Held concurrently with - 19/257 Licence No. 19/257 - Saudi Elenex

Page created by Nathan Lang
Held concurrently with - 19/257 Licence No. 19/257 - Saudi Elenex
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                                                                                          Licence  No. 19/257

                                              Held concurrently with

Energy Storage, Energy Diversification, Project Financing and Technologies that are Catalyzing the Clean Energy Revolution
Held concurrently with - 19/257 Licence No. 19/257 - Saudi Elenex
Forum Overview
The Saudi SET Forum will be held concurrently with Saudi Elenex 2019 at the Riyadh International
Convention & Exhibition Center (RICEC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Showcasing state-of-the-art innovation in the dynamic field of power and energy, Saudi Elenex
2019 marks the 22nd edition of the International Show for Electricity, Alternative Energy, Water
Technology, Lighting & HVAC in Saudi Arabia which is held concurrently with Saudi Aircon
2019. The International Show for Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) from 29 April to
01 May 2019.

The Sustainable Energy and Technology Forum will be held from 30 April to 01 May 2019.
The Saudi SET Forum will also host an Exhibition Pavilion which will feature an exclusive
platform enabling Alternative and Renewable Energy solution providers to showcase their
products, for all three days from 29 April to 01 May 2019.

The Saudi Sustainable Energy and Technology Forum takes into account the current renewable
energy landscape, bringing together senior stakeholders, policy makers, influencers and solution
providers driving the renewable energy eco-system in the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is transitioning from an oil-based economy and reducing their carbon
footprint. This is a strategic objective of the Saudi Vision 2030 programme, a road map to achieving
economic resilience.

The National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) is a strategic initiative under Vision 2030 and
the King Salman Renewable Energy Initiative that aims to substantially increase the share of
renewable energy capacity in the total energy mix within the Kingdom to 27.3 GW by 2024 and
58.7 GW by 2030. The program sets out a systematic and targeted road map to rapidly diversify
the domestic power supply, catalyse economic development and support long-term prosperity
in line with Vision 2030’s goals which include creating a new renewable industry and support
the build-up of this promising sector.

                                                          mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
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The engaging dialogues at the Saudi Sustainable Energy and Technology Forum will:

        Review current policy and                     Learn from different case studies
        regulation pertaining to renewable             presented on financing and
        energy projects and electricity                business models.

        Address challenges faced in                   Identify renewable energy
         manufacturing solar and wind                  investment opportunities in the
         technologies locally.                         Kingdom.

         valuate local funding
        E                                            Find regional partners, business
        instruments and opportunities for            matchmaking through 1-1
        solar and energy storage projects.           business meetings.

                                                  mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
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Why Saudi Arabia
  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aims to substantially increase
  the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix, 27.3
  GW by 2024 and 58.7 GW by 2030.
  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently awarded a
  400-megawatt (MW) wind farm, following an award earlier
  in the year to build a 300-MW solar plant.
  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has announced plans to
  develop a $2 billion solar and carbon black integrated
  complex in the heart of the Kingdom.
  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is fast moving away from
  fossil fuels, adopting renewable energy with the goal of
  generating at least 30% of its power from renewables by
  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently announced round 2
  of its renewable energy programme, by inviting expressions
  of interest for seven solar PV projects, with combined
  generation capacity of 1.51 GW worth an investment value
  of $ 1.5 Billion
  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranks 6th in the world for
  Solar Energy potential and 13th in the world for wind energy
  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia boasts electricity generation
  figures of 330 B KWh per year
  Over 20 mega projects involving $50 Billion worth of
  The water sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will see
  over $50 Billion in investments by 2020

Notable sessions at the Forum
  An Insight into the Saudi National Renewable Energy
  The current sustainable energy regulatory and policy
  Renewable Energy project financing
  The impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on Sustainable
  Emerging trends in Sustainable Energy in the Kingdom
  Advances and challenges in Energy Storage
  Applications for Blockchain in Energy

                                                                 mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
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Attendee Profile

       Heads of             Utilities and Power    Institutional Investors,    Large Energy Users
 Government and State            Producers         Project Financers and         and Real Estate
                                                            Banks                  Developers

    Legal, Risk and         Renewable Energy           Engineering,                Start ups
   Advisory Services        Project Developers       Procurement and
                                                    Construction (EPCs)

By Function and Role
• Chief Operating Officer                         • Director - Energy Sector
• Chief Technical Officer                         • Deputy Director
• General Manager                                 • Chief Engineer
• Energy Manager                                  • Head of Strategy
• Project Manager                                 • Head of Renewable Energy
• Operations Manager                              • Head of Sustainability
• Municipal Manager                               • Head of Generation
• Executive Director                              • Head of Legal
• Head of Electricity                             • Head of Procurement
• Head of Energy                                  • Head of PPA

