Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare

Page created by Chris Hines
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
health cover

April 2021
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
Get in touch                                                                                  Proudly Not-for-profit
                  Looking for cover?                                                              Since day dot (many moons ago), we’ve been not-for-profit and

                  1800 808 700                                                                    member-owned. It guides how we treat you. As an owner, you’re the
                                                                                                  boss and we’re here for you.

                  Already part of the family?

                  1800 808 690
                                                                                                  Members Health
       @                                                          Peoplecare is proud to be part of Members Health Fund Alliance, the peak
                                                                                                  industry body for not-for-profit health funds that all share a common value of
                                                                                                  putting our members’ health before profit.

                                                                       Members Health is group of not-for-profit and mutual health funds that share
                                                                                                  the same approach of putting members’ needs ahead of profits.

                                                                                                  As a not-for-profit fund, we focus on what matters most – supporting your
        Larry                                                                                     health and wellbeing. Like all funds in the Members Health group, we can do
                  Download the app!                                                               this because we don’t give payouts to shareholders.



                                                                                                  #1 Health Fund
                  @Peoplecare                                                                     Call Centre
                                                                                                  in Australia

    The info in this brochure may change. For the most up-to-date info, go to                                                               Source: 2017 Ipsos survey
    Please read this info carefully and keep as a handy reference guide.

2                                                                                                                                                                                         3
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
Shopping around?                                                                                        Join the fam
     We get it. We understand that            You can use this sheet to help      What’s important to me?    It’s easy. Give us a buzz and           Online -      Post – download an
     choosing your health cover is a          you compare different funds.                                   we’ll pick up before you’ve                                             application form from our
                                                                                     Peace of mind
     big decision. At Peoplecare, we          And we’ve done your homework                                   made it across the kitchen to put       Phone - 1800 808 700            website and send it to -
     do everything we can to make             for you too. Too easy!                 A price I can afford    the kettle on! Our health cover                                         Locked Bag 33,
     your health cover as simple as
     possible. So we created a handy                                                 Avoiding extra tax
                                                                                                             experts love a chat and are only
                                                                                                             too happy to point you in the
                                                                                                                                                 @   Email – download an             Wollongong, NSW 2500.
                                                                                                                                                     application form from our
                                                                                                                                                                                  If you need help at any time,
     comparison guide for you to use                                                 Growing a family        right direction – whether that’s        website and send it to
                                                                                                                                                                                  we love to chat. Just give us a
     while you’re shopping around.                                                                           with us or someone else.      
                                                                                                                                                                                  buzz on 1800 808 700.
                                                                                                             We’re all about helping, and
                                                                                                             honesty is key to that.

    Option 1		                                                         Option 2                   Option 3
      Peoplecare                                                                                              Fill these in when                                                  Switching
    4 Not-for-profit - We only charge what it costs us to pay
      claims and run the fund
                                                                                                              shopping around                                                     is easy
                                                                                                                                                                                  Switching is simpler than you
                                                                                                                                                                                  think! It takes around five minutes
    4 Member-owned - We don’t have shareholders. In                                                                                                                               and you can switch over the
      fact, we are 100% owned by our members
                                                                                                                                                                                  phone, online or by sending in
                                                                                                                                                                                  your application.
    4 Give you more back - We paid 92% of our revenue
      for member benefits in 2017/18                                                                                                                                              Don’t worry, if you’re transferring
                                                                                                                                                                                  from another fund we’ll make
    4 Free health programs - Really useful freebie                                                                                                                                sure we recognise any waiting
      programs to help you stay healthy and get out of                                                                                                                            periods you’ve already served if
      hospital faster and recover at home                                                                                                                                         you switch within 30 days! More
                                                                                                                                                                                  details about waiting periods are
    4 Kids eat free! - No excess for kids under 21                                                                                                                                on pages 11, 12 & 24.
                                                                                                                                                                                  To switch, just join Peoplecare
    4 Family Plus cover options - Keeping the kidults                                                                                                                             from the same day you stop
      covered (from 21 until they’re 25)                                                                                                                                          your cover with your old health
                                                                                                                                                                                  fund (you won’t spend any time
    4 Over 36,000 doctors on the books and                                                                                                                                        without cover that way!). We
      550 hospitals to choose from                                                                                                                                                send them a request for details
                                                                                                                                                                                  of your cover with them (this is
    4 Quick and easy mobile claiming -                                                                                                                                            called a Transfer Certificate) and
      Betcha those other funds you’re looking at don’t have                                                                                                                       then we’ll recognise the waiting
      an app named Larry!                                                                                                                                                         periods you’ve already served.

    4 Half price excess - When you have day surgery                                                                                                                               Sometimes if you’ve used all of
                                                                                                                                                                                  your annual limit with your old
                                                                                                                                                                                  fund, you’ll have to wait for the
    4 Unlimited ambulance across Australia -
      100% ambo cover is included in all our levels of cover
                                                                                                                                                                                  new financial year to renew your
    4 Access Gap - We pay more towards your medical
      services so you might not have to

    4 96% members satisfied*

    4 A real person answers the phone - Our
      Peoplecarers love answering the phone in
      person, so if you ever need us, give us a buzz

    4 10% off extras when you get combo cover with us

4    *Source: Discovery Research: 2020 Member Satisfaction Survey results                                                                                                                                               5
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
Why we think you’ll love us                                                                                                                                 You’ll also love our:
    At Peoplecare, we genuinely          Love our Peoplecarers              Love what’s under the hood                     Just go to     • Great benefits for dental, optical, physio, chiro and more
    love people. And that means          Our staff love answering in        What’s the point of a slick                    to see how much you could            • 100% Ambulance cover which is included in all Peoplecare levels of
    giving you more of the things you    person and giving you simple       exterior if the engine doesn’t                 save (hint: our regular prices         cover (see page 24)
    love and fewer of the things you     answers to your questions, so if   match? We make health cover                    are up to 30% off retail prices,
    don’t.                                                                                                                 and we often add extra offers        • Hospital cover 365 days per year (see pages 11-19)
                                         you’re not sure about anything,    that purrs and lives up to what’s
                                         just give us a buzz.               on the tin. Peoplecare topped                  on top of that).
                                                                                                                                                                • Health management benefits for health programs like quit smoking
    Love getting more for less                                              the Ipsos net satisfaction of all                                                     courses, stress management & weight control courses (see pages
    Not-for-profit funds like            If you prefer, you can access      open health funds in 2017 (and                 Love covering your kids for            20, 22 & 23)
    Peoplecare give back more in         your membership anytime you        the two surveys before that mind               longer
                                         need to with our 24x7 Online       you!). Need we say more?                                                            • National coverage – we have arrangements with over 36,000
    benefits per dollar on average                                                                                         We cover kids on their                 doctors and 550 private hospitals around Australia
    compared to for-profit funds.*       Member Services. It lets you                                                      parents’ memberships until
                                         check your coverage, change        Love member perks                              they’re 21 (not 18 like some         • Access Gap cover with participating doctors (see page 14)
                                         your cover, make a claim and                                                      other health funds).
    Love service you can call on         make a payment.                    Can’t resist a hot deal? Being                                                      • Hospital substitution options & health programs – we’ve got some
    Do you deserve the best? We                                             a Peoplecare member gives                      And if they’re studying full-          really useful freebies with our hospital covers (see page 16-19).
    think so. Our call centre provides                                      you fantastic deals at our online              time, they can stay on your
    you the best service in the                                             optical shop, Peoplecare Eyes                  membership until they’re 25
    country.^ What’s even better?                                           Online and a range of other eye                (as long as they’re not married
    At Peoplecare, 95% of calls are                                         care outlets around the country.               or living with their partner).
    picked up by a person. Sure                                             At Peoplecare Eyes Online you                  If your kids reach 21 and they’re
                                                                                                                                                                Love being                           Love freebies
    beats waiting.                                                          can order your prescription                    not studying full-time, our Family   ‘appy as Larry                       It’s better when your kids eat
                                                                            contacts, glasses and sunglasses               Plus cover lets you keep them        Larry, our                           free right? Here at Peoplecare
                                                                            below retail prices. And, if you               on your family membership until      award-winning                        we offer top cover and charge
                                                                            take out extras cover with us,                 they’re 25 for an extra premium      app, helps                           no extra for kids to be added
                                                                            you won’t even have to send in                 of 30%, no matter how many of        save you time                        to any couples policy. If that’s
                                                                            a claim! We’ll automatically take              your kids are in this age group.     and hassle with                      not enough, if they’re ever
                                                                            care of it when your order’s sent              If you’re a single parent, this      your health cover. Open Larry to     admitted to hospital, you won’t
                                                                            to you.                                        percentage might be a little         check your benefits, limits and      be charged an excess if they’re
                                                                                                                           different. There are a few more      payment details, update your         under 21. Bonus.
                                                                                                                           conditions, so please contact us     contact details, cruise through
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Plus, on any combo cover
                                                                                                                           on 1800 808 690 if you’d like to     useful health info and shoot
                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Hospital and Extras) we’ll take
                                                                                                                           know more.                           through pictures of your receipts
         You guys are the best,                                                                                                                                 to claim in rapid time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     10% off the price of the Extras
                                                                                                                                                                                                     cover. What a deal hey?
       I constantly recommend                                                                                                                                   Simple. Quick. Functional.
                                                                                                                                                                We hope he makes you

