Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic

Page created by Dean Saunders
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
  Heritage Seed Library
        2020 Seed List

     Rare and unique heritage
   varieties exclusive to members
    of the Heritage Seed Library
154 varieties to   52 certified organic   13 varieties new
 choose from            varieties             for 2020
                                          2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 1
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
Welcome    TO THE 2020 SEED LIST

W       elcome to the 2020 Seed List – this year we
        have 154 varieties for you to browse at your
leisure, including 13 new heritage varieties such
                                                                                  means we can offer exactly the same quantity and
                                                                                    quality of varieties but over slightly fewer pages,
                                                                                      further helping to reduce the environmental
as “Black Jack” kale, a local Devonshire cultivar,                                     impact.
“Veitch’s Perfection” pea, an old ex-commercial                                           Our heritage varieties are, of course, very
variety dating back to the 1840s and “Vince”, an                                       special, but they can be grown in exactly the same
unusually shaped, yellow, stuffing tomato.                                             way as modern ones. If you’d like any growing
   Around a third of varieties on offer are certified                                instructions you can access information online
as organic, grown on land certified by the Soil                                    at hsl.gardenorganic.org.uk/growing-instructions.
Association. The remaining varieties are grown by                             Alternatively, pop a note in with your order form and we
volunteer Seed Guardians in accordance with our Principles of         can send you a printed copy with your seeds.
Organic Growing, so whilst we cannot officially mark them as             Time to make yourself comfy, take a look at what’s on offer
‘organic’ you can rest assured that they are grown in the spirit of   and place your order online at hsl.gardenorganic.org.uk or
the organisation.                                                     by returning the paper form to us. Don’t forget, we will need
   Ten varieties are making a re-appearance after an absence          to have your email on record with us before you can place
from the list for at least a decade. These include “Gloster Bounty”   your order online. If we don’t already have it let us know by
broad bean, “Cavendish” tomato and “Parfree’s Dragon Tongue”          contacting membership@gardenorganic.org.uk quoting your
French bean.                                                          membership number and we will set this up. Online orders will
   Last year, we received some excellent feedback on how you          inevitably arrive with us quicker, and members can also see at
prepare your produce and what you thought of them to eat,             a glance which varieties are still in stock. If you are ordering
so much so that we have decided to keep asking! You’ll find a         by post, don’t forget to include a second and third choice on
feedback form after the varieties listing, and we’ll send a copy      your form - and of course your name, postcode and membership
out with your order. Email or post your responses and we will         number!
keep adding this information to enhance the descriptions we              Finally, thank you for your ongoing support as a member of
share with you.                                                       HSL. We are extremely grateful that so many choose to give an
   We are continuing to reduce our environmental impact and           additional donation to support our work. Last year we were able
are pleased to confirm that we are phasing out plastic bubble         to use these extra funds to, amongst other things, upgrade and
wrap envelopes for 100% paper ones. Bear with us this year            expand our isolation cages, which are so important for keeping
– some of you will receive the last of our old stock, so please       varieties away from cross-pollinating insects and to produce
re-use, re-use, re-use where you can. If you receive one of our       “true to type” seeds.
new padded paper envelopes please do let us know if your                 We wish you a successful growing year – enjoy!
seeds arrive in anything but the best condition - these are a new        With best wishes from myself and the team,
product for us.
   For those of you receiving this catalogue as a paper copy you
will note that it is ‘naked’, with no polywrap or envelope. This is
cheaper and more environmentally friendly but does come with
a small risk that some arrive a bit dishevelled – please let us
know if it arrives in a bad state and we can send you a new one.      Catrina Fenton
   You will also find that the layout has altered - this change       Head of the Heritage Seed Library

2 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
achocha                                                                 beetroot

8 seeds                                        40 seeds                                        40 seeds

This is a prolific and rampant
climber reaching 3-4m so will need
supporting with trellis or a frame.
                                                                                              DEVOY ORGANIC
The small, cucumber-like fruits have
                                                                                              Our donor was given this variety by a
a fresh flavour, a cross between a
                                                                                              friend, whose family had grown it for
minty cucumber and a green pepper.
                                                                                              several generations and achieved much
Eat raw or in stir fries when young;
                                                                                              success with it on the show bench.
when mature they have tougher skins
                                               ARMENIAN ORGANIC                               Vigorous, easy to grow and long-rooted,
so stuff with meat, fish or cheese,
                                               Limited Stock - Collected at an Armenian       it produces sweet, dark pink flesh that
and then bake or make an achocha
                                               market by a Dutch seed enthusiast, this        is tender even when allowed to grow
curry. Can also be used pickled or as
                                               variety produces golf-ball sized, round,       extra-large. The beets also store well.
a base for chutney. The flowers are
                                               magenta roots with distinct rings and a        The attractive red and green foliage can
also attractive to pollinating insects.
                                               sweet flavour.                                 be cooked and eaten like chard.
For more information, contact us for
a copy of the ‘Achocha Variety Profile’
                                               DEWING’S EARLY BLOOD
from Seed News 25.
                                               TURNIP ORGANIC
                                               This early, round beet was supplied
                                               by Beck’s High Grade Seed Company,
                                               Indiana, USA between 1822 and 1920,
                                               but mentioned earlier in Sauer’s Herbal
                                               (1774), who suggested cooking the
                                               beets in red wine and honey. Blood
Could you help us by becoming a                turnip was a term used commonly for
 Seed Guardian? Seed Guardians                 varieties bred specifically for garden use.
are volunteers who grow one or                 Described as such in 1881 by DM Ferry
 two varieties from our ‘Orphans               & Co, seed merchants, Detroit, USA; “the
  list’ to save seed and return to             roots are uniform good size, smooth,
  the library. Contact us at hsl@              and handsome, and plentifully produced.
gardenorganic.org.uk for details.              The flesh is quite rich in colour, and very     40 seeds
                                               tender and sweet.”

                                                             broad bean

10 seeds

                                              10 seeds

                                              NEW MAMMOTH
                                              New for 2020. Limited Stock - Syn.
                                              Aquadulce Claudia. This variety is now
                                              included, under its synonym, in the UK
                                              National List, so this will be the first, and
                                              last, time we offer it in the HSL Catalogue.    SEVILLE
                                              Suitable for autumn sowing, the plants will     Originally thought to have been
                                              grow to more than 1.2m, so it will require      purchased from Suttons Seeds, our donor
                                              some staking.                                   has grown this bean since the mid 1950’s.
                                                                                              The 1956 Sutton & Sons Catalogue
GLOSTER BOUNTY                                                                                states that this variety is “very prolific
No letters about the spelling, please (see also Carrot ‘Altringham’!). A sturdy,              and early maturing, recommended for
compact bean (60-75cm) ideal for exposed areas where it will not require staking.             autumn sowing”. A vigorous variety with
Matures early, therefore avoids the worst of the blackfly, and produces large, well-          large pods containing 5-6 beans. Young
filled pods in abundance. Guardian Anne St John notes that “it is always reliable,            beans have a delicious creamy texture,
whether planted at the end of the winter or as late May.” 10 seeds.                           even when raw.

