Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015

Page created by Audrey Harvey
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Hamilton Island State School
                                                                  PARENT HANDBOOK 2015

                 Great Community, Great School, Great Teachers, Great Students, Great Opportunity
Every student matters every lesson, every day and every student who attends Hamilton Island State School will be a high achiever.
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                                    Hamilton Island State School

                                            Welcome to Hamilton Island State School

 Our commitment is to create a learning environment where
 every child can thrive and become an independent, creative
 and connected learner.
Welcome to Hamilton Island State School.
At Hamilton Island State School we promote a culture of very        Hamilton Island State School is
high expectations of students intrinsic motivation to learn and     embedded in the
academic performance. We offer a distinctive learning               Hamilton Island community. We work continually to
environment that promotes individuality and provides all            foster positive relationships with our families, local
students with the opportunity to reach their full potential.        businesses, surrounding schools, clubs and professional
                                                                    associations. It is through these productive partnerships
We develop the learning of our students through the use of          that we are able to deliver dynamic educational
explicit, direct instructional teaching methods and programs.       experiences for our students.
Our school offers a range of specialist programs and extra-
curricular activities - including electives, sailing and language   I believe that schooling should be enjoyable and that
studies.                                                            every student matters every lesson, every day and every
                                                                    student will be a high achiever.
Education at Hamilton Island is much more than a formal learn-      We look forward to showing you our school - an
ing program. It embodies attention to the welfare of each           institution of which we are very proud.
student and his, or her, total school experience. Our academic
programs are enhanced by our commitment to a strong social          Yours faithfully,
education program that is built on the following values: Each
child is a Proud Learner who is Respectful, Responsible and
                                                                    Mr Michael Allan
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                              Hamilton Island State School


 Important Phone Numbers:                                Other Contact Details:
 School Administration Office: (07) 49469522             Physical Address: Great Northern Hwy, Hamilton Island
 Facsimile: (07) 49469533                                Postal Address: PO Box 192, Hamilton Island 4803
 Principal Mobile: 0408 250 089                          Email: admin@hamiislass.eq.edu.au
                                                         Website: www.hamislass.eq.edu.au

 Hamilton Island State School Staff Team                       Important Dates for 2015
 Mr Michael Allan          Principal                           Term 1 - Tuesday 28th January to Friday 4th April
 Miss Ashleigh Prickett    Teacher                             (10 weeks)
 Miss Tashi Campbell       Teacher                             Term 2 - Monday 22nd April to Friday 27th of June
 Mr Daniel Farrawell       Teacher                             (10 weeks)
 Mrs Sara Taverner         Teacher                             Term 3 - Monday 14th July to Friday 19th September
                                                               (10 weeks)

 Ms Ange Partington        Administration Officer              Term 4 - Tuesday 7th October to Friday 12th
 Mrs Karen Gordon          Teacher Aide                        December (10 weeks)
 Mrs Sally Stringer        Teacher Aide                        Additional student free days:
 Miss Vicki Hallums        Teacher Aide                               * Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th January
 Ms Kate Chapman           Teacher Aide                               * Monday 20th October
 Mrs Nuria Murgadas-Davis Teacher Aide
 Miss Robyn Goerge-Cox     Guidance Officer

                                                     Daily Routine:

                                       9:00 - 11:00 Morning Session
                                       11:00—11:15 Eating time (1st lunch)
                                       11:15 - 11:45 Activity (1st lunch)
                                       11:45 to 1:30 Middle Session
                                       1:30 to 1:45 Eating time (2nd lunch)
                                       1:45 to 2:00 Activity (2nd lunch)
                                       2:00 to 3:00 Afternoon Session

                              Every day counts: Every child, Every lesson, Every day
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                                    Hamilton Island State School

                                                                      Teaching & Learning

 Hamilton Island State School provides a dynamic educational experience for students that enables them to become inde-
 pendent, creative and connected lifelong learners.
 Our academic programs are focused on building students’ foundational skills, attitudes and values to ensure they achieve
 their individual potential.
 Literacy and numeracy skills are taught explicitly across our curriculum as well as embedded in Hamilton Island State
 School’s extended curriculum. The core areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, and HPE
 are based on the Australian National Curriculum while the Arts, Technology, SOSE and LOTE (Japanese) are based on the
 Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (QCARF).

