Page created by Benjamin Moore

                  ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021

                GreenCape is a non-profit organisation that works at the interface of business, government,
                    and academia to identify and remove barriers to economically viable green economy
               infrastructure solutions. Working in developing countries, GreenCape catalyses the replication
                and large-scale uptake of these solutions to enable each country and its citizens to prosper.

       This market intelligence report was produced in partnership with the Western Cape Government Department of
    Economic Development and Tourism. We thank Argon Poorun (lead author), Jack Radmore, Bruce Raw, Reshmi Wolvers
         and Johan Strydom for the time and effort that they have put into compiling this market intelligence report.

                        While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information published
                        in this report is accurate, no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage
                      to any person or entity relying on any of the information contained in this report.

                                                Copyright © GreenCape 2021

                       This document may be downloaded at no charge from
                                                 All rights reserved.

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                                       Cover image courtesy of New Southern Energy

                         2nd Floor, North Wharf, 42 Hans Strijdom Ave, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001

                                                                                                                                ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
             Authors:                                            Argon Poorun and Jack Radmore
 Editorial and review:                                           Cilnette Pienaar, Jack Radmore.
		                                                               Lauren Basson and Nicholas Fordyce
              Images:                                            GreenCape, City of Cape Town, New Southern Energy, Solar MD,
		                                                               Pxhere and Nicholas Fordyce
  Layout and design:                                             Tamlin Lockhart

                                                                                                               Policy, legislation, and governance 35
                                                                                                               3.1. Governance 37
                                                                                                                    3.1.1. National government 37
                                                                                                                    3.1.2. Local government 37
                                                                                                                    3.1.3. Industry bodies 37
                                                                                                               3.2. Legislation and regulation 37
                                                                                                               3.3. Policy and white papers 39
                                                      Introduction and purpose 9

                              0                                                2
                                                      1                                                     3
                                                                               Sector overview 11
                                Executive summary 1
                                                                               2.1. International energy services market 14
                                What’s new? 7
                                                                               2.2. South African market context 14
                                                                                    2.2.1. South African electricity landscape 14
                                                                                    2.2.2. The development of the energy services market in South Africa 14
           2020 MIR 2021

                                                                               2.3. Energy Services market drivers 16
                                                                                    2.3.1. Rising electricity costs 16
                                                                                    2.3.2. Falling costs of renewable energy technologies 17

                                                                                    2.3.3. Supportive energy policies and regulations by the local and national government 19
                                                                                    2.3.4. Energy finance – facilitating the right type of finance into the sector 27

                                                                               2.4. Key players 28

                                                                               2.5. Energy Services market size 30
                                                                                    2.5.1. Small-scale embedded generation – rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) market size 31
                                                                                    2.5.2. Energy storage market size 32
                                                                                    2.5.3. Energy efficiency market size 32
Funding and incentives 55
                                  5.1. General funding opportunities 55
                                       5.1.1. Green Finance Database 55
                                       5.1.2. Government funding and incentives database 55
                                       5.1.3. Finfind database 56
                                       5.1.4. AlliedCrowds database 56

                                                                                                          GreenCape’s support to
                                                                                                          businesses and investors 61

4                                                              6                                                                        8
                                5                                                               7
                                                                       The Western Cape: Africa’s green
                                                                       economy hub 57

Emerging opportunities, drivers and barriers 41
4.1. Small-scale embedded generation 44
     4.1.1. C&I rooftop PV diversification 44
     4.1.2. Solar Power Purchase Agreements 45
     4.1.3. PV for energy resellers 46
     4.1.4. In-house capacity building 47
4.2. Battery energy storage 47
     4.2.1. Backup power and UPS 48
4.3. Energy efficiency 49
     4.3.1. Smart metering and demand-side management 50
     4.3.2. Aggregated interventions for commercial new builds and retrofits 51                                                         References 65

                           Figure 1:    Energy Services interlinked market segments                                                                       13
                           Figure 2:    Global Energy Services Market Share                                                                               14
                           Figure 3:    Energy Services sector overview                                                                                   15
                           Figure 4:    Average Eskom tariff versus inflation (CPI) projected to 2022                                                     16
                           Figure 5:    Levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) per renewable energy technology in South Africa’s utility-scale programme,
                                        and Eskom average tariff trajectory 2010-2020 (Rand/kWh)                                                           18
                           Figure 6:    South African small scale solar PV price in 2018-2022                                                              18
                           Figure 7:    Uptake of SSEG processes in municipalities                                                                         21
                           Figure 8:    Western Cape municipalities allowing SSEG to connect to the grid                                                  25
                           Figure 9:    Western Cape municipal SSEG feed-in tariffs                                                                       26
                           Figure 10:   Western Cape municipal SSEG fixed tariff portion                                                                  26
                           Figure 11:   Energy Services market value chain                                                                                29
                           Figure 12:   Distribution of solar PV installations across end-user segments in South Africa                                    31
                           Figure 13:   ESCos market for energy efficiency in South Africa                                                                32
                           Figure 14:   Energy consumption in South Africa by source (TWh)                                                                33
                           Figure 15:   Energy consumption in South Africa by sector (TWh)                                                                34
                           Figure 16:   Behind-the-meter energy storage cost trajectory per technology 2014-24                                            48
                           Figure 17:   Number of energy efficiency projects by sector in South Africa                                                    49
                           Figure 18:   Average capital cost of energy efficiency projects in South Africa                                                50
 iv        2020 MIR 2021

Table 1:    Eskom price increases 2010-2020                                                                                             17
Table 2:    South African solar PV price in 2020                                                                                       19
Table 3:    Provincial SSEG uptake summary                                                                                             22
Table 4:    List of municipalities allowing SSEG to connect to the grid                                                                23
Table 5:    Roles of key players in the Energy Services value chain                                                                    30
Table 6:    Total energy savings opportunities and capital leveraged for small and large businesses identified by the PSEE programme   33
Table 7:    Licensing and registration for different SSEG system sizes                                                                 38
Table 8:    Emerging Energy Services opportunities                                                                                     43
Table 9:    Barriers and drivers of the Candi rooftop PV diversification opportunity                                                   45
Table 10:   Barriers and drivers of the Solar PPAs opportunity                                                                         45
Table 11:   Barriers and drivers of the solar PV for energy resellers opportunity                                                      46
Table 12:   Barriers and drivers of the in-house capacity building opportunity                                                         47
Table 13:   Battery technology comparison                                                                                              48
Table 14:   Barriers and drivers of the energy storage opportunity                                                                     49
Table 15:   Barriers and drivers of the smart metering and demand-side management opportunity                                           51
Table 16:   Barriers and drivers of the aggregated commercial opportunity                                                              52

                                                                                                                                             ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021

                           AEEE    Alliance for an Energy-Efficient Economy                ESCo      Energy services company
                           BEE     Bureau of Energy Efficiency                             GOF       Green Outcomes Fund
                           BTM     Behind the meter                                        GW        Gigawatt
                           CAGR    Compound annual growth rate                             GWh       Gigawatt-hours
                           Candi   Commercial and industrial                               HVAC      Heating Ventilation and Cooling
                           Capex   Capital expenditure                                     IEA       International Energy Agency
                           CCT     City of Cape Town                                       IEP       Integrated Energy Plan
                           CMVP    Certified measurement and verification personnel        IFC       International Finance Corporation
                           CO2e    Carbon dioxide equivalent                               IPP       Independent Power Producer
                           COTS    Commercially available off-the-shelf                    IRENA     International Renewable Energy Agency
                           CPI     Consumer price index                                    IRP       Integrated Resource Plan
                           CSIR    Council for Scientific and Industrial Research          kW        kilowatt
                           CSP     Concentrated solar power                                kWh       kilowatt hours
                           DFI     Development Finance Institution                         kWp       kilowatt peak
                           DMRE    Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (National)   LCOE      Levelised cost of electricity
                           DoE     Department of Energy (National)                         MIR       Market Intelligence Report
                           DPE     Department of Public Enterprises                        Mt        Megatonnes
                           dti     Department of Trade and Industry                        MW        Megawatt
                           EAF     Energy availability factor                              MWh       Megawatt hours
                           EE      Energy efficiency                                       MWp       Megawatt peak
                           EEMS    Energy Efficient Monitoring System                      MYPD      Multi-year price determination
           2020 MIR 2021