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Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
brussels sprout                                                          cabbage

  40 seeds                                    50 seeds                                       50 seeds

                                              PADDY ORGANIC                                 SHETLAND ORGANIC
 CATSKILL ORGANIC                             A very large heirloom variety developed       Limited Stock - Our donor acquired
 An ex-commercial variety developed           by an unknown Irish allotment holder,         this variety from organic crofters in
 by Arthur White from the small hamlet        who saved seeds from his largest              Burland, near Scalloway,
 of Arkport, New York State in 1941.          specimen and shared them with his             Shetland. Reputedly
 It is thought to have been named             allotment neighbours. Spring sown for         grown on Shetland since
 after Catskill Park, a forested and          late summer/autumn use, it is a vigorous      the 16th century, it was a
 mountainous region in New York State         grower, producing large firm heads that       crucial source of winter
 which fringes Arkport. Still very popular    stand well until late autumn/early winter.    food for livestock and
 in the USA, this robust heritage variety     Delicious raw, very crunchy with a spicy      spring greens for the
 grows to around 50-75cm in height            flavour. Retains both its texture and         crofters. It is a very hardy,
 and produces richly flavoured sprouts        flavour when cooked. One HSL member           wind resistant brassica, forming loose
 around 5cm in diameter. Great for eating     commented, “The best autumn cabbage I         heads and developing some purple
 fresh or for freezing.                       have grown in 60 years of cultivating.”       colouration as the temperatures fall.


  GIANT IMPROVED FLAK                         100 seeds                                     ALTRINGHAM ORGANIC
  ORGANIC                                                                                   No need to contact us about the
  A large, long, pale orange carrot                                                         spelling, please, it was always (if
  producing tapered roots with rounded                                                      erroneously) named this way! This early
  shoulders that show no signs of                                                           19th century variety is listed in Carters
  greenback. The carrots have a mild                                                        Catalogue for 1842 and described by
  flavour, both raw and cooked, and are                                                     D Guiheneuf in The Garden (May 1st
  crunchy and crisp, perfect for coleslaw.                                                  1876) as “An English variety, readily
                                                                                            distinguished from any other. It is said to
                                                                                            have originated in Altrincham, a village
                                                                                            in the vicinity of Chester.” It produces
                                                                                            cylindrical roots, 20-50cm long, that
                                                                                            taper towards their end. The orange
                                                                                            flesh is crunchy and mild-flavoured.

                                              100 seeds                                         BETA III ORGANIC
                                                                                                Bred in the USA for its high beta-
                                                                                                carotene content, which is three
                                                                                                times the norm, hence the name.
                                                                                                The tapered, dark orange-red roots
                                                                                                are medium-sized and have no hard
   100 seeds                                                                                    core, delicious when eaten young and
                                                                                                small. They also freeze well.

 100 seeds                                   RED ELEPHANT
                                             Donated by Warwick Horticulture Research International, now part of Warwick University.
                                             A fast growing, large and tasty 19th century Australian heirloom. The deep orange-red
                                             carrots have no hard core and can be eaten at any stage from baby to full maturity.
                                             Described in Carters Blue Book of Gardening in 1934 as “A veritable giant, both in length
                                             and bulk, specimens have been exhibited measuring 30 inches long; prominent in the
                                             garden and the exhibition table.”

4 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
callaloo                                      cauliflower                                    celeriac

BANGLADESHI DHATA                               ENGLISH WINTER/                             TELLUS ORGANIC
The most spectacular of the callaloos,          LEAMINGTON ORGANIC                          Also known as ‘turnip-rooted celery’,
with deep red and green colouration. A          Also known as Mr Perkins’ Leamington        which describes the shape and flavour
real feature in ornamental flower beds,         and Leamington Broccoli, this variety       of this vegetable perfectly. Suttons say,
particularly when the dramatic purple-          was first sold, and possibly raised,        “A quick growing, smooth, round-rooted
red flower spikes form. Otherwise, it           by a Mr F Perkins of Regent Street,         type with a beautiful white flesh which
can be used as greens in Indian or              Leamington Spa. It won a First Class        does not discolour after boiling”. Seed
Bangladeshi cooking with tomatoes,              Certificate from the RHS in 1873. This      Guardian Sandra Slack adds, “Sweet
onions and spices.                              hardy variety can be sown April/May to      and nutty, makes a lovely soup.” Also
                                                overwinter and the large, tasty, heads      invaluable diced or grated raw as a
100 seeds                                       harvested the following spring.             tasty addition in winter salads.

                                                100 seeds                                    150 seeds

                                              climbing french bean - coloured podded

BIRD’S EGG                                    BLUE AND WHITE                               BLUE COCO
Limited Stock - Thought to have been          The vigorous vines prolifically produce      Limited Stock - Known in France since
known in England since 1825, this             mottled pods that yield round, speckled      before 1775; however, our donor
variety produces sturdy plants with thick     seeds. The speckling isn’t truly blue, but   acquired these seeds from Robinson’s
stems and attractive flowers followed         it comes close. Early, vigorous and very     of Lancashire. The violet pods, purple-
by beautiful pale green pods heavily          attractive when in flower and pod so         tinged leaves and lilac flowers of this
speckled with red. Seed Guardian Miss         ideal for the ornamental garden. May be      variety are beautiful. Superb when in
Gotts describes them as a “very robust        eaten fresh, frozen as green beans, or as    full flower, but equally attractive when
bean!” Sweet and tender when picked as        flageolets when very young, though this      bearing its masses of pods, which turn
young beans, but when dried the pretty        really is a classic drying bean.             green on cooking. The whole pod can
white beans with red speckles have a rich,                                                 be eaten when young and the shelled
full flavour; perfect for soups and stews.     10 seeds
                                                                                           beans are lovely when lightly steamed or
                                                                                           eaten raw in salads. Mature, dried beans
10 seeds                                                                                   store well and are really tasty in soups. A
                                                                                           hardy, reliable and prolific cropper.

                                                                                           10 seeds

BLUE QUEEN                                     10 seeds
Limited Stock - Our donor was given
this bean in 1950 by a gardener from
Quenington House, Gloucestershire who
said he should look after them as you could
not purchase them. They were identified in
1994 by Ron Bateman of Radio Oxford as
‘Blue Queen’. This hardy variety produces
purple, stringless pods, 15-20cm in length
which turn green when cooked. Sweet and
tender when eaten young, they also retain
their flavour when frozen.

                                                                                                2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 5
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
climbing french bean - coloured podded

 BONNE BOUCHE                                  GEORGE’S                                     COCO BICOLOUR
 Originating in the city of Rouen, capital     Thought to have originated in Poland,        This old French variety yields one of the
 of the Normandy Region in France,             this variety produces creamish-white         prettiest beans in the collection; they
 in the 1950s this vigorous (1.8-2.4m)         flowers followed by very attractive          are neatly zoned into a cream area and
 ex-commercial variety looks beautiful         pods that, when mature, are green            a purple mottled area. Early, vigorous
 grown on a wigwam support with its            flushed with red. Can be used fresh as       and prolific with vines reaching up to 9ft
 pairs of delicate white flowers and large     a succulent, stringless green bean, ideal    tall. One of our Guardians in northern
 green leaves. The long green pods have        for salads. Alternatively, the half white    England found that this was particularly
 a slight red stripe and are tender and        and half red, sometimes mottled, dried       suited to her conditions. When young
 flavoursome when young. When mature           beans make an attractive addition to         they have a delicious beany flavour
 the podded beans are delicious.               soups and stews. Seed Guardian Jackie        and their intriguing appearance when
                                               Newey thinks that they are “amazing!”        dried make attractive soups, stews and
  10 seeds                                     and grows some every year.                   casseroles.
                                                10 seeds
                                                                                             10 seeds

                                                                                            10 seeds

  10 seeds                                      10 seeds

                                               MRS LEWIS’S PURPLE POD
                                               Our Leicestershire-based donor acquired
                                               these seeds from her neighbour who, in       TAIWAN ORGANIC
                                               turn, had been given them by a cousin,       This bean was found by a cleaner at
 PURPLE PODDED BEST                            Mrs Lewis from Suffolk. Mrs Lewis said       Heathrow Airport on a plane that had
 From the seed collection of Mr Inchley,       that this bean could not be bought           flown in from Taiwan in the 1970s. It
 whose wife donated this variety to us         commercially anymore and believed it to      was passed to our donor in 1981 and
 when he, sadly, passed away. Vigorous,        be ‘Purple Pod’, mentioned in a 1979 Percy   he shared it with fellow growers in the
 hardy vines reach 1.8-2m in height,           Thrower book. Grows to 1.8m with purple      Egham area. The plants are bushy at
 producing purple flowers followed by          stems and very dark leaves. Small purple     the base with large, lush leaves. They
 large, straight green pods with heavy         flowers are followed by bright, shiny,       may also produce more than one leader.
 purple mottling. Seed Guardian Michael        flat purple pods which, when young, are      The lilac flowers are followed by purple
 Blake says, “Hardy, disease resistant and a   delicious steamed. The dried beans have a    flecked, almost stringless pods, which
 good cropper. Bullet proof!”                  lovely nutty flavour.                        freeze well.

