Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions

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Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions
Home-Based Kettlebell
                                                                                                                                                                                        Exercise and Coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                                                        Outbreak: Practical
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                                                                                                                                                                                        Carla Zimerer, MSc,1 Sabrina Pereira Alves, MSc,1 Weverton Rufo-Tavares, MSc,1 Luciana Carletti, PhD,1
                                                                                                                                                                                        Claudio Andre Barbosa de Lira, PhD,2 Marı́lia S. Andrade, PhD,3 Ricardo B. Viana, PhD,2 Paulo Gentil, PhD,2
                                                                                                                                                                                        and Rodrigo L. Vancini, PhD1
                                                                                                                                                                                         Centro de Educação Fı́sica e Desportos, Universidade Federal do Espı́rito Santo, Vitória, Brazil; 2Faculdade de
                                                                                                                                                                                        Educação Fı́sica e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil; and 3Departamento de Fisiologia,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

                                                                                                                                                                                        ABSTRACT                                          an alternative of home-based exercise        of a more sedentary lifestyle. Phillipou
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          program for the general population           et al. (20) pointed out that there is poten-
                                                                                                                                                                                         The coronavirus pandemic and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          during pandemic outbreaks.                   tial for adverse psychological and health
                                                                                                                                                                                         adopted social isolation to contain the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       consequences related to the COVID‐19
                                                                                                                                                                                         virus spread led to several negative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       pandemic due to potentially reduced
                                                                                                                                                                                         consequences including the decrease            INTRODUCTION                                   exercising and increased binge eating
                                                                                                                                                                                         in the population’s physical activity                    oronavirus disease (COVID-           and restricting behaviors. Narici et al.
                                                                                                                                                                                         levels and increased physical inactivity
                                                                                                                                                                                         and sedentary behavior. Home-based
                                                                                                                                                                                         physical exercise assumes fundamen-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          C       19), caused by Severe Acute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Respiratory Syndrome Coro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), represents a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (18) report that the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       is promoting a health crisis due to self-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       isolation and home-confinement that can
                                                                                                                                                                                         tal importance to maintain physical            serious issue to public and global health-     last for several weeks to months, which
                                                                                                                                                                                         activity and fitness levels. Among the         care systems (27). Unfortunately, there is     represents negative physiological chal-
                                                                                                                                                                                         various exercise possibilities of home-        still no effective treatment or vaccine for    lenges. Muscle wasting occurs rapidly
                                                                                                                                                                                         based exercise, the kettlebell exercise        COVID-19. Thus, social distancing and          (2 days of physical inactivity); glucose
                                                                                                                                                                                         can be a useful and low-cost tool. The         isolation and hygiene measures are             homeostasis is affected in a few days of
                                                                                                                                                                                         kettlebell is a round-shaped steel or          aspects of fundamental importance to           step reduction and bed rest, which has
                                                                                                                                                                                         cast-iron weight, commonly described           contain the virus spread (4,5). In this        the consequence of reducing insulin sen-
                                                                                                                                                                                         as resembling a cannonball with a              vein, closed spaces and gathering should       sitivity; and aerobic capacity is impaired
                                                                                                                                                                                         handle whose dimensions increase               also be avoided because they facilitate        at all levels of the oxygen cascade, from
                                                                                                                                                                                         with weight that varies from 2 to 92 kg.       the spread of the disease. For this reason,    the cardiovascular system, including
                                                                                                                                                                                         Kettlebell exercise offers an opportu-         in many countries, local authorities           peripheral circulation, to skeletal muscle
                                                                                                                                                                                         nity to train multiple muscles through         determined the closure of gyms and             oxidative function; and positive energy
                                                                                                                                                                                         functional exercises that could be             sports clubs.                                  balance increased ability to store fat dur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Consequently, there is an increase in the      ing physical inactivity is associated with
                                                                                                                                                                                         performed at home to improve and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        levels of physical inactivity, which nega-     fat deposition (8), associated with sys-
                                                                                                                                                                                         maintain health-related physical fitness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tively impact the health status, physical      temic inflammation and activation of
                                                                                                                                                                                         (e.g., cardiorespiratory capacity, mus-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fitness, and mental health of the general      antioxidant defenses, exacerbating mus-
                                                                                                                                                                                         cle strength, and body composition)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        population with and without morbidities        cle loss.
                                                                                                                                                                                         and mental health. In addition, kettle-
                                                                                                                                                                                         bell exercise (with a progressive              (18,20). Ammar et al. (1) demonstrated a
                                                                                                                                                                                         increase in training overload) could be        negative effect of home confinement on          KEY WORDS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        physical activity levels and a significant      coronavirus; pandemic; kettlebell;
                                                                                                                                                                                        Address correspondence to Rodrigo L. Van-       increase in sitting time during the             home-based exercise; physical exercise
                                                                                                                                                                                        cini, rodrigoluizvancini@gmail.com.             COVID-19 pandemic, which is indicative

