HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire

Page created by Shirley Greene
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
Issue 409    14 April 2021

                                                   ROCK N ROLL WITH JOHNNY'S ROCKERS
                                                           COME AND JOIN US
                                                   An exciting intergenerational activity for Seniors
                                                   Week. Join the workshop or simply just come
                                                   along to watch and enjoy the music, dancing and
                                                   supper. The workshop will be 50-60’s Rock N Roll
                                                   and finish with a fantastic floor show by Johnny’s
                                                   Rockers. Johnny has been teaching dancing for
                                                   over 25 years and has won many competitions
                                                   himself during this time. Come to the Holbrook
                                                   Shire Hall, this event is open to everybody – all
                                                   ages -Thursday 15th April, 6-8pm. Please let us
                                                   know that you are coming for catering purposes
                                                   by phoning Holbrook Library on 02 6036 3262 or
                                                   email holbrooklibrary@greaterhume.nsw.gov.au.

                           NEW OWNERS FOR HOLBROOK STORES
On March 22 Holbrook Stores entered the next
stage of it’s long and illustrious history having
being sold by the Geddes family and purchased
by Mick Dare and Nick Cook, who own a network
of independent grocery stores in the North East
of Victoria.
Holbrook Stores started life in 1901 then known
as Grimwood’s Store. During the 1920s the store
was managed by Lovell Dunstan Jones and in
1937 Holbrook Stores Pty Ltd was established.
In 1960 a group of six local business men took
over the ailing business and developed the self-
service "supermarket" whilst retaining hardware
and clothing. By 1991 there were 32 shareholders
and it became increasingly difficult to run the
business by the committee. This prompted the
Geddes family, led by Roger Geddes, to put a
proposal to the Board to buy out the other During the Geddes family’s ownership, the store
shareholders     which    was      accepted    and flourished with the grocery business changing
commenced a period of 30 years with the Geddes from Foodtown to IGA and the Hardware from
family as custodians of the store.                    Thrifty Link to Mitre 10, both moves giving the
During those 30 years with Roger as chairman, store access to better ranging and pricing for its
                                            Photo courtesy of @lea_bic photography
the store went through a series of developments customers.
and changes. The clothing, shoes and drapery Sadly in 2016 Roger passed away prematurely
business was taken on by Graeme Booth and and the store continued to be run by the family
family, who purchased the block adjoining the and management.
Holbrook Stores building and built a 3,000 square Fortunately for Mick & Nick, without Roger at the
foot     premises    to    accommodate       these helm, the Geddes family took the decision to
departments. In 2013 Roger and the Geddes focus on their other business interests and put
family bought the building back from the Booth the store up for sale. Consequently they are
Family who had leased the business to Ewen and delighted to have purchased the store and to
Leeah Scholz, the Hardware remains on this site start the next phase of Holbrook Stores’ history.
to this day.                                          (continued page 3)

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                             1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
       Holbrook Happenings                 1                                      14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
This newsletter is presented by the CTC@Holbrook for the
purpose of disseminating information and articles free of
charge for the benefit of the public. This information is not
a substitute for professional advice and is not intended to
be used as such. The editors do not accept any liability for
any loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on such
information. The editors of Holbrook Happenings make
every effort to ensure the quality of the information.                   WE ARE OPEN
However, Holbrook Happenings cannot guarantee and
assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,            B1 Trading Hours:
currency or completeness of information. It is the                       Monday to Wednesday
responsibility of contributors to secure permission for                     6am to 4.30pm
the use of any photographs or material provided for
the Holbrook Happenings.                                                  Thursday & Friday
                                                                            6am to 5.30pm
               DEADLINE                                                   Saturday & Sunday
              Next deadline 9am                                             8am to 4.30pm
         Friday 23 April 2021                                               B2 Trading Hours:
         We prefer articles to be emailed to:                               Monday to Sunday
                or ph 02 6036 3262.
                                                                              7am to 3.30pm

   If you are a new advertiser, email us for                       Please phone for orders also on
        information & a booking form.
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                                                                   If you would like to talk about this or any other
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                                                                  a coffee and chat at 81a Albury Street, Holbrook
     Insert (not printed at CTC)              $150.00             (opposite the Police Sta1on) on Thursdays from
                                                                 10.30am to 3pm or come to Church on Sundays at
    Insert (when printed at CTC)              $ 100.00                 10am at the Library Complex, Holbrook.
  Please note this publication is available online at                Genera,on Life Riverina Church


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                              Proud Sponsor of

 ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                                         1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
       Holbrook Happenings                 2                                                   14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
(New Owners For Holbrook Stores continued)
Mick and Nick have a network of six stores in the North East of Victoria and hope to leverage their
combined volume to once again bring even better value for the locals of Holbrook. “Our primary
objective in all of our stores is to keep locals shopping locally. We know we can only achieve this by
providing great quality and value” they said. The first step in delivering this promise will be the
implementation of the IGA “Price Match” program which guarantees a range of products priced to
match the major chains all available without having to drive to Albury or Wagga Wagga!
Further down the track the new owners will be looking to fully refurbish the store, increasing range
once again and improving the shopping environment.
As the Geddes family hand over and entrust the ownership of the store to the new owners, they
would like to thank the community of Holbrook for all their support over the past 30 years and the
memories they will cherish for a long time to come. “The decision to sell was not an easy one for the
family” said Tony Geddes “but it is time for the Store to enter a phase of new ownership and we wish
Mick & Nick all the best and know that the community of Holbrook will continue to support them in
their journey ahead.”
Finally, Mick & Nick would like to thank the Geddes family for their past 30 years of ownership and
the great work they have done to get the store to where it is today. They both look forward to
working with Stephen Behan (General Manager) and the great team of staff they have inherited to
continue serving the Holbrook community well into the future.

                                                  SENIORS WEEK
                                                  WEDNESDAY 21 APRIL 11-2PM
                                                  Luncheon with Tai Chi, Yoga and Macramé
                                                  Workshop Open to everyone over 55. Come to all
                                                  or just the sessions that you are keen to do! 11.00
                                                  am Tai Chi Demonstra,on by local instructors
                                                  11.20 Arm Chair Yoga run by Sue Rutledge 12.00
                                                  pm Luncheon 1.00 pm Macramé Workshop

