IDC Digital Transformation Awards is now - 2021 Nomination Guide

Page created by Amanda Coleman
IDC Digital Transformation Awards is now - 2021 Nomination Guide
The next horizon of Digital Transformation is here

IDC Digital Transformation Awards is now

            2021 Nomination Guide

IDC Digital Transformation Awards is now - 2021 Nomination Guide
What is the
                                                                           Future Enterprise?
                                                                           The pandemic has left the region (and
                                                                           the rest of the world) in a state of flux.
                                                                           While it underscored the strategic role
                                                                           of digital transformation (DX) in
                                                                           determining which organizations will
                                                                           survive the shift to the digital era, it
                                                                           has also highlighted that what we’ve
                                                                           come to know as DX over the past few
                                                                           years will no longer hold.

In a changed world moving toward the Next Normal, digital transformation itself is changing,
bringing in a new chapter where organizations and their CEOs are reprioritizing their agendas. The
challenge is clear. Winning in the Next Normal means focusing on addressing new customer
requirements, developing new capabilities, and building digital infrastructures that support resilient
operations and pervasive experiences in the new digital economy.

Having pioneered the annual search for Asia/Pacific’s top digital transformation players in 2017, the
IDC Digital Transformation Awards must likewise evolve to better capture the changing face of
innovation and digital leadership in the next normal as we expand the program worldwide.

This year, IDC will bring the IDC Digital Transformation Awards to the next level by redefining DX,
aligning its categories and selection criteria to reflect how organizations will successfully bring their
businesses into the Future.

The Future Enterprise is IDC's vision for how organizations must organize and invest to participate
in increasingly digitally-centric markets.

For more information, visit or email us at                                     2
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
IDC Digital Transformation Awards is now - 2021 Nomination Guide
The Future Enterprise: Mastering Digital
      Transformation through the Future of X

IDC’s vision for the Future Enterprise is a framework for fostering a digitally-native culture, one that
enables new synergies in ecosystems, generates revenue from empathy at scale, and demonstrates an
ability to adapt operating models to complex customer requirements—all of which are enabled by an
intelligent, empowered, and agile workforce.

Featuring CEOs’ nine new digital agenda items — pivotal characteristics of the Future Enterprise —
these are the new benchmarks for what it takes to lead in the next normal, and how organizations
must define their X-factor in the new digital economy.

2021 as the pre- and post-COVID-19 vaccine year will see major and permanent changes to
organizations. It is the year where key digital transformation steps will shape organizations into the
future. We look forward to recognizing the world’s best in class in each of the Future Enterprise’s
digital agendas.

For more information, visit or email us at                    3
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
IDC Digital Transformation Awards is now - 2021 Nomination Guide
Why Nominate?
Over the last four years, IDC has received close to 3,400 nominations across the region - a testament
to how the Asia/Pacific’s digital agenda is growing, and how the face of DX as we know it is likewise
evolving. So why should you join IDC Future Enterprise Awards?

  For Technology Partners/Vendors:                                  For End Users:
  • Be recognized for your contributions in                         • Enjoy customer loyalty and preference for
    enabling your customer to transform                               being a disruptive company that utilizes
    into a Future Enterprise with the help                            technologies to serve its customers best
    of your products/services                                       • Build more stakeholder confidence in
  • Get an instant case study of how others                           your digitalization initiatives to be able to
    can utilize your products/services to                             fund more projects
    succeed in their respective                                     • Get recognition for being one of your
    digitalization efforts                                            country’s digital trailblazers to tread the
                                                                      path towards becoming a Future

                             What’s In It For You?
 It’s not just about being the best, it’s getting access to tools that will help your organization keep
 getting better. That’s what’s in store for regional winners of this awards campaign. Because apart
 from region-wide (and now global) recognition, the winners named in the regional finals of this
 year’s IDC Future Enterprise Awards will also win the following:

    • A complimentary three-month subscription to IDC’s IT Executive Program, unlocking access to
      research documents, advisory, planning guides, and benchmarks that will equip organizations
      to assess their current progress and inch closer to their Future Enterprise aspirations.
    • Four inquiry hours with our digital transformation research leads for the region, which can be
      utilized for custom advisory, direct consulting, roadmapping, and more.