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Strength and Conditioning Journal | www.nsca-scj.com

                                                                                                                                                                                 Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions
Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise

   The COVID-19 pandemic has raised              decreases sarcopenia levels and               synchronized with movement. Deep
   the discussion of a series of issues          increases grip and back strength and          inhalation through the nose begins at
   and concepts related to public health         peak expiratory flow. Greenwald et al.        the end of the eccentric phase of the
   (and has forced people to be more             (13) verified that an acute bout of kettle-   swing (Figure 1), when the kettlebell
   autonomous and independent) and               bell exercise is effective in improving       almost passes behind the legs. Exhala-
   the importance of education promo-            glucose tolerance in sedentary young          tion occurs during the concentric
   tion as to how to maintain health,            men. Wong et al. (26) showed that acute       phase of the movement, ending when
   quality of life, and physical fitness in      kettlebell exercise increases and             the kettlebell reaches shoulder height.
   indoor and domestic environments.             improves sympathovagal balance (vagal         Exhalation through the mouth is
   The recommendation regarding social           tonus and sympathetic activity) for           accompanied by a grunt, which allows
   distancing and physical isolation and         30 minutes postintervention, which is         the air not to be completely released.
   hygiene has limited access to spaces          concurrent with an important hypoten-         This strategy used during the kettlebell
   and equipment for the practice of             sive effect. Our research group demon-        swing (useful tool to develop hip and
   physical exercises. In this context, it is    strated that 12 weeks of kettlebell           core strength, power, and endurance)
   possible to focus on the concept and          training was able to reduce and prevent       aims to protect the spine during exe-
   alternative of the so-called home-            depressive/anxiety       symptoms        in   cution, giving greater stability to the
   based physical exercise (12,16).              healthy women (22). Therefore, kettle-        movement (22,24).
                                                 bell exercise might be an interesting and
   Home-based physical exercise inter-                                                         However, safety and technique must
                                                 alternative exercise to face physically
   vention may have advantages over                                                            be prioritized and monitored, and the
                                                 and mentally the pandemic scenarios.
   facility-based exercise as a result of                                                      amount of resistance chosen depends
                                                 Thus, the aim of our article is to suggest
   the relative ease of integration into                                                       entirely on the strength and skill level
                                                 a home-based physical exercise pro-
   routine home practice and because it                                                        of the individual (14). The load should
                                                 gram with kettlebell exercises (for
   alleviates common barriers to exercise                                                      be increased according to physical fit-
                                                 beginners and with a progressive
   participation (access, transportation,                                                      ness and access to implements (22,24).
                                                 increase in training overload) to be per-
   and cost). However, home-based exer-                                                        It is important to maintain good move-
                                                 formed in home environments during
   cise should be prescribed by a qualified                                                    ment execution and respect the sug-
                                                 the social and physical isolation and
   exercise professional to be performed                                                       gested training plan (Figure 2). The
                                                 quarantine period associated with the
   independently and so participants may                                                       physical training plan and protocol
                                                 COVID-19 outbreak to maintain and
   be supported with a training log, man-                                                      could be divided into 4 phases: adap-
                                                 improve health-related fitness levels,
   ual, application software, and/or                                                           tation (2 weeks); specific phase 1 (2
                                                 that is, muscle strength and aerobic fit-
   equipment (23).                                                                             weeks); specific phase 2 (4 weeks);
                                                 ness levels and mental health.
                                                                                               and specific phase 3 (4 weeks)
   A kettlebell is a round-shaped steel or
   cast-iron weight exercise that offers a       SUGGESTED QUARANTINE
   low-cost opportunity to train multiple        PHYSICAL TRAINING WITH                        During the adaptation phase, all indi-
   muscles through functional exercises          KETTLEBELL EXERCISES FOR                      viduals should train for 15 and
   and can be performed in home-based            BEGINNERS                                     20 minutes using a minimum load of
   physical exercise manner (15,17,23).          First, to be safe in the practice of ket-     8 kg for women and 12 kg for men
   Kettlebell exercise can be used to            tlebell exercises, find a space in the        (14,22,24) or the load performed
   improve and maintain aerobic capacity         house (indoor or outdoor) in the shape        accordingly to the current level of
   and power and maximal and explosive           of a square with a minimum-security           physical fitness. The exercise should
   strength       and      mental       health   area of 2 3 2 m. For people without           be performed in the following order:
   (15,21,22,25). A typical kettlebell session   prior experience in kettlebell exercises,     free trunk flexion and extension; dead-
   can involve 15–60 seconds of physical         our general suggestion is training 2–3        lift with kettlebell; first part of the ket-
   exercise using a dynamic total-body ket-      times a week and 15–30 min/d. The             tlebell swing; first attempts of the
   tlebell exercise, followed by 15–60 sec-      overload chosen should vary according         kettlebell swing movement, to be
   onds of rest, repeated for 10–20 minutes      to the individual’s level of muscle           didactic and pedagogical, pass a towel
   (9,11,15,21,22), and can be performed         strength and ability to perform the           between the kettlebell handle and hold
   2–3 times a week. With these charac-          kettlebell exercises (14). It is recom-       it with both hands; complete kettlebell
   teristics, the kettlebell might be an         mended that inexperienced individuals         swing; free squat facing wall with hands
   exercise tool of interest to the field of     start the bilateral swing (with ballistic     over head; and front squat kettlebell fac-
   public health (as an inexpensive and          movements) with approximately 8–12            ing wall (Figure 1). We suggest that par-
   low-cost alternative). For example,           and       12–16      kg,    respectively      ticipants perform one set of 10–15
   Chen et al. (6) demonstrated among            (14,21,22,24).                                repetitions for each exercise and a rest
   elderly people (one of the risk groups        Note that when performing kettlebell          interval between exercises up to
   for COVID-19) that kettlebell exercise        exercises, breathing is conscious and         2 minutes (21,22,25) in 2–3 times/week.

