Identifying flexibility options 3 2 - WindNODE

Page created by Randy Norman
Identifying flexibility options 3 2 - WindNODE
Best practice manual

Identifying flexibility options

1   How to make   2   Why flexibility   3 How to find flex-
    money from        is important         ibility in the ter-
    flexibility       and how to           tiary sector, indus-
    Page 6            evaluate it          try, mobility and
                      Page 14              neighbourhoods
                                           Page 22
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                           2


Executive summary			                                                                         3
Editorial		                                                                                  5
Flexibility in the electricity system                                                        7
What to consider when increasing
system flexibility		                                                                        15
Clustering of flexible systems                                                              19
Best practices                                                                              23
   Tertiary sector (trade, commerce and services)
   Use of flexibility in a Schwarz Group-owned prototype store (Lidl/Kaufland)			           25
   1. Intelligent industrial load management in Berlin at Siemens                           31
   2. The ZIEL system developed by Fraunhofer IWU in cooperation with Deckel Maho Seebach   37
   Intelligent vehicle charging at Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR)                            41
   Intelligent energy management in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin                                 47
Toolkit for identifying flexibility:
checklist for flexible loads		                                                              53
Communicating about flexibility                                                             55
Outlook		                                                                                   57
Abbreviations and acronyms                                                                  59
References                                                                                  60
Publication details                                                                         61
3                                                           Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

Executive summary

One of the main goals of the             providers – in the identification and     • In the industrial sector, Siemens
WindNODE project is to develop           practical use of flexibility potential      used modern measuring devices
innovative ways to accommodate           in their business environment. The          and an energy management
fluctuating electricity generation and   experience that WindNODE partners           system to record and categorise
demand. Working in various coordi-       have gained in specific real-world          industrial processes. This demon-
nation committees, project partners      applications can serve as a resource        strated that it is possible to deploy
reviewed the many valuable contri-       for future flexibility providers in         flexibility options in accordance
butions of individual subprojects and    various branches and industries.            with various optimisation goals,
compiled a manual of best practices                                                  such as the maximum integration
that can be used as a blueprint for      Some highlights from our work at            of renewable energy or compliance
applications outside WindNODE.           WindNODE:                                   with limits on electricity withdraw-
Two of these coordination commit-        • At two branches of the Schwarz            als and peak load time windows.
tees examined the overarching issue        Group-owned supermarkets                  Marketing has already been carried
of flexibility from different angles.      Lidl and Kaufland, tests were             out on a test basis via the Wind-
Work by the Identifying Flexibilities      performed to evaluate the potential       NODE flexibility platform.
committee culminated in the manual         for a battery storage system to         • The Fraunhofer Institute for Ma-
you now hold in your hands, which          relieve the grid by storing energy        chine Tools and Forming Technolo-
provides guidance on the identifi-         during times of peak production. A        gy (IWU) collaborated with Deckel
cation and use of flexibility options.     decentralised energy management           Maho Seebach to develop the
In early 2021, a second coordination       system in these showcase stores           'ZIEL' system for intelligent energy
committee – Flexibility, Market and        could be used to control electricity      and load management. The system
Regulation – published a report            consumers – particularly cooling          shifts the timing of energy-intensive
broadening this perspective: rather        units – and thus respond to energy        production orders depending on
than examining specific flexibility        requirements by increasing or de-         energy price and actively controls
options in individual companies, it        creasing output. In 2019, the battery     decentralised energy infrastructure
considers the available marketing          storage system at the Lidl branch         in factories. This allows manu-
options and their regulatory frame-        in the district of Berlin-Schöneberg      facturing companies to design
work in the WindNODE region                was connected to day-ahead                future-proof production methods
and beyond.                                and intraday markets, allowing it         with the flexibility to respond to
                                           to participate in fully automated         changing energy needs.
 'Best practice manual: identifying        marketing. The storage system also      • In the mobility sector, Berliner
flexibility options' provides acces-       successfully provided flexibility         Stadtreinigung (BSR) updated the
sible information to assist readers        in the test run of the WindNODE           energy software developed by
– especially prospective flexibility       flexibility platform.                     WindNODE partner ÖKOTEC.
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                             4

  BSR used the software to analyse         incentives to utilise these options
  the potential for flexibility opti-      in practice. In the next phase of the
  misation in its fleet and create a       energy transition, the main political
  prototype integrating this potential     and regulatory challenge will be
  into regular operation. This made        to reconcile profitable marketing
  it possible to reduce grid fees and      options and suitable rules for
  identify three flexibility options:      flexibility in the energy system with
  supply optimisation on the elec-         the available supply and existing
  tricity market, on-site dynamic          demand. This manual can help
  load management and use of the           readers optimise the integration
  50Hertz flexibility platform.            and use of renewable electricity
• In a Berlin neighbourhood equipped       in a range of environments – from
  with smart building technology,          residential neighbourhoods to
  the Borderstep Institute coop-           factories – and adapt demand to
  erated with partners to test the         the availability of local renewable
  market-oriented and grid-friendly        energy. In this sense, 'Best practice
  control of a combined heat and           manual: identifying flexibility
  power (CHP) plant and power-to-          options' provides an important
  heat (PtH) elements. The building        roadmap for the journey to an
  stock and local heating grid and         intelligent energy system.
  heating network were used as ther-
  mal storage. Flexibility created in
  this process can be made available
  via the 50Hertz flexibility platform
  or on the energy market as a virtual
  power plant. This best practice
  manual elaborates on the exam-
  ples listed above. It also provides a
  checklist for identifying flexibility,
  which allows users to compare
  available flexibility options based
  on simple, readily identifiable
  evaluation criteria. But flexibility
  providers will still need adequate
5                                                                                 Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