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                             1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
       Holbrook Happenings                 3                                      14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
PROBUS                                                  HOLBROOK LANDCARE
FRIENDSHIP, FELLOWSHIP, FUN! This is what               Community Catch-Ups—the drinks are on us!
Probus is all about! Holbrook Probus needs some         What do you want out of Holbrook Landcare
new members. All welcome!                               Network? The team in HLN are travelling around
Our March meeting saw 21 members with quite a           the district throughout April and May to touch
few on the sick list. We hope you’re all on the         base with members about the activities and
mend now.                                               direction you would like us to set in 2021-22.
Members were reminded of the activities planned         Come chat with our new Executive Officer, Alison
for Senior’s Week at the Holbrook Library. April        Southwell and tell us about your experiences with
15th Rock ‘n’ Roll with Johnny’s Rockers at 6:00pm      and future hopes for HLN. Not a member? Join
and April 21st at 11:00am, an Expo of Chair Yoga,       us and learn about what we do.
Tai Chi, macrame workshop and lunch.                    We are also using the opportunity to proactively
President Cathy is compiling a list of some             gather your feedback on the topic of on-farm
possible short trips.                                   water management to inform a drought
Our guest speaker was Murray Jones. Murray was          preparation project being designed by Murray
recently made Citizen of the Year and outlined for      Local Land Services for delivery later in the year.
us many of his volunteering activities he’s             Bring your wish list - it’s not often you get asked
involved with in the town - Rotary, football, fire      what you want in a government funded project!
service, bike club, Hard Waste collection and           This activity is also about bringing people
much more!                                              together so to make sure it is a social occasion,
Murray’s big love is motor bikes. He and his wife       these catch-ups will be held after work on
once completed a 51 day trip around Australia           Fridays—5.00pm to approx. 6.00pm. You’re
which included 42 days of riding! Plenty of rain        welcome to hang around after.            Food and
but some wonderful experiences. They headed             beverages supplied. Members and non-members
across through SA, up the west coast to Broome,         and their families are very welcome.
across the NT, into Queensland, then home down          For the reasons of catering and Covid, we would
the east coast. What a trip! Thank you Murray.          greatly appreciate your RSVP to the office 6036
The meeting closed at 11:45am followed by a             3181 or office@holbrooklandcare.org.au. See you
very enjoyable lunch. Next meeting, 11:00am             there!
Tuesday 27th April at the RS Club.                      Dates & venues:
                                                        Cookardinia Hall – Friday, 16th April
FARM HOME HOSTING                                       Culcairn Hotel – Friday, 23rd April
Farming families in the Holbrook district have          Woomargama Pub – Friday, 30th April
been host to overseas guest for several years.          Little Billabong Hall – Friday, 7th May
Travelers from mostly Switzerland and the UK            Rosewood Golf Club – Friday, 14th May
have included a one-night Farm Stay as part of          Tooma Pub – Friday, 21st May
their itinerary whilst visiting Australia, and
generally has become a highlight of their tour.
The guests get the opportunity to see farm life         HISTORY QUIZ
here, and get to talk with farmers. In reverse,         Previous Quiz: Who was the coach of the
hosts have the opportunity to hear about the            Holbrook Warriors in 1993?
guests’ country.                                        Answer: Trevor Bathie
As a rule, the guests arrive in Holbrook in a coach
-in groups of 25-30. They are billeted to various       Quiz: Most Holbrook Australian Football fans will
hosts and require dinner, bed and breakfast and a       know that Chris & James King were local football
farm tour, sometimes a picnic lunch as they             players, who were involved with the Stawell Gift.
board their bus. As rule the remuneration is            Another well-known local family were also
around $150 per person for the night. It usually        involved in the 1900 Stawell Gift. Who was it?
works best if two or more couples go to each
In order to be a suitable host, you obviously need
fairly neat and tidy accommodation, preferably
with a separate bathroom for the guests.                                               02 6036 3428
We are currently requiring some additional hosts
to continue this service to overseas visitors. If you
are interested, or would like some more
information, please give me a phone call! Judy
Wettenhall 0409 369 282
ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                                  1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 4                                            14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
The past 12 months have been extremely exciting for the Holbrook Sporting Complex & the Holbrook
community. We have seen the construction of new netball courts, a new playground, the installation
of horse stables in the McKoy Pavilion, the resurfacing of the oval including new hard cricket wicket &
automated watering system & drainage. And let’s not forget the new ground lighting.
The next 12 months will be just as exciting as we witness the construction of new cricket nets & of
course, the new multipurpose community clubrooms featuring seating for 200, full commercial
kitchen/canteen & all ability access bathroom. This facility is there for all the Holbrook community to
use. Imagine a 21st overlooking the beautiful green oval or a corporate event with a fully operational
kitchen & bar, the possibilities are endless.
Construction of this facility will begin in the next few weeks. But we need your help with the last 5%.
The Sporting Complex board is conducting a “Buy a Brick” campaign to raise the last $100K.
This is your chance to be a part of history & have you name on the donor wall in the main entrance
for evermore. “Bricks” are $100 each, buy 1, buy 10 or as many as you like. “Bricks” can be purchased
by direct deposit to: Holbrook Sporting Complex BSB: 082 646 A/c No: 927 294 673
Use your name as you would like it to appear on the donor wall as your reference (max 25 characters/
$100 donation) or search Holbrook Sporting Complex on Facebook & follow the Google docs link or
call into the Holbrook Post Office, NAB or Holbrook Bakery & fill out the form & pay by cash or
The various sporting clubs & Show Society have worked tirelessly over the last few years to upgrade
these facilities for all of Holbrook to enjoy & close to $3.5 million has been & will be spent. So, do not
miss your chance to be a part of the action and BUY A BRICK!!