 Ultimately, should you win this year, you will be the inaugural winners for the recalibrated
 awards, making your organization the standard for innovation by aspiring Future Enterprises.

For more information, visit or email us at                                   4
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Awards Categories
On its 5th year, the IDC Digital Transformation Awards is redefining DX—taking on a new form as IDC
Future Enterprise Awards to reflect a changed world. Digital transformation itself is changing, bringing in
a new chapter where organizations and their CEOs are reprioritizing their agendas. This year's categories
and criteria represent the accelerated paced of Asia/Pacific's organizations, working towards bringing their
businesses into the Future.

                     Best in Future of Connectedness
                     This award recognizes the organization that is able to rethink the way people, things,
                     processes and applications connect to enable the seamless flow of data and drive
                     business outcomes. It is a fundamental shift in the definition of strategies to create,
                     consume and collaborate around the data driven in the enterprise ecosystem. It is an
                     enterprise-wide approach that fosters human-machine collaboration, enables new skills
                     and worker experiences, and supports an intelligent and dynamic environment
                     unbounded by time or physical space.

                     Best in Future of Digital Innovation
                     This award recognizes the enterprise that best transforms itself from mere software
                     consumer into full-blown, large-scale software innovator. It is often said that every
                     company will become a software company. In the move toward producing software-
                     based products and services, a winning organization shows that its project or initiative is
                     able to augment or develop software IP (intellectual property) to create enhanced value
                     for customers or users.

                     Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure
                     This award recognizes that a large percentage of a digital enterprise's revenue depends
                     upon the responsiveness, scalability, and resiliency of the infrastructure deployed within
                     its own facilities and its ability to take advantage of third-party provided and operated
                     infrastructure resources delivered as a service.

                     Best in Future of Industry Ecosystems
                     This award recognizes an organization’s ability to generate value by its participation in a
                     new digital economy. New business models will emerge, maybe driven by new customer
                     requirements and ways of operating, that will spur the creation of innovative, digital
                     ecosystems that leverage software platforms to deliver scale and speed.

                     Best in Future of Customers and Consumers
                     This award recognizes the organization that is able to rethink and effectively transform
                     the way customer-related initiatives are done in the organization (e.g. customer
                     engagement, customer experience, customer service). The Future of Customers and
                     Consumers is characterized by the changing and shifting nature of the relationship
                     between customers and brands through a lens or prism of technology.

  For more information, visit or email us at                        5
  IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Awards Categories
                   Best in Future of Intelligence
                   This award recognizes the organization that is able to rethink the way they synthesize
                   information from raw data, learn from these insights and leverage them at scale across
                   the entire enterprise. It is a fundamental shift in the effective use of human knowledge
                   and computer-generated insights, fostering greater human-machine collaboration, and
                   supporting an intelligent and dynamic operating environment unbounded by traditional
                   knowledge or data silos.

                   Best in Future of Operations
                   This award recognizes the organization that is able to rethink the way operations is
                   managed. It is a fundamental shift in the operations model to one that fosters resilient
                   operational decision making in the context of the enterprise, and supports operational
                   strategies that are designed to support increased personalization and improved
                   customer experience rather than centrally focused on delivering efficiency above all else.
                   Operational transformation is critical for effectively scaling digital transformation

                   Best in Future of Trust
                   This award recognizes the organization that can maintain the trust amid the evolving
                   needs of its customers. The role of IT in maintaining the trust of customers and other
                   stakeholders in their enterprises has historically centered on preventing cyberattacks
                   and data breaches while helping business leaders achieve regulatory compliance. As the
                   digital transformation age unfolds, however, many are pursuing initiatives focused on
                   customer experiences and empathy at scale, enterprise and ecosystem intelligence,
                   smart and autonomous devices, and other efforts that introduce new trust threats,
                   challenges, and opportunities.

                   Best in Future of Work
                   This award recognizes the organization that is able to rethink the way works get done. It
                   is a fundamental shift in the work model to one that fosters human-machine
                   collaboration, enables new skills and worker experiences, and supports an intelligent
                   and dynamic environment unbounded by time or physical space. Work transformation is
                   critical for effectively scaling digital transformation initiatives.