WindNODE is charting a path                              In the context of the energy system,                     offers guidance on evaluating and
towards a future in which renew-                         the concept of flexibility has a fairly                  marketing flexibility options in
able energy meet almost all of our                       straightforward definition. It refers                    the existing legal and regulatory
electricity needs. Current estimates                     to the ability of elements in this                       framework. It supplements these
indicate that Germany derives                            system to accommodate fluctua-                           recommendations by looking ahead
more than 40% of its electrical                          tions in electricity generation and                      to the marketing opportunities for
energy from renewable energy                             consumption by adjusting output                          flexibility that may emerge in the
sources, primarily the wind and                          in response to an external signal.                       near future.
sun.1 That's more than the most                          By utilising flexibility, a factory can
optimistic among us would have                           shift a portion of its production to                     We believe that the issue of flex-
dared to hope just a few years ago.                      coincide with the movement of                            ibility must be examined in terms
This figure is calculated as a yearly                    strong winds across the country. A                       of its potential environmental and
average because of natural fluctua-                      supermarket can tap flexibility po-                      economic implications –
tions in the supply of wind and solar                    tential to heat and cool its facility                    a perspective that, we realise,
energy. On windless nights, there is                     ‘in advance’, using the mass of the                      diverges from the more sober,
very little renewable electricity, but                   building itself as thermal storage.                      business-oriented standpoint on the
on sunny, gusty days, wind and solar                                                                              subject. The distance between these
power plants in some regions can                         In the WindNODE project, we have                         perspectives can be explained in
generate many times the amount of                        systematically identified flexibility                    part by the absence of effective,
electricity required. The risk of over-                  on the user (i.e. consumption) side in                   technology-neutral incentives for
loading the power grids can then                         companies from various segments                          companies to market flexibility in
be so severe that renewable energy                       of the economy: the tertiary sector                      ways that stabilise the system by
generation must be curtailed.                            (trade, commerce and services),                          relieving the burden on the grid.
                                                         industry, mobility, and household                        In the coming years, decision-
The volatility of green electricity                      and neighbourhood management.                            makers will face a major challenge:
generation points to the most chal-                      This best practice manual highlights                     how to design framework conditions
lenging aspect of further renewable                      some of these examples. Our goal is                      that harmonise these perspectives
energy expansion: system integra-                        to demonstrate that an oversupply                        while maximising benefits. The task
tion. We must develop the tools to                       of renewable electricity can be                          ahead, in other words, is to develop
ensure that the energy system can                        utilised in intelligent ways.                            economically feasible methods to
supply the right amount of electrical                                                                             meet energy system needs.
energy in the right place at the                         But this manual doesn't just present
right time. As a general principle,                      successful case studies. It also                         We hope that you will join us in this
even systems with the capacity to                        introduces key concepts and pro-                         effort – as innovators in the identi-
generate large amounts of renew-                         vides tools to help readers answer                       fication of flexibility and as allies in
able energy must guarantee the                           basic questions about flexibility.                       the regulatory debate for successful
balance between electrical energy                        The examples featured in the main                        system integration. Above all,
generation and consumption at all                        sections of this manual outline the                      however, we hope you enjoy reading
times. Grid expansion and upgrades                       most important factors for readers                       this guide.
play a pivotal role in maintaining                       to consider when identifying
this equilibrium, but they are by no                     flexibility. They also provide con-                      The Authors
means the only significant factor.                       crete resources, including checklists                    Berlin, July 2020
Flexibility options, in particular, are                  and recommendations for internal
becoming an increasingly important                       communication, to assist in this
part of this process.                                    process. In addition, this manual

1 At the time of publication, no reliable estimates were available for the share of renewable energy in Germany’s gross electricity consumption in 2019. Based on the
  figures for the first three quarters of 2019, the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) and the German Association of Energy
  and Water Industries (BDEW) estimate the share at roughly 43% (BDEW, ZSW 2019). For more information, see
  erneuerbare-decken-fast-43-prozent-des-stromverbrauchs/ (in German).
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                        6

Applications and marketing opportunities for
flexibility in the electricity system

   Types of generation and
     load-side flexibility                     Marketing              Purpose

                                              Established             Market

                                                                 Over-the-counter (OTC)

           Generation from
          renewable energy

          Storage system +

                                              May be developed
                                              in the future

              Mobility                                           Grid congestion management
                                                                 Voltage stability
                                                                 Reactive power



                                              Established             System

                                                                 Frequency stability
                                                                 (reactive power or
                                                                 balancing energy)
           Tertiary sector
7                                                         Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

Flexibility in the
electricity system

                   The following pages introduce basic concepts related to
                   flexibility, beginning with a definition of the term. Individual
                   sections then describe specific applications of flexibility
                   in the electricity market, ancillary services and grid
                   congestion management.

What is flexibility?                   photovoltaics (PV), is an essential        internal discussion process. This
                                       step in decarbonising the energy           definition guided our analysis of
In order to guarantee an affordable    system. Natural fluctuations in the        project findings.
and accessible energy supply,          supply of these energy sources
systems must have the flexibility to   demand greater flexibility in the          ‘“Flexibility" refers to the ability of
adjust their electricity production    electricity system. Flexibility options    elements in the energy system to
or demand. Why is flexibility so       are necessary to achieve each of           accommodate fluctuations in elec-
important? For one thing, it can re-   the energy industry's three goals          tricity generation and consumption
store the required balance between     for the energy supply: affordability,      by adjusting capacity in response
production and consumption in the      security and environmental sus-            to an external signal. Elements that
event of short-term disruptions. It    tainability. For all of these reasons,     provide these abilities are referred
can also help relieve the load on      flexibility is a key component of the      to as “flexibility options". Wholesale
critical grid resources to maintain    energy system.                             markets (day-ahead, intraday)
the transmission of electricity. In                                               and measures to eliminate grid
the long term, flexibility will play   No universal definition of 'flexibility'   congestion can create demand for
a crucial role in achieving climate    has emerged from the debate on             flexibility. Flexibility can also be
change targets. That's because         the future of the energy industry.         requested on the balancing markets
expanding renewable energy,            WindNODE participants developed            or for the provision of additional
especially from wind power and         the following definition in an             ancillary services. The technical
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                                                                                                8

