Hydrogen - House View - Making a positive contribution to New Zealand - Z Energy

Page created by Tom George
Hydrogen - House View - Making a positive contribution to New Zealand - Z Energy
                              August 2019

           Making a positive contribution
           to New Zealand

Photo: Nikola Motor Company
Hydrogen - House View - Making a positive contribution to New Zealand - Z Energy
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                   2

House View

                                               A substantive hydrogen                        A number of large-scale
 1 Hydrogen is technically ready,         5 economy would require                        9 transport related asset
      and manufacturing scale-up
      can occur if market conditions           interventions such as an export               replacement decisions (ferries,
      are right. However, it currently         commitment, regulatory support                trains and buses) present
      has significant economic and             or industry led establishment of              opportunities to transition away
      affordability challenges.                a mega-scale production facility.             from fossil fuels.

 2 Green electrolysis of renewables       6 Exporting hydrogen could be                 10 Conclusion: It is too soon
      and blue reforming of natural            challenging given NZ’s relative               to commit to hydrogen as a
      gas (see below) are the most             competitiveness.                              decarbonisation option, but
      likely pathways for hydrogen                                                           neither should we dismiss it.
      production.                         7 Different transport use case
                                               needs may lead to a broader
      There are a wide range of views          range of fuel solutions in a
      on the applicability of hydrogen         decarbonised world.
      for New Zealand.
                                               Hydrogen (or a derivative fuel
      Electrification is still
                                          8 such as ammonia) is a real option
      the dominant theme of                    to meet the needs of transport
      decarbonising in many use cases.         operators for certain use-cases
                                               but it will take some time for
                                               cost-effective hydrogen fuelled
                                               vehicles to grow to material

Common terms used in this document
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV)        most common hydrogen fuelled commercially available powertrain.
                                         Fuel cell converts hydrogen to electricity which is often stored short term in a
                                         small battery. Motive power through electric motors.

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)           vehicle with onboard battery storage powered via electric motors

Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)         typical petrol / diesel fuelled engines

Green Hydrogen                           hydrogen produced from renewable energy

Blue Hydrogen                            hydrogen produced from hydrocarbons, but with a high degree (typically 90%) of
                                         carbon capture and storage

Brown Hydrogen                           hydrogen produced from hydrocarbons, with CO2 emissions to atmosphere

Carbon capture and storage (CCS)         capture carbon either from the emissions of an industrial process (e.g. power
                                         generation, chemicals processing) with reinjection into suitable underground
                                         geological structures or depleted gas fields

Use Case                                 description for the way in which a customer will use a product to achieve an outcome.
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Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                     3

Hydrogen is technically ready,
and manufacturing scale-up
can occur if market conditions
are right. However, it currently
has significant economic and
affordability challenges.
Hydrogen is used in a wide variety of      There are a number of projects globally    New use case examples include:
industrial applications today, including   investigating various uses of hydrogen     • Hydrogen as a fuel in combustion
at Refining NZ and the Ballance urea       in different parts of the economy, such       processes (such as power
plant in Kapuni. Production, storage       Port Lincoln Green Hydrogen Plant             generation) would require
and distribution are relatively mature     in South Australia. In other countries,       investment but the obstacles can be
technologies, even though the              subsidies and/or different market             resolved.
solutions are designed for current         signals, such as substantially higher      • Commercial transport use (heavy
demand use cases.                          costs of mineral diesel, are stimulating      transport) is technically feasible and
                                           early investments in hydrogen, such           hydrogen vehicle manufacturing
Hydrogen can also already be used as       as the Hynor Project that will provide        is transitioning out of pilot phase
an “energy carrier” without additional     a “hydrogen highway” in the heart of          on the promise of a decarbonised
technology R&D, such as by blending        Norway.                                       energy future.
into pipeline gas.
                                                                                      While these use cases can be met
                                                                                      with hydrogen today the economic
     Green and blue hydrogen can                                                      signal to use hydrogen (or alternative
                                                                                      decarbonisation options) results in low
refresh those parts of the energy                                                     or no uptake.

