Homes, Health and Happiness Matters for All Ages - National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019 A day for discussion, networking and celebration ...

Page created by Victoria Johnson
Homes, Health and Happiness Matters for All Ages - National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019 A day for discussion, networking and celebration ...
Homes, Health and Happiness
Matters for All Ages
National Conference
and Awards Ceremony 2019
A day for discussion,
networking and celebration

Wednesday 20th March 2019
Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow

                                  courtesy of
                              Netball Scotland
Homes, Health and Happiness Matters for All Ages - National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019 A day for discussion, networking and celebration ...
Age Scotland’s National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019

Homes, Health
                                                                                                                                                                    A day for discussion, networking and celebration

and Happiness
Matters for All Ages
                                                                     Pennie Taylor is an award
2018 was a special year for Age                                      winning freelance journalist
                                                                     and broadcaster who
Scotland. We celebrated 75 years                                     specialises in health and care
                                                                     issues. BBC Scotland’s first
of national and local older people’s                                 health correspondent, she
                                                                     has also worked for a number
groups and organisations in Scotland.                                of newspapers including the
                                                                                                       William Bird MBE is a GP
                                                                                                       passionate about getting
                                                                                                                                                                                Melrose Stewart is a Chartered
                                                                                                                                                                                Physiotherapist, lecturer at
                                                                     Sunday Herald and Scotland
It’s been fascinating and          pleasure to people in later                                         people active. He has spent                                              the University of Birmingham
                                                                     on Sunday and regularly
inspiring to learn about           life. There will be a variety                                       more than three decades                                                  and TEDx speaker. She was
                                                                     commentates for radio and                                           Rose Gilroy is Professor of
the activities, influence          of information stalls to visit,                                     advocating the benefits of                                               one of three experts in the
                                                                     television. Pennie is a true                                        Ageing, Planning and Policy
                                                                                                       physical activity and nature                                             award winning Channel
and achievements of our            and time to meet and blether      friend and champion of Age
                                                                                                       on health. He set up the first
                                                                                                                                         in the School of Architecture,
                                                                                                                                                                                4 TV documentary ‘Old
predecessor charities:             with fellow Age Scotland          Scotland, and is chairing the                                       Planning and Landscape at
                                                                                                       Health Walk scheme in April                                              Peoples Home for 4 Year
the Scottish Old People’s          member groups from across         charity’s conference for the                                        Newcastle University. Having
                                                                                                       1996, then developed the                                                 Olds’ and speaks nationally
                                                                     fifth successive year.                                              started her career working in
Welfare Committee, Age             the country.                                                        Green Gym and most recently                                              and internationally on the
                                                                                                                                         social housing, Rose’s concern
Concern Scotland and Help                                                                              Beat the Street in 2013.                                                 topic of intergenerational
                                   The conference will culminate                                                                         is to explore the environments
                                                                                                       Beat the Street is a physical                                            practices. In 2017, Melrose
the Aged, our many member          in the presentation of the                                                                            of ageing by strengthening
                                                                                                       activity intervention which has                                          was the recipient of a
organisations and the people                                                                                                             older people’s involvement in
                                   2019 Age Scotland Awards                                            engaged 936,000 participants                                             Distinguished Service Award
involved in them.                                                                                                                        shaping place. Working with
                                   to recognise and celebrate                                          to date with evidence of                                                 from the Chartered Society of
                                                                                                                                         the Newcastle Quality of Life
                                                                                                       sustained behaviour change.                                              Physiotherapy for her services
Looking back over the past         the exceptional commitment                                                                            Partnership and Elders Council
                                                                                                       These three schemes have                                                 in the area of equality and
75 years a number of themes        and contribution individuals                                                                          she has researched numerous
                                                                                                       helped get more than 2 million                                           diversity. Melrose enjoys
stand out as having been           and organisations make to                                                                             aspects of housing and
                                                                                                       people active across the UK                                              sharing and discussing ways
                                                                                                                                         neighbourhood demonstrating
important to older people and      ensuring Scotland is a good                                         and worldwide. William’s                                                 of getting people to become
                                                                                                                                         the research contribution of
older people’s organisations       place to grow old in.                                               knowledge on tackling                                                    more active and engaged in
                                                                     Anita Manning is a Scottish                                         older people and their ability