6 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
climbing french bean - green podded

ALICE WHITIS PINK ORGANIC                    BUCKEYE FALL BEAN                             CANADIAN
Donated by John Yeoman, formerly of          New for 2020. Another variety donated         This bean originated, as its name
The Village Guild. This 1930s heirloom       by John Yeoman this white flowered            suggests, in Canada. It was served to a
was originally grown and saved by            American heirloom grows to around 2m          visiting family who were so impressed
Alice Whitis in Acorn, Kentucky, USA. It     in height and is a prolific producer of       by its tenderness and flavour that they
produces vigorous 2-2.5m plants with         curved, flattish green pods. Later than       asked about its origins and were taken
white flowers and tender pencil pods         other French bean varieties and perfect       to see an old man who gave them some
that are at their best if eaten when young   for use dried. Let us know what you think     of the beans. Our donor describes
and stringless. Also, a good drying bean.    of the flavour.                               them as having “a mild runner bean
10 seeds                                     10 seeds
                                                                                           flavour but completely stringless and
                                                                                           with a positively creamy texture”. It is a
                                                                                           late variety producing attractive white
                                                                                           flowers tinged with pale lilac, followed
                                                                                           by flat, green pods on vigorous (2-
                                                                                           3m) vines. The beans themselves are
                                                                                           beautiful, light buff with olive green

                                                                                           10 seeds

10 seeds                                     10 seeds

                                             This bean has been grown, selected
                                             and saved in its native Cyprus for many
                                             years and was given to our donor by an
                                             allotment neighbour whose father lives
                                             on a small farm there. With very sparse
                                             foliage, it produces white flowers followed
CASEKNIFE                                    by an impressive crop of crisp and slender
This very old haricot variety dates back     pencil-type pods full of juicy green beans.
to at least 1820. It is a strong climber     It also crops over a long period of time.
and a high yielding variety producing
white flowers followed by stringless,
flat, pale green pods, shaped like a
little knife blade. These pods are tender
                                             When this variety was grown at Ryton we
and tasty when steamed, and delicious
                                             found that it produced very healthy plants,
shelled and eaten raw in salads. Also
                                             growing to 2-2.5m tall. The flowers are
makes a great drying bean.
                                             pale pink to lilac followed by long, green,
                                             flat pods which are stringless and tasty
                                             when picked young. Its performance was
   For the latest stock levels and           not impaired by the hot, dry summer of
        to order online visit                2018. Guardian Alison Charlesworth found
     hsl.gardenorganic.org.uk.               that the dried beans store well and have a    10 seeds
                                             lovely flavour.

                                                                                                2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 7
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
climbing french bean - green podded

  JOHN’S BEANS ORGANIC                          LAZY HOUSEWIFE                                MADEIRA MAROON
  New for 2020. Gardening writer Andi           A German heritage variety popular there       Our donor bought these beans from a
  Clevely was sent these beans by a             since the early 1800s. Thought to have        market in Madeira in December 1995
  reader in response to an article he had       earned its name as at the end of the          and has been growing and saving seed
  written for The Garden in May 2001. The       season the leaves wither and expose the       ever since. He says of them “They proved
  reader had, in turn, been given them by       pods making them easy to pick. Growing        to be similar to runner beans in vigour
  his father during the 1960s. Originally       to around 2.5m in height this white-          and produce very large and tasty beans,
  brought to the UK by Sicilian gardener,       flowered variety is hardy and resilient,      much larger than the normal haricot
  Giovanni Dolce, the beans were named          and very productive. One of our Seed          type.” Tender and tasty as young pods,
  ‘John’s Beans’ after him. They produce        Guardians commented that “the beans just      and perfect as a dried bean.
  white flowers followed by prolific clusters   kept coming; I grew tired of picking them
  of stringless pods. The pods are delicious    every other day! The flavour is superb.”      10 seeds
  when young, and the dried beans have a        Also copes well with hot, dry conditions.
  lovely nutty flavour.
                                                10 seeds
   10 seeds

  MELBOURNE’S MINIATURE                         MOUNTAINEER WHITE                             RAY’S BUTTER BEAN
  Donated by Syd Melbourne who                  HALF RUNNER                                   New for 2020. Originally from Phoenix
  was given seeds in the 1970s by a             Syn. Dutch Half Runner. This white seeded     Seeds, Australia, this variety had been
  fellow vegetable gardener at Hurst            variety originates with the settlers of the   grown in the UK for many years by
  Horticultural Society Show, Bexley, Kent.     Dutch Fork Section of South Carolina,         John Yeoman of The Village Guild, who
  It is a tall, easy to grow variety which      USA. Growing to around 1.2m in height it      donated the seeds to us. The white
  produces very pale yellow flowers             produces white flowers and short, straight,   and pale apricot flowers are borne on
  followed by a heavy crop of round, green      pale green pods over a long season. When      tall (2.5-3m) plants. Guardian Mrs Jane
  pods. So tender, the young pods can be        eaten young the pods are stringless and       Durston loves them; she says, “Beautiful
  eaten raw or cooked.                          tasty, although the beans are equally         flavour, very mild and creamy, can’t wait
                                                delicious dried.                              for next year’s crop!” Tends to crop later
   10 seeds                                                                                   (into September) but we have seen
                                                10 seeds                                      variances in this across the UK, so do let
                                                                                              us know how they get on where you live.

                                                                                              10 seeds

8 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
climbing french bean - green podded

ROMANO                                         10 seeds                                       10 seeds
New for 2020. This ex-commercial
variety was deleted from the National
List sometime in 2007, and thankfully
passed to us before it was lost forever.
Dating back to at least 1972, it was
supplied by Thompson & Morgan who
describe it in their 1995 catalogue as,                                                       SIGLINDE ORGANIC
“Long, tender, meaty and stringless                                                           This bean from Western Ukraine is
6-10 inch pods liberally loaded with                                                          named after our donor’s sister. The
unbeatable flavour. Heavy yield, good                                                         light green pods with white seeds are
for freezing.” Our Guardians agree, and                                                       traditionally grown for winter storage
also note the strong, tall, vigorous                                                          as dried beans, however the stringless
plants so provide some sturdy support!                                                        pods can be eaten fresh when young.