system transition that electrification                                                Z’s view of what would be needed to
                                                                                      encourage hydrogen uptake in new
cannot reach.       Dr Angela Wilkinson, Senior Director,
                    Scenarios and Business Insights,
                                                                                      use cases such as transport include:
                                                                                      • New regulations, particularly around
                                           World Energy Council June 2019               ensuring safety requirements are met.
                                                                                      • Technology adaptation, for example
                                                                                        modification of equipment to use an
  “Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies have experienced cycles of high                  alternative fuel.
  expectations followed by impractical realities. This time around, however,          • Achieving economies of scale to
  falling renewable energy and fuel cell prices, stringent climate change               drive down cost.
  requirements and the discrete involvement of China are step changes.                • A carbon price that would improve
  The combination of these factors is leading to realistic potential for                the affordability of hydrogen against
  hydrogen’s role in the Grand Transition”                                              fossil-fuels.
  World Energy Council 2019
                                                                                      The Government is currently working
                                                                                      on a national green hydrogen strategy
                                                                                      due for release in the second half of
                                                                                      2019, which will likely provide some
                                                                                      economic and regulatory signals.
Hydrogen - House View - Making a positive contribution to New Zealand - Z Energy
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                  4

Green electrolysis of renewables and
blue reforming of natural gas are the
most likely pathways for hydrogen
production in New Zealand
Renewable electricity can be used          is a by-product and is emitted to the     gas field is used to store natural gas
to produce hydrogen by a process           atmosphere. This is known as “brown”      extracted from other gas fields in
called electrolysis, resulting in “green   hydrogen.                                 Taranaki, to provide flexibility in dry
hydrogen”. The technology has              The CO2 can be captured, although         hydro years (like a large battery or
been around for a long time, and           capture rates are not yet 100%, and the   lake). The storage part of CCS would
with renewed interest is attracting        costs of doing so can be significant.     be similar, except that the CO2 would
significantly more investment which        Hydrogen produced through this            be stored permanently.
makes its costs likely to fall.            method is known as “blue hydrogen”.
However, there are currently significant   It’s better than brown, but not as good     CCS involves capturing CO2
energy losses in the process which         as green, provided the electricity          released by industrial processes,
means the cost of producing hydrogen       used to manufacture the hydrogen            compressing it and then
is high. While the capital costs of        is renewable. A new engineering             transporting it to an injection
                                                                                       site to be sequestered deep
equipment (electrolysers) and their        technology, called the Allam Cycle,
                                                                                       underground for safe, long term
efficiency will no doubt improve,          claims to be able to fully capture
                                                                                       storage in suitable geological
there will still be a significant cost     carbon, but that is not yet proven at
                                                                                       formations – similar to the way
disadvantage for green hydrogen vs         commercial scale.                           oil and gas has been stored
other means of producing hydrogen.         CCS is receiving significant investment     underground for millions of years.
Industrial process in New Zealand          globally as it is seen as an essential
and globally typically use steam           transition pathway for a number of          Both the International Energy
and a catalyst to process natural          economies as they move from coal to         Agency and Intergovernmental
gas (methane, CH4) into hydrogen,          gas for power production.                   Panel on Climate Change believe
at very large scale and lower cost                                                     that CCS can play an important
                                           There are no CCS projects in New            role in helping to meet global
than green hydrogen. However, the          Zealand, although there is a similar        emission targets
downside is that carbon dioxide (CO2)      project where the depleted Ahuroa
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Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                   5

There are a wide range of views
on the applicability of hydrogen
for New Zealand

As a result of interviewing customers,    that they see significant lead times       as ideal, blue is seen as either an
participation in various working groups   before real options exist to purchase      acceptable transitional compromise or
and meeting with sector participants,     alternative hydrogen fuelled vehicles.     a potential distraction that may derail
Z’s view is that level of knowledge,      Customers indicated they are generally     a transition to a fully renewable energy
awareness and understanding of            not keen to pick winners but are open      source.
hydrogen as a fuel is varied across       to options, whether they be electric,      Z’s view is similar to the most common
government, industry and customers.       hydrogen fuel cell or biofuel-based        view of green hydrogen being
Z’s customers, particularly commercial    alternatives. Customers have also          preferred, but that blue hydrogen, if
customers, are keen to find out more      indicated strong interest in biofuels as   proven to be low emissions and cost
about alternatives to hydrocarbons        a transitionary fuel because it reduces    competitive through effective carbon
and are genuinely considering their       emissions, and doesn’t require specific    capture, is an acceptable source of fuel
own role in decarbonisation their         infrastructure, vehicles or significant    while the hydrogen market is being
businesses. Common themes were            changes to operating practices.            established.
that New Zealand is a technology          A wide range of views exist on the
taker, has unique issues (e.g. specific   acceptability of brown, blue, or green
heavy transport vehicle configurations    produced hydrogen. While most see
required for local conditions) and        brown as unacceptable and green
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Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                    6