                   Special Award for Digital Resiliency
                   This award recognizes the organization which has demonstrated digital resiliency. Digital
                   Resiliency is the ability for an organization to rapidly adapt to business disruptions by
                   leveraging its digital capabilities to not only restore business operations, but also
                   capitalize on the changed conditions to ensure future success in the next normal.

For more information, visit or email us at                       6
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Awards Categories

                   CIO/CDO of the Year
                   This category seeks out a visionary CIO/CDO who has played a determining role in
                   setting his/her organization’s digitalization goals, and responsible for the execution of
                   digital transformation (DX) initiatives. Traditionally, the CIO/CDO would have the
                   authority in making key decisions such as project focus, vendor selection, budget
                   approvals, and the KPIs at which the project is measured against, among others. The
                   CIO/CDO of the Year would be the role model within their organization on how they
                   manage the continuous transition from old to new tech and experimental to
                   operational in the context of DX, how employees are equipped, and the enablement
                   and               integration               of              key              innovations.

                   CEO of the Year
                   This award recognizes the CEO who has developed a strategy to create a future
                   enterprise. This CEO's vision follows an agenda aligned with the emerging digital
                   economy, responding to new customer requirements, capabilities, critical
                   infrastructure, and industry ecosystems. This CEO is an excellent storyteller, and he or
                   she is successful in delivering this message to the rest of the organization. He or she
                   continuously stresses the need for a digital enterprise as part of overall brand and
                   strategy in response to the region's fast-growing digital economy. His or her vision
                   includes working with partners within the ecosystem to develop new products,
                   services, and experiences, built by a digitally capable workforce in a data-driven

                   Future Enterprise of the Year
                   This award recognizes the organization which is working towards becoming a Future
                   Enterprise to lead in the digital economy. A Future Enterprise is a digitally determined
                   organization where digital is achieved at a scale across its operations, innovating at a
                   pace that is in an order of magnitude greater than traditional businesses. It is driven
                   by a customer-centric and empowered workforce that embraces experimentation and
                   risk-taking as it seeks to continuously improve its products, services, and experiences.
                   Technology and data are its lifeblood, fueling more efficient operations, new revenue
                   streams, and heightened customer loyalty. To put simply, the Future Enterprise is the
                   gold standard of how organizations must organize and invest to participate in the
                   digital economy.

For more information, visit or email us at                        7
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Country and Regional Winners
Country winners will be selected from a pool of nominated organizations across Asia/Pacific based on
their local market dynamics and landscape. Winners of the country awards will automatically qualify
for the regional finals where a set of regional winners will be selected for all categories.

Failure to accept the award through IDC's events platforms will result in forfeiture of the recognition.
IDC may also invite winners to participate in IDC thought leadership platforms (including but not
limited to IDC webinars, videos, digital series, panel discussions, round tables, etc.) throughout 2021.

                                   Judging and Criteria
The IDC Future Enterprise Awards follows a two-phased approach to determine country and regional
winners. Each nomination is evaluated by IDC’s country and regional analysts against a standard
assessment framework based on IDC’s Future Enterprise taxonomy. All country winners will then
qualify for the regional competition, where a regional panel of judges comprised of IDC worldwide
analysts, industry thought leaders, and members of the academia will determine the regional winners.

Any end-user organization can nominate their project or initiative, or be nominated by a 3rd party
organization (e.g. agencies, associations, IT suppliers, etc.) to gain recognition in the execution of the
initiative across the Future Enterprise Awards categories.

Participating countries include: Australia and New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand.

A nomination will only be considered valid when the following criteria are met:
    • The nominee must be a tech buyer organization. Nominations made by 3rd parties must
       include the relevant contact details of the nominated organization so the assessment can be
    • The organization should have a physical office presence in the country where the nomination
       is submitted.
    • The nominee’s project owner acknowledges and agrees to participate in the IDC Future
       Enterprise Awards.
    • The nominated project or initiative should have gone live and be at execution stage, or
       should have been initiated between January 2019 to present date.
    • Projects or initiatives previously nominated in the past IDC DX Awards will not be eligible.
    • Incremental changes or improvements to previous nominations will also not be eligible.

For more information, visit or email us at                          8
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Judging and Criteria
The process and criteria used to assess all nominations will be consistent across all
participating countries and the regional competition. The judges will assess the nomination on
the key areas found within the nomination form.