                                                                                                  All our varieties can be grown
KHEERA ORGANIC                                 KING OF THE RIDGE ORGANIC                           in the same way as modern
Originating from Bangladesh, this              Thought to date back to 1930s                     ones, but if you’d like a copy of
pleasantly mild-flavoured, mid-sized           this outdoor variety was originally               our growing instructions please
cucumber has a triangular cross-               supplied by Unwins seeds, but has                 let us know when you order, or
section when cut. Fruiting usually             been unavailable since 1993-94. A                 visit hsl.gardenorganic.org.uk/
starts by July from an April sowing. For       rampant grower, the fruit has been                      growing-instructions.
eating pick fruits when over 15cm long,        described as “an ugly brute”, however,
they grow squat and stout rather than          the flesh is crisp and very sweet, even
conventionally long and thin. Let the          when large (up to 1kg in weight).
fruit fully ripen or you won’t tell the        “Bought cucumbers taste of only water
difference between this and a normal           after trying this one”, reported Seed            GRANDPA’S ORGANIC
cucumber, but grown under cover it’s           Guardian, Ms Jane Pay.                           Our donor passed this cress to us as
easy, fruitful and relatively trouble free.                                                     it had been grown in his family for at
                                                6 seeds                                         least three generations. He says, “It
6 seeds                                                                                         germinates easily and produces a crop
                                                                                                in only a few weeks.” A broad, serrated-
                                                                                                leaved garden cress with a peppery
                                                                                                flavour and tender texture. The flavour
                                                                                                of the leaves gets stronger the higher
                                                                                                up the plant you go. Can be grown in a
                                                                                                pot all year round.

6 seeds

Limited Stock - An ex-commercial variety, originally from Suttons, but deleted from the
National List in 1995. This variety produces fruits with sweet-flavoured, crunchy flesh and
a thin, very pale green skin. Primarily a greenhouse cucumber, it can be grown outdoors in      100 seeds
sheltered areas.

                                                                                                   2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 9
Heritage Seed Library - Rare and unique heritage varieties exclusive to members of the Heritage Seed Library - HSL Garden Organic
dwarf french beans - coloured podded

 GAUK                                          HUNGARIAN WAX                                   HOPI BLACK
 This variety has been grown on the Island     Buff coloured seeds produce compact (up         Named after the Hopi people, a Native
 of Gotland, Sweden (Gauk is a farm) since     to 60cm) yet vigorous plants with pretty        American tribe of north-east Arizona
 the 19th century. Pale pink and white         pink flowers followed by yellow, waxy pods      who used the black beans both for food
 flowers are followed by large green and       that are stringless when young. Let us know     and as a dye. The compact (35-50cm)
 carmine striped pods. Said to be adapted      what you think. 95-110 days sow to harvest      but prolific plants produce dark lilac
 to harsh weather conditions; certainly        (approx.)                                       flowers followed by a generous crop of
 proven by one HSL member who grows in                                                         flat, greenish-yellow pods. These can be
 the windy conditions of coastal Cumbria;      10 seeds                                        eaten fresh when young, or allowed to
 and early to flower and pod.                                                                  mature when the dried beans are great
                                                                                               in chillis or as refried beans. Also thought
  10 seeds                                                                                     to show some drought resistance. Sow to
                                                                                               harvest 90 days (approx.)

                                                                                               10 seeds

                                               PARFREE’S DRAGON TONGUE
                                               Colin Parfree obtained this variety from
                                               his neighbour, who had in turn been given
                                               them by a friend who travelled extensively
                                               in China, from where they are thought to
                                               have originated. Compact, sturdy plants
                                               produce green pods splashed with thin
                                               deep violet stripes. An easy care, easy
                                               grow bean that could be used in pots for
                                               decorative purposes. The young pods are
                                               tender and tasty, and the dried beans have
                                               excellent flavour.

                                                10 seeds                                       MR BROOKS’ BLUE BEAN
                                                                                               Grown by Mr Brooks in the 1960s, but
                                                                                               passed to us by his neighbour who
  HUNGARIAN BUTTER                                                                             has grown the beans since 1969. The
  Our donor passed this variety, thought                                                       buff-coloured seeds produce 50-60cm
  to date back to around 1890, to HSL                                                          plants and very attractive mauve and
  after acquiring the beans from a friend’s                                                    lilac flowers followed by slim, flat, purple
  Hungarian husband. His family used                                                           pods. Best picked when young as pods
  them dried throughout winter, but when                                                       become a little stringy as they mature.
  young the pods are delicious, sweet and                                                      Sow to harvest 70 days (approx.)
  stringless. An early variety with pretty
  pink and white flowers, followed by yellow   TRINITY                                          10 seeds
  pods. Guardian David Howells found that      Our donor originally acquired these black
  they seemed less susceptible to aphid        seeded beans in the 1990s from Trinity,
  attack than other French beans he grows.     Jersey, where the selection had been grown
                                               for many years by a local farmer. Seed
  10 seeds                                     Guardian Miss Gotts says, “Have found
                                               these to be vigorous, sturdy, chunky plants.”
                                               Produces semi-dwarf plants (up to 60cm)
                                               followed by lilac flowers and yellow, waxy,
                                               stringless pods.
                                               10 seeds

10 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
dwarf french beans - green podded

BLACK COCO                                    EMPEROR OF RUSSIA                                 BLACK VALENTINE
Limited Stock - This black seeded French      Syn. ‘Longfellow’. Donated to us by Harlow        Introduced by Peter Henderson
heirloom variety produces compact,            Carr Botanic Garden, Harrogate. This fine         & Company in 1897, possibly as a
bushy plants that display both drought        haricot bean produces neat plants with white      renaming of an old bean known since
and cold tolerance. Dark lilac flowers are    flowers followed by slim and crisp pencil         the 1850s. Produces pretty lilac flowers
followed by pencil pods: crisp and tasty      pods, which are stringless when young. Seed       and straight, slender, stringless pencil
when eaten whole and as podded green          Guardian Bill Dale comments, “I probably          pods, which have a lovely flavour and
beans. When dried the beans have a            shouldn’t say it but in the many years I’ve       freeze well. The jet-black seeds are very
lovely nutty flavour, and are particularly    grown it, no disease or other problems. A         good for drying. It is attractive, very
good for use in Mexican and Cuban             crisp and crunchy treat when eaten fresh and      prolific, yet neat and tidy.
recipes. Sow to harvest 85 days (approx.)     young. A good, no-nonsense bean!”
                                                                                               10 seeds
10 seeds                                      10 seeds

GIANT STRINGLESS                              IDELIGHT                                        NAVY BEAN EDMUND
Limited Stock - Donated as part of a          Syn. Gourmet Delight. A vigorous                This variety came to us from RHS
collection given to HSL in the early 1980s    variety donated by John Yeoman of The           Harlow Carr. Navy beans were first
by American, Russell Crow. This 19th          Village Guild. Produces a heavy crop            cultivated to sustain Australian forces
century American heirloom produces            of glossy green, round, stringless pods         during WWII and are the variety used
compact (40-50cm) plants but BIG beans.       15-20cm in length and thought to show           as ‘baked beans’. The compact (around
An early producer of long, stringless         resistance to bean rust. Can also be            20cm), branching plants have white
green pods with dark seeds. The young         used as a drying bean. Sow to harvest           flowers and short green pods with small
pods have a delicate flavour, but the         55-60 days (approx.)                            round beans. The pods are held free
dried beans are second to none. Sow to                                                        of the ground, reducing slug or rotting
harvest 107 days (approx.)                                                                    problems. Principally a drying bean, but
                                              10 seeds
                                                                                              can be eaten as a green bean too.
10 seeds                                                                                       10 seeds

                                                                                                          XENIA FIELD
                                                                                                          Journalist, professional
                                                                                                          gardener and politician Xenia
SCOTT’S                           VAL’S BEAN                          YUGOSLAVIAN NO.4                    Field died, aged 103, in 1998;
A neighbour in High Easter,       This variety produces massive       This bean produces pale             this bean is without doubt a
Essex, gave our donor these       plants with large pods and          cream and white flowers             tribute to a most fascinating
beans in 1946. Bushy plants       beans, huge foliage and lilac       followed by small, flat, green      woman. Once available from
(45-50cm) produce creamish-       flowers. Their mild, sweet          pods that become blotched           Unwins, who said it was high
white flowers and an early        flavour makes them good             red when mature. Eat fresh          yielding, disease resistant
crop of long, broad, green        for eating fresh when young,        when young when the pods            and performed well in British
pods packed full of white         though they will become             are really tasty, or allow to dry   conditions. White flowers are
beans. Succulent when fresh       stringy if left to mature. The      and use the tan mottled seeds       followed by straight, green
with excellent flavour as a       mottled maroon seeds make           in soups and stews. Prefers a       pods that are best picked
haricot, but also great dried.    tasty dried beans.                  later sowing, is frost tolerant,    when young and stringless.
Sow to harvest 70 days                                                and matures quickly.                Also freezes well.

