Page created by Vincent Stewart


 The pe rfect safari ex pe rience


    Dear Readers

    Thank you for your interest in Kambaku, our Wildlife Reserve in Namibia, where we welcome our guests
    with beautiful lodgings, great food and adventures in the bush savannah.

    Our private reserve is situated some two hours’ drive south of the Etosha National Park and some four
    hours north of Windhoek. Here we live in close touch with nature and welcome wildlife-friends, family,
    riders and hunters.

    During game rides and walks, at water holes or at our Wildlife College, we put you in touch with the
    varied animal and plant life of this spot in southern Africa. During the school holidays, a special chil-
    dren’s programme has been designed for their level of perception. Mould your own dream vacation with
    a combination of wildlife exploration, horse-riding safaris, hunting days, solo time, day trips or longer
    tours through this country of contrasts. Add some lazy hours around the pool in hammocks or in the
    peaceful yoga garden.

    Last but not least, a special programme for true nature-lovers is available: A Nature Guide course. You may
    study towards the FGASA Field Guide Level 1 qualification over four fortnightly visits, or merely enjoy an
    intensive nature holiday which offers incredible wildlife theory and practice, opening up a totally new view
    into African life.

    Whatever safari adventure makes your heart beat faster, we would be happy to prepare fulfilling and
    happy days under the Namibian sun for you.

            Your Kambaku Team

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    OUT IN THE BUSH                                                                                                                         PRIVATE MOMENTS – OUR EXTRAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ondangwa                                                 Rundu


    Nestled in the midst of picturesque bush savannah, you will     to discover – who eats leaves, who eats grass and which                 Even though you are exploring the wilds in small groups, some                            ETOSHA                Halalo


                                                                                                                                            moments are more special when you are alone. With a private

    find our family-run wildlife reserve. This acacia kingdom is    plants have medicinal value? Why are bush fires necessary                                                                                                                                                                      Grootfontein

                                                                                                                                            guide you will be able to experience your own adventure in

    home to antelopes, zebras, giraffes, predators and many ot-     and how do the indigenous cultures and traditional life-                                                                                              Khorixas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Otjiwarongo                        WATERBERG

    hers species. At Kambaku you will get to know them, as well     styles fit into this natural framework?                                 the savannah. Private guides are available for every activity.
    as the fascinating interaction of animals and plants in their                                                                           One of the fantastic moments is a breakfast in the bush. Whe-
                                                                                                                                            re else can eggs and freshly squeezed orange juice taste bet-

    natural habitat.                                                Children are also drawn closer to nature with their own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Usakos                                                                  Gobabis


                                                                    guides who specialise in meeting the needs and hunger for               ter, than after an excursion into the awakening veldt?                           Walwis Bay                                        Rehoboth

    It’s for you to choose: a 4x4 drive or a guided walk through    kicks that the young nature explorers have.                                                                                                                 NAMIB

    nature? Game watching or some fact-finding time in our                                                                                  And then there is the Busch Camp. Fulfil all your safari ex-                                  Sesriem

    small college? Alongside our guides you learn what the                                                                                  pectations by spending a night in our small camp’s stilted                                                                      Maltahöhe

    tracks of gnus and impalas look like, how zebra herds in-                                                                               tents, surrounded by African sounds and stars. You’ll be sa-                                         Helmeringhausen

    teract and watch a vulture circling down towards its prey.                                                                              fely cared for by a guide who will prepare a braai supper and                                     Lüderitz              Aus

                                                                                                                                            tell you African stories around the campfire…                                                                                   FISH RIVER

    Deep in the bush we will sharpen your senses and direct           WILDLIFE PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ai-Ais

    your eyes, let you into the secrets of age-old lizards and
    point out the gracefulness of insects whose social structu-       Every morning and afternoon there are adventures in the wild

    res remind one of civilised communities. There is so much         (included in overnight fee).