                           EG      Embedded generation                                     NBI       National Business Initiative
                           EOI     Expression of interest                                  NCPC-SA   National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa

                           EPC     Engineering Procurement Construction                    NEES      National Energy Efficiency Strategy
                           EPCM    Engineering Procurement Construction Management         NERSA     National Energy Regulator of South Africa

                           ERA     Electricity Regulation Act                              O&M       Operation and maintenance

                           ES      Energy services                                         OEM       Original equipment manufacturer
                           ESC     Energy supply contracting                               PACE      Property Assessed Clean Energy
                           ESt     Energy storage                                          PAYS®     Pay As You Save®
PPA        Power purchase agreement
PQRS       Power quality and renewable services
PSEE       Private sector energy efficiency
PV         Photovoltaic
RE         Renewable energy
REIPPPP    Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers
           Procurement Programme
RFP        Request for Proposal
SABIA      South African Biogas Industry Association
SAESA      South African Energy Storage Association
SALGA      South African Local Government Association
SANEDI     South African National Energy Development Institute
SAPVIA     South African Photovoltaic Industry Association
SASGI      South African Smart Grid Initiative
SAWEA      South African Wind Energy Association
SMEs       Small- and medium-sized enterprises
SMME       Small-, medium- and micro-sized enterprises
SONA       State of the Nation Address
SSEG       Small-scale embedded generation
StatsSA    Statistics South Africa
TOU        Time of use

                                                                 vii ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
TWh        TerraWatt hour
UNIDO      United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UPS        Uninterruptable power supply

Exchange rates used: 1 US Dollar = R16.23 (October 2020)

                           This market intelligence report is compiled for foreign direct and local investors that are looking to invest
                           directly in the South African green economy through project development, asset management, equity, debt,
                           equipment manufacturing, or support services. It highlights investment opportunities in embedded generation
                           and energy efficiency, created by South Africa’s diversifying energy services market.

                           The term ‘energy services’ is         There are five main factors           Despite the systemic shocks            It showed remarkable resilience
                           used to describe two key energy       driving growth in the energy          caused by the COVID-19 economic        with full development pipelines
                           market segments in the South          services market:                      lockdown, the well-established         holding the expected growth
                           African energy space, namely (i)                                            South African Energy Services          trajectory through 2020 close to
                           small-scale embedded generation       South Africa’s above-inflation        market continues to grow at            the saturation point of 500 MWp
                           (SSEG), which includes rooftop        electricity price rises; national     an increasing rate.                    annual installed capacity. As such,
                           solar photovoltaic (PV) systems       energy insecurity; decreasing                                                the market is still expected to
                           and energy storage, and (ii) energy   technology costs; supportive          The national embedded                  reach a total capacity of 7.5 GW by
           2020 MIR 2021

                           efficiency. These market segments     policies, regulations, and tariffs;   generation market for installations,   2035 at an estimated market value
                           are increasingly bolstered by         and well-adapted finance options,     operation and maintenance              of R75 billion.

                           offerings in the energy finance       have all played an important role     of rooftop solar PV has been
                           sector, which in and of themselves    in driving the growth of the energy   identified as an important part

                           also present opportunities to         services market.                      of the country’s immediate

                           financial investors.                                                         efforts towards energy security.
This steady growth, which        The flexibility of application           Energy efficiency was the hardest    Significant untapped potential
translates to the potential      use-cases and the increasing             hit by the economic shutdown         still lies in this market for investors
creation of ~1 250 jobs, is      relevance of load-shedding-              period of the lockdown. Unlike the   and businesses, as it serves as an
significant, considering the     related risk will lead to an             embedded generation segment,         important, favourable option
national expanded unemployment   increasingly prevalent role of the       decreased demand appetite and        going forward in optimising energy
level reaching 42.0%. in 2       storage segment in energy service        access to stockpiled equipment led   costs. The estimated market by
020.                             provision. The market is expected        to a market contraction, with many   2035 is ~ R21 billion.
In 2020 the SA energy storage    to rise to ~ R31 billion, with 6.5 GWh   companies being forced to limit
market saw a surge in demand     installed energy capacity by 2030.       their workforce.
from the commercial and
agricultural sectors.

                                                                                                                                                            ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
                                                                                                                                    Solar PV installation
                                                                                                                                     in Cape Town CBD.

Within the embedded                    There is significant opportunity        This allows them to circumvent          Within the energy efficiency
                           generation market segment,             in partnering with engineering,         contractual arrangements with           market segment, there are
                           there are four emerging                procurement and construction            EPCs and reduce project costs.          two emerging opportunities
                           opportunities for investors:           companies (EPCs) to back the            The growth potential of this            for investors:
                                                                  investment in meeting this demand.      opportunity is highly attractive for
                           Rooftop PV model diversification                                               early-funding partners who can          Smart metering and demand-
                           for the commercial and industrial      Solar PV for energy resellers:          assist in backing such projects.        side management: Development
                           (Candi) sectors: A strong business     In traditional resale, property                                                 in smart metering technologies
                           case is driving increasing maturity,   development owners (residential         Within the energy storage market        and increasing awareness of
                           concentration, and competition in      estates or shopping malls, for          segment, there is an emerging           the opportunity to both reduce
                           the market. Hence, developers are      example) can benefit from bulk          opportunity for investors:              commercial and residential
                           extending the types of offerings,      electricity, discounted from                                                    electricity bills and improve
                           such as O&M-only contract rebuys       municipalities. They can then sell      Behind-the-meter (BTM) battery          revenue collection result in
                           and system bundling. This provides     it to their tenants at the retail       storage: The need for energy            growing penetration over standard
                           attractive, alternative access to      rate instead of the potentially less    independence and resilience, in         prepaid meters in municipalities.
                           the market for new entrants and        preferential individual unit tariffs.   light of on-going load shedding, is
                           smaller players.                       Similarly, the property developer       driving demand in back-up power         Aggregated interventions for
                                                                  can install a solar PV system,          and uninterruptible power supply        commercial new builds and
                           Solar power purchase agreements        benefiting from a reduced power         (UPS) applications, particularly        retrofits: The end of the private
                           (PPAs): Although access to             purchase agreement rate. They           in commercial, industrial and           sector energy efficiency (PSEE)
                           finance has improved with              can then ‘on-sell’ the electricity      agricultural applications               programme in 2015, growth of
                           commercial banks having                generated by the PV system              where the opportunity costs of          the rooftop PV market, and tight
                           developed dedicated solar              to tenants at a rate equivalent         energy insecurity are high. This        margins against operational
                           portfolios and spesific financial      to the higher residential or            opportunity is still small due to the   and contracting costs have led
                           mechansims, corporate and              commercial tariff, depending on         prohibitive high cost of batteries,     to a decline in energy-efficiency
                           capital-constrained customers          the development.                        though it is expected to grow           market participation, despite this
           2020 MIR 2021

                           are opting to transfer the                                                     significantly as lithium-ion battery    being an attractive intervention
                           performance and investment risk        In-house capacity building:             prices continue to decrease over        for consumers. However, there has

                           onto the service provider, whilst      Property development owners             the next 5 to 10 years.                 been a resurgence in centralised
                           also ensuring a long-term fixed        who have identified the significant                                             solutions for medium to large

                           reduced tariff.                        potential for rooftop PV across                                                 commercial buildings, particularly

                                                                  their available portfolio are                                                   in water heating, which presents
                                                                  entering the market by developing                                               the opportunity to aggregate
                                                                  in-house delivery capacity.                                                     benefits and project return.
     Ground mounted
  solar PV installation
 at Marlenique Estate.
©New Southern Energy


                           Opportunity         Key drivers                                   Requirement and barrier                     Expected     Macro-environment

                           Candi rooftop PV    • Smaller rooftop PV projects are bundled     • Competition can drive instances           1-5 years    • Load shedding and security of supply
                           diversification       together to reach a scale where they          of cost-cutting and installations                        are major concerns
                                                 become attractive to larger investors         of sub-par systems                                     • Eskom and municipal electricity tariffs
                                               • Renewal of O&M contracts after 2-5          • Regulatory uncertainty                                   on the rise
                                                 years (project dependent)
                                               • Enables international project developers
                                                 and investors to establish a footprint in
                                                 South Africa