       you to family and friends                                                                                                                                as ‘appy as Larry

        and you have been
      a great support for me
     during an otherwise rough
      health patch. Keep doing
         what you do, it is way
           better than the best.
                                                                            * Members Own Health Fund
                                                                            ^ Health Care and Insurance
                                                                            Australia 2017, Ipsos

                                                                                           *Members Health Fund Alliance
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
                                                                                           ^Health Care and Insurance
                                                                                           Australia 2017, Ipsos results
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
Why have private health insurance?
    1. Less time waiting                      2. Choosing your own doctor          6. It gets better with age             8. Your mental health is a
    Like ripping off a Band-Aid, you          It’s important to feel comfortable   There’s one rule mightier than         private issue
    want your hospital stay over              with your doctor, and private        them all – the older and golder        One thing that patients and the
    with as quickly as possible. If you       hospital cover lets you choose       you get, the more likely you’ll        government agree on is that the
    rely on the public system you’ll          who treats you.                      need the health system. Top            private hospital system does a
    be put onto the public hospital                                                hospital covers tend to include        great job at plugging the gaps in
                                              In a public hospital, you’ll be
    waiting list, which could mean                                                 the things you’ll increasingly         psychiatric care.
                                              treated by the doctor on duty,
    waiting months (or more) for your                                              need, such as heart, chest, lung,
                                              unless you go in as a private                                               The great thing about joining
    procedure. Even on the day you                                                 hip and eye surgeries as well as
                                              patient (when you can choose).                                              any level of hospital cover is that
    could be bumped if there’s an                                                  rehab, psych, palliative care
    emergency.                                                                     and dialysis for chronic renal         after 2 months, you’ll be eligible
                                              3. Save on tax                       failure. Lower hospital covers         for the government’s wait-free
    You could be waiting:*                                                                                                upgrade to psychiatric services.
                                              High income earners could save       tend to exclude or restrict these
                                                                                   services.                              Just note you only get the wait-
    • 55+ days for a hysterectomy             tax by taking out hospital cover.
                                                                                                                          free upgrade once in a lifetime.
    • 85+ days for cataract surgery           See information on the Medicare      The higher levels of extras cover
                                              Levy Surcharge on page 27 for        tend to cover the big ticket items     In short, getting access to crucial
    • 90+ to have varicose veins              more information.                                                           services that could impact
                                                                                   such as hearing aids, health aids,
      stripped                                                                                                            anyone of any age is a massive
                                                                                   orthotics and podiatry, and pay
    • 110+ days for a total hip               4. Avoid paying a loading            higher benefits on physio, high-
      replacement                             Who’s down with LHC? No,             cost dental and optical.
    • 97+ days to have tonsils                not me! Lifetime Health Cover
      removed                                 Loading is a government              7. Give yourself a sporting
                                              imposed charge for not taking        chance
    • 195+ days for a total knee              out hospital cover by 1 July after
      replacement                                                                  Sporty types don’t like sitting idle
                                              your 31st birthday. See page 27
                                                                                   for long when injury strikes. And
    And 50% of people will wait even          for details.
                                                                                   take it from those who know,
    longer than that.                                                              injury has a way of striking at
                                              5. Score a rebate                    random. A matter of weeks can
    With private health cover, you’ll
    be in hospital as soon as your            The Government kicks in a very       feel like a lifetime of sedentary
    doctor’s ready, provided your             handy rebate to help you cover       living. If you do physical work
    waiting periods have already              the cost of your private hospital    too, you’re doubly housebound.
    been served.                              and extras cover. See page 27        Thankfully having private hospital
                                              to see if you’re eligible.           cover can shave months
    *Source: Australian Institute of Health
    and Welfare, Elective surgery waiting                                          (sometimes even years) off your
    times 2016-17: Australian hospital
    statistics                                                                     wait before surgery.

                                                                                                                                    You might be surprised...
                                                                                                                           just how much a hospital stay can cost without hospital cover. To give you an idea,
                                                                                                                                    here are just some of the hospital bills we’ve paid for our members in early 2018:
                                                                                                                                    • $42,000 for a 40-year-old to treat lower back pain

                                                                                                                                    • $47,000 for a 65-year-old’s wound infection

                                                                                                                                    • $171,000 for a premature baby in an intensive care unit

                                                                                                                                    • $23,000 for a 22-year-old who was treated for post-traumatic stress disorder

                                                                                                                                    • $37,000 for a 64-year-old’s knee replacement

                                                                                                                                    • $38,000 for an 80-year-old’s hip replacement

                                                                                                                                    Again it’s completely up to you, but you might want to plant that money tree just in case.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
4 = Included      8 = Excluded
                                                                                                        As at 1 April 2021                                                                               R = Restricted (see more on page 13 about restrictions)

Love getting it sorted                                     Love going private                                                   Clinical Categories^                                       Waits*          Basic Plus          Bronze            Silver       Silver Plus   Gold

     Step 1
                                                                                                         Rehabilitation                                                                    2 months              R                 R                 R                 4     4

                                                           Our hospital covers                           Hospital psychiatric services                                                     2 months              R                 R                 R                 R     4

                                                           We love keeping our hospital cover            Palliative care                                                                   2 months              R                 R                 R
     Choose your Hospital cover
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       4     4
                                                           simple with four types of private hospital
                                                                                                         Brain and nervous system                                                          2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4
     • Gold Hospital:                                      cover to best suit your needs.
                                                                                                         Eye (not cataracts)                                                               2 months
       $750 excess                                         Please keep in mind that waiting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 8                 4                 4                 4     4

