How Hady Amr represents Biden to the Palestinians

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                                                         THE WEEKLY PRINT
                                  How Hady Amr represents Biden to the Palestinians; Nachman Shai’s
                                  goodbye; Inside Israel and Jordan’s new bid to rehabilitate the Jordan
                                 River; A hip-hop artist in the Holy Land; British TV judge Rob Rinder’s
                                  crowded docket; A Jewish nonprofit is changing the way a Florida city
                                 responds to 911 calls; and How an emergency vehicle in Jerusalem came
                                                    to be known as ‘Bikey McBikeface’.

JANUARY 4, 2023

How Hady Amr represents
Biden to the Palestinians
As the first U.S. special representative for Palestinian affairs, Hady
Amr talked to Jewish Insider about his hope of improving life for
the Palestinians and helping keep the peace in the region

By Gabby Deutch

         he same day President Joe Biden      Blinken said Amr’s goal is to “strengthen our    goal. [Hady]’s a very pragmatic guy.”
         was inaugurated two years ago,       engagement with the Palestinian people.”            Amr wouldn’t disagree. His background
         Hady Amr was sworn in at the             He is essentially an envoy to a state        is in development economics, not
State Department as the deputy assistant      that doesn’t yet exist, and his message to       diplomacy. His goal is to make life better,
secretary for Israeli and Palestinian         Palestinians adds up to two words: Trust         even incrementally, for Palestinians in
affairs. While Biden faced an urgent set of   me. He is a deep believer in the two-state       the West Bank and Gaza, on projects like
challenges both global and domestic, Amr      solution, but in his new role he will not be     increased 4G internet access in the West
was tasked with keeping things stable in      focused on the peace process.                    Bank, or the new 24/7 opening hours of the
the Holy Land, not pursuing any sweeping          “Certainly, we would all love to be          Allenby border crossing between Jordan
diplomatic agendas.                           standing in the Rose Garden with a two-state     and the West Bank.
    This past November, Amr got               solution, obviously, but I don’t think any of       “How do we move to making a world
a promotion: He’s now the special             us believe today that’s going to be possible,”   more equal for people?” Amr asked.
representative for Palestinian affairs, the   U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides told         “Whether that equality comes in the form of
first time Washington has appointed a         Jewish Insider when asked about Amr’s            access to water or access to work or access
representative to the Palestinian people      role. “But we can keep a vision of a two-state   to freedom of movement, better security,
and leadership. Secretary of State Tony       solution alive. We can work towards that         equal justice, that’s the legacy I want to leave
behind in any and every bit of work that I        who served as the U.S. envoy to the Israeli-           At the time, Martin Indyk was running
have.”                                            Palestinian peace process in the Obama             the Center for Middle East Policy at the
    A child of the 1960s, Amr was born in         administration. “In practice, it’s extremely       Brookings Institution. He hired Amr to go to
Lebanon and moved to the United States at         difficult to do.”                                  Qatar and start an outpost of the think tank
a young age, where he grew up in suburban              “We’re focused,” Amr said at the              in Doha. Amr spent the next four years, from
Northern Virginia. His prevailing worldview       November press briefing, “on the future and        2006 to 2010, running Brookings Doha.
comes from Martin Luther King Jr.                 lifting up the lives of ordinary Palestinians.”        “He was just fabulous,” Indyk recalled.
    “I was drawn to public service after               Like Amr, Biden supports a negotiated         A few years later, in 2013, Indyk brought
learning about the activism of Martin             two-state solution. But unlike his                 Amr onto his peace process team to work
Luther King Jr., and his commitment to            Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama,              on economic issues. It was Amr’s first time
equality,” said Amr, who is 55. “My political     Biden has taken less of an initiative to           working full-time on the Israeli-Palestinian
consciousness is about equal rights. It’s         make that happen. There is no special              issue.
about equal justice.” His hero spoke of a         envoy to the peace process; no team in the             Scott Lasensky, who served as a senior
country where all children could grow up          U.S. government is now actively focused on         advisor to former U.S. Ambassador to
with dignity and opportunities and the            bringing the two sides to the negotiating          Israel Dan Shapiro, worked with Amr in
ability to achieve the same American dream.       table.                                             the trenches of the Obama administration.
That’s also the prism through which Amr                The Palestinian Authority is rife with        Lasensky recalled the ease of working
views his work with the Palestinians.             corruption and led by an aging president,          with Amr, as opposed to some of the more
    “We believe Palestinians and Israelis, like   with no successor in sight. Israel just            difficult diplomatic personalities.
people everywhere, are entitled to the same       completed its fifth election in nearly four            “As I think back to my time in
rights and the same opportunities,” he told       years and last week swore in a right-wing          government, I sometimes wonder what
Jewish Insider in December during an hour-        government, with several prominent anti-           was going on in the minds of those who
long phone interview. “To have a happy, safe,     Arab voices. On Tuesday, U.S. officials            screamed or threw things or slammed the
secure, prosperous future, their lives need       contacted senior officials in Prime Minister       phone down. He was never one of those
to be as equal as possible, because they’re       Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government to             people,” said Lasensky. (At the recent Zoom
living in a tiny area, in an interconnected       criticize National Security Minister Itamar        bar mitzvah of Lasensky’s son, Amr offered
manner. And they’re joined at the hip.”           Ben-Gvir’s visit to the Temple Mount in            webcam advice.)
    Observers of Biden administration policy      the Old City, according to State Department
on Israel will recognize in Amr’s comments        spokesperson Ned Price. (Amr declined to              *****
the echo of a line — which Amr helped             comment on the new Israeli government.)
author — that has now become de rigueur in             2022 was the deadliest year in the West           From the beginning of the Biden
Foggy Bottom and at U.S. embassies in the         Bank since 2006, and the security situation        administration, Amr helped undo several
Middle East.                                      continues to deteriorate. For Amr, success         of former President Donald Trump’s
    “The Palestinian people deserve a state       will be hard to define and even harder to          policies regarding the Palestinians, namely
of their own that’s independent, sovereign,       achieve.                                           the cancellation of aid to the Palestinian
viable and contiguous, in addition to                                                                Authority and the United Nations Relief and
deserving to live — along with Israelis —            *****                                           Works Agency (UNRWA). He has also been
safely and securely while enjoying equal                                                             a strong advocate for the reopening of the
measures of freedom, prosperity and                   How did Amr get here? The answer, as it        U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, which served
democracy,” Amr said in a November press          often is in Washington, is that he knew the        Palestinians and was shuttered when Trump
briefing. Everyone from President Joe Biden       right person.                                      moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem from
to Blinken, down to Amr and any official              Amr’s first government position was in         Tel Aviv. The Israeli government has to give
working on Middle East issues, has used that      the Clinton administration, when he had a          its sign-off for the opening of any foreign
line: that Israelis and Palestinians deserve      desk job at the Pentagon. He then worked on        diplomatic outpost and has thus far not
“equal measures of freedom, prosperity and        Vice President Al Gore’s 2000 presidential         approved the reopening of the consulate.
democracy.”                                       campaign. Afterward, during the political              Amr has amassed some critics who
    It’s an idealistic goal, but achieving it —   wilderness of the George W. Bush years, he         allege that his desire to work with the
and finding a way to measure that success,        joined a think tank and started a consulting       Palestinian Authority necessitates forgiving
absent a negotiated end to the conflict —         business.                                          some of the PA’s more egregious behavior,
remains difficult..                                   In the years after Sept. 11, his firm sought   such as its “martyr payments” to the families
    “That wasn’t there before, that the           to finesse American messaging to Muslims           of terrorists, banned under the 2018 Taylor
United States will proceed in a way that is       around the world who distrusted U.S. global        Force Act.
designed to try to establish equal treatment      leadership, and Amr wrote policy proposals             “The administration is doing a very bad
for Israelis and Palestinians,” said Martin       suggesting how the U.S. could improve              job. They’re not making known that the PA
Indyk, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel         public diplomacy to the Muslim world.              is rewarding and incentivizing terror,” said