                                                         mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
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Who will Sponsor or Exhibit
PV Cells & Modules                  EPC, Developers & Engineering Services
  • Cells                             • EPCs
  • Modules                           • Project Developers
  • Thin-Film                         • Planning, Permitting & Siting
Operations & Maintenance              • Installation & Turnkey Suppliers
  • Inspection                        • Technical Consultants
  • Testing                           • Consulting Engineers
  • Certification                     • Free-standing PV Installations
  • Cleaning Equipment              Solar thermal & water heating
  • Condition Monitoring
                                    Financial services, law firms & advisory
  • Drones
  • IoT                             Distributors and resellers
  • Repair Services                 Consulting engineers
  • Spare Parts
                                    PV Balance of Systems
  • Wireless Monitoring Solutions
                                      • Inverters
  • Tracking
                                      • M
                                         onitoring, Measurement & Control
                                      • Energy Management
                                      • Building Integrated Solutions (BIV)

                                           mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
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Sponsors & Partners
                                                                        Supported By

                                                                      Research Partners


                           ‫ﻣﻌﻬﺪ اﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ ﻟﺑﺤﺎث اﻟﻌﻠﻤﻴﺔ‬

                                                                      Associate Sponsor

                                                           Supporting Associations

                                                                                   mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
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Sponsors & Partners
     Testing and Certification Solutions Partner

                   Media Partners

                                mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
Held concurrently with - 19/257 Licence No. 19/257 - Saudi Elenex
Advisory Board
  Dr. Ahmed Badr                                   Sylvain Cote
  Executive Director                               Senior Research Fellow
  Regional Center for Renewable Energy and         Energy & Macroeconomics
  Energy Efficiency (RCEEE), Egypt                 KAPSARC
                                                   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  Eng. Abdullah Al Subiae                          Dr. Pieter Smeets
  General Director                                 Sr. Sustainability Engineer
  Saudi Renewable Energy Association               SABIC
  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia                          Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

speaker Panel
  Eng. Nabilah M. Al-Tunisi                        Dr. Ahmed Mohina
  Managing Director                                Undersecretary of State
  NEOM                                             Ministry Of Electricity and Renewable Energy
  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia                          Egypt

  Dr. Rasmi Hamzeh                                 Eng. Mohammed Al Ta’ani
  Executive Director                               Secretary General
  Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy               Arab Renewable Energy Commission
  Efficiency Fund                                  Jordan
  Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
  Mustafa Ansari                                   Faisal Rashid
  Senior Economist                                 Director
  Apicorp                                          Demand Side Management
                                                   Dubai Supreme Council of Energy

  Eng. Mohammed Dabbas                             Dr. Osamah Alsayegh
  Minister’s Advisor for                           Executive Director
  Energy Affairs                                   Energy & Building Research Center
  Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources         Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
  Jordan                                           Kuwait

  Dr. Amin Al Yaqoub                               Bruce Anderson
  CEO                                              CEO
  The GCC Association for Renewable Energy and     247 Solar Inc.
  Sustainability (Green Gulf)                      United States of America
  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  Dr. Mani Sarathy
  Associate Director
  Clean Combustion Research Center
  King Abdullah University of Science and
  Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

                                                 mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
Held concurrently with - 19/257 Licence No. 19/257 - Saudi Elenex
Forum Day-1
30 th April 2019
08:00	Registration & Networking

08:45 Inauguration by Chief Guest (To be confirmed) followed by Expo Tour

08:50 Welcome Note – White Paper Summits

08:55 Opening Remarks from the Forum Chairperson

09:00	Opening Speech by the Forum Chief Guest
       (Senior Stakeholder from REPDO / MEIM)

09:20 Keynote Speech
       Eng. Nabilah M. Al-Tunisi, Managing Director, NEOM, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

09:40 Panel Discussion: Policy Makers Session
      Assessing the impact of Renewable Energy in the Middle East
       • Energy planning in the Kingdom
       • Current energy efficiency initiatives – Public policy
  • A step towards reducing the Kingdom’s carbon footprint
  Mustafa Ansari, Senior Economist, Apicorp
  Faisal Rashid, Director, Demand Side Management, Dubai Supreme Council of Energy
  Eng. Mohammed Dabbas, Minister’s Advisor for Energy Affairs
  Ministry of Minerals and Resources, Jordan
  Dr. Rasmi Hamzeh, Executive Director, Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund
  Dr. Ahmed Badr, Executive Director, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

10:20	Coffee Break and Networking Session

10:40	Egypt’s strategy for sustainable development 2030 and The Egyptian integrated
       sustainable energy strategy for 2035
       Dr. Ahmed Mohina, Undersecretary of State, Ministry Of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Egypt

11:00 Green energy financing in the Middle East
       • Renewable energy financing models & funding strategies
       • Notable funds and areas of investment
       • Increasing investor confidence and decreasing investor risk
       Dr. Ahmed Badr, Executive Director, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