10 seeds                           10 seeds                           10 seeds                            10 seeds

                                                                                                   2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 11

 BLACK JACK                                   GEORGIA SOUTHERN COLLARD                         RAGGED JACK ORGANIC
 New for 2020. (Brassica oleracea) Our        (Brassica oleracea) An American heirloom         (Brassica oleracea) Our donor’s family
 donor originally acquired seed of this       from the southern state of Georgia that          had grown this kale for many years.
 variety in about 1957. Thought to have       dates back to before 1880 and shows good         Known as ‘Tunley Greens’, it had originally
 originated in Tiverton, Devon it was then    resistance to both heat and cold. A prolific     come from his wife’s grandfather who
 grown at Dipwell Farm, Ashburton. She        producer of huge, dark green leaves with         obtained the seeds in Tunley, Somerset
 says, “The plants are immensely strong       white veins, still exactly as described in the   in around 1910. Known in Europe for
 and resilient. The leaves are a soft green   1944 Burpee’s Seed Catalogue. Tasty and full     centuries, it was often grown in cottage
 with mauve veins and stalks. The shoots      of flavour, Seed Guardian Adam Alexander         and farm gardens. Valued for its hardiness
 are delicious raw or cooked and it freezes   enjoys them Southern style, steamed and          and ability to provide tasty, fresh greens
 well.”                                       eaten with a dash of vinegar.                    in the depth of winter. Its frilly grey-green
                                                                                               leaves have a lovely purple tinge.

  50 seeds                                    50 seeds                                         50 seeds

 SPIS BLADENE ORGANIC                         RUSSIAN/HUNGRY GAP                               UNCLE BERT’S PURPLE
 (Brassica oleracea) An old Danish variety    (Brassica napus) Hungry Gap is the               (Brassica oleracea) Our donor’s family
 whose name simply means “eat the             gardeners’ name for the period in spring         has grown this variety for several
 leaves”. A particularly tall kale reaching   when there is little or no fresh produce         generations and found it to be “the
 a magnificent 2m in height, so may           available from garden or allotment. This         nicest tasting of all kales.” Grown
 require staking. The leaves are broad        hardy variety, so named because it crops         extensively before WWII, but seems to
 and glaucous, and are slightly peppery       during this period, was introduced by Carter’s   have disappeared soon after. Large and
 to taste. If picked young the leaves are     in 1932. The steel-blue, wavy-edged leaves       prolific; it is both hardy and resilient to
 delicious in salads.                         develop a red and purple hue in colder           pests and diseases. Delicious too, with a
                                              weather and are tender and mild-flavoured.       slightly nutty flavour.
                                              Harvest from late autumn until April.

  50 seeds                                    50 seeds                                         50 seeds

                  kohl rabi                                                            lablab bean

  GREEN VIENNA ORGANIC                          VASU’S 30 DAY DWARF PAPRI                      YING’S LABLAB
  Limited Stock - Also known as the             Acquired via our Sowing New Seeds              A Chinese lablab with lovely scented
  stem turnip, kohl rabi is grown for its       project, this lablab is named after its        mauve flowers and pretty pods – lime
  enlarged, spherical stem. Dating back to      donor and is said to take 30 days from         green, often with a reddish-purple edge.
  the 19th century this variety has green       seed to flower. Grown and saved on             Flowering should start by July from an
  skin and crisp white flesh. It can be         the Redhill Allotments, Leicester, but         April sowing. This is the type called liva
  used raw and grated in salads, or cubed       originally commercial seed from India.         in Gujerati which produces broad flat
  and steamed if picked young, when the         This variety performs best in fertile soils    pods and mild-flavoured beans.
  flesh is at its sweetest.                     and a temperate climate.

  50 seeds                                      10 seeds                                        10 seeds

12 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
leek                                                                  lettuce

40 seeds                                         40 seeds                                           50 seeds

                                                                                                   Originating in China and cultivated
                                                 SIM SEGER ORGANIC                                 for its stem rather than its leaves. First
                                                 Limited Stock - Named after our donor’s           described by Vilmorin-Andrieux (1885)
                                                 neighbour, Sim Seger, who grew this               when introduced to Europe, probably by
                                                 variety for many years because they               missionary botanists working in China.
COLOMA ORGANIC                                   did particularly well in his locality of          Harvest the stems 3-4 months after
Limited Stock - A selection from Swiss           Malton, North Yorkshire. A hardy leek,            sowing, at around 30cm high and at
Giant, this is an early, reliable and heavy      which appears to be disease resistant             least 3cm thick. Remove the outer layer
cropping leek. Produces sturdy, strong           too. Guardian Jenny Rogers says, “Large           to reveal the light green flesh and cut
and upright plants with smooth, dark             plants with good firm, white stems.               into thin slices. The stem is excellent raw,
green leaves and long white stems.               Lovely flavour, excellent!”                       like celery, or lightly cooked in stir fries.


 50 seeds                            50 seeds                             50 seeds                           50 seeds

BATH COS                            BRONZE ARROW                          BLACK SEEDED                      BROWN BATH COS
Listed in James Carter’s            A beautiful, productive               SAMARA                            This is one of the oldest of the
Catalogue of a Choice               California heirloom, popular in       A light green, loose-leafed,      cos lettuces and considered
Collection of Floricultural,        the USA but almost unknown            summer butterhead lettuce         one of the hardiest of its type,
Vegetable and Agricultural          here. A large, non-hearting           that stands up well to drought.   suitable for summer or autumn
Seeds of 1842, this variety         lettuce; the attractive,              The soft leaves have a mild       sowing. It is exceedingly crisp
was described by a contributor      arrowhead-shaped leaves have          flavour and fine texture. So      and well flavoured. The leaves
to The Gardener (1867); “This       a distinctive bronze tinge and        named because it produces         are large, broad and scooped
sort ought to be in every           mild flavour. Drought and cold        black seeds. Seed Guardian        around the margins. When
garden. No other variety can        hardy, so ideal for autumn            Mike Wicken says, “An excellent   exposed to sunlight these
surpass it.” Thought to be          sowing and overwintering; it          variety with good flavour when    become a brownish-bronze,
synonymous with ‘Brighton           survived frost and snowfall at        young.”                           hence the name.
Cos’, the large, dark green         Ryton. Also less popular with
leaves have a rust-coloured         slugs.
tinge and are flavourful, crisp
and juicy.                                                                                                  STOKE
                                                                                                            Originally from Stoke, near
                                                                                                            Rochester in Kent, where the
                                    BUNYARD’S                                                               Cheesman family had grown
                                    MATCHLESS                                                               it for 170 years, but this
                                    Donated to HSL during the                                               variety probably dates back to
                                    1980s, this unusual, open-                                              before 1840. A compact and
                                    hearted cos type lettuce can                                            trouble-free lettuce, perfect
                                    be grown all year round;                                                for growing in limited space
                                    robust enough for autumn                                                or in containers. The dark
                                    or spring sowing. The thick,                                            green leaves are crunchy,
                                    juicy, dark green leaves have                                           flavoursome and slightly
                                    a distinctive, nutty flavour, a                                         sweet. Sow to harvest 70 days
50 seeds                            real lettuce-lover’s lettuce.          50 seeds

                                                                                                      2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 13
mustard - indian                                mustard - vietnamese                                   onion

  GUPTA’S INDIAN MUSTARD                            MR HONG’S ORGANIC                              AUGUSTA RIJNSBURGER
  ORGANIC                                           Vietnamese mustard can be stir-fried           SELECTION ORGANIC
  Although originally from India this has           or mixed with other salad leaves. Worth        Limited Stock - This medium sized,
  been grown by our donor on the St                 growing for its flavour. It is sweet           globe-shaped variety is both early and
  Mary’s Allotments in Leamington Spa –             with a peppery kick, but not quite as          high yielding. The bulbs have yellowish-
  a multicultural hotch-potch of vegetable          ferocious as winter mustards. Before           brown skin and crisp, aromatic flesh
  growing. It is the most productive of the         the flowers open the buds form tiny,           with fine flavour. Also thought to have
  Indian mustards trialled in our Sowing            broccoli-like, lime green florets, which       good storage capability. Let us know
  New Seeds project, producing large,               are great for adding flavour and texture       what you think of it.
  mild-flavoured leaves.                            to salads.