throughout our history, and                                                                            inactivity has seen him work                                             regular physical activity and
                                   This is Age Scotland’s fifth      antiques expert and much                                            to be part of solutions, as well
                                                                                                       as an advisor to the World                                               exercise. Maintaining first place
which continue to matter to us     national conference, and          loved television presenter. She   Health Organisation, The MET
                                                                                                                                         as supposed problems. In
                                                                                                                                                                                in her age group in her local
today. These themes – Homes,                                         established Great Western                                           2016 Rose launched a working
                                   we are back in Glasgow                                              Office, Public Health England                                            parkrun is one of her current
Health and Happiness – are                                           Auctions Ltd in Glasgow with                                        group to develop new ideas in
                                   following positive feedback                                         and Sport England. William has                                           challenges.
                                                                     her daughter, Lala Manning,                                         housing. This became a social
the topics for discussion at our                                                                       been Chief Executive Officer of
                                   from members attending last       in 1989. In doing so, Anita       Intelligent Health for 8 years.
                                                                                                                                         enterprise in 2018 and, subject
2019 National Conference.          year’s event. The conference                                                                          to planning permission, will be
                                                                     became one of Scotland’s first
With the help of our guest         is free and open to all Age       female auctioneers. She is well                                     building 53 new dwellings in
                                                                     known for her appearances as                                        the centre of Newcastle.
presenters and workshop            Scotland members, and our
                                                                     an expert and presenter on the
leaders we will examine the        invited guests.
                                                                     BBC’s Bargain Hunt, Flog It!
conference themes, discuss         We look forward to                and the Antiques Road Trip.
the latest thinking and            welcoming you to                  We are delighted that Anita
research, hear about new and       Conference 2019.                  will present the 2019 Age
innovative practices, and try                                        Scotland Awards.
out activities that are bringing
Homes, Health and Happiness Matters for All Ages - National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019 A day for discussion, networking and celebration ...
Age Scotland’s National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019
                                                                                                                A day for discussion, networking and celebration
      9.30am     Registration, Refreshments, Exhibitions and Chat        WORKSHOP A
   - 10.30am                                                             Walking Netball – more than a game
                                                                         with Lee Wilson, Netball Scotland and Walking Netball Participants
    10.30am      Welcome and Opening Remarks                             Do you have fond memories of playing netball when you were younger? Have you
 		              Lord George Foulkes, Chair, Age Scotland                always wanted to play but you were worried about the rules, or about not keeping
                                                                         up with the game? Walking Netball could very well be for you. It’s social, friendly
    10.40am      Homes, Health and Happiness                             and lots of fun. It’s more than just a game! Hear personal experiences from Walking
            	   Guest perspectives on our conference theme followed     Netball participants about how it’s making a positive impact on their lives and have
                 by discussion with our presenters                       fun trying out some practical activities.
                 Introduced and chaired by Ms Pennie Taylor
                                                                         WORKSHOP B
 		 We can do a lot better than this!                                    Housing through the lens of ageing
 		  Going beyond the research to build better housing                   With Dr Vikki McCall, University of Stirling and Mr Jim Eadie, Age Scotland
 		 Presentation by Professor Rose Gilroy, Department of Ageing, 		     Age Scotland and the University of Stirling recently carried out research into the
     Planning and Policy, Newcastle University                           housing needs of older people. Vikki and Jim will discuss the issues identified by
                                                                         people and organisations who contributed to the research, and showcase examples
                                                                         of effective practice and innovation uncovered from around Scotland.
 		 Intelligent Health: building an active community
 		 Presentation by Dr William Bird, Founder and Chief Executive
                                                                         WORKSHOP C
     Intelligent Health, and the Beat the Street programme
                                                                         Yesterday Once More – A journey into the past
                                                                         through music and reminiscence
 		 Intergenerational bonding: Raising potential across the ages
 		Presentation by Dr Melrose Stewart, Lecturer, School of Sport, 		   With Mr Dave Marshall, radio and television presenter and founder
                                                                         of Yesterday Once More
     Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Birmingham
                                                                         Through 40 years as a prime time host on radio and television Dave Marshall has
 		 Responses, Questions, Discussion                                     gained an encyclopaedic knowledge of music from the last six decades. When his
                                                                         mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease he visited her regularly in a local
                                                                         care home and was inspired to set up ‘Yesterday Once More’ providing friendly and
 12.10pm Lunch, Exhibitions, Chat
                                                                         informal reminiscence to help us recall and appreciate those special moments from
 		      Screening of Age Scotland’s 75 years history film               years gone by. In this workshop Dave will take us on an enjoyable walk down memory
                                                                         lane through music and chat.
  1.15pm Workshops
 		Choose from a selection of workshops, or browse                     WORKSHOP D
         the exhibition and chat to stall holders                        HenPower! Henergising older people’s lives
                                                                         With Jos Forester-Melville from Equal Arts and the Gateshead Hensioners
     2.15pm      Afternoon Refreshments                                  Equal Arts is a leading creative ageing charity supporting older people and those
                                                                         living with dementia in the North East of England, and across the UK. Now in more
 2.30pm Presentation of the 2019 Age Scotland Awards                     than 60 care homes, schools, and hospitals HenPower creatively hengages older
 		     by Ms Anita Manning                                              people in arts activities and hen-keeping to promote health, happiness and wellbeing
                                                                         and reduce loneliness. In this workshop Jos and the Hensioners will discuss how
  3.20pm         Closing Remarks                                         HenPower cultivates creativity in care settings at a time in life when many people are
 		              Mr Brian Sloan, Chief Executive, Age Scotland           slowing down, and not stepping into wellies or making masterpieces.