Electrification is still the
dominant theme of decarbonising
many use cases

Electrification is becoming the              Z’s view is that electrification will     Heavy transport vehicles use more
dominant “alternative fuel” choice as it     dominate the light vehicle fleet in NZ.   energy, and coupled with longer range
can utilise established infrastructure,      Range anxiety issues are expected         requirements, would result in a battery
and considerable investment is               to be overcome with the newer             that would have a significant weight and
resulting in rapidly growing availability    generations of electric vehicles with     space penalty impact on the transport
of vehicle options and increasingly          significant improvements in range. A      operator.
energy efficient battery technology.         number of electrified light commercial    Hydrogen is one of many alternative
Direct use of electricity does not require   vehicles and short-range electric buses   options for these applications. Others
new handling infrastructure that would       are becoming available that are meeting   include biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol,
be required with hydrogen, and is more       the needs of transport operators and      biojet), biogas (biomethane, gasified
efficient on a “well to wheels” basis (at    business owners.                          biomass), and synfuels (synthetic fuels
least twice as efficient as hydrogen, due    That said, it is uncertain whether cost   produced to similar specifications to
to lower conversion losses)                  and weight improvements will be           existing liquid-based fuel).
Globally, significant investment is          sufficient to enable electric vehicles    Hydrogen carriers, such as ammonia
directed towards electrification backed      to meet the needs of marine, aviation,    and methanol, can also be combusted
by renewable energy. Investment in           heavy transport and some materials        directly or converted to electricity at the
hydrogen is substantially lower.             handling use cases.                       point of use.

                                               Hydrogen can be used to couple different energy systems (e.g. natural gas,
                                               electricity, renewables). It can act as a storage mechanism, storing surplus
                                               energy from one energy system (e.g. renewable energy) and converting it
                                               back to electricity at a later stage, similar to batteries.

                                               While technically possible, more work needs to be undertaken to fully
                                               develop the understanding of the economics and practicality of doing this
                                               (such as the cost of storage and the impact of conversion losses), similar
                                               to activity being undertaken to determine the role of batteries in the
                                               electricity system.
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Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                               7

A substantive hydrogen economy
would require interventions
such as an export commitment,
regulatory support or industry-
led establishment of a mega-scale
production facility
Hydrogen may have a role in some specific uses, but it is unlikely to have a widespread
role in New Zealand in the short term unless there is a large-scale intervention.

The factors which support this view        Where hydrogen may have a role           A large-scale hydrogen economy
include:                                   include:                                 would need to be stimulated by:
• Hydrogen is an energy carrier            • Specific direct uses such as process   • Establishing an industrial scale
  that has a high cost of production,        heat or reducing or replacing coking     facility that can produce large
  storage, distribution and would            coal in steel production.                volumes of hydrogen at low cost.
  require significant investment to        • Blending hydrogen into existing gas    • Government led export market;
  establish a new New Zealand wide           networks (to reduce overall carbon       for example, exporting low cost
  supply chain                               intensity of delivered energy).          hydrogen from hydrocarbons (with
• Light vehicle transport is likely        • Transport applications where             carbon capture) or from green
  to be electric, given the weight           payload, range and utilisation           hydrogen produced from renewable
  of investment from all the major           factors give hydrogen a distinctive      energy.
  manufacturers globally and the             advantage over an electric             • Government led legislative and
  speed at which they will come to           alternative, such as longer-range        policy interventions that create
  market. Even if hydrogen was               buses, forklifts, long haul heavy        a requirement for hydrogen, for
  comparatively efficient to electricity     transport, rail and some marine          example minimum blend rates in
  for light vehicles, electric vehicles      applications.                            gas networks or acquisition of FCEV
  will be reaching market at scale a                                                  vehicles for public transport.
  number of years ahead of hydrogen
  vehicles and will not require
  major new refuelling and supply

