HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District

Page created by Grace Gonzales
HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District
H I S D 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 Back to S ch o ol Pl an

                                        Updated April 1, 2022

     Houston Independent School District
HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District
HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District
Houston Independent School District

                            HISD FAST FACTS u u

L  ARGEST                                                                                         E  IG      HTH
                                                                                               largest in the United States
School District in Texas

19 6,943 Students                                                                PRO GRAM OP TIONS u u
                                61.84% Hispanic                                  u 1 21+ Magnet Programs
                                22.4% African American                              u Montessori
                                4.4% Asian                                          u Vanguard
                                9.67% White                                         u International Baccalaureate Programs
                                                                                      cience, Technology, Engineering and
                                100 Languages Spoken                                 Math (STEM)
                                                                                    u Dual Language & Language Immersion
                                                                                    u Fine Arts
           2 76 S cho ols                                                           u Early Colleges
                                                                                    u Career Academies
8...........................................Early Childhood Schools
160...............................................Elementary Schools
                                                                                   ilingual Education
39........................................................... Middle Schools
                                                                                   pecialized Special Education Programs
37............................................................... High Schools
                                                                                 u Gifted & Talented
32....................................................... Combined/Other
                                                                                   ollege & Career Prep with free college credit
                                                                                  and industry training and certifications


                $240 MILLION                                                                 7 schools ranked No. 1 by Children at Risk
                                                                                             best public schools listing
                in scholarships and financial aid offers in 2020

             4 high schools recognized by U.S. News & World Report as among the top 100 schools in the country
             43 schools offering prestigious international baccalaureate programing

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HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District
Houston Independent School District

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HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District
Houston Independent School District

                        Hello HISD Family,
                        I’m so excited to join you on this journey as we prepare for a safe,
                        successful 2021-2022 school year.

                        I believe this fall will mark the start of a new beginning for the
                        Houston Independent School District. As we continue to navigate one
                        of the most challenging times in recent history, I know everyone is
                        eager to safely move forward.

That’s exactly what I want us to do. And I know we can do it, if we work together.

Long before I accepted this position, the Houston Independent School District was on my radar.
I knew this district placed a sharp focus on student success and was always innovative in its
approach. I knew this community was passionate about its children and rallied around each
other during tough times like Hurricane Harvey, the 2021 Winter Storm, and the COVID-19

But most of all, I knew great things were ahead for this district and I wanted to be a part of it.

As your superintendent of schools, I pledge to work tirelessly in support of our students as we
lay out a vision for the future that ensures equity and success for all. That future starts here with
this plan, and I encourage you to review it.

We know in-person learning is critical for both student growth and success as well as
addressing pandemic-related learning losses. Our goal this fall is to make sure those in-person
experiences are as safe as possible. For this reason, masks are required for students, staff, and
visitors in all HISD schools, buildings, and buses regardless of vaccination status.

I think you’ll see we’ve got a great roadmap in place as we start this journey together. I look
forward to seeing you all in school this fall.


Millard House II
Superintendent of Schools
Houston Independent School District

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Houston Independent School District

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HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District
Houston Independent School District

                                                     TABLE OF C ONTENTS

I nt roduction...................................................................................................................................................... 9

20 21- 2022 Timeline......................................................................................................................................11

Saf e I n-Person Learning & Wor ki ng ...............................................................................12

      COVID-19 Guidelines..........................................................................................................................................13
      HISD COVID-19 Testing.....................................................................................................................................15
      Harris County COVID-19 Testing...................................................................................................................15
      Sanitization & Disinfection................................................................................................................................15
      Physical Distancing..............................................................................................................................................15
      School Bus Service................................................................................................................................................15
      Student Meals..........................................................................................................................................................16
      HISD Visitors...........................................................................................................................................................16
      Student Uniforms & Dress Code......................................................................................................................16
      Attendance & Grades............................................................................................................................................16
      Athletics, UIL, & Extracurricular Activities................................................................................................ 17
      Field Trips................................................................................................................................................................. 17
      In-Person Gatherings........................................................................................................................................... 17
      Out-of-District Travel & Conferences........................................................................................................... 17
      Closure Plan............................................................................................................................................................. 17
      Temporary Online Learning.............................................................................................................................. 17

St ude nt & Family Supp ort ................................................................................................................18