                                                           periods (including those for pre-existing     Ear, nose and throat                                                              2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4
     • Silver Plus Hospital:                               conditions), excesses, restrictions &
       $500 excess; or                                     exclusions might apply. Our Australia-
                                                                                                         Tonsils, adenoids and grommets                                                    2 months              4                 4                 4                 4     4

       $750 excess                                         wide covers include agreements with           Bone, joint and muscle                                                            2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4

     • Silver Hospital:                                    around 36,000 doctors and 550 private         Joint reconstructions                                                             2 months              4                 4                 4                 4     4
                                                           hospitals across Australia.
       $500 excess; or                                                                                   Kidney and bladder                                                                2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4
       $750 excess
                                                                                                         Male reproductive system                                                          2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4
     • Bronze Hospital*:
                                                                                                         Digestive system                                                                  2 months
       $500 excess; or                                                                                                                                                                                           8                 4                 4                 4     4

       $750 excess                                                                                       Hernia and appendix                                                               2 months              4                 4                 4                 4     4

     • Basic Plus Hospital*:                                                                             Gastrointestinal endoscopy                                                        2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4

       $500 excess; or                                                                                   Gynaecology                                                                       2 months              4                 4                 4                 4     4
       $750 excess
                                                                                                         Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy                                          2 months              4                 4                 4                 4     4
     *The age-based discount is available on this cover;
                                                                                                         Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for cancer                           2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4
     see page 14
     You can take hospital cover on its own but most                                                     Pain management                                                                   2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4
     people add extras cover to give them broader                                                        Skin                                                                              2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4
     You can read more about this on pages 10-19                                                         Breast surgery (medically necessary)                                              2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4

                                                                                                         Diabetes management (excluding insulin pumps)                                     2 months              8                 4                 4                 4     4

     Step 2                                                                                              Heart and vascular system

                                                                                                         Lung and chest
                                                                                                                                                                                           2 months

                                                                                                                                                                                           2 months






     Choose your Extras cover                                                                            Blood                                                                             2 months              8                 8                 4                 4     4

     Extras cover gives you benefits for things                                                          Back, neck and spine                                                              2 months              8                 8                 4                 4     4

     that aren’t covered by Medicare. Like your                                                          Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)                          2 months              8                 8                 4                 4     4
     teeth, glasses, chiro, physio and more.                                                             Dental surgery                                                                    2 months              4                 8                 4                 4     4
     • Premium Extras                                                                                    Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon)                    2 months              8                 8                 4                 4     4

     • High Extras                                                                                       Implantation of hearing devices                                                   2 months              8                 8                 4                 4     4

     • Mid Extras                                                                                        Cataracts                                                                         2 months              8                 8                 8                 4     4

     • Simple Extras                                                                                     Joint replacements                                                                2 months              8                 8                 8                 4     4

     You can take extras cover on its own but most                                                       Dialysis for chronic kidney failure                                               2 months              8                 8                 8                 4     4
     people add hospital cover for their hospital &
                                                                                                         Pregnancy and birth                                                              12 months              8                 8                 8                 8     4
     medical costs.
                                                                                                         Assisted reproductive services                                                   12 months              8                 8                 8                 8     4
     You can read more about this on pages 20
                                                                                                         Weight loss surgery                                                               2 months              8                 8                 8                 8     4

     Step 3                                                                                              Insulin pumps

                                                                                                         Pain management with device
                                                                                                                                                                                           2 months

                                                                                                                                                                                           2 months






                                                                                                         Sleep studies                                                                     2 months              8                 8                 8                 4     4

     Take 10% off your extras                                                                            Common services                                                                   2 months              4                 4                 4                 4     4

     When you combine Hospital and Extras                                                                Support services                                                                  2 months              4                 4                 4                 4     4
     covers, we take 10% off your extras
     premiums. Happy days.
                                                                                                         Ambulance                                                                           1 day               4                 4                 4                 4     4
     You can read more about this on pages 10-24
                                                                                                        ^Any restrictions or exclusions on your cover will apply here too. Please see page 13 for more information on restrictions and exclusions.
10                                                                                                      *Anything within the above table that is a pre-existing condition has a 12-month waiting period except for rehabilitation, hospital psychiatric services and             11
                                                                                                        palliative care which have a 2-month waiting period and ambulance which has a 1-day waiting period.
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
Important information
     Pre-existing condition
     A pre-existing condition is any ailment, illness, or condition that
                                                                            Hospital cover – what’s
                                                                                                               Hospital cover – what’s not
     you had signs or symptoms of (in the opinion of a medical
                                                                            (depending on your level of        There are a few things that
     practitioner appointed by the health insurer) that existed during
                                                                            cover):                            aren’t covered by your hospital
     the 6 months before you joined a hospital cover or upgraded to
                                                                                                               cover. They include treatments &
     a higher hospital cover. It is not necessary that you or your doctor   4 Public or private hospital bed
                                                                                                               services that
     knew what your condition was or that the condition had been             – shared or private room                                                   Restrictions & exclusions
     diagnosed. A condition can still be classed as pre-existing even if     (if available)                    8 are received within your
     you hadn’t seen your doctor about it before joining the hospital                                            waiting periods (see pages             There are some restricted
                                                                            4 Same-day surgery                                                          or excluded services under
     cover or upgrading to a higher hospital cover. Please contact us                                            11-12)
     before any Hospital service to confirm your cover.                     4 Theatre fees                                                              our Hospital covers. All of our
                                                                                                               8 Medicare doesn’t cover (like           Hospital products exclude
     Other waiting periods include:                                         4 Special unit accommodation         cosmetic surgery)                      cosmetic surgery and services
                                                                                                               8 are received outside Australia         not covered by Medicare.
                                                                            4 In-hospital psychiatric
      Hospital services                                    Waiting period
                                                                             treatment                                                                  A restricted service means you’ll
                                                                                                               8 are covered by compensation
                                                             No waiting                                                                                 get a public hospital benefit (as
      • Hospitalisation related to an accident                              4 In-hospital rehabilitation         or another type of insurance
                                                              period                                                                                    a private patient). If you have
                                                                             treatment                           (like third party or sports club
                                                                                                                 insurance)                             restricted services on your cover
      • Ambulance                                              1 day        4 In-hospital pharmacy                                                      and you’re admitted to a private
      • Upgrading your cover                                                                                   8 were received more than 2              hospital for one of these services,
                                                                            4 Surgical prostheses, up to
                                                                                                                 years ago                              you’ll have large out-of-pocket
      • Health programs (see page 16-19)                                     the benefit listed on the
      • Hospital substitution programs (see page 18)                         Government’s Prostheses List      8 Outpatient treatment &
                                                                             (a prosthesis is an artificial      services (unless there’s a             An excluded service means you
      • Rehabilitation, psychiatric services                  2 months                                           special agreement between
                                                                             substitute for a body part)                                                have no cover at all.
        and palliative care (even for pre-existing                                                               us and the hospital)
        conditions)                                                         4 Ambulance services Australia
      • All other services, except for those listed                          wide (read more on page 24)       and:                                     Going to public hospital as a
        below                                                                                                                                           private patient?
                                                                            4 Emergency ambulance              8 High cost (non PBS/TGA
                                                                             treatment and transport to          approved) drugs.                       If you have Hospital cover,
      • Pregnancy and birth                                                                                                                             you can choose to go into a
                                                                             hospital via road, air and
      • Assisted reproductive services                                                                         8 Pharmacy – most pharmacy               public hospital as either a public
                                                                             sea by a state ambulance
                                                             12 months                                           items that you’re given while          patient or a private patient for
      • Pre-existing conditions (except for                                  provider
                                                                                                                 you’re in hospital are covered         services included in your hospital
        rehabilitation, hospital psychiatric services
                                                                            4 Non – emergency road and           by your hospital bill. The             cover.
        and palliative care)
                                                                             air ambulance transport             hospital may charge you extra
                                                                                                                 for pharmacy items that you            But, having private hospital
     Waiting periods might not apply when transferring from a similar       4 Emergency ambulance                                                       cover doesn’t mean that you
                                                                                                                 take home with you and this
     level of cover within 30 days, provided you join Peoplecare within      treatment without transport                                                can’t or shouldn’t ever go
                                                                                                                 isn’t covered by your hospital
     30 days, we’ll recognise any waiting periods you’ve already                                                 cover. See our Extras covers           publicly. You have the right to be
                                                                            4 Emergency ambulance
     served when upgrading your cover. When upgrading your cover,                                                on pages 20-23 for pharmacy            fully covered by Medicare as a
                                                                             transport between private
     waiting periods still apply. Please see page 11 for waiting                                                 benefits                               public patient if that’s what you
     period list, or give us a buzz on 1800 808 690.                                                                                                    choose. Whatever you choose,
                                                                            4 Hospital substitution programs   8 Prostheses that aren’t listed on       the hospital and your doctor
     Excess                                                                  (read more on page 18)              the Government’s Prostheses            should tell you what your out-
                                                                                                                 List. (A prosthesis is an artificial   of-pocket costs will be before
     • An excess is the amount you pay up front if you go                   4 Health programs (read more
                                                                                                                 substitute for a body part.            you’re admitted (this is called
       to hospital                                                           on page 17)
                                                                                                               8 General patient transport,             Informed Financial Consent).
     • If you want to change your excess, there is a 2-month
                                                                                                                 e.g. hospital to home, nursing         If you go to a public hospital,
       waiting period (except for pre-existing conditions,
                                                                                                                 home, medical appointments             you’ll be asked to sign a ‘patient
       assisted reproductive services and pregnancy and birth,
                                                                                                                                                        election form’, which tells the
       which is 12 months)                                                                                     8 Ambulance subscriptions,               hospital whether you want to be
     • No excess for kids under 21                                                                               feesand state-based levies             admitted as a private or public
     • Day surgery: you only pay half the excess per admission                                                 8 Ambulance services that are            patient.
     • Overnight hospital stay: you pay the full excess                                                          paid for by the Government,            Public hospital waiting lists apply
     • The good news is, no matter how many times someone on your                                                compensation or other kinds of         whether you are a public or
       membership goes to hospital during a financial year, the most                                             insurance                              a private patient, so check
       excess you’ll pay is:                                                                                   8 Any transport provided by              these with your doctor and the
                                                                                                                 a non-recognised state                 hospital.
             What’s                  Maximum excess for the year
                                                                                                                 ambulance provider
           your excess                Single            Couple/Family
                                                                                                               8 Some medical devices and
               $250                   $250                  $500                                                 consumables
               $500                   $500                 $1,000                                              8 Experimental treatments