                                                                         WORKSHOP E
                                                                         How do we get older people engaged in an active community?
                                                                         With William Bird and Craig McGarrie, Intelligent Health
                                                                         Physical Activity isn’t only important for our health and well-being, but is also
                                                                         essential for people connecting with each other and creating a sense of space.
                                                                         William and Craig will discuss how the Beat the Street programme in Scotland is
                                                                         encouraging communities to become inclusive, vibrant, secure and healthy.
Homes, Health and Happiness Matters for All Ages - National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019 A day for discussion, networking and celebration ...
Age Scotland’s National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Homes, Health and Happiness Matters for All Ages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wednesday 20th March 2019, Glasgow

Conference Venue                                                      Particular Requirements                                                Conference Booking Form
The conference will be held in the Radisson                           If you have any particular access or dietary                           Please book my place at the Age Scotland National Conference 2019:
Blu Hotel, Argyle Street, Glasgow. The hotel is                       requirements please tell us about these in the
located a few short steps away from Glasgow                           booking form so that we can put arrangements
Central Railway Station.                                              in place for you in advance of the conference.
Buchanan Bus Station and Glasgow Queen
Street Railway Station are a 10-15 minute                             Travel and Accommodation Bursaries                                     Name of Group/Organisation:
walk away.                                                            As a charity we do not have the resources to
Car parking is available nearby at NCP                                reimburse all members for their travel costs to
Oswald Street, Glasgow.                                               attend the conference but we do have a limited
                                                                      number of travel bursaries available for members                       Address:
Conference Bookings                                                   who live some distance from Glasgow and who
The conference is free and open to all Age                            require some support with their travel costs. We
Scotland members, and invited guests. To book                         will consider requests for travel bursaries on a case
your place please use the attached booking form.                      by case basis.
The deadline for return of booking forms
to Age Scotland is Monday 4th March 2019.                             We may also be able to provide a limited amount
We will write to you soon after the closing date                      of overnight accommodation for members who                             Postcode:
to confirm your place.                                                because of the distances involved cannot travel
                                                                      to and from Glasgow on the same day. Please                            Telephone:
We expect there to be a high demand for places.                       let us know on the booking form if you wish to
                                                                      be considered for a travel bursary and/or for                          Email:
In order to offer places to as many Age Scotland
members as possible we are limiting bookings                          assistance with overnight accommodation.
to a maximum of 3 places per member group                                                                                                    Workshops
or organisation. Please use a separate booking                                                                                               You will be able to take part in one workshop at the conference. Spaces in the workshops are
form for each person attending so we have all our                                                                                            limited so please tell us your first choice, second choice and third choice workshop preferences
delegates’ contact details, and requirements.                                                                                                by indicating 1-3 in the box next to the workshops that you would like to attend. We will do
                                                                                                                                             our very best to allocate you a place in a workshop that you have selected.

                                                                                                                                                            WORKSHOP A
                                                                                                                                                            Walking Netball – more than a game
                                                                                                                                                            with Lee Wilson, Netball Scotland and Walking Netball Participants
                                                                                       For further information
                                                                                   Please contact Age Scotland:                                             WORKSHOP B
                                                                                            Tel 0333 323 2400                                               Housing through the lens of ageing
                                                            Email                                                 With Vikki McCall, University of Stirling and Jim Eadie, Age Scotland

                                                                                                  Age Scotland Enterprises                                  WORKSHOP C
                                                                                                0800 456 1137 (Edinburgh)                                   A journey into the past through music and reminiscence
                                                                                                 0800 500 3159 (Glasgow)                                    With Dave Marshall, Yesterday Once More

                                                                                                                                                            WORKSHOP D
                                                                                                                                                            HenPower! Henergising older people’s lives
                                                                                                                                                            With Jos Forester-Melville, Equal Arts and the Gateshead Hensioners

                                                                                                                                                            WORKSHOP E
Age Scotland, part of the Age Network, is an independent charity dedicated to improving the later lives of everyone on the ageing journey,                  How do we get older people engaged in an active community?
within a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland. Registration Number: 153343 Charity Number: SC010100                           With William Bird and Craig McGarrie, Intelligent Health
Registered Office: Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR.
Age Scotland’s National Conference and Awards Ceremony 2019
                                                                      Homes, Health and Happiness Matters for All Ages
                                                                               Wednesday 20th March 2019, Glasgow

Conference Booking Form
Dietary requirements
Tell us if you have any particular dietary requirements
(e.g. vegetarian, gluten free, wheat free food):

Tell us if you have any particular access requirements:

Tell us if you would like to be considered for a travel bursary
or assistance with overnight accommodation:

Please return your completed booking form to Age Scotland
by Monday 4th March 2019.

                                                                                                    Age Scotland
                                                                                             Causewayside House
                                                                                               160 Causewayside
                                                                                              Edinburgh EH9 1PR


Age Scotland, part of the Age Network, is an independent charity dedicated to improving the later lives of everyone on the
ageing journey, within a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland. Registration Number: 153343
Charity Number: SC010100 Registered Office: Causewayside House, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR.
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