Sander Gerber, a hedge fund executive and          gotten over those barriers unscathed, but          to support the East Jerusalem Hospital
activist who helped write the Taylor Force         they were tough. In some ways, it’s gone the       Network, which Biden announced while
Act. “I found [Amr] to be clear-sighted on         other way, that you can only have a Jewish         in Jerusalem in July; improving water flow
the problematic aspects of the Palestinian         ambassador to Israel,” Lasensky told JI.           to Palestinians; and approving thousands
Authority, and he wants to find some kind          “Arab Americans, I think, are still dealing        of work permits for Palestinians in Gaza
of solution. He’s deeply committed to two          with more of the questions and suspicions          to work in Israel. He also pointed out that
states for two peoples. But he understands         as a class.”                                       one of Blinken’s first civil society meetings
that the Palestinian Authority needs to                Amr, who declined to speak about his           in 2021 was with the Palestinian American
undergo serious reforms for that to happen.”       faith, has Jewish, Muslim and Christian            community.
    In the November press briefing, Amr            family members, and he identifies as                   “We are engaging, and we are not walking
said the U.S. will continue to “build our          Muslim.                                            through the world with blinders on, to hear
relationship with the Palestinian Authority,”          “The notion that’s about in the                the concerns that the community has,” Amr
and pledged to work with the PA to                 Jewish community that somehow there’s              said.
deescalate tensions in the West Bank. “We’re       something wrong with Hady Amr in his                   Palestinian leadership and many left-
also going to engage with the Palestinian          position because he’s an Arab American             wing pro-Palestinian activists have criticized
Authority on important reforms that we             is just wrongheaded,” said Indyk. “What’s          the Abraham Accords, the 2020 agreements
believe are important to make Palestinian          good for Jewish Americans should be good           that normalized relations between Israel
society more vibrant and more free,” he said,      for Arab Americans. Americans cannot have          and several Arab nations. For decades, the
without naming specifics.                          a double standard.”                                prevailing foreign policy worldview in the
    “His reputation on the right is that he’s          In his role, Amr sees himself most of          Middle East had been that Israel could not
not a friend to Israel. I have not found that to   all as a representative of the United States,      have strong relationships in the region until
be the case,” Gerber added.                        rather than any one constituency or ethnic         the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was resolved.
    “I think that that’s probably characteristic   group.                                                 “Israel’s growing integration and broad-
of the far right, where people are suspicious          “I’m working on behalf of the United           based opportunities it creates — this is
of anyone who supports a Palestinian               States. I am here to advance U.S. interests,”      something that we can leverage to improve
state,” said Michael Koplow, chief policy          he explained. His goals are not his alone:         the lives of Palestinians in the West Bank
officer at Israel Policy Forum, who authored       “The president has said, Israelis and              and in Gaza,” Amr told JI. “I think there’s
several reports with Amr during the                Palestinians equally deserve to live safely        real interest, particularly with Morocco, to
Trump administration. “I don’t think it’s          and securely and enjoy equal measures of           work for ways to improve quality of life for
representative of Israelis writ large.”            freedom, security and prosperity. That’s           the Palestinian people. When a country like
    Still, Amr has managed to gain the             what I’m working towards, along with a two-        Morocco shows that it is able to work with
support of a number of groups in the U.S.          state solution, and those are the pillars of my    Israel, and work with the Palestinians to take
Jewish community and the Palestinian and           work.”                                             steps to make improvements for Palestinian
Arab American communities. After Amr’s                                                                lives, it makes it easier for other countries to
appointment to be special representative              *****                                           normalize relations with Israel.”
for Palestinian affairs, the American Jewish                                                              How does Amr measure his success, and
Committee congratulated him in a tweet,                Before ever reaching a peace accord, or        the nebulous goal of what he described as
calling Amr “our friend.”                          even making the small improvements Amr             “preserving a horizon of hope”?
    At J Street’s national conference              desires, he knows he needs to lower the                It starts with a family tradition he
in Washington in December, Blinken                 temperature in the region.                         incorporated into his office culture.
mentioned Amr in his address and received              “The big charge now, clearly, and he               “The way I think about my family and
raucous applause. (Amr did not speak at the        knows it very well, is that the situation in the   my work is this: “How did I — how did we
confab, but when he attended its gala dinner,      West Bank is explosive,” Indyk said.               — make the world a better place this week?”
he was quickly mobbed by attendees.)                   “We are remaining actively engaged             he told JI. Amr, his wife and children discuss
    After Israel’s founding, the State             with Israeli and Palestinian counterparts          that question every Friday night over dinner.
Department had an informal policy of               to urge them to work cooperatively to lower        “Whose lives did we improve this week? ‘I
keeping Jews out of positions that dealt with      tensions and discourage armed conflict.            wrote a memo that was great’ doesn’t cut it.
Israel. Indyk broke that streak when former        And, you know, specifically we’re urging           Whose life is better because of what we did
President Bill Clinton named him the first         Israel to ensure policies and procedures do        that week?” ♦
Jewish U.S. ambassador to the Jewish state.        not lead to civilian harm,” Amr said in an
    Lasensky has discussed this difficult          October speech to the Arab Center D.C.
history, which also kept Arab Americans                In that presentation, Amr ticked off
from important State Department positions          Biden administration actions: hundreds of
that touched on the Arab world, with Amr.          millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinians,
    “The Jewish community largely has              largely through UNRWA; $100 million