                                                                                                Fabian Stein
potential of a flexibility option in the
                                                                                                formerly of Green Cycle
energy system can be quantified by
                                                                                                Umweltmanagement GmbH
determining the following minimum
parameters:                                                                     As part of the WindNODE project, the
• the value range of the change                                                 Schwarz Group is offering its battery
  in capacity (positive/negative),                                              storage system on the spot market. Its
• the duration of the change                                                    252-kWH/100-kW battery is available as
  in capacity and                                                               a flexibility option on the day-ahead
• the lead time before the change                                               and intraday markets. Day-ahead fore-
  in capacity.                                                                  casts are used to develop plans for
The technical flexibility potential                        battery deployment, and over the following days, the output
of the energy system is based                              is regulated in accordance with these plans. This makes
on supply and demand. When                                 it possible to use the battery at the precise times when
calculating the economic flexibility                       prices on the day-ahead market are low or even negative,
potential, it is important to consider                     which reflects an oversupply of renewable energy. Energy can
the costs and benefits achieved                            be stored in the battery until it is used at a later time.
by providing flexibility within the                        When spot market prices are high, the battery is discharged,
existing regulatory framework.’2                           which means that the retail store draws less power from the
                                                           grid. This process has been in use since the
As this definition indicates, flexibility                  beginning of 2019 and has proved to be very
in the electricity system has multiple                     reliable, as trading on the day-ahead market
applications. It can be deployed to                        is fully automated.
compensate for short-term changes
in residual load on the wholesale
markets, to provide ancillary services                     purchased within the balance group                      required in the electricity system. In
and to eliminate grid congestion.                          must correspond to the total amount                     the German market area, short-term
The processes and measures                                 consumed and sold. The market                           trading is initially conducted in the
necessary to manage these appli-                           participant tasked with managing                        day-ahead auction on the European
cations – some of which proceed in                         imbalances in each group – called                       Power Exchange, EPEX SPOT SE.
parallel – are explained in greater                        the balance responsible party (BRP)                     Bids for amounts of electricity can
detail in the following sections.                          – must submit a schedule in ad-                         be submitted on an hourly basis until
                                                           vance for every quarter-hour billing                    noon on the day before delivery.
Flexibility in the                                         interval. This schedule provides infor-
electricity market                                         mation on the amount of electricity                     Electricity providers use information
                                                           generated and consumed, as well                         about awarded bids to develop a
The primary objective of electricity                       as the amount purchased and sold                        plan for the dispatch of electricity
markets is to balance generation and                       to the relevant transmission system                     from their power plants. They must
consumption in the overall system at                       operator (TSO). The TSO serves as the                   submit a timetable communicating
all times. This is necessary in order to                   balance group manager (BGM) and                         these plans to the responsible TSO
maintain supply services. Supply and                       is responsible for transmitting energy                  by 2.30 p.m. Deviations from the
demand are aggregated for a given                          through the grid.                                       day-ahead forecast can be offset
time period to preserve equilibrium.                                                                               later on the intraday market. Like
Resources are then deployed as                             Electricity can be traded in various                    the day-ahead market, the intraday
cost-effectively as possible to align                      ways. Individual parties can create a                   auction makes it possible to trade
the supply with the demand.                                bilateral contract called an over-                      products at quarter-hour intervals,
                                                           the-counter (OTC) transaction. An-                      with bids accepted until 3.00 p.m. on
Regardless of the specific type of                         other possible approach is trading on                   the day before delivery. Schedules
marketing or service, actors must                          an electricity exchange. Long-term                      for each balance group can then
be assigned to a balance group                             trading is conducted on the futures                     be prepared in 15-minute blocks
to participate in the market. Each                         market; short-term trading is carried                   to maintain the balance between
balance group must restore balance                         out on the spot market. Due to the                      supply and demand.
in the best possible way within 15                         higher temporal resolution of its
minutes. This means that the total                         pricing model, the spot market is an                    Actual delivery occurs 9–36 hours
amount of electricity generated and                        indicator of the amount of flexibility                  after the two auctions. (The precise

    Cf. WindNODE (Ed.): Marktdesign, Regulierung und Gesamteffizienz von Flexibilität im Stromsystem – Bestandsaufnahme und Herausforderungen (April 2019), p. 12f.
    Available online at
    it%C3%A4t_im_Stromsystem.pdf (in German).
9                                                                        Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

timing depends on the auction                     – on both the supply and demand                    it must be economically feasible to
and the traded product.) During                   side. When supply is matched with                  adjust production or consumption
this period, market participants                  demand on the hourly day-ahead                     – even if only for a period of several
receive updated forecasts of load                 market, flexibility can maintain the               hours – despite the start-up and
and feed-in from renewable energy                 balance between the ‘non-shiftable’                shut-down costs or the expenses
sources, and power plant outages                  portion of the load on the one                     incurred from a shift in demand.
may occur. Continuous intraday                    hand, and the supply available
trading can compensate for the re-                from fluctuating renewable energy                  If real-time output deviates from
sulting deviations. In contrast to the            sources and must-run power plants                  day-ahead forecasts, the discrep-
auctions described above, tenders                 on the other. High market prices                   ancy can be eliminated on the
on intraday markets are awarded                   reflect a shortage of supply, while                continuous intraday market. There
based on an order book. This means                low or even negative prices reflect a              are incentives for the BRP to do so,
that prices are not uniform for a                 surplus and encourage the provision                including its contractual obligation
certain hour or quarter-hour, but                 of flexibility. The number of hours                to adhere to the expected sched-
are calculated individually for each              with high market prices declined                   ules at all times (‘balance group
successful trade. Exchanges close                 between 2011 and 2015 but has                      loyalty’) and the need to purchase
30 minutes before the settlement                  trended upward since 2016; hours                   balancing power to compensate for
time. Bids from the same control                  with negative prices have increased                any shortages in the balance group.
area can be awarded until five                    over the entire period. Due to the
minutes before the delivery time.                 lead time of several hours, many                   The shorter window of time be-
                                                  power plants, storage facilities and               tween bidding and delivery increas-
From the market structure de-                     switchable or shiftable loads may                  es the technical requirements for a
scribed above, it's clear that flexi-             be able to offer flexibility on the                given flexibility option. Restrictions
bility is a necessary component of                day-ahead market. In order for a                   on production planning can also
both phases of short-term trading                 unit to provide flexibility, however,              preclude certain flexibility options,

                                                 FCR                                   aFRR                                    mFRR

    Activation time                          �� seconds                              � minutes                                �� minutes

                                                                                  Usually 5 MW                          Usually 5 MW
  Minimum bid size                              ± � MW
                                                                               (positive or negative)                (positive or negative)

                                         Weekly (Tuesday
     Tender period                       for the following                              Daily                                 Daily
                                            week from                            (for the next day)                    (for the next day)

     Time intervals                                                               6 time slices of                      6 time slices of
        per day                                                                    4 hours each                          4 hours each

                                                                                 Price per kW and                      Price per kW and
    Compensation                            Price per kW
                                                                                  price per kWh                         price per kWh