                                         ANGLICAN CHURCH
Time is important to us as every day adds to our life. There are two forms of time, Chronos, and
Kairos. Chronos is how we humans measure time with clocks, days, months and years, etc. Kairos
time is how God measures time which has no beginning or end, no minutes, days, months and years
etc. Kairos times are moments of revelation where we experience and enter into opportunities of
experiencing God gracious time, love and compassion for us, that are outside of Chronos time.
Our Easter services were well attended and the week before Easter we held our Annual General
meeting which went smoothly. The time from before Christmas until after Easter have busy times for
our church and with the school holidays, Autumn, and being back to normal Chronos time, we are
planning to slow down a bit. “Do you know how to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans!”
Our Op-shop keeps functioning like a well-oiled machine and we are very thankful for the people who
are a part of our team there. There are also many other people behind the scenes who give of their
time doing many things, e.g., cutting rags, cleaning, taking rubbish to the tip, sorting and displaying
the items for sale, etc. Thank you. We look forward to serving our community and receiving goods to
recycle. Please be mindful that we cannot take goods that a soiled or damaged, please enquire if you
have any queries.
Best wishes from the Anglican Church at Holbrook and Woomargama.
Reverend Stephen Davis, 0429 845 525.
ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                                1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
       Holbrook Happenings                 5                                         14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
Swimming: Congratulations to our combined            Thank you to our students, staff and community
Junior Swimming Team members Gwendoline              for a successful Term 1. A big thank you to our
Durdin Paul, Alana Scholz, Charlie Mackinlay and     thoughtful P&C who treated staff to coffee and
Dominic Valena on their efforts at the PSSA          cake in the last week of school. This very kind
Carnival for Independent, Catholic and Public        gesture was very well received and appreciated
Schools in NSW.                                      by all staff after a very big opening term. We are
They thoroughly enjoyed the experience in            very grateful for the support of our community.
particular placing their hands and feet in the       Our P&C also ran a successful Easter Raffle which
bronze casts of former Olympians and standing        was drawn on the last day of term. This raised
on the Olympic podium. Hopefully this will           over $1,000 for the P&C, which will be used to
continue to inspire them to further their            support the school and our students. This
swimming achievements.                               coincided with a BBQ lunch, an Easter Hat Parade
                                                     and an out of uniform day which raised money
                                                     for the Royal Children’s Hospital. It was great to
                                                     be able to welcome parents back to some school
                                                     functions and to finish the term with such a
                                                     positive day of events. We look forward to having
                                                     more parental involvement over the course of the
                                                     year as COVID restrictions begin to ease.
                                                     Our students are showing outstanding success on
                                                     the sporting field this year!
                                                     Congratulations to Ollie Cardile, Will Glass, Chace
                                                     Liddell and Cess Lieschke for their participation
                                                     and effort in the Junior Boys relay at the State
                                                     Swimming Carnival at Homebush in the final
                                                     week of term. Cess also participated in the u8s
                                                     50m freestyle event, and was chosen to represent
Stations of the Cross: The students reverently       the Riverina in the All Age Relay, due to him
led the Stations of the Cross on Thursday 1 April.   being the fastest u8s boy in the Riverina. Well
It was lovely to have so many of the community       done, Cess, very impressive!
join us as we journeyed through Jesus’ final         Well done to Isaac Bennetts and Cooper Glass
journey.                                             who were both
                                                     selected        to
                                                     represent      the
 HOLBROOK RSL SUB BRANCH ANZAC                       Riverina at the
   DAY - SUNDAY 25TH APRIL 2021                      State         AFL
                                                     Carnival        in
 There will be no Dawn Service at the Cenotaph.      Byron Bay later
                                                     this year! What
                 MAIN SERVICE
                                                     a        great
10:30am All marchers will assemble at the corner     achievement,
of Hume St and Albury St, Holbrook. 10:45am          and destination.
March commences. 10:55am March arrives at the        Congratulations
Cenotaph and all members will take up positions      also to Geogie
around the Cenotaph. 11:00am Ceremony                Cardile,       Mia
commences – Conducted by Holbrook RSL Sub            Boers,       Sybil
Branch President Jeremy Locke.                       Triggs and Alice Hearn on being selected in the
                                                     Southern Riverina netball team.
The numbers of people marching will not              Isaac Bennetts, Jack Lennon, Cooper Glass, Ryder
exceed 100 and this will comprise of only            McKillop and Tom Black will also be attending the
Holbrook RSL members and ex-Service                  Riverina rugby league trials in Term 2 after being
people. Due         to    remaining     COVID-19     selected in the Albury PSSA team. Good luck!
Restrictions:- Social distancing will be observed.   Our new school garden is currently under
Sign-In Sheets and hand sanitiser will be            construction and is looking great! It should be
available for persons attending the Ceremony.        finished and ready when we return to school.