  50 seeds                                           50 seeds
                                                                                                   50 seeds

                                    peas - round seeded
                                                                                                   BATUN ORGANIC
                                                                                                   Limited Stock - This Russian variety
  10 seeds                                        10 seeds                                         forms clumps, similar to multiplier
                                                                                                   onions, of thumb-sized, purple tinged,
                                                                                                   crescent shaped bulbs. Sow from
                                                                                                   spring through until early autumn;
                                                                                                   this perennial variety can be left in the
                                                                                                   ground all year round and propagated
                                                                                                   by allowing to seed (which it will in its
                                                                                                   second year) or by dividing the clumps.
                                                                                                   The mild flavoured bulbs are ideal for
  BLUE PRUSSIAN                                  CARLIN                                            salads, soups and stir fries.
  A very old variety dating back to at least     Grown by our donor’s family since the 1890s
  the end of the 18th century in England.        and originally given to his great-grandfather
  Sutton & Sons Seed and Plant List of           as a wedding present, this ancient variety
  1852 describes it as “a useful old variety”.   dates back to the latter half of the 16th
  Thought to have been developed in              century. Protein rich (about 25%), this classic
  Germany, though very little is known           drying pea is still traditionally eaten in
  about its early history. We do know,           northern England on Carlin Sunday (the
  however, that is was grown by Thomas           Sunday before Palm Sunday). The peas
  Jefferson, the 3rd president of the USA,       are soaked in brine overnight, boiled and         50 seeds
  in 1809 in his garden at Monticello,           eaten with salt and vinegar or doused in
  Virginia. Growing to 90-120cm in height,       beer or mint sauce. Some say that the day
  it produces white flowers followed by          commemorates the arrival of a shipload of                 peas - wrinkle seeded
  plump, blunt pods containing 7-8 peas          peas in besieged Newcastle in 1644, saving
  in each. The peas can be used fresh,           many from starvation. Attractive pink and                       BLACKDOWN BLUE
  but are ideal as a drying pea, when the        lilac flowers are followed by pods of small,                    Originating in northern
  seeds are dark blue-green.                     brown mottled peas.                                             France, these peas were
                                                                                                                 given to a young soldier
                                                           SHARPE’S LIBERTY                                      returning from the
  10 seeds                                                                                                       battlefield of the Somme
                                                           No, not a Bernard Cornwell
                                                           novel featuring the dashing                           as a memento of happier
                                                           soldier fighting in the                               times before the war.
                                                           Napoleonic war, but a rare                            He took them home to
                                                           variety of pea. Sharpe & Co,                          Somerset where his family
                                                           Seed Merchants, were based                            and friends have grown
                                                           in Sleaford, Lincolnshire from                        them ever since. The plants
                                                           1913 to 1983. Growing up to 2m                        will reach around 1.8m
                                                           in height, this vigorous, hardy                       in height and produce
                                                           variety produces white flowers                        beautiful bicoloured
                                                           followed by a good crop of                            flowers followed by
                                                           shortish, blunt pods containing                       purple pods packed with
                                                                                                   10 seeds      flavoursome peas.
                                                           6-7 round seeded peas in each.

14 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
peas - wrinkle seeded

10 seeds                                    10 seeds                                       10 seeds

BORN MANGETOUT                              BULLROYD BEAN PEA
New for 2020. Our donors were given         Our donor was given the seed by his
these peas by teacher, Ester Born, from     neighbour, who in turn had acquired
Switzerland, after whom it is named.        them from a past member of the Bullroyd
Ester acquired the variety from a local     Allotment Association, Bradford, where
farmer and it is thought that the variety   the pea had been successfully grown for
dates to back to the 1970s. Produces        many years. Dense plants reach 1.5-1.8m in
tall plants (2-3m) and beautiful            height, producing pink and purple flowers
magenta flowers, followed by delicious      and pods full of large, tasty peas. Guardian   DWARF DEFIANCE/JOHN LEE
mangetout peas. It is also winter hardy     Michael Blake enjoyed their “old-fashioned”    Syn. Rentpayer, Strategem. First known
and can be sown in January/February or      flavour and found them particularly tasty in   as ‘John Lee’, this variety was bred by
as soon as the ground thaws.                a pea and cauliflower curry.                   Thomas Laxton and introduced by
                                                                                           Suttons in 1892 who describe it as
                                                                                           “heavy cropping with excellent flavour”.
10 seeds                                    10 seeds
                                                                                           This second early/maincrop variety
                                                                                           reaches only around 60cm in height.
                                                                                           Produces white flowers followed by dark
                                                                                           green pointed pods filled with sweet and
                                                                                           tasty peas. Vicki Cooke says, “This pea
                                                                                           makes huge pods on tiny plants!” and
                                                                                           we’re sure you will agree.

                                                                                           10 seeds
                                            HERBIE’S PURPLE PODDED
                                            BEAN PEA
                                            Our donor’s father acquired these peas
FORTY FIRST                                 from Mr Herbie Nicholson. Herbie had
Dating back to at least the 1920s,          grown the variety since the late 1990s in
our donor’s father and grandfather          Northumberland after being given them by
had grown this pea in Culmstock,            an elderly lady whose garden he tended.
Devon for many years. ‘Forty-First’ is a    She told him that they had been passed
Devonshire expression for something         from generation to generation for many
that is really good. Our donor says, “A     years in the Bedlington/Choppington
podding pea. Flowers are bicoloured         area. The tall vines (1.8m) grow rapidly
pale mauve and purple, height 150-          after germination, producing bicolour pink
190cm.” Some early pods are flecked         flowers followed by purple pods and pale
purple, which eventually disappears.        green peas with a flavour very similar to a
Tasty and sweet enough to eat raw.          processed pea. They also freeze well.

10 seeds
                                            LLANOVER                                       HARRISON GLORY
                                            This is a tall variety that needs strong pea   Thought to have been developed by
                                            sticks to support the large pods produced.     Harrison some time before 1855, when
                                            They were grown for many years on the          it was first offered by Sutton & Sons. By
                                            Llanover Estate in Wales from seeds            the 1860s it was available as far afield
                                            brought to the UK by a German prisoner         as New Zealand and the USA. Also listed
                                            of war (WWI). Once the war was over            in EW King & Co Catalogue of 1898. This
                                            he returned to marry a Welsh girl and          early/second early pea can get very tall,
                                            continued to work on the estate. Produces      so will require staking. Produces white
                                            white flowers and pods filled with small,      flowers with green veins followed by
                                            sweet peas.                                    green pods with 4-5 tasty peas in each.