  “Hydrogen can help tackle various critical energy challenges. It offers
  ways to decarbonise a range of sectors – including long-haul transport,
  chemicals, and iron and steel – where it is proving difficult to meaningfully
  reduce emissions”
  The Future of Hydrogen, International Energy Agency, June 2019
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Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                               8

Export hydrogen could be
challenging given New Zealand’s
relative competitiveness

Decarbonisation efforts are gaining momentum internationally and hydrogen
is becoming a component of several countries’ energy strategies

Decarbonisation efforts are gaining       hydrogen-based supply chains to meet      While hydrocarbon resources are out of
momentum internationally and              the potential demand of energy poor       favour, New Zealand still has significant
hydrogen is becoming a component of       nations.                                  gas resources. Should carbon capture
several countries’ energy strategies.     New Zealand would need to compete         and storage be utilised effectively,
Energy importers such as Japan,           with countries with lower land            hydrogen could be produced at
South Korea and China have limited        costs, larger projects sizes, superior    competitive prices as an export fuel.
local low-carbon energy sources and       resources (such as all-year-round solar   This may then enable a domestic
there is reliance on importing energy     production) – all of which result in      use for hydrogen as it would likely be
– resulting in demand led strategies.     lower production costs.                   produced at substantially lower cost
Hydrogen becomes a candidate where                                                  than “green” hydrogen, but with a low
                                          Large scale onshore and potentially
electrical interconnection (such as                                                 carbon emission footprint.
                                          offshore wind development will
through undersea cables) is not viable.   require public acceptance which may
In response, a number of energy           be challenging, especially if these
exporters (Australia, Middle East,        resources were developed only for
South America) have supply led            energy export.
strategies, and are establishing

 Photo: Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Hydrogen - House View - Making a positive contribution to New Zealand - Z Energy
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                           9

Different transport use case needs
may lead to a broader range of fuel
solutions in a decarbonised world

These are no “one size fits all” decarbonisation options. Even with hydrocarbon derived transport
fuels in use today there are a range of derivative products for various segments – Jet fuel, aviation
gas, fuel oil, diesel and petrol, and LPG

     We believe that the future of
goods and passenger transport in
the city is electric.
Joachim Drees, Chairman of the
Executive Board at MAN Truck & Bus AG
Hydrogen - House View - Making a positive contribution to New Zealand - Z Energy
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                          10

While electrification can technically meet the needs of all sectors, there are currently economic and practical
limitations that restrict uptake. Typical demand and user profiles are summarised below:

                 Demand & User Profiles                Use case            Issues / Opportunities Customer Benefits
                 • 4m light vehicles growing to        Fleets and          Sufficient refuelling         • Range
                   4.8m vehicles by 2040               private vehicle     infrastructure                • Faster refuelling time
                 • Average car usage ~10,000           ownership           Residual values if a niche      than EV
                   km/year2, FCEV’s travel                                 technology without            • Better low temperature
                   around 150km/kg-H2                                      nationwide usability            performance

                 Logistics carriers and courier        Fleets large and    Focussed refuelling           • Lower noise and air
                 business. Metro delivery              small               infrastructure (e.g city        pollution in city centres
                 services                                                  refuelling hubs)              • Lower range requirement
                 200km range meets 97% use                                                               • Fast on-trip refuelling