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                              1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 6                                        14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
PLANT PICK PLATE                                            washing to blow over the perfumed flowers. Sounds
I have heard many gardening “Old Wives Tales”               great. The long tendrils of mauve flowers on my
recently, most have proved to be just that, “tales”.        plant extends way beyond the leaves. So much so
However, passionate gardeners will argue as to the          that when my washing brushes over the scented
effectiveness of talking to your plants to increase         flowers, those nuisance ants find their way up the
growth and vigour. As this tale cannot be gauged            tendrils and onto my clothes. Whoever originally
effectively, I suspect it is a feel good exercise for the   thought this was a good idea obviously did not find
gardener.                                                   “ants in their pants” so to speak.
There is another tale proclaiming that drought              My advice is to be cautious when introducing “Old
tolerant plants, i.e. succulents and some natives do        Wives Tales” into your garden.
not need watering. All plants need water, some less                                   Passionate Gardener, June.
than others. They are drought tolerant not dead             JINDERA COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE
tolerant. Another fable is adding sugar to the soil for     Coordinated and organised by Rural Care Link Inc.
the best grown tomatoes in the neighbourhood.               Sunday 18 April 2021 8am to 3pm Maps - $2
Don’t bother, roots do not absorb sugar. An                 available at the Rural Care Link Op-Shop 83 Urana
application of lime will sweeten the soil and give          Street, Jindera (opposite IGA) Sponsored by Jindera
your tomatoes healthy growth.                               Bakery, Jindera IGA, Jindera Post Office, Fire and Ice
I have seen many gardeners, myself included,                Training, Next Level Café, The Fox & Brew, Mitsch
sprinkle crushed egg shells amongst their                   Design Studio, Conway’s Printing
vegetables to deter slugs and snails. The shells will
add calcium to the soil but as a deterrent perhaps          Over 70 Jindera homes will open their garage doors
not very effective. Unless a heavy application is           to the public. A huge number of bargains in the one
applied around your veges the slugs will simply find        area; saddles to camper trailers, old tools and
a path through or around in order to feast. “Place          collectables, furniture and books, baby ware and
citrus peel around your home and garden to repel            toys, clothes and shoes, plants, and home wares.
ants” I heard one gardener say. No, citrus contains         Making it the biggest and best local recycling event
natural sugar.                                              in the area Food and refreshments are provided on
Then there is the well documented “Tale” of planting        the day by the Jindera Bakery, Next Level Café, the
lavender under your clothes line and allowing your          Fox & Brew and at some sites. Contact: Leeny Mason
                                                            0419 605 566

 Holbrook Stores Next Market Day
             Thursday, 22nd April
      Don't forget to check out our
      Instore Market Day Specials!

 TRADING HOURS:       9.00am-6.30pm Monday to Friday 9.00am -3.00pm Saturday 10.00am-3.00pm Sunday
                          (Bulk hardware services available until 12 noon Saturday)
                                          Ph: 02 6036 2111          Email: accounts@holbrookstores.com.au

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                                       1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
       Holbrook Happenings                 7                                                14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
With some locations in the area
recording over 100 mil of rain,
dust was never going to be an
issue for Holbrook Rotary 4-
wheel drive day, conditions were
“Twenty-two vehicles assembled
at the Ten Mile Creek Gardens
and with registration and COVID
completed, we headed
out the Jingellic road turning into
Coppabella Road and taking to
the pine plantations, we made
our first Low Low descent,”
organiser Murray Jones said.
 “I was stopped a couple of
corners after the downhill and
Jackie pulled up. Getting out, she
was showing the visible effects of
an adrenaline high. "That was the
most terrifying thing I've ever done," she said with a smile from ear to ear, (she is hooked now on
Just after 10am, the drivers got to Gone Barny at Rosewood and were very well looked after with tea,
coffee, cakes ‘n’ scones. John and Josh even had huge hamburger each after forgetting to put the esky
“From smoko, we headed for Old Taradale Rd and then more pines and some great ridges views.
Craig came in the HQ bash car. "It will be fine, Murray. I've got ground clearance, mud tyres and
limited slip diff," but alas he needed a tow up one
hill adding another aspect of 4wdrive days.
“Lunch saw us at the Carabost Hall spread out on
the green grass and setting up lunch and with
plenty of the renowned award-winning Holbrook
Rotary wine up for grabs, the competition was
fierce. Craig, Kerry and Ang tried their hand at
presentation and with a bucket of stubbies on ice
topped with a kilo of King Prawns it was fairly
impressive, but it wasn't enough.
Winners Best BBQ: The Haynes family.
Best Picnic Hamper: Sarah, Wayne, Helen and Bear.
Encouragement: Greg and Debbie Berry
And Debbie’s Quiz: Shannon and Kenny picking
up a nice bottle of Ten Mile Creek muscat. With
not much internet available, some of the answers
were pretty funny, but it was the drawing of a
dead wombat that got the prize.
With the early departure of the Bash car, we
headed for a couple of hill climbs then a nice drive
through Carabost bush, a couple of interesting-
rutted puddles, and a tricky tree on an uphill climb
over. We finished at Yarara Gap with most
heading home via Four Mile Lane. It was a great
day and great to have so many families this year,
see you next year in March - Murray Jones