                                                                                               2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 15
peas - wrinkle seeded

  10 seeds                                    10 seeds                                       10 seeds

 MR BETHELL’S                                 NE PLUS ULTRA                                  OSTGOTAART
 PURPLE PODDED                                This was one of the first hardy wrinkled       This variety is an old Swedish landrace
 This vigorous, tall pea (>2m) produces       peas, introduced in 1847 and reaching a        producing pretty white flowers followed
 bicoloured pink and maroon flowers           peak of popularity in the 1860s and 1870s.     by a healthy crop of tasty, large, fat pods
 followed by large purple pods, easy          Pods are dark, borne in pairs and, according   with an average of 6 peas in each. Grows
 to find amid the light green foliage. If     to RHS trials in 1860, abundant. We agree.     to more than 2m in height and is very
 picked young the pods are delicious as       It is also a tall variety (>2m), producing     productive. The peas themselves are
 mangetout; when mature the peas taste        large peas with a fine, sweet flavour          large and incredibly sweet when raw,
 deliciously sweet straight from the pod,     delicious when popped straight from the        maintaining their flavour when cooked.
 retaining their flavour when cooked.         pod. Sow to harvest 90-100 days (approx.)      Sow to harvest 90 days (approx.)

  10 seeds                                    10 seeds                                       10 seeds

 PARSLEY                                      RAISIN CAPUCIJNERS                             Our donor had grown this variety on his
 An unusual variety with white flowers        A Dutch dwarf variety grown locally            farm in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire,
 and edible tendrils that resemble curled     to produce dried peas and used in the          since the 1950s; however, he was originally
 parsley, and are a perfect addition to       same ways as dried beans. A short pea,         given the seeds by a Mr Robinson, who
 salads. The plants grow up to a metre in     reaching only around 1m in height,             had acquired them in Scotland. The
 height, but will need tying to pea sticks    so ideal for small spaces. Pretty white        vigorous plants (>2m) produce long, slim,
 as the tendrils will not cling to supports   flowers are flushed with pink as they          slightly curved pods over a long season.
 as with other peas. The plump pods           mature. The pods are sweet and                 Extraordinarily sweet, retaining their
 produce 6-7 sweet flavoured peas which       succulent if picked young, but this is         flavour even when frozen. Guardian and
 are delicious cooked and even better         really a drying pea. Does well even in         Garden Organic Trustee Adam Alexander
 straight from the pod.                       drought conditions.                            says, “The finest pea I grow.”

16 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
peas - wrinkle seeded

10 seeds                                    10 seeds                                        10 seeds

                                                                                            SUTTON’S PURPLE PODDED
SIMPSON’S SPECIAL                                                                           Probably introduced by Suttons in
Donated by Rural Life Museum, Dereham,      SUTTON’S HARBINGER                              the 1960s, it is listed in their 1970s
Norfolk. They were given the seeds by       Developed by the famous plant breeder           catalogue as a ‘Continental Variety’.
the late Mr Simpson, who worked on the      Thomas Laxton in 1872. Introduced in            Growing to 1-1.5m in height the strong,
Petworth Estate, West Sussex, where this    1898, it received an Award of Merit from        sturdy and productive vines have
variety had been grown since at least the   the RHS in 1901. A very early cropping,         beautiful bicoloured pink and magenta
1940s. A tall (>2m), productive pea with    first early variety producing compact           flowers followed by plump purple pods
a long season. Produces delicate white      plants (1-1.5m in height) with pods             solidly packed with sweet green peas.
flowers followed by a generous yield of     borne in pairs that Sutton & Sons’ 1940         Seed Guardian Judith Reid comments,
large curved pods packed with marrowfat-    catalogue describes as being “filled with       “lovely flowers and a full-bodied pea.
type peas that remain tasty even when       peas of excellent flavour”. Sow to harvest      Well worth growing!” Sow to harvest
large. Sow to harvest 110 days (approx.)    80 days (approx.)                               110 days (approx.)

10 seeds                                    10 seeds                                        10 seeds

Named after our donor, this pea has been    This variety was given to our donor by a        UNCLE FRED’S PEA ORGANIC
grown in Sidmouth, Devon for decades.       fellow member of the Northern Ireland           Our donor has been enjoying this pea
Reaching more than 2m in height the         Organic Gardening Society. He had               since the 1970s after being given them
vigorous vines produce white flowers,       personally saved the variety since the          by her Uncle Fred, who had grown the
pale foliage and long pods (up to 15cm)     1970s; however, they have been grown for        variety since the 1940s. She said that
each containing 9-12 large peas. All the    three generations in Ireland. A tall pea (up    they have a wonderful sweet flavour for
Guardians who have grown this variety       to 2.5m) with creamish-white flowers and        a large pea. Growing to around 2m in
comment on the sweetness of the peas.       slightly curved green pods packed full of       height, this variety is prolific and high-
Guardian Eluned Paramor adds, “This is a    large, sweet peas. Guardian Jackie Newey        yielding so will require sturdy supports.
handsome pea. Tastes delicious raw and      says, “No stopping these peas, they just kept   Pick the pods when full; best eaten
not affected by pests (except humans!)”.    on growing and flowering!”                      fresh but excellent for freezing.

                                                                                                2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 17
peas - wrinkle seeded

 VEITCH’S PERFECTION                              VICTORIAN PURPLE                                     YORKSHIRE HERO
 New for 2020. Thought to have been               PODDED ORGANIC                                       New for 2020. This variety originated
 developed by Veitch’s Nurseries of Exeter        A tall pea (1.5-2m) producing beautiful              around 1862. The DM Ferry catalogue
 and Chelsea, this variety is referred to in      pink and claret flowers followed by an               (USA) of 1881 states, “A fine, white,
 Johnson’s Gardeners’ Dictionary (1842            abundance of purple pods. The plants are             wrinkled pea, very prolific, quite early and
 edition). It is a late variety producing         vigorous and dense, but the pods stand               of delicious flavour; grows to about 2½
 vigorous (1.2-1.8m) plants with very             out clearly making picking easy. Both                feet high (70cm) and keeps a long time
 large leaves and white flowers. The large        beautiful and productive, the perfect ‘edible        in season. In fact, it never becomes hard.
 pods contain 9-11 marrowfat-type peas            ornamental’!                                         The seed, when ripe, is of a creamy-white
 with strong but sweet flavour.                                                                        colour, much shrivelled and indented,
                                                                                                       and in its green state is unsurpassed in
                                                                                                       sweetness and delicate flavour.” Let us
                                                                                                       know what you think.

  10 seeds                                         10 seeds                                            10 seeds


  15 seeds                             SKINNY ORGANIC                      15 seeds                               TRIFETTI
                                       A fairly slow-growing variety                                              Syn. Purple Tiger. Produces
                                       producing small fruit (1-1.5cm                                             pretty plants with variegated
                                       long) with pointed ends.                                                   cream and green leaves, purple
                                       Produces compact plants                                                    flowers and dark purple/black,
                                       that are perfect for growing                                               bullet-shaped fruits that turn
                                       in pots on a windowsill. The                                               red when ripe. We recommend
                                       peppers are extremely hot and                                              early sowing (February/early
                                       care should be taken when                                                  March) and a long growing
                                       handling, preparing and eating                                             season for this pepper. Very hot
                                       them. Prolonged handling                                                   even with the majority of seeds
                                       of the seed can also cause                                                 removed.
                                       irritation, so take care if seed
                                       saving.                                                                     15 seeds

 This pepper was among a
 collection of seeds obtained
 from the parents of our
 donor’s son-in-law who had
 a smallholding near Gostivar,
 Macedonia (then part of the
 former Yugoslavia). Produces          15 seeds
 green peppers that turn dark
 red when mature. Found               SHEEPNOSE
 by our Seed Guardians                Originally from Ohio, this standard-looking bell pepper
 to perform well even in              ripens from green to red, but it is unusual in having a
 northern England. Guardian           slightly matte finish to its skin. For people who do not like
 Bev Mumford adds, “An                the usually tough skin of bell peppers this may be more
 excellent variety with sweet,        palatable. Seed guardians have described the pepper as
 juicy flesh.” Milder than a          “very fleshy, very rich flavour, excellent roasted in oil, and
 chilli, but still has bite.          very prolific”. It may require staking to support the fruit.