                                                                 mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
Forum Day-1
30 th April 2019
11:20	An overview of the Kuwait national energy outlook
      Dr. Osamah Alsayegh, Executive Director, Energy & Building Research Center
      Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait

11:40 Effectively harnessing solar power in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; A SABIC perspective
      • A bright future for energy diversification – CSP & PV
      • Insights into SABIC renewable energy strategy
      • H
         ow building the solar industry will help create local content and increase employment
      Dr. Pieter Smeets, Sr. Sustainability Engineer, SABIC

12:00	Dhuhr Prayer and Networking Coffee Break

12:40 Panel Discussion: Private sector; getting renewable energy into the energy mix
      • Different mechanisms to procure renewable energy
      • PPA’s, implications for developers and customers
  • From land sourcing to grid connection: Entities the private sector needs to consider
  Mustafa Ansari, Senior Economist, APICORP
  Eng. Abdulla Al Subiae, General Director, Saudi Arabia Renewable Energy Association
  Eng. Mohammed Dabbas, Minister’s Advisor for Energy Affairs
  Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jordan

13:20 The advantages of Renewable Energy Localization in the Middle East
      Dr. Amin Al Yaqoub, CEO, The GCC Association for Renewable Energy and Sustainability (Green Gulf)
      Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

13:40 Awards and Recognition

13:50 Closing remarks by the Forum Chairperson

13:55 Lunch and Networking Session

End of Forum Day 1

                                                                mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
Forum Day-2
1 st M a y 2 0 1 9
08:30 Registration & Networking

08:45 Welcome Note by White Paper Summits

08:55 Opening Remarks from the Forum Chairperson

09:00	Keynote: Harnessing the potential of Wind Energy
      • Developing the wind energy industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
      • A cost-effective solution to power generation
      • H
         ow solar and wind can complement each other, resulting in a higher penetration of renewable

09:20 Low carbon fuels; A sustainable energy source
      • Reduced co2 and greenhouse gas emissions by utilising clean fuels
      • Low carbon fuels for clean electricity generation
      • Decarbonising the transportation sector and reduced environmental impact
      Dr. Mani Sarathy, Associate Director, Clean Combustion Research Center
      King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

09:40	Addressing security vulnerabilities of renewable infrastructures
      • Securing smart energy grids
      • Threats posed by increased digitisation and interconnectivity
      • Cyber security for renewable energy infrastructures

10:00	Coffee Break and Networking Session

10:30	Panel Discussion: Achieving near zero CO2 emissions through effective carbon capture,
       utilization and storage
      • Reducing the Kingdom’s carbon footprint through effective carbon capture
      • Leveraging technology as a measure to reduce CO2 outputs from fossil fuels
      • Carbon capture, a more effective measure to tackle climate change

11:20	Presentation by 247 Solar Inc.
      Bruce Anderson, CEO, 247 Solar Inc.

                                                              mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
Forum Day-2
1 st M a y 2 0 1 9
11:30	Looking beyond conventional sources of sustainable energy in the Kingdom; Applications
       and challenges
      • Assessing the scope for Geothermal energy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
      • Best practices in grid design: Beyond 20% of renewable energy in the energy mix
      • Solar Power: A sustainable energy source for water desalination

11:50	Dhuhr Prayer and Coffee networking break

12:40 Assessing the potential for electric vehicles in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
      • Reducing carbon emissions and air pollution through EV adoption
      • Creating the infrastructure necessary to facilitate mass adoption
      • Public policy, a key driver to stimulate the EV market

13:00 Energy storage in the Middle East
      • Battery storage systems for large solar power plants
      • Achieving energy independence through energy storage
      • Emerging development and trends in energy storage

13:20 Awards and Recognition

13:30 Closing remarks by the Chairperson

13:35 Lunch and Networking Session

End of Forum

                        Site visit to SABIC Home of Innovation

                                                                 mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
Site Visit
The Home of Innovation™ is a SABIC growth initiative that combines marketing, innovation
and technology to create demand and grow business on a local, regional and global level.

The Home of InnovationTM is a focal point for those committed to innovation and growth,
bringing together the best minds and organizations interested in the future of the Middle
East and North Africa (MENA) region.

The initiative connects SABIC with industry-leading companies to identify market needs
and develop the innovative solutions that answer them.

                                                   mithun@wpsummits.com | www.wpsummits.com
Organized by                                  In collaboration with

P.O. Box 56010, Riyadh 11554,                  P. O. Box 1406, P.C. 133, Al Khuwair,
   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia                              Sultanate of Oman
    Tel: +966 11 2295604                               Tel: +968 24 788 476
    Fax: +966 11 2295612                               Fax: +968 24 788 676
  E-mail: info@recexpo.com                        E-mail: info@wpsummits.com

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