      Social & Emotional Learning.............................................................................................................................18
      Wraparound Services...........................................................................................................................................18
      Crisis Response & Prevention...........................................................................................................................18

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HISD 2021-2022 Back to School Plan - Houston Independent School District
Houston Independent School District

          Physical Health.......................................................................................................................................................18
          College & Career Readiness..............................................................................................................................18
          Learning Loss..........................................................................................................................................................19
          Special Education..................................................................................................................................................19
          Multilingual Programs........................................................................................................................................19
          Gifted & Talented...................................................................................................................................................19
          Parent University..................................................................................................................................................20

    Digi tal Resources .....................................................................................................................................20

          Elementary Schools.............................................................................................................................................20
          Middle Schools.......................................................................................................................................................20
          High Schools...........................................................................................................................................................20

    E nrol lmen t/Dream B ig Campaig n.........................................................................................21

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Houston Independent School District

HISD is providing in-person learning five days per       Masks are no longer mandatory inside or outside of
week for all students during the 2021-2022 school        HISD schools, buildings, or buses.
year. To ensure safe in-person experiences, HISD
gathered community input, in the form Board              Self-Monitoring
meetings, community events and surveys, from             Students, staff, and visitors are asked to monitor
community members, parents, and HISD students            their health and stay home when sick.
and staff and HISD is continuing to work closely
with health and education officials and maintaining      Vaccinations
key health and safety protocols.
                                                         Vaccinations are our first line of defense against
The purpose of this ‘Ready, Set, Go!’ Plan is            COVID-19. The district is hosting several
to provide students, families, employees, and            vaccination clinics.
community stakeholders with the information
necessary for a safe return to in-person learning.       Additional details and vaccination locations
The plan outlines both instructional and                 in the city of Houston can be found online at
operational protocols for all facets of the country’s    HoustonEmergency.org/COVID-19-Vaccines.
eighth largest public school system. Because of
changing conditions, HISD will continually monitor       COVID-19 Guidelines
health conditions and review procedures and              The district has outlined guidance and protocols
protocols, making adjustments as needed. These           for confirmed, presumed, and exposed individuals.
updates are as of Spring 2022. The Ready, Set, Go!       For more information, see HISD’s Procedural
Plan is available to view in the following formats:      Guidelines for COVID-19 Exposure, Presumed, or
                                                         Confirmed Positive Individuals.
    u Spanish, Vietnamese, and Arabic translations
                                                         COVID-19 Testing
    u HTML – To view the plan in the browser and
      on mobile devices                                  HISD encourages all students and staff to participate
                                                         in regular COVID-19 screen testing, which allows
    u ePub – To read the plan as an e-book on an        preventative measures to be taken to avoid further
      iPad or other e-book readers                       transmission of COVID-19.
    u Electronic Braille – To view the plan as a BRF    Beginning in January 2022, HISD will provide free
      version for consumption on electronic braille      COVID-19 testing to all consenting HISD students
      displays                                           and staff on participating campuses.
    u Audio – To listen to the plan as a MP3            A one-time consent form is required for
      version                                            participation in the COVID-19 campus testing
                                                         program. The form can be completed at
    u BeeLine Reader – To view the plan in an           HoustonISD.org/COVIDTesting.
      enhanced version for easier and fast
      on-screen reading                                  For more information, visit
Masks are highly encouraged for both students and
staff that may need additional layers of protection or
are currently sick.

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Hygiene                                                   Student Uniforms & Dress Code
Students, staff, and visitors are encouraged to wash/     Student uniform policies will be flexible at all
sanitize their hands regularly. Sanitization stations     campuses for the 2021-2022 school year but campus
will be maintained at all HISD schools, facilities, and   dress codes should still be followed.
                                                          Attendance & Grades
Sanitization & Disinfection                               Perfect attendance will not be recognized this year as
All district schools and buildings will continue to       an award category, and there are no plans for grade
be cleaned, disinfected, and fogged nightly with          exemptions. All grades will count toward a student
hospital-grade disinfectants as a precautionary           passing a course/grade. For more information about
measure.                                                  grades, contact your campus directly.