12             $750                   $750                 $1,500                                              8 Incidental fees such as Foxtel                                               13
                                                                                                                 & newspapers
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
The peace of mind offered by having your service and
                                                                                                                                   care to call upon during these situations has been a relief.
     Love looking after                  How does it work?                      don’t, you will need to complete                    The little things such as the packs of claim forms and tips
     your hip pocket                                                            two Medicare forms (their claim
                                         Peoplecare’s Access Gap
     Access Gap                          scheme is where we agree
                                                                                form and their Two-way claim                          prior to hospital stays and a letter asking if everything is
                                                                                form) and send it to Medicare
                                         to pay doctors more than the
     No member wants out-of-pocket
                                         Medicare Schedule fee for their
                                                                                with your accounts. Once                                  okay after an ambulance bill have meant a lot!
     expenses. We hear you, so we                                               Medicare have paid their bit,
                                         services. The important thing
     did something about it.                                                    we’ll take care of our part.
     Out-of-pocket expenses come
                                         is to ask your doctor if they’ll                                                                                        Peter
                                         participate (as this is completely     We know that Medicare can
     when doctors charge more than
                                         up to them).                           be confusing and difficult to
     the Medicare Benefits Schedule
                                                                                navigate, that’s why we have a
     Fee. And by doctors, we’re
                                         How to make                            team of experts to help you do
     talking about everyone from
                                                                                just that. So if you need help at
     surgeons to anaesthetists.          a hospital claim
                                                                                any time, just give us a buzz on
     The solution? We’ve made            Hospitals usually check your           1800 808 690.
     it easier for members to find       cover with us before you’re
     doctors who participate in          admitted (hospitals can check
                                         online 24x7, so you won’t need         Love an age-based
     Access Gap. Access Gap is
                                         to wait for business hours) and let    discount
     an agreement with doctors to                                                                                   Agreement
     reduce out-of-pocket expenses       you know of anything you need          Are you 29 years old or younger
                                         to pay them up front. When             and looking for cheaper cover?      hospitals
     – often resulting in little to no
     out-of-pocket expenses for our      you’re discharged, just check                                              We have agreements
                                                                                We offer an age-based discount
     members.                            their account to make sure it’s                                            with most private
                                                                                on our Bronze Hospital cover
                                         right and then the hospital will                                           hospitals in Australia.
     Note: Doctors can choose to                                                and Basic Plus Hospital cover
                                         send the claim straight to us. We                                          If you’re admitted to
     take part in Access Gap on a                                               of up to 10%. You can learn all
                                         take care of it all for you and let                                        one of the few private
     case-by-case basis.                                                        about it at
                                         you know how much we’ve paid                                               hospitals that we don’t
                                         on your behalf later.                                                      have an agreement
                                                                                                                    with, we may not
     Check out                                                                                      cover the full cost of
     au/findaprovider to find doctors                                                                               your hospitalisation.
     who’ve taken part in Access
     Gap in the past. So if you’re       Medical claims                                                             You can search our
     up for an operation, say with a     Your doctor should tell you about                                          agreement hospital list
     Cardiothoracic Surgeon, you         all of the costs of your treatment                                         at
     can search in advance to find       before you’re admitted to                                                  findahospital, and we
     a surgeon who could offer you       hospital. This is called Informed                                          recommend that you give
     gap-free services.                  Financial Consent.                                                         us a buzz if you’re planning
                                                                                                                    a hospital admission to
                                         Your doctor will usually send the                                          discuss exactly what you’ll be
                                         claim straight to us and we’ll                                             covered for.
                                         take care of it for you, but if they
                                                                                                                    Please make sure you read the
                                                                                                                    information about this on pages
                                                                                                                    10-14 because it’s important that
                                                                                                                    you know what you’re covered
                                                                                                                    for, what’s restricted & what’s

14                                                                                                                                                                                                   15
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
Health Programs & Support
     Who doesn’t love a little bonus?
     And that’s what our health
     programs are – a little something
     extra to help you keep on top of
     your health and out of hospital.

