Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019

Page created by Marc Hodges
Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Cotton Outlook
Special Feature
         October 2019

     Liverpool 2019
Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
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                                          W W W. C OT TO N U S A . O R G
Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Liverpool 2019

             Cotton’s coming home

                                                        Antonia Prescott
                                                             Deputy Editor
                                                            Cotton Outlook

     In 2019, the International Cotton Association’s                       ICA can play at this critical moment for the cotton
annual Trade Event returns to Liverpool for the                            industry.
first time in three years. It must be acknowledged
                                                                               We are obliged too to our other eminent
that the meeting comes at a difficult time for the
                                                                           contributors, who present a variety of perspectives
cotton industry. There is anxiety in many quarters
                                                                           on the sector. Joe Nicosia considers the insulating
and about many issues – the trade policies of the
                                                                           effect that fluctuating international currencies
superpowers, profit margins and the execution of
                                                                           have had on cotton prices in some markets. Marco
contracts, a global oversupply of cotton stocks and
                                                                           Mtunga looks at the next challenges in achieving
a fall in demand, climate change and the worldwide
                                                                           sustainable cotton production in Africa. Rhea
economic outlook. In such unsettling times, it is
                                                                           Wakefield introduces a new initiative from the ICA
all the more important for industry participants to
                                                                           aimed at enhancing the profile of women in the
gather together, and I humbly suggest that Liverpool
                                                                           sector. Atul Ganatra discusses the Minimum Support
offers the perfect venue for such an event at such
                                                                           Price offered to farmers by the Indian government,
a moment. This proud, historic city has seen an
                                                                           an example of the effect that domestic policy in one
extraordinary renaissance in recent years, emerging
                                                                           country can have on the global supply and demand
from difficult times refreshed and vibrant with talent
                                                                           dynamic. ANEA president Henrique Snitcovski
and new ideas, ready to tackle the challenges that
                                                                           considers the recent extraordinary developments of
arise constantly in a rapidly changing world. The
                                                                           the cotton industry in Brazil. Our contributors from
recent fortunes of Liverpool Football Club (pace any
                                                                           China, Zhao Jing of the China Cotton Association
Evertonians in our midst) offer a similarly inspiring
                                                                           and Yang Baofu from the China National Cotton
story. A truly international collaboration (by a squad
                                                                           Exchange, offer their perspectives on the reform
that includes representatives of cotton nations
                                                                           of the industry, including the establishment of an
great and small!) produced an extraordinary suite
                                                                           International Trading Centre in Qingdao. Lastly,
of results in the final stages of this year’s UEFA
                                                                           Cotton Outlook presents an overview of the
Champions League, delighting their fans across the
                                                                           tumultuous twelve months just gone and considers
world and rewarding them at long last for their
                                                                           the outlook for global production and consumption
fortitude and loyalty, sorely tested at times but
                                                                           in the coming season.
which remain as strong as ever.
                                                                                So, welcome back to Liverpool! Let us do as four
    Cotton Outlook is pleased once again to partner
                                                                           of the city’s most celebrated sons (not forgetting
with the ICA in producing this Special Feature.
                                                                           that Paul McCartney’s father was a Liverpool cotton
We are as grateful as ever to the Secretariat,
                                                                           man…) exhorted us in the opening track of Abbey
including Managing Director Bill Kingdon and the
                                                                           Road, the final Beatles album which was released
principal officers of the ICA, for their support in
                                                                           fifty years ago almost to the day on which the
the preparation of the publication, and we offer
                                                                           gala dinner is held: Come Together, to converse,
our most sincere thanks to the incoming president,
                                                                           collaborate, share ideas, resolve conflicts, confront
Azeez Abdul Syed, who gives his view on the role the
                                                                           the challenges of today and prepare for the future.

      The photograph on the front cover of this publication shows the Willis organ and a portion of the Minton tiled floor in the Great Hall
 of St George’s Hall. The Minton floor is composed of over 30,000 hand-crafted tiles and features the coat of arms for the city of Liverpool
 and other decorative elements such as sea nymphs, tritons, and dolphins, reflecting the city’s maritime heritage. For a short period of time
 each summer, the protective cover is removed and the floor is displayed to visitors; unfortunately, diners at the gala dinner in October will
 just have to imagine the extraordinary work of art that lies beneath their feet!

Page design and layout by Pam Jones, Cotton Outlook.
Published by : Cotlook Limited, Outlook House, 458 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH42 2AE, U.K.
Tel : 44 (151) 644 6400 Fax : 44 (151) 644 8550 E-Mail : m World Wide Web :
The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors. No article may be reproduced without the prior permission
of the Editor.

Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Liverpool 2019

                    Interview with
                      Azeez Syed,
                incoming ICA president

           Cotton Outlook: Congratulations on your               by being a part of the ICA community; I have made
        (imminent) accession to the post of ICA president.       some wonderful friends and built some privileged
        From a personal and professional perspective, can        relationships. I consider my service as a member
        you sum up what this means to you?                       of the ICA board over the last six years, and now as
                                                                 president for the next year, to be a very small way of
             Azeez Syed: My initial engagement with the ICA
                                                                 giving something back to the ICA members and the
        was way back in the spring of 2000 when I travelled
                                                                 industry as a whole.
        to Liverpool for the first time to participate as a
        delegate in an earlier version of the Complete Cotton         CO: You assume the role following a period of
        course. I still vividly remember my first visit to the   considerable instability in the international cotton
        office of the Liverpool Cotton Association, as it was    market. World prices have fallen by some twenty
        then. As I stood there in the boardroom, soaking in      percent since the last president took office, and
        the association’s history, heritage and legacy and       it is no secret that challenging trading conditions
        looking at the boards displaying the names of all the    have become a serious preoccupation over the past
        past presidents, I never even remotely imagined that     few months. In that context, what are the major
        one day I would be presented with the opportunity        challenges that the ICA is likely to face during your
        to be the president of this great association. I         term of office?
        am deeply humbled to be entrusted with this
                                                                     AS: Global growth prospects have significantly
        responsibility and I consider it an honour and a
                                                                 softened over the past several months –
        privilege. My journey in the cotton industry began
                                                                 consequently, business sentiment has remained
        a little over 21 years ago when I joined Olam and
                                                                 weak. The escalating US/China trade dispute,
        it has been an extremely enriching one ever since.
                                                                 Brexit dynamics, a considerable slowdown in
        Over this period a lot has changed in our industry;
                                                                 manufacturing, trade and investment, and fresh
        however, one aspect that has remained constant is
                                                                 fears of recession across many parts of the world
        the pivotal role that the ICA plays in maintaining a
                                                                 have pushed the markets into a protracted state of
        sense of order in the world of cotton trading. We
                                                                 uncertainty that has affected sentiment and business
        perhaps don’t need to look beyond a few other
                                                                 decisions. Quite inevitably, our industry has been
        segments of the textile value chain to understand
                                                                 severely impacted as well. While the weak economic
        how chaotic our industry could be without the ICA.
                                                                 outlook appears to be slowing down global cotton
        To continue that sense of order into the future,
                                                                 consumption, the US/China trade conflict has caused
        I think it is very important for all stakeholders in
                                                                 havoc in our supply chains and global cotton trade-
        our industry to become members of the ICA and
                                                                 flows. At the same time, we appear to be producing
        promote its values of equitable trading and contract
                                                                 record crops almost everywhere. All of this has led
        sanctity – that, at least, has been my own motivation
                                                                 to considerable market volatility, causing significant
        for my active engagement with ICA during the last
                                                                 distress to both buyers and sellers. The ugly face
        decade or so. Over the years, I have benefited a lot

Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Liverpool 2019
        of rampant contract defaults seems to be surfacing               buyer / seller’s exposure, not just with you
        once again. The principle of contract sanctity, which            but also to the rest of the market. Diversify
        forms the core of our values as an association, will             your risk across origins / destinations /
        once again be severely tested and that remains                   qualities in order to hedge against potential
        the single largest challenge the ICA will face in the            market volatility.
        coming months. We are likely to see a significant
                                                                    •    Ensure active counterparty exposure tracking
        increase in the number of arbitrations brought to
                                                                         to help identify potential issues and take
        the ICA and we must gear up to handle them in
                                                                         timely action. Consider risk-management
        an effective, efficient and speedy manner. Time is
                                                                         solutions as insurance against extreme
        of the essence when it comes to completing the
                                                                         market movements. Whether one is a mill
        arbitration process, and we must find ways to turn
                                                                         or a merchant, the need for protection for
        around the cases referred to us quickly. Through the
                                                                         larger or longer term exposures should be
        various country focus groups that we have set up, we
                                                                         considered. Keep reviewing the adequacy of
        can actively advise and help with the enforcement
                                                                         such protection.
        procedures in the respective geographies. As an
        association, we have a limited capacity to interfere        •    Good housekeeping! Don’t take the
        and we cannot really get involved in settlement                  administrative aspects of the business lightly
        processes. However, we can and ought to engage                   – ensure firm and duly executed contracts
        with all our affiliated associations, partner                    are in place; communications relating to
        associations and other industry bodies, seeking their            contracts should be retained; documents
        active involvement in encouraging and influencing                relating to contract amendments and other
        their own members to uphold contract sanctity and                operational matters are a must. In the event
        ensure contract performance.                                     of a dispute these will form the basis for
                                                                         subsequent actions.
            CO: Comparisons have been made in some
        quarters with the turmoil that occurred during and           While I wouldn’t wish to trivialize the issues
        after the extreme volatility of prices during the        by discounting the severity of the impact in either
        2010/11 season. Are there perhaps any lessons that       season, it is fair to say that 2019/20 can serve as
        can be learned from that earlier period?                 a reminder to the past, but it certainly does not
                                                                 seem as though events will play out with the same
            AS: While we haven’t seen the kind of price
                                                                 magnitude of risk or losses to the overall trade.
        ranges we did in 2010/11, there is always a concern
        about counterparty risk when prices fluctuate by             CO: The process of internationalisation and
        more than, say, 15 to 20 percent within a single         diversification of ICA membership and its governing
        season. In 2019/20, the position at the start of the     structures has been a strategic goal over many years.
        season is the opposite to what we saw in 2010/11; at     How would you assess the current state of play in
        that time, there was a huge run on prices just as the    this regard? Are there any particular areas on which
        harvest got under way in the Northern Hemisphere.        efforts should be concentrated?
        The rising price caused a lot of heartache with regard
        to margin calls and contract defaults. Then, in March        AS: With more than 550 members from over
        of 2011 when futures prices began to retreat, the        50 different countries representing all segments
        execution of forward sales to international buyers       of cotton trading and the associated supply chain,
        became extremely problematic as buyers simply            the ICA today is truly international and inclusive
        did not open LCs or refused outright to honour           in nature. Over the past ten years, the ICA’s
        contracts. That last scenario is what concerns           membership has grown by over 60 percent – while
        the merchant community the most as we go into            the increase in membership among merchants was
        2019/20. Even though futures are down only 16-20         19 percent, the increase amongst producers and
        cents from the point at which a lot of sales were        mills was 83 percent and the figure for agents was
        agreed earlier in the year, the risk of default is       higher still, at 136 percent. These striking rises are
        enormous and is compounded by the US/China trade         testimony to the resonance of the ICA’s vision and
        dispute.                                                 values throughout the global cotton trade. During
                                                                 this period, the ICA’s internationalisation journey
           However, we did learn many lessons from our           continued as the association built strong alliances
        experiences in 2010/11; for example:                     and partnerships with associations in China and
                                                                 India, significantly improving engagement with
           •    Know your buyer / seller – there is
                                                                 associations in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc.,
                no substitute for selecting the right
                                                                 and welcoming onboard several other affiliated
                counterparties and applying risk and
                                                                 associations. In the past ten years we have had
                counterparty limits appropriate to your risk
                                                                 presidents from South and North America, Africa
                appetite and to the counterparty’s position.
                                                                 and Asia, and from both the spinning and merchant
           •    Focus on risk management and question            communities. Our board members represent several
                your business rationale at all times – your      different nationalities. Bill Ballenden, president
                reason for buying or selling forward, your       of the ICA in 2018-19, commented in jest during
                need to buy or sell at a fixed price. Evaluate   his acceptance speech last year that the ICA’s
                the financial capability of your counterparty    FGC is beginning to look like a Benetton ad! Jokes
                and their ability to handle adverse market       apart, one does not have to look far beyond the
                movements. Make yourself aware of the            current leadership team as well as the composition

Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Liverpool 2019
of the current board to grasp the diversity and            training and outreach strategy to offer bespoke
inclusiveness that the ICA has achieved in terms of        training across the world in partnership with
both geographical as well as segmental spread. All         affiliated associations and local industry bodies.
this was possible thanks to the tireless efforts of past
                                                               CO: The ICA’s annual trade event and dinner is
presidents, board members and a very competent
                                                           of course a highlight of the cotton calendar. This
team at the ICA secretariat. While growing the ICA’s
                                                           year, the gathering returns to Liverpool following an
membership will remain a top priority going forward,
                                                           absence of three years. How would you characterise
another key focus should be enhancing engagement
                                                           the importance of Liverpool as the venue for
across the association. Deepening ICA’s engagement
                                                           this year’s meeting and the headquarters of the
levels with member firms and their employees,
                                                           International Cotton Association?
particularly the younger generation, from which the
future industry leaders will emerge, is as important           AS: Liverpool, with its rich history, culture
as broadening the membership base. Continuous              and splendid architecture, has been home to our
renewal is key to strengthening and improving our          association since its inception in 1841, when it was
governance processes. Promoting gender diversity           known as the Liverpool Cotton Brokers’ Association.
across various ICA committees, working groups and          From the mid-19th century onwards, the city held
the board itself should be another important area of       a central position in the global physical cotton
focus. Finally, the improvement of communication           trade. It gave the cotton world its first modern
with members should be an area of ongoing priority.        futures contract and its first arbitration system.
                                                           Subsequently, political and economic landscapes
    CO: Training has been a significant element of the
                                                           changed, the textile industry in the UK and Europe
Association’s activity over a number of years, and
                                                           declined and migrated to other parts of the world,
the number and scope of available courses offered
                                                           and global cotton trade-flows adjusted to the
has been steadily expanding. What is the importance
                                                           new reality. Keeping in line with the changes, our
attached to training by the ICA within its strategic
                                                           association has transformed itself several times to
                                                           evolve into the International Cotton Association of
    AS: The ICA provides a suite of services to            today. However, the heritage, rich tradition, culture
its members as well as to the cotton industry              and values on which this association was built still
at large spanning from farms to textile mills.             remain at the heart of the ICA. The same principles
The four most important among them are: 1)                 of fairness, impartiality and contract sanctity form
providing impartial and effective arbitral services        the basis for our current Bylaws & Rules. Given this
to help resolve disputes between buyer and                 legacy, while Liverpool is no longer a major trading
seller; 2) promoting equitable and safe trading            hub for cotton it remains the ICA’s headquarters
practices through its Bylaws & Rules and through           and has a special place in the hearts of its members.
constructive engagement with various industry              Liverpool has always been the venue most favoured
stakeholders and associations; 3) providing a ‘centre      by ICA members for the annual trade event.
of excellence’ for cotton quality testing, research        Deferring to the wishes of those members, the board
and laboratory certification services through ICA          decided that the event would be held in Liverpool
Bremen, a joint venture company between ICA and            every third year. I am very excited that this year sees
Bremer Baumwollbörse; and 4) running training              a return to Liverpool. I am really looking forward
courses to promote a universal understanding of            to the event and the dinner at the magnificent St.
ICA’s principles, values, Bylaws & Rules, enhance          George’s Hall.
industry knowledge of safe trading practices, impart
                                                              CO: What impact could World Cotton Day have
risk management skills, cotton classing skills, etc.
                                                           on the international perception about cotton?
Bringing together the many years of experience and
expertise of its members, leveraging their skills to           AS: I think it is a great initiative! While it is too
develop industry best practices and sharing all this       early to comment on what impact it will create,
with the wider cotton community through various            I am very optimistic that the establishment of a
training programmes will remain one of the most            World Cotton Day will bring a sharp focus on the
important strategic objectives for the ICA.                cotton value chain which forms such an important
                                                           part of the global economic landscape and provides
    The flagship training programme remains the
                                                           livelihoods to millions of farmers and industry
annual Complete Cotton course, which over the
                                                           workers across the world. It has the potential to
years has been such a huge success and very well
                                                           bring together various governments, multilateral
received. The ICA will continue to explore ways to
                                                           agencies, industry stakeholders, investors and
improve the programme and the overall offering.
                                                           donors, and persuade them to direct resources
Other training courses designed and run by the ICA
                                                           towards the many challenges that the sector faces
(some in collaboration with ICA Bremen) include
                                                           today, including improving farm yields and farmer
the Managing Risk course, the Cotton Classing and
                                                           livelihoods (particularly in the least developed
Testing programme, the Quality Expert programme,
                                                           countries), ensuring environmental stewardship
the Professional Certificate in Commodity
                                                           and sustainability, and eliminating child and
Management and various seminars delivered in
                                                           forced labour and supply chain inefficiencies. The
different locations across the world to promote an
                                                           platform can also serve to promote global cotton
in-depth understanding of the Bylaws & Rules. ICA
and ICA Bremen are also working on a targeted

Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Liverpool 2019

           CO: Trading is evolving: consumers are becoming                farm yields will provide the right incentive
        more discerning, the logistical challenges of                     to produce more cotton, thereby solving the
        providing a timely supply of cotton across the world              supply constraints. This calls for the adoption
        are not diminishing and as the climate evolves,                   of better agronomical practices, the infusion
        pressure on scarce water supplies is increasing.                  of new technologies and cutting-edge
        What are the developments in the world market                     research.
        that might provide the greatest opportunities for
                                                                     •    Given that about 56 percent of global cotton
        the sector? And where do you see the greatest
                                                                          production is rain-fed, climate change is
                                                                          bound to have significant impact on output.
            AS: We are today living in a world driven by                  Developing efficient water-management
        exponential growth in technology and changing                     technologies and investing in research to
        consumer preferences. Today’s consumer is far more                develop more drought-resilient varieties
        discerning and increasingly demands sustainably                   will be necessary to increase production
        produced products at an affordable price. This                    sustainably.
        desire may still be viewed as niche by some, but
                                                                     •    Unblocking supply chains – our storage
        it will be mainstream tomorrow. Therein lies the
                                                                          and logistics systems are inefficient and
        greatest opportunity for increasing global cotton
                                                                          expensive. Innovative solutions involving
        consumption: cotton products can be pitched as a
                                                                          new technologies for warehousing, handling
        sustainable alternative to those made from synthetic
                                                                          and transportation are needed to improve
        fibres and as a mitigant of the detrimental impact
                                                                          flow efficiencies and cut costs.
        of micro-fibre contamination. The potential to grow
        the use of cotton not just in apparel and home               •    Growing demand for sustainably produced,
        furnishings but also in industrial textiles is immense;           ethically sourced and traceable products
        we just need to be innovative and communicate                     – environmental stewardship, the
        the cotton story effectively to the consumer. Over                development of end-to-end traceability
        the past 40 years, while global fibre consumption                 solutions spanning from farm to the final
        has grown by over 300 percent, cotton’s share has                 garment, and the adoption of sustainable
        declined from about 48 percent in 1980 to about                   farming and production practices are
        27 percent today. I believe this trend has been                   essential to satisfy the needs of today’s
        driven more by serious supply constraints and                     consumer.
        inefficiencies within the cotton sector than by an
        inherent advantage offered by man-made fibres.                Of course, these problems are not going to be
        While solving these problems remains the biggest          solved overnight, and efforts continue at different
        challenge faced by our industry today, our greatest       levels and on the part of various stakeholders to
        opportunities lie that way too.                           address the challenges. However, what is lacking
                                                                  is a collaborative effort by all stakeholders to
           Some of the most critical challenges and               communicate the cotton story in an effective and
        opportunities include:                                    compelling manner to the consumer. If we can
                                                                  achieve that, I think we can truly look ahead to
           •    Increasing farm incomes, particularly for
                                                                  an exciting phase of innovation and growth in our
                smallholder farmers in developing and least
                developed countries. Significantly improving

Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
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Cotton Outlook - ICA TRADE EVENT Liverpool 2019
Liverpool 2019

                               Your Association

                                                          Bill Kingdon
                                                      Managing Director
                                               International Cotton Association

              This has been a turbulent year for cotton. New       conditions, we have seen a rise in most membership
         tariffs, droughts, significant price adjustments and      categories through the year.
         falling demand for yarn have had a detrimental
                                                                       Our focus in the past 12 months has been on
         impact on the international trade. Conditions have
                                                                   developing the engagement of our member firms
         become increasingly tough for producers, merchants
                                                                   with the ICA. There are three initiatives which
         and mills. Yet your Association is continuing to thrive
                                                                   together are helping us to engage better with the
         and there are many positives to report.
                                                                   cotton community. Women in Cotton is a network for
              This time last year, the ICA was making the          cotton professionals intended to promote diversity
         final preparations for what proved to be a highly         and the positive role that women can and do play
         successful trade event in Hong Kong, and now              in our industry. Next, ICAspire is a new membership
         we look forward to welcoming current and future           category aimed at younger cotton professionals
         members alike to our Liverpool 2019 trade event, for      and those new to the trade. We hope to help these
         which the theme is Coming Home. We welcome you            individuals improve their professional skills in the
         all to England’s North West, which contributed so         industry while engaging closely with them to better
         so many innovations that are now commonplace in           understand what the ‘future of cotton’ will need.
         the cotton trade, such as the trading of commodity        Look out for the launch of ICAspire at Liverpool
         futures, arbitration for dispute resolution and           2019. Finally, we are exploring how to make it easier
         the technological advances that caused the rapid          for those who work for ICA member firms to gain
         expansion of the trade to service over 2,000              access to the members’ area of our website, where
         spinning mills in Lancashire alone in the 1870s. You      they can check the full list of companies who are not
         can expect an interesting conference with leading         safe to trade with as well as accessing many useful
         speakers, plenty of opportunity to network and            resources. Watch out for notifications about this
         an exciting finale at the gala dinner in the iconic St    next year.
         George’s Hall, all thanks to the superb organisation
                                                                       Last year I mentioned that we planned to
         of Tom Lowndes and his team.
                                                                   broaden and strengthen the community of cotton
             As you know, your Association is run on not-for-      professionals who are committed to safe trading. We
         profit lines for the benefit of its members and the       have done this in part through our well-established
         wider global cotton community. We are constantly          trade events and our Complete Cotton networking
         looking for incremental steps we can take to develop      and training course held each year, and our outreach
         the sense of community within the ICA, and to             and training with partner organisations in key
         reinforce our values of safe trading and contract         markets around the world. In the past 12 months
         sanctity. Perhaps it is this approach that continues      we have delivered training in association with the
         to attract new members and retains existing               China Cotton Association in Henan Province, China,
         ones within the ICA. Notwithstanding the trading          and with the Karachi Cotton Association in Karachi,

Under 40 or new to the industry?
Develop your skills and aspire to be a better cotton professional with
ICAspire membership.

         Free access to ICAspire Development Events:
         Choose to follow the Build or Learn routes at an event and develop
         your skills.

         Free access to closed Online Forums:
         Collaborate, share views and network with like minded individuals – all
         working towards a stronger, more connected future for cotton.

         Open to any employee of a member firm who is under 40 years of age
         or within the first five years of their career in cotton.