                                                                      •		   Game drives in safari Jeep
                                                                      •     Bush walks and game monitoring with pro hunters
                                                                      •     Game watching at water holes
                                                                                                                                            Kambaku is situated in central north Namibia. One needs ab-      In spite of the seeming remoteness, Kambaku in fact lies on a
                                                                      •     Themed excursions (combination of drives, walks and watching)
                                                                                                                                            out thirty minutes for the drive on gravel road D2808 after      popular route: only 2,5 hours by car from the famous Etosha
                                                                      		    as well as training on animals, plants and ecology
                                                                                                                                            turning off the B1 between Otjiwarongo and Otavi. Half an        National Park with its varied animal life. Similarly, within the
                                                                      •		   Introduction to tracking
                                                                                                                                            hour to slow down and build anticipation. For, at our main       same time one can be at the exotic Waterberg Plateau Park.
                                                                      •     Archery (sport bows and targets)
                                                                                                                                            gate, the nature paradise awaits – a hideout for animals and     During day trips, you may visit the beauty of central Namibia
                                                                                                                                            guests, far from towns and roads.                                together with our tour guides.

                                                                                                                                            Tipp: We gladly organize your airport transfers.

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    KAMBAKU SAFARI LODGE                                                                                                                KAMBAKU SAFARI CAMP
    Our small lodge with its natural colours and shapes is cap-         and bottled delicacies from the farm kitchen. Lunches are       The Camp‘s welcome includes a guide, custom-made pro-
    tivating and has won several awards for service and hospi-          light dishes prepared specially for you, outdoor style. Befo-   gramme and savannah as far as the eyes can see. Just two
    tality. We accommodate up to 24 guests at a time. All ten           re starting off on your afternoon adventures, first linger on   safari tents for two people and one family tent housing four         KAMBAKU SAFARI CAMP
    rooms look out onto the garden and offer a view across to           the veranda with coffee, tea and confectionary. The nights      guests are part of this private place. All tents have their own
    the Waterberg. Two luxury rooms, with fireplace and private         become convivial when we serve fine wines from southern         bathroom and veranda. Mealtimes and communal fun take                Private Safari Camp for a maximum of 8 guests
    terrace, offer bespoke furnishings.                                 Africa with our varied three-course meals.                      place in the main tent. Relax in the loungers on the small
        Minibars and TVs have purposefully been excluded from                                                                           terrace or spend your energy on target shooting with a bow           •		   Two tents with veranda and bathroom for two people
    the rooms. Instead we invite you to join the communal dinner                                                                        and arrow. Family games and cards offer a bit of variety.            •     Family tent with veranda and shower room for four people
    table, or to relax at the hearth or bar where conversations flow.                                                                                                                                        •     Internet access, solar power for chargers etc.
    Outside the silence and African stars evoke a magic of their own.                                                                   The cooking is simple but alluringly aromatic. Dawn coffee           •     Guide and support staff in camp
                                                                          KAMBAKU SAFARI LODGE                                          sets the scene, followed by a sumptuous brunch buffet. At            •     Wildlife programme and free-time activities
                                                                                                                                        dusk the evening meal is made directly on the fire.                  •     Horse-riding (extra)
    CULINARY PLEASURES                                                    •		   10 rooms for 24 guests                                                                                                       •     Conservation hunting (extra)
                                                                          •     Wi-fi and cell phone signal in the main building
    The Lodge kitchen is praised highly: homegrown veggies                •     Garden with loungers, swimming pool and fire pit        ONLY YOU, YOUR GUIDE AND AFRICA!
    and meat from the Reserve combine into aromatic dishes.               •     Hammocks and mats in the quiet/yoga garden
    For breakfast there is freshly baked bread, sliced cold meats         •     Free-time activities such as mountain bikes, table      Mornings and afternoons you are out in the wild, walking
                                                                          		    tennis, volleyball, archery and clay pigeon shooting    or 4x4-ing to visit lookout points and follow animal tracks       GAME MANAGEMENT & CONSERVATION
                                                                          •     Children-friendly rooms & baby monitors                 in the sand. You’ll be learning more about the function of
                                                                          •     Large shady playground with toys and games              plants and how to find your way in the bush.                      Game management is taken seriously at Kambaku. It inclu-
                                                                          •     Nanny service (to be booked extra)                                                                                        des water sources and salt licks, game counts and monito-
                                                                          •     Postal service and souvenir shop                                                                                          ring as well as sustainable conservation hunting as needed.
                                                                                                                                        RIDING SAFARIS FOR CAMP GUESTS                                    With unregulated game numbers, drought years would
                                                                                                                                                                                                          have catastrophic consequences on the fragile ecosystem
                                                                          CLOSE BY
                                                                                                                                        Camp guests are also entitled to explore the savannah on          for both plants and animals. If you feel called to assist the
                                                                          •     Stables (riding safaris/training)                       horseback. We will bring the riders to the lodge’s stables        professional hunters, then lodging in the Camp is the best
                                                                          •     Kambaku Wildlife College (FGASA)                        in the mornings or afternoons, so that they may join in the       option. Staying in the bush allows you to get immersed in
                                                                          •     Marked hiking trails (60 km)                            riding or training.                                               the territory, your senses on high alert, with an experienced
                                                                          •		   Water hole near fire pit                                                                                                  team of trackers and hunters as mentors.