Hand sanitizer and other cleaning and disinfecting        Athletics, UIL, & Extracurricular
supplies will be provided in all school, buildings, and   Activities
buses.                                                    Competitions and practices, as well as
                                                          extracurricular activities and performances, will take
Physical Distancing                                       place following campus guidelines. While no longer
While no longer required, physical distancing             required, masks are highly encouraged for attendees
of at least three feet is encouraged indoors as           when needing additional layers of protection or are
space allows. Assigned seating will be required in        sick.
                                                          Field Trips
School Bus Service                                        Field trips and extracurricular activities are
Transportation Services is resuming normal                permitted with no restrictions or limitations.
operations and bus service at full capacity. Students
and bus operators are highly encouraged to wear           In-Person Gatherings
masks when needing additional layers of protection        In-person gatherings, meetings, and events are
or are sick. Assigned seating is no longer required.      allowed with no restrictions or limitations.

Student Meals                                             Out-of-District Travel & Conferences
Nutrition Services is resuming normal operations          Out-of-district travel and conferences are permitted
and offerings. Assigned seating is no longer              following district guidelines.
required. Additionally, water fountains will be
available as refilling stations only. Students should     Closure Plan
not drink directly from water fountains and are
advised to bring refillable water bottles to school       We do not anticipate school closures. Should
each day.                                                 deteriorating COVID-19 conditions warrant the
                                                          closure of a campus, classroom, or portion of a
HISD Visitors                                             classroom, that determination will be made on
                                                          a case-by-case basis by HISD Health & Medical
Schools and buildings are allowed to have visitors,       Services in consultation with the Houston
including after-school program staff, as well as          Health Department.
parent and community members who have been
approved through the Volunteers in Public Schools
(VIPS) program and have appointments. Parents
registering their children for school also are allowed.

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 2 0 2 1- 2 022 TIMELIN E u u

 AUG. 2 - 13, 2021                   AUG. 9 - 12, 2021
 Camp Spark Academic              Bridge Academic Camps for
Enrichment Opportunities              6th and 9th Grades

                                     AUG. 16, 2021
                                  Teachers Report to Work

     AUG. 23, 2021
     First Day of School

                                      JAN. 14, 2022
                                  Last Day of First Semester

     JAN. 19, 2022
First Day of Second Semester

                                     JUNE 7, 2022
                                    Last Day for Students

     JUNE 8, 2022
   Last Day for Teachers


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MASKS                                                 VACCINATIONS
Masks within HISD schools, facilities, and school      ccording to the Centers for Disease Control
buses are optional. Students, staff, and any other    and Prevention and the American Academy of
HISD stakeholders that may need an additional         Pediatrics, full vaccination is the best defense
layer of protection or are exhibiting symptoms of     against COVID-19 and its variants. Individuals
a communicable disease are highly encouraged to       who are 5 and older are eligible for COVID-19
wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.         vaccination. In addition, research shows that the
                                                      COVID-19 booster provides an additional layer of
Anyone wanting to wear a mask can still request       protection against COVID-19 and its variants. The
one when entering an HISD building.                   COVID-19 booster is available for individuals 16
                                                      years of age and older.
Exceptions and reasonable accommodations will
be made for those with a documented medical           The Houston Independent School District
disability.                                           is working closely with health and education
                                                      professionals and the City of Houston to ensure
SELF-MONITORING                                       students and staff have access to vaccinations.
 tudents, parents, employees, and visitors are
S                                                     Details regarding vaccination locations,
required to self-monitor and should not enter         assistance, and more can be found at
any district school, building or bus when sick        HoustonEmergency.org/covid-19-vaccines.
or experiencing symptoms of a recognized
communicable disease.                                 Additionally, the Houston Health Department is
                                                      ready to support COVID-19 vaccination clinics in
EMPLOYEES                                             HISD. We highly encourage campuses to host at
                                                      least two COVID-19 vaccination clinics. For more
     u All HISD employees are required to self-      information, coordinate with your campus nurse
       monitor and are encouraged to stay home        or contact the HISD Health & Medical Services
       and follow the notification procedures set     Department at 713-556-7280 or via email at
       by their campus or department. It is the       HealthMS@HoustonISD.org. Students can receive
       employee’s responsibility to notify the        the COVID-19 vaccination and booster (if eligible).
       appropriate campus administrator and
       campus nurse, or department supervisor         Getting the COVID-19 vaccination is free and
       when sick or experiencing symptoms of a        does not require proof of residency, citizenship, or
       recognized communicable disease or if they     insurance.
       have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.


     u Parents and guardians are advised
       to monitor their children and check
       temperatures at home each day before school

     u Visitors at all HISD Schools and Buildings:
       All scheduled visitors must self-monitor for
       symptoms and stay home when sick.