         Membership costs £99 per annum (+ VAT where applicable). Existing
         Individual ICA Members under 40 years of age or within the first
         five years of their cotton career are automatically enrolled free of

Find out more & sign up at:

Liverpool 2019

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         Pakistan, and we have more training planned in               outreach and training in key markets alongside our
         Vietnam this November.                                       partner associations. He also manages the affairs
                                                                      of CICCA and provides efficient and timely support
             Your management team here in Liverpool
                                                                      to the CICCA chair, who is invariably based away
         comprises a small group of energetic, dedicated
                                                                      from Liverpool. And, in his spare time, he keeps the
         and cheerful people all of whom are committed
                                                                      management team ICT and data security on point.
         to providing the best support we can to you, the
         members. Their roles, too, adapt and evolve to                  Awarded a PhD from the University of
         match the changing demands of the Association.               Manchester Institute of Science and Technology,
         Esrin Graham, who has previously worked with ICA             Robert has published several papers on spinning
         Bremen and as the Events Officer, now leads on               technology. He joined us as manager of our cotton
         communications and marketing for the ICA. Not only           laboratory in June 1990 and during the coming
         does she bring lots of experience from her previous          year he will celebrate 30 years of service for the
         roles, she also approaches everything she does with          Association. This is a fabulous achievement and we
         a delightful smile.                                          are lucky to have his expertise, energy and cheerful
                                                                      commitment to the ICA.
             Dr Robert Jiang is our
         Business Operations and                                          We also celebrated Tracy Dignan’s 10th
         Development Officer. As                                      anniversary as our Membership Officer earlier in
         many of you know, he                                         the year. No membership application or renewal is
         has a broad portfolio. In                                    complete without her efficient and lovely personal
         addition to leading the                                      engagement. Casandra, too, is now well-established
         management team on                                           as our Business Intelligence Officer and is focusing
         matters related to cotton                                    keenly on identifying trades with companies who
         quality, he also works                                       appear on our ‘no-trade’ lists.
         closely with Karsten
                                                                          Our arbitration team comprises John Gibson (a
         Froese in ICA Bremen on
                                                                      notary public and barrister), who has led on this key
         laboratory testing. It is
                                                                      area for more than six years, and Lynne Thomas,
         almost entirely due to Robert’s rigour and energy
                                                                      who has been with the ICA for five years. John
         that we now have 12 international laboratories
                                                                      and Lynne both bring strong legal experience, a
         certified by ICA Bremen’s International Laboratory
                                                                      network of friends and colleagues who are involved
         Certification Scheme.
                                                                      in arbitration and legal work, and a commitment to
            Robert is critical to our strong relationship             this critical means of dispute resolution in support of
         with China and he plays a central role in delivering         the cotton trade. You will not be surprised to learn
Liverpool 2019

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that they are increasingly busy                                                                   members I would like to
this year as applications have                                                                    highlight the contributions
increased with the decline of                                                                     made by so many members
raw cotton prices.                                                                                who participate in our
                                                                                                  committees and working
    In the past year we have
                                                                                                  groups, and offer my
welcomed three new staff
                                                                                                  thanks to our directors who
members into our team: Diane
                                                                                                  hold responsibility for the
Lewis who has joined the
                                                                                                  oversight of the company,
hard-working Vanessa Harris
                                                                                                  and in particular, to the
in the finance team as Finance
                                                                                                  officers who give so much
Manager, Angela McGeagh as
                                      John Gibson                            Lynne Thomas         time cheerfully and willingly
Executive Assistant and Michael
                                                                                                to benefit the ICA. The ICA
Armstrong as Communications
                                                                          remains true to its values: it is run for the benefit of
Officer (ICA Bremen) / Events Assistant (ICA).
                                                                          its members and in the interests of the global cotton
    I hope that you will agree that, although it is                       community. It is heartening to see that so many
a difficult year for the cotton trade, it has been                        feel this is a commitment worth making in these
another good year for the ICA. On behalf of all                           challenging times.

Liverpool 2019

                         The role and reality
                         of women in cotton

                                                      Rhea Wakefield
                                          Compliance and Sustainability Manager
                                            Wakefield Inspection Services, Ltd.

             I am a young (thirty-something) female, who now      statistics, drawn from my personal experiences, that
         has three years of direct cotton experience working      show the female/male ratio:
         for Wakefield Inspection Services. I say direct, since
                                                                     •    I attended ACSA International Cotton
         as a member of the Wakefield family, I have had lots
                                                                          Institute 2017 – five women / 29 men
         of indirect experiences from a very young age. These
         ranged from listening to cotton topics discussed            •    I attended ICA Complete Cotton 2019 –
         around dinner tables and at family gatherings,                   seven women / 25 men
         to attending the Liverpool Cotton Association
         ladies’ events with my mother and going to the             I also looked into the female/male ratio of ICA
         International Cotton Association Dinner when my          members:
         father Peter Wakefield was president of the ICA.            •    ICA individual members – 22 women / 211
             Wakefield Inspection Services was first                      men
         established as a private entity back in 1993 and            •    Currently registered for 2019 ICA Event – 20
         since then I am the only female Wakefield to join the            percent women / 80 percent men
         business. However, while I may be the first woman
         from my family in the company, we do have many               Up to this point in my career, I have not faced
         female country managers who are an indispensable         any substantial challenges in the cotton industry
         asset to the team. In some ways, trying to make my       because of my gender. However, there continue to
         way in both the family business and the industry at      be opportunities within the industry to advance
         the same time has been a challenge. This industry        women’s roles and responsibilities, and this should
         does not differ from any other: any new recruit, male    always be the goal. Other factors that affect the
         or female, faces a steep learning curve!                 advancement of women in the workforce are
                                                                  different cultural practices and religious preferences.
             The role of females in the workforce has             We must all recognise these cultural and religious
         become more prominent over the last decade. The          differences and be respectful of everyone’s rights
         increased attention paid to female empowerment           and beliefs. This means that we must continue to
         is a necessary and positive shift that will advance      adapt and use our voices whenever and wherever
         equal opportunities, positively impacting the growth     we can to advance this necessary social movement
         of individual businesses and whole sectors of the        within our industry.
                                                                     A common phrase we have all heard highlighting
            The cotton industry is largely male-dominated.        the differences between the sexes is: “Men are from
         This is common knowledge, but here are a few             Mars and women are from Venus”. Women and men