   2      VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | JANUARY 2021

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions
execution (21,24). It is important to
                                                                                                     follow-up and monitor training by a
                                                                                                     kettlebell-trained professional (in many
                                                                                                     parts of the world, remotely).
                                                                                                     For specific phase 3 (Figure 1 — exercises
                                                                                                     E and G), the suggestion is to keep the
                                                                                                     same number of sets, exercise sequence,
                                                                                                     and stimulus/recovery times of phase 2;
                                                                                                     however, the rest interval between sets
                                                                                                     can be reduced from 2 to 1 minute.
                                                                                                     Another suggestion for progression is
                                                                                                     to perform the movements until muscle
                                                                                                     Figure 2 illustrates the complete pro-
                                                                                                     posed training plan. It is important to
                                                                                                     note that before each training session,
                                                                                                     it is recommended that the participants
                                                                                                     perform 5 minutes of dynamic warm-up
                                                                                                     exercises involving ballistic movements
                                                                                                     of flexion, extension, and rotation of
                                                                                                     upper and lower limbs and trunk. After
                                                                                                     each training session, it is recommended
                                                                                                     to participants that they undergo a 5-
                                                                                                     minute cool-down with whole-body
                                                                                                     static stretching (21).

                                                                                                     BENEFITS OF KETTLEBELL
       Figure 1. Adaptation phase. (A) Free hip flexion and extension; (B) deadlift; (C) first       TRAINING
                  part of the swing kettlebell; (D) first attempts of kettlebell swing movement      Kettlebell exercise, in the current sce-
                  (pass a towel between the kettlebell handle and hold it with both hands); (E)      nario in which the recommendation of
                  kettlebell swing — ballistic movements; (F) free squat facing wall with hands      local and global health authorities is to
                  over head; (G) front squat kettlebell facing wall.                                 remain at a social and physical distance
                                                                                                     (27), could be a safe alternative to home-
                                                                                                     based exercise and an affordable possibil-
                                                                                                     ity for people who do not have access to
       Although a fixed interval of physical         In the following 4 weeks (specific phase        fitness centers, gyms, and weight rooms,
       recovery between the series and               2, Figure 1 — Figure 1, exercises E and G),     which for many countries is the current
       sequence of movements is proposed,            the participants could perform 3 sets of        situation as a result of the COVID-19
       this interval need not be rigid, being        30 seconds of exercise interspaced by 30        pandemic, and can also improve and
       interesting to be guided by the sub-          seconds of rest, alternating swing and          maintain cardiorespiratory capacity and
       jective perception of effort and indi-        squat movements, with a 2-minute rest           muscle strength and health-related phys-
       vidual physical fitness.                      interval between sets. The criteria for         ical fitness and mental health
       During specific phase 1 (2 weeks),            increasing training load (in kg) could          (14,15,21,22,25). In addition, kettlebell
       the participants should perform 5             be: cadence (increase load when cadence         exercise has positive effects on functional
       sets of kettlebell swing—ballistic            $23 repetitions in all swing—ballistic          capacity of elderly people, glucose toler-
       movements (30 seconds of exercise             movements—stimuli, this applies to all          ance and insulin resistance, and blood
       interspaced by 30 seconds of rest).           phases of the proposed training proto-          pressure levels (4–6,13,26).
       Then, after 2 minutes of recovery             col) (21,24); rating of perceived exertion      Chen et al. (6) randomized 33 elderly
       period, perform 3 sets of squats (30          [increase load when it goes under #5, as        women (65–75 years) with sarcopenia
       seconds of exercise interspaced by 30         evaluated by Borg rating of perceived           to either an 8-week kettlebell training
       seconds of rest) composed of as many          exertion scale from 0 to 10 (3,21); being       intervention (60 minutes per session
       repetitions as possible during each 30        0 (rest), 1 (really easy), 2 (easy), 3 (mod-    twice a week) or a control group inter-
       seconds of exercise, placing the ket-         erate), 4 (sort of hard), 5 (hard), 7 (really   vention followed by 4 weeks of detrain-
       tlebell on the floor during recovery          hard), 9 (really, really hard), and 10 max-     ing. The authors found a significant
       (Figure 1, exercises E and G).                imal] (3); and quality of technical             increase in appendicular skeletal muscle