  Multiple marketing                               Possible, as long as technical requirements can be met
       channels                                      – even if the service is provided at the same time

Table 1: Properties of balancing power products according to 50Hertz et al. (2019b), VDN (2003), VDN (2007) and VDN (2009).
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                                                                                                     10

especially flexible consumption                                                                     Dr Severin Beucker
systems, from participating in the                                                                  Borderstep Institute
intraday market. In addition, contin-                                              Today, we can already use the modular
uous trading demands greater effort                                                generating units and storage systems in
from market participants than do                                                   residential neighbourhoods to provide
auctions. These factors reduce                                                     flexibility for balancing power on the
offers of flexibility with shorter lead                                            order of several 100 kW per neighbour-
times. As a result, prices on the                                                  hood. With intelligent energy manage-
intraday market fluctuate more                                                     ment, this power can be integrated into
dramatically than those on the                                                     buildings without requiring residents to
day-ahead market.                                              sacrifice comfort. Although this order of magnitude seems
                                                               small in comparison to other flexibility potentials, it is
Flexibility to provide                                         highly significant because it opens up the building sector,
ancillary services                                             which needs to meet strict climate targets. Over the next
                                                               few years, this potential could easily double or triple
The Energy Industry Act (EnWG) of                              thanks to the expansion of electromobility and related
7 July 2005 (section 11 ff.) obligates                         charging infrastructures. However, the
grid operators to ‘... operate, maintain                       likelihood that this opportunity will mate-
and optimise a secure, reliable and                            rialise depends on incentives that reward
efficient energy supply network with-                          flexible behaviour, and these are not yet
out discrimination...’ Grid operators                          offered on the energy market.
are responsible for tasks including
operations management, frequency
and voltage maintenance, and the                              and tenders begin at 5 MW.4 Ten-                           on the part of the BRP and grid
restoration of supply. For voltage                            dering takes place daily in six time                       operators. It has been facilitated
maintenance, the acceptable                                   slices of four hours each. Prices are                      by various developments, including
voltage range must be maintained                              calculated per kW for the provision                        more sophisticated weather fore-
during normal operation (e.g. with                            of aFRR and mFRR, and per kWh for                          casting, the formation of an Inter-
reactive power), and excessive                                the actual retrieval.                                      national Grid Control Cooperation
changes in the load on equipment                                                                                         (IGCC) to avoid opposing requests
must be preventable (with short-cir-                          Due to the market design for the                           for balancing power, and greater use
cuit power) in the event of a fault. In                       procurement of balancing power                             of the intraday market for balance
addition, for supply restoration, a suf-                      products, ancillary services are a                         group management. The number of
ficient number of power plants must                           key marketing channel for flexibility.                     providers has risen significantly at
be able to start up independently of                          The tendered FCR is set at a total of                      the same time. These factors have
an existing power supply.                                     3,000 MW for continental Europe                            led to increased competition and
                                                              and is distributed to the individual                       a sharp decline in service prices.
Different kinds of balancing services                         grid operators on a percentage                             In contrast, the price per kWh has
are activated to stabilise the grid.3                         basis according to load. Since 2012,                       risen dramatically in the same time
These can be divided into three                               Germany has participated in an                             period. This is partly due to the
categories: frequency containment                             international FCR cooperation. Over                        inclusion of new technologies like
reserve (FCR), automatic frequency                            time, this led to the development of                       PtH and biogas plants. Although
restoration reserve (aFRR) and                                a joint call for tenders with Swit-                        these technologies can be offered
manual frequency restoration                                  zerland, the Netherlands, Austria,                         at low costs per kW, they must be
reserve (mFRR). Activation times for                          Belgium and France.                                        provided at high costs per kWh
these services range from 30 sec-                                                                                        because of the electricity prices to
onds to 15 minutes (see Table 1). FCR                         Although renewable energy (and                             be paid or the lack of compensation
is tendered on a weekly basis. The                            the fluctuating feed-in associated                         available under the EEG.
minimum bid size falls in a control                           with it) has expanded in Germany in
range of ±1 MW, and provision is                              recent years, the tendered capacity
compensated per kW. In contrast to                            for aFRR and mFRR has fallen. This
FCR, aFRR and mFRR are separated                              seemingly contradictory correlation
by positive and negative gradients,                           is the result of improved efficiency

    Interruptible loads can also be used for this purpose. These loads are consumption units that can reduce their power consumption by a certain amount at the request of the
    TSO. Quickly interruptible loads (SNL) are distinguished from immediately interruptible loads (SOL). Since these products are rarely requested, they are not discussed here.
    Tenders can begin at 1 MW if only one offer is submitted per product and control area.
11                                                            Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