Best in Future of X Categories                                                                     Weight
Digital Transformation & Future of X Strategy                                                       20%
Key Challenges & Solutions                                                                          25%
Benefits & Improvements                                                                             20%
Areas Transformed                                                                                   25%
Additional Information                                                                              10%
Total                                                                                              100%

Special Reward for Digital Resiliency                                                              Weight
Digital Transformation & Resiliency                                                                 20%
Business Response & Recovery                                                                        25%
Return to Growth and Future Plans                                                                   20%
Areas Transformed                                                                                   25%
Additional Information                                                                              10%
Total                                                                                              100%

CEO and CIO/CDO of the Year                                                                        Weight
Digital Transformation Strategy                                                                     30%
CEO/CIO/CDO Agenda                                                                                  20%
CEO/CIO/CDO Vision and Strategy                                                                     20%
Areas Transformed                                                                                   15%
Additional Information                                                                              15%
Total                                                                                              100%

Future Enterprise of the Year                                                                      Weight
Future Enterprise Strategy                                                                          30%
Key Challenges & Solutions                                                                          20%
Benefits & Improvements                                                                             20%
Areas Transformed                                                                                   10%
Future Plans                                                                                        15%
Additional Information                                                                               5%
Total                                                                                              100%

For more information, visit or email us at                         9
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Dates to Remember
We will have two nomination deadlines for the IDC Future Enterprise Awards.

1. May 31, 2021. Nominations are due on this day for the following categories:
     • Best in Future of Connectedness
     • Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure
     • Best in Future of Digital Innovation
     • Best in Future of Industry Ecosystems

Winners for these categories will get their own features at the upcoming IDC Originals series on IDC

2. June 30, 2021. Nominations are due on this day for the following categories:
      • Best in Future of Customers and Consumers
      • Best in Future of Intelligence
      • Best in Future of Operations
      • Best in Future of Trust
      • Best in Future of Work
      • Special Award for Digital Resiliency
      • CIO/CDO of the Year
      • CEO of the Year
      • Future Enterprise of the Year

Winners for these categories will be announced at the upcoming IDC Digital Transformation Summits.

For local information on nominations and the events in which the winners will be announced, you
may get in touch with the local leads for the IDC Future Enterprise Awards.

               Australia and New Zealand             Rebecca Baily                  Divya Padavarat
                                           China     Sylvia Li
                                   Hong Kong         Mandy Tsui
                                            India    Priya Singh                    Shabi Hussain
                                     Indonesia       Gina Idonea
                                           Korea     Yoona Jung                     Steffi Han
                                       Malaysia      Duncan Tan
                                    Philippines      Jessica Caspillan              Angela Medez
                                     Singapore       Dylan Yap                      Jeff Xie
                                         Taiwan      Angel Wu
                                       Thailand      Anchalee Sudechawongsakul

For more information, visit or email us at                     10
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Hear from our past winners
    The DX Awards and Summit is a very valuable and inspiring event to every company in the community. It not
    only provides a platform for companies to express appreciation to their staff for executing a high standard of
    achievement in relevant areas, but it also serves as a platform for other companies to learn from each other,
    and contribute as a positive force in accelerating respective technology advancements and operations
    transformation during the course of their own business journeys. Best practices extracted from industry peers
    further encourage the quick learning curve in adopting upcoming technology and new processes for the
    industry and the community.
                                               McDonalds, Hong Kong

    We are very excited that IDC has an annual DX Awards, which is an excellent program to identify
    organizations who are leading in transforming their business in a disruptive way. We feel very honored and
    proud that we were able to participate and awarded not just one, but two awards. It was amazing to know that
    many organizations introduced digital and analytics transformation projects and received recognition from
    IDC, so they can learn from each other. We hope last year’s event will inspire more organizations to participate
    in the DX Awards to demonstrate that digital transformation is a must, and IDC is contributing
    in making this happen in this region.
                                                   OVO, Indonesia

