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An independent study undertaken on behalf of ACEA
Executive Summary
This report is part of a Euro 7 Impact Assessmenta intended to quantify the impact on measured air
quality in urban environments throughout the EU 1 between 2020 and 2035 following the
implementation of currently mandated emission reduction measures 2 in all contributing sectors,
including road transport. The main study explored NO2, PM2.5, PM10 and Ozone; the aim of this study
is to focus on the effect of these measures on ozone, including the impact on compliance with EU
legislated targets and WHO guideline values.

The emissions Base Case adopted for this study is consistent with the Thematic Strategy on Air
Pollution Report #16 Current Legislation Baseline Scenario data from the GAINS3 model for all sectors
except road transport. Road transport emissions are derived from the SIBYL 4 baseline fleet and
COPERT5 emission tool. Specific elements of the Baseline fleet have been modified to more accurately
reflect the anticipated real-world fleet composition predicted by ACEA.6

To determine the impact of emission changes, the concentrations at urban monitoring stations across
the EU have been modelled using the AQUIReS+ model, developed by Aeris Europe and used in
previously published works on urban air quality.b, c

Regarding the impact on urban ozone, the results of this study indicate that widespread non-
compliance with the targets in the current Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD) d will continue
throughout the study period. The study also shows that the magnitude and extent of this non-
compliance increases significantly if the lower threshold in the current World Health Organisation
(WHO) guidelinese is applied. However, the effect of reducing road transport emissions beyond that
achieved in the Base Case does not improve the ozone compliance situation in urban areas.

NOX and NMVOC emissions are both important contributors to the photochemical production of
tropospheric (low-level) ozone on a regional scale. Therefore generally, the reduction of both these
pre-cursor emissions contributes to the reduction of tropospheric ozone. However, over cities, ozone
levels (produced through photochemical processes on the regional scale) are reduced due to the
titrating effect of NO (the most significant component of overall NOX emissions) to produce molecular
oxygen and NO2. This is most marked in densely trafficked city centres where the reductions in ozone
levels can be very significant, with reductions ranging from 10-20µg/m3. Therefore, when this titrating
effect is removed from the city, ozone levels/ozone non-compliance in the city increases. This is
despite any contribution that the NOX reductions in the city have on reducing photochemical
production of ozone at a regional scale.

This effect is most marked in cities where the regional, photochemical production of ozone is relatively
low e.g., Northern European countries bordering seas. This is clearly seen in the cities of Brussels,
London, and Paris but is also seen in the city of Madrid. The significance of this titration effect is clearly
demonstrated by the so-called ‘source receptor’ (SRs) relationships for ozone derived from the EMEP
model which are incorporated into IIASA’s Integrated Assessment Model, GAINS. Both models are

1 For the purposes of this study, the ‘EU’ includes the EU 27 nations and the United Kingdom.
2 Where it has not been possible to quantify the impact of a measure, for example the Medium Combustion Plant Directive,
emissions have not been reduced.
3 The Greenhouse gas - Air pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model, developed at the International Institute for

Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
4 SIBYL baseline: vehicle fleet and activity data projections for the member states of the of the EU.
5 COPERT is the EU standard vehicle emissions calculator, developed and maintained by EMISIA SA for the EEA.
6 The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) represents the 15 major Europe-based car, van, truck, and

bus makers.

used to support air quality policy development in the EU and have been used to support the UN-ECE
Convention on Long Range Transport of Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for more than two decades. The
responses to NOX and NMVOC emission changes as seen through the lens of these SRs are discussed
in the body of this report and show that reductions in national NOX emissions in the countries where
these cities are located, result in increased ozone concentrations.

When it comes to NO2 compliance, the ozone response to NOX emission reductions creates an
‘environmental tension’ since reductions in NOX designed to reduce NO2 health impacts results in
increased ozone health impacts in such cities. This suggests targeted, city specific measures, rather
than the introduction of tougher EU-wide NOX emission limits is the wiser route to address the
diminishingly small residual ‘islands of NO2 non-compliance’.

The study also shows that a more effective strategy to reduce ozone, especially in urban areas, is to
target NMVOC emissions from the ‘solvent and product use’ sector. This sector is the largest
contributor to anthropogenic NMVOC emissions in the Base Case. The study also shows that further
NMVOC emissions reductions in other sectors has only a small effect on ozone levels/ozone

  (Aeris Europe, 2021) Euro 7 Impact Assessment: The Outlook for Air Quality Compliance in the EU and the Role
of the Road Transport Sector
  (Aeris Europe, 2016) Urban Air Quality Study, #11/16
  (Concawe, 2018) A comparison of real driving emissions from Euro 6 diesel passenger cars with zero emission
vehicles and their impact on urban air quality compliance
  (Directive (EU) 2008/50/EC, 2008) Directive 2008/50/EC Of The European Parliament And Of The Council on
ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe
  (WHO, 2005) WHO Air quality guidelines for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide

Executive Summary................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Methodology......................................................................................................................................... 11
   Overview of Base Case Emissions by Sector - NOX and VOCs ........................................................... 11
   Scenarios ........................................................................................................................................... 13
       Passenger Car and Light Duty Vehicle Scenarios .......................................................................... 13
       HDV and Bus Scenarios ................................................................................................................. 13
       Other Scenarios:............................................................................................................................ 13
   Ozone Targets ................................................................................................................................... 14
   Air Quality Model - AQUIReS+ .......................................................................................................... 14
Modelling Results.................................................................................................................................. 15
   An Insight Through the EMEP Source-Receptor Relationships ......................................................... 15
   Base Case Modelling Results............................................................................................................. 18
   Air Quality Response to Key Ozone Scenarios .................................................................................. 19
   City Focus .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Appendices............................................................................................................................................ 26
   National Emissions ............................................................................................................................ 27
       NOX Base Case Emissions (kt/a) .................................................................................................... 27
       NMVOC Base Case Emissions (kt/a) .............................................................................................. 28
   SOMO35 and Daily Exceedances* at Stations in the Nine Cities (Base Case) .................................. 29
       Berlin ............................................................................................................................................. 29
       Brussels ......................................................................................................................................... 29
       London .......................................................................................................................................... 30
       Madrid........................................................................................................................................... 31
       Milan ............................................................................................................................................. 32
       Paris............................................................................................................................................... 32
       Rome ............................................................................................................................................. 33
       Stuttgart ........................................................................................................................................ 33
       Warsaw ......................................................................................................................................... 33
References ............................................................................................................................................ 34

© 2021 Aeris Europe Ltd.

Report prepared by: Les White, Adam Miles, Chris Boocock, John-George Cooper, Stephen Mills.