Flexibility for                                                         Andreas Hüttner
grid congestion                                                         Siemens AG
                                                                Here at Siemens, we've mainly focused
                                                                on identifying flexibility for the
Section 13 of the Energy Industry
                                                                purpose of peak shaving, i.e. to
Act (EnWG) specifies a cascade of
                                                                smooth out peak loads. But we still
measures that can be taken by TSOs
                                                                believe that a market-based mechanism
for operations management and
                                                                for increasing the use of flexibility
the maintenance of system security.
                                                                in grid congestion management is an
In general, operators must comply
                                                                effective tool to facilitate the in-
with the sequence prescribed by law.
                                                                tegration of renewable energy; it can
First, grid-related measures – par-
                                           also provide another welcome source of revenue for flexible
ticularly network switches – are used
                                           loads. That's why, as part of the WindNODE project, we
to relieve heavy loads on equipment,
                                           participated in marketing flexibility for grid congestion
in accordance with sections 13(1)
                                           management via the innovative WindNODE flexibility plat-
and 13a(1) EnWG. The TSO may then
                                           form. The platform design, which enables users to carry out
order redispatch measures, which
                                           day-ahead and intraday management, met our needs for pro-
reduce generation at power plants
                                           duction planning. It was interesting to see that flexible
in certain areas while ramping up
                                           loads are more valuable near grid bottlenecks. Of course,
production by a corresponding
                                           some aspects of the platform can be improved: for example,
amount in others. If these measures
                                           when bids are submitted, the platform operator should
are not sufficient, section 13(2) allows
                                           consider block bids and conditions, such as the selection
the TSO to demand adjustments to
                                           of three out of eight possible hours. This would increase
electricity feed-in and consumption.
                                           the supply and the value of flexibility. It would also be
In conjunction with section 14(1)
                                           interesting to reverse the pay-as-bid auction
of the Renewable Energy Sources
                                           procedure so that users have an opportunity
Act (EEG), this provision also ex-
                                           to react as a system operator to a price
plicitly applies to renewable energy
                                           signal given by the platform.
systems, CHP plants and mine gas
plants. The procedure initiated by
the grid operator to reduce feed-in
from these systems is called feed-in       under the provisions of the EEG          congestion. Competition is also
management ('EisMan' or 'EinsMan').        and the Combined Heat and Power          limited by the fact that units must
                                           Act (KWKG) will be repealed on           meet certain geographical criteria
Due to the existing grid topology          this date, and a uniform redispatch      to be considered for use. In the case
and the dependence of renewable            regime (Redispatch 2.0) will be          of redispatch measures, a unit's
generation capacity on supply, grid        introduced in accordance with            ability to relieve congestion on a
congestion is increasingly common          sections 13, 13a and 14 EnWG. In         specific line depends on the loca-
along the transmission lines that          concrete terms, this means that, in      tion of that unit in the grid. This gives
connect wind farms in the North to         the future, renewable energy plants      local actors a competitive advan-
load centres in the South. Thus far,       and CHP plants with an installed         tage over more distant participants
TSOs have mainly relied on large           capacity of 100 kW and above will        and over the TSO, which is reliant on
power plants and feed-in man-              be required to provide their services    a reduction in output.
agement to eliminate congestion.           for redispatch, as will plants that
Much of the potential of small and         can be remotely controlled by a          To supplement the marketing
medium-sized flexible plants to            grid operator at all times. Flexible     channels for flexibility discussed
serve this function has remained           consumers will still be excluded         above (i.e. the electricity market
untapped. However, the amend-              from this process.                       and provision of ancillary services),
ment to the Network Expansion                                                       WindNODE designed a flexibility
Acceleration Act (NABEG) that took         In contrast to the wholesale and         platform to develop and test the
effect on 13 May 2019 includes new         balancing markets described in           potential to utilise voluntary flexi-
requirements for grid congestion           the previous sections, facilities        bility potential for grid congestion
management, which must be                  are only reimbursed for additional       management. This allowed providers
implemented by grid operators by           costs incurred for grid congestion       to offer flexibility voluntarily, with
1 October 2021. The regulations on         management. As a result, there is        no preference given to certain types
feed-in management for renewable           no competition for the activation        of technology. Flexibility options
energy plants and CHPs established         of flexibility to eliminate or prevent   were available to all grid operators
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                                                                                                  12

participating in the platform, and
implementation was coordinated
across voltage levels. This additional
potential was intended to enable
greater utilisation of renewable
energy production in cases of grid
congestion, demonstrating the prin-
ciple of ‘using instead of curtailing’.
The approach adhered to market
principles as closely as possible and
prioritised the identification of the
most cost-effective solution.5

    For a more detailed description of platform features and a summary of results, see 'Flexibility, markets and regulation: insights from the WindNODE reality lab',
    which was published in January 2021
13                                                                                         Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

      Flexibility generates more environmental and economic added value!
         Gesamt Brutto-Inlands-                                  Nettostromerzeugung                          Anteil erneuerbarer Energien am
         stromverbrauch   in D
          Total gross domestic                                   fossiler Kraftwerke
                                                                  Net electricity     in D
                                                                                  generation                  Brutto-Inlandsstromverbrauch
                                                                                                               Share of renewable energy in
         (in TWh) consumption in
          electricity                                            (in TWh)
                                                                  from fossil-fuel power                      (gesamt)  in Deutschland
                                                                                                               gross domestic  electricity(in TWh)
          Germany (in TWh)                                        plants in Germany                            sumption (total) in Germany
                                                                  (in TWh)                                     (in TWh)

                                                                                   574                  574***                                        574***








250                                                                                                    245*

        209*                                                                                                                                          211*




       2017          2018         2019        2020          2021           2022   2023       2024     2025       2026      2027     2028      2029   2030       2031      2032   2033

 Die Graphik veranschaulicht den perspektivi-
 schen Bedeutungszuwachs von Flexibilität im
 Energiesystem in Deutschland im Kern unter                                       2023
                                                                                  Ausstieg aus der                                                   2030
                                                                                                                                                     Aktuelle NEP-Planun-
 Rückgriff   auf die
        * BNetzA        Entwicklung
                     2018,  p. 5          von insbesondere                        Kernenergie ist erfolgt.                                            gen dimensionieren das
       ** BNetzA 2019, p. 35
 drei Größen:                                                                     Nuclear energy                                                     Current   grid develop-
                                                                                                                                                      Übertragungsnetz     für
      *** Bundestag
 Im Zentrum      steht printed
                         die sichpaper     19/13900, p. 26
                                     verändernde                                  has been phased                                                    ment   plans  dimension
    **** Bundestag printed paper 19/13900, p. 26                                                                                                      einen EE-Ausbau     von
          (projected values)  in Deutschland,      das heißt                      out completely.                                                    the
                                                                                                                                                           für das Jahr 2030.
 erstens   sowohl der schrittweise
        * Öko-Institut     2019, p. 21.     Ausstieg aus der                                                                                         grid for a renewable
                                                                                                                                                      Offizielle Netzplanun-
       ** According tobis   thezum
                                      Jahr 2038 (bei (Coal Phase-                                                                                    energy
          out Act), use of lignite and hard coal for electricity                                                                                      gen fürexpansion   of
                                                                                                                                                               einen EE-Aus-
          generation  Ausstieg
                         will be aus    der Kernenergie
                                  discontinued    by 2038 andbis 2050,                                                                               65%  by  the year 2030.
                                                                                                                                                      bau >65% existieren
 zum Jahr     2023) undItzweitens
          respectively.                  der schrittweise
                              is highly likely that natural gas and                                                                                  There  are
                                                                                                                                                      aktuell    currently
 Ausbauother     fossil-based energy
           der Erneuerbaren                 carriers
                                     Energien    bis (e.g.
                                                     zummineral oil)                                                                                 no official plans for
          will still
 Jahr 2050.    Für bedieused    for electricity
                          graphische            generation,
                                          Darstellung    des although                                                                                a renewable energy
          the share of these fuels in total electricity generation
 Kohleausstiegs       werden      die Empfehlungen
          is unknown. The 123 TWh cited here is based      der on the                                                                                expansion >65%.
 von dershare
                  of natural gaseingesetzten
                                     and other fossil energy sources
          in electricity
 Kommission                generation
                  „Wachstum,             as of 2030. See
                                    Strukturwandel       undÖko-Institut
          2019, p. 21.
 Beschäftigung“        (Kohlekommission) – in
        * BNetzA 2018, p. 9
       ** BNetzA 2019, Interpretation
                            p. 35         – für die
 entsprechenden         Stütz- undp.Zieljahre
      *** Coalition agreement,           14
    **** Section
 dargestellt.        1(2)(1) EEG z.B. schwarze Kurve).
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                                                                              14