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Houston Independent School District

COVID-19 GUIDELINES                                    STAFF

STUDENTS                                               All HISD campus and non-campus staff must
                                                       self-monitor and will be required to isolate or
All campuses are required to have a Student            quarantine if any of these conditions are met:
Health Isolation Pod (SHIP). This is a designated
area where students can isolate. Isolation must be        u Lab-confirmed COVID-19 case
separate from the school clinic.
                                                          u Exhibiting symptoms of a recognized
Students exhibiting symptoms of a recognized                communicable disease
communicable disease must be placed in this               uO
                                                            ngiong exposure to a confirmed positive
isolation area, away from others, until picked up by       COVID-19 case
a parent/guardian.
                                                       If staff are at work when meeting any of the above
The school nurse will document confirmed               three conditions, they must leave immediately.
COVID-19 cases in HISD’s electronic health             Otherwise, they are instructed to remain at
record. If campuses do not have a school nurse, the    home and notify their immediate supervisor.
principal will fulfill these duties.                   In the interest of all HISD stakeholders, staff
                                                       meeting any of the three conditions are strongly
If a student becomes infected with COVID-19, they      encouraged to seek medical attention and get
must notify their campus, stay home and isolate        tested for COVID-19.
following CDC guidelines, and attend temporary
online learning established by their campus.           See the table on page 14 for more information.
Students will not be counted absent as long as they
attend four hours of temporary online learning each    COVID-19 paid leave (up to 10 days for the 2021-
day.                                                   2022 school year) will be available to exempt and
                                                       non-exempt employees who are fully vaccinated,
If a confirmed COVID-19 case is detected in a          as well as those who are medically unable to
classroom, parents/caregivers will be notified         be vaccinated. Proof of vaccination or medical
and provided with next steps related to isolate/       exemption must be submitted to qualify.
quarantine and any other measures that should
be taken. If isolation/quarantine are required, the    Any additional time off beyond the COVID-19
student must stay home.                                leave days granted to qualifying employees will
                                                       be processed from an employee’s leave bank in
See the table on page 14 for more information.         accordance with Board Policy DEC (LOCAL). In
                                                       addition, Family Medical Leave is available to all
                                                       employees who qualify.

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        Case Type                        Confirmed                           Presumed                      Ongoing Exposure

 Who does this apply to?          Individual with a positive         Individual with one or more           Individual who is living in the
                                  COVID-19 test result.              COVID-19 symptom.                     same household as someone
                                                                                                           who has been confirmed
                                                                                                           COVID-19 positive.

 Quarantine/Isolation Time        Isolate 5 days from onset of       Isolate 5 days from onset of          Isolation for 5 days from the
                                  symptoms or date test was          symptoms or date test was             onset of the confirmed case.
                                  taken if no symptoms.              taken if no symptoms.                 Quarantine for an additional 5
                                                                                                           days to monitor symptoms.
                                  Continue to wear a mask            Continue to wear a mask
                                  around others for 5 additional     around others.

 Requirements to Return to        Completion of isolation,           Completion of isolation               Meeting requirements based
 Work/School                      fever free for at least the past   time or qualifications for early      on vaccination/boosted status.
                                  24 hours without the use of        return: fever free for at least the   Please see below.
                                  fever-reducing medication, and     past 24 hours without the use
                                  improvement in symptoms.           of fever-reducing medication,         Staff should follow supervisor’s
                                                                     and improvement in symptoms.          guidelines. Students should
                                                                                                           follow campus nurse or
                                                                                                           designee recommendations.

 Guidance for both vaccinated     If you test positive for           If you are presumed positive          If you are exposed to
 and unvaccinated individuals     COVID-19 or have symptoms,         (exhibiting COVID-19                  COVID-19, you must:
                                  you must isolate for 5 days,       symptoms), you must isolate
                                  regardless of vaccination/         for 5 days, regardless of             u Wear a mask around others.
                                  boosted status.                    vaccination/boosted status.
                                                                                                           u CDC recommends to test on
                                  If you have no symptoms or         If you have no symptoms or              day 6.
                                  your symptoms are resolving        your symptoms are resolving
                                  after 5 days, you can leave your   after 5 days, you can leave your
                                  house. Continue to wear a mask     house. Continue to wear a mask        If you develop symptoms get a
                                  around others.                     around others.                        test and stay home.