Revision: 1.0

Background maps used in this report are © OpenStreetMap contributors. The full terms of this license are available at

Extracts from ‘Ozone Trends in the United Kingdom over the Last 30 Years’ Florencia M. R. Diaz, M. Anwar H. Khan, Beth M.
A. Shallcross, Esther D. G. Shallcross, Ulrich Vogt, and Dudley E. Shallcross © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel,
Switzerland. Used under the terms of the CC BY License.

Air Quality in European Cities continues to be an issue of policy and public concern at European,
national and city level. While the last few years has seen attention focussed almost exclusively on non-
compliance with the current AQLV for ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2), over much of the EU
compliance with ozone target values remains an issue. Importantly, efforts to reduce NOX emissions
from road transport generally cause little to no reduction on ozone concentrations, and in many cities
increases ozone concentration.

The forthcoming revision of the AAQD is likely to reduce the permitted concentrations of specific
pollutants, this is likely to further intensify current concerns over air quality and increase the focus on
those emission sources that are believed to be major contributors to non-compliance. In response to
this, the European Commission have started to prepare draft regulatory proposals for the next
iteration of vehicle emission standards. To assist in the formulation of these Euro 7/VII proposals, the
Commission have contracted members of CLOVE (Consortium for Ultra Low Vehicle Emissions) to
conduct a series of studies.

The aim of this independent study is to put the contribution of road transport emissions into a Europe-
wide context by examining the impact on urban air quality that currently mandated emission
reduction measures from all contributing sectors will achieve. This is followed by an assessment of
what a further tightening of Euro standards, including a hypothetical ‘Euro 7/VII’ can offer to the
improvement of air quality compared to other available actions.

The AQUIReS+ model has been used to forecast the effect of emissions changes on atmospheric
concentrations at urban monitoring stations across the EU from 2020 to 2035. This ensures the
modelling is directly related to the individual measuring stations used to monitor compliance with the
legislated limit values. In this regard, it is worth noting that these limit values, as set forth in the
Ambient Air Quality Directive, are the result of a lengthy legislative process beginning with the ‘Risk
Assessment’ step undertaken by the WHO and concluding with the ‘Risk Management’ step of the
finalisation process of the Directive. As such, these limits represent the legislator’s view of the
appropriate level of managing the risk associated with human exposure to each pollutant in the
context of a multi-risk world. Therefore, from an air quality perspective, compliance with limit values
must be the priority for the protection of human health.

The main study explored NO2, PM2.5, PM10 and ozone (O3); the aim of this companion report is to
focus solely on ozone. In so doing, it draws on the detailed results and findings of the main study but
also provides additional ozone specific considerations, including a brief overview of the processes
involved in the formation of this secondary pollutant. It also seeks to compare the main findings with
other published studies.

Tropospheric ozone,1 commonly known as low-level ozone, is a recognised transboundary pollutant
and is photochemically formed in the boundary layer2 by the reaction of primary pollutants (e.g., NOX
and VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. Ozone production (and therefore concentrations) downwind of
cities and in rural and suburban areas, is typically higher than in cities due to the reaction between
local emissions of natural and/or anthropogenic NMVOCs and NOX exported from the cities. Within

1 The authors gratefully acknowledge the following source of information in the drafting of this introductory section:
Tropospheric ozone: background information (
2 The lowest part of the troposphere that is directly influenced by the presence of the earth's surface.

cities and more densely populated areas, where NOX emissions are typically higher, ozone
concentrations tend to be lower due to the titrating effect of NO.

The chemical formation of ozone
The photochemical chain reaction which produces ozone is initiated and maintained by reactive
radicals. VOCs act as ‘fuel’ in the formation process (from both biogenic and anthropogenic sources),
whereas NO essentially functions as a catalyst since it is regenerated in the formation process. NO also
plays a key role in the regeneration of the reactive radicals and the further progress of the reactions.

High concentrations of freshly emitted NO scavenge ozone from the local atmosphere, a process
leading to the formation of NO2. Close to the emission sources, this titration process is effectively an
ozone sink. Because of these reactions a decrease in NOX can lead to an increase in ozone, as is the
case in cities. This is known as a ‘VOC-limited regime’ and as such, emission control of VOCs is a more
efficient strategy to reduce peak values of ozone.

As an air mass moves away from an urban centre its VOC:NOX ratio changes due to further
photochemical reactions, meteorological processes, and the occurrence of fresh emissions. The
concentration of NOX decreases faster than that of VOC and consequently the VOC:NOX ratio is
amplified. At high VOC:NOX ratios, like those often found in background situations, the chemistry
tends towards the NOX limited case and NOX reductions are considered more effective to reduce ozone
in these situations.

The role of methane (CH4) in ozone formation
Methane is recognised as an important contributor to background ozone levels at a hemispherical
scale3 over long timescales. The background level in Europe and the USA is currently between 10 and
30ppb and is increasing by some 1ppb each decade. a,b However, over shorter timescales (days or
weeks), methane, due to its very low chemical reactivity, does not significantly contribute to
tropospheric ozone levels on top of this background level.

Figure 1 shows the long term (over three decades) trend in ozone concentrations and NOX
concentrations averaged over thirteen rural and six urban air quality monitoring stations in the UK.
The trend in average ozone concentration from the rural sites (showing an increase of some
1.3ppb/decade) is consistent with the general increase in background ozone in the northern
hemisphere as noted above. At the urban stations, this growth is more significant (some 2ppb/decade)
due to the additional contribution from increased urban ozone due to the loss in titration arising from
the significant decrease in NOX over the same period.

In contrast to the increase in annual mean ozone levels at the rural stations, the maximum ozone
(averaged over the thirteen stations) shows a strong downward trend, consistent with the significant
reductions in both NOX and VOC emissions through the wide range of legislative initiatives in Europe
over the same period.

3Given the effects of meteorology and global emissions on ozone production, background ozone levels (and production
processes) are typically divided into northern and southern hemispheres.

Figure 1 - Long term trends in average and maximum O3 and average NOX levels from 13 rural and 6 urban air
quality monitoring stations in the UK 4

4Extracted from ‘Ozone Trends in the United Kingdom over the Last 30 Years’ Florencia M. R. Diaz, M. Anwar H. Khan, Beth
M. A. Shallcross, Esther D. G. Shallcross, Ulrich Vogt, and Dudley E. Shallcross © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel,
Switzerland and used under the terms of the CC BY License.

Table 1, derived from the same study, shows the number of 8-hour rolling average exceedances above
a 50ppb threshold in a year (average over the number of Rural and over the number of Urban stations).
The number of exceedances for the urban sites is clearly much lower than that for the rural sites due
to the titrating effect of NO over the urban areas.