                           Solar PPAs          • Energy user does not need to raise          • Offered at a premium in comparison        1-5 years    • COVID-19 economic contraction has led
                                                 upfront capital                               to buy-own model                                         to businesses being conservative with
                                               • Long-term future energy cost stability      • Complexity in negotiating PPA                            their balance sheets

                                               • Transfer performance and maintenance          contracts                                              • Eskom and municipal electricity tariffs
                                                 risk to the installer                                                                                  on the rise

                                               • Option to buy system can be negotiated
                                                 at a later stage

                           PV for energy       • PPA financing                               • Regulatory uncertainty                    5-10 years   • 3-5 solar PV tenders per month
                           resellers           • Wheeling frameworks are emerging            • Lack of standardisation                                  nationally in the last year — green
                                                                                               in PPA contracts                                         building industry on the rise
                                               • Reduction of carbon footprint
                                                                                             • Home-owners association approval                       • Eskom and municipal electricity tariffs
                                                                                                                                                        on the rise
                                                                                                                                                      • National energy insecurity
                                                                                                                                                      • The carbon tax bill currently in effect at
                                                                                                                                                        R120/tCO2 with increases scheduled from
                                                                                                                                                        2022 onwards
           2020 MIR 2021

                           In-house            • Easy access to commercial finance           • Regulatory uncertainty                    5-10 years   • Increasing awareness of strong PV
                           capacity building   • Access to a large portfolio of properties   • Bridging the gap in technical expertise                  business case on medium to large

                                                 and available roof space                                                                               commercial properties

                                               • Circumvent PPAs                                                                                      • Eskom and municipal electricity tariffs

                                                                                                                                                        on the rise

                                                                                                                                                      • The carbon tax bill currently in effect at
                                                                                                                                                        R120/tCO2 with increases scheduled from
                                                                                                                                                        2022 onwards
Opportunity       Key drivers                                   Requirement and barrier                     Expected     Macro-environment

Behind the        • Easy access to commericial finance          • Regulatory uncertainty                    5-10 years   • Increasing awareness of strong PV
meter (BTM)       • Access to a large portfolio of properties   • Bridging the gap in technical expertise                  business case on medium to large
battery storage     and available roof space                                                                               commercial properties
– 1.5 GWh                                                                                                                • Eskom and municipal electricity tariffs
                  • Circumvent PPAs
                                                                                                                           on the rise
                                                                                                                         • The carbon tax bill currently in effect
                                                                                                                           at R120/tCO2 with increases scheduled
                                                                                                                           from 2022 onwards

Smart metering    • Complex time-of-use tariffs                 • Willingness to transition from standard   1-5 years    • Utilities lose between 10 and 45%
and demand-side   • Developments in technology for wider          prepaid meters                                           of revenue to tampering and copper
management          accessibility and ease-of-use               • Privacy concerns                                         cable theft

                  • Standardisation of smart meter              • Uncertainties in municipality-wide                     • Eskom and municipal electricity
                    regulations (NRS 049)                         implementation                                           tariffs on the rise

                  • Monitoring and bill reduction as a                                                                   • The carbon tax bill currently in effect
                  • Reduces rates of tampering and theft
                    through real-time alerts

Aggregated        • Legislative and regulatory changes for      • Target market education and business      1-5 years    • COVID-19 economic contraction has led
interventions       green buildings (SANS10400-XA)                development                                              to the businesses being conservative
for commercial    • The requirement of a 50% limit                                                                         with their balance sheets
new builds and      on electricity used for water heating                                                                • Eskom and municipal electricity tariffs
retrofits           is driving the shift to centralised                                                                    on the rise
                    energy solutions particularly in
                    building retrofits.

                                                                                                                                                                     ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
                  • 12L tax incentive
                  • Falling cost of energy-efficient

WHAT’S                                                                                                                        CLICK HERE

                           NEW?                                                                                                                          TO WATCH A
                                                                                                                                                      SUMMARY OF THE
                                                                                                                                                        2021 ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                        SERVICES MIR

                           This MIR provides an update on the opportunities, barriers, and regulations discussed in the
                           2020 Energy Services MIR. It also outlines emerging opportunities and barriers in small-scale
                           embedded generation, energy efficiency, and energy storage.

                           What happened in 2020                • March: Amendments to Schedule          be in charge of registering the        • July: The City of Cape Town
                                                                  2 of the Electricity Regulation        installations and report to NERSA.       (CCT) launched a Small Scale
                           • Feburary: The new draft              Act 4 of 2006 were gazetted                                                     Embedded Generation Feed-in
                             Energy Efficiency Standards          on 26 March 2020. It exempts          • May: Draft low voltage wiring code      Incentive (R0.25/kWh)
                             (SANS10400-XA 2nd edition) were      certain power generation                SANS 10142-1-2 – Part 1-2: Specific
                             published for public comment.        facilities of less than 1 MW in         requirements for embedded             • January – December: Rolling
                                                                  size from the requirement to            generation installations                blackouts (load shedding)
                           • March: Phased national               have a generation licence. If an        connected to the low voltage            continued with Eskom unable
           2020 MIR 2021

                             lockdown in response to the          installation meets the criteria         distribution network in South           to match current demand with
                             COVID-19 pandemic led to a halt      as stipulated in the amended            Africa were released for public         available supply.

                             in economic activity and the         schedule, the installation can be       comment. It stipulates additional
                             delivery of energy projects from     registered with NERSA, instead of       special requirements for low

                             26 March 2020 to 31 May 2020         requiring a licence. It is expected     voltage small-scale embedded

                             (2 months).                          that distribution operators, i.e.       generator installations connected
                                                                  municipalities or Eskom, would          to the electricity grid.
State of the Nation Address 2020      • Procuring emergency power            This MIR updates the 2020 report     • Energy Services market drivers
                                        from projects that can deliver       and highlights the following:          and barriers;
In the State of the Nation Address      electricity into the grid within 3
(SONA 2020), President Cyril            to 12 months of approval.            • updates on the state of small-     • COVID-19 lockdown and its
Ramaphosa announced measures                                                   scale embedded generation in         impact on the Energy Services
that the government would take to     • Generating own-use power.              South Africa;                        market; and
rapidly and significantly change        NERSA will continue to register
the trajectory of energy generation     small-scale distributed generation   • updates on the state of energy     • the influence of changes in policy
in the country, including:              for own use of under 1 MW, for         storage in South Africa;             and regulations such as the IRP
                                        which no licence is required.                                               on future opportunities.
• Bringing more renewable energy,                                            • updates on the state of energy
  natural gas, hydropower and         • Enabling municipalities to             efficiency in South Africa;
  battery storage into the energy       produce their power directly or
  mix through the Integrated            procure from independent power       • opportunities for players within
  Resource Plan 2019.                   producers (IPPs).                      the Energy Services market;

                                                                                                                                                          ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
                                                                                                                                      Gouda Wind Farm.
                                                                                                                                      ©Nicholas Fordyce

                                               AND PURPOSE
                            In response to changing demands, energy service providers are broadening their
           2020 MIR 2021

                           market offerings. The South African Energy Services market holds opportunities for

                           equipment suppliers, project developers, technical advisors, and financial investors.
Over the past 10 years, the concept    The report is compiled for             • In Section 4, emerging
of energy services (ES) and energy     foreign direct and local investors       opportunities and their related
services companies (ESCos) has         (persons or organisations) that          drivers and barriers are               CLICK HERE
evolved and matured in several         are looking to invest directly in        highlighted, followed by sections       TO EMAIL
markets around the world,              the South African green economy          that outline various finance          GREENCAPE’S
including South Africa.                through project development,             and investment incentives
                                                                                                                    ENERGY SERVICES
                                       asset management, equity, debt,          (Section 5), present the case for
                                                                                                                      SECTOR DESK
This market intelligence report        equipment manufacture, or                the Western Cape as a potential
provides potential investors           support services.                        greentech hub for Africa
in the small-scale embedded                                                     (Section 6), and explain
generation, energy storage, and        In what follows:                         GreenCape’s work within the
energy efficiency markets with a                                                green economy (Section 7).
greater understanding of market        • The sector overview (Section 2)
opportunities in South Africa,           provides a national economic
taking into account the size of          overview of the ES market,                                                         Manufacturing job
the opportunities, the level of risk     including:                                                                            opportunities in
                                                                                                                             the SSEG market.
involved, and current barriers.          • the market context (small-                                                             ©GreenCape
                                           scale embedded generation,
                                           energy storage, and energy
  The global energy as a service           efficiency);
    market is projected to reach         • four major market drivers in
    USD 86.9 billion by 2024 from          the South African ES market;
  an estimated USD 52.0 billion in       • market sizing (small-scale
  2019/20, at a compound annual            embedded generation, energy
    growth rate (CAGR) of 10.8%.           storage, and energy efficiency);
   This growth can be attributed         • key players in the South
  to factors such as new revenue           African ES market.
  generation streams for utilities,