Liverpool 2019
tend to use their brains differently in the ways they
analyse, interpret and manage opportunities and
risks. This is a positive that needs to be utilized in
the industry. If everyone was identical and had the
same thought process, there would be no growth,
no change, and a very stagnant industry. We need to
find opportunities to increase this diversification.
    A successful career in the cotton industry is
based on creating good relationships – with partners,
clients and governing bodies throughout the value
chain. This is one aspect of the cotton industry I truly
enjoy. I believe individuals working in the cotton
industry are fortunate to have so many international       new ideas. We hope this will expand greatly and I
events that can bring everyone together to discuss         encourage all women involved in the cotton industry
the opportunities for continuous industry-wide             to join (simply contact the ICA for details).
improvement. One way to move our industry                     The mission of the Women in Cotton group is:
forward faster is through diversification and by
having more female-led discussions at these events.            ‘To increase engagement and the impact of
I have to mention, however, that we do have vital          women within the industry by giving these women
male role models in the cotton industry, from whom         a stronger voice, sharing and learning from each
younger, newer professionals in the business should        other’s experiences and helping networking amongst
be learning, regardless of whether they are male or        women in the global cotton community.’
female.                                                        The objectives include increasing female
    Personally, I think the biggest challenge women        representation on ICA committees and the number
face in the industry is overcoming a fear of standing      of female speakers and presenters at high-profile
up and voicing opinions to a traditionally male-           events.
dominated base. I am not saying that women are                 In my opinion, the mission statement is strong,
afraid to talk, but I believe they can contribute more,    and the ICA has set has meaningful objectives. There
especially as new young females start their careers        is the possibility that a women-only group could be
in the industry. The notion that women are the ‘note       seen as negative, having the effect of segregating
takers’, or work in the ‘back office’ must be dropped.     women further; however, the discussions will also
I believe that women have to stick up for themselves       include opinions and guidance from men on how to
in all circumstances and this will allow for greater       improve the presence of females in the industry.
strength throughout our industry.
                                                                We all face a world that is changing rapidly as
    Another challenge is that women are naturally          a result of environmental issues, social media and
thought of as mothers. This can cause some                 new technologies. Today, people both male and
challenges when managers and directors are looking         female have more opportunities to grow and use
at the structure of a business and their employees.        these changes to their advantage. Diversity in the
Women will obviously need to take time to have             workplace is critical and to be encouraged. Women
children, but again, times are changing, and more          want to have more of an impact in all aspects of the
men are taking shared parental leave, allowing for         industry and the Women in Cotton group is a good
women to return to work earlier and continue their         first step to encourage this much-needed change.
                                                               What would be ideal would be to see an
     It is interesting that George Holt was the            increase in female participation at industry events,
first president of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers            in participation of women on the ICA board of
Association back in 1842 and since then there has          directors, and even a female ICA President one day.
been no female president of what is now the ICA!           I think the industry is in need of this change and
That means in 177 years, every president has been          is ready for it. In order to bring it about, women
male. Moreover, in that lengthy period of time,            themselves need to be more forthcoming and
there have been very few women on the board of             willing to put themselves out there. This is vital in
directors – something I know the ICA are taking            order to support female entrants to the industry
steps to address. If there are no visible female role      and prepare for the future. Such a strategy will
models in the industry, then it does not help to           also tie in with another new initiative from the the
promote growth of the younger females. The only            ICA – a new category of membership, known has
way to increase the number of female role models is        ICAspire, designed for young professionals. I hope to
to increase exposure of those great women who are          see some female mentors and speakers at ICAspire
already working in the industry.                           events as this will help with the development of the
    To further tackle this divide, the ICA have set up a   new generation of industry participants, both male
new working group during 2019 – Women In Cotton            and female. I for one thoroughly enjoy working in
– of which I am a member. After initial meetings           cotton and feel fortunate to have the role models
to establish the focus and strategy of the group, a        that I already do. I believe that in order to keep our
closed LinkedIn group has now been set up providing        industry successful and allow it to keep growing, we
a platform to network, share experiences and discuss       need more diversity, more participation, and more
                                                           ideas for both sexes.

Liverpool 2019

                  Hong Kong to Liverpool:
                       a momentous
                      twelve months

                                                         Mike Edwards
                                                             Cotton Outlook

            Collapsing prices                                            The single most significant driver of the market’s
                                                                     persistent decline since then has of course been the
             The period since the International Cotton               protracted trade dispute between the United States
         Association’s gathering in Hong Kong in mid-October         and China. But in October 2018, few could have
         last year has been a momentous and, for many                foreseen that the impact on cotton prices would be
         players in the international cotton market, a painful       so severe. Indeed, a more common view at the time
         one. As delegates arrived in Hong Kong, world               was that either a reasonably swift resolution would
         prices, as measured by the Cotlook A Index, were in         be reached or the cotton market would adjust to
         the high 80s cents per lb – still substantially above       the shift of trade flows that the conflict would bring
         the nominal, long-term average, despite having lost         about.
         14 percent of their value since the peak in mid-June.
         The May/June period had seen the A Index briefly                As the dispute has escalated and its scope has
         surpass the dollar mark, a threshold crossed on only        broadened well beyond the narrow, trade-related
         a handful of occasions since its creation in the mid-       issues initially in play, the repercussions on the
         1960s.                                                      global economy have been far-reaching. And for
                                                                     the cotton and textile sectors, this has not been a
                                                                     simple matter of the Chinese spinner substituting US
                                                                     cotton for other origins and the US retailer shifting
                                                                     sourcing of textiles and apparel from China to other
                                                                     low-cost producers (though these have indeed been
         100.00             Cotlook A Index
                                                                     identifiable trends).
                              - US cents per lb -
          95.00                                      18/19              Falling consumption
          90.00                                                          The impact on world raw cotton consumption
                                                                     as a whole has been far more profound than was
          85.00                                                      predicted twelve months ago. At the time of the ICA
                                                                     gathering in Hong Kong, it still appeared likely that
                                                                     in 2018/19 world raw cotton consumption would
          75.00                                                      surpass 27 million tonnes for the first time, a level
                                                                     of global demand that the world’s cotton producers
          70.00                                                      might be hard-pressed to meet on a regular
                                                                     basis and one that would thus have had bullish
          65.00                                                      implications for world prices.
             1-Aug-18     12-Dec-18      24-Apr-19       4-Sep-19
                                                                        Since then, Cotton Outlook’s estimates for the
                                                                     season have fallen progressively, as have those for