DECEMBER 23, 2022

Nachman Shai’s goodbye
‘There are eight million Jews in the Diaspora and whether they are
under pressure from antisemitism, or living full and happy lives, they
should be on our radar screen, and we should look at them, work with
them, help them and see them as members of our own family’

By Ruth Marks Eglash

         achman Shai has long been a                   Days before the government he has been       concerned at the lack of compassion and
         major figure in Israeli-Diaspora          a member of is replaced by the incoming          sensitivity already being displayed by the
         relations, dating back to his time        government of long-serving leader Benjamin       new government – a coalition of right-wing
as a senior vice president at United Jewish        Netanyahu, Shai talked to JI about his           parties.
Communities, now known as the Jewish               concerns for Israel-Diaspora relations under          “As far as I know, there is not any
Federations of North America. But in June          the new coalition, his achievements while        candidate for the ministerial position, but
2021, as a member of then-Prime Minister           in office and his steadfast belief that it is    that’s the least important concern,” he said.
Naftali Bennett’s coalition government, he         time to change the nature of Israel-Diaspora     “What is more important is that they are
was tapped for Israel’s top role working with      relations and for Israelis to start asking       trying to adapt the same mode of operation
the diaspora — and immediately faced an            Diaspora Jews “what they need from us.”          to the relationship between Israel and
unprecedented crisis.                                  “The very fact that an official              Diaspora that they applied internally in the
    Days after the collapse of a residential       representative of the government of Israel       country.”
building complex in Surfside, Fla., home to a      was asking Jews in the Diaspora this                  Voices within Netanyahu’s coalition
sizable Jewish community, Shai, who served         question was a revolution,” Shai, who            have expressed a desire the change key
as a member of the Knesset for the Labor           founded and co-chaired the Knesset caucus        aspects of the Law of Return, a unique
party from 2009-2019, arrived to South             to strengthen Israel-Diaspora ties, said.        immigration law that grants anyone
Florida with a team from Israel’s Homefront        “There are eight million Jews in the Diaspora    with one Jewish grandparent the right to
Command’s Search and Rescue unit, who              and whether they are under pressure from         citizenship, overthrow recent recognition of
assisted in rescue-and-recovery efforts.           antisemitism, or living full and happy lives,    non-Orthodox conversions to Judaism and
Shai himself was there to show support and         they should be on our radar screen, and we       dismiss non-Orthodox claims to alternative
comfort to the Jewish community there.             should look at them, work with them, help        or pluralistic prayer at Judaism’s holiest site,
    “It was my second or third week in the         them and see them as members of our own          the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
job, and I believe that it changed the course of   family.”                                              “The Diaspora was not a player in the
the dialogue,” Shai told Jewish Insider. “The          “And this should be done as a                election campaigns and no Israeli was asked
Jewish community suffered tremendous               governmental obligation, not as a just ‘It’s     to vote on the question of [non-Orthodox]
casualties, scores of people were killed and       a nicety,’” he added. “It’s something we         conversions, the Kotel or changing the Law of
the fact that an official spokesperson from        have to work for, and that’s the difference      Return, but now they [the new government]
the State of Israel came, stayed with them,        in the relationship between Israel and [the]     has so much power and are trying to apply
spoke to them and addressed them in their          diaspora at this stage.”                         the same momentum to the Israeli-Diaspora
synagogue sent a message that we hadn’t                Shai, who spent two years prior to his       relationship, which is terrible,” Shai said.
thought so important before. The feedback I        posting as minister as a visiting professor           “The relationship between Israel and
got was that it mattered to them very much.”       on U.S. college campuses, said that such an      Jews in the Diaspora was always based on a
    In the year and a half since Shai              approach was critical, particularly in dealing   certain set of ideas and values,” he continued.
parachuted in to support a grieving Jewish         with the surge of antisemitism worldwide         “If Jews in the Diaspora — in America, in
community, his work — from providing               — and in the U.S. He said he would like to       Britain, in France — now ask themselves,
support to Jews fleeing the war in Ukraine         see Israel, and his ministry in particular,      Is this the same Jewish democratic state?
to pushing Israelis to pay attention to the        spearheading an international effort to          Is this the same democracy that we were
rise in global antisemitism to launching           combat antisemitism.                             so proud of? Is this the same government
initiatives bridging the gaps between Israeli          Shai’s delicate and sensitive approach to    system that takes care of minorities, of
and Diaspora Jews — has focused on                 working with Diaspora Jewish communities         human rights, of justice, of law and order
changing the way the Jewish state views the        is one that was not always adopted by his        and so on? I think the answer now is shaky,
global Jewish community.                           predecessors in the role, and he is very         it’s no longer clear.”
“All denominations of Judaism should be           “I was hoping that this government will         Jews outside of Israel.”
treated the same way by the government of          survive for three years,” lamented Shai in             “So, I’m really going to miss it, not only
Israel, and specifically by this ministry,” said   the interview, adding that visiting Jews           as a politician, but also on a personal level,
Shai, who lists among his achievements the         in the Diaspora over the past 18 months            as I wonder where is my state is going and
establishment of a department for Jewish           made him realize that having such a diverse        what it will mean for my children and eight
renewal, aimed at strengthening a handful          coalition consisting of right- and left-wing       grandchildren in the future,” he concluded.♦
of local organizations engaged in exploring        politicians, Jews and Arabs, including nine
what it means to be Jewish.                        female ministers, “was so important for

JANUARY 3, 2023

Inside Israel and Jordan’s new bid to
rehabilitate the Jordan River
‘In Israel, what’s happening now is a bit like a dream come true,’
one Israeli environmental activist said. ‘If you came here 10 years
ago, nobody would have thought that such a thing could happen.’