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ON HORSEBACK THROUGH THE BUSH                                                                                                                                                                                            KAMBAKU WILDLIFE COLLEGE

                                                                                                                                       FGASA Qualification
                                                                                                                                        and Guide Training
                                                                                                                                            in Namibia

    We attach great importance to appropriate hus-
    bandry: all-day access to hay, concentrated feed
    twice per day, and big paddocks, where they can
    gather togethe are also given like regular vet
    checks, vaccinations and deworming as well as
    visits from the blacksmiths and even osteopaths.

    RIDING SAFARIS AT KAMBAKU                                                                                                             NATURE GUIDE COURSES
    A horse-riding safari cannot be compared with anything          red an upgrade (for prices please refer to page 14).                  The Kambaku Wildlife College is the country’s first autho-
    else in the world. On meandering paths, deep into the sa-           If you plan a horse-riding holiday with daily outrides or         rised body to offer the FGASA (Field Guide Association of
    vannah, in close proximity to giraffes, zebras and other an-    numerous training sessions, we prefer prior information re-           Southern Africa) courses. Trainees complete their official
    imals you become one with the veldt. A small pony plus          garding your riding experience and physical size, so that we          career tests here. We offer our guests the chance, while on     NATURE GUIDE COURSE
    25 trail and sport horses of all shapes and sizes, to ensu-     may prepare a suitable horse for the duration of your visit.          holiday, to get to know the wide-ranging animal and plant
    re the perfect match for riders of every height and abili-                                                                            world of southern Africa, with practical exposure and fasci-    ü    Four independent 14-day modules
    ty form part of our riding outfit. All horses are trained the                                                                         nating insight. Those who attend all the courses are then       ü    Practical training and sound knowledge on wildlife
    English way and, thanks to appropriate husbandry with           RIDING TRAINING AND PONY PROGRAMME                                    equipped to sit for the FGASA Field Guide Level 1 exams –       ü    Practicing guide skills and competencies
    free access to the Reserve and generous paddocks, they are                                                                            one step on the way to a second career.                         ü    FGASA Field Guide I qualification (if desired)
    well-balanced and surefooted amongst the indigenous game.       There is a choice of training with our qualified trainers or ha-
                                                                    ving the young ones participate in the pony programme whe-
                                                                    re they play, help to take care of the animals or ride, alterna-      WILDLIFE TRAINING AT KAMBAKU                                    COURSE DATES
    OUTRIDES IN THE RESERVE                                         tively to safari rides. Newcomers to horses undergo seating
                                                                    practice in the ring. Occasional riders benefit from the trai-        Kambaku‘s Nature Guide Programme covers the whole 56-           Module 1:   19.04. - 02.05.2021
    Whereas new riders will explore carefully at walking pace,      ning by regaining their confidence on horseback before going          days course content in four independent cycles of 14 days       Module 2:   03.05. - 16.05.2021
    we take the experienced riders way out into the Reserve,        out into the savannah.                                                each. Every module focuses on a different theme:                Module 3:   24.05. - 06.06.2021
    sometimes galloping, sometimes slow and easy with loose                                                                                                                                               Module 4:   07.06. - 20.06.2021
    reins. Children may also be included, provided they have                                                                              Module   1: Wildlife secrets
    certain riding experience and are physically fit enough. On                                                                           Module   2: Tracks and traces                                   Fees: Kambaku Safari Lodge
    an outride, learners will be led by the reins or be riding a                                                                          Module   3: Game behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Price per person             1 module (14 days)   2 modules (28 days)
    suitably docile horse.                                                                                                                Module   4: Man and nature
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in double-room sharing             €2 800            €5 300
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in single-room                     €3 090            €5 880
                                                                                                                                                                                                          surcharge for luxury room          €650              €1 350
    TAILORED HORSE HOLIDAYS                                                                                                               All modules comprise practical exercises and theory at the
                                                                                                                                          College, a two-day excursion to a national park or a cultural
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fees: Kambaku Safari Camp
    You decide on the how and how often you will be riding,                                                                               point of interest, accommodation in the Lodge and Camp as
    whether per booking in advance or spontaneously after ar-                                                                             well as full board.                                             Price per person            2 modules (28 days) 3 modules (56 days)
    rival. Riding activities take place in the morning and after-                                                                                                                                         in tent (2 or 4 beds)              €2 640            €4 150
    noons, parallel to the wildlife programme and are conside-