             정부 조직에서 기술, 프로세스, 조직 등의 종합적인 면에서 Digital Transformation 을 꾸준히
             진행하여 성과를 만들어 낸 것이 인정을 받아 상을 수상하게 되어 무척 기쁩니다. IDC 의 DX
          Leader 상은 저에게 단순한 상의 의미를 넘어섭니다. IDC 에서 추구하는 Digital Transformation 의
          전략들과 방향이 저희 조직이 추구하고 있는 것과 일맥상통하다는 점을 인정 받았다는 면에서 큰
           추진동력을 얻을 수 있었고, 앞으로 더 가야 할 DX 여정에 큰 힘을 얻게 된 소중한 상입니다. IDC
                            의 발전과 더 많은 사례 발굴을 기대합니다
                                    National Information Resources Service, Korea

        了很多的成就,其中就包括欧拉债券风 控系统这样的里程碑式的成就,我们也会带着欧拉新的成绩
                                                  Ping An Group, China

    Let me thank IDC for recognizing and awarding Mahinda and Mahindra as a country winner in the category of
    Special Award for Resiliency. Our resiliency is derived from Mahinda's core mantra - accepting no limit,
    alternate thinking, and driving positive change. In this lockdown and pandemic situation, we had to overcome
    numerous challenges. We had employed technologies to address these challenges. The recognition from IDC
    reaffirms our ability to recover quickly from difficult and tough times.

                                             Mahindra and Mahindra, India

For more information, visit or email us at                                    11
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Hear from our past winners
     The IDC DX Awards is truly a prestigious award for our institution since the search cuts across all industries.
     It is quite humbling that our efforts are recognized by IDC, an organization globally known for its research
     and analysis. The award itself is an inspiration to continue to do more and do it better.

                                    Asian Hospital and Medical Center, Philippines

     AirAsia has won a lot of awards which is really cool, but this is special. We’re trying to be more than an
     airline and be a digital company. And prove that an old-fashioned corporation can be a digital company
     and can be as cool as all those unicorns. Watch out unicorns, old ponies coming!

                                                     AirAsia, Malaysia

     Technology is one of our key enablers for business in the future, and the recognition that we’re getting today
     through IDC means a lot to us because our teams have been working hard. We consider technology as a
     core of our business. We are technology-driven, but people-led. So, receiving this recognition is an
     achievement because in many different areas, we are trying, we are piloting, we are putting a proof of
     concept with different types of technologies.

                                                    SATS, Singapore

     We’d like to thank IDC for being nominated in the omni-experience innovator category. At Domino’s, we
     have a motto that we are always hungry to be better and our customers are always at the core of those
     experiences. We’re always trying to push the boundary, therefore what we can achieve in terms of early
     adoption of new technology. We are, once again, very excited to be here today.

                                                    Domino's, Australia

     We are honored and it gave us an enormous boost to confirm that we have been on the right track. I’m
     sure that the organization will keep innovating and reinventing itself through digital transformation in an
     environment that becomes more challenging every day. For us, innovation is survival. We have been under
     many challenges and disruptions over the years, but with hard work, we are here today with more
     confidence that we can get through these difficulties through technology. With digital transformation, we
     have transitioned from being a media and entertainment company to becoming a full-fledged commerce

                                         RS Public Company Limited, Thailand

For more information, visit or email us at                                    12
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
2020 Regional Winners
                                 UnionBank of the Philippines                                                Piramal Glass
                                 Digital Trailblazer                                                         Digital Transformer
                                 DX CEO

                                 Ather Energy                                                                Haier Group Corporation
                                 Digital Disruptor                                                           DX Leader

                                 New Zealand Inland Revenue                                                  United Overseas Bank
                                 Information Visionary                                                       Talent Accelerator

                                  Singtel                                                                    Shinhan Bank
                                  Operating Model Master                                                     Omni-Experience Innovator

                                 Bank Danamon                                                                Open Rice Limited
                                 DX Gamechanger                                                              DX CEO

                                                                 National Health Insurance Administration,
                                                                 Ministry of Health and Welfare
                                                                 Special Award for Resiliency

                         2019 Regional Winners
                                 SATS                                                                        AirAsia
                                 Omni-Experience Innovator                                                   Digital Transformer
                                 Digital Trailblzer

                                 Coda Payments                                                               GOJEK Indonesia
                                 Digital Disruptor                                                           Digital Disruptor