By Ruth Marks Eglash

    n the Bible, the Jordan River is described         Then-Israeli Environment Minister              becoming priorities.
    as a gushing body of water, risky for          Tamar Zandberg, from the left-leaning                  In his recent New York Times column,
    the high priests carrying the ark of the       Meretz party, also described the declaration       Thomas Friedman, who has long touted
covenant to cross. Today, if the people of         as “an expression of the connection between        the environmental crisis as a factor that
Israel reached these reedy banks, they would       Israel and Jordan, neighboring countries           could ultimately force peace on the region,
have no problem skipping over the almost           with a river flowing between them.”                referred to the declaration between Israel
dried-up stream; their only hesitation might           But such efforts by Israel and Jordan          and Jordan and expressed hope that it
be the pollution.                                  to safeguard and revive the shared stream          would now nudge the countries in a new
    Over the last 50 years, the river’s annual     have been discussed before. Nearly 30              direction.
flow has dropped drastically — from more           years ago, when the two countries signed               Environmental activists are hopeful too.
than 1.3 billion cubic meters per year to less     their peace agreement, provisions were laid            “In Israel, what’s happening now is a bit
than 30 million cubic meters. The climate          out for rehabilitating the river, including        like a dream come true,” Nadav Tal, water
crisis, coupled with regional conflicts and the    environmental protection, agricultural             officer for the Israel office of EcoPeace, a
practical needs of people in the surrounding       pollution control, liquid waste restrictions       regional environmental nonprofit that has
countries, have turned the Jordan’s waters         and pest control. There were also plans to         long been pushing for cleanup of the river,
into a pitiful trickle.                            create nature reserves and protected areas,        told Jewish Insider recently. “If you came
    At the recent United Nations Climate           as well as tourist and historical heritage sites   here 10 years ago, nobody would have
Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm                 along the river’s banks.                           thought that such a thing could happen.”
el-Sheikh, Egypt, Israeli and Jordanian                As relations between the countries                 Tal took Jewish Insider to Yardenit, a
officials appeared to recognize the need for       deteriorated, however, little changed in the       tourism site just south of the Sea of Galilee
action. Ministers from both countries signed       status of the iconic waterway. Israel and          where some Christians believe John first
what was touted as a historic “Declaration         Jordan, along with Syria and Lebanon,              baptized Jesus and where visitors can take
of Intent” to rehabilitate the once-flowing        continued to siphon off much of the clean          a short, leisurely kayak trip along part of
river and ensure it is sustainable for future      water, and conflicts – old and new – kept          the river. Decades ago, Tal explained, Israel
generations.                                       cooperation and conservation from                  rerouted most of the water that flows to the
area from the Kinneret, first to an electrical     big boost for Jordan’s fledgling water supply.    is under the custodianship of Jordan. Jews
plant further south and then via its national      The plan requires Israel to release some 180      refer to the site as the Temple Mount; the
water carrier to the center of the country         million cubic meters into the river to clean it   Western Wall sits below it.
and beyond. Human engineering currently            up; a portion of that will be directed towards        Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president
allows for only a small amount of freshwater       Jordan.                                           for research at the Washington, D.C.-based
and a mix of high-quality wastewater and               “The Jordan River is not only a river         think tank Foundation for the Defense of
saline water to reach the Jordan River,            for water, it’s also important religiously in     Democracies, said the river rehabilitation
which flows south to the Dead Sea.                 Islam, Christianity and Judaism – it’s a holy     project was a “bull’s-eye if the goal was to
    Located here now, however, is a newly          river and we have to revive it,” explained        find an issue of mutual interest to both
built wastewater treatment center, and land        Abu Rashid. “It is also very important for the    countries.”
has been set aside for a water desalination        peace between Jordan and Israel.”                     But, he continued, cooperation of
plant. The renewed plan between Israel                 Idan Greenbaum, head of the Emek              any kind with Israel has become deeply
and Jordan is to clean up the river’s water        Hayarden regional council, concurred,             unpopular in Jordan, where some elements
supplies, boost the flow of cubic meters and       saying that the waterway had been                 of the population even derided receiving gas
divert a significant amount from here to           neglected for far too long and the cleanup        from its Jewish neighbor.
Jordan, one of the world’s driest countries.       was now essential for both sides.                     “Quiet cooperation between the two
    Tal, who is also EcoPeace’s field                  “We have a very peaceful border with          countries seems to be the only cooperation
coordinator for the Jordan Valley, calls the       Jordan,” Greenbaum, who lives on the              that really works in recent years,” said
rehabilitation project “urgent.”                   Israeli side of the river just south of the Sea   Schanzer, who recently authored a report
    “We have to do it now because the              of Galilee, said. “All that separates us is the   on Jordan’s place in the Abraham Accords
pollution is still continuing,” he said. “We’ve    river and a fence. When there are dangers         normalization process with Israel. “Israeli
already seen what happens when we neglect          in Jordan – brushfires, agricultural diseases     intelligence, military assistance and
nature. Take the Dead Sea, for example; we         and other natural disasters – it crosses over     continued provision of water and energy
neglected the Dead Sea, we allowed water           quickly into Israel.”                             happen out of the eye of the Jordanian
diversion and industry, then nature took               “Those who live in this area do not have      public, but the interaction of the two
its revenge with sinkholes, destroying the         the privilege to fight with our neighbors,”       countries in just about every other way has
infrastructure and the people there are now        Greenbaum continued, adding, “we pay              been fraught with tension.
really suffering.”                                 the price of politicians who are not careful          “Much of this tension derives from a
    “That will happen here, too, eventually. If    with their decisions. When there is unrest in     decision taken on the part of the royal court
we don’t fix problems in nature, it will come      Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, it impacts        and the political elite in Amman to engage
back to hurt us,” Tal continued, giving the        us here.”                                         in vitriolic rhetoric against Israel,” Schanzer
example of a recent discovery of cholera in            Greenbaum recalled a 2017 incident            continued. “The Israelis continue to absorb
nearby Syrian waters. “Nobody’s had cholera        in which the guard at Israel’s embassy in         this quietly, but they are growing frustrated.”
here for decades, but it’s a waterborne            Amman opened fire, killing two Jordanian              Greenbaum also expressed frustration
disease in places with poor sanitation. It’s all   nationals, one who was attempting to carry        over the quiet cooperation and the impact of
pretty straightforward.”                           out an attack. At the time, Prime Minister        political unrest between the countries, but
    Mansour Abu Rashid, a former major             Benjamin Netanyahu praised the guard for          said he was optimistic for the river renewal
general in the Jordanian armed services            his bravery, sparking a diplomatic crisis         project. Roughly 14 kilometers (9 miles)
who describes himself as a peace activist          with Jordan; a few weeks later, Greenbaum         of the Jordan River is under his regional
and who has been involved in efforts to            said, rabies-infected wildlife crossed over       purview and, he said, the plans include
rehabilitate the river from the Jordanian          the border from Jordan, putting human life        creating a national park and protected
side, told JI that renewing the waterway           at risk.                                          nature reserve.
was important for both countries, but was              “Right now, relations with Jordan are             “EcoPeace knows how to work with
essential for his homeland.                        very good,” he said. “We are trying to grow       the Jordanians and the Palestinians on
    “As you know, Jordan is one of the             them, but it’s hard because of the situation      environmental projects, they can bring the
poorest countries in the world in terms of         internally in Jordan.”                            sides together,” he said, adding, “Besides,
water,” he explained. “In Israel, there is now         There has been some unrest in the             we don’t have much of a choice here but
enough water for drinking, for industry and        Kingdom over the rising cost of living            to partner with our neighbors. If we don’t
for agriculture from desalination plants,          and dissatisfaction with the rule of King         cooperate it will be a problem for all of us.”
but in Jordan we have around four million          Abdullah II, but the country is also closely          In Jordan, Abu Rashid said he was also
refugees from neighboring countries and            watching as Israel’s new government,              hopeful that the important project would go
there’s not enough water to support us and         which includes right-wing figures who have        ahead, regardless of the decisions made by
them.”                                             argued for a change in the status quo at the      Israel’s new government.
    Abu Rashid said the declaration signed         Haram al-Sharif, which contains the al-Aqsa           “They aren’t giving us water out of
between Israel and Jordan at COP27 will be a       Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which            mercy for Jordanians, it is written in