                                    580****                                                                                                              580****



                                                                            Projected increase in the
                                                                            importance of flexibility in
                                                                            Germany’s energy system

                                    130**                                                                                                                130**

2034   2035    2036       2037    2038        2039      2040      2041      2042      2043      2044      2045    2046      2047     2048      2049    2050

         The graph above shows the projected increase          These trajectories are represented relative        tion and an increase in renewable energy
         in the significance of flexibility in the German      to the change in gross domestic electricity        generation. Flexibility may also become more
         energy system based on changes in three               consumption since 2017. There are different        important as the costs of flexibility or the
         indicators over time. The focus is on changes in      perspectives on the projected change in gross      marginal benefit of grid expansion declines.
         power generation in Germany associated with           domestic electricity consumption for the           It is important to note that the confirmed grid
         a gradual phase-out of coal-fired power gen-          period shown. The German federal govern-           development plan (NEP) for the transmission
         eration by 2038 (with a simultaneous phase-           ment assumes a gross domestic electricity          grid is dimensioned to accommodate an
         out of nuclear power by 2023) and a gradual           consumption ‘slightly below the current level’     expansion of renewable energy to 65% of gross
         expansion of renewable energy through the             at least until 2030; other sources expect          domestic electricity consumption by 2030.
         year 2050. The graphical representation of the        consumption to reach 748 TWh by 2030. The
         coal phase-out (downward yellow curve) is             determination of a specific projection for
         based on an expert interpretation of the rec-         gross domestic electricity consumption is
         ommendations issued for the relevant years by         irrelevant to the graph presented here if the
         the Commission on Growth, Structural Change           gross electricity consumption is assumed to
         and Employment (‘Coal Commission’) estab-             remain roughly constant or increase – but
         lished by the federal government. Changes             not decrease. If consumption remains nearly
         in the share of renewables in gross domestic          constant until 2030 (and from 2030–2050), the
         electricity consumption over time (upward red         growing importance of flexibility in the overall
         curve) are shown based on the trajectories            energy system in Germany is clear from the
         established by law or set as political targets for    shaded area between the two curves, which
         the expansion of renewable energy by 2050.            show a decrease in conventional genera-
15                                                             Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

What to consider
when increasing
system flexibility

                      Which units are best suited to flexibilisation, and how can
                      these be identified? Prospective providers can begin the
                      identification process by considering certain economic and
                      environmental factors.

Key economic factors                        particular technical systems through       incurred beyond those associated
to consider when                            different marketing channels. Such         with normal operation. Because
identifying systems                         outcomes vary on a case-by-case            most technical units are already
for flexibilisation                         basis, depending on the technical          purchased and operated to maxim-
                                            system, market conditions and              ise resource and process efficiency,
The previous sections summarised            intended use.                              however, these flexibility options
what flexibility means in the context                                                  account for only a minor portion of
of the electricity system, as well as       It is possible, however, to provide        the available potential.
which marketing channels for flex-          general guidance on the charac-
ibility already exist (flexibility in the   teristics that make certain units          Most of the available flexibility
electricity market and flexibility to       more suitable for flexibilisation.         potential will require prospective
provide ancillary services) and which       The optimal units are technical            providers to invest in developing or
could emerge in the future (flexibility     installations or processes that            refining current capabilities. Expe-
to manage grid congestion).                 can be deployed for the purposes           rience has shown, however, that the
                                            described above with no additional         revenue currently generated from
When prospective flexibility pro-           investment required for flexibilisa-       ‘peak-shaving’ (i.e. smoothing out
viders consider whether to identify         tion. This generally includes facilities   peak loads) or marketing balancing
or use flexibility, business indicators     and processes that can operate at          power is generally not sufficient to
naturally play a decisive role. It's        any time of day without negatively         justify the required investment or
impossible to generalise about              affecting the original purpose of use      to provide an adequate economic
the specific revenue or return on           (e.g. refrigeration or volume per day).    incentive for flexibilisation.
investment that can be obtained for         In such cases, no costs or losses are
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                                                                                                 16