                 8 hours service in 1-3 min            Warehouses,         Hydrogen storage              Avoids long overnight
                 recharge time                         logistics,          required on-site              charging
                 10,000 in operation globally          construction        Potential self-sufficiency    +30% operating range
                                                       sites,              with onsite renewables
                 Deployment in high and low
                 temp environments                                         Additional on-site
                 High availability (24x7                                   infrastructure
                 Inland and coastal ports              Cranes, reach       Forklifts have higher         Significantly reduced noise
                 24x7 operation, fast refuelling       stackers and        TRL and could be              benefits to community and
                 time, no operational changes          yard tractors       deployed early. Port          employees
                                                                           ecosystem can be
                                                                           assembled over time.
                                                                           Potential refuel site for
                 6,000 buses, 2,000 urban, 2,000       City, school,       Refuelling infrastructure     • Urban air and noise
                 school, 2000 charter/coach            charter, coach      can be depot based –            quality
                                                       operators           but high cost of H2           • Suits longer bus routes /
                                                                           Major city depot focus          coach services that BEV
                                                                           Refuelling sites for other      unlikely to meet
                 150k trucks, ~7% total vehicle km     Intercity           Specific NZ                   • Similar operating
                 travelled and >25% of national        freight, regional   requirements and small          characteristics to diesel
                 carbon emissions                      transport           market                          (range, refuel time)
                 Average usage ~40k km/year,                               Back-to-depot single
                 H2 use o 12km/kg-H2 ~3.3                                  shift operations
                 • 4,128km of track, 2,328km is        Freight and         Volume of hydrogen            • Enhance value
                   freight-only. Majority of 163       passenger           required                        proposition for low
                   locomotives are diesel-electric.    transport           Refuelling locations            carbon modal shift from
                 • 15% of the freight (by km-                              can form hubs for other         road
                   tonnes) by rail                                         transport modes               • Avoid electrification
                 • Wellington and Auckland have                                                            infrastructure
                   110 and 67 trains respectively

Z’s view is that:
• hydrogen is more suitable for decarbonising high utilisation long-range use cases such as trucks, ferries, trains and buses,
  while battery electric will be the better choice for the shorter-range fleet.
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen     11

BEV’s are expected to
outperform FCEV’s due to
efficiency, where long range or
payload isn’t a requirement.
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                              12

Export hydrogen could be
challenging given New Zealand’s
relative competitiveness

Hydrogen is a real option to meet the needs of transport operators for certain use-cases, but it will take some
time for cost-effective hydrogen fuelled vehicles to grow to material volume.

While Z believes that hydrogen (or a        Bloomberg New Energy Finance track the production of FCEV’s each year, and
derivative fuel such as ammonia) could      the following charts demonstrate how far ahead the BEV product is currently:
help meet the need for a low-carbon
solution in certain use cases, the
expected lead time until cost effective
hydrogen fuelled vehicles are available
is significant
The lead times we have already seen
for BEV’s give some insight into the
challenge for fuel cell electric vehicles
making it to market in significant

    In the light passenger                    Other OEM’s may have vehicles            by manufacturers offshore.
    vehicle market, global FCEV               earlier, but still expect at least       New Zealand is therefore a
    cumulative sales total 10,000,            ~3-5 years until customers can           technology taker, and with
    compared to around 2,000,000              commence purchasing in any               significant limitations on
    BEV’s and 5,000,000 Plug in               scale. Z’s discussions with              availability of vehicles, it is
    Hybrid (PHEV’s).                          some heavy transport operators           expected that transport use
                                              indicated that they didn’t see           will incrementally grow over
    In the heavy vehicle market,              themselves having the option to          the next decade.
    serial production (mass                   purchase fuel cell trucks for up
    producing vehicles on a                   to 10 years. Small commercial            Even in markets where fuel
    production line) is not expected          vehicles may be available sooner,        cell passenger markets are
    until 2021/2022 and in some               but potentially at a premium to          better suited (e.g. Japan, South
    cases leading manufacturers               internal combustion equivalents.         Korea), targets are relatively
    (Nikola) production is already                                                     low, and battery-electric have a
    sold out for ~8 years (e.g.               New Zealand’s market is small            high market share.
    2030).                                    and is reliant on developments
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                           13

 Country/                                                             Targets by Year
 Source              2022                          2025                         2030                         2050
 Japan               n/a                                                        3% Passenger vehicle
                                                                                sales FCV
                                                                                30% BEV’s
 South Korea         65,000 FCV, 0.3% of fleet

 China                                             100,000 fuel cell            500,000 fuel cell
                                                   stacks produced. Fuel        systems produced, total
                                                   cells in commercial          cost of ownership parity
                                                   vehicles, introduction to    for internal combustion
                                                   passenger private use
 Hydrogen                                                                       3% Global vehicle sales      35% global vehicle sales
 Council                                                                        FCV’s                        FCV’s

 Honda                                                                          67% electrified (plug-in
                                                                                hybrid, FCV and BEV’s).
                                                                                Breakdown not provided
 Hyundai             Production capacity                                        500,000 FCV’s
                     40,000 FCV’s per annum

 Toyota              30,000 FCV sales per                                       5.5m electrified             FCV and BEV 10% of
                     annum                                                      drivetrains, of which          sales
                                                                                4.4m are PHEV’s and 1m
                                                                                are FCV’s / BEV’s
                                      Source: Bloomberg NEF. FCV = fuel cell vehicle (hydrogen fuelled). BEV = battery electric vehicle

In addition, customers are expected to need time to familiarise and gain
confidence before committing to total fleet conversion.