 Our academic programs are divided into two key phases of learning. Each phase is approached as a unique, yet interde-
 pendent step in the broader education pathway.

 Lower Primary (Prep – Year 3)
 Often referred to as the “Early Years of Learning”, Lower Primary at Hamilton Island State School focuses on developing
 our students’ passion for learning, creativity and self-confidence.
 Our program aims to not only provide our youngest students with a balanced and relevant set of core literacy and nu-
 meracy skills, but also with a strong attitude to learning that will underpin their later academic and personal achieve-

 Upper Primary (Years 4 – 6)
 Hamilton Island State School’s approach to the Middle Years of Schooling (Yrs. 4–7) reflects our understanding of the
 unique educational needs of young adolescents.
 Our Upper Primary program supports the intellectual, social, emotional, moral, spiritual and physical development of our
 students. Learning experiences encourage active learning, strong relationships, co-operation, and the development of
 independent learning skills.

 Prep Year
 The quality of learning experiences in a child’s earliest years plays a significant role in setting the foundations for lifelong
 development, including language acquisition, participation and achievement in formal schooling as well as social and
 emotional skills development.
 At Hamilton Island State School, our Prep program celebrates the importance of a quality early years education by
 providing our students with an enriched learning environment that promotes self-discovery, social awareness and inde-
 Our approach focuses on the development of fundamental literacy and numeracy skills through explicit instruction as
 well as children following their interests and natural curiosity.

 Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
 The extended Hamilton Island State School curriculum provides all students with the opportunity to engage with experi-
 ence in different languages and cultures. In years 5 and 6, our students are formally enrolled in Japanese.
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                                 Hamilton Island State School

                                                                              Teaching & Learning
 Technology & Resources
 Hamilton Island State School provides a well-resourced learning environment for students. In addition to our classrooms
 being filled with age-specific resources, students have access to specialist teaching environments and the latest ICTs.
 Information Communication Technology
 All Hamilton Island State School classrooms are fitted with the latest in interactive, information communication technolo-
 gy, including:
            Interactive whiteboards in each classroom
            Teacher Laptops
            Networked student laptops (30 across the school)
            High-speed internet connections
            Ipads in cabinets for students in Prep to year 2.
 In years 3 to 6, students are allocated their own personal ipad to use as part of everyday learning. Our 1:1 ipad program
 has revolutionised the learning opportunities our students engage in on a daily basis. Upon enrolment, parents need to
 read through and agree to the terms and conditions for their child to be allocated an ipad. When a termination of enrol-
 ment occurs, the ipad is returned to the school office.
 Assessment assist teachers to make decisions about what your child knows and can do. Most assessment is based on
 specific criteria aligned with the National Curriculum’s expectations. Throughout the year, all class teachers will complete
 standard, school-wide testing of their students – focusing on literacy and numeracy skills. The results of these tests are
 used to identify individual students that would benefit from additional support or extension activities.
 National Testing
 All Years 3 and 5 students in Australia sit the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests.
 There are 4 tests, completed over 3 days: Language Conventions, Writing, Reading and Numeracy. The results of these
 tests provide the school with information about what each student knows and can do. Parents also receive a report
 showing how your child performed against national benchmarks.
 Support Services
 Hamilton Island State School offers students with disabilities and other special needs with access to individualised learn-
 ing programs and specialist teaching staff. We also provide students with Learning Difficulties or as English as a Second
 Language with specialist support.
 Key support services available at Hamilton island State School include:
               Special Education Consultant, Speech Language, Specialist teacher aides and a Guidance Officer
 A balanced approach to homework plays an important role in a child’s education. At Hamilton island State School, we
 promote homework as not only an opportunity for students to develop self-discipline and independence, but also for
 parents to share their child’s education.