The increase in average exceedances between the 1990s and the 2000s is indicative of the significant
reduction in road transport NOX emissions from the progressive introduction of Euro standards into
the pre-Euro standard vehicle parc in this period. The authors of the source paper indicate that the
subsequent reduction in exceedance in the next decade was likely due to the reduction in
anthropogenic NMVOCs from meeting the obligations of the 1999 Gothenburg protocol, which
reduced NMVOC emissions in the UK by some 40% from the 2000s to the 2010s. Although the UK is
used as an example, this is typical of EU member states.
Table 1 - Average ozone exceedances over the last three decades

        Site Type              1990s                2000s                 2010s                 Overall
          Rural                1941                 2141                  1412                   5494
          Urban                 532                  647                   376                   1554

Figure 2, also taken from the same study, shows the total number of exceedances for each day of the
week in both rural and urban sites averaged for the same three decades. Total exceedance is
calculated as the total number of hours over an ozone concentration of 50 ppb.

Again, these data show the much lower number of exceedances at urban sites, typically less than 20%
of the average of rural sites during a weekday. The increase in urban exceedances during the lower
traffic activity occurring at weekends is also very evident, again illustrating the effect of reduced ozone

Figure 2 - Daily total ozone exceedances in (a) rural and (b) urban sites averaged for the decades of the
1990s, 2000s and 2010s.

    (Golomb & Fay, 1989) The Role of Methane in Tropospheric Chemistry (MIT-EL-89-001)
    (Diaz, et al., 2020) Ozone Trends in the United Kingdom over the Last 30 Years

Overview of Base Case Emissions by Sector - NOX and VOCs
One of the aims of this study was to put the emissions from each primary source sector into context.
This is important for two reasons: It provides a historical perspective, and it facilitates appropriate
prioritising of any new emission reductions.

Figure 3 shows the total Base Case emissions of NOX in the EU and Figure 4 the total Base Case
emissions of VOC used in this study. Each source sector is shown separately so that the contribution
of each to overall emissions can be clearly seen.

The detailed build-up of the emissions from Road Transport (based on the Sibyl Baseline developed
by Emisia) is given in the main report.1 The remaining sectoral contributions are consistent with the
TSAP16 Base Case Scenario developed by IIASA and associated with the revision of the EU’s Thematic
Strategy on Air Pollution.


                                                                                 Agri cul ture
                                                                                 Wa s te Ma na gement
                                                                                 Non Roa d Mobi l e Ma chi nery
                                                                                 Road Trans port

                                                                                 Sol vent        roduct Us e
                                                                                 Fuel Extra c on
                                                                                 Indus tri a l roces s es
                                                                                 Indus trial ombus on
           2                                                                     Domes c          ommerci a l ombus on
                                                                                 Energy roduc on

                  2         2         2           2 2     2 2       2

Figure 3 - EU - NOX emissions Base Case. Source: GAINS IIASA

1(Aeris Europe, 2021) Euro 7 Impact Assessment: The Outlook for Air Quality Compliance in the EU and the Role of the Road
Transport Sector

7                                                      Agri cul ture
                                                                 Wa s te Ma na gement
                                                                 Non Roa d Mobi l e Ma chi nery
                                                                 Road Trans port

                                                                 Sol vent        roduct Us e
                                                                 Fuel Extra c on
                                                                 Indus tri a l roces s es

          2                                                      Indus trial ombus on
                                                                 Domes c          ommerci a l ombus on
                                                                 Energy roduc on

              2        2        2          2 2    2 2      2

Figure 4 - EU - NMVOC emissions Base Case. Source: GAINS IIASA

All the scenario explored in the overall study are described in the main report,2 therefore only those
scenarios relevant to the ozone focus of this complementary report are described below.

Passenger Car and Light Duty Vehicle Scenarios
Scenario 7 - Diesel PC and LCV: NOX 0

For diesel PC and LCV N1-I both NOX and PM2.5 exhaust emissions were set to zero.

Scenario 8 - Diesel LCV N1-II and LCV N1-III: NOX 0

For diesel LCV N1-II and LCV N1-III both NOX and PM2.5 exhaust emissions were set to zero.

HDV and Bus Scenarios
Scenario 12 - Ultra-Low NOX scenario (Diesel HCV) NOX limit of 30 mg/kWh

An ultra-low NOX scenario modelling a reduction in NOX limit to 30mg/kWh by applying a coefficient
of 0.075 to diesel LCV N2 and HDV Base Case emissions.

Other Scenarios:
Scenario 9 - Zero Emissions from Domestic & Commercial Combustion

A hypothetical scenario to test the impact on air quality if residential and commercial emissions of
NOX were reduced to zero from 2025.

Scenario 15 - VOC Emissions from Road Transport: Zero

A hypothetical scenario to explore the impact on air quality of eliminating all VOC emissions from the
road transport sector from 2025, evaporative and exhaust.

Scenario 16 - VOC Emissions from Solvent and Product Use sector: 50%

A hypothetical scenario to explore the impact on air quality by reducing VOC emissions from the
‘solvent and product use’ sector by 50% from 2025.

2(Aeris Europe, 2021) Euro 7 Impact Assessment: The Outlook for Air Quality Compliance in the EU and the Role of the Road
Transport Sector

Ozone Targets
The AAQD does not specify a binding limit value for ozone, instead there are target values for the
protection of human health and protection of vegetation. The WHO have also published a guideline
value for the protection of human health. These values are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2 - AAQD and WHO ozone target values for the protection of human health

                   Source                           Frequency          Value (µg/m3)        Allowed Exceedances
                                                    Maximum                                          25 days
    AAQD – Protection of human health                                        120
                                                       daily                                  (averaged over 3 years)
    WHO – Protection of human health                                         100                         0

Air Quality Model - AQUIReS+
AQUIReS+ is Aeris Europe’s air quality forecasting model. Designed to predict the concentration of the
main pollutants covered by the AAQD, and compliance with air quality limit values at individual
monitoring stations in the European Air Quality monitoring station network. The detail of the
modelling system, including its sister tool ‘AQUIReS’, is covered in detail in the main report.3

For ozone, the AQUIReS+ model was used to generate a series of predictions for the ozone metrics of
‘SOMO35’4 and the ‘Maximum daily 8 hour mean’ (rolling average). The primary metric in the source-
receptor relationships (derived from EMEP modelling runs) to relate emission changes of NOX and
NMVOC to changes in ozone is SOMO35. Within the AQUIRES+ modelling framework, the SOMO35
metric, derived from hourly historical measuring station data, is statistically correlated to the
‘Maximum daily 8 hour mean’ (rolling average), again based on hourly measuring station data. These
relationships are generated for each individual measuring station.