an international agreement signed by               Abu Rashid added: “In areas of military        optimistic the plan would move ahead.
the leaders of both countries and the           and security, Jordan and Israel have good         There are always uncertainties, he told JI,
parliaments of the countries,” he said.         cooperation, but this is not enough. I hope       “but what we do know is that there is now
“People have to respect what has been           on other issues such as politics, trade,          a will and a channel of communication that
signed and the new government must              industry, water, tourism and cross-border         we need to keep open.” ♦
continue to supply Jordan with water as         cooperation they can do the same.”
mentioned in the peace treaty.”                    EcoPeace’s Tal also said he was

JANUARY 3, 2023

A hip-hop artist in the Holy Land
As a ‘music ambassador’ with the U.S. State Department, Mahogany Jones
uses rap and poetry to build bridges among Jews and Arabs in Israel

By Gabby Deutch

         ver the years, eager diplomats from    with Jewish Insider. “I take a break and I        the State Department, including Bosnia,
         around the world have come to the      peek outside and I see, like, this tuba, and I    Uzbekistan, Iraq and Finland. She works
         Holy Land, hoping to be the ones       see an accordion and instruments. I’m like,       with local populations that are experiencing
to finally make peace between Israelis and      ‘What is going on?’” Her drummer slipped          tensions or distrust, like in Israel; she also
Palestinians.                                   outside to check out the scene, and she sent      arrives in these countries as an American
    Earlier this month, a very different kind   some of the people in her workshop to ask         goodwill ambassador, to help people trust
of ambassador landed on the shores of the       the musicians if she could join in.               the embassy and the U.S. government
Mediterranean: Mahogany Jones, a hip-hop            “They’re like, ‘Hey, come on.’ We’re          personnel who are there to offer services to
artist who for the past decade has served as    rapping. It’s going down. They’re playing         them.
an American music ambassador, traveling         klezmer,” Jones continued. Even though                “A lot of times people may be intimidated
to conflict zones around the world to teach     she came up in New York’s spoken-word             or not comfortable with coming to the U.S.
lessons on hip-hop, art and activism on         scene two decades ago, at the same time as        Embassy and my role is being, like, ‘Hey,
behalf of the United States.                    artists like Talib Kweli, Mos Def and Erykah      I’m human too, and a lot of the negative
    She toured in Israel for a week, leading    Badu, this was her first impromptu street         misnomers that you have about what
workshops and playing in concerts that          performance. “It took me — I lived in New         Americans are like, I’d like to just, in-person,
brought together hundreds of Jews,              York City. Street performance happens all         dispel those,’” said Jones. She wants to
Muslims and Christians — both on the stage      the time. I was too chicken. I come all the way   help young people feel free to express
and in the audience. She played shows in        across the globe, with a klezmer band, it’s       themselves, to be who they are and to feel a
Nazareth and Jerusalem with System Ali, a       not fazed by a hip-hop street performance.”       sense of comfort and belonging.
Jaffa-based band whose members are a mix            Jones, 44, first gained attention for her         “You do programs like this with artists
of Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel.   music more than two decades ago, when she         like Mahogany Jones, who has done this in
    One day, when leading a workshop in         won BET’s “Freestyle Friday” program four         so many different difficult spaces, because
Haifa, she heard the sound of live music        times in a row. Her newest album, “Better,”       they’re able to bridge those divides and
outside and left her perch to freestyle with    came out last month. But throughout her           create that safe space in which different
the klezmer band that was playing on the        career, Jones became best known for her           actors can share their culture, can share who
street.                                         activism (what she calls “artivism”) around       they are,” said Paul Rockower, who used
    “I was doing my workshop, but all of a      the world and in Detroit, her adopted             to lead Next Level, the State Department
sudden I hear this magical music,” Jones        hometown.                                         program that uses hip-hop to foster
recalled in a Wednesday phone interview             She has been to 16 countries with             cross-cultural connection, and is now the
executive director of the Jewish Community       hip-hop and poetry to their students.            traveled to Israel before. “It was beautiful.
Relations Council of Greater Phoenix.                “I was trying to teach, ‘How do we use art   Everyone was so open. Everyone was just so
    A short documentary film from Jones’         to unravel uncomfortable conversations?’”        gracious. Of course the food was incredible.
time in Sarajevo shows her animatedly            she said. She focused on pedagogy, rather        Haifa was like Brooklyn on steroids. Tel
leading a group of teens in a call-and-          than engaging participants in those              Aviv was like, I don’t know, like L.A. meets
response: “I love … hip hop!” It’s the first     uncomfortable conversations — they               Amsterdam meets all of your favorite places
day of the program, and they’re smiling but      grew close to each other through music,          in the world, like rolled up into one.”
tense; by the end of the program, two weeks      rather than having politically charged                She saw the beauty of a small, ancient
later, they’re freestyling and dancing in an     conversations about the Israeli-Palestinian      place where the world’s three religions
onstage performance.                             conflict.                                        commingle, where any random date tree
    “The tools in my bag that I can share            “I wanted them to take away [from the        might have biblical significance and every
with you, you can use them to be free,           workshop] being able to create safe spaces       stone could be an archeological wonder. But
be comfortable. You may not be the next          for their students to feel comfortable enough    it was “sobering,” too, Jones added, seeing
Eminem or whatever, right? But you get an        to make mistakes, feel comfortable enough        and feeling the tension there.
opportunity to express yourself, to be more      to share their creativity feel comfortable            “Here I am in Nazareth, and it’s 6 o’clock.
comfortable with yourself, to express and        enough to share their vulnerabilities,” she      It’s December. There’s a huge Christmas
talk about things that matter to you in ways     said, adding that she also shared the “nuts      tree. I’ve just passed the nun, I just passed
that matter, whether that’s through poetry       and bolts” of hip-hop and songwriting.           a monk. And I’m listening to the [Muslim]
or whether that’s through rap,” said Jones. “I       Participants in workshops included           call of prayer, and five minutes ago, I saw
want to share that with you.”                    Jews and Muslims, Christians and Druze,          somebody just pull out their [prayer] mat,”
    Jones was invited to Israel by Polina        religious and secular Israelis, men and          she recalled.
Levy Eskinazi, in the embassy’s cultural         women, and people from different economic             “To see that and to be, like, man, what’s
affairs unit. The trip was supposed to           backgrounds. The American Embassy’s              wrong with us, we can’t figure it out? ‘I live
take place nearly three years ago, but the       intention in organizing Jones’ tour was          on this side of my beliefs, I live on that side
COVID-19 pandemic intervened.                    to “create a better society that is more         of my beliefs.’ But hey, we’re all on the same
    “We were looking for an amazing              tolerant and respectful and therefore more       side, and we’re all sharing space,” she noted.
American artist who is also an educator,         democratic, resilient and strong.”               “It’s complicated, but every day we are doing
who can easily connect with diverse                  This trip was doubly meaningful for          what we need to do to figure it out, and to
audiences and with young people. All these       Jones, a Christian, who got to visit religious   honor our traditions and to honor who we
led us directly to Mahogany Jones,” Eskinazi     sites she had read about since childhood.        are, and to somehow still figure out how
told JI.                                             “I knew it was going to be spiritually       we’re going to do life together.” ♦
    In Israel, Jones worked mainly with          moving for me. I didn’t know that it was
educators to teach them the skills to bring      gonna be fun,” said Jones, who had never

DECEMBER 23, 2022

British TV judge Rob Rinder’s crowded docket
Rinder, known as a popular daytime barrister on the U.K.’s
ITV, has sought to connect with his Jewish roots