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GAME MANAGEMENT IN THE SAVANNAH                                                                                                                                                                                                             NAMIBIA TOURS

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Apart from our customary tour programme, we offer you the indepen-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           dence to design your travels according to your wishes.

     GAME MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                      TRIPS & TOURS
     Kambaku‘s veld is a sensitive ecosystem in an arid climate       SPECIES CONSERVATION                                                We gladly take you to the most beautiful places in Nami-         day trip. Spending two or three days in Etosha National Park
     zone. Only by regulating the game numbers are we able to                                                                             bia. Alongside our tour guides you explore the country in        increases your chance of memorable sightings. Of course,
     preserve the specie diversity and the vitality of the Reserve.   The bush and tree savannah of Kambaku forms the habitat of          fully-equipped vehicles with air condition – either on a         you could also combine two days Etosha conveniently with
     The local predators are able to control the numbers only to      some three and a half thousand animals that annually birth          private round trip or on a team safari with a small group        visiting the Kalahari Bushmen.
     some extent. Hence the need for professional conservation        around 900 calves, fawns and foals. Altogether 51 species of        of like-minded travellers (maximum six pax).
     work, ensuring that the herds remain healthy, the plants are     mammals are at home here. They are the antelopes (gnus, im-
     not damaged in the long-term and that periods of drought do      palas, oryx, kudus, elands), warthogs, zebras and giraffes, small                                                                    SAFARI – PERSONALLY GUIDED ROUND TRIPS
     not have fatal consequences for the game. Therefore, we view     mammals as well as many predators (leopards, cheetahs, ja-          EXCURSIONS AND DAY SAFARIS
     sustainable hunting as a prerequisite for a healthy habitat.     ckals, hyenas and others). In addition, reptiles, insects and                                                                        To gain best impressions of natural landscapes, culture and
                                                                      some 200 bird species form part of the ecosystem.                   Kambaku is perfectly located for day trips that can be           people in Namibia, you have to go on a true safari. Depen-
     In harmony with nature we strive to keep this wildlife po-                                                                           booked in advanced or on-site. Once a week we leave the          ding on your desired course, your tour will either start at
     pulation healthy. Our game ranchers daily do game counts         Annually, our professional hunters collaborate with the Mi-         lodge for an exciting day criss crossing the famous Etos-        the airport and end at Kambaku or offer you days of rela-
     and specie lists, monitor the breeding and roosting areas,       nistry of Environment and Tourism to create a conservation          ha Nationalpark. With exotic vegetation, huided hiking and       xation prior to your safari. If the Caprivi Strip is your fa-
     put out minerals, build and maintain water holes as well as      concept that is followed closely, engaging expertise and            an amazing view from the top of the cliffs, our tour to the      vourite destination, we recommend to spend two or three
     remove poachers’ traps or snares.                                high ethical standards.                                             Waterberg Plateau ist wonderfully different. Refreshingly        days with us, before we take you to the Wetlands Paradise.
                                                                                                                                          different to both is a visit ofthe Ju‘Hoansi San – the Kala-     After your days in the species-rich subtropics we welco-
                                                                                                                                          hari Bushmen. The indigenous people invite you to their          me you for some more adventure-filled days in the bush.
                                                                      HUNTING SAFARIS                                                     traditional village to present their traditional way of life.
                                                                                                                                              Our half-day trips are tending towards Namibian indus-       Check our website for our gui-
                                                                      At Kambaku you may gain insight into responsible game               try: close to Kambaku lies one of the youngest opencast          ded tours and take note,
                                                                      keeping while moving about with the professional hunters            gold mines of Namibia that gives insight in the production       that some are also avai-
                                                                      and game wardens and supporting their endeavours. To                of this precious metal. Culinary delights and an interes-        lable as group tours at
                                                                      keep the game numbers in balance, we reduce the herds in            ting presentation of viticulture await you at Thonningii, a      lower rates.
                                                                      equal numbers to the annual births. Hence we focus, as part         family-run vineyard in the Otavi mountains.
                                                                      of our conservation ethos, on taking out old cows, weak
                                                                      bulls and weak young animals. These culls are included in
                                                                      our hunting day rate.                                               SHORT TRIPS
                                                                      Further information on request                                      If it suits your travel plan, you may as well go on a multiple