                                                                                Health Programs
                                                                                You could receive confidential, one-on-one support over the phone to help manage things like anxiety,
                                                                                depression, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and more. These programs are designed to help you keep on
                                                                                top of your health and live a healthier life.
                                                                                Psst, you’ll need to be on one of our Silver, Silver Plus or Gold hospital covers, have served your 2-month
                                                                                waiting period and have a referral from your treating doctor to be eligible.

                                               and Peoplecare took care
         I had to go to hospital recently
                    . It wa s so mu  ch be  tter tha n having to chase up and                             The Coach
     of everything
                                       ct fro m a health insurer. Peoplecare                              Program
      run  aroun d lik e  you’d  expe
                                              cu  stomer service. I recommend
                  s ea   sy with their gre at
     makes thing                                                                Hear that whistle? That’s your coach calling!              Feeling down or anxious? Not sure how to
                                                     love Peoplecare.           We’ve got an innovative coaching program to
               Peoplecare to all my friends. I
                                                                                                                                           manage your worrying thoughts? If you’ve had
                                                                                help with chronic conditions such as managing              these feelings, you’re not alone. MindStep is
                                                                                conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease             here to help you. MindStep is a mental health
                                         Kathie                                 and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease                  program for Peoplecare members to help you
                                                                                (COPD). It’s a proven health coaching program              manage the symptoms of anxiety or depression.
                                                                                provided over the phone and by regular written

                                                                                                   Healthy Weight                                              Strive for
                                                                                                   for Life                                                    Health
                                                                                                                                           Strive for Health is a chronic disease
                                                                                The Healthy Weight for Life program is a program           management program that looks at your
                                                                                that can assist with heart disease, diabetes and           individual risk factors for a disease and gives you
                                                                                osteoarthritis management with strategies to               the power to stay healthy. How? Loads of useful
                                                                                help you maximise your overall health, strength            health info, caring support and helpful advice
                                                                                and quality of life. Healthy Weight for Life can           to give you the reins to manage your health risk,
                                                                                help you with weight loss, strength exercises and          any chronic conditions and boost your health
                                                                                education to help you maintain healthy habits.             and wellbeing.

                                                                                Ask one of our experts on our website at or give us a buzz
                                                                                on 1800 808 690 for more info.
16                                                                                                                                                                                               17
Health cover - April 2021 - Peoplecare
service and support!
                                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you very much for your high quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to pay the cost of private
                                                                                                                                                                                    Like many people I was initially reluctant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 s with Peoplecare it has
                                                                                                                                                                                     health insurance; however in our dealing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ssful times of life a little
                                                                                                                                                                                      made some of the hardest and most stre
                                                                                                                                                                                              easier. Thank you to all the staff at People

                                                                                                                                                                                         Chemo at Home
     Health Online                                                                                                                                                                        Did you know that if you are
     Free health support right at your fingertips!                                                                                                                                        covered on Peoplecare’s
                                                                                                                                                                                          hospital cover for
                                                                                                                                                                                          you can get your
                                                                                                                                                                          chemo treatment at home?

                                    My Health                                                                          Health Risk                                        That’s a nice touch for what is a
                                                                                                                                                                          pretty disruptive treatment.

                                    Online                                                                             Assessment                                         Our trusted providers have
                                                                                                                                                                          a program called Chemo
     Your own personal health record – store & send                                       Find out more about your health. The Health Risk
                                                                                                                                                                          at Home. You can get the
     health info to your doctor, track your health and                                    Assessment only takes about 10 – 20 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                          treatment you need (if it’s
     more. Think of this record as your very own health                                   to do and you’ll end up with a health report
                                                                                                                                                                          covered by Medicare) delivered
     filing cabinet. It gives you a place for secure                                      showing where you’re doing well and what you
                                                                                                                                                                          in your home including chemo,
     storage of important health info, medical docs                                       might need to look out for.
                                                                                                                                                                          targeted cancer therapies and
     and handy health information.
                                                                                                                                                                          targeted therapies for inflammatory
                                                                                                                                                                          bowel disease.
     Hospital Substitution Programs*
     Get out of hospital earlier or recover where you’re most comfortable, better yet, avoid it completely with

                                                                                                                                                                              Want to know more?
     in-home hospital services.

     Psst, you’ll need to be on one of our hospital covers, have served your 2-month waiting period and have
     a referral from your treating doctor to be eligible. Please note, anything that is a pre-existing condition will
     have a 12-month waiting period.
                                                                                                                                                                              Ask our friendly team
                                                                                                                                                                              of experts!
                                                                                                                                                                              Our resident health program experts
                                   Hospital                                                                                    Rehab                                          love a chat. They know you don’t need
                                                                                                                                                                              any extra stress and make our health
                                   at Home                                                                                     at Home                                        programs & hospital programs easy.
                                                                                                                                                                              If you’re a member who’s keen to
                                                                                          We’ve got a treatment program called Rehab                                          know more about our health programs
     Going to hospital? Want to be back in your
                                                                                          at Home that can help get you home from                                             or hospital programs, whether it’s
     own home recovering as soon as possible?
                                                                                          hospital sooner – we hear the food isn’t that                                       recovering at home post-op or helping
     Say goodbye to embarrassing hospital gown
                                                                                          great in there anyway! Rehab at Home is a                                           you manage a chronic disease, we’re
     mishaps and hello to watching trashy TV in your
                                                                                          hospital substitute treatment program that                                          here to help.
     favourite PJs with our Hospital at Home program.
                                                                                          covers you for rehab services such as physio &
     It’s a program that lets you receive short-term                                                                                                                          Ask one of our experts
                                                                                          occupational therapy in the comfort of your
     therapy services such as IV antibiotics and                                                                                                                              on our website at
                                                                                          home rather than staying in hospital.
     wound care at home.                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                                                                              or give us a buzz on
     *Hospital substitution programs Hospital at Home and Rehab at Home can ONLY substitute hospital treatments you are covered for. Exclusions and restrictions apply.
                                                                                                                                                                              1800 808 690.
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
Love the little extras                                                                                                                                    How to make
     Our extras covers
     Choosing an extras cover is easy.
                                           • Health management - We
                                             pay benefits for approved
                                                                                and:                                 Registered providers
                                                                                                                     Extras providers need to be
                                                                                                                                                               an extras claim
                                                                                8 Pharmaceutical Benefits
     We have four options – Premium,         programs to manage or treat                                             registered with Medicare or
     High, Mid & Simple – so you can
     choose the best one for your
                                             a specific health condition.
                                             Health screening services
                                                                                  Scheme (PBS) prescriptions
                                                                                  under the standard PBS
                                                                                  amount, contraceptives or
                                                                                                                     recognised by Peoplecare before
                                                                                                                     benefits will be paid.
                                                                                                                                                               Swipe your card
     needs & budget.
     To get the full product info,
                                             such as blood pressure
                                             testing, cholesterol checks,
                                             mammograms and hearing
                                                                                  over-the-counter medicine
                                                                                8 Natural therapies & Western
                                                                                                                     We reserve the right to refuse
                                                                                                                     payment for services rendered by
                                                                                                                                                               – claim instantly!
     just contact us or download             tests can be claimed if              herbal medicine                    a provider who does not satisfy           EFTPOS-style claiming is easy. Swipe your
     a cover description from                Medicare don’t pay a benefit.                                           the fund criteria. If you wish to         membership card and claim paid! On-the-                                                         8 First-aid kits & courses           ensure that the provider you are
                                             Please give us a buzz for                                                                                         spot claiming, called HICAPS, is available
                                             details. Under the Private         8 Non-prescription glasses,          attending is covered by the fund
     Please keep in mind that most                                                                                                                             at most health providers like dentists,
                                             Health Insurance Act, we             contacts & sunglasses              you can search for registered
     services have an annual limit                                                                                                                             optometrists, physios, chiros and more.
                                             can’t pay benefits for goods                                            providers on our website
     and waiting periods might apply.                                           8 Ambulance subscriptions, fees                                                You just pay the difference between their
                                             and services that are for the                                 
     Don’t worry, if you’re transferring                                          and state-based levies             providers/other-health-providers or       fee and your fund benefit – no claim form
                                             purposes of sport, recreation
     from another fund within 30 days        or entertainment (like gym                                              give us a buzz before you go.             needed. Nice.
                                                                                8 Ambulance services that are

