Early Works Notification Marsh Lane & Old Risborough Road Closures

Page created by Perry Moore
Early Works Notification Marsh Lane & Old Risborough Road Closures

Early Works Notification
Marsh Lane & Old Risborough
Road Closures
High Speed Two (HS2) is the new high speed railway for Britain. We are
                                                                                  Duration of works
continually reviewing the works on our construction sites in line with
Government and Public Health England (PHE) advice on dealing with                 Works will commence in
COVID-19. The Government’s current strategy makes it clear that                   May 2021
construction activity can continue as long as it complies with this guidance.     Normal working hours:
Please be assured that only sites that can operate within the guidelines are      Monday to Friday
operational. All sites will remain under constant review. You can sign up for     8.00am – 6.00pm
regular updates in your local area at www.hs2inbucksandox.co.uk                   Saturdays
                                                                                  8.00am – 1.00pm
                                                                                  Our contractors may be on
 What are we doing?                                                               site for one hour’s start-up
 As part of our continued preparatory works for the HS2 line, the Stoke           and shutdown either side of
 Mandeville Relief Road and the construction of our internal haul road we         these times.
 need to install long term closures on two roads in the area– Marsh Lane
 and Old Risborough Road.
                                                                                  What to expect
 When will these works take place?                                                Varied activities with both
 Both Marsh Lane and Old Risborough Road will be closed from                      quiet and busier periods.
 Wednesday 5th May. From this date there will be no through route for             Road closures on some local
 vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians via either of these roads.                     roads and some additional
 Initial activity will be enabling works which will include topsoil stripping
 and site clearance works followed by earthworks and likely diversion of          Noise from plant and
 Thames Water assets. Following this the construction of our internal haul        equipment used for the
 road will start and eventually the HS2 line of route.
 We will endeavour to keep to this start dates however this may differ
                                                                                  What we will do
 depending on external factors.
                                                                                  Manage any environmental
                                                                                  impacts, such as traffic and
                                                                                  Respond promptly to any
                                                                                  complaints and take
                                                                                  appropriate action.
                                                                                  Take care to respect the
If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please                             community.
contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434
or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk

                                                               Contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434
Early Works Notification Marsh Lane & Old Risborough Road Closures
Early Works Notification                                                                Notification

Marsh Lane & Old
Risborough Road Closures

 Where will the works take place?
On Marsh Lane we will need to close approximately 600m of the road in order to construct the HS2 rail line,
the Stoke Mandeville Relief Road and our internal haul road. On Old Risborough Road we are installing a
closure at the midway point of the road, this is for the construction of the HS2 line and our internal haul
road. Full access will be maintained for those close residents and businesses. The closures are illustrated on
the maps below.

Marsh Lane

Risborough Road

                                                           Contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434
Early Works Notification Marsh Lane & Old Risborough Road Closures
Early Works Notification                                                                 Notification

Marsh Lane and Old
Risborough Road Closures
Access for businesses, residents and road users
On Old Risborough Road full access will be maintained at all times from the south junction with Risborough
Road (A4010) for all residents and businesses.
On Marsh Lane it will be a full long term closure of the road with no through access for vehicles, cyclists or
For those who would use Marsh Lane for travelling through to Stoke Mandeville, access to the A4010 from
North Lee Lane will be the next closest route through to the village.

What else in happening in your area?

Utility trial holes and ground investigations
Utility trial holes and ground investigation works will be taking place throughout the area through April and
May, you should expect further traffic management in the area and allow extra time for your journeys.
These activities give us information about the type, location, depth and condition of the utilities in the area
which we are working. In most cases, access will be from existing public rights of way or agreed with local
landowners however on this occasion the areas to be investigated are on or adjacent to the carriageway which
results in the need for temporary traffic management.

Vegetation clearance
As the project progresses, it is necessary to remove vegetation to allow access to areas of the site. We will be
working at several locations across the coming months between Stoke Mandeville and Aylesbury.

All clearance works are undertaken under the instruction of the ecologist on site, who decides the appropriate
method of clearance based on the vegetation present. This involves a detailed hand search to determine if any
ecology is present. If the area is found to be clear, then vegetation clearance will take place.

A418 Oxford Road, Break from Highway
Continuing with the compound set ups, the A418 will see a new break from highway installed, which is the
construction of a junction from the existing road to our works compounds which enables our vehicles to
enter and leave our construction sites. In this case the construction of the break from highway will involve the
removal of the hedgerow and topsoil, the construction of drainage, concreting and kerb laying, all to
Highways England standards.
This work will start from the week in early May all will require traffic management in the form of a lane closure
and two-way temporary traffic lights. The traffic management will be introduced after 9am and removed at
3pm each day to avoid peak traffic times. We advise to allow extra time to your journey while traveling
through the area.

                                                             Contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434
Keeping you informed
 We are committed to keeping you informed about work on HS2.
 This includes ensuring you know what to expect and when to
 expect it, as well as how we can help.
 Residents’ Charter and Commissioner
 The Residents’ Charter is our promise to communicate
                                                                 Contact Us
 as clearly as we possibly can with people who live
 along or near the HS2 route.                                    Contact our HS2 Helpdesk team all day,
 www.gov.uk/government/publications/hs2-residents-               every day of the year on:
 We also have an independent Residents’                               Freephone 08081 434 434
 Commissioner whose job is to make sure we keep to
                                                                      Minicom 08081 456 472
 the promises we make in the Charter and to keep it
 under constant review. Find reports at:                              Email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk
 residents-commissioner                                          Write to:
 You can contact the Commissioner at:                            FREEPOST
 residentscommissioner@hs2.org.uk                                HS2 Community Engagement

 Construction Commissioner                                       Website www.hs2.org.uk
 The Construction Commissioner’s role is to mediate
 and monitor the way in which HS2 Ltd manages and                To keep up to date with what is
 responds to construction complaints. You can contact            happening in your local area, visit:
 the Construction Commissioner by emailing:                      www.hs2inyourarea.co.uk

 Property and compensation
 You can find out all about HS2 and properties along           Please contact us if you’d like a free copy of
 the line of route by visiting:                                this document in large print, Braille, audio
 www.gov.uk/government/collections/hs2-property                or easy read. You can also contact us for
 Find out if you’re eligible for compensation at:              help and information in a different
 www.gov.uk/claim-compensation-if-affected-by-hs2              language.

 Holding us to account                                         HS2 Ltd is committed to protecting personal
 If you are unhappy for any reason you can make a              information. If you wish to know more about
 complaint by contacting our HS2 Helpdesk team. For            how we use your personal information please
 more details on our complaints process, please visit          see our Privacy Notice
 our website:                                                  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/
 www.hs2.org.uk/how-to-complain                                high-speed-two-ltd-privacy-notice

Reference number: HS2-EW-EK-Ph1-Ar-Ce-C2-Prog-works-26-15/04/2021

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, registered in England and Wales.
Registered office: Two Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA.
Company registration number: 06791686. VAT registration number: 181 4312 30.

                                                             Contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434
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