               Phase:                Lower Primary (Prep-3)               Upper Primary (4-7)
               Duration:             15 mins each night                   30 mins each night
               Focus:                Reinforcing literacy, numeracy       Reinforcing literacy, numeracy and
                                     and problem-solving skills           problem-solving skills
               Common Tasks:               Daily Reading                       Daily Reading
                                           Mystic Maths                        Mystic Maths
                                           Spelling - Magic Words              Spelling - Magic Words
                                                                                Assignment work
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                                  Hamilton Island State School


 At Hamilton Island State School we develop positive relationships with the community to provide the best learning op-
 portunities for our students.
 Every Friday we run an electives program that provides students with opportunities to participate in specialised learning
 experiences outside of the general classroom curriculum.
 Electives activities: Guitar, choir, art and craft, gardening, painting, beading, gardening, sport, wildlife study and cooking.
 We also offer a sailing course in terms 2 and 3 for students in years 4 to 6. Students participate in a set Hamilton Island
 State School Sailing Course that offers a wide range of skills and theory to become independent sailors.
 Hamilton Island Sports Program
 We work closely with the Hamilton Island Sports Club to offer as many sporting opportunities as possible for our stu-
 dents. Each month a program is added to our monthly newsletter to keep all families informed of what’s available for
 after school activities. Students currently participate in little athletics, touch football, soccer, hip-hop and karate.
 Our students’ learning is enhanced through participation in school excursions.
 When planning excursions, our teachers ensure:
           The activity complements students’ academic programs
           Safe ratios of adults to students (at least 1:5 in Prep and 1:10 in Lower Primary)
           Students not participating in the excursion are supervised and provided with an alternative program at school
           Specific processes are in place if students are being transported in private vehicles
           Careful selection and preparation of all parents/volunteers participating in the excursion
           All school excursions are approved by our principal and P&C Association.
 Our school regularly reviews and updates our excursion procedures using Education Queensland’s Curriculum Activity
 Risk Assessment.

 Leadership Program
 Hamilton Island State School students in Upper Primary have the opportunity to develop leadership skills through our
 Leadership Program.
 The leadership group is made up of a School Captain, Vice Captain, Sports Captain and Junior Captains. School Captain,
 Vice Captain, Sports Captain run on an executive structure of three members - elected by the student population through
 a formal election process. Executive members are short-listed via class nomination and a teacher panel before they
 make their way on to the ballot papers.
 Junior Captain representatives nominate themselves as future school leader aspirants. Junior captains write an applica-
 tion and are selected on merit by the Principal and teachers.
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                        Hamilton Island State School

                                                        Parents as Partners in
                                                             student learning

 Parents and families are an integral part of our school community.
 Hamilton Island State School encourages families to become involved in their child’s broad education experi-
 ence with us.
 We provide a unique opportunity that sets us apart from any other school. Parents are welcomed to be close
 Partners in student learning and the goal setting process allows this to happen. The process is as follows:
          In term one, the parents and student meet formally with the teacher to discuss where the student is
           at and together as a team, set goals and focus areas for improvement aligned to the school’s im-
           provement agenda. This is all put together in a document, signed by all parties and used to drive the
           improvement journey for the student. A copy is displayed in classroom and a copy is provided to the
           parents to display in a central location at home. The document is developed so parents, the teacher
           and the student can map improvement made over the semester.
          Parents will be informed when their child has made progress towards their goal via meetings with
           the teacher and awards presented at school assemblies.
          Report Cards will be issued at the end of term 2. The general comment section will detail the child’s
           progress towards their term 3 goal.
          In term 3, the parents and student again meet formally with the teacher to discuss the outcomes
           and goals achieved so far throughout the year and
          Parent information sessions & special events
          P & C Meetings
 Individual messages will be sent home through your child’s teacher and our Administration Officer.
 You may contact your child’s teacher by leaving a message through our School Administration Office.
 Many of our teachers may also make use of their professional email account for communication with families.
 We encourage you to speak directly with your child’s teacher to negotiate the best way of staying in regular
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                        Hamilton Island State School