     we’ll make sure we recognise            memberships). You’ll need            paid for by the Government,
     any waiting periods you’ve
                                                                                                                                                               Claim with Larry,
                                             to send us a Declaration             compensation or other kinds of
     already served!                         of Condition Form found              insurance
     Extras cover - more info
     • Annual limits are for a financial
                                           Please see your cover
                                                                                8 Any transport provided by
                                                                                  a non-recognised state
                                                                                  ambulance provider
                                                                                                                                                               our mobile app
       year (1 July – 30 June) and are     description for full product info.
                                                                                8 Non-Government Ambulance                                                     Larry is all about making claiming
       usually per person (unless it
                                           Already a member? Give us              services                                                                     a breeze! Forget faffing about with scanning
       says otherwise).
                                           a buzz on 1800 808 690 before                                                                                       and emailing – simply take a photo of your
     • Optical benefits (glasses &         having any treatment so we can       8 Receipts issued by a third
                                                                                                                                                               receipt on your smart phone or tablet, open
       contacts) are paid when             tell you how much you’ll get           party, like group buying
                                                                                  websites or group deals                                                      our app, submit your pic and hey presto –
       glasses or contacts are             back.                                                                                                               your claim is on its way to us in record time.
       prescribed by a registered                                               8 If you’re using a gift voucher,
       optometrist. They have to be                                               we can’t pay the difference                                                  Download the app by searching
                                           What’s not covered (extras)
       for sight correction and we                                                between the cost of the                                                      ‘Peoplecare’ on the Google Play store or
       don’t pay on non-prescription       There are a few things that
                                                                                  service and the value of the                                                 App Store.
                                           aren’t covered by your extras

       sunglasses.                                                                voucher. For example, if you
                                           cover. They are treatments &
     • Smiles all ‘round - We’ve                                                  use a $60 voucher to pay for a
       teamed up with the network of
                                           8 received within your waiting
                                                                                  $40 service, you can only claim
                                                                                  back the $40 as the official fee                                             Claim online
       quality dentists to help take the     periods (see page 24)                for that service
                                                                                                                                                               Claiming online is super easy! Just like with
       bite out of your wallet.            8 received outside Australia         8 Benefits higher than the                                                     our app, all you need to do is upload a
       You can now visit any of the                                               amount you paid for the
                                           8 covered by compensation                                                                                           photo of your receipt. Upload it on Online
       friendly dentists                                             service. For example, if you
                                             or another type of insurance                                                                                      Member Services and you’re done.
       around the country and                                                     receive treatment that’s
       you’ll get at least 15% off their     (like third party or sports club
                                                                                  discounted from $65 to $30,                                                  To register for our Online Member Services,
       usual fee for all treatments –        insurance)
                                                                                  we only pay a benefit towards                                                just visit It only takes a
       just for having extras cover        8 received more than 2 years           the fee you paid (i.e. $30)                                                  few minutes.
       with Peoplecare! This offer is        ago

       separate to your extras limits                                           8 Surcharges, delivery costs and

                                                                                                                                                               Email us
       and waiting periods, so you’ll      8 received from providers that         credit card processing fees
       get savings all year ‘round.          aren’t registered or recognised
                                             by Peoplecare
                                           8 received from a family                                                                                            Just scan your completed claim form with
                                             member, relative, business                                                                                        your receipts and email us at
                                             partner or yourself                                                                                     
                                           8 you weren’t charged for
                                           8 for sport, recreation or

20                                                                                                                                                                                                              21
Our Extras Covers
         Please note:
                                                                           (as at 1 April 2021)

         Annual Limits are per person, per financial year (unless otherwise stated)                             Simple Extras                            Mid Extras                                High Extras                           Premium Extras
                                   Service                                        Waiting periods      Benefit          Annual limit           Benefit           Annual limit            Benefit           Annual limit             Benefit            Annual limit

         Ambulance           Ambulance                                                 1 day            100%              No limit              100%               No limit               100%                No limit               100%                No limit

                              General dental                                                                                                                         $750                                      $1,000                                     $1,500
                              (preventative, x-rays, basic restorations,              2 months           50%           $500 per person           60%                                       70%                                        80%
                                                                                                                                                                  per person                                 per person                                 per person
                              basic surgery & extractions)

                              Major dental                                                                                                                          $500                                       $1,000                                     $1,500
         Dental               (periodontics, endodontics, crowns &                    12 months            x                    x                60%                                       70%                                        80%
                                                                                                                                                                  per person                                 per person                                 per person
                              bridges, implants & dentures)

                                                                                                                                                                                                          $800 per person                            $1,000 per person
                              Orthodontics                                            12 months            x                    x                  x                   x                   70%                                        80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                         $2,400 lifetime limit                      $3,000 lifetime limit

                              Prescriptions                                                                            $200 per person                          $300 per person                           $400 per person                            $500 per person
         Pharmacy*            (after the standard PBS amount has been                 2 months        50% to $50                              60% to $60                                70% to $70                                 80% to $80
                                                                                                                       $400 per family                          $600 per family                           $800 per family                            $1,000 per family

                              Glasses & contact lenses                                6 months           100%          $150 per person           100%           $200 per person            100%           $250 per person             100%           $300 per person

                                                                                                                                                                                                            $500 per eye                               $600 per eye
                              Laser eye surgery                                       24 months            x                    x                  x                   x                   70%                                        80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            every 2 years                              every 2 years

                                                                                                      Initial: $35 †       $300               Initial: $43 †        $350                Initial: $51†          $500                Initial: $59†          $600
                              Occupational Therapy
                                                                                                    Standard: $25        per person         Standard: $33         per person          Standard: $41          per person          Standard: $49          per person
         Physiotherapy &
                              Orthoptics (eye therapy)                                2 months
         other therapies
                                                                                                                           $600                                      $700                                     $1,000                                     $1,200
                              Exercise physiology                                                                        per family                                per family                                per family                                 per family
                                                                                                         50%                                     60%                                       70%                                        80%

         Chiropractic &                                                                               Initial: $35 †   $300 per person        Initial: $40 †    $350 per person         Initial: $45 †    $500 per person          Initial: $50 †    $600 per person
                                                                                      2 months
         osteopathic                                                                                Standard: $25      $600 per family      Standard: $30       $700 per family       Standard: $35       $1,000 per family      Standard: $40       $1,200 per family