Station selection criteria and the uncertainty aspects of the modelling are discussed in detail in the
main report.

3 (Aeris Europe, 2021) Euro 7 Impact Assessment: The Outlook for Air Quality Compliance in the EU and the Role of the Road
Transport Sector
4 SOMO35 - defined as the sum of means over 35 ppb from a daily maximum 8-hour rolling average

Modelling Results
The current AAQD specifies a non-binding target value for the protection of human health from
exposure to ozone. This is based on limiting the number of exceedance days in one year to 25 days of
the rolling eight-hour average concentration above an ozone concentration threshold of 120µg/m 3,
averaged over three-years.

The WHO 2005 Guidelines reduces the daily threshold from 120µg/m3 (in their previous published
guidelines) to 100µg/m3. This study therefore also examines the implications of this lower threshold,
should it be adopted in a future revision of the AAQD.

An Insight Through the EMEP Source-Receptor Relationships
As discussed in the introduction, the formation of ozone in the atmosphere is a complex
photochemical process involving reactive hydrocarbons (NMVOC1) and oxides of nitrogen. Complex
chemical models have been developed to represent these reactions, including the EMEP model
developed and maintained by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.2

Data from the EME model is used to generate European ‘source-receptor’ (SR) functions which relate
emissions (e.g., NMVOC and NOX) from each country and sea area to their contribution to pollutant
concentrations in each ‘receptor grid’ of the model domain. These SRs are derived from the results of
a large number of EMEP model simulations undertaken by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

For the whole European region (comprising more than forty countries and five sea areas) this involves
some 1200 individual simulations. In each run, the emissions of a single pollutant, from a single
country or sea area, are reduced from an emissions ‘Base ase’ by %. This same run is repeated for
five separate meteorological years to enable the inter-annual meteorological variability to be built
into a set of ‘five meteorological year averaged’ SRs. Aeris gratefully acknowledges the co-operative
relationship with NMI in their provision of these detailed simulations results which enabled generation
of detailed SR functions for the whole of Europe and their incorporation into AQUIReS+. It is worth
noting, that these SRs are consistent with those incorporated into the IIASA GAINS model used to
support the European ommission’s Clean Air for Europe Programme (CAPE).

In themselves, these SRs at the individual EMEP grid level provide a helpful insight into the ozone
response to reductions of both NOX and NMVOC emissions, especially at the urban level, which is the
focus of this study.

Figure 5 shows maps of four of the nine selected cities.3 In each case, the maps are overlaid with the
boundaries of the EMEP grids that correspond to the city domain. In addition, the locations of the
ozone monitoring stations are also shown. For each EMEP grid, the SR relationship for SOMO35
consists of a NOX and NMVOC emission term from each contributing country (including the country in
which the city is located).

1 NMVOC - Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds
2 The co-operative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe:
'European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme' (EMEP). A scientifically based and policy driven programme under the
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for international co-operation to solve transboundary air
pollution problems. The EMEP model has been used to support European Air Quality Policy for more than three decades.
3 Berlin, Brussels, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Rome, Stuttgart, and Warsaw

Brussels                                                          In Figure 6, the SOMO35 response to a 1kt
                                                                        change in emissions from both NOX and NMVOC
                                                                        is shown for all nine selected cities including
                                                                        Brussels, Paris, Madrid and Rome.4 The SOMO35
                                                                        responses to a change of 1kt of emissions in the
                                                                        country in which the city is located, and the
                                                                        equivalent change of 1kt (shared proportionally)
                                                                        from all the other contributing countries are
                                                                        shown separately.

                                                                        Although ozone is a transboundary air pollutant,
                                                                        Figure 6 shows that the most significant
                                                                        influence per unit change in emissions is from
                                                                        the country in which the city is located. This is
                                                                        particularly evident in the case of Brussels,
                                                                        London, Madrid, and Paris.

                                                                        Furthermore, the significant increase in
                                                                        SOMO35 in these cities when NOX emissions are
                                                                        reduced in the country where these cities are
                                                                        located, is also evident. This is consistent with
        Paris                                                           the long-term measurement data from UK
                                                                        monitoring stations discussed in the
                                                                        introduction of this report. It is also evident from
                                                                        the monitoring station data in the city of Madrid,
                                                                        as discussed below.

                                                                        In contrast, the response to reductions in
                                                                        NMVOCs across all cities is to reduce SOMO35,
                                                                        affirming that targeting these emissions, rather
                                                                        than NOX, at least in the short/medium term, is
       Rome                                                             the appropriate urban ozone mitigation

Figure 5 - Maps of four of the nine selected cities,
overlaid with EMEP model grids and indicating the
location of ozone monitoring stations

4   For simplicity, if a city covers multiple grids, only one grid is represented in Figure 6.

Berlin     Brussels    London       Madrid        Milan   Paris       Rome      Stuttgart   Warsaw
   SOMO35 per kt change in emissions   5








                                            NMVOC from the city's parent country                       NMVOC from all other countries
                                            NOₓ from the city's parent country                         NOₓ from all other countries

Figure 6 - The SOMO35 response to a 1kt emission reduction in the nine selected cities based on the SRs
derived from EMEP simulations

Figure 7 shows the levels of SOMO35 in Madrid based on measurement station data from the city and
its surrounding area. Here the SOMO35 for ozone has been calculated at each ozone measuring station
for 2005, 2010 and 2015.

In 2005 (with road transport made up of a mix of Pre-Euro, Euro I, Euro II, and a few Euro III vehicles)
the NO component of NOX emissions from road transport activity in the city centre substantially
reduces ozone levels compared to the suburban and rural areas around the city centre. In terms of
SOMO35, the health impact metric, the reduction is five-fold.

Over the next ten years NOX vehicle emission limits were progressively reduced, and NOX/NO
emissions fell. By 2010 the effect of the reduced NO emissions is already visible with the SOMO35
level in the city centre doubling from the 2005 level, and by 2015 increasing to three to four times the
2005 level.

Of course, these reductions in NOX have made an important contribution to the reduction of NO2 in
the city of Madrid and to compliance with the NO2 limit value. However, ozone also has important
health impacts and this ‘environmental tension’ between reducing NO2 concentrations and increasing
ozone concentrations is an important consideration in the development of any further action to
address NOX emissions.