 Keeping our parents and families up-to-date with what’s happening at the school is an extremely important
 part of our how we do business.
 Hamilton Island State School encourages families to become involved in their child’s broad education experi-
 ence with us – by keeping in regular communication with the Principal, teachers, and staff. Volunteering in
 classes and joining our P&C Association.
 Open communication between home and school underpins a great primary school experience for children. To
 ensure that you always know what is happening in our school, we provide important information through the
           Parent information Sessions
           Weekly emails
           Monthly school newsletter
           School Website – www.hamislass.eq.edu.au
           Facebook
           Afternoon student assembly
           Fortnightly Assembly
           P & C Meetings
 Individual messages will be sent home through your child’s teacher and our Administration Officer.
 Throughout the year, the Principal of Hamilton Island State School will host both formal and informal parent
 information sessions. The focus of these events may vary – from introducing curriculum changes to workshops
 for parents in specific learning areas outlined in the school’s improvement agenda i.e. reading, writing, mathe-
 matics. If you are able to attend these sessions, you will gain significant knowledge on how to support your
 child’s learning at home in line with school expectations.
 All events are advertised through our school newsletter, weekly emails, school website calendar and Face-

 Our school Administration Officer, Ange Partington will email out to the parent group what’s happening at the
 school each week on behalf of Mick Allan, the Principal. This email will go out to the email address nominated
 by the parents upon their child’s enrolment. It is imperative that you are getting these emails as they are the
 main line of communication between school and home. Your child's teacher will also email you with what’s
 happening in the classroom and important messages/information as they arise.

 The Hamilton Island State School Newsletter is published each month and is available in hardcopy at the front
 of the school, on our website and via email.
 Our newsletter is one of our main communication links between school and home, designed to keep you in-
 formed on what is happening in our school community.
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                             Hamilton Island State School


 Our school welcomes the active support of our parents and community members.
 Whether it is supporting our reading program in class, supervising a school camp/excursions or offering a hand
 at a working bee – all help is greatly appreciated. If you are volunteering in our school, please remember to
 sign in at the School Administration Office. The Principal will run workshops for parents twice a year if they are
 interested in assisting with learning in the classroom.

 Each year, Hamilton Island State School publishes an annual school report. This report outlines our achieve-
 ments across a number of key performance areas, including student learning outcomes, resource manage-
 ment and community engagement. Electronic copies of the report are available on our website.

 All policies and procedures that relate to the management and operation of our school are available on our website and
 through our School Administration Office.

 You may contact your child’s teacher by leaving a message through our School Administration Office.
 All of our teachers may also make use of their professional email account for communication with families. We encour-
 age you to speak directly with your child’s teacher to negotiate the best way of staying in regular contact.

 While our classroom teachers are available to discuss your child’s progress anytime throughout the school
 year, there are key times of year when we formally report to parents and set learning goals as a team:
 Open Parent Information Sessions (Early Term 1)
 Classroom teachers welcome parents to visit their child’s classroom and to discuss curriculum, behaviour ex-
 pectations and individual learning needs for the year ahead.
 3 Way Conferences (End of Term 1 & Term 3)
 Teachers are available for pre-arranged, individual meetings with parents and their child to discuss the stu-
 dent’s individual achievement and set individual learning goals.
 Student Report (Term 2 & Term 4)
 Formal reporting is completed in late June and early December each year.
 Parents of Prep students receive a report outlining their child’s learning progress, while the achievements of
 students from Years 1 – 6 are documented on formal report cards. Follow up parent/teacher interviews are
 available if required.
 Report cards are sent home either by post or with your child on the second last day of the school term.
Hamilton Island State School - PARENT HANDBOOK 2015
Parent Handbook—2015                                                                 Hamilton Island State School

                                                                 Family & Community

 The Hamilton Island State School P & C Association is an integral part of our school and works in partnership with the
 school’s leadership team to:
       Promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, pupils and teaching staff into close co-operation
       Ensure students have access to quality learning materials and equipment
       Ensure effective school policy and management of school activities
 Our P & C Association hosts monthly meetings throughout the school year. All parents are welcome to attend and are
 encouraged to take up formal membership. As a member, participants are entitled to vote at meetings and are also cov-
 ered by insurance when involved in P & C activities.
 Hamilton Island State School has a clear policy and process for dealing with any complaint received by par-
 ents/carers, community members, staff or students.
 Our objective is to address all complaints with an open, solutions-focused approach.
 Under our policy, all complaints must be documented. This helps us to ensure that they can be reported to
 the principal as soon as practicable.
 When recording a complaint, we promote:
           The use of clear language, stating the facts
           Detailing information in chronological order as practically possible
           The use of quotation marks, where appropriate
           Initialled and dated corrections
           The signature, designation of the author, and time and date of the incident/complaint