  “At the end of 2018, there were about 10,000 fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) on the road globally. We do not expect fuel cell
  vehicles to gain any significant share of the passenger vehicle fleet over the next two decades. We see a growing role
  for fuel cells in long-haul, heavy-duty trucking but scaling up the required infrastructure and bringing down the cost
  of clean hydrogen production will mean that progress is slow.” BNEF, Electric Vehicle Outlook 2019

Z’s view is that:
• For the light vehicle market, hydrogen
  fuel cell vehicles are likely to be niche,
  require dedicated and specialist
  infrastructure and likely to be
  supported by limited manufacturers.
• Heavy transport manufacturers are
  significantly behind light vehicle
  manufacturers in prototyping and
• Heavy vehicle transport operators
  may invest in fuel cell vehicles where
  there are limited other options to
  decarbonise. Shorter asset turnover             Photo: Nikola Motor Company
  rates present the ability to adopt fuel
  cell vehicles much more quickly than           Enabling hydrogen to fuel part of the heavy transport market is likely to be achievable
  the light passenger fleet, but it will         with a small number of dedicated refuelling sites – limiting the need for producing a
  take time for fuel cell options to reach       full national scale infrastructure – and may enable the transition to a low carbon fuel
  the market.                                    more quickly.
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                                                                                   14

A number of large-scale transport
related asset replacement decisions
(ferries, trains and buses) present
opportunities to transition away
from fossil fuels.
In many cases battery storage and electric drives will service the shorter
range/lower utilisation ferry, train and bus transport segments.
For example, the East by West electric ferry in Wellington, and investment
in electric buses across New Zealand.

However, based on Z’s understanding           As these vehicles and vessels reach full   For example, smaller, and more efficient
of operator requirements, electrification     replacement or half-life replacement, Z    “range extended” diesel engines might
will not be universal for other longer        expects that consideration of hydrogen     be coupled with onboard batteries and
range or higher utilisation segments of       and fuel cells will be considered and      electric motors to provide a balance
heavy transport, given the current cost       may be retrofit options.                   between efficiency, acceleration and
and performance (energy stored per            Z also expects that technology             torque without sacrificing payload.
kg) of battery technology. Overseas           developments might result in “hybrid”
pilots show that hydrogen can be a            solutions servicing the heavy transport
viable technology for these segments          market, similar to what is occurring in
especially where they have back-to-           the passenger market where hybrid
base or back-to-port routes, resulting in     drivetrains bridge between pure fossil
a centralised refuelling facility.            fuel and fully electric drivetrains.

Z’s view is that:
• All major asset replacement decisions should explicitly seek to replace vehicles and
  vessels with lower carbon solutions, as opposed to replacing like for like.
Z Energy House View: Hydrogen                                              15

Conclusion: It is too soon to commit
to hydrogen as a decarbonisation
option, but neither should we
dismiss it.
Z believes that there is no single “silver bullet”, and that we should
continue to investigate multiple options to meet our emissions reduction
goals, and that urgency is required.

While we will be reliant on large scale
manufacturing capacity of FCEV’s
to ramp up across all transportation
segments, we can actively learn and
experiment now, so that we are ready
to adopt when the timing is right. New
Zealand is also a superb test bed of
technologies with early adopters often
establishing projects in our market,
which presents opportunities to work
with international suppliers.
Z is all about solving what matters
for a moving world, and we believe
that the future of transportation will
involve different fuels for different uses
amongst our customer base. We want
to actively partner with our customers
and suppliers to be at the forefront of
decarbonising and reducing harmful
emissions from New Zealand’s
transport sector.
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