                                                                                                                                                  ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
   increasing distributed energy       • This is followed by an overview
   resources, decreasing cost of         and update of policies,
    renewable power generation           legislation, and governance
  and storage solutions, and the         (Section 3) that guide and affect
   availability of tax benefits for      the ES market.
     energy efficiency projects.
     (MarketsandMarkets 2019)

                           Rising electricity prices, national energy insecurity, dropping technology costs,
           2020 MIR 2021

                           supportive energy policies, and incentives are prompting consumers to explore

                              alternative energy options driving the growth of the Energy Services (ES)
                                     market in South Africa, and creating a thriving value chain.
Solar PV installment
       in Cape Town

This section provides an overview    energy space, namely small-scale          Figure 1: Energy Services interlinked market segments
                           of the national ES context,          embedded generation, which is
                           covering market developments,        currently dominated by rooftop
                           key industry players, and the size   solar photovoltaic (PV) systems,                          Small-scale embedded generation
                           of the market. The term ”energy      energy storage, and energy
                           services” is used to describe        efficiency. Figure 1 (to the right)
                           three interlinked energy market      breaks down the three interlinked
                                                                                                                            ●   Generation facilities of less than 1 MW.
                           segments in the South African        energy market segments.                                     ●   Located at residential, commercial or
                                                                                                                                industrial sites, where electricity is
                                                                                                                                generally consumed.
                                                                                                                            ●   Installed on the customer’s side of the
                                                                                    Energy efficiency                           electricity meter.
                                                                               improvements – street
                                                                                    light retrofitting.
                                                                                 ©City of Cape Town

                                                                                                                          Energy storage

                                                                                                                            ●   Energy storage systems are
                                                                                                                                technologies in which electric energy is
                                                                                                                                loaded and, when needed, discharged
                                                                                                                                for consumption.
           2020 MIR 2021

                                                                                                                          Energy efficiency

                                                                                                                            ●   Implementation of behaviour

                                                                                                                                change or technology to reduce

                                                                                                                                energy consumption, while producing
                                                                                                                                the same or greater outputs.
2.1. International Energy                                                    2.2. South African                    versus 79% in 2019) (Wright &
Services market                                                              market context                        Calitz, 2020). However, a historic
                                                                                                                   imbalance of supply and demand
The global ES market is projected    When breaking this down into            Within a global landscape context,    in South Africa’s single buyer
to reach USD 86.9 billion by 2024    specific services, the market for       the South African ES market           energy model over more than 10
from an estimated USD 52.0 billion   energy services is divided into         remains nascent; however, each        years has resulted in intensive load
in 2019, at a compound annual        supply, demand, and optimisation        of these global trends can be         shedding experienced country-
growth rate (CAGR) of 10.8 per       services, as seen in Figure 2. With a   observed in the local market.         wide during 2019 and the first half
cent (MarketsandMarkets 2019).       global focus on renewable energy                                              of 2020. An estimated 1.3 TWh was
This growth can be attributed        (lower costs, reduced carbon            2.2.1. South African                  loadshed during these periods
to factors such as new revenue       footprint), it is projected that the    electricity landscape                 (Wright & Calitz, 2020). Load
generation streams for utilities,    supply portion of the market will                                             shedding has been driven by a
increasing distributed energy        dominate market growth over the         South Africa’s electricity supply     combination of factors, including:
resources, decreasing costs of       next five years. On a sector basis,     is currently dominated by coal-
renewable power generation           the commercial, agricultural, and       fired power generation. The           • delayed commissioning and
and storage solutions, and the       industrial segments are projected       country has coal-fired generation       underperformance of newly built
availability of tax benefits for     to register the fastest growth over     stations with an installed capacity     coal generation capacity;
energy-efficiency projects.          the next five years.                    of between 36.5 GW and 40 GW.         • degradation of the existing
                                                                             This represents more than 80%           Eskom coal fleet energy
                                                                             of the country’s total installed        availability factor (EAF)
                                                                             capacity, amounting to 48 GW            declining from ~94% in 2002
                                                                             (The Department of Energy 2019).        to 67% in 2019/20.

Figure 2: Global Energy Services Market Share                                These stations are primarily
(MarketsandMarkets 2019)                                                     owned and operated by Eskom,          2.2.2. The development of the
                                                                             the national power utility. Eskom     Energy Services market in
                              45%                                            supplies ~95% of South Africa’s       South Africa
                              40%                                            total electricity demand. The
                                                                             remaining 5% is met through           As detailed above, the South

                                                                                                                                                          ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
                                                                             municipalities, imports, and          African electricity market is
                                                                             independent power                     currently managed on a single
                               15%                                           producers (IPPs).                     operator model by Eskom, a state-
                                                                                                                   owned entity. Eskom is responsible
                                                                             There has been distinct demand        for generation and transmission,
                                      DEMAND                                 flattening since 2010, resulting      and also controls a minority share
                                      SUPPLY                                 in reduced dependence on coal-        of the distribution market.
                                      OPTIMISATION SERVICES                  based electricity (87% in 2010

This single operator model is              South Africa’s dependence on                 small-scale embedded generation                  scale embedded generation,
                           designed to support developing             this single operator model has               and energy storage markets.                      energy storage, and energy
                           electricity markets in need                decreased over the past 10 years             Continual increases in the cost                  efficiency), four major
                           of structured long-term                    with the introduction of new                 of traditional electricity supply                market drivers in the South
                           infrastructure investments                 technologies, which are cheaper,             have also led to improved demand                 African Energy Services
                           (with 10 to 15-year construction           capable of being decentralised,              efficiencies (energy efficiency).                market, and key players in
                           timelines), and diverse demand             and more low-carbon. The growth                                                               the South African Energy
                           balancing of centralised                   of this decentralised market is              The sections that follow detail                  Services market, as shown
                           generation facilities.                     evidenced by the evolution of the            the market context (small-                       in Figure 3 below.

                           Figure 3: Energy Services sector overview

                                                                                             Energy Services

                                 Small-scale embedded
                                   generation (SSEG)                                                                                                   Energy efficiency

                                                                                                                                                                                  refer to
                                                   Rooftop solar PV                                        Energy storage                                                          in the

                                      4.1.1.                              4.1.3.                                4.2.1.
                                 C&I deversified                 PV for energy resellers              Behind-the-meter backup

                                      4.1.2.                             4.1.4.
           2020 MIR 2021

                                                                                                                                    4.3.1.                                          4.3.2.
                                   Solar PPAs                  In-house capacity building                                Smart metering and demand-                        Aggregated commercial
                                                                                                                              side management                                     retrofits

                                                                       Drivers: Electricity price, RE price, supportive regulations (wheeling; SSEG) and tariffs,
                                                                                       innovative finance, and service provider accreditation.
2.3. Energy Services                                            • falling costs of renewable energy       investors and businesses, in               Figure 4 compares Eskom price
    market drivers                                                    technologies such as rooftop            particular equipment suppliers,            increases to the more conservative
                                                                      solar PV;                               project developers, technical              increase in South Africa’s inflation
    Five major developments are                                     • supportive energy policies and          advisers, installers, and                  rate as reflected by the consumer
    transforming South Africa’s energy                                regulations by the local and            financial investors.                       price ndex (CPI). The average
    market from a monopoly model                                      national government; and                                                           standard Eskom tariffs have
    to a distributed generation model                               • energy financing programmes             2.3.1. Rising electricity costs            risen by almost 300% since 2007.
    made up of multiple smaller                                       and incentives.                                                                    Historical data from both Eskom
    generators, buyers, and sellers:                                                                          Rapidly rising Eskom electricity           (2019) and StatsSA (2019), shown in
                                                                    In turn, these developments,              prices have created a sizeable             Figure 4, reveal that while inflation
    • rising energy prices;                                         discussed in more detail                  demand for viable alternative              has almost doubled since 2009,
    • national energy insecurity;                                   below, create significant                 energy sources in South Africa.            Eskom prices have tripled over
                                                                    opportunities for energy services                                                    the same period.