                                                                                 Strength and Conditioning Journal | www.nsca-scj.com

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Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions
Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise

    Figure 2. Kettlebell training plan. SW 5 swing; SQ 5 squat.

   mass and sarcopenia index. There was a        control trial in randomized order. They      maintain and improve health-related
   significant decrease in the high-             observed an acute decrease in the sys-       physical fitness and mental health as
   sensitivity C-reactive protein levels after   tolic and diastolic blood pressures at       well as improve general health status
   the kettlebell training period and this re-   30 minutes after the kettlebell exercise     and quality of life (4,19). In this new
   mained after the detraining period. This      trial but not after the control trial.       world, people might need to train in a
   suggests a reduction in the inflammatory      Rufo-Tavares et al. (22) showed that 12      home-based environment and learn
   state. In addition, handgrip strength,        weeks of kettlebell training was able to     how to monitor and care; through
   back strength, and peak expiratory flow       reduce and prevent depressive and            wearable technology and artificial intel-
   were significantly higher in the kettlebell   anxiety symptoms in healthy women            ligence (AI) apply to health; for improv-
   training group.                               and these results were maintained after      ing your health status and quality of life
   In another study (13), 6 sedentary male       short-term detraining. Thus, kettlebell      (2). Undoubtedly, this includes the prac-
   individuals underwent a 2-hour oral           training might be considered an alter-       tice of physical exercise, which can
   glucose tolerance test following 3 dif-       native method on the promotion of            involve home-based kettlebell exercises.
   ferent conditions: nonexercise control        mental health and prevention of mood         Furthermore, it is recommended that
   session; kettlebell exercise session (2       disorders and consequently can               physical exercise needs to be monitored
   sets of 7 exercises, 15 repetitions per       improve quality of life. After COVID-        and supervised by an experienced and
   exercise with 30-second rest between          19 pandemic is likely that there is a        trained kettlebell instructor, provided
   each exercise); or high-intensity inter-      pandemic of mood disorders and ket-          remotely, virtually, and/or online dur-
   val running. Both kettlebell and high-        tlebell training can be a safe alternative   ing the current COVID-19 outbreak.
   intensity acute interval running              for improving mental health.
                                                                                              Below are general and practical guide-
   exercise significantly lowered blood          Considering the current scenario of          lines for safe exercise practice with
   glucose 60 minutes after glucose inges-       isolation and social distance in many        kettlebell:
   tion compared with the control ses-           parts of the world, it is reasonable to       Consult a doctor and have the Guid-
   sion. Kettlebell exercise may be an           conclude that kettlebell exercise may           ance of an experienced professional.
   interesting type of physical exercise         be an important and interesting possi-        Perform exercises to accustom with
   to be performed during the COVID-             bility of exercise for coping pandemic          the technique on a flat surface.
   19 outbreak because it can be a viable        situations.                                   Start with the simplest execution
   strategy and allows to respect the rec-                                                       exercises and progress to the most
   ommendations of social isolation.             PERSPECTIVES                                    complex ones.
   Wong et al. (26) recruited 17 healthy         In times of quarantine and social isola-      Keep a firm and correct posture and
   individuals who completed either a            tion, the kettlebell exercise/training          maintain a good breathing pattern
   kettlebell exercise or nonexercise            program could be a safe alternative to          and avoid the Valsalva maneuver.