                              Chinese herbal consults
                                                                                                                                                                    $300                                       $350                                       $400
                              Remedial massage                                                                                                                    per person                                 per person                                 per person
         Complementary                                                                                                                        Initial: $40
                                                                                                                                                                                        Initial: $45
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Initial: $50
                                                                                      2 months             x                    x
         therapies                                                                                                                          Standard: $30                             Standard: $35                              Standard: $40
                              Acupuncture                                                                                                                            $600                                      $700                                       $800
                                                                                                                                                                   per family                                per family                                 per family

                                                                                                                                              Initial: $40 †    $200 per person         Initial: $45 †    $400 per person          Initial: $50 †    $500 per person
         Podiatry             Podiatry (chiropody)                                    2 months             x                    x
                                                                                                                                            Standard: $30       $400 per family       Standard: $35       $800 per family        Standard: $40       $1,000 per family
                                                                                                                                                                                        Initial: $90 †    $400 per person         Initial: $110 †    $500 per person
         Psychology           Psych/group therapy                                     2 months             x                    x                  x                   x
                                                                                                                                                                                      Standard: $70       $800 per family        Standard: $90       $1,000 per family
                                                                                                                                                                                                          $400 per person                            $500 per person
         Speech Therapy       Speech therapy                                          2 months             x                    x                  x                   x                   70%                                        80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                          $800 per family                            $1,000 per family
         Health                                                                                                        $100 per person                          $150 per person                           $200 per person                            $250 per person
         management           Preventative health                                     6 months           50%                                     60%                                       70%                                        80%
                                                                                                                       $200 per family                          $300 per family                           $400 per family                            $500 per family
                              Equipment (every 3 years)                               2 months

                                                                                                                                                                                           70%                 $500                   80%                  $700
                              Health aids & services                                                                                                                                                         per person                                 per person
         Health aids                                                                  2 months
                              (Such as home nursing)                                                       x                    x                  x                   x
         & wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                                              $1,000                                     $1,400
                              Orthotics (Custom made or heat                                                                                                                          70% up to $150         per family          80% up to $200         per family
                                                                                      2 months
                              moulded) (every 2 years)                                                                                                                                  per person                                 per person

                                                                                                                                                                                                         $1,000 per person                          $1,500 per person
         Hearing aids         Hearing & audiology                                     24 months             x                   x                  x                   x                   70%                                        80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                           every 5 years                              every 5 years

     *Pharmacy benefits apply after the standard PBS amount has been deducted. The PBS amount changes every year                         If you’re transferring from another fund, we’ll recognise any waiting periods you’ve already served if you switch to us within
     on 1 January and is $41.30 as at 1 January 2021. This means that you will pay the first $41.30 yourself and then we pay a           30 days. Plus, if you’ve only served part of a waiting period, say, 2 months of a 6-month waiting period, you’ll only need to
     percentage of the balance per script depending on the level of your extras cover.                                                   serve the remaining 4 months when you transfer to Peoplecare.
     1 initial consult per year per service except physiotherapy which has 2 initial consults per year.
     †                                                                                                                                   If you’re upgrading your cover, waiting periods still apply for the services that you weren’t previously covered for.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          23
How do I…
                                                                                                 Make a payment                  Find a registered
                                                                                                 The easiest way to make your    healthcare provider
                                                                                                 payments is through a regular   To find out whether your hospital,
                                                                                                 direct debit from your bank     Access Gap doctor or extras
                                                                                                 account or credit card. This    provider is recognised by
                                                                                                 makes sure your membership is   Peoplecare, go to
                                                                                                 kept up to date and you don’t
                                                                                                 have to remember to make your   findaprovider email us at
                                                                                                 payments because they happen
                                                                                                 automatically on the day you    or give us a buzz on
                                                                                                 choose.                         1800 808 690.
                                                                                                                                 Change my cover
                                                                                                                                 You can change your cover
                                                                                                                                 any time you like. You can do it
                                                                                                                                 online at
                                                                                                                                 or if you’d like to have a chat
                                                                                                                                 about it, give us a buzz on 1800
                                                                                                                                 808 690.
                                                                                                                                 If you’re upgrading your cover,
                                                                                                                                 you may have waiting periods
                                                                                                                                 for things you weren’t covered
                                                                                                                                 for before. More details about
                                                                                                                                 waiting periods are on pages 11,
                                                                                                                                 12 & 24.

     Love a free ride                               What’s not covered:
     Did you know that an ambulance ride
     could cost you thousands?                      8 General patient transport, e.g. hospital
                                                      to home, nursing home, medical
     We paid a $24,000 air ambulance fare in          appointments
     2018 with zero out-of-pocket expenses for
     our member.                                    8 Ambulance subscriptions, fees and
                                                      state-based levies
     Our ambulance cover is included free with
     any of our Combo, Hospital or Extras covers.   8 Ambulance services that are paid for
                                                      by the Government, compensation or
                                                      other kinds of insurance
     What’s covered:
                                                    8 Any transport provided by a non-
     4 Emergency ambulance treatment and              recognised state ambulance provider
       transport to hospital via road, air and
       sea by a state ambulance provider
     4   Non – emergency road and air
         ambulance transport by a state
         ambulance provider
     4 Emergency ambulance treatment
       without transport
     4 Emergency ambulance transport
       between private hospitals
     4 Unlimited nationwide
     4 1 day waiting period
     4 No annual limits
24                                                                                                                                                                    25
Who pays?                                                                                                     Government incentives
                                                                                                                   There are a few government           Here’s a table to help you work out your rebate tier:
                                                                                                                   carrots and sticks that apply to

                                             $                                                           $         health insurance and they can
                                                                                                                   be confusing. Here’s a rundown                     Step 1:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Step 2:
                                                                                                                                                                                           Age & rebate amount
                                                                                                                   for you.                                       Income threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                            Age of the oldest person         Surcharge
                                                                                                                                                                                                on your cover
                                                                                                                                                                        (for 2020/21                                      (This will only apply
                                                                                                                   Carrot: Australian                                 financial year)      Under      65 - 69    70+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              if you don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             have private
                                                                                                                   Government Rebate on                                                   65 years    years     years       hospital cover)
                                                                                                                   Private Health Insurance                              Single
                                                                                                                   Basically, the government pays a      Base        $90,000 or less
                                                                                                                                                                                          24.608%     28.710%   32.812%           0%
                                                                                                                   percentage of your premiums for        Tier          Family*
                                                                                                                                                                    $180,000 or less
                                                                                                                   you. Depending on your income
                                                                                                                   and age, it can be up to a third                       Single
                                                                                                                                                          Tier      $90,001 - 105,000
                                                                                                                   of your premium. The rebate                                            16.405%     20.507%   24.608%           1%
                                                                                                                                                           1             Family*
                                                                                                                   helps with the cost of private                  $180,001 - 210,000
                                                                                                                   health insurance (so that more                        Single
                                                                                                                   people take out private cover),        Tier     $105,001 - 140,000
                                                                                                                                                                                           8.202%     12.303%   16.405%          1.25%
                                                                                                                   to help take the pressure off the       2            Family*
                                                                                                                   public hospital system.                         $210,001 - 280,000
                                                                                                                   There are a few things to know         Tier     $140,001 or more
                                                                                                                                                                                             0%         0%        0%             1.5%
                                                                                                                   about the Government Rebate.            3            Family*
                                                                                                                   They are:                                       $280,001 or more