    Figure 4: Average Eskom tariff versus inflation (CPI) projected to 2022
    Sources: Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) and Eskom (2019)


Normalised index (2012 = 100)




                                                                                                                                                                                                 ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021








































                         INFLATION (CPI)          ESKOM TARIFF

Table 1: Eskom price increases 2010-2020

                                                                                                  Furthermore, as can be seen                   2.3.2. Falling costs of renewable
                                             Average price                                        in Table 1, the National Energy               energy technologies
                                Year                             Inflation (%)   adjusted price
                                              increase (%)
                                                                                    (c/kWh)       Regulator of South Africa (NERSA)
                                                                                                  has approved an above CPI                     Renewable energy technology
                                2010             24.80                4.26           67.18
                                                                                                  increase for Eskom for the past               prices have been dropping
                                 2011            25.20                4.99          80.45         10 years.                                     steadily since 2010. For example,
                                                                                                                                                the global average price for solar
                                 2012            24.80                5.62          88.90         The average standard Eskom tariff             PV in 2018 was R1.22 kWh, down
                                                                                                  will increase from 116.72 c/kWh to            from R5.33 kWh in 2010 (IRENA
                                2013             16.00                5.76          90.25
                                                                                                  128.24 c/kWh in 2021— an increase             2019). It represents a ~77% drop
                                2014             8.00                 6.09           91.65        of 9.8%. This is on top of the 5.22%          in eight years.
                                                                                                  tariff increase the power utility has
                                2015             8.00                 4.58          94.30         already negotiated for the same               The most significant decreases
                                                                                                  year, which will bring the total              in average cost have been in
                                2016             8.00                 6.34          96.08
                                                                                                  price hike to about 15%.                      solar PV and wind technologies.
                                 2017            8.20                 5.27          99.23                                                       Figure 5 shows the levelised
                                                                                                                                                cost of electricity (LCOE) per
                                2018             5.20                 4.62          99.32                                                       renewable energy technology
                                                                                                                                                in South Africa’s utility-scale
                                2019             13.90                4.13          108.79
                                                                                                                                                Renewable Energy Independent
                                2020             3.90                 2.43*         116.72                                                      Power Producer Procurement
                                                                                                                                                Programme (REIPPPP)1, and
                                                                                                                                                Eskom average tariff trajectory
                                                                                                                                                2010-2020 (Rand/kWh).
ENERGY     2020 MIR 2021

                                                                                                    For more information on the REIPPPP, please see the GreenCape Utility Scale Renewable

                                                                                                  Energy Market Intelligence Report
Figure 5: Levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) per renewable energy                    Figure 6: South African small-scale solar PV price in 2018-2022
technology in South Africa’s utility-scale programme, and Eskom
average tariff trajectory 2010-2020 (Rand/kWh)

        250                                                                                    2
        200     Round 1                                                                       1,6
                                         Round 4 (b)                                          1,4

        150                                                                                   1,2

                     Round 2
                            Round 3                                                           0,8
                                                Round 5 (estimate)
         50                                                                                   0,4
                                      Round 4 (a)                                             0,2
         0                                                                                     0
              2010                            2015                             2022                      2018     2019         2020          2021          2022
                                 Year and REIPPPP bid windows                                                                 Year
                     REIPPPP blended LCOE (c/kWh)               ESKOM TARIFF (c/kWh)                < 100 kWp    < 500 kWp       > 500 kWp

This trend of falling technology             Currently, the South African SSEG         Figure 6 shows the trajectory of       Technological maturaty, improved
prices is also present in the South          market is dominated by rooftop            falling prices for small-scale solar   finance, reduced costs of metering,
African small-scale embedded                 solar PV, given the competitive           PV installations from 2018 – 2020      and professional sign-off will be
generation (SSEG) market.                    price, technical maturity, and            (real) and 2021 — 2022 (estimates).    the main drivers of cost reductions
                                             ease of implementation of                                                        over the next two years.

                                                                                                                                                                    ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
                                             this technology.

In 2020, the small-scale solar PV levelised cost of energy is already less                  Section 3 (legislation, regulation,           1. The Department of Mineral
                           than R1 kWh, as seen in Table 2 below.                                                      and policy) and Section 5 (funding               Resources and Energy (DMRE)
                                                                                                                       opportunities and incentives)                    has approved the capacity
                           Table 2: South African solar PV price in 2020                                               discuss these in more detail.                    for municipalities to buy
                                                                                                                       Regulatory developments as                       electricity from independent
                                                             Capital cost of the                                       described in Section 3 facilitate                power producers (IPPs). In
                               System size (kWp)                                           PPA tariff (LCOE)
                                                              system (R/kWp)                                           the growing uptake of renewable                  the Amendment of Electricity
                                                                                                                       energy options, particularly in                  Regulation Act 4 on New
                                    < 100 kWp                R12 000 – R15 000                0.90c – R1.20
                                                                                                                       the  500 kWp                 R8 000 – R12 000               0.60c – 0.90c
                                                                                                                       wind energy installations, to the                in good financial standing will
                                                                                                                       uptake of bioenergy. Similar to                  now be allowed to formulate an
                                                                                                                       the amendments to licensing                      energy plan that does not rely
                                                                                                                       regulations and guidelines from                  solely on the government-run
                           As these prices continue to                   2.3.3. Supportive energy                      the Department of Mineral                        Eskom. A specific ministerial
                           drop across a variety of ES                   policies and regulations by                   Resources and Energy (DMRE)                      determination, like the one
                           technologies, the financial case              local and national government                 and NERSA, changes in municipal                  that enabled the various IPP
                           for investment into ES                                                                      regulation of SSEG installations                 programmes, may still be
                           interventions improves.                       The regulatory environment has                have contributed to increasingly                 needed to allow municipalities
                                                                         a direct impact on investment                 conducive market conditions                      to purchase directly from IPPs.
                           This financial case is also                   opportunities, market growth, and             for investors, project developers,               Currently, there is no precedent
                           supported by national energy                  job creation. To lower demand                 equipment suppliers, and technical               for this.
                           insecurity, as it is expected that            on the national grid, and to                  advisers. Three major changes
                           load shedding will continue for               reduce carbon emissions, the                  are taking place on the local                    However, the City of Cape Town
                           the next three to five years as new           national government has put in                government level:                                (CCT) has requested such a
                           generation capacity is procured               place several energy policies and                                                              determination2, and Ekurhuleni
                           and brought into operation.                   incentives to encourage energy-                                                                municipality released a Request
                                                                         efficiency interventions and                                                                   for Proposal (RFP) for IPP
           2020 MIR 2021

                                                                         alternative energy generation.                                                                 generation in the second half
                                                                                                                                                                        of 2016, followed by Buffalo

                                                                                                                                                                        City in 2019.