   4      VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | JANUARY 2021

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions
 For safety, keep an adequate distance      to accelerate fat loss and develop mus-
          from other people and household           cular strength, muscular endurance,
                                                                                                                           Carletti is a
          furniture.                                and cardiorespiratory endurance and
                                                                                                                           researcher and
        Train with adequate shoes (low             improve mental health (14,22). Due
                                                                                                                           professor at the
          soles) or barefoot.                       to the dynamics and logistics of the
                                                                                                                           Federal Univer-
        Clean and sanitize hands and kettle-       kettlebell practice, it shows promise
                                                                                                                           sity of Espı´rito
          bell at all times.                        in scenarios of pandemic and social
                                                                                                                           Santo (UFES).
        Perform up to 5 minutes of warm-up         isolation.
          and cool-down with stretching and         Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
          joint mobility exercises.                 The authors report no conflicts of interest
        2–3 sessions/week (up to 30 minutes)
                                                    and no source of funding.
          is great for maintaining and improv-
                                                                                                                           Claudio Andre
          ing health-related physical fitness.
                                                                                                                           Barbosa de
        Maintain a rating of perceived exer-       ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                    R.L. Vancini is a productivity fellow-                                 Lira is a researcher
          tion between 3 and 5 points in ses-
                                                    ship at the Fundação de Amparo à Pes-                               and professor at
          sions is a good option.
                                                    quisa e Inovação do Espı́rito Santo                                  the Federal Uni-
       An excellent source of consultation
                                                    (FAPES) agency (Edital Nº 18/2018-                                     versity of
       for kettlebell exercise performance
                                                    Bolsa Pesquisador Capixaba).                                           Goia´s (UFG).
       is the “Exercise Technique Manual
       for Resistance Training” (10). From
       a general perspective, another great
       source is the “National Strength and                                 Carla Zimerer is
       Conditioning Association (NSCA)                                      a PhD student
                                                                            and researcher at                              Marı́lia S.
       COVID-19 Return to Training Task
                                                                            the Strength and                               Andrade is a
       Force,” which recommends that
                                                                            Conditioning                                   researcher and
       strength and conditioning trainers
                                                                            Laboratory (LA-                                professor at the
       use the best practices and scientific
                                                                            FEC) and Exer-                                 Federal Univer-
       evidence to plan the physical train-
                                                                            cise Physiology                                sity of Sa˜o Paulo
       ing, respecting the “#stay at home
                                                                            (LAFEX), Vito´-                                (UNIFESP).
       campaign” and favoring shorter and
       more frequent training sessions, while                               ria-ES (Brazil).
       monitoring recovery and readiness
       for practice. A prolonged period of
       physical inactivity increases late-
                                                                            Pereira Alves is                               Ricardo B.
       onset muscle soreness and impairs
                                                                            a master’s stu-                                Viana is a
       functional capacity, strength, mobil-
                                                                            dent and                                       researcher (PhD)
       ity, and flexibility. To reestablish the
                                                                            researcher at the                              at the Federal
       patterns       of     physical   activity
                                                                            Laboratory of                                  University of
       and minimize the risk of orthopedic
                                                                            Exercise Physiol-                              Goia˜s (UFG).
       injuries and cardiovascular disorders,
                                                                            ogy (LAFEX),
       daily targeted and structured warm-
       up can be performed before the exer-
       cises. During the coronavirus out-
       break, many people started to have
       more sedentary behaviors or even
                                                                            Weverton                                       Paulo Gentil is
       had to adapt their training to reduced
                                                                            Rufo-Tavares is                                a researcher and
       domestic spaces. Thus, systematic
                                                                            a coach and                                    professor at the
       and progressive dynamic warm-up,
                                                                            researcher at the                              Federal Univer-
       lasting 10–20 minutes, is suitable
                                                                            Strength and                                   sity of
       for muscle strength, power, and
                                                                            Conditioning                                   Goia´s (UFG).
       endurance, such as exercise with a
                                                                            Laboratory (LA-
       kettlebell (7).
                                                                            FEC), Vito´ria-
       Finally, kettlebell exercise can be a safe                           ES (Brazil).
       and effective modality that could help

                                                                                Strength and Conditioning Journal | www.nsca-scj.com

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions
Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise

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                             researcher and                at: https://www.nsca.com/contentassets/              implications and recommendations for
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                             Santo (UFES).             8. Del Vecchio FB, Coswig VS, Cabistany LD,             medicine—Evidence for prescribing
                                                          Orcy RB, Gentil P. Effects of exercise               exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic
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   6      VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | JANUARY 2021

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Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions Home-Based Kettlebell Exercise and Coronavirus Outbreak: Practical Suggestions
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