                                 King Mongkut’s Institute of
                                                                                                             Kyobo Life Insurance
                                 Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL)
                                                                                                             Information Visionary
                                 DX Leader

                                  P&G Asia Pacific, Middle                                                   Shinhan Bank
                                  East & Africa                                                              Information Visionary
                                  Information Visionary

                                 Zuellig Pharma                                                              Citi
                                 Information Visionary                                                       Talent Accelerator

                                  Hong Kong Disneyland                                                       China Construction Bank
                                  Talent Accelerator                                                         Omni-Experience Innovator

                                 Domino’s Pizza                                                              L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering
                                 Omni-Experience Innovator                                                   Operating Model Master

For more information, visit or email us at                                                        13
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
2018 Regional Winners
                                 OVO                                                          Mitr Phol Group
                                 Digital Trailblazer                                          Digital Transformer
                                 Digital Disruptor

                                 South China Morning Post                                     WeDoctor
                                 Digital Transformer                                          Digital Disruptor

                                 KPJ Healthcare Berhad                                        Baheal Pharmaceutical Group
                                 DX Leader                                                    DX Leader

                                 National Information                                         PhilhealthCare, Inc.
                                 Resources Service                                            Omni-Experience Innovator
                                 DX Leader

                                 United Overseas Bank                                         TutorABC
                                 Information Visionary                                        Information Visionary

                                 Gammon Construction                                          Hyundai Motor Group
                                 Operating Model Master                                       Operating Model Master

                                                                  Lane Crawford
                                                                  Talent Accelerator

                        2017 Regional Winners
                                 Changi Airport Group                                         Chunyu Doctor
                                 Digital Trailblazer                                          Digital Disruptor
                                 Digital Transformer

                                 MTR Corporation                                              Urban Redevelopment
                                 Digital Transformer                                          Authority
                                                                                              Talent Accelerator

                                 DBS Bank                                                     HDFC Bank
                                 DX Leader                                                    Omni-Experience Innovator

                                 National Information                                         PhilhealthCare, Inc.
                                 Resources Service                                            Omni-Experience Innovator
                                 DX Leader

                                 Jardine Restaurant Group                                     Taishin Bank
                                 Information Visionary                                        Information Visionary

                                 M Social Singapore                                           Postal Savings Bank of China
                                 Operating Model Master                                       Operating Model Master

For more information, visit or email us at                                          14
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is the deadline for nominations?
A: We have two nomination deadlines for the IDC Future Enterprise Awards.
      • May 31, 2021: Best in Future of Connectedness, Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure, Best in
        Future of Digital Innovation, Best in Future of Industry Ecosystems
      • June 30, 2021: Future Enterprise of the Year, CEO of the Year, CIO/CDO of the Year, Special
        Award for Digital Resiliency, Best in Future of Customers and Consumers, Best in Future of
        Intelligence, Best in Future of Operations, Best in Future of Work, Best in Future of Trust

You can enter your nominations at

Q: Why do Best in Future of Connectedness, Best in Future of Digital Innovation, Best in Future of
Digital Infrastructure, and Best in Future of Industry Ecosystems have earlier deadlines?
A: Finalists from the categories of Best in Future of Connectedness, Best in Future of Digital Innovation,
Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure, and Best in Future of Industry Ecosystems will be featured in IDC
Originals, which will be launched in June 2021. For more information, check out the IDC Originals page.

Q: Which countries can participate in the IDC Future Enterprise Awards?
A: Organizations from the following countries can participate in the Future Enterprise Awards: Australia
and New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,
and Thailand. However, our program is going global. Stay tuned for more updates!

Q: Is there a participation fee for the IDC Future Enterprise Awards?
A: No. There is no participation fee or additional marketing costs for the Future Enterprise Awards.
However, failure to accept the award through IDC's events platforms will result in forfeiture of the
recognition. Winning organizations will be given complimentary passes to attend the awarding
ceremony. IDC may also invite winners to participate in IDC thought leadership platforms (including but
not limited to IDC webinars, videos, digital series, panel discussions, round tables, etc.) throughout 2021.

Q: Why are you changing from IDC DX Awards to IDC Future Enterprise Awards?
A: We are evolving into the Future Enterprise Awards to reflect a changed world moving toward the Next
Normal wherein digital transformation itself is changing, bringing in a new chapter where organizations
and their CEOs are reprioritizing their agendas.