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                            1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 8                                      14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
Flight      Sergeant
Robert Eaton was
born in Holbrook in                                  SERVICEMEN’S CLUB LTD
January 1925. He was
the son of James and                                   For the Informa,on of members &
Selina Eaton. At the                                         guests 18 yrs and over
time of his enlistment
in April 1943, he was
working       as      a                                PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF
surveyor’s assistant.                                  RAFFLE TIMES FOR THE END OF
Upon finishing his
initial   navigational                                      DAYLIGHT SAVING.
training,       Eaton
embarked           for
overseas       service                                       FRIDAY RAFFLES
attached to the Royal Air Force, arriving in the
United Kingdom in June 1944. On arrival, Robert                Drawn at 7.00pm
Eaton trained with numerous units until he was
finally assigned to the Pathfinder Navigator
                                                          Tickets on sale from 6.30pm
Training Unit in February 1945.
On the 2nd March 1945, Eaton as navigator of a De
Havilland Mosquito aircraft piloted by Flight               SUNDAY RAFFLES
Lieutenant Arthur Albertson were detailed to
carry out a cross country exercise. They took off       Drawn every Sunday at 1.00pm
at 7:15pm. The weather conditions were good,
and nothing was heard from the aircraft after            Tickets on sale from 12.30pm
taking off until it subsequently crashed at
9:15pm. There was no evidence to suggest that
Eaton or his comrade attempted to bail out. Both
Eaton and Albertson were killed.                     DINE & DISCOVER VOUCHERS
During this flight, Robert Eaton and Arthur
Albertson had been testing new Canadian oxygen       now accepted at the Restaurant
equipment. The cause of the crash was due to the
equipment failing, resulting in Albertson blacking
out. The aircraft crashed in the vicinity of
Cheddleton Heath, near Leak in Staffordshire.
Flight Sergeant Robert Eaton was aged twenty
and engaged to be married at the time of the
accident. He was buried with service honours on
7th March 1945 in Cambridge City Cemetery,
Cambridgeshire, England.

                                                          RESTAURANT HOURS
                                                       LUNCH WEDNESDAY—SUNDAY
                                                        *NEW MENU OUT SOON*

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                        1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
       Holbrook Happenings                 9                                 14 April 2021
HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS Issue 409 14 April 2021 - Greater Hume Shire
HOLBROOK NETBALL CLUB                       sanitiser for your use and we will need spectators
Season 2021 is much anticipated after spending to social distance while viewing our teams play!
2020 on the sidelines. We have much to be Stay Safe!
excited about at the Holbrook Netball Club
including brand new courts to play on, new sheds
and shelters around the place for the first time
ever, new equipment for our little people, lots of   At  last  some       normality    returns to life and we can
new faces and of course some incredible familiar commence our footy season. Notable highlights
and much loved well known ones.                      to kick off the year include a revamped ground,
This season we welcome back Jarrod Hibberson an increase in sponsorship, and healthy numbers
as A-B Grade coach. Jarrod who has been in the senior playing group. All bodes well for a
involved in the club for many years takes over the successful year ahead.
top job in Round 1 against Billabong Crows. He is Along with all the familiar faces who are returning
also our Umpire Convenor and mentor, bringing to the club this year, there are several new faces
his many years of experience to the club. C Grade who we welcome aboard, particularly at the
is being coached by Kristie Preston and in C senior level. We wish all teams and players a
Reserves we welcome back, by popular demand, successful year.
Hope Mackinlay who has taken on the role for a The only real concern this year is in the junior
number of years now. Hope does an amazing job ranks where there is a shortage of Under
of building team spirit and skill in our newer team 17’s. The resolve of the playing group will make
recruits.                                            the team more-than-competitive, but the
Our junior coaches are just as impressive with the challenge will be to fill all positions on the field
Under 17’s girls being coached by Team Byrne & during every week. We welcome all potential
Morgan! Tayla and Georgia are both enthusiastic players in the 15 to 17 year-old age group who
senior players who are relatively new to the club would be interested in playing.
and have put up their hand to guide our young The building redevelopment will get underway
ladies. Our under 15’s are equally spoilt with the shortly and we thank everyone for their patience
combination of Amy Hudson and Soph Parker. while we wait for the completion; it will be well
These two have both ends of the courts covered worth the wait. At the end of 2021 we will have
with their attacking and defensive skill and brand new facilities consisting of male/female
knowledge that they bring to training and game change rooms, canteen, and a multi-purpose
day. The under 13’s welcome back the wisdom function room. This will come on top of recent
and experience of Leeah Scholz and her sidekick improvements including the resurfacing of the
Vicki Wornes who, combined, would have oval, new training lights, renovated netball courts
hundreds of senior games in the green and gold and new playground.                                               th
under their belt and our Under 11’s team is Our first home game is Saturday 17 April
headed by Prue Pincott and newcomer Maddy against 2019 grand finalists, the BB Saints. We
Croton who have combined to create a fabulous wish all football and all netball teams the best of
team.                                                luck. Thank you to all our sponsors for your
Our senior squad is looking sensational ahead of loyalty and to you, our supporters - we could not
the season with stronger than expected numbers. do this without you.
With 37 registered players, coaches are spoilt for Mort.
choice, which is a fantastic position to be in.
Kayla Sharp is heading our social committee and
has a number of new and exciting events planned
for the year, so start locking these dates into your
We look forward to having the footballers back at
the Complex training with us and to bring back                          Physiotherapist- Sarah Finlay
the ‘One Club’ feel that we have missed this pre-      (Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science, Masters of Physiotherapy)
season. We would like to take this opportunity to
wish the Football Club and their coaches and            APA member. Sports injuries, back and neck injuries, muscle &
players a successful season.                               joint injuries, women’s health, pre & post natal programs.
A reminder to all our loyal and enthusiastic           Workcover NSW, DVA, MAA, TAC Private health rebates available
supporters that we are still expected to abide by
                                                                        FOR BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES
COVID policies and have supplied QR codes for
all players and spectators to scan at each game,                         Call Sarah on 0409 907 058