At the same time, the flexibilisation                       suggest, the motivation for flexibility                   is thus the additional technology
of company facilities may produce                           providers to identify flexibility is                      required (e.g. for communication,
secondary effects that are eco-                             generally environmental in the short                      measurement and control).
nomically desirable. For example,                           term, and economic only in the
an increase in process flexibility can                      medium to long term (if at all). This is                  As the level of flexibility falls and the
boost the satisfaction and efficiency                       because providers assume that the                         resources required for regulation rise,
of employees by allowing them                               marginal utility of grid expansion will                   energy consumption by the tech-
to take more frequent breaks and                            decline beyond the target year 2030                       nology itself becomes more likely
rearrange working hours and shifts.                         (65% renewable energy) or at the                          to offset the environmental value
This can have a positive effect on                          point when 2050 targets are reached                       added (e.g. emissions reductions).
key figures, including the number                           for the share of renewable energy in                      It's important to note, however,
of units produced. In this respect,                         gross electricity consumption (80%                        that in many cases the activation
increased flexibility can provide                           renewable energy). A reduction in                         of small amounts of flexibility has
direct qualitative advantages in the                        the costs of deploying flexibility                        yielded a positive environmental
workplace that indirectly contribute                        would bolster support for flexible                        balance, even at the household level.
to a company’s economic success.                            systems as a mechanism to benefit                         The mobilisation of this potential is
                                                            the overall system and to mitigate                        therefore not so much a technical
Irrespective of this potential benefit,                     climate change. This would increase                       challenge as an economic and
incentives should be offered to                             the economic value of flexibility                         organisational one: as outlined
encourage investment in control                             in the future, and there is much to                       above, current market structures do
technology (sensors/actuators).                             suggest that the utilisation of flexibil-                 not reward such measures, and price
Demands for such incentives are                             ity could generate economic profits                       advantages can't be passed on.
often accompanied by calls to                               (see the graph on page 12, ‘Projected
reform the existing system of taxes,                        increase in the importance of flexi-                      From an environmental perspec-
fees and surcharges.6 Incentives                            bility in Germany's energy system’).                      tive, a more complex question is
should be designed to target                                                                                          whether the mobilisation of flexi-
potential flexibility providers. In the                     From a systemic perspective, the                          bility increases or decreases energy
future, the same kinds of incentives                        crucial question today is whether                         consumption and whether this has
that have promoted energy- and                              identifying and activating flexi-                         positive or negative implications for
resource-efficient systems may be                           bility can create environmental                           the energy system or system-wide
used to promote flexible systems                            value added in the form of reduced                        CO2 reduction. In a fossil-based
that benefit the grid. This could                           life-cycle resource consumption and                       energy supply, multi-step energy
significantly increase the supply of                        emissions. From an environmental                          conversions (e.g. old night storage
usable flexibility.                                         standpoint, companies that are                            heating technology: fossil-based
                                                            considering an increase in system                         primary energy sources → electricity
In order to identify flexibility in                         flexibility should focus any such                         → heat) are environmentally disad-
practice, both objective and sub-                           efforts on systems that can provide                       vantageous because they reduce
jective parameters of the load (e.g.                        flexibility for the energy system                         efficiency. This need not be the case
machine, repository and storage)                            with little to no additional resource                     in a supply based on renewable
must be recorded and evaluated. For                         consumption.                                              energy, however, especially if peaks
an overview of technical parameters,                                                                                  in renewable energy production
please consult the ‘Toolbox for iden-                       These considerations indicate                             are only temporary or are limited to
tifying flexibility: checklist for flexible                 that flexibility options within                           certain locations or regions. Surplus
loads’ included in this manual.                             existing processes in industry, trade,                    renewable energy can then be used
                                                            commerce, services, the housing                           as negative balancing power for
Key environmental                                           industry and the mobility sector have                     flexibility or storage (power-to-x),
factors to consider                                         environmental benefits. As shown                          provided that the grid infrastructure
when identifying                                            in the following examples (see ‘Best                      can accommodate it (‘using instead
systems for                                                 practices’ section), flexibility in                       of curtailing’). The loss in efficiency
flexibilisation                                             existing units or processes can be                        resulting from energy conversion
                                                            tapped with little to no modification.                    processes does not have significant
As the economic considerations                              From a life-cycle perspective, the                        environmental effects, because the
summarised in the previous section                          only factor influencing net savings                       generation systems (wind turbines,

     or a closer look at promising steps in this direction, see the WindNODE report 'Flexibility, markets and regulation: insights from the WindNODE reality lab', which
    was published in January 2021.
17                                        Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

solar panels, etc.) ‘pay it back’ by
fulfilling their primary purpose of
electricity production. The surplus
electricity is thus nearly CO2-neutral
on the balance sheet. The conversion
of this energy makes it unnecessary
to curtail wind or solar generators in
response to insufficient grid capacity
or the need for voltage stabilisation.
As a result, negative balancing power
contributes little to CO2 emissions.

Flexibility can also be used to
provide positive balancing power.
This occurs when units in the sectors
listed above feed electricity into the
grid during periods of low renewable
energy production. Whether this
practice makes environmental
sense depends on the unit, its
primary use and the type of energy
source. If electricity is fed back into
the grid from a battery storage unit,
for example, the environmental
assessment will depend on the
share of battery resources available
(allocated) for grid stabilisation and
the environmental impact of this
capacity (e.g. resource consump-
tion, CO2 emissions) relative to that
of possible alternatives (e.g. supply
from biomass, fossil fuels or grid
expansion). If, on the other hand,
battery storage is used for other
purposes as well (e.g. as an emer-
gency power source or as a local
energy supply for electric vehicles),
it's important to clarify how much
of the environmental impact is due
to the provision of flexibility. Eval-
uations of flexibility with positive
balancing power are always more
complicated, because a higher-level
assessment is required to allocate
environmental impacts.
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options   18
19                                                          Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

 of flexible
in the tertiary sector
(trade, commerce and services),
industry, mobility and

                     Measurable indicators help determine which systems or
                     processes in a company can be identified and activated as
                     flexibility. The following pages develop 'clusters of flexibility' by
                     examining relevant indicators in four specific areas: the tertiary
                     sector, industry, mobility and neighbourhoods. Clustering can
                     help plant operators gain important insight into
                     existing technical potential.

Tertiary sector (trade,                   processes must be conducted              Commercial facilities often meet the
commerce and services)                    before flexibility can be identified     technical requirements for coupling
                                          and utilised. Nevertheless, certain      infrastructure (e.g. electricity, heating,
Due to the heterogeneity among grid       indicators make it possible to           cooling). This enables conversion
users in the tertiary sector (including   assess the suitability of commercial     systems to provide flexibility through
trade, commerce and services),            processes. These include the level       cross-sector energy flows.
it's difficult to generalise about the    of inertia in plants (e.g. temperature
flexibility of systems or processes.      gradients of cooling systems),           Industry
Specific load characteristics,            specific methods of production (e.g.
installed technology and cumulative       batch-based, workshop production)        From an energy perspective, industri-
annual energy vary considerably           and the general ability to plan          al production sites always consist of
across branches, which means              energy-consuming processes.              components and systems of pro-
that intensive analyses of internal                                                duction (e.g. processing machines),
Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options                                                                                                                 20