                             The City of Cape Town has committed to purchasing ±520 MW of renewable energy over the next 15 years, with the majority of the other metro-municipalities also having committed

                           to purchases of a similar scale.
More recently, Merafong                          a. Electricity wheeling3, as                 		 There is currently                            In addition to enabling renewable
    municipality in October 2020                        allowed by the National                      only one licensed energy                      energy technologies, the off-
    published an Expression of                          Regulator and implemented                    trader in South Africa, but                   take options detailed above
    interest (EOI) for solar PV                         by local municipalities, will                there are numerous other                      would provide a platform for
    clusters. The success of such a                     allow generators to wheel                    entities currently applying to                municipalities to engage and
    programme would ultimately rest                     their electricity to a willing               the National Energy Regulator                 retain customers. Through
    on a ministerial determination                      buyer anywhere in the                        of South Africa (NERSA) for                   offering an additional avenue
    being made. Accordingly, the                        municipality or country. This                trading licences. It is expected              to prosumers5, municipalities
    ongoing changes in legislation                      is currently being implemented               that in 2021 there will be                    would propose a new service to
    around generation licensing and                     by City of Tshwane, Nelson                   multiple electricity traders                  electricity generators as well as
    own-use present opportunities                       Mandela Bay Metropolitan                     operating in South Africa.                    consumers interested in procuring
    for municipalities to increase                      Municipality, the City of Cape                                                             clean energy.
    their participation in the                          Town, Stellenbosch,                       These new off-take options
    generation sector, and thus their                   Drakenstein and Eskom.                    present an opportunity for high                  3. The country-wide rollout of
    energy autonomy.                                                                              and medium voltage commercial                      national small-scale embedded
                                                     b. The release of regulations                and industrial customers with                      generation rules, regulations, and
2. Increasing off-take agreement                        that allow private sector                 high energy bills, and buildings                   tariffs to promote the safe and
   options under third party                            energy trading4 has opened                that currently are not able to                     legal uptake of SSEG for own use6.
   grid access regulations                              the market to private sector              install rooftop PV. The associated
   for small-scale embedded                             power purchase agreements                 costs for making use of a local
   electricity generators                               and on-sales to private                   distribution utility network remain
                                                        consumers using the national              high (30 c/kWh – 90 c/kWh off-
                                                        and local distribution networks.          peak vs peak time).

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
  Wheeling is the transportation of electrical energy from a generator to a separate electrical load, by making use of municipal or Eskom grid infrastructure and power purchase
agreements (PPAs).
  Electricity trading is the transportation of electrical energy from a generator to a separate electrical load, by making use of municipal or Eskom grid infrastructure and power purchase
agreements (PPAs). The difference is that a private sector electricity trader or third party will purchase the electricity, pay the local municipality/Eskom to wheel it over their network, and
sell it to a willing customer.
    A prosumer is an entity or person who produces and consumes a product, in this case electricity.
    The generation of electricity on the load site where it will also be consumed.

Figure 7 shows the upward trend of municipalities adopting SSEG processes from 2016 to 2020.

                              Figure 7: Uptake of SSEG processes in municipalities
                              Source: SALGA 2020

                           Number of municipalities

                                                                                                                                           41         44

                                                                                                                34                                    31
                                                                                     25                           21
                                                                                     17                           18
                                                      10                             12
                                                           Feb 2016          Nov 2016                      Oct 2017                   Oct 2018   Jun 2020

                                                           ALLOW SSEG       OFFICIAL APPLICATION PROCESS               SSEG TARRIFF
           2020 MIR 2021

                                                                                                                                                      More and more
                                                                                                                                                      businesses are
                                                                                                                                                   installing rooftop

                                                                                                                                                    solar PV systems

                                                                                                                                                  with municipalities
                                                                                                                                                      allowing SSEG.
Table 3 represents the best level            have a formal application process,
of information obtained by the               and those that have NERSA-
South African Local Government               approved SSEG tariffs. This allows
Association (SALGA) on the uptake            them to credit customers for excess
of SSEG processes in municipalities          electricity exported onto their
by October 2020. It gives a regional         distribution networks. The table
breakdown of municipalities that             also shows the percentage of the
allow SSEG installations on their            national registered SSEG systems
distribution network, those that             in each province.

Table 3: Provincial SSEG uptake summary
Source: SALGA 2020

                                                                                         Number of
                             Number of municipal               Number of                                      Number of            Percentage of
                                                                                    municipalities with
         Provinces          electricity distributors      municipalities allowing                          municipalities with   national registered
                                                                                    official application
                                in the province            SSEG installations                                SSEG tariffs          SSEG systems

       Eastern Cape                    22                          6                        6                      2                    4

        Free State                                                                       No data

         Gauteng                       9                           4                        3                      2                    46

      KwaZulu-Natal                    25                           3                       2                      1                    13

         Limpopo                       16                          6                        5                      1                     1

       Mpumalanga                      14                          4                        4                      3                     6

      Northern Cape                    24                          9                        4                      3                     2

                                                                                                                                                       ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
        North West                     13                           2                       2                     0                      6

       Western Cape                    25                          24                       18                    19                    23

          TOTAL                        165                         58                      44                     31                    –

       % of licensed
                                       38                          28                      20                     –                     –

Table 4 gives a more detailed overview of the municipalities that allow SSEG installations within their municipalities, either on a case-by-case basis
                           or through an application process.

                           Table 4: List of municipalities allowing SSEG to connect to the grid
                           Source: SALGA 2020

                                                                                                                       Have an official SSEG           Have a NERSA approved
                                 Province                Municipality              Allow SSEG onto the network?
                                                                                                                       application process?                 SSEG tariff?

                                                         Buffalo City                             Yes                          Yes                              Yes

                                                       Dr Beyers Naude                            Yes                          Yes                               No

                              Eastern Cape          King Sabata Dalindyebo                        Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                            Kouga                                 Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                           Makana                                 Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                      Nelson Mandela Bay                          Yes                          Yes                              Yes

                                                          Ekurhuleni                              Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                        Johannesburg                              Yes                          Yes                              Yes
                                                           Tshwane                                Yes                          Yes                              Yes

                                                        Rand West City                            Yes                          No                                No

                                                         Umhlathuze                               Yes                          No                                No

                                  KZN                     eThekwini                               Yes                          Yes                              Yes

                                                       Greater Kokstad                            Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                        Ba-Phalaborwa                             Yes                          Yes                               No
           2020 MIR 2021

                                                       Elias Motswaledi                           Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                       Ephraim Mogale                             Yes                          Yes                              Yes
                                                       Greater Tzaneen                            Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                          Polokwane                               Yes                          Yes                               No

                                                        Thaba Chweu                               Yes                          No                                No
Table 4: Continued...

                                                                             Have an official SSEG   Have a NERSA approved
     Province              Municipality       Allow SSEG onto the network?
                                                                             application process?         SSEG tariff?

                            Mbombela                     Yes                         Yes                     Yes

                           Emalahleni                    Yes                         Yes                     Yes
                          Govan Mbeki                    Yes                         Yes                     Yes

                           Msukaligwa                    Yes                         Yes                     No

                        !Kheis Municipality              Yes                         No                      No

                           Gamagara                      Yes                         Yes                     Yes

                             Hantam                      Yes                         No                      No

                            Kai!Garieb                   Yes                       No data                   Yes

  Northern Cape          Karoo Hoogland                  Yes                         Yes                     No

                           Nama Khoi                     Yes                         No                      No

                           Sol Plaatjie                  Yes                       No data                   Yes

                           Thembelihle                   Yes                         Yes                     No

                             Ubuntu                      Yes                         Yes                     No

                            Matlosana                    Yes                         Yes                     No

                                                                                                                             ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
    North West
                            JB Marks                     Yes                         Yes                     No

Figure 8 gives a more detailed                     While the average tariff remains low,    Municipalities are moving tariffs          In 2020 the City of Cape Town
                           overview of the Western Cape                       there is still a viable business case,   to be more cost-reflective7, with              implemented a 25c/kWh
                           municipalities that allow                          built on the value of self-consumed      the bulk of their costs accounted           SSEG feed-in tariff incentive
                           SSEG installations within their                    electricity. Figure 9 below details      for by energy time-of-use                 above the existing feed-in tariff.
                           municipalities, either on a case-                  the current feed-in tariffs across the   purchases from Eskom. Figure 10            This is available for a year for
                           by-case basis or through an                        municipalities in the Western Cape.      below details the current fixed            all new customers, and means
                           application process. There is a                    There is currently no guarantee on       portion of Western Cape                      the feed-in tariff would be
                           large range of SSEG tariffs across                 the structure and cost of municipal      municipal SSEG tariffs.                          as high as R1/kWh.
                           the municipalities listed in Table 4               consumption and feed-in tariffs
                           and Figure 8.                                      from year to year.