  For more information, visit or email us at                      15
  IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I'm a tech vendor. Can I nominate my projects?
A: Vendors can nominate on behalf on their clients. IDC will recognize your client/end user as the
nominated organization. You must also provide confirmation from your client that they wish to
participate in the IDC Future Enterprise Awards.

Q: How do I submit my nomination?
A: You can submit your nomination through our website,, or you may visit this
link directly:

Q: I plan to sponsor the DX Summit and nominate my clients. Will this affect my clients' chances
in winning an award?
A: IDC values integrity and follows an objective assessment process in evaluating the nominations.
Vendor sponsorships bear no impact on a client's/end user's entry in the Future Enterprise Awards.

Q: How do I submit my application?
A: You can submit your nomination through our website,, or you may visit this
link directly:

Q: I want to nominate a project that is rolled out across the region. Can I make multiple
A: Yes. You can make multiple nominations provided the following conditions are met:
      • A nomination is submitted for each country where the project is live and in execution.
      • There is a physical office presence for the nominee in the country.
      • Each nomination is acknowledged by the country's project manager in charge.
      • Each nomination will be judged against other nominations at the country level.
      • The project was not nominated in previous IDC DX Awards.
      • The project is not an incremental improvement/change to any nomination for previous IDC DX

Q: Can I nominate the same project for multiple categories?
A: Yes, the same project can be used for nomination purposes. However, modifications should be made
so that it would meet the specific criteria of each category. To learn more about each category, check
out the Future Enterprise Categories page.

Q: I have supporting documents for my nominations. How do I send those across?
A: You can attach them to your submission through our online nomination platform at, or send it to our official email:

 For more information, visit or email us at                 16
 IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What will regional winners be entitled to?
A: Regional winners will receive a three-month complimentary subscription to IT Executive Program, on
top of four consultation hours with our regional DX analyst, ensuring that they have all the advisory
resources they need to further advance their respective digital transformation journeys.

Q: What is IDC Originals?
A: IDC Originals is a game-changing web series which will soon be available on IDC Arena! Each series
will feature a specific Future of X topic. It will feature finalists from the categories of:
       • Best in Future of Connectedness
       • Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure
       • Best in Future of Digital Innovation
       • Best in Future of Industry Ecosystems

IDC Originals will be launched in Q3 2021. Contact Adam Tan from IDC’s Asia/Pacific Events team for
more details.

Q: What will happen during the DX Summit?
A: The IDC DX Summit will contain thought leadership sessions featuring experts across Asia/Pacific. The
event will be hosted on IDC Arena – our virtual events platform built for maximum engagement. To learn
more about this unique, intuitive, and data-driven video broadcasting hub, you can check out the IDC
Arena page. We will also award our IDC Future Enterprise Awards winners.

Q: I would like to gain more information about the Future Enterprise Awards, IDC Originals, and
DX Summit. Where can I access this or who should I reach out to?
A: You can reach out to Celeste Narvaez, IDC Senior Program Manager at for IDC
Future Enterprise Awards-related questions or Adam Tan at for IDC Originals and DX
Summit-related queries.

 For more information, visit or email us at                    17
 IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
Contact Information

                                               PAULA JALOSJOS                           CELESTE NARVAEZ
 IDC Future
 Enterprise                                     Senior Marketing                      Senior Program Manager
   Awards                                   Communications Manager                        IDC Asia/Pacific
                                                 IDC Asia/Pacific              

IDC Originals                                                           ADAM TAN
 and IDC DX                                                         AVP, Head of Events
   Summit                                                             IDC Asia/Pacific
                                                                      +65 6829 7711

                                                    TESSA RAGO                             ALVIN AFUANG

     Media                                   AVP – Sales and Marketing                   Senior Corporate
                                                  IDC Asia/Pacific                    Communications Manager
     Inquiries                                                     IDC Asia/Pacific
                                                  +65 6829 7522                
                                                                                          +632 8862 9721

For more information, visit or email us at                            18
IDC Asia/Pacific I 38th Floor Fuji Xerox Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore 079907 I +65 6226 0330
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