  2005                                                                2010                                2015

Figure 7 - SOMO35 based on monitoring data in Madrid: 2005 - 2010 - 2015

Base Case Modelling Results
By 2025, ozone concentrations in the Base Case are predicted to meet the EU target of 25 exceedance
days at all but 12% of the 1166 monitoring stations currently located in urban and suburban areas of
the EU that have recorded exceedances in the last five years. This increases to 74% of stations if the
limit is reduced to 100µg/m3. A summary of Base Case compliance is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 – Number of ozone monitoring stations exceeding the EU target value of allowable exceedances of
25 days above a 120 µg/m3 threshold and WHO guide value threshold of 100 µg/m3 5

                                                             2020            2025            2030            2035

    EU AAQD: 120µg/m3 (> 25 days)                         204 (17%)       145 (12%)       116 (10%)       110 (9%)

    WHO: 100µg/m3 (> 25 days)                             921 (77%)       884 (74%)       851 (71%)       841 (70%)

Between 2020 and 2030 the number of urban and suburban stations that are non-compliant with the
EU target value reduces by over 43% as a result of currently mandated emission reduction measures.
However, this reduction is not seen in the case of the WHO threshold value of 100µg/m3. Against the
WHO value, the reduction is only 8%, with over 70% of stations remaining non-compliant and only
marginal further improvement by 2035. Compliance with the WHO guide value would therefore be a
significant challenge in the EU. This difference in the compliance picture is clearly shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Ozone exceedance days in 2030 against the AAQD 120µg/m 3 target and WHO 100µg/m3 guideline

5AQUIReS+ requires a monitoring station to have recorded exceedances in the past five years to be able to predict
exceedances. Therefore, stations which have never recorded an exceedance are excluded from these totals. This also
means that there are slightly different numbers of stations for the two concentrations:
    •    120µg/m3 - 1166 stations
    •    100µg/m3 - 1198 stations

Air Quality Response to Key Ozone Scenarios
As discussed earlier in the report, reducing NOX emissions can increase ozone concentrations,
particularly in cities and city centres, whereas reducing NMVOC emissions reduces ozone
concentrations both in and outside the city. Therefore, to ascertain the scale of possible reductions in
ozone concentration the scenario that has the greatest impact on NMVOC emissions (Scenario 16),
and the elimination of all (exhaust and evaporative) NMVOC emissions from road transport are briefly
looked at here.

Table 4 shows that eliminating VOC emissions from road transport has a marginal impact on
compliance across the EU. This is the case for both the EU AAQD target value and the WHO guideline
value. This limited impact is consistent with the small contribution that modern gasoline and diesel
vehicles make to total VOC emissions. This indicates that any further tightening of VOC emission limits
for road transport (exhaust or evaporative) would have a minimal impact on ozone compliance.

Conversely, further reducing emissions from the ‘solvent and product use’ sector is foreseen to have
a more significant impact on ozone compliance in the EU. This reflects the much higher contribution
from this sector to VOC emissions in the Base Case.

Table 4 – Number of non-compliant ozone measuring stations (urban and suburban) with ozone
exceedances for key scenarios at 120µg/m3 and 100µg/m3

                                                          2020          2025          2030         2035

                                           120µg/m3 (> 25 days)

 Base Case                                              204 (17%)    145 (12%)     116 (10%)     110 (9%)

 VOC Emissions from Road Transport: Zero
                                                        204 (17%)    138 (12%)      109 (9%)     108 (9%)
 Scenario 15
 VOC Emissions from Product Use sector: 50%
                                                        204 (17%)     107 (9%)      88 (8%)       83 (7%)
 Scenario 16

                                           100µg/m3 (> 25 days)

 Base Case                                              921 (77%)    884 (74%)     851 (71%)    841 (70%)

 VOC Emissions from Road Transport: Zero
                                                        921 (77%)    870 (73%)     839 (70%)    824 (69%)
 Scenario 15
 VOC Emissions from Product Use sector: 50%
                                                        921 (77%)    839 (70%)     800 (67%)    770 (64%)
 Scenario 16

City Focus
For each of the nine selected cities, Table 5 through Table 13 provide the results of the modelled
compliance with the current EU AAQD exceedance target.6 The results are given for the Base Case and
the key scenarios impacting ozone:

    •    Scenario 7: Zero NOx from Diesel Passenger Cars and Vans
    •    Scenario 15: Zero VOC emissions from all road transport
    •    Scenario 16: A 50% reduction in the Base Case VOC emissions from the Solvent and Product
         Use sector from 2025.

The tables provide the modelled number of exceedance days at each ozone measuring station in each
of the cities. The colours indicate the ‘compliance uncertainty bands' based on the RMS deviation
between measured exceedance days and modelled exceedance days. The ‘green’ designation
indicates compliance, the ‘yellow’ uncertain compliance/non-compliance and the ‘red’, non-

By 2025, only three of the selected cities, Madrid, Milan and Paris are predicted to remain non-
compliant in the Base Case (i.e., with at least one station remaining non-compliant). The suburban
stations in these cites generally have higher levels of exceedance than urban stations while urban
traffic stations having the lowest levels of exceedance. This is particularly visible in the case of Madrid,
where exceedance levels at the urban traffic stations are some 7 days/year compared to the
exceedances at the three suburban stations ranging between 33 and 39 days per year. This is entirely
consistent with the significant titration of ozone by the NO component of NOX emissions particularly
in city centres as discussed in the introduction. Although compliant, this pattern of higher exceedance
days in suburban stations is evident in each of the studied cities.

The impact of the key emission reduction scenarios affecting ozone compliance are also given in these
tables. The road transport NOX reduction scenario (Scenario 7: Zero NOx diesel passenger cars and
vans from 2025) has negligible impact beyond the baseline in all nine cities. As discussed in the main
report, the additional emission reduction beyond that achieved by the Base Case is very limited,
however, even this small further reduction in NOX increases the non-compliance at one station in the
cities of Madrid and Paris. Again, this is consistent with the expectation from the EMEP source
receptor relationship for these two cities as discussed in the introduction (Figure 6).

The zero NMVOC emissions from road transport (Scenario 15) also has little impact on compliance
given the small contribution of road transport to overall NMVOC levels, shown in Figure 4. However,
as expected, this reduces exceedances by one day in a limited number of stations.

Of all the scenarios considered in this study, the most significant improvement in ozone compliance
come from the 50% reduction in NMVOC emissions from the ‘solvent and product use’ sector
(Scenario 16). This is particularly evident in the cities of Madrid, Milan, and Paris.