production infrastructure (e.g. com-                         Mobility                                                  ed that the charging infrastructure
pressed air treatment) and building                                                                                    or vehicles can be controlled as
infrastructure (e.g. air conditioning).                      The electrification of public and                         needed and are connected to a
Increasingly, decentralised systems                          private vehicle traffic offers many                       suitable system for energy manage-
for energy conversion (renewable                             crucial opportunities to provide                          ment and optimisation.
energy) and storage must also be                             electrical flexibility. There is already
taken into account. The goal is to                           significant technical flexibility                         Neighbourhoods
control or regulate the entire system                        potential in the form of charging
of ‘industrial grid users’ in a (partially)                  capacities of up to 22 kW (in some                        By definition, measures for de-
automatic and flexible manner –                              cases even higher) and relatively                         mand-side integration (DSI)7 in
with support from market incentives                          small battery capacities of 50–100                        households, residential buildings
– in order to create economic added                          kWh. Bidirectional charging, which                        and neighbourhoods must maintain
value. This is difficult, however, be-                       is often mentioned in this context,                       comfort, and residents shouldn't
cause variation at the different layers                      does not seem technically or                              notice any limitations. Storage
of existing automation pyramids                              economically attractive at present                        systems (thermal, electrical and
(from enterprise resource planning                           and is rarely offered on the market.                      building mass) and modulable
(ERP) through production planning                            Short- and medium-term flexibility                        energy generators (e.g. CHP unit or
and control systems to the field                             potential is created primarily by                         heat pump) can be used to meet
level) makes real system landscapes                          shifting the times at which (partially)                   this requirement. Because flexibility
extremely heterogeneous. As a result,                        discharged vehicle batteries are re-                      conflicts with energy efficiency in
relevant systems must be equipped                            charged. For this flexibility potential                   neighbourhoods, energy consump-
with adequate electrical and com-                            to be usable in practice, however,                        tion must be shifted in ways that will
munication technology. The creation                          it's necessary to define more or less                     optimise cost and comfort. Intel-
of these new networks allows the                             plannable time windows within                             ligent building networking (smart
‘factory of the future’ to function as                       which charging can be shifted.                            building technology) is an effective
an independent energy system.                                This makes it unlikely that ‘on-                          means to record and predict thermal
                                                             the-road charging’ or ‘in-between                         load behaviour as well as the behav-
Flexibility can be activated                                 charging’ – such as at motorway                           iour of individual users. This makes it
throughout the industrial land-                              service stations, at bus stops (along                     possible to assess neighbourhoods
scape, not just in energy-intensive                          a regular bus route) or during a short                    and their possible contribution to
processes and technologies like                              break in shifts – will be suitable to                     flexibility (e.g. schedules). If many
container glass production, raw and                          provide flexibility.                                      individual grid users are aggregated,
cement grinding, chlor-alkali elec-                                                                                    compensation effects may occur,
trolysis and raw material melting.                           In commercial fleets (and in bus                          and economic efficiency can be
Although these processes typically                           transport), on the other hand, the                        increased through central and
provide very large amounts of                                time intervals between vehicle de-                        optimally dimensioned equipment.
energy for load management, they                             ployments are longer, which offers
can often only be influenced as a                            better opportunities for flexible
whole due to their considerable                              charging between clearly defined
dependency on subprocesses. This                             shifts. This also applies to private
means that they can cover only                               vehicles that are seldom or never
a small portion of the necessary                             used outside of scheduled hours,
demand profiles. When considering                            such as overnight or while standing
the expected ‘multiplier’ effects of                         idle in the employer’s car park. The
energy use, it's important to give                           aim is to increase the flexibility of
particular weight to the many small                          vehicle charging while continuing to
and medium-sized manufacturing                               satisfy all usage requirements – and
companies that help maintain                                 without restricting the mobility of
Germany's role as a business                                 vehicle users.
centre. Because energy demand
is generally low, there is significant                       Especially in the aggregate, flexibil-
potential to aggregate and coor-                             ity that can be mobilised in this way
dinate the partial amounts that                              is considerable and, ‘in principle’,
require greater flexibility.                                 can be achieved at low cost, provid-
     emand-side integration is a term that encompasses demand-side management (i.e. external influence on load-side consumption) and demand-side response (i.e.
    the consumer’s reaction to an external signal that is designed as an incentive). For the definition, see: Energietechnische Gesellschaft (ETG) im Verband der Elektro-
    technik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e. V. (VDE) (Ed.): ‘Demand Side Integration – Lastverschiebungspotenziale in Deutschland’, Frankfurt am Main 2012.
21                                                         Best practice manual | Identifying flexibility options

Characteristics of flexibility clusters

                     Tertiary sector          (Energy-intensive)             Mobility and           Neighbourhood
      Cluster       (trade, commerce
                                                   industry                transport sector            solutions
                       and services)

                                                 No negative influ-
                      Compliance with
                                                ence on production
                     customer require-                                        Guarantee of
  Prerequisites                                 or manufacturing/                                  No adverse effect on
                     ments/fulfilment of                                    required transport
for the provision                                fulfilment of cus-                                   user comfort
                    customer preferenc-                                         capacity
   of flexibility                               tomer preferences,
                     es/no influence on
                                                 compliance with
                    customer experience
                                                  peak load limits

   Previous                                      Generally flexible           Generally none
                       Generally none                                                                Generally none
   market                                      purchase of electric-        (charging stations
                      (upstream power                                                               (upstream power
 participation                                  ity, in certain cases       supplied by power
                          utilities)                                                                    utilities)
                                                 balancing market                utilities)

                                                (Registered load
    Typical                                                                                         Approx. 3–8 MWh
                      ���–���� MWh            profile measurement                   -
 annual energy                                                                                       per household
                                               (RLM) beginning at
                                                    100 MWh)

                                                                                                      CHP plant or PV
                    Mainly non-control-                                                             system available as
                       lable loads, con-         Controllable load             Controllable          needed, low gener-
    System           trollable or shiftable    and generation units,       charging stations, no   ation by consumers,
  engineering         loads or processes       (temporarily) auton-        higher-level control,      non-controllable
 requirements       available, emergency         omous operation              and benefits to       loads, small storage
                       power generators         possible as needed               the grid          systems for heat and
                           as needed                                                                     electricity

                                                                                                       Available to
   Monitoring,        Partially to widely
                                                Energy monitoring           Energy monitoring        some degree via
   control and          available, but
                                                and management              and management          networked central
  information          not designed for
                                                    available                   available            heating systems
 technology for            flexibility                                                              and smart building

                                                                              Creation and
                       Installation of
                                                                              operation of a       Installation of smart
     Technical        system-specific
                                                                             mobility control      building technology
     measures        smart meters and
                                                          -                   centre for the        and smart meters,
      required      devices for intelligent
                                                                               coordinated           system-specific
                         control and
                                                                             management of                controls
                                                                               energy flows

  measures          Transparent tracking      Integration of flexibility                           Transparent tracking
   required            of energy flows          into the value chain                                  of energy flows
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