18 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
radish                                                         runner beans

60 seeds                           CRIMSON GIANT                      10 seeds                        BROOKER BEANS
                                   ORGANIC                                                            Our donor has known of this
                                   Dating back to around 1910,                                        bean since the 1940s. Her
                                   this is a conventional-looking                                     family have always grown
                                   radish, but with larger (3-4cm                                     them, preserving the beans
                                   diameter), round roots. The                                        by salting. A robust variety
                                   solid white flesh is firm, crisp                                   that can be sown in the
                                   and mild. Hardy, attractive and                                    glasshouse for an early crop,
                                   quick to mature, so perfect for                                    or outdoors as late as July
                                   successional sowing. It is also                                    and still achieve a good yield
                                   reluctant to become pithy or                                       of tender beans that only
                                   hollow, even when large. Sow                                       become stringy when over-
                                   to harvest 29 days (approx.)                                       mature. Shows some frost
                                                                                                      tolerance too.
PASQUE ORGANIC                      60 seeds
Limited Stock - A robust winter                                       LORD MILDMAY’S                   10 seeds
storage radish with pink roots                                        ORGANIC
and crisp, white, medium to                                           After learning about HSL
strong-flavoured flesh, making                                        membership at a meeting of
it ideal grated for salads or                                         her local gardening society,
coleslaw. Sow in July or August                                       our donor passed us some of
allowing a little more space                                          her runner bean seeds. She
than for summer radishes as                                           has grown them and saved
the roots are large. Can be left                                      the seeds since before 1950
in the ground until required                                          without ever knowing their
making it a good winter                                               correct name. She has always
standby for fresh salads.                                             known them as Lord Mildmay’s
                                                                      after the owner of Shoreham
                                                                      Place, Kent (sadly now
60 seeds             RAT’S TAIL ORGANIC                               demolished) where the variety
                     A Syn. Serpent’s Tail. Grown for its long        originated.
                     edible seed pods rather than its roots.
                     Thrives in hot weather. First mentioned
                     in this country in Carter and Son’s Vade         10 seeds                        SIMPSON’S MANY
                     Mecum (which eventually became known                                             STEMS
                     as their Blue Books) of 1868, which stated,                                      New for 2020. Limited Stock -
                     “It is a native of Java where it is known                                        Named after our donor, this is
                     under the name Mongri or snake radish,                                           an unusual runner bean in that
                     and is much used in some parts of India for                                      it produces around three stems
                     salading etc.” Pick the pods at around 10-                                       per seed. Mr Simpson passed
                     15cm when they will be crisp and tender                                          the bean to us to ensure that
                     with a strong, peppery flavour. Can be eaten                                     it would not be lost forever.
                     fresh, cooked in stir fries or even pickled.                                     He says, “A very heavy cropper,
                                                                                                      good length, an enormous size
                                                                                                      and very tasty.” Let us know
TIENTSIN GREEN                      60 seeds                                                          what you think of it.
Originally from a collection in
                                                                                          shark fin melon
China, this variety produces
white roots with a green collar
and a really radishy bite! Could                                      5 seeds                              HONG’S ORGANIC
be tried as a winter radish.                                                                               Widely used in southern
                                                                                                           Central America and
                                                                                                           Asia, this vegetable is
 60 seeds                          WOOD’S FRAME                                                            so named because it
                                   ORGANIC                                                                 is, traditionally, made
                                   Syn. New London Particular.                                             into a broth that
                                   An ex-commercial variety with                                           resembles shark fin soup.
                                   long, pink, tapering roots, best                                        This variety spreads
                                   used at around 5-7cm. Listed                                            vigorously, particularly
                                   in Carters Blue Book in 1845,                                           in nitrogen-rich soils,
                                   it is hardy, pest resistant and                                         producing 4-5 pale green
                                   bred for forcing under cold                                             fruits per plant. They
                                   frames, but does well outside.                                          have mild-flavoured,
                                   Has a mild, sweet flavour with                                          cucumber-like flesh.
                                   peppery note.

                                                                                              2020 Seed List - Heritage Seed Library - 19
sorrel                                             spinach                                     squash

  SHCHAVEL                                            BLOOMSDALE                                 CHICAGO WARTED
  A hardy, early, prolific and disease-               LONGSTANDING ORGANIC                       HUBBARD ORGANIC
  free Russian variety (‘Shchavel’ means              Limited Stock - The original               (Cucurbita maxima) - An American
  ‘sorrel’ in Russian). The succulent and             ‘Bloomsdale’ spinach was introduced        heirloom developed by Budlong
  lemony-sharp leaves really lift a mixed             by seed merchants David and Cuthbert       Gardens, Chicago, from the original
  salad, but it can also be used in sauces,           Landreth in 1826. The semi-upright         Hubbard-type squash. It was introduced
  soups, quiches and stir fries. A truly              plants are slow to go to seed, doing       commercially by Vaughan’s Seed Store,
  multipurpose vegetable.                             better in hot weather than most            Chicago in 1894, who described it as
                                                      varieties. Produces a continuous yield     “the best of its class, rich in quality, a
                                                      of crinkled, glossy, deep green, sweet     keeper and thick fleshed - such will sell
                                                      and delicious leaves that are not bitter   at sight.” Trailing vines produce large
                                                      when eaten raw or when cooked.             (5.5-6kg), warty, wrinkled, olive green
                                                                                                 fruit with fine-grained, sweet, orange
                                                                                                 flesh. Perfect for soup making.
                                                                                                 3 seeds

  100 seeds                                           50 seeds

                                                                                                 QUEENSLAND BLUE
                                                                                                 (Cucurbita maxima) - Australian variety
   50 seeds                                       50 seeds                                       dating back to at least 1930. Produces
                                                                                                 vigorous vines that can grow up to 8m
                                                                                                 so, as with all squash of this species,
                                                                                                 give them plenty of room to ramble.
                                                                                                 The deeply furrowed, blue fruits may
                                                                                                 show some variation (green-blue or
                                                                                                 grey-blue), which is usual for the variety.
                                                                                                 This contrasts superbly with the vivid
                                                                                                 orange flesh. Perfect for stuffing, and
                                                                                                 great in soups or boiled and mashed
                                                                                                 with butter.

  DOON MAJOR ORGANIC                             GUL SVENSK ORGANIC
  A superb Scottish purple-topped, globe         Translated means “yellow Swedish”; this
  swede, which stores well. The roots            very old variety, commercially available
  stand clear of the ground and have an          since the 1800s, was lost during the 1960s,
  excellent sweet flavour. This is the last      but the Swedish Seed Savers, SESAM, have
  time we will be offering the variety as        conserved it since then. The yellow roots
  it has been registered as a conservation       are green-topped and have a slightly oval
  variety on the UK National List.               shape. Found to have good resistance to
                                                 club root. 50 seeds.

  KELPER GIGANTIC ORGANIC                         50 seeds
  Originally from Stanley, Falkland Islands,
                                                                                                 3 seeds
  but passed to HSL via Chase Organics
  who thought the variety would be
  of interest to us. It has been grown
  in Stanley since the 1940s, always
  organically, and it is believed that they                                                       Choose six varieties to receive
  were originally supplied by Bees Seeds,                                                            for free as part of your
  Liverpool. It produces round bicoloured                                                        membership. Group HSL members
  roots with crisp, orange-yellow flesh.                                                            can choose up to twelve.

20 Heritage Seed Library - 2020 Seed List
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