6No more than 25 exceedance days per year of the highest 8-hour rolling average ozone concentration in a 24-hour period
above the threshold of 120µg/m3

Table 5 - City of Berlin: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                    Base Case                   Scenario 7                    Scenario 15             Scenario 16
       Type                 Area            2025      2030      2035       2025   2030     2035          2025    2030     2035   2025    2030     2035
   BACKGROUND            SUBURBAN            15        13        13         15     13       13            14      13       13     13      11       11
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             14        12        12         14     12       11            13      12       11     11      10        9
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             12        11        10         12     10       10            12      10       10     10       9        8

Table 6 - City of Brussels: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                    Base Case                   Scenario 7                    Scenario 15             Scenario 16
      Type                Location          2025      2030      2035       2025   2030     2035          2025    2030     2035   2025    2030     2035
  BACKGROUND             SUBURBAN            13        13        13         13     13       13            13      13       13     12      12       12
  BACKGROUND             SUBURBAN            14        13        13         14     13       13            12      12       12      8       8       7
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             10         9         9         10      9        9             9       9        9      8       8       8
  BACKGROUND               URBAN              7         7         7          7      7        7             6       6        6      6       6       6
  BACKGROUND               URBAN              6         6         6          6      6        6             6       6        6      5       5       5
    TRAFFIC              SUBURBAN             0         0         0          0      0        0             0       0        0      0       0       0

Table 7 - City of London: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                    Base Case                   Scenario 7                    Scenario 15             Scenario 16
      Type                  Area            2025      2030      2035       2025   2030     2035          2025    2030     2035   2025    2030     2035
  BACKGROUND               URBAN              9         9         9          9      9        9             9       9        9      9       9        9
  BACKGROUND               URBAN              4         5         5          4      5        5             4       5        5      4       4        4
  BACKGROUND               URBAN              3         4         4          3      4        4             3       4        4      3       3        3
  BACKGROUND               URBAN              0         1         1          0      1        1             0       1        1      0       0        0
  BACKGROUND               URBAN              0         0         0          0      0        0             0       0        0      0       0        0
  BACKGROUND             SUBURBAN             0         0         0          0      0        0             0       0        0      0       0        0
    TRAFFIC                URBAN              0         0         0          0      0        0             0       0        0      0       0        0

Table 8 - City of Madrid: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                   Base Case                   Scenario 7                    Scenario 15              Scenario 16
      Type                Location          2025     2030       2035      2025   2030     2035          2025    2030     2035    2025    2030     2035
  BACKGROUND             SUBURBAN            33       33         34        33     33       34            31      32       33      28      29       30
  BACKGROUND             SUBURBAN            34       33         32        34     33       32            33      32       32      31      29       29
  BACKGROUND             SUBURBAN            39       40         41        39     40       41            38      39       39      34      35       35
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             33       32         31        33     32       31            32      31       31      30      29       28
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             26       27         27        26     27       28            25      26       27      23      23       24
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             31       32         32        31     32       32            30      31       31      27      28       28
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             25       26         26        25     26       26            25      25       26      24      24       24
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             27       28         28        27     28       28            26      27       27      23      24       24
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             13       14         14        13     14       14            12      13       13      10      11       11
    TRAFFIC                URBAN             20       20         20        20     20       20            19      20       20      18      18       18
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             5         6         6         5       6        6             5       5        5       3       3        4
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             20       21         21        20     21       21            19      20       20      17      17       18
    TRAFFIC                URBAN             7         7         7         7       7        7             7       7        7       6       6        6
    TRAFFIC                URBAN             7         7         7         7       7        7             6       6        7       5       5        6

Table 9 - City of Milan: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                   Base Case                   Scenario 7                     Scenario 15             Scenario 16
      Type                  Area            2025     2030       2035      2025   2030     2035           2025    2030     2035   2025    2030     2035
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             65       60         59        65     60       58             61      57       56     50      45       44
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             29       25         24        29     25       23             26      23       22     18      15       13
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             28       24         23        28     24       23             25      22       21     18      14       13

Table 10 - City of Paris: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                    Base Case                      Scenario 7                     Scenario 15                 Scenario 16
       Type               Location          2025      2030      2035       2025        2030     2035     2025        2030       2035   2025      2030       2035
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             10        9         8          10           9        8       10           9          8      8         7          7
   BACKGROUND            SUBURBAN            6         5         5           6           5        5        6           5          5      5         4          3
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             13        13        13         13          13       13       12          13         13     12        12         12
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             5         4         4           5           4        4        5           4          3      4         3          2
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             12        12        13         12          12       13       12          12         12     11        11         11
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             13        14        14         13          14       15       13          13         14     11        12         12
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             3         4         4           3           4        4        3           3          4      1         2          2
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             3         4         4           3           4        4        2           3          4      1         2          2
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             2         2         3           2           2        3        1           2          2      0         0          1

Table 11 - City of Rome: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                    Base Case                      Scenario 7                     Scenario 15                 Scenario 16
       Type               Location          2025      2030      2035       2025      2030     2035       2025        2030     2035     2025      2030     2035
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             22        18        16         22        17       15         21          16       15       16        11       10
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             12         8         6         12         8        6         11           7        5        6         2        1
   BACKGROUND            SUBURBAN            11         7         6         11         7        5         10           6        5        5         2        0
   BACKGROUND              URBAN              7         4         2          7         3        2          6           2        1        2         0        0
   BACKGROUND            SUBURBAN             0         0         0          0         0        0          0           0        0        0         0        0
   BACKGROUND              URBAN              0         0         0          0         0        0          0           0        0        0         0        0
   BACKGROUND              URBAN              6         5         5          6         5        5          5           5        5        4         4        3
   BACKGROUND              URBAN              1         1         1          1         1        1          1           1        1        1         1        1

Table 12 - City of Stuttgart: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                    Base Case                   Scenario 7                    Scenario 15             Scenario 16
       Type                 Area            2025      2030      2035       2025   2030     2035          2025    2030     2035   2025    2030     2035
   BACKGROUND              URBAN             23        23        23         23     23       23            23      23       22     23      22       22

Table 13 - City of Warsaw: Ozone Exceedance Days > 25 Days (120µg/m3 threshold) Base Case and Selected Scenarios

                                                    Base Case                   Scenario 7                    Scenario 15             Scenario 16
      Type                  Area            2025      2030      2035       2025   2030     2035          2025    2030     2035   2025    2030     2035
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             5          4         4          5      4        4             5       4        4      4       3       3
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             8          8         8          8      8        8             8       8        8      8       8       8
  BACKGROUND               URBAN             2          1         0          2      0        0             1       0        0      1       0       0

The current AAQD requirements are based on an ozone threshold of 120µg/m3 and a maximum annual
number of 25 days in exceedance of this value. By 2025, with Base Case emissions, about 87% of the
urban/suburban monitoring stations in the EU achieve the non-binding limit on exceedance days. All
the ‘beyond the baseline road transport scenarios’ explored in the study have very limited further
impact on the Base Case situation. This is especially so for further NOX emission reductions due to the
loss of the titrating effect of NO, and its involvement in reducing ozone over urban areas. In contrast
to this, further action to reduce VO emissions from the ‘solvent and product use’ sector was found
to have a more significant impact on compliance. This is in-line with the findings by others as discussed
in the introduction of this report.