                                  If you have a fever, continue      If you have a fever, continue
                                  to stay home until your fever      to stay home until your fever
                                  resolves.                          resolves.

                 See HISD’s Procedural Guidelines for COVID-19 Exposure, Presumed, or Confirmed Positive Individuals

Employees who are not vaccinated must use their                      Proof of vaccination status or medical exemption
personal leave time to isolate due to COVID-19.                      was required by November 19, 2021 (was extended
                                                                     until December 10, 2021).
Additionally, staff may get tested or vaccinated
during work hours without using personal time                        The stipend was paid on December 22, 2021.
with approval from their supervisor.

The Texas Education Agency and HISD Board of
Education approved a one-time stipend to exempt
and non-exempt employees who were fully
vaccinated, as well as those who were medically
unable to be vaccinated.

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HISD COVID-19 Testing                                    SANITIZATION & DISINFECTION
Next Level Urgent Care provides COVID-19 testing         All district schools and buildings will continue to
for HISD staff enrolled in the HISD medical plan         be cleaned, disinfected, and fogged nightly with
for a $20 visit fee. Free COVID-19 testing services      hospital-grade disinfectant as a precautionary
are available at the two HISD Health & Wellness          measure. High-touch surfaces will continue
Centers located at the Hattie Mae White ESC and          to be sanitized regularly at all campuses and
Attucks MS.                                              existing plexiglass will remain in place. Schools
                                                         and offices also will continue to be provided with
Additionally, beginning in January 2022, HISD will       hand soap, paper towels, tissues, hand sanitizer,
provide free COVID-19 testing to all consenting          and disinfectant. Schools can purchase additional
HISD students and staff on participating campuses.       cleaning supplies as needed.

A one-time consent form is required for                  Air ventilation systems will continue to be
participation in the COVID-19 campus testing             inspected regularly, with repairs prioritized and
program. The form can be completed at                    filters replaced using the highest-grade allowable.
                                                         Additionally, HISD is creating a $7 million ($35 per
For more information, visit                              student) discretionary Flexible Safety Fund to help
HoustonISD.org/HealthAlerts.                             schools address campus-specific sanitization and
                                                         disinfection needs.
Harris County COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 testing helps students, families, and           PHYSICAL DISTANCING
staff ensure a safe and effective return to school.      While no longer required, physical distancing of
Information about free COVID-19 testing is               at least three feet is encouraged indoors as space
available through Harris County at                       allows. Assigned seating will be required in all
readyharris.org/Get-Tested.                              classrooms.

HISD encourages all students and staff to                School Bus Service
participate in regular COVID-19 screen testing,          Transportation Services is resuming normal
which allows preventative measures to be taken           operations and bus service at full capacity. Students
to avoid further transmission of COVID-19.               and bus operators are highly encouraged to wear
Additionally, HISD strongly recommends                   masks when needing additional layers of protection
immediate testing if you are sick or feel sick.          or are sick. Assigned seating is no longer required.

HYGIENE                                                  Students must sanitize their hands and scan their
Individuals are strongly encouraged to routinely         bus badge upon boarding. Buses will be cleaned
wash or sanitize their hands throughout the day,         and sanitized regularly with hospital-grade
prior to eating, and after each visit to the restroom.   disinfectant as a precautionary measure. Each bus
Individuals are also encouraged to practice proper       will be equipped with hand sanitizer, disinfectant,
respiratory etiquette by covering coughs and             towels, and first aid supplies.
sneezes with the inside of their elbow, a tissue, or
mask.                                                    All students are required to self-monitor and
                                                         should stay home if experiencing symptoms of a
Sanitization stations will be maintained at all HISD     recognized communicable disease.
schools and buildings.

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For more information, visit                                registering their children for school also are
HoustonISD.org/Transportation.                             allowed.