By Jenni Frazer

         obert Rinder — berobed TV judge,        longer count as a minority.                        two Holocaust films he made, painful and
         popular presenter on a breakfast             Rinder appears to transcend this              personal, drawing on his family’s story —
         show and a contestant on the British    conversation, because, he told Jewish Insider      one of which pulled in eight million viewers
original of “Dancing with the Stars” — is        in a recent interview in London, “I’m not just     and very positive reviews.
nearly ubiquitous on Britain’s TV screens. For   culturally Jewish. It is the inescapable label         Along with being the grandson of a
good measure, he writes an advice column         placed upon you. But I am also religiously         Holocaust survivor, Rinder’s mother, Angela
for the tabloid national newspaper The Sun,      Jewish. I am very publicly proud of being          Cohen, heads one of the U.K.’s foremost
co-presents the BBC show “Amazing Hotels:        Jewish, and having a Jewish platform and           survivor charities, the 45 Aid Society. He
Life Beyond the Lobby” and is taking part        having simcha, or delight, in my Judaism.          is also understood to be fronting a major
in a Christmas pantomime, a much-loved           I’ve never personally experienced overt            program next year marking Israel’s 75th
tradition in British theater. And on top of      anti-Jewish racism myself, but have been           anniversary by telling the stories, side-by-
that, he runs marathons for charity and has      alongside people who have. I do think,             side, of three British Jews and three British
a legal thriller novel in the works.             though, that the tragic reality is the sense in    Palestinians. Rinder explained that he
    But Brits got to see another side of         which Jewishness is not taken as seriously         strongly believes that “TV has a place in
Rinder’s essential, sunny optimism in            in the same way as other identities.”              difficult conversations, such as the stories
2018 when he appeared on the British                  His answer, he says, is to try to introduce   about the building of Israel.”
roots-journey show, “Who Do You Think            people to his faith and hope that they can             Because of his abiding interest in the
You Are?” That was when he discovered            see the joy he takes in being Jewish — very        Holocaust and his family connection,
more harrowing details about his maternal        unusual for a public personality in Britain.       Rinder has had a long relationship — one
grandfather’s Holocaust experience, some         In two recent popular TV food shows, for           that predates his celebrity — with survivors
of which he knew already when he traveled        example, one at Passover and a second at           and the children of survivors.
with him to Poland as a student, seeing          Rosh Hashanah, Rinder appeared and spoke               Harry Spiro, a survivor who came
a glass factory where his grandfather,           knowledgeably about the festivals and why          from the same hometown, Piotrkow, as
Morris Malenicky, had worked as a slave          Jews observe them in the way they do. “I           Rinder’s grandfather, first met the adult
laborer. Malenicky was liberated from            love festivals and shul-going and Torah.           Rinder during a return visit by the latter
Theresienstadt as the war ended, and then        When I try to share that with other people,        to Windermere, the English Lake District
joined 300 other young Jews in England’s         it’s always through the prism of celebration       village where the Jewish orphans from the
Lake District, becoming one of the so-called     and inclusion.”                                    Holocaust first arrived in 1945.
“Windermere children.”                                He recently returned from a quick trip            “He’s interviewed me a few times at
    That discovery led Rinder, 44, to dig        to Morocco, where he had been filming an           various Holocaust-related events,” Spiro
deeper into his Jewish past. The result,         episode of the BBC show that he co-presents        told JI, “and he’s always been very helpful,
two years later, was a two-part BBC              with chef Monica Galetti. But no sooner            putting me very much at my ease. He’s not
documentary, “In My Family: the Holocaust        did Rinder arrive back in the U.K. than he         changed a bit over the years. He makes all the
and Me.” Rinder’s search for stories of his      plunged into rehearsals for a Christmas            time in the world for you. He is a mensch.”
ancestors comes amid an ongoing debate           pantomime, where well-known faces pop                  Maurice Helfgott, chairman of World
in Britain and America about the position        up in an often slapstick family show. Rinder,      Jewish Relief — the successor charity to
of Jews in the public eye, one made more         to his own amusement, is playing the Mirror        the organization that originally sponsored
urgent by the uptick in antisemitism on both     in a version of “Snow White.”                      the arrival of the Holocaust orphans in the
sides of the pond. In Britain, that debate has        Rinder is aware that the more “showbiz”       U.K. — praised Rinder’s combination of
been spearheaded by the 2021 book (and           part of his life — he appears daily on “Judge      “sharp intellect with tremendous energy,
a subsequent TV documentary) by David            Rinder,” a court show akin to “Judge Judy,”        great warmth, a sense of humor and genuine
Baddiel, Jews Don’t Count, which argues          can lead people to watch BBC documentaries         preparedness to put himself out for the
that, in a world of identity politics, Jews no   with a more serious slant —including the           people and the causes he believes in.”

“He is particularly involved with Jewish      send someone as an assistant prosecutor          or admitted their secret membership of a
causes,” Helfgott added, “but by no means          to the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British       vegetable spread society, the Marmiteers.