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                                          1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 10                                                    14 April 2021
18 March Dad’s Army 9 hole event: Winner Tony Castles, 2nd Jim Corrigan, 3rd Lawrie Ryan. NTP 10th
John Mc Maugh, 16th Jim Maskus. Eagle 17th Gordon Webb.
25 March Dad’s Army 9 hole event: Winner Mark Lowry, 2nd James Ross, 3rd Alan Atherton. NAGA
Tony Castles. No NTP. Veterans 18 hole event: Winner Mark Lowry. 2nd Mick Smith. NTP 3rd Lawrie
Ryan, 9th James Ross, 10th Mick Smith.
1 April Dad’s Army 9 hole event: Winner Tony Castles, 2nd Alan Atherton, 3rd Alan Buchanan. NTP
10th Alan Buchanan, 14th Tony Castles, 16th Tony Castles. Eagle 13th Tony Castles. NAGA Lawrie Ryan.
8 April Dad’s Army 9 hole event: Winner Alan Buchanan, 2nd Jim Maskus, 3rd Vic Derbridge.
Veterans 18 hole event: Winner Alan Buchanan, 2nd Jim Maskus. NTP 3rd Alan Buchanan.
Next month will bring us the Lieschke Motors Mixed Canadian Foursomes on 1st May.
Our Annual Tournament on 2nd May. The Veterans Tournament on Sunday 16th May.
1st round of our Championships on Sunday 23rd May.

                                             MEN’S BOWLS
Some of the club events are now reaching the final stages. In the singles Championship final, in a
close match over 37 ends, Phil Swan outlasted Chris Heather 31 to 28. In a B-grade match, Bob
Ellwood prevailed over an improving “Waratah” Mulloy 31 to 22. I would urge those bowlers with
matches still to play to complete them before the greens are affected by the onset of the cooler
The A + D Bowler of The Year presentation is being held on Sunday 2nd May. If you intend to go,
place your name on the sheet provided in the bowls office (prior to 18th April). This a good event, with
all food and drink provided, funded by the $2.00 levy (already paid) for each pennant match played
plus an extra $10.00 on the day.
The presentation dinner and Annual General Meeting has been deferred to a date in September (yet
to be determined) due to the absence over winter of some people who are probably not as important
as they think they are.

                                                                  THE HOLBROOK

           Driveways cleared to 8 metres.
Unwanted trees felled. Dead trees ringed for firewood.
                                                           The Holbrook Pharmacy is a stockist for
               Orchards Pruned.
                                                                     Billie Goat Soap.
            Plantation Maintenance
                                                                   Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Thinning and pruning service available. 4 wheel drive
                                                            (We close for lunch from 1.30pm-2pm)
        cherry picker for pruning to 8 metres.
Phone me: I will be happy to come out and view your
                                                                   Saturday 9am - 12 noon.
      plantation with you and offer my advice.             Phone: 02 6036 2055 Fax: 02 6036 2360
                                                           Email: holbrookpharmacy@hotmail.com
      Fully insured.    No fee—no obligation.
                                                                    Mobile: 0460 704 453
            John: 0428 211 837
ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                               1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 11                                        14 April 2021
              Tree Stump Removal
                   Rotary Hoe
                 Yard Levelling
                   Post Holes

 If you want to dig it, pipe it, pump it or
          fix it – we can do it!
             0403 191 780

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)   1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 12             14 April 2021
Your first choice
                                                      Servicing Holbrook weekly for over 20 years