At the more stringent ozone threshold in the WHO Guidelines, ozone compliance in 2025 falls to just
2 % of the urban/suburban monitoring stations in the EU. Despite this high level of ‘non-compliance’,
all the ‘beyond the baseline road transport scenarios’ explored at this stage have very limited further
impact on the Base Case situation. Again, in contrast to this, further action to reduce VOC emissions
from the ‘solvent and product use’ sector has a more significant impact on ozone compliance.

The focus on the nine selected cities clearly shows significant reductions in ozone levels in cities and
especially city centres arising from the titration of ozone by the NO component of NOX emissions. This
is visible from the much lower exceedance days in urban traffic stations. This is consistent with the
findings in other studies and with the insights provided through source-receptor relationships derived
from the EMEP model.

Although ozone was modelled in the COVID scenarios considered in this study, given the strong
interannual/monthly variations in concentrations it was difficult to discern the ‘ OVID’ signal from the
Base Case. However, other studies have shown that during lockdown periods ozone levels have
increased, particularly in city centres, due to the loss of the titrating effect of NO emissions.a

The consistent finding of this study, that reducing NOX emissions increases ozone levels and ozone
non-compliance in urban environments, highlights the ‘environmental tension’ between reducing NO2
levels in urban environments and the consequential increase (and potentially significant increases) in
ozone related impacts. As the main study shows, NO2 non-compliance is currently confined to very
limited islands of non-compliance in the EU. Given the demonstrated efficacy of the continuing impact
of Euro 6/VI in further reducing these small islands of non-compliance, the study findings indicate a
better strategy would be to use local measures to address these rather than further EU-wide
measures. Conversely, non-compliance with EU and WHO ozone targets would suggest that reducing
NMVOC emissions from the Solvents and Product Use Sector should be a high priority. However, given
the nature and sources of these emissions it is likely that legislation at an EU level would be necessary
to effectively target this sector and reduce concentrations of ozone.

 (Lee, et al., 2020) UK surface NO2 levels dropped by 42% during the COVID-19 lockdown: impact on surface


National Emissions

NOX Base Case Emissions (kt/a)

            2005      2010       2015        2020   2025   2030   2035
   AT        213      166        139         101     75     63     59
   BE        305      241        213         173    141    124    119
   BG        145      118         83          79     66     55     51
   HR        76        67         62          57     48     43     40
   CY        21        17         13           9      7      6      5
   CZ        287      219        180         146    119    101     94
   DK        177      134        113          89     71     61     59
   EE        35        30         30          27     23     19     19
   FI        181      171        147         126    109     96     91
   FR       1395      1112       937         753    578    461    409
   DE       1428      1266       1064        846    681    558    536
   GR        373      279        223         191    152    126    121
   HU        146      121        106          82     67     56     51
   IE        133       84         79          69     54     44     39
   IT       1207      905        779         645    501    422    387
   LV        44        39         32          30     26     23     22
   LT        46        40         41          33     23     20     19
   LU        30        22         16          11      7      5      5
   MT         9         8          7           4      3      2      2
   NL        362      291        240         193    162    142    135
   PL        790      823        635         532    426    358    341
   PT        247      183        153         135    112     97     90
   RO        277      220        196         177    155    137    129
   SK        99        79         69          61     55     50     47
   SI        51        44         37          26     19     15     13
   ES       1385      877        734         624    518    449    415
   SE        184      147        125         101     80     68     65
   GB       1537      1074       956         727    561    437    409
   EU       11183     8778       7406        6047   4838   4041   3770

NMVOC Base Case Emissions (kt/a)

            2005     2010     2015        2020   2025   2030   2035
   AT       170      138      129         116    111    105    105
   BE       151      128      122         119    118    114    114
   BG       128      108       79          67     60     53     53
   HR       101       78       71          64     59     56     56
   CY        11        9        7           7      6      6      6
   CZ       196      167      155         136    127    112    112
   DK       112       91       78          66     62     58     58
   EE        37       34       33          32     31     28     28
   FI       118      100       86          74     67     63     63
   FR       1217     849      731         659    617    593    593
   DE       1185     1024     944         900    877    818    818
   GR       263      199      168         142    135    117    117
   HU       130      110       97          85     78     73     73
   IE        59       47       46          45     44     41     41
   IT       1165     890      811         755    700    670    670
   LV        56       47       44          39     36     34     34
   LT        80       66       64          60     53     47     47
   LU        14        9        8           8      7      7      7
   MT         4        3        3           3      3      3      3
   NL       172      150      148         143    141    139    139
   PL       605      549      502         457    429    403    403
   PT       224      171      154         146    143    134    134
   RO       394      337      268         231    208    179    179
   SK        71       72       64          61     59     56     56
   SI        45       40       37          35     34     31     31
   ES       871      728      666         637    625    615    615
   SE       206      177      160         137    131    125    125
   GB       1063     785      711         681    677    673    673
   EU       8846     7105     6386        5901   5637   5350   5350

SOMO35 and Daily Exceedances* at Stations in the Nine Cities (Base

* Exceedances are daily exceedances of the 120µg/m3 daily maximum of the 8-hour rolling mean as
defined in the AAQD.

                                        Daily Exceedances
          Type              Area          2010        2015   2020     2025      2030     2035
    BACKGROUND           SUBURBAN          20          16     17       15        13       13
    BACKGROUND             URBAN           14          19     16       14        12       12
    BACKGROUND             URBAN           12          14     14       12        11       10
          Type              Area          2010        2015   2020     2025      2030     2035
    BACKGROUND           SUBURBAN         2205        2475   1884     1759      1668     1641
    BACKGROUND             URBAN          2022        1952   1708     1586      1497     1471
    BACKGROUND             URBAN          1879        2132   1606     1499      1422     1399

                                        Daily Exceedances
          Type              Area          2010        2015   2020     2025      2030     2035
    BACKGROUND           SUBURBAN          16          11     13       13        13       13
    BACKGROUND           SUBURBAN          18          11     13       14        13       13
    BACKGROUND             URBAN           12          9      9        10        9         9
    BACKGROUND             URBAN           13          6      7         7        7         7
    BACKGROUND             URBAN           5           6      6         6        6         6
         TRAFFIC         SUBURBAN          0           0      0         0        0         0
          Type              Area          2010        2015   2020     2025      2030     2035
    BACKGROUND           SUBURBAN         1497        1510   1504     1523      1512     1505
    BACKGROUND           SUBURBAN         1417        1519   1425     1443      1432     1425
    BACKGROUND             URBAN          1063        1330   1069     1082      1074     1069
    BACKGROUND             URBAN          844         886    848       859      852       848
    BACKGROUND             URBAN          780         646    784       794      788       784
         TRAFFIC         SUBURBAN         532         589    535       542      538       535