exclusively. I would say he wears his heart        territory in the Caribbean.                      An example of his put-downs: telling a man
on his sleeve. He is extremely good at                 “The government was suspended                who had broken the sunroof control on
connecting with people emotionally.”               [because of corruption allegations] and          his friend’s car, ensuring that it remained
     This was evident earlier this year            it was decided that we [Britain] should          permanently open: “Sir! Your friend once
when Rinder, who speaks Russian, briefly           reimpose direct rule.” Rinder was sent out       had a car, he now drives a mobile igloo!”
reported from the Ukrainian border with            to work with Helen Garlick, then with the            As “Judge Rinder” became popular,
Poland, inspired by the connection he had          Serious Fraud Office. The case is now “11        the demand for the lawyer’s presence in
built with his Ukrainian dancing partner           years in,” with one judge dying as the case      various unlikely guises grew. He pooh-
Oksana Platero on “Strictly Come Dancing.”         ground on, according to Rinder, and may not      poohs questions about how he finds time
Platero’s family, like many Ukrainians, came       conclude any time soon.                          to undertake all the various commitments.
under fire when Russia invaded Ukraine                 Even with the apparently endless             “I used to work 120 hours a week when I
in February. Rinder wanted to see what             corruption case, the Turks and Caicos were       was counsel. The truth of the matter is that
he could do to help — and tracked down             idyllic. Rinder spent time on the beach and,     behind the ‘Wizard of Oz’ curtain, very little
the family in Poland, bringing them a              because many of the friends he’d made            goes on. When you do TV, everyone else does
wheelchair and medical supplies.                   at university had found success as actors,       the work. It’s not really hard work, compared
     Humanitarian work aside, Rinder has a         Rinder used his downtime to write a script.      with what so many of my legal colleagues
novel coming out next year, a legal mystery        (One such friend, Benedict Cumberbatch,          do. It’s a bit like standing by the goal line in
titled The Trial, which he said will be the        chose Rinder to be the best man at his           football, everyone else does the work and
first of a series. He moaned dramatically          wedding, and conducted a civil ceremony          you push the ball into the goal mouth, then
about the endeavor, declaring, “Hubris is the      between Rinder and his then partner.)            everyone says oh, how marvelous you are.”
answer, I didn’t realize how hard it would             On returning to the U.K., Rinder was             Rinder recognizes that he is unlikely to
be. I have a column in The Sun responding          morosely involved in another case, but           appear in court in a jury trial anytime soon,
to consumer problems, and I think that’s           admits he had lost motivation for his court      because of fear of prejudice for either the
important for people who have limited              work. He pitched his script to Helen Warner,     prosecution or the defense. But he now uses
access to justice in the U.K. And I like editing   ITV’s director of daytime television. “She       his high public profile to promote causes
other people’s work. So I thought, well,           read it and gave it her full, aggressively       close to his heart: “issues where social
novels are my pleasure, how difficult can it       undivided indifference,” laughs Rinder,          activism and law intersect with one another.
be? The truth is, very difficult.”                 adding that in fact Warner, who left TV to       I especially care about housing, and do what
     Rinder bats aside questions about             become a best-selling novelist, later told him   I can to answer consumer questions well;
his ability to juggle his schedule. His TV         it was the worst thing she’d ever read.          and I still teach a little, too.” ♦
appearances, he insists, owe much more                 Undaunted, Rinder wrote back to
to the work of production teams. “They do          Warner and this time she asked him if he
all the work and I just have to turn up,” he       was qualified in arbitration, because ITV
jokes, adding, deprecatingly, that the ability     was seeking someone to front a court show.
to perform “a good cha-cha-cha” on a light         “To be honest with you, because they were
entertainment dancing show doesn’t really          all in television, I just assumed they were
rate in the grand scheme of things.                talking nonsense. People in television aren’t
     But prior to his public appearances,          like lawyers. They spend a lot of time in
Rinder, who remains an active member               meetings: one person makes the decisions
of the Bar, had an illustrious legal career,       and the rest simply want to cover themselves
and might indeed have gone on to become            with glory when things go well, or absolve
Judge Rinder in real life. “I began as a           themselves of responsibility if things are a
defense counsel, mainly ‘bog-standard’             disaster.”
[routine] crime. Then a very important                 Rinder freely admits he didn’t really
solicitor spotted me in court, and gradually       know what he was doing at the start of
my practice evolved into murders, and on           “Judge Rinder.” The show was screened
to cases involving terrorism and eventually        in the so-called “dead zone” of weekday
defending soldiers in war crimes cases.”           afternoons, but became a secret guilty
     He wrote a legal textbook and then            pleasure for thousands of viewers and
expanded into cases of large-scale fraud,          “captured the public’s imagination.” Rinder’s
“chiefly for high-net-worth defendants.” In        pithy put-downs and frequent acerbic
2010, his chambers — the group of lawyers          zingers were greeted with delight, as women
working in 2 Hare Court — were asked to            lined up to sue their wedding photographers

