Page created by Veronica Moran
On pole at Lotus Racing
Hour 0                                                        Month 1
Qualifying                                                    At the starting line
On 12 September 2009, the race against time begins.           In order to manage the project successfully in the short
After an extremely late approval from the FIA, exactly        amount of time available, Lotus Racing brings capricorn
six months remain until the start of the 2010 season          on board for the chassis construction and all of the com-
for Lotus Racing to bring a vehicle to the starting grid.     posite work. “capricorn is a well-known supplier, and we
  The original Lotus Racing timetable was based on            know they can deliver the quality we need; we do not
receiving permission to start in the first allocation round   have time for even the smallest of errors,” explains Chief
in June 2009, which the team from this renowned com-          Technical Officer Gascoyne.
pany did not however obtain. Chief Technical Officer             As a proven supplier, capricorn provides the neces­-
Mike Gascoyne did not let this discourage him though,         sary expertise for the production of all primary structures
and after the withdrawal of BMW, on 12 September Lotus        of the Lotus Cosworth T127. Composite fibre technology
Racing received the sought-after starting position as the     is the focus at the production site near the Nürburgring,
14th team for the Formula 1 2010 season, exactly six          a technology which is of key importance in Formula 1.
months before the first race.                                 Composite materials demonstrate extremely high strength
  At this point in time, Lotus Racing is little more than     and durability, while at the same time being incredibly
a legendary name. To meet the tight deadline, the team        lightweight.
must build a competitive racing car within five months.          To produce the individual chassis and panel compo-
  The question is: will the new Lotus team complete the       nents of the racing car, capricorn first produces master
car in time for the start of the season? And how do you       models. With 5-axis milling machines and using CAD
build a Formula 1 car in just five months?                    data, completely computer-controlled models are milled.
                                                              From these, the capricorn composite experts then form
                                                              the laminating tools in negative in order to start actual
                                                              production of the racing car chassis.

                                                                      Composite fibre technology                Composite materials

                                                                                      Production site                                 Semi-finished
Month 2                                                             Month 3
Hit the gas                                                         Lap by lap
capricorn tackles the side impact and rollover protection           The rollover protection also successfully passes a stress
structures of the Lotus Cosworth first. Because racing              test. With side impact protection, the rear impact struc­
places extremely high demands on the strength of the                ture and rollover bar, important components of the
material, while at the same time requiring the lowest               racing cars have now passed the test.
possible weight, Formula 1 cars are now almost exclu-                 At the same time, capricorn begins with the produc-
sively made of carbon structures. Pre-impregnated with              tion of chassis components for the Lotus T127. With
resin, the semi-finished fibre components are referred              each step and each individual component, the Formula 1
to as “prepreg” technology. Through various types of                car comes closer and closer to being realised. The new
cutting patterns, laying fibre in different directions and          car also finally gets its face – the car’s nose goes into
varying the number of fibre layers, the strength of each            production. Of course, it must also withstand crash tests
component is individually adapted. During this fine-                in accordance with FIA regulations. To ensure the safety
tuning procedure, capricorn Composite is especially                 of the driver in the cockpit in case of a frontal crash, the
able to utilise its years of expertise.                             nose of a Formula 1 car must withstand an impact of
   The specialists place the prepregs into the previously           15 m/s without the driver cell being damaged.
manufactured laminating moulds by hand; layer by layer                At half time the team is on the right track – but will
the expensive hi-tech material is transferred exactly.              Lotus Racing finish in time and be able to start the
A vacuum is created under a vacuum bag and the com-                 racing season?
ponent then moves into a giant oven, the autoclave.
During slow “baking” at about 135 °C under a constant
pressure of 6 bar, a perfectly pressed fibre structure
is produced, giving the composite component its ex­tremely
high strength.
   To ensure the safety of the driver and to meet the
requirements of the FIA, the individual components
of the Formula 1 car are subjected to crash tests during
the development phase. As required, the side impact
structures withstand a side crash with a force of up to 20 g.

                           A vacuum is created under a vacuum bag                                                         15 m/s

 Cutting patterns                                                     As required, the side impact structures
                                                                      withstand a side crash with a force of up to 20 g
Month 4                                                      Month 5
In the fast lane                                             On the home straight
To cope with the huge mountain of tasks, the 50-             The final phase is underway and the Formula 1 racing car
member capricorn team works virtually around the clock.      project is perfectly on track. The capricorn specialists
To win the race against time, weekend shifts are the         work out the final details at full speed. The assembled
norm. But the efforts are worthwhile because, just as        chassis receives its final touches. capricorn manufac-
with a puzzle, the parts slowly begin to add up to the       tures the final key component on the front wing for the
big picture. The first chassis is assembled from a large     Lotus Cosworth T127.
number of individual components. At the same time,             The perfect interaction between Lotus Racing and
chassis no. 2 and the first running gear components,         capricorn culminates in the desired result: exactly five
such as the pushrods, go into production. In addition, the   months after being awarded the starting place, on 12
capricorn experts are working on covering all elements       January 2010, the Lotus Racing team reveals its com-
of the car.                                                  pleted race car in London – a somewhat conservative
                                                             design in the traditional Lotus colours.

                                                             The finish
                                                             Crossing the finish line
                                                             After a successful track test, the Lotus Cosworth T127
                                                             achieves its goal – just in time for the beginning of the
                                                             Formula 1 2010 season, the race car is on the starting
                                                             grid on 14 March 2010 in Bahrain.

 And the first running gear components,
 such as the pushrods, go into production

capricorn AUTOMOTIVE GmbH
Krefelder Straße 320
41066 Mönchengladbach
Tel. + 49 21 61.4 77 76-0
Fax + 49 21 61.4 77 76-17

capricorn COMPOSITE
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 6-10
53520 Meuspath
Tel. + 49 26 91.9 33 06-0
Fax + 49 26 91.9 33 06-66


capricorn AUTOMOTIVE GmbH
Speditionstraße 15
40221 Düsseldorf
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