STUDENT MEALS                                              Masks are highly encouraged for visitors who may
Nutrition Services is resuming normal operations           need additional layers of protection or who are
and offerings, including breakfast in the classroom        currently sick. Visitors experiencing symptoms of a
and lunch in the cafeteria, as well as snack and           recognized communicable disease must stay home
dinner service at select campuses. All student             and will not be allowed on HISD premises.
health, medical, and special dietary needs, as well
as allergy concerns, will be accommodated.                 For more information on VIPS and to register as a
                                                           volunteer: HoustonISD.org/VIPS.
When not actively eating or drinking, masks are
highly encouraged for both students and staff who          STUDENT UNIFORMS AND DRESS CODE
may need additional layers of protection or who are        HISD is aware that the retail industry is
currently sick.                                            experiencing severe inventory challenges. Student
                                                           uniform policies will be flexible at all campuses for
Assigned seating is no longer required.                    the 2021-2022 school year.

While campus water fountains will be fully                 Students should still adhere to the dress code
functional, they will be available as refilling stations   standards set by their campus but no disciplinary
only. Students should not drink directly from water        action will be taken.
fountains and are encouraged to bring refillable
water bottles to school each day.                          If your family needs assistance with clothing,
                                                           submit a Student Assistance Form to HISD’s
Campus curbside pickup for student meals is                Wraparound Services Department via
discontinued for the 2021-2022 school year,                HoustonISD.org/SAFHelp.
though occasional large-scale community food
distributions may be held as needed. If such an            ATTENDANCE & GRADES
event is scheduled, families will be notified.             Perfect attendance will not be recognized this
                                                           year as an award category. If a student becomes ill
If your family needs meal assistance,                      with any communicable disease, the student must
please submit a Student Assistance Form to                 follow the district’s COVID-19 guidelines:
HISD’s Wraparound Services Department via                  HoustonISD.org/COVIDGuidelines.
                                                           There are no plans for grade exemptions. All
Competitive food sales — food sold by schools,             students must meet the corresponding criteria
parent groups, booster clubs, and outside vendors          to earn a passing grade on assignments and
— continues to be prohibited.                              classwork. All grades will count toward a student
                                                           passing a course/grade. For more information
HISD VISITORS                                              about grades, contact your campus directly.
Schools and buildings are allowed to have visitors,
including after-school program staff, as well as
parent and community members who have been
approved through the Volunteers in Public Schools
(VIPS) program and have appointments. Parents

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ACTIVITIES                                              Students who are unable to attend school because
Competitions and practices, as well as                  of a temporary medical condition are eligible for a
extracurricular activities and performances, will       maximum of 20 days of Temporary Online Learning
take place following campus guidelines.                 during the 2021-2022 school year.

All indoor and outdoor competitions, practices, and     To qualify, one of the following conditions must be
extracurricular activities/performances occurring       met:
at HISD facilities will allow spectators.
                                                           u Student has a positive COVID-19 test result
While no longer required, masks are highly                   or is displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
encouraged for attendees needing additional layers
of protection or are sick.                              INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY

FIELD TRIPS                                             Temporary online learning will be delivered
                                                        synchronously by a certified teacher for four hours
Non-athletic field trips, including enrichment and      per day, following the standard HISD scope and
curricular trips, are permitted with no restrictions    sequence for each of the four core subject areas —
or limitations.                                         English, math, science, and social studies. Students
                                                        will be assigned a temporary teacher for online
IN-PERSON GATHERINGS                                    learning.
In-person gatherings, meetings, and events are
allowed with no restrictions or limitations.            Schools will issue a device and hotspot for any
                                                        student who requests one while participating in
OUT-OF-DISTRICT TRAVEL & CONFERENCES                    temporary online learning.
Out-of-district travel and conferences are allowed
with no limitations.                                    REGISTRATION PROCESS

                                                        To participate in temporary online learning,
CLOSURE PLANS                                           families must follow the following steps:
We do not anticipate full or partial school closures.
Should deteriorating COVID-19 conditions warrant        Parent notifies their campus, submits required
the closure of a campus, classroom, or portion of       documentation, and requests enrollment.
a classroom, that determination will be made on
a case-by-case basis by HISD Health & Medical              u School nurse (or designee) confirms
Services in consultation with local health agencies.         documentation and eligibility.
These decisions are based on all the evidence and          u Campus temporary online instruction
totality of circumstances and in alignment with              coordinator enrolls student in HUB course.
guidance from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.                                            u Student uses HUB to locate daily agenda and
                                                             teams meeting links.
While done in consultation with local health
agencies, the HISD Superintendent of Schools will
make the final decision on any closures.