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SAFARI SPECIALS                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SAFARI SPECIALS

     If you are flexible in time, you should check our safari spe-
     cials that offer fixed programmes at surprisingly low rates
     during indicated travel periods.
                                                                                                                                     WEEKS                                                           ADVENTURE SPECIALS

                                                                                                                                                                                                     ADVENTURE TOTAL
                                                                                                                                     Exciting adventures in the bush savannah, glamping in the       •		   7x full-board accommodation at Kambaku Safari Lodge

     WILD WEEKS                                                      WILD WEEKS SPECIALS                                             wild and criss-crossing the Etosha National Park – not-         •		   Wildlife programme in the mornings and afternoons
                                                                                                                                     hing less is to be expected from our new Adventure Weeks,       •		   Bush Camp Adventure
                                                                     WILDLIFE TOTAL                                                  starting in March 2020. It‘s a wonderful safari offer for all   •		   Daytrip to Etosha National Park
                                                                     •		 7x full-board accommodation at Kambaku Safari Lodge         outdoors (wo)men and Africa-lovers with a special price dis-
     When speaking of big adventures at low rates, there is                                                                                                                                          Price per guest in double-room €1 210 / in single-room €1 350
                                                                     •		 Wildlife programme in the mornings and afternoons           count to crown it all.
     especially one popular Kambaku deal to talk about:                                                                                                                                              Additional day: in double-room €135 / in single-room €155
     Kambaku‘s Wild Weeks.                                           Price per guest in double-room €870 / in single-room €1 010
                                                                     Additional day: in double-room €125 / in single-room €145                                                                       ADVENTURE IN THE SADDLE
     Before Christmas and at the beginning                                                                                                                                                           •		 7 overnights, FB, Bush Camp Adventure & Etosha (see above)
     of the year we invite you to revive your                        WILDLIFE IN THE SADDLE                                                                                                          •		 7 safari rides and complementary wildlife programme
     energy in the bush. Riders are welcome                          •		 7x full-board accommodation at Kambaku Safari Lodge
     to choose our „wild“ riding special                                                                                                                                                             Price per guest in double-room €1 490 / in single-room €1 630
                                                                     •		 7 safari rides and complementary wildlife programme
     for a time-out in the saddle.                                                                                                                                                                   Additional day: in double-room €180 /
                                                                     Price per guest in double-room €1 180 / in single-room €1 320                                                                   in single-room €200
                                                                     Additional day: in double-room €165 / in single-room €185
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Kid‘s discount: - €280
                                                                     Kid‘s discount: - €280                                                                                                          Luxury room upgrade per person
                                                                     Luxury room upgrade per person per night: + €50                                                                                 per night: + €50

