accessible venue          e: strokeproject@shoreditchtrust.
afternoon, Reflexology:             with ramp and lift.                     org.uk

18 | Spring 2019
Is it lunch

Hackney’s lunch clubs provide healthy and nutritious meals for just a small fee. They
also run social activities such as playing cards, mahjong and dominoes as well as
local outings and summer day trips. Please phone to check details.
Lunch Up                            Hackney Caribbean Elderly         Halkevi Turkish and Kurdish
Redmond Community Centre,           Organisation                      Community Centre
Kayani Avenue, Woodberry            39 Leswin Road, Stoke             31-33 Dalston Lane, E8 3DF
Down N4 2HF                         Newington, N16 7NX                Tuesdays
Tuesdays, 12 noon – 2pm             Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday     Phone Yashar Ismailoglu on
Phone Lydia on 07804 693461         Phone Hazel McKenzie on           020 7249 6980
e: lunchup347@gmail.com             020 7923 3536
                                                                      Hackney Cypriot Association
Nightingale Lunch Club              Chatsworth Road Lunch Club
19 Olympus Way, Nightingale                                           5 Balls Pond Road, N1 4AX
                                    Clapton Park Methodist Church,    Open three days a week
Estate, E5 8ND
                                    99 Chatsworth Road, E5 0LH
Lunch is served five days a week,                                     Phone Cemile Göksan on
                                    Lunch club run by and for local   020 7254 7920
Monday to Friday at 12pm
                                    African Caribbean people
Phone Alice Burke on                                                  An Viet Foundation
                                    Thursdays, 11.30am – 3.30pm
020 8985 1309                                                         12-14 Englefield Road, N1 4LS
                                    Email Velma Bramble at
Holly Street Lunch Club             Chatslunchclub@yahoo.co.uk        Vietnamese community lunch
331 Queensbridge Road, E8 3LA                                         club.
                                    North London Muslim
Monday, Wednesday, Friday                                             Mondays, Tuesdays and
                                    Community Centre (NLMCC)
t: 020 7923 1282                                                      Thursdays
                                    66-68 Cazenove Road, N16 6AA
Salvation Army Hoxton                                                 t: 020 7275 7780
                                    Men: Wednesday 6.30pm,
66 New North Road, N1 6TG           women: Sundays 5pm                Salvation Army Cambridge
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and            Phone Hashim Rawaf on             Heath
Thursdays 9:30am - 3:00pm.          020 8806 1147 extension 6         70 Mare Street, E8 4RT
Phone Sally Spry 020 7739 3313                                        Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
                                    Hackney Chinese Community
                                                                      Phone Dawn Johnson on
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia             Services
                                                                      020 8985 4410
(VLC) Centre                        28-32 Ellingfort Road, E8 3PA
151 Whiston Road, E2 8BN            Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Tuesday and Thursday                Phone Yvonne Tse on 020 8533
Phone Pierre on 020 7739 3650       5066 or 020 8986 6171
Advertise with us – With a print run of 3,500 we can help you reach
local residents. e: matt@connecthackney.org.uk

 The Silver Line                        NHS 111
 Need help?                             If you’re worried about an
 Call ANYTIME on:
 0800 470 80 90                         urgent medical concern,
                                        call 111
 “It’s so comforting to know you
 can phone and talk to somebody.”       NHS 111 is staffed 24 hours a day,
                                        7 days a week by a team of fully
 Helpline for older people
 providing free confidential            trained advisers.
 information, friendship and            If you have difficulties communicating
 advice. Open 24 hours a day,           or hearing, you can use the NHS 111
 every day of the year.                 service through a textphone by calling
 Charity no: 1147330 (founded by        18001 111. For less urgent health needs,
 Esther Rantzen DBE).                   contact your GP or local pharmacist.

 Community Library Service                                      Classic Matinee
 Any resident can use the community library service on          screenings at Rio
 a temporary or long-term basis. The community library          Cinema
 delivers books monthly, to people in their own homes,
 sheltered blocks and nursing homes and provides                Classic matinees are held once a month
 deposit loan collections to groups such as day centres.        on Wednesday afternoons at 2.30pm.
                                                                Screening Hollywood classics and
 The main criteria is that you cannot access a library          recent films. Tickets are just £2 for the
 because of an accident, illness, frailty, disability or        over 60s whilst care home residents,
 because you are a carer. The service is free and books are
                                                                people with dementia and carers go
 delivered monthly.
                                                                free. Free tea, coffee and biscuits.
 Address: c/o Stoke Newington Library, Stoke Newington
                                                                Rio Cinema, 107 Kingsland High Street,
 Church Street N16 0JS. t: 020 8356 5238
                                                                E8 2PB. t: 020 7241 9410

 Hackney: Walking Together
 There are a number of walking      Timetable:                          Thursday 12-12.30
 groups in Hackney which offer      Tuesday 1-2pm                       Hackney Downs Park
 a great chance to exercise and     Clissold Park – meet outside        30 mins – Slow Paced Walk
 socialise. There are weekly        Clissold House – 60 mins
 walks around Clissold Park and                                         Get in touch: Surbjit Mahey on
 London Fields and a weekly         Wednesday 12.15-1pm
                                    meet at London Fields Gates         07891 498150 or 020 8356 7549
 slow-paced walk around                                                 e: surbjit.mahey@hackney.
 Hackney Downs. There is also a     (park entrance) – 45 mins
 monthly themed walk.

         ageing better
You can also read