 If a complaint cannot be resolved at the first point of contact, we will acknowledge it’s escalation within five
 (5) working days by telephone, in person, by email, or in writing. At this time we will initiate a 5-stage process:
         1. Receiving and clarifying the complaint
         2. Deciding how to handle the complaint
         3. Finding out about the complaint
         4. Making a decision about the complaint
         5. Review (where required)

 Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care is available through PCYC. Services are offered through a well
 equipped, purpose-specific facility located at the school.
Parent Handbook—2015                                                           Hamilton Island State School

 Productive learning & positive behaviour are inextricably linked.
 We believe that effective learning takes place when all members of the school community – students, staff,
 parents and visitors - acknowledge and abide by a set of fundamental expectations.
 The Hamilton Island State School Code of Behaviour is based on four core expectations: Be Responsible, Be
 Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Proud Learner.
 Hamilton Island State School endorses a whole school approach intended to promote and support appropriate
 behaviours in all students. To facilitate this approach, the school has implemented the School-wide Positive
 Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework as a means to revise and develop strategies and procedures to pro-
 mote a safe, supportive and disciplined school environment.
 Important principles that guide our work under the our SWPBS framework, include:
      Appropriate behaviour needs to be explicitly taught.
      Acknowledging students for meeting our expectations is a crucial factor in reinforcing their use of posi-
       tive and pro-social behaviours.
      For some students, extra support will be required in both teaching and reinforcing such behaviour.
 Hamilton Island State School offers interventions to support the teaching and reinforcing of appropriate behav-
 iour at different levels. These include:
         • Universal – for all students,
         • Targeted – for students requiring extra support, and
         • Intensive – for a small number of students displaying challenging an/or persistent inappropriate behaviour
 Details about our Code of Behaviour, School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework and inter-
 ventions are documented in our Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students.

 Individual student records are kept on file at our school. Copies of student’s report cards, absence details, rec-
 ord of behaviour issues and contact information are available to parents/guardians upon written request, ad-
 dressed to the Principal.
 Keeping Us Up-to-date
 It is important that you inform the school as soon as possible if there are any changes to: contact details, medi-
 cal information or family circumstances.

 Information regarding your family circumstances is essential to help us to understand and support your child
 while at school. A copy of a court order or custody order is necessary so that school staff can help ensure the
 legally designated parent or guardian collects children.
Parent Handbook—2015                                                        Hamilton Island State School

 If your child is to be absent from school for any time, we ask that you advise us as soon as possible by:
     • sending a note or email to the class teacher, or
     • calling the School Administration Office.
 Please note: if you plan for your child to be away from school for 10 days or more, you are required to submit
 an Application for Exemption from Compulsory Schooling (available from the School Administration Office).
 Arriving Late: If your child arrives at school after classes have started, please send them with a note to the
 School Administration Office.
 Leaving Early: If your child needs to leave school early, please send a note specifying the reason. Your child
 will need to give this note to the School Administration Office when signing out.

 The Internet provides our students with valuable learning experiences – offering access to information from
 around the world.
 All websites accessed through school computers are filtered through Education Queensland’s Managed Inter-
 net Services. Together with the supervision of our teachers, we aim to minimise the risk of students being ex-
 posed to harmful information.

 Our school does not operate a daily tuckshop. However, we have a partnership with the Hamilton Island
 Bakery which allows us to offer a ’tuckshop day’ every Thursday.
 Lunch Orders: Lunch orders are for first break only. They must be written on a paper bag with the child’s
 name and delivered to the school administration office on Wednesday.