                                                                     TRAVEL DATES                                                                                                                    TRAVEL DATES

                                                                     09.01.2021 – 20.02.2021                                                                                                         20.02.2021 – 27.03.2021
                                                                     14.11.2021 – 18.12.2021                                                                                                         14.04.2021 – 19.06.2021

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                7 Overnights in Kambaku Safari Lodge
           •    Full board (3 main meals, tea time with cake)
           •    Every day 2x guided programme in savannah
           •    Transfers from/ to Windhoek Intl Airport
           Per adult € 1.445 in standard room
           Per adult € 1.795 in luxury room
           Special teenager and kid's rates. Included all- day: table water, tea
           and coffee specialities. Sundowner drink with afternoon activity.
           Extras and tours may be added (see below). Note: No flights or
           insurances included.

                                                                                                                                                            Adults        Teenagers         Kids                                                                                                                                                  Adults Teenager/ Kids
     Basis Rates 2021 1)                                                                                                                                   guest ab 17 y. 13-16 y.         3-12 y.   Half-day and daytrips 2021 1,2,8)                                                                                                        guest 17 y./older 3-16 y.

     Kambaku Safari Lodge2,3)                                                                                                                                                                        Half day trips (weekly)
     Wildlife programme (2x day) & lodging FB in Standard Room                     Booking up to 6 nights                                                      €185          €145          €100      1/2 day B2Gold – gold mining tour                                                             Team Safari6) price per person                  €80              €20
     Wildlife programme (2x day) & lodging FB in Standard Room                     From 7 and more nights (longstay rate)                                      €165          €125          €80       1/2 day Thonningii Vineyard – Wine farm with wine tasting                                     Team Safari6) price per person                  €100             €20
     Wildlife programme (2x day) & lodging FB in Luxury Room                       Booking up to 6 nights                                                      €235          €195          €150
     Wildlife programme (2x day) & lodging FB in Luxury Room                       From 7 and more nights (longstay rate)                                      €215          €175          €130      Daytrips (weekly)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     1 day safari Waterberg & Shopping in Otjiwarongo                                              Team Safari6) price per person                  €180             €50
     Kambaku Safari Camp2, 3)                                                                                                                                                                        1 day safari Etosha National Park                                                             Team Safari6) price per person                  €220             €50
     Wildlife programme (2x day) & lodging FB in Bungalow Tent                     Booking up to 6 nights                                                      €165          €135          €100      1 day safari Ju‘/ Hoansi-San Kalahari Bushman                                                 Team Safari6) price per person                  €280             €50
     Wildlife programme (2x day) & lodging FB in Bungalow Tent                     From 7 and more nights (longstay rate)                                      €145          €115          €80

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tour price team safari6)          Tour price private safari7)
     Extras 2021 1)                                                                                                                                                    per guest/ package/ service   Namibia tours 2021 1,2,8)                                   Gast >13 J.   EZ Zuschlag         Gast >13 J. 2 Gäste >13 J.    3+ Gäste >13 J. Gast 0-12 J.   EZ Zuschlag