Liverpool 2019

                     Cotlook’s world consumption                global financial crisis of 2008/09, the second with
                              estimates                         the aftermath of the record prices and extreme
                                                                volatility of the 2010/11 season). How deep and
   27,500                                                       long-lasting the current downturn will prove to be
                             2018/19      2019/20
   27,000                                                       only time will tell.
   26,500                                                           With the exception of some brief rallies
   26,000                                                       (most notably during the January/April period,
                                                                as it seemed that Beijing and Washington were
                                                                steadily edging towards an accommodation),
   25,000                                                       the downward trajectory of the market has been
   24,500                                                       relentless. In mid-August, the Cotlook A Index
                                                                dipped below the threshold of 70.00 cents per
                       t v c n b r r y n ly g
                                                                lb for the first time since May 2016. The decline
            Se       Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju J Au

the 2019/20 campaign. At the time of writing,                           World Consumption
the figure for 2018/19 stands at just 25.3 million     28,000
tonnes and that for 2019/20 at 25.6 million.           26,000
One might at some point expect that lower raw          24,000
cotton replacement costs will start to stimulate
raw cotton consumption, but as yet there has
been scant evidence of such an upturn. For
the present, the negative macro-economic               18,000
environment appears instead the overriding             16,000
factor.                                                14,000
    The direct and indirect effects of the Sino-US     10,000
conflict would thus seem to have provoked the
third major shock to world cotton consumption                   01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19
                                                            0 0/ 02/ 04/ 06/ 08/ 10/ 12/ 14/ 16/ 18/
of this century (the first associated with the            20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Liverpool 2019
         since the peak of mid-June 2018 amounted to more                         US-China dispute was witnessed during the early
         than 30 percent.                                                         months of 2019, just as planting decisions were
                                                                                  being made in the US and some other parts of the
             The consequences of a market collapse on that
                                                                                  Northern Hemisphere. Sowing across the US cotton
         scale have been many and varied.
                                                                                  belt was well under way by the first weekend in
                                                                                    May, the point at which social media posts from
                                                                                    President Trump brought the mood of optimism
                             Unfixed on -call sales                                 to an abrupt end.
                                  (contracts)                                              US farmers’ view of the likely returns from
            160,000                                                                    cotton vis-à-vis soybeans and corn meant that
            140,000                                                                    the area devoted to cotton proved only slightly
                                                                                       lower than that sown the previous season.
                                                                                       However, USDA’s forecast of harvested area is
                                                                                       12.5 million acres, representing an increase of
             80,000                                                                    over 22 percent from last season, primarily owing
             60,000                                                                    to a lower anticipated rate of abandonment in
             40,000                                                                    West Texas. As things stand, the US is forecast
             20,000                                                                    to produce a crop of 4.76 million tonnes (21.86
                  0                                                                    million bales of 480 lbs), the third-largest crop on
                                                                                       record, surpassed only by those attained in two
                      10 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019
                   20   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2                              successive seasons in the mid-2000s, when more
                                                                                       than five million tonnes were produced.
                                                                                         Indian farmers are likely to be insulated from
             One has been a waning appetite on the part of                        the market’s downturn by virtue of a Minimum
         spinners for forward purchasing, on-call New York.                       Support Price for seed cotton that was hiked by
         The return of mill buyers to a more hand-to-mouth                        some 26 percent in 2018/19 and raised a little
         orientation is consistent with the data published                        further for the season ahead. Confidence that the
         by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.                             Cotton Corporation of India will intervene in the
         Unfixed on-call contracts reached an all-time high                       market, the firmness of domestic cotton values
         in May 2018. The previous peak had been attained                         during 2018/19 and a generally favourable Monsoon,
         late in 2010, when the bullish phase of the 2010/11                      have doubtless all contributed to a planted area of
         season was in full swing.                                                record proportions. Forecasts of higher production
                                                                                  are also predicated on a recovery of yields and
             Market disruption for spinners and international
                                                                                  farmers’ capacity to keep pest attacks under control.
         merchants, as well as those traders in China that had
         taken an unequivocally bullish view of the market in                         The Southern Hemisphere’s two principal
         the first half of 2018, has been difficult to digest. The                producers and exporters have experienced sharply
         scale of contractual difficulties that have arisen is                    differing fortunes.
         probably still not yet apparent.
                                                                                      Brazil has achieved a quantum leap in production
            Looming oversupply                                                    with the 2018/19 crop (whose movement is only
                                                                                  slightly in advance of that of the 2019/20 Northern
            What then, of the supply side of the world cotton
                                                                                  Hemisphere crops). It has long been acknowledged
         market? At first glance, it may seem paradoxical that
                                                                                  that, of the major producing countries, Brazil has
         the downward spiral of prices during the past twelve
                                                                                  the most available land that can be brought under
         months should have had so little impact on world
                                                                                  cotton. In Mato Grosso alone, an additional 300,000
                                                                                  hectares or so have been planted in 2018/19. This
             As indicated above, one of the periods of                            has been principally safrinha cotton, sown after the
         (ultimately misplaced) optimism with regard to the                       early soybean harvest. This double-cropping model

         6,000                         US Production
                                            thou tonnes                                              Brazil Production
         5,000                                                                 3,000                       thou tonnes

         1,000                                                                  500

             -                                                                    -
                 00     02   04   06   08     10     12     14     16     18             00     03      06       09      12     15     18
               20 20 20 20 20               20     20     20     20     20             20     20      20       20     20      20     20
           Season beginning Aug 1                                                 Season beginning Aug 1

Resized_1-8th_Cotton Outlook Ad_1.pdf
                                                                                                                                 Liverpool 2019
                                                                                                                                 1       3/15/13         1:05 PM