                          Daily Exceedances
     Type        Area       2010        2015   2020   2025   2030   2035
  BACKGROUND    URBAN        8           9      9      9      9      9
  BACKGROUND    URBAN        3           4      4      4      5      5
  BACKGROUND    URBAN        2           2      3      3      4      4
  BACKGROUND    URBAN        2           0      0      0      1      1
  BACKGROUND    URBAN        0           0      0      0      0      0
  BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN      0           0      0      0      0      0
    TRAFFIC     URBAN        0           0      0      0      0      0
     Type        Area       2010        2015   2020   2025   2030   2035
  BACKGROUND    URBAN       857         1003   1091   1225   1327   1344
  BACKGROUND    URBAN       783         703    915    997    1060   1069
  BACKGROUND    URBAN       678         556    792    863    917    925
  BACKGROUND    URBAN       296         311    377    423    459    464
  BACKGROUND    URBAN       201         154    235    256    272    274
  BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN     653         607    663    678    689    689
    TRAFFIC     URBAN        15          15     17     19     20    20

                           Daily Exceedances
         Type   Location     2010        2015   2020   2025   2030   2035
   BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN      53          29     31     33     33    34
   BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN      46          55     36     34     33    32
   BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN      46          53     37     39     40    41
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        39          43     35     33     32    31
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        26          33     25     26     27    27
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        24          49     30     31     32    32
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        21          25     25     25     26    26
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        19          40     26     27     28    28
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        11          15     12     13     14    14
     TRAFFIC     URBAN        10          24     19     20     20    20
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        9           4      5      5      6      6
   BACKGROUND    URBAN        6           28     19     20     21    21
     TRAFFIC     URBAN        6           11     7      7      7      7
     TRAFFIC     URBAN        5           6      6      7      7      7
         Type   Location     2010        2015   2020   2025   2030   2035
   BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN     3049        3562   3146   3211   3247   3270
   BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN     3835        4606   3581   3489   3424   3396
   BACKGROUND   SUBURBAN     3517        3801   3628   3704   3745   3772
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       3598        3426   3359   3273   3211   3186
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       2783        2915   2871   2931   2963   2985
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       3016        3224   3111   3176   3211   3234
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       2022        2613   2086   2130   2153   2169
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       2809        3883   2898   2958   2991   3013
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       2130        2831   2198   2244   2268   2285
     TRAFFIC     URBAN       2401        3100   2477   2529   2556   2575
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       1739        2674   1794   1831   1852   1865
   BACKGROUND    URBAN       2478        2882   2557   2610   2639   2658
     TRAFFIC     URBAN       1637        2181   1689   1724   1743   1756
     TRAFFIC     URBAN       1447        1640   1493   1524   1541   1552

                            Daily Exceedances
        Type      Area      2010        2015          2020     2025    2030   2035
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      79              64        72       65      60      59
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      72              35        35       29      25      24
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      47              41        34       28      24      23
        Type      Area      2010        2015          2020     2025    2030   2035
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      4658        5007          4124     3896    3748   3703
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      3370        2968          2938     2748    2625   2586
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      3344        3146          2915     2727    2605   2566

                            Daily Exceedances
        Type       Area       2010           2015      2020     2025   2030   2035
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          12              13     12       10      9     8
   BACKGROUND    SUBURBAN        10              16        8     6       5     5
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          11              12     12       13     13     13
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          13              8         7     5       4     4
   BACKGROUND     URBAN            9             14     11       12     12     13
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          10              8      12       13     14     14
   BACKGROUND     URBAN            5             5         2     3       4     4
   BACKGROUND     URBAN            0             5         2     3       4     4
   BACKGROUND     URBAN            8             0         1     2       2     3
        Type       Area       2010           2015      2020     2025   2030   2035
   BACKGROUND     URBAN       1687           1709      1449     1354   1288   1264
   BACKGROUND    SUBURBAN     1831           1773      1573     1469   1397   1372
   BACKGROUND     URBAN       1391           1578      1507     1601   1660   1696
   BACKGROUND     URBAN       1700           1680      1461     1365   1298   1274
   BACKGROUND     URBAN       1289           1848      1396     1483   1538   1571
   BACKGROUND     URBAN       1220           1185      1322     1404   1456   1488
   BACKGROUND     URBAN       1076           1041      1166     1239   1284   1312
   BACKGROUND     URBAN       1065           1081      1153     1225   1270   1298
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          992         845       1075     1142   1184   1209

                            Daily Exceedances
       Type      Location        2010         2015      2020      2025    2030   2035
   BACKGROUND     URBAN           45              37        30     22      18     16
   BACKGROUND     URBAN           32              25        18     12       8     6
   BACKGROUND    SUBURBAN         31              24        18     11       7     6
   BACKGROUND     URBAN           26              23        13        7     4     2
   BACKGROUND    SUBURBAN         20              10        1         0     0     0
   BACKGROUND     URBAN           17              14        5         0     0     0
   BACKGROUND     URBAN            9              8         7         6     5     5
   BACKGROUND     URBAN            6              2         2         1     1     1
       Type      Location        2010         2015      2020      2025    2030   2035
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          3276         3242      2782      2543    2395   2338
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          2849         2609      2419      2211    2083   2033
   BACKGROUND    SUBURBAN        2872         3346      2438      2229    2100   2050
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          2660         3430      2259      2065    1945   1899
   BACKGROUND    SUBURBAN        3003         3535      2607      2425    2307   2264
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          2359         1900      2003      1831    1725   1684
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          1597         2258      1386      1290    1227   1204
   BACKGROUND     URBAN          1299         1439      1128      1049     998   979

                            Daily Exceedances
       Type       Area      2010         2015          2020      2025     2030   2035
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      20               23        24        23       23      23
       Type       Area      2010         2015          2020      2025     2030   2035
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      2516         2394          2052      1866     1727   1684

                            Daily Exceedances
       Type       Area      2010         2015          2020      2025     2030   2035
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      16               13         7         5        4      4
    BACKGROUND   URBAN       6               11         9         8        8      8
    BACKGROUND   URBAN       2               6          4         2        1      0
       Type       Area      2010         2015          2020      2025     2030   2035
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      1939         2007          1636      1519     1444   1422
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      1551         1721          1277      1170     1102   1082
    BACKGROUND   URBAN      1484         1347          1233      1137     1075   1057

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