     Romantic breakfast in the bush – after dawn experience or outride 			                                                                                                   €40                     1,5 days Waterberg National Park Safari                             –          –              €890            €600              €510           €220           €60
     Bush Camp Adventure – tented camp with guide, incl. BBQ, breakfast and programme in the bush (15:00 to 11:00)			                                                        €100                    2 days Etosha National Park Safari                               €680         €60             €1 210          €760              €610           €190           €60
     Private guide – available for wildlife or riding programme morning and afternoons			                                                                                    €60                     3 days Etosha National Park Safari                                  –          –              €1 810          €1 180            €970           €350           €120
                                                                                                                                                                                                     3 days Kalahari Bushmen – Etosha National Park Safari               –          –              €1 760          €1 150            €940           €360           €120
     Riding 4) (Safari ride 2.5 hours / Beginner ride 1.5 hours / riding training 45-60 min. – all available in the morning and/or afternoon)                                €47
                                                                                                                                                                                                     4 days Damaraland – Swakopmund Safari                            €1 790       €180            €2 760          €1 930            €1 660         €690           €180
     Special service charges                                                                                                                                                                         5 days Namib Desert Safari                                          –          –              €3 680          €2 580            €2 210         €1 010         €240
     Ammunition – Shotshells (one box contains 25 shotshells) or bullets (one box contains 10 bullets)		                                                                     €20                     5 days Caprivi Safari                                               –          –              €4 010          €2 760            €2 340         €1 100         €240
     Full-day nanny service (booking required) 				                                                                                                                          €150                    5 days Etosha – Damaraland – Swakopmund Safari                      –          –              €3 520          €2 510            €2 170         €990           €240
                                                                                                                                                                                                     5 days Swakopmund Fishing Trip (Fisherman)                          –          –              €3 910          €2 840            €2 490         €1 320         €240
                                                                                                                                                                                                     5 days Swakopmund Fishing Trip (Companion)                          –          –              €3 580          €2 510            €2 160         €990           €240
     Transfers 2021 5)                                                                                                                                                per person 17 y. and older     6 days Caprivi – Etosha National Park Safari                     €3 060       €300            €4 760          €3 300            €2 810         €1 140         €300
                                                                                                                                                                                                     8 days Sossusvlei - Swakopmund - Damaraland - Etosha Safari         –          –              €5 730          €4 030            €3 460         €1 530         €420
     Windhoek Intl‘ Airport >I< Kambaku Safari Lodge                               price per transfer			                                                                            €145             8 days Namib - Skeleton Coast - Desert Elephants Safari             –          –              €5 530          €3 860            €3 300         €1 410         €420
     Kambaku Safari Lodge >I< Otjiwarongo                                          price per transfer			                                                                            €70              8 days Caprivi – Chobe – Victoria Falls Safari                      –          –              €6.920          €4.810            €4.100         €1.750         €420

          All prices include VAT and Namibian Tourism Levy. Prices are for individuals. Our terms and conditions of business apply. (
          Kids fees only apply when children share the room or tent with their parents. Should they not share with parents, the teenager (13-16 years) prices will apply.                                                                                                              Wildlife Programme		       Wildlife & Riding                 Kid‘s       Luxury Room
          No vegan diets available. Please advise food sensitivities or vegetarian wishes at time of booking. In the Camp, specials diets are unfortunately not available.                           Safari Specials 20211,9) – 1 week with programme                                   PP DR        PP SR		       PP DR         PP SR            discount      upgrade/ night
          Riders must be 4 years or older and helmets are compulsory.
          You are welcome to request individual transfers to other lodges or places. We would gladly prepare a personalised itinerary for you.
          Team safaris are small group trips of 1-6 people and occur monthly on request. The first booking will determine the dates. Day trips may be booked privately.                              Kambaku Wild Week            available: 9.1. - 20.2.21 I 14.11. - 18.12.21           €870        €1 010        €1 180          €1 320        - €280           +€50
           Private safaris are guided tours together with a Kambaku tour guide. These safaris are planned according to the guests‘ wishes.                                                           Kambaku Adventure Week       available: 20.2. - 27.3.21 I 10.0. - 20.6.21            €1 210      €1 350        €1 490          €1 630        - €280           +€50
          Additional information on programmes and routes can be found at under the heading „Namibia Tours“.
          Please refer to page 11 for programme and details. For Safari Specials single room surcharge applies. No flights nor transfers included.

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P.O. Box 247, Otjiwarongo, Namibia                      ANY QUESTIONS? CALLS ARE WELCOME:
Tel.: +264 67306292
Fax: +264 67306293                                        Monday to Friday: 9:00 to 12:00

Enquiries and personalised quotations by email:            +49 5252 2692 858                                  • Rates are charged for the German landline phone service.
                                                          • Answering machine will answer after-hours.
                                                          • Free call-back service available.

© Kambaku 8/2020. All errors and emissions excepted.
Prices and content of the latest version apply.
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