                           Figure 8: Western Cape municipalities allowing SSEG to connect to the grid


                                                                                                Cederberg                                          Beaufort

                                                                                         Saldanha                                           Prince Albert
                                                                                         Bay                                Laingsburg
                                                                                               Swartland      Breede
           2020 MIR 2021

                                                                                                                                            Oudtshoorn        George
                                                              Stellenbosch                                         Langeberg

                                                         Theewaterskloof                                                                      Mossel
                                                        City of Cape Town                                                      Hessequa       Bay                 Bitou


                               Two part tariffs with both variable and fixed portions.                        Overstrand
Rand                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rand
                                                                      Be                                                                                                                                                                                 Be
                                                                          au                                                                                                                                                                                 au
                                                                             fo                                                                                                                                                                                   fo
                                                                                r   tW                                                                                                                                                                              rt


                                                                                      es                                                                                                                                                                                  es

                                                                                                           R1 000
                                                                                                            R1 500
                                                                                                           R2 000
                                                                                                           R2 500
                                                                                                           R3 000
                                                                                                           R3 500
                                                                                                           R4 000
                                                                                                           R4 500
                                                                            Be             tL                                                                                                                                                                  Be           tL
                                                                                 rg              oc                                                                                                                                                                 rg                oc
                                                                                    riv               al                                                                                                                                                               r   iv           al
                                                                                         ie                                                                                                                                                                                     ie
                                                                                            r   Lo                                                                                                                                                                                rL
                                                                                    Bi             c  al                                                                                                                                                                 Bi
                                                                       Br             to                                                                                                                                                                  Br                  to
                                                                         ee              u                                                                                                                                                                  ee                  u
                                                                               de            Lo                                                                                                                                                                   de                 Lo
                                                                                  Va            ca                                                                                                                                                                     Va              ca
                                                                      C                lle         l                                                                                                                                                     C                l               l
                                                                       ap                                                                                                                                                                                    ap               le
                                                                            e              y                                                                                                                                                                   e                y
                                                                              Ag             Lo                                                                                                                                                                     Ag               Lo
                                                                                   ul           ca
                                                                                                   l                                                                                                                                                                   u   lh

                                                                                                                                                                                   RESIDENTIAL FEED-IN TARIFF 2019/20
                                                                          C                s                                                                                                                                                                  C                 as
                                                                             ed              Lo                                                                                                                                                                   ed                 Lo
                                                                                 er             ca                                                                                                                                                                  er                 ca
                                                                                    be             l                                                                                                                                                         C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         be               l
                                                                          ity            r g                                                                                                                                                                  ity           rg
                                                                               of            L oc                                                                                                                                                                 of            Lo
                                                                                   C              al                                                                                                                                                                   C           ca
                                                                        D             ap                                                                                                                                                                   D              ap          l
                                                                           ra              e                                                                                                                                                                  ra              e
                                                                              ke             To                                                                                                                                                                  ke             To
                                                                                  ns            w                                                                                                                                                                    ns            w
                                                                                      te          n                                                                                                                                                                       te         n
                                                                                          in                                                                                                                                                                                 in
                                                                                             Lo                                                                                                                                                                                 Lo
                                                                                G               ca                                                                                                                                                                 G               ca
                                                                                  eo                                                                                                                                                                                  eo
                                                                                       rg          l                                                                                                                                                                       rg         l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Figure 9: Western Cape municipal SSEG feed-in tariffs

                                                                            H              e                                                                                                                                                                   H              e
                                                                              es             Lo                                                                                                                                                                  es             Lo
                                                                                  se            ca                                                                                                                                                                   se            ca
                                                                                     qu            l                                                                                                                                                                     qu           l
                                                                                                                     Figure 10: Western Cape municipal SSEG fixed tariff portion
                                                                          Ka               a                                                                                                                                                                 Ka               a
                                                                              nn             L oc                                                                                                                                                                nn             L oc
                                                                                  al              al                                                                                                                                                                  al            al
                                                                                     an                                                                                                                                                                                  an
                                                                                           d                                                                                                                                                                                  d
                                                                                             Lo                                                                                                                                                                                 Lo
                                                                                Kn              ca                                                                                                                                                                 Kn              ca
                                                                                        n          l                                                                                                                                                                    ys
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            n         l
                                                                                           a                                                                                                                                                                                  a

                                                                                                                                                                                   COMMERCIAL FEED-IN TARIFF 2019/20

                                                                         La                                                                                                                                                                                 La
                                                                             in              Lo                                                                                                                                                                 in              Lo
                                                                                gs              ca                                                                                                                                                                  gs             ca
                                                                                    bu             l                                                                                                                                                                    bu            l
                                                                          La             rg                                                                                                                                                                  La             rg
                                                                              ng             Lo                                                                                                                                                                  ng             Lo
                                                                                  eb            ca                                                                                                                                                                    eb           ca
                                                                                       er          l                                                                                                                                                                       er         l
                                                                          M                g                                                                                                                                                                 M                g
                                                                             ai              Lo                                                                                                                                                                 ai              Lo
                                                                                zi              ca                                                                                                                                                                  zi             ca
                                                                                  ka                                                                                                                                                                                   ka
                                                                                       m           l                                                                                                                                                                       m          l
                                                                         M                 a                                                                                                                                                                M                 a
                                                                             os              Lo                                                                                                                                                                 os              Lo

                                     Western Cape Municipalities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Western Cape Municipalities

                                                                                se              ca                                                                                                                                                                  se             ca
                                                                                    lB             l                                                                                                                                                                    lB            l
                                                                        O                ay                                                                                                                                                                O                ay
                                                                           ud                L                                                                                                                                                                ud                L
                                                                               ts              oc                                                                                                                                                                 ts              oc
                                                                                  ho              al                                                                                                                                                                  ho             al
                                                                                       or                                                                                                                                                                                  or
                                                                                                                                                                                   RESIDENTIAL AVERAGE

                                                                         O                 n                                                                                                                                                                O                 n
                                                                            ve               Lo                                                                                                                                                                ve               Lo
                                                                                rs              ca                                                                                                                                                                 rs              ca
                                                                                   tr                                                                                                                                                                                  tr
                                                                       Pr            a  nd         l                                                                                                                                                      Pr             a  nd        l
                                                                          in                                                                                                                                                                                 in
                                                                             ce              Lo                                                                                                                                                                 ce              Lo
                                                                                  Al            ca                                                                                                                                                                   Al            ca
                                                                      Sa             be            l                                                                                                                                                     Sa              be           l
                                                                         ld               rt                                                                                                                                                                ld               rt
                                                                            an               Lo                                                                                                                                                                an               Lo
                                                                                 ha             ca                                                                                                                                                                  ha             ca
                                                                       St             Ba           l                                                                                                                                                      St              Ba          l
                                                                          el               y                                                                                                                                                                 el               y
                                                                             le              Lo                                                                                                                                                                 le              Lo
                                                                                nb              ca                                                                                                                                                                 nb              ca
                                                                                    os             l                                                                                                                                                                    os            l
                                                                                         ch                                                                                                                                                                                 ch
                                                                           Sw                Lo                                                                                                                                                               Sw                Lo
                                                                                ar              ca                                                                                                                                                                 ar              ca
                                                                                   tla             l                                                                                                                                                                   tla            l
                                                                                                                                                                                   COMMERCIAL AVERAGE

                                                                        Sw              nd                                                                                                                                                                 Sw               nd
                                                                               le            L oc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   le           L oc
                                                                   Th             nd                                                                                                                                                                  Th              nd
                                                                      ee                          al                                                                                                                                                     ee                          al
                                                                        w              am                                                                                                                                                                  w               am
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                                                                              er                ca                                                                                                                                                               er                ca
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                                                                                      lo           l                                                                                                                                                                      lo          l
                                                                         W               of                                                                                                                                                                 W                of
                                                                            itz              Lo                                                                                                                                                                itz              Lo
                                                                                en              ca                                                                                                                                                                  en             ca
                                                                                    be             l                                                                                                                                                                    be            l
                                                                                         rg                                                                                                                                                                                 rg

                                                                                             Lo                                                                                                                                                                                 Lo
                                                                                                ca                                                                                                                                                                                 ca
                                                                                                   l                                                                                                                                                                                  l

