HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC

Page created by Marcus Mitchell
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
April 2022

                    HEALTH DIGEST
                     Beaufort         County       Public      Health       Department

Spring is my favorite season! Not just because the
sun seems to shine more and the sky seems more
blue, but because things are starting to bloom and
grow. In order to grow, plants need sunshine but they
also need storm clouds to provide rain. We're just the
same. If we didn't have storms in our life we wouldn't
have to stretch ourselves and therefore we wouldn't
grow as much in our character, in our personality, in
anything. We would be stunted and stuck in the same
place without "storms" or challenges.                                  JaNell Octigan, MPH
                                                                       Prep. Coord./HSP IV
Weather forecasts help predict when storms are coming, but we don't
have that same luxury to predict when a storm in our life is coming.
Challenges and storms in our life often occur at random, which for us
make it extremely hard to prepare. As we walk through storms in our lives
it's never fun, and sometimes the difficulty varies. Looking back on each
challenge I've ever walked through, I can say each helped me grow and
develop as a person.

When it comes to you and your personal journey with challenges in your
life, there are a few things I'd like to encourage you to remember:
        1) Remind yourself of the things in your life that you're thankful for.
           The more you can refocus your thoughts on the good in life, the
           better your spirits will be.
      2) Find support. Walking through challenges alone is extra hard.
         Whether it's a friend, a family members, a professional...
         whomever it is, support is vital to growing in hard circumstances.
      3) Try to find or create solutions to problems. In some circumstances
         solutions can be hard to come by, but
         trying to find solutions to problems can be                               TAKE A PEEK!
         a g o o d w a y t o h e l p w o r k t h r o u g h p r o b l e m s . Page 2- Heart Disease
                                                                     Page 3- Dinner Recipe
                                                                     Page 4- Workout
Walking through hard times is tough. Always                          Page 5- Steps to a Healthier Heart
remember everyone's hard times are different. Some                   Page 6- Women Heart Disease
of us are in the same storm but a different boat. We                 Page 7- Heart Facts
                                                                     Page 8- Word Search
all will walk through storms in our lives... will you                Page 9- Upcoming Events
grow from them?
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
Heart Disease
 The term "heart disease" refers to several types of health conditions. The most common type of
heart disease in the United States is coronary artery disease (CAD), which affects the blood flow
to the heart. Decreased blood flow can cause a heart attack. Heart disease describes a range of
 conditions that affect your heart. Heart disease includes heart rhythm problems. heart defects,
               heart valve disease, disease of the heart muscle, and heart infection.

       SYMPTOMS                                                CAUSES
  A buildup of fatty plaque in your arteries or       Heart disease causes depend on your
  atherosclerosis can damage your blood               specific type of heart disease. There are
  vessels and heart. Plaque buildup causes            many different types of heart disease. To
  narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can          understand the cause of heart disease, it
  lead to a heart attack, chest pain or stroke.       helps to understand how the heart works.
                                                         The right side of the heart includes the right
       Chest pain, chest tightness, chest                atrium and ventricle. It collects and pumps
       pressure, and chest discomfort (angina)           blood to the lungs through the pulmonary
       Shortness of breath                               arteries.
       Pain, numbness, weakness ,or coldness             The lungs give the blood a new supply of
       in your legs or arms if the blood vessels         oxygen. The lungs also breathe out carbon
       in those parts of your are narrowed               dioxide, a waste product.
       Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper              Oxygen-rich blood then enters the left side of
       abdomen or back                                   the heart, including the left atrium and
                                                         The left side of the heart pumps blood
                                                         through the largest artery in the body (aorta)

  Complications                                          to supply tissues throughout the body with
                                                         oxygen & nutrients.

     Heart failure: One of the most common complications of heart disease, heart failure
     occurs when your heart can't pump enough blood to meet your body's needs.
     Heart attack: A blood clot that blocked the blood flow through a blood vessel that feeds
     the heart causes a heart attack, possibly damaging or destroying a part of the heart
     Stroke: The risk factors that lead to cardiovascular disease can also lead to an ischemic
     stroke, which happens when the arteries to your brain are narrowed or blocked so that
     too little blood reaches your brain.
     Aneurysm: A serious complication that can occur anywhere in your body, an aneurysm is
     a bulge in the wall of your artery. If an aneurysm bursts, you may face life-threatening
     internal bleeding.
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
Spring into fitness
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
                                                        Mole with
  Ingredients:                                    Directions:
1 tablespoon olive oil                    1. Heat the oil in a large stockpot over
1 small onion, coarsely chopped              medium-high heat, swirling to coat the
1 medium garlic clove, minced                bottom. Cook the onion and garlic for 1
1/2 teaspoon jarred minced garlic            to 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir
14 to 4.5 ounces can dice green chiles,      in the green chiles, almonds, chipotle
                                             peppers, adobo sauce, cocoa powder,
1 to 3 chipotle peppers canned in
                                             and brown sugar. Stir in the broth and
adobo sauce, plus 1 tablespoon sauce
                                             tomato sauce.
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
powder1 tablespoon dark brown             2. Using a hand blender or immersion
sugar                                      blender, puree the mixture in the pot.
110.5-ounce can fat-free, low-sodium       Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce
chicken broth                              the heat to low and simmer for 5
19-ounce can no-salt-added tomato            minutes.
sauce                                     3. Stir in the chicken. Simmer for 8
2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken          minutes, or until the chicken is no
breasts, all visible fat discarded, cut      longer pink in the center, stirring
into bite size pieces
4 8-inch corn tortillas, cut into 1/2-
                                          4. Meanwhile, preheat the broiler.
inch strips
                                          5. Put the tortilla strips on a baking sheet.
1/2 cup fat-free or low-fat sour cream
2 tablespoons chopped green onions           Broil the tortillas strips about 6 inches
                                             from the heat for 2 minutes. Stir. Broil
                                             for 1 minute. Stir. Broil for 1 to 2
                                             minutes or until the strips start to turn
                                             crisp and golden. Remove from the
                                          6. Reserve about one-fourth of the tortilla
                                             strips for garnish. Put the remaining
                                             tortilla strips and 3/4 cup mole in each
                                             bowl. Top with sour cream, green onions
                                             and reserved tortilla strips.
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
Spring Into Fitness
   HIIT Workout
     High Intensity Interval Training

  Jumping Jacks- 45 seconds
     Push Ups-30 seconds
 Mountain Climbers- 45 seconds
   High Knees- 30 seconds
    Butt Kicks- 45 seconds
     Lunges- 30 seconds
           Squats- 45 Seconds
repeat 3 times with a 2 minute break
If this was too intense for you don't be afraid to slow it
           down and adjust it to your needs.
HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC HEALTH DIGEST - Beaufort County, NC
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