 Students of Hamilton Island State School are discouraged from bringing mobile phones to school as they can
 distract from quality learning activities.
 Parents or families can contact their children directly through the School Administration Office.
 If a mobile phone must be bought to school, the child is held solely responsible for its safekeeping and must
 abide by the following rules:
       Mobile phones can only be used before or after school.
       Mobile phones can be secured during the school day in the School Administration Office.
       Mobile phones must be clearly marked with the student’s name.
       Students must not use their mobile to photograph or film others at any time.
       Students must not use their mobile to send harassing or threatening messages.
       Students must display courtesy, consideration and respect for others whenever they are using their
Parent Handbook—2015                                                                Hamilton Island State School

 First Aid
 Members of our school staff are permitted only to render basic First Aid. This is immediate, temporary treat-
 ment given by the staff in case of an accident. Should medical treatment beyond First Aid be required, parents
 are notified immediately whenever possible and/or the necessary treatment arranged.
 In case of a serious accident, an ambulance will be called to transport the injured child to a doctor or hospital.
 It is understood that it is not always possible to notify parents immediately of action taken. However, every
 endeavour is made to contact parents as soon as possible.
 Administration of Medications
      All medication to be taken by children at school should be brought to the School Administration Office to be
       administered under the supervision of the Administration team. Parents must bring medication to the office
       and complete the ‘Permission to Administer Medication’.
      All medication must be labelled in the name of the child with a pharmacy prescribed label - This in-
       cludes cough medicines, Ventolin and aspirin, disprin, eardrops etc. No medicines can be accepted with-
       out a completed ‘Permission to Administer Medication’ authorisation from the parents/guardian.
 Parents of children who suffer from any health conditions are to advise the School Administration Office of
 details. Details of any children who self-administer approved medication is required (e.g. medications for
 Asthma, Diabetes and Epilepsy).
 Infectious Diseases
 Hamilton Island State School follows the exclusion guidelines provided by the National Health and Medical
 Research Council.

       Chicken Pox               Exclude until fully recovered or for at least five (5) days after the first eruption.
       Conjunctivitis            Exclude until discharge from eyes have ceased.
       Head Lice/Scabies         Re-admit the day after appropriate treatment has commenced.
       Ring Worm/Hepatitis A     Exclude until medical certificate of recovery is received .
       Measels                   Exclude for at least four (4) days from the onset of rash.
       Mumps                     Exclude for nine (9) days or until swelling goes down (whichever is sooner)
       Rubella/German Measels    Exclude until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset of rash.
       Impetigo/School Sores     Exclude until sores have fully healed
       Whooping Cough            Exclude child for five (5) days after starting antibiotic treatment.
Parent Handbook—2015                                                         Hamilton Island State School

 All students of Hamilton Island State School must uphold our Dress Code Policy. This policy not only encour-
 ages equity among students but also promotes the school’s Sun Smart Policy.
 Full dress uniform must be worn by all students participating on excursions. Uniforms are available for pur-
 chase from the school.

 For personal safety and general health, students must wear appropriate footwear (preferably black) at all
 times. This includes closed shoes such as school shoes, sandshoes (joggers) or sandals with heel straps such as
 surf sandals or leather sandals.
 Students are expected to wear shoes when travelling on the bus/ferry to and from excursions.

 The following are items are acceptable to be worn to school: watch, necklace (locket or chain), bracelet, ear-
 rings (small & plain sleepers/studs) & finger rings.)
 For safety reasons students may be asked to remove some jewellery when working with equipment or when
 playing sport.
 Make up & Nail Polish is not encouraged and, if worn, should be discrete. Hair accessories should be kept to a
 Items of clothing with inappropriate wording/pictures, thongs, scuffs, flip flops, slide ons and Caps/Beanies
 are not permitted to be worn.

 HATS - We uphold a “No hats, no shoes, no play” during lunchtimes.
 Students must wear an appropriate hat when working and playing outside the classroom. This includes broad
 brimmed, in navy blue. Caps are not accepted.

 All students are encouraged to apply sunscreen, which is available in the classroom.

 All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school. Water bottles filled with water are able to be
 stored in classroom fridges and used in all classrooms.

 Our school operates a “Book Pack” system each school year. Forms are sent home via administration office.
 Collection of these packs will be conducted at the commencement of the school year.
You can also read