 26                                  ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
Overall, these changes at              The investment is recovered as      • The Green Outcomes Fund:             patient, and affordable finance
                           municipal level complement             a portion of the monthly rates        The Green Outcomes Fund (GOF)        packages for commercial and
                           legislative updates on a national      collected by the respective           is a first of its kind structure,    residential solar PV. The inclusion
                           level, e.g. the gazetted Integrated    municipality.                         which incentivises local South       of the commercial banking sector
                           Resource Plan 2019, and future                                               African fund managers to             may reduce some opportunities
                           changes such as the unbundling        • Pay as You Save® (PAYS®):            increase investment in green         for less traditional investors such
                           of the national utility, Eskom.         PAYS® is an inclusive financing      small-, medium- and micro-           as equity funds; however, it could
                           Together these changes herald           solution that allows all utility     sized enterprises (SMMEs).           unlock the SSEG opportunity
                           a freer, more ‘liberalised’             customers to access cost-                                                 for end-users and installers,
                           electricity market, in which all        effective energy efficiency                                               engineering, procurement and
                                                                                                          FOR MORE INFORMATION
                           stakeholders are empowered in           upgrades and distributed                                                  construction contractors (EPCs),
                                                                                                           ON GOF, PLEASE VISIT
                           their energy choices.                   renewable energy assets,                                                  and ESCos by providing accessible
                                                                                                             THE GOF WEBSITE
                                                                   regardless of income, credit                                              and affordable financing.
                           2.3.4. Energy finance –                 history, or renter status (The
                           facilitating the right type of          Lab 2018). This is particularly    Financing for SSEG, specifically       Banks’ offerings include
                           finance into the sector                 important for financing            rooftop solar PV, is underpinned       mechanisms that cover 70% to
                                                                   programmes that aim to serve       by thousands of small contracts        100% of capital costs with a five- to
                           The growth of the South African         market segments that are           with consumers. Traditionally,         ten-year loan repayment. However,
                           ES market is aided by ”green”           hard to reach. Of the three        commercial banks have favoured         by making use of pre-selected
                           energy finance offerings that           mechanisms listed here, this       big solar/wind farms because they      EPCs and meticulous energy
                           facilitate the tailored finance         is the least developed in          are generally based on contracts       audits, banks ensure that financed
                           solutions for the energy sector.        South Africa.                      with investment-grade utilities and    projects are designed so that the
                           Several exciting finance                                                   international companies. Only in the   customer’s savings generated
                           mechanisms are being tested                                                past two years have the majority       from the solar installation are
                           in the market.                                  CLICK HERE TO              of the commercial banks started        greater than the loan repayments.
                                                                         ACCESS THE PAYS              to provide tailored mechanisms for     This results in a positive cash flow.
                           • Property assessed clean energy               INDUSTRY BRIEF              rooftop solar PV investments.
                             (PACE): PACE is a financing                                                                                     2020 saw commercial banks'
           2020 MIR 2021

                             mechanism that enables low-                                              Commercial and residential debt        SSEG risk profiles improving,
                             cost, long-term funding for                                              largely remains closely tied to        resulting in reduced finance

                             energy efficiency, renewable                                             strong individual credit scores and    costs. Commercial banks have
                             energy, and water conservation                                           existing bank-customer relations.      seen significant growth of

                             (resource efficiency) projects                                           However, in 2017, the big five banks   successful projects on their loan

                             installed by ESCos on properties.                                        in South Africa started to focus       books with portfolios tripling in
                                                                                                      on rooftop PV’s unique financing       the past two years.
                                                                                                      needs, providing more targeted,
As a result, perceived risk               2.4. Key players
is stabilising, and finance
offerings are becoming more               Figure 11 shows the Energy
competitive. The commercial               Services (ES) value chain and key
banks are also exploring new              players in the value chain, with the
approaches to loan collateral.            roles of specific actors outlined in
Whereas in the past security              Table 5.
has been tied to the asset or
balance sheet of the client,              The value chain is based on
financiers increasingly prefer            the stages of a generic energy
agreements which tie security             intervention, showing the types
to the property on which the              of services or products provided
asset is installed.                       by key players during an energy
                                          service provision. This represents a
Amortising debt is still the most         simplified view of the value chain.
cost-competitive form of finance          In practice, the roles of these actors
for invest-to-own scenarios.              often shift with relative fluidity. For
However, financiers have noted            example, the boundary between
that PPAs, whilst more expensive,         a project developer, Engineering,
are growing for the following main        Procurement and Construction
reason — cash flow stability. A           (EPC) company, and installer is
PPA provides a clear indication           often blurred, with players taking
of electricity costs, and the client      on different roles depending on the
does not always want to own the           size, cost, ease of implementation,
system or take on the performance         or other project-specific factors.
risk. This is especially true for large
corporate clients.

                                                                                                              ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
          ACCESS TO
                                                                                    The green economy has
                                                                                              the potential
                                                                                           to create a wide
                                                                                      range of decent jobs.

Figure 11: Energy Services market value chain

                                Energy                   Energy            Technical                                                Operation &    Measurement
                               Services                                                          Finance            Installations
                                                          audit             design                                                  maintenance    & verification
                              Value Chain

                                                                           Energy Service Companies

                                                         Consultants                                                                              Consultants


                                                                                       Self fund

                                                                                       PPA Funders

           2020 MIR 2021


                                                     Engineering Procurement,                                    Engineering Procurement,

                                                       Construction (EPCs)                                  Construction & Management (EPCMs)

                                                                            Project developers
Table 5: Roles of key players in the Energy Services value chain                                                                  As with much of South Africa’s
                                                                                                                                  green economy, the Energy
 Key player                          Role                                                                                         Services value chain is dominated
                                                                                                                                  by small- and medium-sized
 Energy services companies (ESCos)   ESCos are active across the whole value chain, aside from measuring and validation, as
                                                                                                                                  enterprises (SMEs). As the market
                                     independent consultants also perform this function. There are two generic ESCo-type
                                     energy contract models:                                                                      continues to develop, disruption
                                     • Energy supply contracting (ESC), which delivers units of energy.                           will be a feature of this nascent
                                     • Energy performance contracting, which provides energy savings                              economic sector. Adapting to this
                                       determined by comparison to an established and agreed-upon baseline.                       type of rapid growth is easier for
                                                                                                                                  SMEs, as pre-existing corporate
 Consultants                         Consultants include energy auditors, planning engineers, certified measurement and
                                     verification personnel (CMVP), accountants, and lawyers.                                     structures and sunk investment
                                                                                                                                  do not hamper them. That said,
 Financiers                          Financiers provide funding and financing mechanisms to realise projects.                     their growth could be stifled by
                                     • Project finance – commercial banks (commercial and asset funding),
                                                                                                                                  their inability to scale up or down
                                       self-funded individuals (with cash reserves) and PPA financiers (such
                                       as private equity funds, debt facilities).                                                 fast enough to take advantage
                                     • Funding for ESCos (not detailed in the diagram) – commercial banks,                        of opportunities.
                                       private equity funds, corporate foundations, private and family foundations, and venture
                                       capitalists.                                                                               2.5. Energy Services
 Manufacturers and suppliers         Manufacturers and suppliers include technology suppliers or original equipment
                                                                                                                                  market size
                                     manufacturers (OEMs). They manufacture and supply equipment, and form part of typical
                                     energy efficiency or supply interventions.                                                   Using the total available market
                                                                                                                                  for the small-scale embedded
 Installers                          Most energy service companies, EPCs and project developers make use of specialised
                                     installers for both energy efficiency and SSEG (technology specific).                        generation (solar rooftop PV
                                                                                                                                  systems) installed in the country,
 Engineering, procurement and        EPCs design interventions, procure and install tailored turnkey energy efficiency and/or
                                                                                                                                  energy storage, and capital
 construction (EPC) company          renewable energy solutions.
                                                                                                                                  leveraged in energy efficiency
 EPCM (Engineering, Procurement,     Under an EPCM contract, the owner maintains more control of the project.                     interventions implemented by
 Construction Management)            The contractor manages the construction project, but only under the direction of the
                                                                                                                                  South African energy users, South

                                                                                                                                                                        ENERGY SERVICES: MIR 2021
                                     owner. With an EPCM contract, the owner is responsible for hiring suppliers, construction
                                     workers and other contractors, and the EPCM contractor will manage these contractors.        Africa’s total available ES market
                                                                                                                                  is valued at ~R131 billion by 2035.
 Project developers                  Project developers handle tasks that focus on moving the project along
                                     toward successful completion. In the ES value chain, they play more of a business
                                     development role as they focus on, for example, project design
                                                                                                                                  The total available market is
                                     and procurement, but make use of specialised installers.                                     the total untapped demand
                                                                                                                                  for a product or service in the
                                                                                                                                  ES market. The total available
                                                                                                                                  market size detailed in this

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