                                                                                                                   • If you have a Lifetime Health      *If you’re a family with children, the income threshold for each tier is increased by
                                                                                                                     Cover loading, the Rebate          $1,500 for every child after your first.
                                                                                                                     isn’t applied to that portion of   Family includes couples and single parent families. For the most up-to-date info,
                                                                                                                     your premium.
                                                                                                                   • The Rebate you get is based
                                                                              Medicare   Hospital   Extras   You     on the age of the oldest           Stick: Medicare Levy                         have to worry about it.
     Between Medicare, private                                                                                       person of your membership,         Surcharge
                                      Ambulance (emergency and/or                                                                                                                                    If you decide to get hospital
     health insurance and out-                                                   8         4         4       8       your taxable household
                                      non emergency)                                                                                                    The Medicare Levy Surcharge                  cover later, you’ll pay 2% more
     of-pocket costs, figuring out                                                                                   income (for Medicare Levy
                                                                                                                                                        is paid by high income earners               for cover for every year you’re
     who pays what can be tricky.     Doctors fees outside hospital                                                  Surcharge purposes) and CPI
                                                                                                                                                        (that’s singles who earn over                over 30. This is called your
     Lucky for you, we’ve come        (outpatient)                                                                   (inflation)
                                                                                4          8         8       4                                          $90,000 and families that earn               Lifetime Health Cover loading.
     up with this handy guide:        Things like GP & specialist fees,                                                                                 over $180,000 in the 2020/21
                                                                                                                   • It’s up to you to let us know
                                      radiology & pathology                                                                                             financial year) who don’t hold               Other things to know about LHC:
     Benefits depend on your level                                                                                   your Rebate Tier. But don’t
     of cover and any restrictions,   Doctor fees in hospital (inpatient)                                            worry – if you don’t tell us       private hospital cover for the full          • The maximum LHC loading you
     exclusions or waiting periods    Things like specialists, radiology &                                           (or choose the wrong one)          financial year.                                can have is 70% at 65 years old
                                      pathology fees, accommodation &
                                                                                4          4         8       4       the ATO will work out any
     you have.                                                                                                                                          The surcharge is between 1%                  • People who were born on or
                                      theatre fees while you’re in hospital                                          difference when you do your
     You can check what you’re                                                                                                                          and 1.5% (depending on your                    before 1 July 1934 are exempt
     covered for and your waiting     Public hospital charges                                                                                           household income) and is paid                  from the loading
     periods using our Online         If you’re admitted as a public            4          8         8       8     • If you aren’t sure which Tier      on top of the 2% Medicare Levy
                                                                                                                                                        paid by most Australian tax                  • LHC loadings stay on your
     Member Services, or by giving    patient                                                                        to choose, head to health.
                                                                                                                                                        payers.                                        cover for 10 years. Once
     us a buzz on 1800 808 690.                                                                             or ask your tax agent,
                                      Public hospital charges                                                                                                                                          you’ve had hospital cover for
                                                                                                                     financial advisor or the ATO
                                      If you’re admitted as a private           4          4         8       4                                                                                         10 years straight the loading
                                      patient                                                                      • You don’t have to take             Stick: Lifetime Health Cover                   is removed (some conditions
                                                                                                                     the Rebate as a reduced            (LHC)                                          apply)
                                      Private hospital charges
                                      Like accommodation, theatre fees                                               premium, you can pay the full      Lifetime Health Cover is
                                                                                 8         4         8       4                                                                                       Please visit
                                      and prosthesis                                                                 cost of your health cover and      designed by the government to
                                                                                                                     claim any Rebate back at tax       encourage people to take out
                                                                                                                                                                                                     more info about Lifetime Health
                                      Other services                                                                 time                               hospital cover at a young age.
                                                                                 8         8         4       4                                                                                       Cover.
                                      Things like dental, optical & physio                                                                              If you have private hospital
                                                                                                                                                        cover by 1 July after your 31st
                                                                                                                                                        birthday and keep it, you don’t

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                27
What to do                                           Love a bit
     if you’re not happy                                  of privacy
     At Peoplecare, it’s all about you. We love           Your privacy
     happy members, and if you’re not happy we            We’re 100% committed to the Privacy
     want to hear about it so we can make things          Act and Australian Privacy Principles,
     even better.                                         which means we only collect the
     If you have any problems with your cover, give       information we need to give you access
     us a buzz on 1800 808 690. Most of the time we       to health services. We won’t collect any
     can sort things out on the spot, but you can         personal information unless we’ve asked
     always ask to speak to a manager if you’d            first, and we protect the information we
     prefer. If you’d rather write to us, you can email   do have with everything we’ve got. or write to Locked            Want more info?
     Bag 33, Wollongong, NSW 2500.                        You can read our full Privacy Policy at
     If you’re still not happy after contacting us, or give us a
     you can contact the Private Health Insurance         buzz on 1800 808 690.
     Ombudsman (PHIO).
     PHIO is free, independent and protects the           Love a big tick
     rights of private health fund members.               The Private Health Insurance Code of
                                                          Conduct is a voluntary industry code. It
     You can call PHIO on 1300 362 072,
                                                          sets standards for health funds to make
                                                          sure they do the right thing by consumers
     or send mail to:
                                                          in having great staff training, clear policy
     Private Health Insurance Ombudsman                   documentation, watertight privacy and
     Commonwealth Ombudsman                               easy dispute resolution.
     GPO Box 442
                                                          Peoplecare is proud that we meet
     Canberra, ACT 2601
                                                          100% of the standards in the Code of
     For more information, visit their website            Conduct. This means we can display the                                    Code of Conduct tick on our materials
     To get a copy of our full complaints policy, go      to show you we’re doing the right thing.
     to or contact us and we’ll
                                                          We love giving our members:
     send you a copy.
                                                          • personalised, efficient service that will

     Cooling off                                            blow them away
                                                          • easy to understand information in plain
     If you change your mind…
                                                          • the right information over the phone in
     Changed your mind about your cover? No                 a way that’s clear and simple
     worries! Just let us know within 30 days of
     joining or upgrading your cover and you’ll get       • crystal clear policy documentation
     a full refund of any premiums paid (as long as       • highly trained, expert staff who love
     you haven’t made any claims in that time, of           giving you the answers you need
                                                          • the opportunity to have your say –

     Love                                                   when you love our work & when you
                                                            think we could do better

                                                          • the promise that we protect your
                                                            private information

     Making sense of health cover gibberish can be
     like trying to understand Finnish (unless you’re
     Finnish of course)! We tackle the common
     jargon so you know what we’re on about at

28                                                                                                       29
Use Larry, our mobile app
                                            What can you do with our             All you need,

     Give us a buzz!                        new app?
                                            Because Larry understands you
                                            want to spend as little time as
                                                                                 right at your fingertips:
                                                                                 • One click to take or add a
                                                                                   photo claim of your Extras
                                            possible doing the boring stuff,
              Looking for cover?            he takes the most popular

              1800 808 700
                                            features from our Online Member      • Track your claims
                                            Services and bins the rest to save
                                                                                 • Check your benefits & limits
                                            you time and hassle.
                                                                                 • See all your payment details
              Already part of the family?

              1800 808 690                                                       • Update your contact info
                                                                                 • Provide you with some super

                                                                                   useful health info


              Download the app!





30                                                                                                                31
Peoplecare Health Limited. A registered private health insurer. ABN 95 087 648 753.

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