JANUARY 4, 2023

A Jewish nonprofit is changing the way a
Florida city responds to 911 calls
The Community Assistance and Life Liaison program aims to transform the
conversation around the role of police in public safety.

By Ruben Brosbe

   The   article   first      appeared      in    received a different response, but — what          house, not only would that take a very long
eJewishPhilanthropy.                              if we completely diverted them from law            time [but it would] be very difficult to do,”
                                                  enforcement?” Megan McGee, police special          McGee said. “Also, it would be viewed as an

    n the summer of 2020, amid the protests       projects manager for the St. Petersburg            extension of the police department.”.
    following the murder of George Floyd,         Police Department, told eJP.                           The goal, said McGee and Braham, was
    police and city leaders in St. Petersburg,        According to Gulf Coast JFCS’ executive        to provide a response to common mental
Fla., began looking for a way to respond.         director, Sandra Braham, CALL is the rare          health episodes and other crises that would
What emerged was a request for proposals          program in which “staff are responding             not result in people getting arrested, jailed or
from organizations providing social services      without police. And it really truly does free      committed involuntarily to mental hospitals.
to respond to certain 911 calls, in lieu of the   the police to do policing.”                        The process for involuntary commitment in
police.                                               Since February 2021, CALL navigators           Florida is outlined in a 1971 state law called
    A little more than two years later, the       have responded to a range of 911 calls that        the Baker Act. CALL allows responders “to
winning organization, the Gulf Coast              would previously have gone to the police.          assess the situation to determine if they’re
Jewish Family and Community Services,             In the nearly two years since the program          off their meds, to get them to the doctor and
has earned national recognition and, last         began, Gulf Coast JFCS has responded to            to follow up with them,” Braham said.
month, a $200,000 grant from a charitable         more than 8,000 calls. According to the                “Officers are limited in what they can do
arm of the National Football League for its       SPPD, the city has seen a 17% reduction in         with mental health crises,” McGee added, as
work leading The Community Assistance             suicide deaths since the CALL program’s            opposed to “somebody like a clinician who
and Life Liaison (CALL) program — which           launch despite a 60% increase in calls to the      has the flexibility to sit and really spend
aims to transform the conversation around         police department related to suicide.              time, devote time working with a client and
the role of police in public safety. The              “People would call having mental health        also be able to come back and have follow-
program’s overall annual budget is $1.27          episodes, or someone who’s experiencing            up. I mean, that’s a huge piece that our
million, a 12% increase over last year.           homelessness or sleeping in their car,”            officers don’t really have the ability to do.”
    “We think that what they’re doing             Braham said. Now, 911 dispatchers are able             When the SPPD put out the call for
could be a model or could be a template           to determine whether a call may carry a            proposals for the CALL program, Braham
for others to follow,” Anna Isaacson, SVP         risk of violence. If not, they patch the call to   felt like it was a natural fit for Gulf Coast
of social responsibility for the NFL, told        Gulf Coast JFCS’ team. The organization’s          JFCS because of the array of services her
eJewishPhilanthropy. “We see the impact…          navigators respond in pairs.                       organization provides. Gulf Coast JFCS
and hope that other local organizations,              “We are able to deescalate the situation to    began providing counseling and family
other law enforcement agencies see the            find out what’s going on and what’s causing        services to the Jewish community in
success and look to replicate successful          the crisis,” Braham said. “Sometimes it’s as       Pinellas County, Fla. in 1960. In 1974, the
models.”                                          simple as you know, ‘My grandmother is on          social work and social services agency
    There are a number of programs around         oxygen and we can’t pay our electric bill.’”       expanded its services and began offering
the country that pair social workers with             According to both the St. Petersburg           them to the broader community. Today, Gulf
police in response to certain 911 calls. By       Police Department and Gulf Coast JFCS, the         Coast JFCS plays a variety of roles, from
contrast, CALL does not work according            CALL program has had a transformative              connecting people to affordable housing
to a co-responder model. Instead, 911             impact on the community. When SPPD was             to welcoming and supporting refugees, job
dispatchers screen and reroute calls to Gulf      designing CALL, police officials felt firmly       training and job search support, in addition
Coast JFCS mental health professionals            that it should not be a co-responder model,        to connecting Jewish families to Jewish life.
called “navigators.”                              and also that it should be led by an outside           That spectrum of services positioned
    “St. Petersburg made a very bold step         organization.                                      Gulf Coast to respond effectively to the wide
to identify calls for service that not only           “If we tried to develop this program in-       range of non-emergency 911 calls that SPPD

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