has proved lucrative in Brazil’s largest
producing state, where it accounts for the
bulk of Mato Grosso’s cotton plantings                    We   ready for just
and over half of the national area.
    On current indications, the depression
                                                           about anything.
of prices will result in only a modest                   Rekerdres & Sons Insurance Agency constantly strives to keep ahead
downturn in the area planted to Brazil’s                 of the ever-changing rules, laws, and customs issues involving cotton
next cotton crop. Farmers have invested                  shipping and storage. This allows us to identify exposure, control risk
heavily in cotton-specific infrastructure
                                                         and more fully understand the supply chain, from origin to destination.
and machinery and must service the
associated loans. Moreover, the bulk of
the 2018/19 crop was sold at prices well
above current levels, as well as a more
modest proportion of the next crop.
                                                                    Defining the Future of Cargo Insurance Since 1953
    In sharp contrast, output in Australia
                                                  13760 Noel Road, Suite 860 Dallas, Texas 75240 • 214.520.2345 •
has been on a downward path. At
480,000 tonnes, the 2018/19 outturn
marked a decline of roughly fifty percent
from the previous season and unless
a massive rain event transforms the
situation, production from the next crop is forecast                                    World production
to decrease by a similar proportion. However,              30,000                              thou tonnes
reduced plantings are due to a lack of water rather
than a response to market signals. Indeed, at over         25,000
AU$ 500 per bale, ex-farm cotton prices would still        20,000
provide a strong incentive to plant cotton. Quality-
related market premiums, high yields and a limited         15,000
choice of alternative crops have invariably kept the
Australian farmer in the game – when sufficient
moisture has been available.                                 5,000
                                                                                   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9    0
                     Australia production                                      0 /1 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/2
1,500                                                                        1       1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1  1
                             thou tonnes                                   20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
1,250                                                             Season begining Aug 1

                                                                    No. 2 cotton contract. USDA forecasts that ending
  750                                                               stocks will have risen during 2019/20 from 4.85 to
                                                                    7.2 million bales (480 lbs) – the largest carryover
  500                                                               since the 2007/08 season. That projection, however,
                                                                    is based on the premise that exports of 16.5 million
  250                                                               bales can be achieved, one that some observers
                                                                    consider optimistic, in the context of barriers to sales
                                                                    to China, competition from a bumper Brazilian crop
       00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18                                and slowing global consumption.
     20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
  Season begining Aug 1

                                                                    12                         US carryover (USDA, Sept 12.)
                                                                                                                 480lb bales
   Like their counterparts in other major
producing countries, Australian cotton farmers                      10
have also benefited from currency factors, a
theme explored in more depth elsewhere in this                         8
   Despite the anticipated downturn in Australia,
world production in 2019/20 is forecast by Cotton                      4
Outlook to rise by over four percent to 26.5 million
tonnes, implying a surplus over consumption                            2
approaching one million tonnes.
    Within this rather bearish global context,                         0
the statistical position in the US is of course                                  1           4           7           0               3           6           9
                                                                       0       /0        3/0         6/0         9/1         2/1             5/1         8 /1
of particular interest, given its paramount                         00                00          00          00          01              01          01
significance for the behaviour of the New York                     2                 2           2           2           2               2           2

Liverpool 2019

            Subscription Services                                          Other Services include:
            Cotlook In One
            Cotlook In One gives you Cotlook Daily, Cotlook                Price Series
            Cottonquotes AND Cotton Outlook Weekly in one                  Historical data for your own database.
            package. Multiple user licences are available at               Monthly updates available from our website
            competitive rates. Each service is described                   as self- extracting files in Microsoft Access
            here and can be subscribed to separately...                    or Excel formats.
            Cotlook Daily                                                  The Price Series database includes:
            • Cotton news updated through the day
            • Three daily summaries one each from                          • Cotlook A Index
              Beijing, Liverpool and Memphis
                                                                           • A Index constituent growths
            • Representative CFR Far Eastern quotations                    • Other non-index CFR Far East quotes
              for a wide range of cottons
            • The Daily A Index and its constituent prices
            Cotton Outlook Weekly news
            • Electronic format
            • FREE Special Features
            • FREE Annual Special Edition                    
             The manner in which the excess supply will                    US loan vs. Indian MSP over ten
         influence market dynamics over the coming                                      seasons
         months is the subject of much conjecture.                  200%          20010/11 = 100%
         Support mechanisms have assumed a greater
         significance as world prices have moved lower.             180%               Indian MSP
              Only a modest proportion of the prospective           160%               US loan
         US crop is believed to have been sold from
         first hands and the likelihood is that a good              140%
         proportion will be entered into the Commodity              120%
         Credit Corporation loan, which affords producers
         cash liquidity and allows them to await a more             100%
         advantageous opportunity to market their crop.
         The provisions of the Marketing Loan, introduced
         in the mid-1980s, are intended to ensure the
                                                                      20 /11
                                                                      20 /12

                                                                      20 /13
                                                                      20 /14
                                                                      20 /15

                                                                      20 /16
                                                                      20 /17

                                                                      20 /18

                                                                      20 /19


         international competitiveness of US cotton,






         whatever the level of world prices. To this end,
         cotton can be redeemed at the Adjusted World
         Price if that value falls below the Basic Loan value        bullish, whatever the short-term movement of
         (52.00 cents per lb), as occurred in late August, for       prices. Most traders subscribed to the view that
         the first time since May 2016.                              once the State Reserve stocks reached a level
                                                                     considered the ‘point of equilibrium’, the country’s
             One other reference point of potential                  structural deficit would result in a rising import
         significance over the months ahead will be India’s          requirement that would transform the dynamics
         Minimum Support Price for seed cotton. As                   of international supply and demand. As the
         mentioned above, this season’s higher MSP has               consequences of the trade conflict with Washington
         provided an incentive for farmers to plant cotton.          have become clearer, however, estimates of Chinese
         However, the mechanism also has implications for            consumption have been reduced sharply: today’s
         the interaction of local and international supply and       structural deficit looks nearer to two million than
         demand, and for the relationship between Indian             three million tonnes. The former figure is close to
         and world raw cotton prices. In contrast to the             the volume of imports recorded during the 2018/19
         US Basic Loan value, the MSP has been increased             season. Moreover, the impressive reduction of State
         substantially over recent years.                            Reserve stocks over recent years has coincided
             As a result, the 2019/20 season’s MSP implies           with a less dramatic, but nonetheless significant
         an Indian export price well above the international         increase in uncommitted ‘commercial’ stocks in the
         market. How that disparity is resolved will depend          local market. Imported cotton consigned at Qingdao
         in part on the policy pursued by CCI, not only as           and other ports have also risen to unprecedented
         regards the scale of its purchases, but also – crucially    proportions.
         – the manner in which it proposes to dispose of its            For the time being, therefore, the galvanising
         accumulated stocks.                                         prospect of more active Chinese import buying
            Until recently, China provided the world market          appears to have receded into the middle distance
         with an underlying narrative that was unmistakably          once again.

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