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St uden t & Fam ily S UPP ORT u u
Social & Emotional Learning                               Physical Health
Our social and emotional programming is based             COVID-19 has underscored the importance of
on the understanding that supportive relationships        health, fitness, and physical activity. In addition
help make learning challenging, engaging, and             to being fun for children, regular physical activity
meaningful. We help students develop skills to            has many health benefits, including strengthening
manage their emotions, form positive relationships,       bones, decreasing blood pressure, reducing stress
feel empathy for others, and make responsible             and anxiety, increasing self-esteem, and helping
decisions.                                                with weight management. According to the Centers
                                                          for Disease Control and Prevention, children ages 3
This year, we are increasing our number of certified      to 5 should be active throughout the day. Children
counselors and expanding our trauma-informed              and adolescents ages 6 to 17 years should be
care practices to better support students as they         physically active at least 60 minutes each day.
transition back to in-person learning.
                                                          For more information, visit
For more information, visit HoustonISD.org/SEL.           CDC.gov/PhysicalActivity/Basics/Children.

Wraparound Services                                       College & Career Readiness
This year, HISD has expanded its Wraparound               In HISD, we aim to ensure every student graduates
Services program to all 276 HISD campuses.                ready to enter their chosen college or career.
Wraparound service specialists support
students and families by connecting them with             At the middle school level, Project Explore provides
community-based resources to address issues that          college and career readiness planning support.
impact learning, such as mental and physical health       At the high school level, every HISD school offers
and food and housing insecurity.                          personalized college advising through our Ignite
                                                          program for grades 9-11, our Launch program for
For more information, visit                               seniors, and our Orbit program that helps graduates
HoustonISD.org/Wraparound.                                with their postsecondary transition.

Crisis Response & Prevention                              The district also offers 16 different Career and
 ur crisis intervention team strives to increase
O                                                         Technical Education pathways, allowing students to
student success by addressing emotional and               graduate with industry-recognized certifications in
behavioral barriers to learning. Among our tools          high-growth, high-demand career fields.
are intervention services, behavioral consultations,
and trauma support for students, parents, and             For more information, visit
employees.                                                HoustonISD.org/CollegeReadiness or
Made up of licensed specialists in school psychology,
licensed professional counselors, and professional
school counselors, the crisis intervention team also
trains school staff on suicide prevention, self-injury,
trauma response, and mental health awareness.

For more information, visit

18     H ISD 2 02 1- 2 0 2 2 Back to S cho ol Pl an
Houston Independent School District

Learning Loss                                            Interventions
HISD is focused this year on making sure all             This year, many students will enter school with
students impacted by the pandemic are back on            academic deficits due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
track academically, socially, and behaviorally.          The Interventions Office is tasked with supporting
                                                         these students and their schools by helping tier
To do this, HISD is utilizing $1.6 billion in            students for the Response to Intervention process,
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency                planning and guiding intervention class scheduling
Relief federal grants provided through the               and student placement, providing identification,
American Rescue Plan Act to address                      meeting and progress monitoring support for
pandemic-related learning loss.                          Intervention Assistance Teams, and offering
                                                         professional development and resources, as well as
The grant funds will focus on 11 key areas:              advising schools on intervention-related issues.
    u Supports for reading and math, as well as
      college, career and military readiness             For more information, visit
    u Tutoring and interventions
    u Wraparound Services and Social                    Multilingual Programs
      and Emotional Learning                             Multilingual Programs provides research-based
    u Special Education                                 instructional practices designed to address the
    u After-school programing                           cognitive, linguistic, and affective needs of students
                                                         in bilingual education and English as a Second
    u English language learners                         Language programs. Families of English learners
    u Student engagement, enrollment,                   can visit our parent resource page for information
      and attendance                                     and resources to help them support their children
    u Technology and digital resources                  at home.

    u COVID-19 safety and cleaning                      For more information, visit
    u Fine Arts                                         HoustonISD.org/Multilingual.
    u Human capital and compensation
                                                         Gifted & Talented
For more information, visit                              In light of the learning gaps caused by the
HoustonISD.org/ESSERPlan.                                pandemic, HISD wants to ensure it’s developing
                                                         customized instruction that meets the needs of
Special Education                                        every student. To support students who qualify
HISD continues to focus on improving the services        for gifted and talented services, HISD’s Gifted
provided to students who qualify for special             and Talented department will continue providing
education services. This year, the district is focused   tailored instructional plans for students and
on increasing the number of resource teachers,           research-based professional development for staff
improving its ability to identify students with          to ensure appropriate acceleration is available for
special needs, and providing additional technology       students when needed.
and services to help address pandemic-related
learning loss.                                           For more information, visit HoustonISD.org/GT.