                                                  Sales Service and Installa1on / Qualified Technicians
                                                        Servicing Holbrook Area Weekly
                                                          TV Antennas & tuning …. LCD Sales
                                                           Extra TV outlets & wall moun1ng
                                                         VAST satellite systems for black spots
                                                           Zane 0408 698 000 (Albury)
                                                          Email: abxantennas@gmail.com
ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                            1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 13                                     14 April 2021
COMMUNITY DIARY                                        ANNOUNCEMENTS
April 2021                                           Holbrook Tennis Club Inc.
Wed 14 “The Vegetable Plot” 4pm @ Library
Thu 15 Older Men’s Discussion Group meeting       Monday 19 April at clubrooms
         10.30am @ RS Club                                          7.30 pm
         Rock & Roll @ Shire Hall 6-8pm
Sat 17   Holbrook Football/Netball Club Family
                                                                All welcome
         Night—6pm @ RS Club
Mon 19 Tennis Club AGM 7.30pm
Tue 20 Sporting Complex meeting 7pm-RS Club
Wed 21 Seniors’ Week Activities 11am—2pm              Flu Clinics will start on 6 April 2021.
         @ Library Complex                     You would need a booking for the Flu vaccination. This
Fri 23   Holbrook Campdraft                      appointment will only be for am Influenza vaccine
                                                       (FLU) to keep things running on time.
Sat 24   Holbrook Campdraft
                                                   Currently we are unable to provide COVID-19
Sun 25 ANZAC Day                                Vaccination. We will update you if and when we are
         Holbrook Campdraft                           able to provide this service at the clinic.
Mon 26 Crafty Hands 10.30am @ 7 Fleet St       Please be aware that the preferred minimum interval a
Tue 27 Probus - 11am @ RS Club                   dose of seasonal influenza vaccine and a dose of
                                                          Covid-19 Astra Zeneca Vaccine is 14 days.
May 2021                                                 Therefore, plan accordingly before booking this
Sat 1   Lieschke Motors Mixed Canadian                        appointment. Phone: 02 6036 2952
        Foursomes Golf                                     Ask your doctor if you have any questions.
Sun 2   Annual Men’s Golf Tournament
        A & D Bowler of the Year Presentation
Mon 3   Crafty Hands 10.30am @ 7 Fleet St
                                                                         Holbrook Netball
Tue 4   Mobile Service Centre 9am—3pm @                                   Football Club
        Submarine Car Park
Sat 15  Polocrosse Carnival @ HEC                                       2021 Debutant Ball
Sun 16 Polocrosse Carnival @ HEC
        Holbrook Veterans Cancer Appeal                  Expressions of interest are open for girls
        Golf Tournament                                    turning 16 years and over within the
Mon 17 Crafty Hands 10.30am@ 7 Fleet St                 Holbrook Community interested in making
Sun 23 Round 1 - Men’s Golf Championship
Tue 25 Probus - 11am @ RS Club                                     their debut in 2021.
Wed 26 Sheep & Wool Fair—Schools’ Day                         Applica1ons to Kris1e Preston
Thu 27 Holbrook Sheep & Wool Fair                                     0419 327 644

 HOLBROOK R&D Home Maintenance
      For all your home maintenance
    Painting, tiling, plaster, repairs, bathroom,
                 laundry, and reno’s.
              » No Job Too Small
 ABN 33 146 093 819     Ring Rod 0418 675 193

                   Mobile Service Centre
                4 May 2021 9:00am to 3:00pm
             Holbrook Submarine Car Park
   Driver Knowledge tests, Driver licence and photo
    card applica1ons and renewals and many more
   services. Bookings are required for driving tests.
 Phone 137788, follow the prompts and ask to speak
  to Albury Service Centre in order to book a driving
              test on this day in Holbrook.

 ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)                                1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
       Holbrook Happenings                 14                                          14 April 2021
Are you a man over
  A public meeting
to set up an Older Men’s Discussion Group
                   will be held
           on 15 April at 10.30am
  in the Holbrook Returned Services Club

  Guest speakers include John Cox, John
Keogh, Dr Ray King OAM, Mrs Gill De Luca.

       A light luncheon will be served

          All welcome -
           no charge
 Wives bring your husband, and daughters
        and sons bring your father.

         Contact John on 6020 4203

ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)   1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 15            14 April 2021
ISSN 1832-0198 (print); ISSN 2652-1296 (online)   1100 FREE COPIES PRINTED
      Holbrook Happenings                 16             14 April 2021
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