For more information, visit

                                                         H I S D 20 21-20 22 back to s cho ol pl an        19
Houston Independent School District

                                                     Dig i tal R es o urces u u
Parent University workshops connect HISD
parents and students to district resources that      Digital resources and learning materials are still
support academic success, as well as general         available to all students and staff through the HISD
health and well-being of students and their          HUB. These resources include digital lessons in the
families.                                            HUB, Imagine Math, Imagine Language, myON, and
Sessions for the 2021-2022 school year will be
                                                     Additionally, wireless hotspot devices will be made
held in person and streamed live online.
                                                     available to any student who does not have access
Topics and locations listed below are subject
                                                     to broadband internet at home.
to change. For more information visit
                                                     Elementary Schools
     uesday, Sept. 14, 2021                         Digital resources — like myON personalized
    Wheatley High School                             reading — embedded into the curriculum during the
    HISD 101: Overview of Family and                 previous school year are now available as learning
    Community Engagement, School Choice,             tools that can be used both at school and at home.
    Wraparound Services, and Student
    Assistance                                       Middle Schools
                                                     Verizon Innovative Learning Schools, an educational
     uesday, Oct. 19, 2021
                                                     initiative sponsored by the Verizon Foundation, is
    Scarborough High School
                                                     expanding to 18 schools after a successful six-school
    Digital Resources
                                                     pilot program last year.
     uesday, Nov. 16, 2021
                                                     Student enrolled at Verizon Innovative Learning
    Milby High School
                                                     Schools receive Chromebooks for use at school and at
    College & Career Readiness
                                                     home. Each Chromebook is equipped
     uesday, Jan. 18, 2022                          with a Verizon 5G data plan providing access outside
    Virtual via Zoom                                 the classroom.
    School Choice
                                                     High Schools
     uesday, Feb. 15, 2022
                                                     All high schools are continuing to participate in the
    Virtual via Zoom
                                                     district’s PowerUp 1-1 initiative, which provides all
    Social and Emotional Learning and Special
                                                     students with a laptop that
    Education Services
                                                     can be used both at school and at home.
     uesday, April 19, 2022
    Virtual via Zoom
    Grade Level Transitions: Elementary,
    Middle, High School, and College

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Houston Independent School District

As a district of choice, we believe all students
deserve quality teachers, schools, and academic
programs that foster their growth and success. We         u Free prekindergarten for eligible 3- and
believe our students can accomplish anything with           4-year-olds
the right tools and support.
                                                          u Specialized academic programs:
Every student deserves the chance to find their               u International Baccalaureate
passion and dream big.
                                                              u College & Career Prep
Enroll now and dream big with us. Join us as we               u Dual Language & Language
work to ensure every student has the knowledge,                 Immersion
skills, and support needed to turn their dreams into          u Science, Technology, Math &
reality.                                                        Engineering

Want to enroll in your neighborhood                           u Fine Arts
or zoned school? Just go to                                   u Montessori
HoustonISD.org/FindASchool to find your school                uS
                                                                pecialized Special Education
and their contact information and then reach out to            Programs
them directly to enroll.
                                                              u Gifted & Talented
Interested in a magnet or specialty program?              u Student mentoring and support
Contact our School Choice office:                           programs
   u Pre-K Enrollment                                    u Family assistance and community
     HoustonISD.org/DreamBig                                resources
   u General Enrollment                                  u Free breakfast, lunch, and dinner for
     HoustonISD.org/Enroll                                  students

                                                         Dreaming big in HISD starts in Pre-K.
                                                         The Houston Independent School
                                                         District welcomes all eligible
                                                         3- and 4-year-olds for enrollment
                                                         in pre-kindergarten for the
                                                         coming school year.

                                                       H I S D 20 21-20 22 back to s cho ol pl an       21
If you have questions or need additional information,
              please contact your campus directly.

           For general information, please email
       Parents@HoustonISD.org or call 713-556-7121.

Houston Independent School District
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